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JSran iTftommg Eagle. Vol. IV No. 20 BRYAN, TEXAS, TUESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 20. 1898. Price 5 centtl n throe I um I uml Inf. I i vim i LAmm HRI FI)llEVER.iEE an- i i iall iuviitil in iiixped our Um af j LF&ney Groceries. DozitT Bakery Km my Cake him) C racket. Kruit Cake 1 ami ." -1 1 . CarUMm. ( Citron. Or.uigc I'eel ami Lemon peel. S-. (mI lUiaim. Currunta. Fan! Mat-. Fruit like Sugar. Almoinl, Shelle.l mill plain. KiH-ri- V. . limit-, !. Batavia brand : Sold E:lusnHiiy by us. Guaranteed Ij be I he highest Quality. Mlflad I' MhM '""' thing ewer brought to Bryan. t'atme.l PlttMS. Anr:tfiii'. Sulmon. riwpfl ThlMlim -Strnwlierric. I'm. Curr. Turkey. CbUkM felttj lr.iii. OrtaM. ' Mapla Syrup Prewrvn 4 ami I'uio.l Ohufrfw. Ptm I'u'lilinit c:...-.auut. Mincemeat. ' .v 77 ZMTaVAI BMHD. MrliinlevN vUit (iaie to til South an 0tiortuiilt)ttO Rxprcaj ltrir. THE SPANISH VAI MADE Til E CHANGE r""i by a-r urgu in i AU whuui are H i nt in iutica, but ftiin in hu capacity of chief eiecutive aui who ham given vent to wild enthuaiaam over hu utter ance regardlug ihu Confederate lail. Iu tbi way what wan planm-d to ha a oalabration of th peace with Spam ha become almoat entirely a genuine prac Ileal ratification t the wr between oortn anil xmth, . - eh making In iu ttgnlflcance, thrilling in it detail, ami peth'-ti" in the countleaa memorUM that it awaaena Peace Jubilee at AilanU Welti the .Sou lb ami North In Friendship lifTomi N iuraiiuD. IDKIiT AT THE CONFEDERATE CAPITOL hi I iiU i MMlag VmMmm I.ii.Im . lt.Trh.-cl Miili l. ivnl. i . . 1 l.n ell (I i Mai Ji If. r. .mi I), h. tb, DM l -Thav.ait of the Mat Inn oarty In Havannab . i -in after I wo d iya of r ' n 'it rnthttuaua Ai- PRESIDENT AT MACON. Lu i , U ., ,. u.'.' I. II-. pil the H.l Weelhar Macon, (is, DM le Prceident Me. K.i.i-t ami !nr arr.ved here at B : a o'e.uca a. m. IU wan received by a! large uml eiitnu.ia.uc crowil. The pM i lilrtitui party nt mice unV't nut to tn reviewing grou'iue, woe re tho troo'i j Ull . .- I ,- , W 1 . III IIM I I'-f'ip- I..H . mi mii i.." iriil jwrtv waa nu t by carr..-igra, aud lind in along Ma atieet M the r'ermthaavm. I ry, tne brigm yellow of n.elY MM : Hail t niakiiiB a vitkI i"ontrat aca :i the !. a ami :. 'lut prMfai.MT. Ah Extra Kain v White Crane Klour Uelic-ioua Iozier llakery Knglih Kruit Cuketi. Krech Fruit. Nut. .Miin e Meat. All kimlf of Pic kle. Your Holiday Will not be Complete Unless You Buj Your Groceries From the Largest an Best Selected Stock in Bryan. 01 Course I Have them ! jYou Should' Try our m . Kreh Wine Jelliea. William Jelly Kerb Imtanii ly Prepared. Frenh Pickle.1 Pig Keet Plenty of Niie Apt 1 You iill ma CHEESE Batavia Cheese mg )oobl Crown 9 V. lam ami Pin HEMEMBER WE WANT TO SELL YCL'R CHRISTMAS TUR JOHN E. MIKE. Till. OKH.IMAI, flTTER. Murl.-l Olive Wriiln alt ' I BWMrti to 'ihci'hM-wi -Try a Manpn-e. PICKLES Mixi'l, Bwttl i" l B f in BwUIm uml iLirrel- ; I OW 'h" Imlia lilr. Mv-t. r .1. ktail Catniip. ur et-H-k f Piektod QM i utii-i'i'il il. Kahimi. x t'ehry rfi-etyl r M. unlay .m l FriJJT. Cran- i-i.i U Im CANNED rind, rri'. It" '. Hi Chi- ken. Turkey. Ph i-nt, (InniM-, eTwdu'Wll, Shrimp. I. .t-ti r. Her- CraU, Chicken Temale, Sauaugp, etc. J in rt-l Sariliin dcWWi r. Ill tMlve (III .".ill. lt..r- Aiiothcr Carload 0 (ilrv PteUf a. 2 ltuck; t. -Try a oi.. 