Price 6 cento.
ol iv no.
I 'i
i i
h .
n irate, i iue
'. in ! rim,.
mi- impmitllj tafited in hatpwl on I in nf
jney Groceries.
Doairr HnkTv Fancy Cake ami I'ra.-kera.
Fruit f.k.- 1 .tin 1 .Vlh. Cartoon,
(ilncf Citron. Orange Peel jiml l.i-inon --l.
MtM Kai.iti.. "tirrant. Farjl lutes.
Fruit cake Sugar.
ibIbwMwb1, Shellnil ami ilail.
Fillirrt-, Walnut, lit,
Batavia brand :
Sold Etclutirelf by us Guaranteed to be the highest Quality.
! I'i n In - thm Finest thing erer brought to Bryan
l'anne, I'euclie-. -iariu. Salmon.
I'iiimiiIi'. Tiiiii it,,-- Sir i W-rrie. Peak.
lOTT Turkey. -Chicken -alail Dreing.
Cit-up Ma,ilf Syrup Prceorvc Jatn.
Pftted Ch'-rrn-.. Plum I'mMm- C unit.
Mini ' meat.
toon-am in iM n. oa. n
I M R nul-lican wni had in
' i.i-iii a mi iiiluini'a, I
i-ng.il iiiiii 10 lamer it There waa no
rente in Mr Bauer'. tatement and tba
iweolntiou wae referred to too committee
oo rti.-e.
id- shvh tin- I n it. -i Main Is
It. .in.- Hiirht in Itii) the
with m i:iro.
II. .,.-., I'...,.,,!.,! t,
farm, lire. A ilitpatch frnml'ipt
Harden an II 1 rumored that tba Do
rata loan pre.idrnt. Ulyaea lleureaui, !
baa bren eaatnaied wbila attending a 1
cbnatriiing inoognltio.
Mill lunrliH r ni.lt
Your Holiday
mill make no
Batavia Cheese
A Crown Full Cream Chic
laui an. I I'i ii;a-;ili- I'll.-.
il I i in. it u
I r- mi.
Ki-li-li; Heater IVktail Catm.,. ur atx-k of I'n kll tiood
it wmmmImIi
Kalatna'K. C.. r re,eivxl every Monday aa. Friilav. ('ran-herrie.
ken. Turkt-v, PhiMoant, (iroure,
ajen k. Shrimp. LoI-tt. 1 1 r
rinn, Tripe . aMa, Ham. Crali-. Chicken female, Sauaage, etc.
I port
l Sardine, in Olive Oil, Tomato Sauce ami A Li Ror-
If llh,.nl
.- I;..-- -,. 'I... ...i imm.
W : mnrtnn. Dc I" -Secretary -ihe
Y,y LMtcr. Artimr Secretary Al.eu
alio Cat, rain A 8 Crowninhleld, chief
of (be I up-ii f navigation, have be a
K .- i .T i .. 1 "f f - nii'in tn tne
iiormvr anil eiirieter of thr to ba
; atttkajlaal m mm tba nrih Atlantic,
; Hump an min main Atlantic utatloa.
l ... I, .... 1 it . , r. ... i. f . .r. .. i .i
, tiw- b'ltne minoti anu to at-n.t a reppet
I abl nn- .1 am to KuP'p". tat tht
ahipa aTjliaUe, In Tinw of tlie itraniph
entnr of Har Anui.ral I-v. y"a own
maim, art r tr few.
Th- only armfareiaiia unui-r th ryitn
ni'iii.i of It - tr A'l.iuri. ."a nn-i'i ur- t-.--
i'i . .- In i una MiMn-nu'tt4 mi l
XhtaV and tba croiacra Br kijrn anil
jr Vo.-a
(Ml fi ur timtartMl rroi-r are in
' 'i ; ..n urn n rtb Atlantic rna-t.
diSatonry Omlmm, cinninnati. NVw,r aci
tw rnaam Ibe ,-w ur.eana win
i -I iami out of . in in ...ii to tfiv vi
M-treral Imomr. meat ami the attioki -tack
of tba Newark it to t lengthen
aat I he ('luiii'.niiali, uion arrival at
New York, wi.l alto be plac-d oat of
Il M eictel tint the rrui-r Atlan
ta will ! pi mmiMn neil neit montli.
