Newspaper Page Text
8 WMMM --i rtRorfung BRYAN, TEXAS, 8UNDAY 2T)RNING, DECEMBER 26, 1898. Price 5 cents. 1 agle. J I'M onpui lerry Xmas, XTX) - IAPPY -NEW YEAR H ,,( Qood K.itmy. ArdVou I CUjtotnif of Cl ' ' 'W BMthodi of boslMH t .. u. m , ..imIiAK' aililiinr nam ly largo "t"' k of Kncy 'li:Ti.- Our stuck of . .. ...r ltr.,.l.l I.. It.. U'.. he 1 1 III'' l.iru'i-i " - i.. I III the FRESHNE QUALITY, and . PRICE 7 are very grateful to u customer, for the lUm we have enj.iVe.l .lli'l hn4j for il . nnlinuaiice. YOURS. VERY TRIPLY. WELL BROS. I wiiijuiuj TO TAKE ILOILIi. Secretiin Ui;er Semis II im In. strut lion to Take ',1m I'liicc at Once. THE SITUATION rBERE IS GRAVE InrarKMU Have Ileen Fighting Suiie Tun to Secure IWcxMon, liui the iani-ii Remain. THE SPANISH ARE READY TO RELINQUISH. flint the lmmrt0k aim i k main, lii He Seen- The An- thnritir ni w MktagtM i .Not 1 1 in i 1 1 I luali. tliv r. "if. ov'-riii- l.ii-iFM cnmmnnily. The acniiment sg. n-t changing (bear tlfirial relation of va.uca appears to I '! . t r 'urn- in i in... r- v. no ur optHctd t.a hang advance staBU) strong arguments aysiLat minifying the pn em vah in : i.i-y ! ik in.. kTotiii'l that siuoe the Untied State, ex pacta to ool. leet the cu torn revenue, in truat and to ' i:-id il" in in Cuba, a change la not desirable By the inflition in tbu got i coma, by which everything (run an ounce iii.h u lo a liuuilmin or a French loota, receives vaiuo greater than ila acmal worth, QpM ha beam kept on a Kolil basis. Through all I lei pcri-lto' internal war an i industrial anarcny goni haa atayud in the island and th p i per uui know a "Weyler'e scrip" uii not main headway or dabanrb tba cur rency. That w on reaaon tba tuer chant oppress a change In the pre.rnt artliicial valaea They think that a ajolit naa le-on kept in the channels of tra.i.- it win untuiuc M flow in th MM channels without tin. necessity of squeea- in if out the inUiiioii Th readjuain t of financial value in Ita influence of uie debtors alio creililor of in.- la.all'I la soon-thing thai cannot b fully anaiyaed. I lie hanking houaesand firms which rt -r. iv.. il. ;.... il. w .;i ail a'linic to ti.'ir Your Holiday DINNERS ! Will not be Complete Unless You Buy Your Groceries From the Largest and Best Selected Stock in Bryan. Of Course I Have them ! jYou Should Try mi v I nr . i:i' tit iiii'i ri'piy ib-ir oVii.Mt on Vahinctori, i : -.S.-rri.tary Al- ,, a. : ft 7 for an . in. . ft W tor a l4i liu 11 I. .1 1 1 11. 1 1. 1 M. it Manila to ei nti n. l .'. f..r . . . '1 sin :'i 1. 1." ft Kitra Fancy White Crane Flour OeliciouH Dozier llakery Engli'h Fruit t aken. Freeh Fruit. NuU. Kmm Meat. All kiridg of I'ii klc-. Frefh.Wine Jellien. Williama Jelly Kerb Initant ly 1'repared. Freeh Pickled Pig Feet Plenty of Nice A h .-. . . n 1 11111 on of lloi.o iiniiimliatelT. fornlei. II. alio- ..f the tine, rtainlt . 11 If ao ur ielt 10 th ( ii-mr- manv of I in 111 ur nrvruitf tie- 11l.01.1u la luai'll III udranca aat aJ ml dmmmftm laUtaj.ii--. 