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Viv? r v ; 21) -J-j L ' try 1 . ind a Select Line Creston Clarke dv beautiful - .ie Waco Tiines-Herald M f Dm 'E4 I It He. You i Grandest Rem hail th foil wing to say i e of Mr. t'rotou Clarke, h ny ami hie new play ton Clarke an'M''" January 1, we will occupy the Saunders A M be ready for this change wo have inaugural val Sale Ever Known in Bryan. Our stock t TTTrT; mi i ' i .ju TiVC.,.,1 I'llllKTM tS Collie lMl-S A. VU 1 UIA.10, IVIB MM of all kinds cannot be matched anywhere, and will be sc - L -la JUther than lie removed. We wish to call Special attention to our stock of CHINA, which is all new, and of the latent designs. There is no old and antiuatel stock in it, but it is all new, m at, clean and up-to-date. We have a complete selection of TOYS, FIREUJORKS, and all kinda of CHRtSTTlflS Gooda. When von .-tart to htlV voiir i.r til-, conic io our mm can find exactly what you Mi yon corner, nf -aim li.-meinber. after January 1, JSaS. w . . IT). Whit Jaed M.-Kiiigli' "and began abos"111"- daugtit.r "t h. to ... ti- mm "t it u rwrbMl vent the yoiin.-r tiffbwr fell dead, pierced by a ballet. The elder girl, loading over her dead titer, was struck by another stray ballet sad mortally wounded. Wnen M Knight saw his two daughter fall he withdrew from the conflict with Hauler to ascertain the etteot of their injuries, and when he saw that one was dead and one Mai. dying he resumed the d-ad.y com hat, and killed Kasiey. A Canst mas joke caused the trouble Aimth.r Tra(.lf In Arkansas Little Kin, IW 27 - At ilamsnn. 1 r ii . m a t I a t t k. n - - - -. -. , will fmd us in our new imrters the Maunders .v .lonnson i a . r ram. -i.-. ...... .. - 1 1 i I I . I ' Itll .-.-.111 1 Tli:iiikingynu for past favors, and asking a continuance ', we are your, trtilv, JAMES & McDOUGALD. no &0ttM holle. Lovers of lillisii Ii. Adernolir., a prominent stockman n 1 thp utreet and a nuel ensued III vvnien Ad.-rholtz km mortally wounded. Too i trouble grew out of a difficulty a few iliyxii.'o Ixiu.-i'V Vl'mmtA in I 1'int , I'ace, father of th brothers, in which Captain Pace was dangerously snot and will draw a packed a bystander killed by a tray bullet will be glad to OHIO BANK HOBdED v F'HE learn that the famous Schubert Symphony Club will be here Jan. uary 4, One of Hoyt's ticst plays, "A Stranger in New York," will come January B, Tbl iliree -tars, ('lias. B. Hun ford, K. I. McLean and Odette Tyler will appear in "Komeo and Juliet" .lanuury 5). "The Honev moon" will be the iittnictioii January 10. The ixipular favorite K. It. Kite ami Kntherine Webster are booked for January U in "A ltrei y Time." The Andrews opera company with thirty-live people will be here January III. Gordon's minstrels January 17; May Smith Robbinl Jan. JO. isrsd it the PmWiiBi-i l e.rai Bseond class mall matlsr BY i DNNILI.Y. HALatritA iARNKh. muoi. laiau U:ir. aCMM-airrios Ml"" Per Week. 10c. - Per M.mth. 40. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBERS, HWI. Til I. A I BIOAL. Ileach V llovvers Mff MM of Fine Attractions. W M. Foster went in Vai last right C. B. Keek reiunieil from OettftBtM yesterday. II. E. Smith wa bete Irom Milliran yerterday. An eclipse of tli- moon occurred ear ly lint night. Kilit..r Martin of the (enteriillr Democrat, is in the city. Mr. Tom liarrett of ( alvert, i- the guest of (ten. II. B. Stoddard. Tom Fowler of Ander-on. i here vis iting Mr. and Mm. W. M. Foster. Mis. D. lilies and -later. MinlsMlt llsnly, left ye-ler.lsy 0 visit in Koes Prof. F. E. (ileeecke and Ismliy have lieen spending the holidays at New BtNMftJfl Choice -hicllid sain kraill, fresh ranlrries ami new Phone KM Beach A- Bowers gave u good old fu.