Reliev--; In drantiDi: All the K:?hU
Of fttaVMkaf ( KlliplliOs ll
T.iev Are Worthv.
nr. 9mHm itemi r ,n- nr a UMm
Fnini ill- Ben of Manila lUi, la
1 h;. 'i riiai Mati ni' lit
Wmt Made.
Will not be Complete Unless You Buy
Your Groceries From the Largest and
Best Selected Stock in Bryan. Of
Course I Have them ! ,You Should
Try our m
Kxtra Fawy White Crane Flour
lMii inn- Itozier Itakery Kngliah
Fruit Cake.
Frerli Fruit.
Mi rice Meat.
All kinds of Pickle.
Fn-li Wine Jelliea.
Williama Jelly Kerb It
ly I'repared.
Freah Pickled Pig Feot
Plenty of Nice Am Ii .
At the open-
tiirnv, tmlar
V i-:. li.-n.fi. i i- .o
inif of the M-uoa o! the b
Mr . .:, , tt;, thep ,i
lirt nf the army anil narr
II. ITI'lV. ih- nli.pt in I
Mr. Almond ankeii whether
tii- aounmriattoii balance of ainxi.iaiO
i.. . .. i. .. i iin.n.r the .iirii-tlnn
! - r - I M -rule in any way an,--t
on or autiionse the payment out of
ti n fund ' : tloo.iW) eacn to Mr Renl!
i-ii .,' . r lln for K-rvi. . nnti.,-wti
"iuiuin-1 i. Mr. Cannon tai l be knew
no ninjt al n-it an 1 -n ma atatetn tt Tlaw Hew
of thu reantiropriat.i n in toe no rnaiifn .
aaih.,muiK nch an eipva-litarr. Tb
rrp irt waa adopted
i.i probabiT r- M-nt to the
MiutU At. antic i the llai'-nip of tn.it
tiatim an ; ne will 1- fin''ii-d t'V i'i
Viiiii!UKi,,n and tn- 't u Hoat mi
Better than Ever !
2s ft a k
Another Carload of ilory Hour "LV 41
Klil faaliioneil and aMf'rialmj Huckwiieat. -Try a can ol
kaHtn n'a r-on it.. rWtup, two rani fur -'' 1Q2Q
Blanke & Bro.'s i lb.. 1 lb., and 2 lb. Boxes
Impe-.jl M.xcd and Chocolates is as good as the best.
IVUVjoliu' llteakla-: F.hhI. -lUttle Cr.-k Health Food.
Fan. y Craninery Butter -Try our fre-h nte.l Coir.r.
We Iiiim- tin- UrL'el -t k ni Fancy . t rii - i-vcr lirought to
Urvan. Phone u what you want.
thi- KOUit wnich an Imnu prepared
at tbe navrrariU will he reoa-f'd for
aerriea in Cuban and Porto K can wa
ter and tlioM Will be atticoed to tt:e
nortn Atlantic aqoadron.
Tw aTaaawa aVnaa Ml Hi Ma
ilhr l,,.., la a arl..a, i na4ltlf
New York. Dec. 10 Two women
killed, ann another woman and a man
were an aerere.y injured that they will ;
protajlr die as a molt of a lire at the i
raawience of C IL Raymond.
Mr L'n. erwnod, a alater of Mr. Ray
mond, lea-l from a aecond tory win- J
dow. Her head mroca tbe aide walk,
and drain wa ititatitaneova.
Comt to itt ui.
QuartBttle ol Fine Wine Presented Free With eac-M0 Purchase total us
il RBSTA1 RAMT In oii,M.fi732r
The best Cigars In town. ' .