1 r. v n. Ht y by I ll III" J'lll eonirol all urae to h fain n, thouk' -iry on. Tba dabU on t MtMMi M tui lataia. ;iantfra and evi rvlaaiv i- REMEMBER WE WANT TO SELL! YOUR CHRISTMAS TUR JOHN B. MIKE. ataui tutht w lib th.. i iMirif- nt- 10 r t un ,,,vin. tit 111 r le-v I m PARSQN8' V S ' ""1 1IKVAN. TBXAI hnlargel and Thoroughlv Bquippwl with HIW AND IMPRON LU) M 1 II I N- BRY. Htn My rim elMI M l' to llale Plant, Pre. pared to Ail! MWH, large or fof . Pure. Wholetome and Hiqh Grade Soda Water All Flavi n1. Vhoi .! and 1 . I . " Retail Hallafui tioii guar- V' s, ' MtMd PlaWtl ' IMtra ' ,! ' u a trial, till Pn tmpt Attention to All Orders. " BMPK 1 FULLY, d roiaw' Jiplele line ol CandieH, Fruit.. XuU, MftTt, Fancy 1 1t- HmdqOMtMi fbff Ki-h, OjtUn uml ti.r-l4 eonirol .lnnr.ii I" wv t n I n i;- 11 1 ' : r. 11 wi n- boloiug II e iniw.tii 1 ao.ilii'r atil eittaeua hail a. a 1 him ;of w ir-i.n.. for tie-en (ienoral Una will pro .i v ...n 1 two r if .iii-nl . an 1 A'lnnr.ii 1 1 wi-y i laitil lo i:i'tah !l.i I t. jr. 1 oi and Concoril lo aid th" tro.pv The IpMaMll whi willingly MM quwh authority orer lloilo, 11 1a MaM I too I, aatbey know liny iniul etacnata anon What tlie liiaurgwnta will do re mama to be Man, but ilu ri la little faajr 111 V ..inngton of a n r .oua rlaah, though onr aoldlera will t pnond for any ncy. IXTIR.Otl tO 111 t K mnni v duriiiit 1 rvciiou nanaily mi nt ahou.d bo it. 1 iin in nt W C'i llruli of armn ted Mitea w h .1 1 hi ir . or 1 tf-rioi Aa in.- In loan Till: . ( t TTKIt. of th MM mulaled that n-inv-American moneT or Ti..-v art- not . rla n whit wi.l N-ci n.uliriil iiih'-nt '! , dm- of n.v- r 111 ti.e iiai.y ir in- e tlona prnlniaea to ! the lunat trouble aninn of the uneatinna thai moat l -t- 1 lleil hy the Umteit Hiaira. The mcr cbaata ami augur planter aay that the Iranaitlon to a different lauia cannot 1- i mailn without indiiatruil diatarbaaeaa and without great liardahii toailam ployara of labor. Silver la the earrencr t tin iiina in value aa meaaared t-y t M daily qnotatioiia ogainai goto, it - all practical pnrpoea, pr oaibly Ux-au- 11 1. 1 ir.v re.-ogn r. 1 .1. an - 1. 11 . VY BROTHERS' SUGGESTION FOR istmas Gifts! I la no aWM w ilrmUr Ihal II will mil Unil .rrilr aril- Ir. xiiLIn Itaeoaj. II. nn aant ailll.hlna atllkllK III Ihr wa, of BlMWIUa Bb .... OU' I a can ala.i aralllr Ihr mora a r i t .I,.',. mmwamWmWkW 1 Cases The war department hsa no ci nltrin- of ever day life V agea and aalar -a Int. ,.f Ik. mmnrlh.llh., .M.,.r... , a ', W lld III it. Not W It ll.tattd tLM flt have captured Hollo. S! nod it prove tru- 1 H in ral 1 it., tnai tind hiiiim mill etlltv in dtaiotlgllig them. It la hoped thai the report la falae, aa thia govt rn- p,,,,,,,,,. nt wanU toooenpy that maltloa baw The rate of daily wage ia ordinari.r fore lb rebel get a foothold. jaatlver dollar The porchaaing paajaajf S-i n urv Algi r i.t- i-m-d no order dne not follow the fluctuation, ao clo.e- for taking any MM) int In tim Ira might I auppoaed, ttmiigli when Philippine, and b intiinatea no ftirlt . . ailver la falling 111 value t-ncea of nn tep inward iccupyitig lliegronn will In aitiea riae faater than they fall when 11a taken until the treaty 1 rat i.. 0 vaiue 1 appreciating. Tin haa lawn LV ! tie H oe.amalion to I icd tie 11 luatrale I during the laat tlin-e month. I 1 n 111.11.. d MOaMMlOMi but if Though the "ceinen" now bay oniy it l , nine in 11 arr to a-.tiine control aeven aatiieh ailver dollar where for- of lie- wfMe arcbt-lago liefoni treatr merly it lamgnt eight, the wage earner r it hi it ion the pria'lamatioii will I ca ll icd for earlier proinulgntion. lnia pria iaui ition, fiicretiry Alger aav., lonlaiua uothiug not euinrared 111 in.