'iiiihii'lieil ami S.'ihi i-llii n.U-rnii'i Toiiiulo Snip. to .11" f-r call nt t tnat th- nriiflimil object I rivi f't rtail Ma i"-!i 1 . I ii unpremdeat- ,!.. ()n. ' V M t .i" l; nl tW . , i-.mi;... 'i-.v r .a I .w- tii ri-j.i.i iiiK (,. i,. rii'i M im. -arv wan Simn ih mah turti-1 irei.. nt M -K'il r apoka' bri-fly . ill "i in (lie ltt.-r wa th- p irn cf I from lb nriewiii una Ba Maflw 4 im- in'- nHiinvunl l.-. i. .. ""r ...r.. . li.-tlv t. in- jt.u.- to crown (ratherwt at the count ot i it .i;:ril it li-nil a-vi.ab!e for her to throiuhly aaptaia what ti iroinir on in ' American peofjla ahoaid taae in tin the r the eoutii umay it i. ti'- i-iury to not only recur I me cnatino mi. iuhmum and hoeuitanie r Ten: .on, but alao to re count the MM ihst have made the triti mi remarkniie In ull the ntwe. i.f and in the demon. tratnaia which have m irknd the trei ttme vimt tn Atlall'U, rMMSM atont gomary ana NtTamuh tiwri naa been tne tacit anmiMMn mat th war with Sneln waa tba irn-at factor in achicvine la i -u f. luil It : 'o the ruit and not tntue r.irinr (hat the rlnef trend of re'li him. nir ana tae inliunia.iu naa Better than Ever ! arav (iem-raU Wh. .m r. an i '.Vi. eon a. i made mn r' a i ireaa (i'ii"ral I.iwioi lef; toe prtv Iw r- ' go to llaai.v I.k. Aia.. to take ctmiuiau i of tli ram:. " r.-. The preaui.-nt and party left Hin"i on tli'ir -iwtcial tram for Aoxo.ia at It o. , . a T oat place wtd uu tue laat to, u( loalr noiabia tour. EXPLOSION ON TH i FANITA. THE EXPOSITION J. E. PONDER, Prop'r. New Stock FM Old Whisku win km, tr.ruter" " 1 'unit to ntf ue You will grl th: firr lovt or Monty ii... M ... I. it. I.. I .! llii. ' li.r. Arm llllr 'ealale.1. Iiaana. DM H A tern'ola eiploiion hook .ittl" ratilta arlr ,-u i- QuartBttle ol Fine Wine Presented Free With each $4.00 Purchase fro m .! HKSTACHAM In Coiimi-lloa. The best Cigars in town. . POUNDS FANCY ANO STICK CANDY Blanke & Bro.'s .1 lb.. 1 lb., and 2 lb. Boxes M xed an-J Clio:ai.itcs is as noot as inc uu )P v P.ttv w.- k Ih iitn fniMi vCrcuin iv Ihitt-r -1 ry our fr.-h ma-t.-i i oitec Imiir .iv".:. hot trhn'h li.i. . . i o:.i.r xt tck of I HIC.i lilOciTli'" ever hruHlfht to tiinitv ..' n'.r. ..:.i i. all I tin. iia l.-en i .... ' i ...i .. ii .... ... Iw-iH ii-.- i . ..... . ii. - - .. ... ( atovsMlMrt in the rVe-t.f.on of I'rrM- i day momini: wnen o ne MM pipe in i ui Kinley. i in all nde there la j the boiler mom blew out, killing one an aircrm-. to pui.iic.y inn .he lor. nun and latally .calniiia three Ml r-. alt i tin- .outtu rn tan- an t to annul Toe Kamta wai in the harbor ready to , that the war wim in n N only haloed So go oat. Three men were at work m w. Ill the romnact ..f ii ctioim, lint uh.ii the machinery when Cntef Engin- lmi.. in th- urn tn uu- otiMirtunitr ton- er lieer went into tn- boUa room. i ni.iunt of lovally that have Jan. it alio ui.l MM nine Auurc eh will art a pari o- (it II .1 iwie.vile. III -lialdwinarilla, lo th llr wimt vhu want. HOWELL BROS Grooerv and Oofiee Botri LEVY BROTHERS' SUGGESTION FOR 'hriotrriQC Riftcl ulliloliiiuo aiuo. . . i. .. ... hi. i . .1.1 nf.'iii ttfil-1.. wlitila It There I, lie i-'i'te .iiieinu r mat it U.i.L-tU. m.. mii .till .lll...m.llllllIMMli. inoi-ea, aim iiralirr the mora ninierraUvti laal r. oineltiing MM, If )Oil MM MM and '!' IBipler lu.l a. welt. tM r.rl. ly of on China Closets MlllW fflaa-TaWBLTtto and Combination Bog. lasts i.y I ' ni' . ra(, many of whom footihl for the Mara and ban and to all of whom tba name of llivi i a .a. r d memory 1 ue frati refcretiroi to, and the duv cuMion of tb civil war hav led to many uelc-.