( i r ii'crs ii m1 Coft'ee
I HINtrtfS.
A M a
hr s mas Gi ts
Tie- iiooae i hp ii t.mk a;, the aTTlcu.tar. i
al appropriation bill.
Tb l.oue pai.ati'.n, proyiding folj
tne Bdjotirnineiit r.-nun- fr-.m I c
tl to Jan 4 waa aduptid w it bout dm
mil by the Mnatr.
Mr. Ti-ller. m tbe couree of hi re
mara in t --u.it.. , ai i ill- l iiri hae" ol
terruory from Meiioi after the M.-ii. an
war waa mrallel witb tne recent par-1
chaae from .-pain. In that caae Meaioi
wa t'PHitrate at nor feel and we aid we ,
w ant iinie of yotir trrntory and we will
iy im for it. Vi- held It flmt i-y con-qn-Ki
and tarn by per hae "Xo mat-1
I. r wnal waa the proTocaiion, tor thai
wa. the cae ll wa a ureal, rrand ac
qui'ilinn," lie tatal, "aecoim.y ih lnu
una t,urcha- wun-n mane American
tion-naae taaMibla, Tbi i-what we pro
lo do with Spam We had con-1
,-i r. -i pel an i i pr '-.-l t.. nur
'. . m, "I in r t, rr;i,.n m i an-l my
her -.o.ii ii. a mere laiyateLe " Mr.
T. 1., r aio - w'i u.d a.k tn- iv-ople n!
tliH l;ii.ittiine what they warm. I m lb picked np nnc-macioa.
way of got, -r ti in. in and (f,v- it t. irn in Xr Ramor.d wa earned
Tbe eooner the iieot-lr but.tiiwI them- hi u-iinc..ii..-.. ii-fnMii mi,ke
.. .i the ixtter MWMIltal pacl After the namra wi re i itinirninn-d f,rrUll ,,, Kiuprr- r Vi m a. a beep' I
i.. : l.i. . .t- ,-a;il.;- .,f .1 w-'V tin lmy of liirn-t PMtM f'-u-i-l SB (,.,., ,.. ...... . . ipptaia. Ml Knaak
. rntneiit In anw,-r to ihe iiition l,y the tmrd fliair of tbe hoaae. She ban ws int,licate.i wnen pi-i-ommltteii tbe I
Mr Tltlman be ant we wim.d not j. r 1 w- in- i- urn ke. i.ff. n-.- A in -u .ft .-i n.t.-i State
i inluti'.ii Ike tii,w wi.nb i- A -u-i-rl. ..lion of picture and (DItllMt, it .ut .lunnf tne cotvt j
. in S-nth Amenri , Upetnat, owii'd by Mr lUymoud, wa emmmmiktft
Mr Proc'nr read a l-tter fmm Ad-. entirely deatnyeil.
m ral LVwe aayinK the people of tbe T' ' -T, . c a 'N,w "rk- D"v i0 -Pronniient mem-1
l';....,in.. cnbee..,ly J.,e,De,i II I WILLbUt FOR DAMAGES. brre of r-.yn.,, , buren. Brooklyn. I
aioreadai..tt ,.nof . letter from an .., w, ...a ... ?'' lnM ". " t0'" " lMOf
KeT Jidiii aton iliu .M.,cL..r.-u) to;
J. E. PONDER, Prop r.
New Stock Fine Old Whiskies,
)'ii trill gtt th'
for love or Money.
beet to be had
.-muted t., prm-e-d to ttie ,- i iniri-
, tirkade There are now abimt 4)
William Dorrr, in trying to mcne nproe. in Pana The mine ar- -.r-Mr
Undrrwiaxl, tutained a fracture at.-.l ainit naif fine Whit union
of the .knll which wnl iinihebiT reanll ' miner remain out wiimly for the atati
in death.
