OCR Interpretation

Bryan morning eagle. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1898-1909, December 27, 1898, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088652/1898-12-27/ed-1/seq-4/

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. p
1 - : 1
"W 1'ir iiiiiHNK m
Oil ane
.M a Select lint
i i v
In ifa Ms.
..ki . Kv.rr Mmtr "f the
fatahr of for jour rVUod ot Swawl-
hrarl si ITiWi
you will not b. r.ulrsd U
WlMH l.nll,K.
Call and See Our Stock,
Aid Tou will not IH1 o be .iri
Hall's Dihr Store.
Uryan, Texas.
Office over itmm
tmm pi
Drug Store.
I:. -
Creator. Clarke, r"
Warn Times-llerald of Dec.
nil htl the following to say in
'praise of Mr. Creetott Clarke, bis
comany ami Ml new piay i
'Creston Clarke and Miss Adelaide
I'rince with an excellent euport
nr.- 1, ted Mr. Clarke'- new play.
"Tim Ragged Cavalier." to a large
and fashionaliV audience last night
Mr Clarke hn- lahorcl earneKtly
Li make hi tdav a success, and the
repetition lie tnet with last night
showed how well he had achieved
i.urnoe. Ah a natural. I'un-li-
e I n tor Mr. Clarke has estahlish
hinted!' a favorite, and it wa with
an Accentuated feeliiiK of welcome
that he wan greeted last night.
The play in a strong one, and the
cat strong. Kvery detail ha- Invn
carefully looked after, and iU
presentation wan a triumph for the
company of which Mr. Clarke is
the head.
Miss Adelaide I'rince was gra t
ed cordially hy an audience thut re
Bferdetl her a splendid representa
tive of Texas, for she passed her
early life and received her tirst
training for the stage in Texan.
The performance was of a high
claw and it brilliant parage-were
enthusiastically recognised."
Mr. Clarke will present "The
Ragged Cavalier" at the tirilltd
opera house, on Friday night, !.-
cemher KM, and will he greeted
hy a house packed to the doors.
1000 pounds
,.f line candies must ! -old this week.
The finest creams for :fl cents a f mi
No h s then one pound sId at lli. se
,,-.. II V xliieMs.
hleni nml life liisnranee either
, 111 hxlge- or straight UN tftapussss mm
ftTfrnrAS ullinos
jlmm Mmjt PtaSBS '
Cuban and Spanish Trni
Clash There on Christ-
mas Uay.
Tbey Fired l'ion paai.-h Sol4lltt
While Tnev Were Asleep lu
Hotel ImM,
One (Mm w Istalljr Hurt.
Others Hsu'r Injured anil
!spaaih ItMlef Stabbed
In the FIhL
J. . li. R. e l.
II h Hour, rice mi, I
Masaal MMsi Buasi iasi f OKI
FARE for lb WS Kip BI lu tBrci 1
All F0I11U Id lb.'
r r 1 1 T U r A Q T
O VS U 1 11 s- w 1
Tick' n
KCEMAEI 20rt and 21st.,
UmltSSdSfS. ropularlw RU HolMaf
Xicunlou TlcksU will SSM be toM
for full frt1rulr. PsmpblsU. Kir . p
plr 10 nwrctt Tkktt Aitnt. I. O. K. R. R
, J. PRH K t. H T. I.
ralrlinr. Texai
The I. & i. N. It. It. new sched
ule, elleitive Saturday. December
:;r,l.U I'- "I a. m.. "ill ln.ro..ucc, t)atm
"The Mexico and St. IiOUts Limit- """"
..,1 wiii.li will at once become
Havsns, Dee. M. -Chntins Ist was
n.hemi 111 list sua by tto MMM
revolvers am' rattlinif volley troui Mau
ser rifles in an nllrav wlurh occurreu
near the oont.n.f tbs city bstween the
Miaiiish trouim SJ4MataaJ tbs city su i
the ('uln rvuli'nts.
Out) t'ubon was tstalir woonuwl, t
others were houly iiijuri -l and n Siran
Ml solcirr utabbsd. A Culan MJPl
who rereive three woutuU maile b
Mau-er l uliets suJ a bayonet cut acroM
hi forehead and who was taken to the
MHfpMf buspiUi, u reiwruid to be dy
111 K.
The affair was brought on by the I'll
mm w ho llr .1 fn manx f on llw sol
dier asloep in the Basal Itoma. The
MUdwrn siraii to their Ul and ut oik "
n-iuriKHi 1!. Hi. A . "iniiiy of tufaii
I trv waled tie' iow wa.lon one side i
t th- llllllillllU llll'l I Milt- -i over tl.e !