(e Miuition that were only aav.-l friin irxHwiinia irr.tatini: . 1.1. in ma ly the fact of a pn-'ldi-nt who I fiuiifht atraiiikt m nmern ireipa, or iy fj 1 ih.- ur.-Voiti nttrrinc". of me i'ii-ifinii-r- i ati who. year ago, OMMaad him on lae I luitlle MM, Tlie iiiirv. inn ir.'tiea of tBMdtence In the i l l t'onn-. rat" cai i ... . iieering the tar and irir until llii-v grew ii'ire; of C.iif" . rale vet eran .'riitfgiitig lo ura-p th" hind of a Mrtfcl rn Rt) StblSaM pMMMjl ; of (ien. Wheeler leading the poo .In of hlaatata in e MM for William McKml'v in the . ... .- -a h--r" Jefferon Davu onee urged I he k mill to light for aeparition, an- a.l rare m Syracnae, D-e. cated Itmiir norm of tbia city, hat ban rutted by a taaMTMl Are. lb fln- .tarn d in tne ii .nit of tbf Kenyoa I'aprr comnntir, and ag rjad r ipmly to . t l . . 1 1. . u (. he. r .a.i been dnnking. By im.tak. , lBm " " - aww "T . ceaa Kawiiioe i ii ii'iiut , Hi" on' ml. ' ,,,r:'- of H --. :t i - .V Co the rtkiMj oo ,ng.,.. fun ,r..Mi.e.. (-... into piprai ,r Umm'., l'u, thai i.a.l l..en feut... .., '. uve. '"''"',gri, cr. ly mere name a terriltlc eaploaton that I rrt( iy HiKuranco. me naim. IT .n .1.. tl.a, "O' 'oa ...... Tne Oliy J. White. PAINTER, DECORATOR, ND Mo aia iat rammer loaded with inaiu tlou of war, oatenalbly for lienerml Oo-j tin i. but really for San Dominican ttli bu.ter who tried to effect a lauding from, he Kamta at Motiw l'rlti and MM a revolution there bat were driven Are ...Lome.. ...d nn.M'.n '''SZ .nTaw..-....le..e.l.. ...."" WHITE ENAMEL IRON BEDS -in- IMMH wU TM '" ' "' ,,u1' " jdc Boards, Extentton Tables, Diocrs, Wardrobes, OhuIks, r.HlFFONIERS. FANCY TABLES and HALL RACKS. There I. an alm.i.l mUm "'! " Uom of the Hue fa We have a rllit In Ima.t Carpets, Art Spares and Rugs M all allli Hie Wa earn at reinarkalilr l P'lct ERV AND GLASSWARE Nfl m ,"llr ,hro"1' ""' " me nt. V..U can .v monr Ira'llBI ! evy Bros., lilt V AM. THXAH. P.Vre Laid Tables and Ctairs lor Enlerlainmenls at Reasonable Rates vhanv in the aouth. i r. i trom th" iiii..'i n f.i. iii". tn a or tile famt praiae of poiiticiuH by . the blunt truthfalnena of the MM who, ItM hi divan imw mi' 1 tP'ini'ii i u.iy fur , rent deciaratlona of lovaity Scsrceiv a apuakeror a ptr in Ala luima or (ieorgia li.i mule reference lo ih" prcaiueiit wiiu. .u iiii'iiii.ining on every occaaion Ina tribute lo the I : mi'i .1 vrato daML A d.iliiiguiahi'd aouthnrni r aid : 1 ben. h .v.. been mai r r uniona n( tlie tn rth nnd mhuIi on n. t and in apeeche. Tbtaa wan wall meant, but lliey .wnlfled .Itlle, lux auae neither aide hnu given ih lo the other on i ho princi ple! that they fought over. Till ainr gent ion of the prealiietit'a to care fer our dead la the lir-i oractinab," . n u given lo ill" aoulh that the north really mean what it ar, and it touched or( bear I a imin than wo can any. OOMMg ' aa It dm upon the heel of the war with Sraiu which gave to the wmth i chance lo prove her loyalty, Una utter ance of tho prealdetit rnab.M M to aay not onlv ai" we true to the Ciilon, but for the drat lima that wo love It " Tin utterauca preaanta .i boat of pub lic and private aoeeelioa that barn liecil inade