Mr 0 H Itarmond followed Mr
Underwood oat of the window, and wa , Aawattaa L aja iji.
Iter. ii. I'' I' he r .vincial conr:
from th- ha aioiited Fnm Kniak of New
Turk on a i-tiar.-e - r .e- maieate in r-
N-a.- Mr
of winninir mm
ui tne chance '
Hal day.
OLiYEfi J. White,
oaranteri all work to be firiWclaaa
and w.il mi 1 1 1 y Wall i'apar
amir i ffleer to the aame i ff.-ct. Ad
ni.ral lirwey' Irttrr al I he uavi not'tne
hl(ht.t dittica.ty in oea.iuK with tbe
ru p i ..
Mr. Ti-uer end tiutsiie w in., I hare
tl,. ;- k-iTeii a,, i .. nr. urairemrnl
pfaenble, ami if they MMaplal aJMattM
of tatehit he won.. I irraut ihem mat
rulaele, ..Mir, w .11 -.k IHic
lf,.m Hi j,ulll ami Nhlll
New York, Dec :o.-Joerph l. Bu
nett. William II Trarer and -.8 other
member of the Mxty-nintb nlnnte,-ra,
Jiav,- i-a-un m i. on in tma country to
rerorer damafe from the IyraiaTille
and Xaaheille llailnml c mipany for in
lurv uffiri' i u An.- .at l.y an sr.
accent the ),toraie toon to te vacated
by Or. Lyman Aiiitl. Or Wataon
iator of the Park Prrahytanan
ebar-h, Liverpool.
. s
Per Com (Inm f
Than it n aold l.y Retail Dtakna. I
Leave Orders at Exposition Rib! -J
Ti,er a n awM Mieaoer i
). I! yen want amnrthlna
jmm tate Wmt rta aSM aratllr l" 1
MHlMMIat Tb tarlely
n( In Hie w.r "f MM WW a tall
rvaUrr lai fur .im it.lnit
4U.lM4on,.e.,,..lB,U...-pl...- In M .tale. .h... ... HIS M01I
. .m Ih aoi f- WHITE ENAMtL IflON
BEDS -ill. In ' ' a.h.iand lo match, fee -a-i al ne.l with u.
lie Boards, ExtfBtion Tables, Nwrs, Wardrobes, Coicbes.
Thetr it n lmo.l B.llrt T.rlrtr l ''! '"m
of the line .
Wr hi-arlfM I" IkiI
Carpets, Art Squares and Rugs
W.carry .1 reraartal.lr low prica. Wall wllb Ih. t.0,B nf r-ur CROCR
CRV AND GLASSWARC ml "" t"e.l ihrouli ..ur
rnent. Y raae-e BioBy hr IradIBi ellh
Levy Bros.,
lilt V AN. I I A.
N. P. We L id Tables and Chairs lor Entertainments! Reasonable Rates
Mr Uailiaftrof New HaaipaMia fa
Torably n oorte.1 Mr Proctor' reeolo- cl lrtt whrn tll,.T worp H ,ileir way to
ti .ii pnieidina; for a commutue of enat . , .
or. n, vi.it ulw and Porto R c, with a ... , . . . . I
.... While the train wai-n rente to llnnt- l
Tire of a roaming ma i-ondition o; " I
t he it i i .. ,.,, Mr II ..- - :. via.-. B milta irom oinninaieao.. ...
1m in nuideralion. M n-.olution front car jumped tin- track and the oth
wa placed on Iba calendar. era f.ulownl and wrre ov.-rtnrnrd. In
! i. l.ul author. ling (general A. K. aeveral intaure the men allege that j
Uatet, of the t'niteil Htan- ann'-. t- nc- tri,.ir injnrn ... permanent. Sonie
rept the decoration of tbe Legion of nf them rec. : ! from their mjurli-
Honor, conferred upon him by tne tireti- after week m inatment tn hpital.
dviit of the French republic wa piand. n,, ,rg. .t m.nt 'b- '"' "
In the houae reaterday everl tail fan mo, and the tin-tllect f Mi. It la the
wit. ia.en, the tiHMt ini!irtant of r,ini, mion that me accinenl waa the
w hich waa ine lull appropriatitik' $1VI,- rrult of negligence on the part of tbe
(4i for the I'.ii.adeipina ep -.tiin of rai.w nv c uniaiiy.