I tops for Um ui iiv iuat who hail bsfftui
the ttnuif. They found a ueRro bi.o
' wouii.;.' 1 11 1 ' ..m d i no lown r
' injur-d men were affJM -way by tb'-ir
friend. s
The volieyiiur of lu Mau-r can-e.l
great aiatm sin ntr the Aimrieaii
o.nnv f.-ariuc tli.it llirliiiii.' woulil l
popular train and an lUfWUnt
factor in Tcxa.- railway jiassenger
service, traversing the entire state
from the Itio (irande to tue lieu
river, thence on to St. Louts.
r 1 ... ,1 1 (HI 11. in.
San Antonio . 12:110 p. in.
Austin IM" I'- '
H l,.l..atine " II. III-
Arriving St. Louis. ...... . . . it wll, ,mb , rrlMor ,,
following ,1 ,y, thuyhortening the hfu
: p. 111
II Is a Task IfMt W ill Tab- KMSS M
I ompl-l- -,irrMl.Olr
ifarann, IK., J I ttutw is f.-luiK tie
tteni'fltsof prospeetiro and actual Auu ri-
ran adminis'ratioii. Some of the street"
are really ceaii lieiieral tin-eim hi
fVSi.iSS) for pubiir sanitation autliorir. l
1, the department at Washiuiftoti. ISul
XnanishsoTereijtnty hail to be respect."
I i m i .
Ui- from t. hour- uown -
. . . Ill rllll t i ' I I "HIiH
..'''V1'''" :,' .ar to spsnd 8oby ,r rue-
Uie us.uw ' ' ... .... s,.. ,., ..,
theL.V U, .Vs. tnrougn service,
consisting of through coach." and
l'ullinan c i-rs to St. Loins wmi-
out change.
Ifarli.s from a itog alley.
HOT and
TUB and
Mtaiuii.li aiithoriiie toe United Stsf
took hold of ihe work. Mar.ui d K
tahaii. the airaltiu or mayor of the eny
i.rorlau tloll IsMted Up III W hlOI
it change. , , , the inhabitant, of the str-ei. .uk
For particular-, apul v U an by . Am..r
Ti. k.L AJMBl I. tl i. N It. It., It
addres-. D.J.PM01
(1. I'. A., I' il. stin.-, I exit-.
25 Cents
be Obtained at
, .At The-
All Hour-
Bryan Water, Ice, Ugty &
Ollice From Itooius over I'ostoflke.
Bran, Texas.
wan, tnld that it was done by the Am ri
ran irov.-rnin.-nt and they were eihorte
,,, t tl tTortsof tue I'mti d .-tat..
military an lorlties
The remoyal of tlm ac-'ntntiiatlons
irartnve dis-s not aolre the sanitary
problem of 'layatia however It skwWi
that tuftsin tsetn be S.-ut lairiy cie.ui
And the city be made habilah..-. whl
the eliAligea that must 1st made in .
anweraKu system and other hyitienic tm
nr. . meiils ,ir-' 'Mrr.. '1 out I'm- v.-.n-
While at work m the gas factory a
San Antonio, Tex., on 8tUy. H
Broadway, a 7
killed thntuith a gas eiplosnm. WW
w.y was repairing some burnt ptp-s m
.hefnrm f th-generator, when th
Wiurn gas caused the eiplosion.
Tl Uagley. eolond was shot t ft
.1 r I Tel., rtamrday night Um
v. :...lge. Aliolher neg-o, is ch.Wge l
Willi III eruiie.
filar!, i W 1 was atal.bo.1 to mm
m. koort. tm , by ll-rnian D
rich. Wuauiiwaa intoii.ted and at-
t.mptl to enter tho Utter s house. .
nu n went ! rompAiiiims.
ii... i. i..r,lith was shot and
mar Washington. Tel., ami J'
ullih was shot in the band UW'
Bn.wn was arrrste.1 for lbs deed All
are colomt.
Jim lirittith dropped a match in a,
Unk of oil on a flat car at Paris. Tei A
terrific explosion follow!. K ery Un
in the boy's body were bmksn. Th
Unk waa completely desiroyefl.
Ben Northmgion ha.1 his hand s. !.
lr snait.tnl by tbs eiploston of a can
non fln-crackar At ImpAaas, TlVi tbA'
it had to 1st amputated
Charles Unstrotn tM from a innvi.m
car at tJalyesion, T.- , bn-aking bis let
iMxirge Waahlngtou, a negro, luul a
fight with a while man at l orsuaii.