Min i' thuariivalol the prcanleiitial it ii the conei'iiu iteaenl M.aeulia W in. Rpikea. Kokomn. In i.. Dt I'.i -The emc r Inr MSMMl a tra:i,i r win, on le-ing aean iiea, maplaynl a lot of aoapicum looking tooia Thinking i.e might l the Kmra limk r b r, me . i;l . rs ,i m-o him un. Tba tt.a mo'id oil htm con awted of Jimiiiii and ehiael formwl of railroad aplkei Ih .i. im I uing them for aafebr aking and cotiTMMl the i-ourt and i etator bv i xolainitig that he e.irrieit tt,e mike for ow ning ibe 1 . a ( g. n nun I y v .ting .a.ue of the i by. He iliuatrated by pulling a bar. bitcun out of Ina tHieket and crack lug II open with the nuke in the aatue iu uu. 1 1 ua opening evaier ahella. He waa released. Jackaon. Miaa , li e. IB I'ue an. I of lue .tat" revenue agent v.. tut j'ni. amp! Valley Itunei i iiiunnr. TMBh la for Hack IM am. unu:.g to more tbili I.UWI,l.1lU, aeema in a fair way of couipromli. Aa nothing ..I :.i.;te i known, it i under atol here that the raalroou ntlera to aet tli fur . u ... the n . no ageuf holdi out for ll.oou.OUO. PAPER HANGER. Cinarantar all work to ba flrivtla and will inp ly Wall Paper 25 Per Cent Chea Than it ia aold by Retail gjhV Leave Orders at Expo taurant. Iii.n'l anl Any elor Line. Chicago, Dec "' W. K. Hemhrion, the negm lawyer, who with hi wtMl and five chiliiren waa driven out of Wil MaMtM) N. V,., by the recent riota there, MM the atory of the mirtaingat theKirat Meibodiat ciiurch. At the cloae of tho meeting Hev. Jenkina I.'oyd Jonea pro aculetl a aet of rrolutlelia which were iiiioiileil uiianlliioiiaiv ii. i n at. tig m oriminatioii In trade, politic, or n ligb i on iiivouut of the u .Inr line in the north or aoutli A eopy ot th" reolntion will la' auiil to l'n anient McKinley. MMMM MaetMtl lgu: New Orleana, 0 c 111 -Tue MMMM Ban-ball .eacue wa o.-gnmr. '.I lei; by deiega'n a from New Orleana, lloriiiiu 1 .11 in. Mel i.e, Mt'inuht and Sbrevrport. Tlieae tlv.i 'vith Atlanta, Idttle lUica uml Mniitgniiiery will oompoae the MaftMi which will apply for national iiroteenon in clan V. A guaruulve of (Mm isln-riuired from each club and the nalaryitnut bxad at 10UO. The regular o.LMiMtatioii meeting will ho hold on HOLIDAY GOOD 0r 011111 box 'mi ''ine. unit tr ni erurtd a wrt nili-tnimry from that raft hlc imfYiiiilii 11 Im ilnf ihr hiiOft liimi' oi in ihr iiiijht njort Chrint- mil. Thrrr urr fof of puipit iu thif 11 it i 1110 nill iijijirtciate 11 j)rrr4 n;;f 1 it if 1 omr of our Jfr Elegant Perfumes In Neat Packages Made up (or a Girt Package. TVn 1 mi' naaorfntnU uf CHINA GOODS, i all i nrrii'tions that ire art ulling at your own figures. Wt tjUo hate in ... . ' ALBUMS. LAMP DESKS and CASES .him 10 n II '1 11 ii..' niiiiiinrfyul of tin linlr unit ns r, hureu large assortment of Toys. Dolls. Fireworks. inn . 'in fui fni( jUiihli H thr hrartt of the Little Folks. Wt 11111111.I iiiimr Vii-ra janu n ill hme to set the yootts lo nuir I'rieti mid imiily nrr ri'jhl. Wt are so surf HOT 1 1 .RF. RUillT (, tilt pan hi WaM 111 la (aeJWflf BOmr to buy COME, a.iyiray, Iiiiring tin niah of tint Iloli'lave, we will not Inae Maht of our DKPAIU MI M. ua tlua ia HlOT Al.W.V i Urina yonr i n -i (inl you can Ih anaiireil they will receive the cloaaei and beat attMl the prieaa will b right, that ia If von wiaU them put up for the Iowa i-onalatenl with the Ural quality nl medicine. BEN S. READ, Mai taB M aHBaSHfln an Sm I 1