,HW The vote wat cuvedlugl v doer.
It had but two vote more than the '" w " ""'
n .arv lil awalil N' W York. Dec ao.-Dr. Oaniel WM
lllll. w-re aito paaaad toautbona the la dead at hi home in Knglewood. N
dutribution of tbe aaeeta of the Kni. J. He wa hum m l'.,rt.iiiouth, Kng .
man' tank, to enlarge tl ipe ,,f ihe on Jan. in. IMll. and , am,-to tin cou'n-
htb r unmluion o aa to include game try in IMtH, and la-came a minliler of
i . . -L I M . . 1- U .U.. ,. .1. .. I . ........ . l.lll Ii ill, II,
nini ami ior lie- n'liei in inn rouriu ii- ..,.,.ii.i . .
mounted Arkana mfairtrr. IW to IVTS he waa corr, . -mding aacra-1
Mr Hallev of Trxaa, iiitrn-inced a tarv of the Methodltl Sunday School j
remiiitioii in open houae directing the l.iiionand I tact tia iety and editor ol
kj i i.iry l ominitlee to invratigate and , The Sunday School Advocate. Or Wiae
report on tba MMBB aa to whither m wa the author of nnre than 80 rellg-
iu.inl.-r- oi ihe I.--;- who ai ptrtl lou work for wiuug i.-ople Several
comm.-iin in the army had forfeited of thear mm have l'ii ttaniUM
their araU in t lie hou... He made tlie otln-r language. In hi early life he
resolution the text fi.r tome rem irk., in wa a irong aboutttkaitl.
Ibe i-oure of which be look -can ui ...
i itii-nv deiioance a newspaper tate
MU to thr i-ITect that in hia uttitndn
main tin. iiieriion In- had leu made a
cat' paw of uy certain prominent It"-
Mert. Nri Htaeh i'ane.
Pnna, III'., Doc. Ju Another pom
Min ol .0 negro miner, arrived at Pana
ilav They wen- held up br eoldier.
and relieved of their arm tiefore la-ing
thir ,,iiny . linn route, nan ieMaV
nenirrd a wrf eub-agency from that estima
ble ijrntlemiin trho dote tht bigmfi !
item in the country the night before Chriet
i. T'icrr are lot of people in fii
ririaify 7m trill appreciate a present
highly if" If (l nomrcif our
Elegant Perfume
In Neat Packages Made up lor a Gilt Package.
I CHINA GOODS, of a'' -
dfecriptiont that ir art telling at yourotfti ffjtc. . HV alteynarr
f ALBUMS. LAMP DESKS and CASES that trill br tare
l" plea II'. ii r nut unmindful of the little met, at tr( hatta
large anirtmrnt of
Toys. Dolls. Fireworks.
,nf nilu, (Aiu, that tjUutilm thr hrartt of the Little folh.
117 coaaoi aaau Pricai. yea wilt hire to $re the ijooHt to jutlo t hither
Price anil iiin.ify urr riyht. We art an mrr III ITII .1 RK Jilt; lf f,., ,
ii" i I o in lo inlert rtitnr to lmtrC(tMB, aiytroy.
I 1 1 r i n u' tin- riili of the llolidara, wa will not loaa tight of oar DRUG
ti:PARTMi;NT. ae tin .a FIRST ALWAYS, llring voor preacrlpUon
and yon can In- aamrrd they will receive tba ilom-.t and i.o-i mi. n- .., an 1
tbe priei ili ba right, that la if you wiah them put up for the loweet tignie
contlttent with the rlrit inalitv oi mediclnee.