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vol.1 VM BRYAN, TEXAS, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 28. 1898. Price 5 cents. I I amMMatwaW A lac " - 1 UUa II To all H , j. iner of our.' tt" yi 1,(1-1 in r-r, now and u, l now good I' al.K-k of r '"' UlQOttU ryan. '"aiuee t ,j "f our good.. -r for ?ho nntiuunnce. Hlwral ,atr..imK, NS' Works, i:.s PTboroagM NEW M AOHIIf KirM-ola- PUot Pro r It r-, large I -and ' Sod.i Waler -air mil I h guar--' right. Give lpt . l-aln v rt i t. FOR ts! on mil oroi'thliiK ok Cases III ROOM IRON I s Coaches. I(R Rugs i m fiaaaMVaaa aa aa aa at? a. ' 1 U " f IT I . STARRY KM The I'm 1 1 o.l ItatM ami tin Cuban Hairs Wavlir; About llaratia. SPANISH FEAR HAS DISAPPEARED. People llrin;' Out Thousand ul IliiMon Klajf-i anl Flm Tiiom to tho lire..'. NUMEROUS PERSONS SHOT AT HAVANA. Thfj Wore Mounded In the stri-.t. b; Fn.plc Who Hrcd Varlnua kind ot I'lrtarMi A of I n rest. If -iv. in i 1 : hi. . i ... u- ..f I la pctmitline; ill" ulapiay of and. Ai . II in iiuhIo tin inn-. ..' Spaa. u)i jiinniic ion, and early ill nmniinn M MM Hai .iri' ami the lone atar i.'1 i i r in my nf the ball. i- i!. tiir lo art of th.' rity and on Iba I, n ll." M.I- -.. jii-m aim II n. ma, in tvf.iiv, la now hnuht wi'U collar and tin rrarkera an. now i iiik . in -In t. and n the plan.. '1 in- li ir o! tin Matin inia di.apneared I Willi in.- apanrir "f ih nnli-r, fnf mil ra"i" Ih.iiianiina ..f ll m p iiv in i li tl"- wim.i'ii nf Ihi hnuaoholill i or rlindi'lmly puxohaa ! from aori'ii turi.ii iKHidlrr. A. hi oil, f.irmerly rity in-aa-nrr of JackannTtlle, Kla , anc reeded to ireitiim a amall rartto f tl.tita into ll.v Tana wmin weeka ago, and tla( tnal nriKUiahy ruatina1 alaml 4 f-nta are aeil- . init fur aliut fl each. Tue order of I Captain (m nrral t'aatellaiHH w aa im . all- r i ronfoivnce with tirneral Lud ln and ll wil. la- foilnwiHi l y a:i orm r cloain the rafca at III p. ni. liimral Luiilow rial" ari.und thH . :tv Ut" Mnmlay liifc'ht walrhliiK the li ni r of n i.i.l" in ih.' air--. I- Ki.iirt.'eii p. r-iui iT" w. -mnli'd l v I- 'in uifTi'r.'iit uf wiai" ona in 111.' atrre. A Wolf, rnoiiianr K. Kirat North Car. ma. feo int.. V. ni.i hi.ruitfa and dnwiieil w lule ilninu ttuard only. A i' i latny C, Fourth Virmn a vn MaMta, waa fatally wound oil by a fell' w an.dier t'lili-aa atopi n liy the Amenrana the Honniarde mean HmM on Killav the. 1 in in I nr.. Ilul r.nitenla of to.' Alfntian XIII hoapttal, in linilni' l4io laila and riiU iimhI l.y the lat lah patienta w hem ri.tila(,'n n .lliai-a h.n n, an.) the aal would aproad infection ail ou r Un ana. i ' ernor I rin annoiinrea that li" will rr ii urn in i.flli" at t.eiieral I.nd Iow a piael MM time after the Iraua fer o( III" KOTi'IlllIlellt In the Ann r.i ih UNREST AT HAVANA. Hrrl I i . 1 1 li f l Tk- Ilul I tit i i Ml tit II I'lara Tlirra i finira. H.tTana, Diiv '11. KranofO tii n'" ro, n SiKiiii.ii Kuerilla, " MlkUM. alotiK 1 iei.n i atnt't Minium , mil tin-.i ai from tho roof of a li..ii' ami no . .u v vs i ii H I DuriiiK Ih" la. i '.'1 hour one man haa been killed and It have I. . ii ununited in altiav. in differvni paru of the city, and II Imtrfiariea hare I. n .mi nutted. The oily la in a a'ate of unreal. A pirty of I'onired Ciilaina th" wliol. h.iIo irna'.'ry etaliiiliin"t a 11.1 Kan J.i ai et, owned by ihe Spaniah linn oi Me.'r.i .V; Maaiii, and ord. ie l Honor to kiaa I he 1 1 . . - ami cry "ViTa Cut Libre." II refuacd t i i.K r, wher. umu one of 111" I'uuaiia out bw head badly with a maoheite. A Cnlatn moli threatened to attack tin- ri M l"ii. ' Manpua on Montiuo, aei-n'l irv of Ihe lieaaiuv in Hie ani.ia.i. MM cabinet and a member of tba H( lah ei a. ual .on cnuuuiiiaioii. The hoi waa in a part of the city already ot nil. I i in tin' matter li-iiu' linniRht . in . n inatii.ii ihe aileiituiii of V'1" I n t". I Statoa or km statu ... trtai... are evacuaim . Um ruv m rt v nut ti i alnio.t iflf" itile fur tne Ano i.i profile prnrantir . i ih- pr.