Tel. Tin. negro's bead was Isillcreu ...
Jim fnoper was seriously atalb"! bv
some niunowu person at f orsican i
Near l.olUll.-, Tea . I foe
,1.-1... VC.H
was -ei."iin i" ami " ' "
ahot at mi iit.Tt.iiiinieiit. I"'1" ,: '"
serious condition
flem Johnson shot Charles H.irri-
t tialve.t T. x . with a target ril
Both are bora. A "nt U claimi ,
William losslinan wa- ki.. I
Clarksvil.e. Tex.. I y It. A. Scnaii"
Call in White and r ran . 1 ' '
AquaiTeliit 'owell, r-. '
pisiol and a snife ...ituor was -
w tnarl
Calhe MeKinr was .'.t an I a.
dcliliv kill, .! near Mat-iu . L
A li-year ld boy was ktll.-sl near La
dotna. 1. x , y the a. lent i
of a gun.
Anbor Grimes was stab--
near M irU' ., lex
Sim Collier, a white 1, WAS 1-t'ily
cut At Tyler Tel , by a mm
Two whitT ineu an' under nrr, ' at
Tybr. Tei, for killing a u . : "
l'ele N.l-ll
In a general row at II ilias, Tex., I
tween some whites and blacks, a.l drink'
ing, Hscsr Whin-, a negro wa- n.i. o ai
Anolli-r negro hurl .Several .'i'
Iiavi. been made
L- .. II t.H.HV ill.' 1 lltsill tie i 's
of IHlllAS, ex . under suspicion- nr.
cutnstauces. Investigation ,s B Uftg
made "
l.ranllsr r)f".t'.rs Kill-I.
Srmla. Mis. , Dr. 1 Hum is And
William Br-ntif-r. beoskarSi aran -and
in-taui kllle.1 iuniy log"' st
Knondaie. a small town on the Moini
And NfttO raiiroail, by Luc- ue Deaats,
an II vear o d Isiy. The tiroihtrs, ac
conusxiiled be Ihsir father, attempted o
. liter the si. of DMW h sakl, in
tending vio t Di-nnis' mother seise i
the gun of t: . el n r Urititley a lid youi
Ommk op i It Braalieys.
with the ab ve result. Li.uor caaae.i
the Iroilli.e
Plain Pickle,
Mixed Sour Picklesj
Mixed S, . I'i.-klf
Hulk Mine- Meat.
Kxtra Fancy Dry
Jhi -h Celery,
Finest of Flour,
Toliiisco Salic
ChotiiM-d Celcl
Celery Salad, I
Hoy ii I Salai
(Jrahs, I'ork
m- n i
If not, axk you
s . . J
are new aim u
to our alread
Wmwn virucer
guarantee to i,
I If our goods
liberal i.atro
UJ. P. Fran
Butchers ant
finder Odd F.
door to John!
Hllls.1 1s s.l W nun, Is, I Anolhfr
Walsenburg, Coi , Ite- - N. It
Tniw, a l.s-al I u man, shot ami kill. '
two men an sdgi.lly wounded Another
ina salisui at Cirr. a small minir
ins i
new Pjty bakery, I a
Fresh Bread, Rolls,
Cakes and Pies.
mavl.n.H-essary.s-for., tliep.an. liic . ,...., ,. .a.,-...
Colonel (ie- rge K Waring pr-iun-l can WM ,,,.,, .,, , ,.rnw, f
... .rr. nfisa That will not 1 1 ... . . .
vent Havana from being kept 'vm r
the next fire months, which is the s
in which it is ao uuiMirunt to for
epidemic diseases among the Ann
i.n tn.ios lien, Till Lu i.ow will pro
.1.1. i .,.,.,,..,, fh,. fn.H h.ifort. bit:,
amy mm !'l " -
as military and evil governor of Havana
Delivered to any jutrt of
ht t-'itv- Leave tlrders at
John M. I.awiikm k A Co.'h
ItoTTI.IN'l WoltKH.
QRIE88ER, Hroprietor
Two doors South oi Kx
chan- Hol-1. Wfrt class
work OwntntMi YtmH
I 1 . ,,,.r M..I..-V HI
mil I. I ' I f I IMII -
Popular Tickets 1
At Half Price lo Points
In Alabama,
North and South Carolina,
and Louisiana.
1 kCIMi
'tickets oil ssle December Jlllli and L'lst
Irom lloiiKlon .v i.-xas t enirai
HlAtlons, good (or 30 dsys At
Due Fare Round Trip.
Culls... Must lUhass.