- proclamation iuel for -Satinagu and l'orto Kieo Wnen aaknlifitre. 10 aiiloiiotuy, he raid witn cm phaaia that it doaa not. THE MONEY PROBLEM UNSOLVED IN CUBA- THE EXPOSITION SALOON J. E. PONDER. Prop'r. New Stock Fine Old Whiskies, win Mm, wOa Come to nee ut. You mil t)tt th; beit to bt had or lore or Money. QuartBttle of Fine Wine Preienled Free With each $4.00 Purchase from ui OOO I) UKKTAI I V T In (' ,-tlon. The btft Cigars in town. ''.' - -ui,.- n ana term 1 nai laeiuiiea guaranteed a no within ait month, the new roud la 10 tm in operalioii. Charles Edinburg's a k baadaomeat and moil eoaiplele hi Hie alalr, while in hlXt llnoM 111 (,.. 11 plraa. lite inoal MMM WHITE ENAMEL IRON pa won i'i"i tt.t . M.u.isiit! ,1, iiii.-, 1, yttii 1 t mi,) ,lt (Is. Fviiy inn Tiihles. Dimvs. VarilrAhM fiinrlvM jt"'' ' i.) VVWafjaw , CHIFFONIERS. FANCY TABLES and HALL RACKS. V la an lot tullfia rarlt j lo MM turn Wr have a rttkl in Ima.i lino el . .e 1 . itrv 1 jets, Art Squares and Rugs tirr at remarkalilr low prt Wall wliti ilia lniylnK nl ynni CROCM f AND GLASSWARl M V I..he.l ihron.l, . I W Yn.i ' an -a i- iimiii-r kf trad' evy tiros.. AW, -tj an, . . j aai 1 1 ..yi I . I Lend iaoie ana tnairs iifi' ainmenls al I , an. I Marrhaal lli.r. Itrallr Arm l .B b In Jual VI Iibi fllMB tin Waul. V York, Iki- Jl --American eon tro. i - c.oe at haini that it 1 aaib inv the work ahead, a.-iy the Havana cnrrvapnndeiit of Tin- Tribune M .iiiit.iiinng order by menu of ttmtm 11 a nn iiminary condition ao well undi-r-t w, it doc not call for any M plall.ltioil . r.aaaea in 1 max ku iw u i i 1 " mWMI are an I knowing, they aripi e.ce. 1 nai aiiow-cogc 111 itaeu i t: , ; . -t guarnatnii' of traii'iuility. Io. Jate.1 niatanc mar ariao w h M Wi.l cal i r r. t r-aioii, hut tbee w in not af tret th" general gal order. Tney will la 11 1 .1 iw liacti to ih" niiuMirc of in- dadruil ami commercial raconatractlim Which nereaai ill .r, 'i'de. ! i 1 .- . i ! 1 u MMM of the laland aa it may lie delerniined III the future The merrlal elaaaea are allowing' -1 ml iptalnlltr to tlm new cnt. Within a fortlliglu alter the UritT 1. proiuulgati d Imaim-a wi.l lie n,iiv in.- -1 . 1 - t 1 ; v In Ita accuatoined (hantii'.x. The only uncertainty of the future i- that which klli come from the 1 ..- in 'ii v Ki.ui lard it aa preparation can I. made for a fliAlige of Una kind, the luialueaa I ,,' ll.tvaiin have made it. They do nt yel know iottlely that ona MM until ure to la' PtM 111 cum nc v ol the (JltMl tatea. and Ihey ir. not per- mm that the inllatioii Mr 1 i bni I I 1 are not ab.e to putcliae more w ith Iheir wage The pnrea of retailed cominial itiea hare n-mainel atationary. The MM of the American troop will mid In the d f!i ill tie. A amall amoiini of finti-d Mate- cuiremr 1 in circulation, hut it ia in hilia 111 deuomi nalioua of .' and upward, aa theae are large enough lo command the regular exchange whieh vanea from to 11 -r cent, tine doliar and two dollar hi. I where they are taken pau merely a the equivalent of the Spauiah "peeoa" or 1 silver dollar. 'I he mail ahopkeeper and the Ing poimlatlon are .1 ill ignorant of the vain- of American ailver colua In the eufe. they are illatruatml anil the cno men will not accept them. When largV payment have l.