-a rratioii of pear. Tne pr. 1 miatlon of lb United Suttee eonifciiaaioii' ra appeared in extra edi tion! t tne ipauuih unwapepera. DEWEY WANTED THEM. Wi.ii 1. 1 II... Tak.a th Carollaaa 114 I i Nat Mapped Him Wathingtin, Deo. 27. Had lb war with Spain Uited a thort time Ioditt ll i r .'able that Iba United State' 11 ni would now l tbattniK over the Caro.uiH Miami, aa 'h- navr from the I ni" Bear Admiral D-wry ru-torr, wa. ... luu. take ih a croup The una mi t won d pn.iamly hern la on takun anyhow, Im fur in., laci tijt Secretary L mif, bv . rectum of the preaident, raoled K u Admiral Dewey forbidding aim to . Officer of the navy atlil hope u. it torn.- way may lai found of arqoinng thaae ialanda whirh, It la hellered, .-pain woald il for a reaannabiu compenae. tlon. They do not waul any other m turn lo obtain lint nower to eaiabliau coal 1118 Mat. on. and naTal baaet there HOUSING SPANIARDS. Aa InalM I" MM I'ro lact Ih.ia l r..i.i th. luiirc.iia Mam. a. I. .7 A aliani'-r which arrivi-l here MB Samar retnirt. thai the Tagnl inaargi-nt4 have been in pna aeaainn of BMIMI lac 11. Hu.i naaa there la aaid to ba entirely aaapend ed, and all Spatnanl. in the viciintf hare aonitht relume in the houae or a liii iiaiue.i S oli, an American. Tim ininrceuta tlir at.-ii to atiai k tho rem gan, l.qi rafriiin ir..:u .. n: . t. -can., .t v. i- p i .in a thai Hi" Ameru hi i.-r v r "ii iln .r way tin n- One Hpatnaril, however, .hot an iri.un'ttt and waa reacoed kf M) who Mil II mile, and ilemamled the man'a reieaae in Ibe face of an amid mob of Taifaia, who had li ii i.aitmu Viacayan .lore' and honaea, the leader of the maurirent. beiug unable to cimtrnl them. All efforta made to induce the Viaoay ana to join in the rvTolution bare been The nutation an far aa th inanrironta are MMMM4 here are aarloaa. The ae l.'tlon of a now cabinet haa hen en to a Ki.iiiino named, a rainnnt irreconciable of unknown an tecedent and a bitter oniainent of Ak ninaldo, oapecially on Ihe queatiou of Swntah pr mnera. It la reairtel that Airuinaldo haa re fuawl to reieaae the prieouera, allhonh the cabinet decided lo accede to there- queat of General Otia for their reieaae. It la run ire. I that Airuinaliio haa ll .l to an natioii lct of Carite with a few follower.. fnaruiK aaaaaaina tlon. Thl reirl, howeTer, la denied, but lna audden cbangr of beau la not et- plained. An . xtH'.iit ion, commanded l.y (en Miller, baa left here for Ilni.o. the cap;, tal of the; of 1'anay. Tba tnai of the Kiitntenth infamrv. th" Iowa i f Intl. the MIth artlilenr in I n 'leta. Irin nt of the aiirnal rorpa. Tie MMI ahlpned n Ml "f tue ill.. - i - : . ia. N -wi.irt mi l tne rVnn.Tiv ifia Tile ateamera were r.iii vo i.y i ne L' n rui Statoa crniarr Hal time ami ili" C THE CHINA RETURNS. Hark rrt.rn Uaella aicl llric .ra II. r.. ..I Ih' It. III. Tltarr. San Franoiaoo, Viimnu Ilia paaaeliKer. li ti e .team, r C .in t w Inon arrived fn 'ii tne on. in M.niilnv n'jfiit woredrainl Duke Cyril ot Hu.