Havana, Dee. W American evacua
tlnn commissioners will issue a pris ia
mat Ion to the inhalniAnti of the islanu
of Cut asking ail inhabitants lo pk
u.rv the nureeuiellt el.OTed llllo r
Spain aiel warns all oAaiftM that tbey
will Is' brougnt promptly to justice
Twslllh Nsw Vara Off.
Americus, t:.. Dec :'il The Twelftii
New York are limdlng fur Charleston,
where a trauspor. will mum UftW
Malauzas The Cighth Maasachusetls
is the only regiment left hure.
n.inl for iil.s.
Macon, lis.. Doc. 26. The Second
Ohio regmisnt lull bent for Charleston
when they will go lo Cuba on a trans,
Arraiigeineiits are la-mg made to uiu
tur out the Third Noriu OhvUm and
tho Sixth Virginia regiments.
o.iss t.t Pasta Man
Atlanta, Dc. '.'! I.ieutviiaiit Colonel
m.-n who
war iclirat.hif I 'nr.t in .- by e.v
nmsuigaiKl "rinking Trow iiiiI.iIshI a
large aiuo.in of whiskey and then pull
ing A revoivir l.gan M fire. Tend'
Tolinai he. a M' Xic.'n, was shot thnm.
the heart and u. aih was instaiilain-ous
A Slav, wbess name is unai.owti, re
ceived a I ul t in in- head and dl-d in
a few minutes Anoiher M.-xican, I'
olllloMul.il X had a furrow i.owe, in
scalp by a leaden pellet, bat bis cond
lion is not serenis Trow surtemler.
Aiel was locket ill.
rnr Uurns.l M Ifsath.
Plnladrliiliia. Dec '..'II - Kiames folisj
I four Vlclllll" here ulir.llg tin. Christinj
rri.sl. Mrs .lonn Kuril ami her inn
daughter er.- burned In death al t
hoine in a In rails...! by an eiploain
an oil lamp, and Miss Mary Coyl.i,
711 years met drain from a lis'
She fell down stair, with alight
in her hand Mrs McNichol, i
Was burned to death by the Uis.
All ml lamp At her home.
Kills.l a tllrl -ulrhls.l.
New York. Dee -ll Mstui"
years of age, was shot in the
killed Cnri Unas Dar at her
Frank Nuile, a ptnloltltn rlell
old. At III mm um" NuitjjfJ
self through the head and W
A hospital And It is htjlteveu
Nully was ' .rmerly a suit
r. pi riDi
lilts (he f ho
rll earned
is a household word how
ou WAni some of ii HOLIDAYI aid: (
. f 1
yuur nriSTrn
TAYLOR & COX. Bryan.
. . ,
laswrsa V'l r
I 1 J
Win. I. Hall, w ho has for severnl years I bm r inly tbey nusmdl
fell till of Ihe ileliarlllielll .
been ltd jiilanl general of Ihe department
if tin, linlf. haa Is. , ii assiiriied to a sim
ilar position in the department of I'orto
Pico. Colonel Hall will leave for Sail
Juan Thursday
Ifsath froio Pal
sss Milk.
.4. l'linoneil I
I litlslinas HIIIIha I
Jefferson I 'ily, Dec ' i
ma- tn , , ,el, ration at .tl
low n I ' . I . 'illlliy, J'
shot and killed Juie lloilll
nlil. t and m.Hft prnminel
OsAge counlv, the resllllfl
MTIJ. I'nl 1
1 - - wf -
1 1 i 1 1 1 i ii i , 1 1 1 -1 i
ssliiitl mi Mil. Tur iiii'iui tun
111 A
I 1 u-iim i WW l WmM JM'UI
1 1 L I ' III I III' Illllllll 11 III 11 I
111 V IIHMWV. M V ratrrt
iMi'ir'I. Willi f" I " Hi i uir im
Paterson. N. J , Dec.
milk used in a boAMing
g T. Agt
ing illTerences. HoiuWaj
one death huru and made
e titties lie Oeo
ivii ii iiluti.
M l.i ,u, lloT
,' s
war sit
In tli. c :,
your Money at
lo a 'n Sen the tea,
ntieatiier .St Lotus, fr.
ahone No. HI
0. fV. Minx,
i , i I Isiat.
Tr.il'e Maioii-.-r.
aw a;
W. S. WiiJtoS,
lit y au,
eloououta ,w, IU. . H. -
Ibiis.i i-AUsetl
It,, or niluo. tun 'i
As.s.ia- T
f I'M.
u . at
t At
-a iir
I r . mmmmmmm, k. tr AW.
.. ..xLH aHx.1 ' 1
m ml mm tm mvt m m

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