-eu mane to the Mildier tin ailver la certain to he forced lino citculalion, hut the relation which 11 w i.l liear to the Sp.llllall coin i a pu.- aU. Though very large MMktM of ilver , have l.-eii taken latck in Hiln by the officer and the official, the fenr ti it lio ailver Would b' left 111 I'll :n haa not beam realised. Atnreaeut th value i ri.liig (lightly due to further depleti I by the dejiarung Simmarl, but enough n-muin to aliawer the purpose of hii'l nea and to mid to the complex prob lem which inuit be solved by the treas ury department at Wnahingtoii laM Ufa MM lijiirsd. Lanilo, Tix , lVc V4. -While the lire dc imrtmcht Ml pulling out a lire in tle Imalltcaa lairllon of ill" city Maurice Id dean, cnicf of the lire department, was knocked down hy coming m contact with u live w ire, inn-utni of which wua dangling Hi the water I'lnef lhdeaux on falling in the water Ml Mil Mi I shocked ntnl hut tor the prompt action of the tlremeu in dragging bun mil night have l.-cti fatally burned by the eli clue current I'm t't fur a ltt4. I Colutnhui, Mo , Dec 'U - Citizens of us place have ahiocriia-d a laiiiua ol I'.'iI.ikhi inr a ranio.'i . Ill' i lie Mlaaont., Kiiuaaa mid Tea nil mill in ncc ptaiicn jal ut ed hy the MiaesM ad com' aujt. The right Wlaauig MajsjMSBf in fort. DCCTnllDAIIT n to I AUnAN I . t v L), Bord aailet from l'orine utn, X. H . Xov. til for this port, the day IWore the tamtto L-, VATTI limn.. ,.... Itaie MlMsi nen aacnfloa of life 1 1 BLUCK, BRYAaf. ad property almu- in i .u.i and wi... . - waa blown over lisai mil. a oui of n. r Hot l.unrbea aerve.1 quickly at all rxmrae. armed ten-.., tow of the tug honra. day and Aaa HughttJ. a.inniiril ui Hall. Htephenvnle, Tex , IVe H MJfM Andrew J MBpMai Mpi WtN th kil.lng of Walter Mi .iron the luih in stant, waa brought n o e Jnilice (trav, who pnsiimned ih nre.uulnary trial un til Jan 4 and sdimt'e I that sc-umxiio taiil in the mm of IJ'iai, which was ea ilv mane 01STF.RS. IHMHI IK.I It sTKAk, Ham and Kgga, Hot Weiner, Head Cheese, Hot CoOm, Cakea and all lunches. CALL AND Mi MK. CHARLES EDINBURQ. HOLIDAY GOODS ! Our oi'im l, iu fomr, unif ire Ixivi eeirtd o sort ub-aijency from that estima te !"' hi on irno iloei the hijget hui net in the WtMlrjf tkt nghth,u'r.- QkfiM nil'. Tniv arr In' of peoj.i, i thi iiViiiify who uill nfj,n,iate a ),,;.,! Ufktjf ift is MMM our Elegant Perfumes In Neat Packages Made up for a Gilt Package. TL" " rfjmif ,i,ortment of CHINA GOODS, of all i.MiTiy.fiona ihal nc are telling at your oun fujiire. We al no hare ALBUMS. LAMP DESKS and CASES ,,.( i ,11 ) - fo ;ruac inii. 117 are not unmindful of the little nnet, ai tee harea large amuirhiient tf Toys. Dolls. Fireworks. and other thiixy that ijluUlm Ihr heart of Ike Litllt Path, Wi cumin ntime MmHM sSslN fo are I He vomit t Mm vhelhn I'rieet and MNry ire ri.jkl. W are to lure III iTIl I .' K UlUHT, A M M tile ;tM fn enmr in t iiwin t ciom l IIK, ii,i;i, nt. l-d aloiiK il"- I hr rush of the llolidaia, we will not II M. aa tins ia HIIT iLWAt I n he assured tliey will receite t lit. , lost ill le rtpbl, that ia If yoil wish them i wile, tba Uiat quality ui uiedicinei. BEN S. Rl aBX4Sefl il .t'U'loll, Bh ip for the lOWeat lignie T it- - St