-H inn lna ntdee, Lietitenania Cauaan mid Cour.e. The inaii'i .iiiae. no cou-ui of the cur, ia on M way in m. r". i n,. burn. haTiiitf nearly couin N i .... : ur of ihe world T ie other;i r the Chin . were Cii.lniii II i ie, in manner of lie iniruie. of the ll.unna and I. J. K ii hi.- v i ii, chief k'liim. r o( the i 0!viniia, who are iu their way to. Waahiniltoii .oi- MaM Mr Kinney, chairman of ll." chau.b r of coiunior-e, Horn. lulu, ia en r.nii" to Waahinifti. l'rofvaaor It '.I tinii .1 iiiiftil'T, w no hive la-en trave.inii in Jaiaiti; Mr-. 1. 1.. Ilelnti aim' ill. I .milliliter of WhettllliK, W. Va.. an i 17 nuchamed aoluiera. Ilrwo WaaM Hera Vl.n. Waabington. Deo. ii". A oiil.eram haa la-ell re.-eiv. d al III" nav ... ill moiit from Hear Admiral Dewey ankitiK for tli" immediate niaaitcli of iilllc"ra and men Ii r ai rvic mi ihe three cap lur ii e.e.. w hich .ii.' lo be re 11 tied and udded to hit fleet. llruaka i ... . . Ill HaTatia, Dec - Major JOIl faak am m, LW J Emm Your Holiday DINNERS ! Will not be Complete Unless You Buy Your Groceries From the Largest and Best Selected Stock in Bryan. Of Course I Have them I ,You Should T7nl"' Hiatal W Kxtra Fancy White Crane Flour DtttcMH Dozior Hakery Englili Km it Cakm. I Froi-h Fruit. NutM. Mince Moat. i All kinds of Pickle. fHEMEMBER WE WANT TO SELL' YOUR CHRISTMAS TUR JOHN B. MIKE. TUB THE QuartBttle ol Fine Wine Preiented Free Goon it i .' i ' i w The best Cigars in tow n. ani;aifo n- Cunn. 1' inoe ami an Juan, Forto Kim, wnto &i cabin a.uner and nuim. r m ui-vnari;. i - ...u.-r-. teamiura, eta ( MM It.aeh I alia. Callan. Fern. De. 8f. Tne United Htate ooi ht r Juttin and In baw ar riTed hen Lark el I'aaiurac AuadarltO. U. T , Dec. ilT.-On ac o lunt of t he rxienaire prairie Urea w hich I wept r the Kmwa am. Co.nai.. lie reeervation- during NoTember, dettmr. lat many tuouaanui ol acre, oi itraa., the cailleiiion who have larife berda on the reaorTalion or.' confronted with tue aenout quranou if 11 ml 1 nil i.ilurait" nflMaM M ki'P their cattle IhrnuKU . until aprimr. r larha lluraa. New Orioan, Dec J7. MaW Teche, tilvinu in LaKourche traile, turned bo mure atore the city. No lirea hat. HOLIDAY GOODS ! Our lliiliiltty Imr nan runic, nnd ire hart emre4 n tori nuh-agennj from thiit ettimn hie gentleman who dor the hiygert tni nem in thr rountrythe night Ixjurr Uhrinl- ma. There urr lot of people in (Ml i inn if; who will MJMNM1 a prririif highly if f m noriir.o our Elegant Perfumes In Neat Packages Made up for a Gilt Package. fltH IN MM M flffMl a$ortnirnt of CHINA GOODS, of all thtcriptiont that ire are telling at your ojn figure. 'e alio have ' ALBUMS. LAMP DESKS and CASES lAol H o feut you. We are not unmindful of the little onet, a large atnortment of Ty D ft ISteworLks. i .ai aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaWa. ..... ,m,,, ,, ,)!,!,(, II . ni inn. I 7'f, ,....,.... ...ii Prion .o,d inoiltly ,lr, riljht ., Mid a. Frch Wine Jellies. Williami Jelly Kerb IniUot ly Prepared. Froah Picklnl Pig Feet Plenty of Nice Apple. OHK.INVI. CI'TTKIl. EXPOSITION SALOON J.E. PONDER, Prop'r. New Stock Fine Old Whiskies, WIN KM, FTC. Come tn ttf u$. You vill art th' hri' lo l,t h.iA for ore or Money. With each $4.00 Purchaie Irom ui r I,, rriiauitlm. '.ll t" .-e u. SamaQld stand. Charles Edinburg's RESTAURANT. .KNNATTI BLOCK, - BRYAN. MMI Hot l.unchea aerve.l ijinckly at all bonri, day and night. O.srKRS, IMMBIRCKR STEAK, Ham and I'm, Hot Weiner, Head Cbeeie, Hot Coffee, Cake and all lunrhea. OAU AND SEE MK. CHARI.I-S EDINBURQ. re t a ii,, i . m