-liioned blin k fa.e min-trel per formancf last night, intepolated with specialties ami 00aln with an exhibition nf Bobby Bwoh ajmaul, fresi wonderful troupe f trained dogs. ; pickles at Sanders Broa. A Co Barring a few stale gags the per formance was satisfactory through- Al.dMl. out and the audience was uppar- since stie nent Imuie enilv well .iti-lied The evening shadows linger longer heie - ... . Thewloterdayanil wmnchofthayear The coming month will oca And even summer winds are chill ami buay e at the tiran.l oper house drjsar iltnetioni I .iiowmif lust u m I lie r ! ii s li ne na nr'i at lain. The nld glsd songs breathe hut i i Cavalier" Friday night. D'-c 3d . ,..wULt mAn hidden Amusement I iv. r- ire l...kmg for- pain, , lne she went limne. ward to this event a- the greutti i m N,r llow;:;;,;:!::;;l::;i,rPr Iih.I u Slliall llll liencu .... hleasMl. y 1 1' but be nr. I, on I- atffiltitf ""t b,r entioiis ami m.iynili ei prodttO' y .y heart naih nowhere for its Hon of "The hast of His IU. ,.,,,,. and the audience WM delighted . . hMi -he went lioine beyond measure. lie hopes In ti. ing. Imig days have crept away have a better hoil-e tin- linn like years, The sunlight uss I n -limmed with large enough (OjlMtlly llll W .lonlns and fesra, regularly evervveir I now And the daik niglits have rained in . . i ... lonelv tears that liis abllltv a- an n or i- so Hince she w-nt home. generally known we tlu k there is( J. Burdeite. another. The liist will be CfWioa fiUrke'a production of a "Rafgod minor a sad hitter r It has been a Merry Christ mas time, and I wish you a very happy New Year. Fur thermore, I hope health may be with you through tbe COffllng year, but if you do Mi ick. come to me for best mtronize a home enterprise and keen voiir Money at TtiUvs lkm I rum I lie Altierlrn N -Initial ml l.liua a o.i.hI Lima, lVe -The American Na tional lonk nf I Ml eity waarohUin Sun day night of The money was taken from ine n g vauit. The riinls-ry was skil'uliv ilime, nodiimige U-.n-,' done to tlie vau.t. The money linen was in eurrrncy and gold, no silver be ing takeu. ...ia Maaaj in II u ri l.lmag. Swialia. Mo, Dec. 2S. -Frank Wil liams, c.aai nig to la- a plumis-r fr Si Ijotlta. nml Who had III his siaaesi n the card nf Fred V Frahin. aiM'.iiin n street, this eity was iirn'ie.l heri' as a sds iirmns e :irct-r. Win n searciie i in Jail, VH plain. In-1 tv gold rings weie foil . 1 1 .ewe., insliie the .ilillig "t ln iweanling whih he r.fiiM-s to m ie any i itemeiit. He is Mug held Is'ini N.' a re .lv frmn N I"i la IStkan ties a to wiieiher or not hen want there. efcaa PtssMesss openeii. Mirltsmi, Mas. , IW vT --K cht shoe factories In thiseity which were tnvol- ei in n general ntrik" w i'h nis'vorki ', ate ms in-. i . ,ucn a clnsi-e to aeeeoi indes-mienl "f unions Al tie faemrr of '. A. F'rye & ( 'o , which -III. iv- win ii iiiniiing ml liin-e. aismi 401 ii.imia, a.l cutter, went to work and lisi nands nre working in the various ih pirtnn Ii'- of the slioo The cutlers nt ill ' ' o:i! g Avenue factorv went H worn bin tln-p. were very few nanus tri the other detainments. Olan.lrra N sr Anliinl.i. San Aiii'iiuo. Dec. 'J7.-Dr. Anifn.t Luge, a veiennary urgeon, in compli ance with the slate laws, mvde afMiUvi' that II head of hor-s on the farm ( .1 V. Stanflel... miies from the city, . r. flliete.i with if.andera The conn juil li i t he entire lot kliieu ami burned at ie couniv's exis'ti.e Tl aaMBgtOO WM BMsMl to a farm in this county, :iu miles from the Stan ie piaee. BBsfWasssI "I Hank II nbsrr D-iphi. lm . Dae, -fkarlf Mdirr of Koiintsin county. Ind.. has hrouirht to this city ami m iivered to Sheriff Bridge a man w ho is ls-ii. . i tn Is- ... of the gane that hoied the bans Flora, in leeMMtaf laM. The ri-oti. r is Frsus Aden, alias Ailen Turns, and he nas la-en ilari In Jill st Covington on the ciiarg" of Mealing a home ami baxgy, ftsfru l.rnrhe.l In li'.irgla. Harm my, tia, Dee. ;'7. Jeff Bolton, colored, was lvnehid at Wisai's Bridge, two miles e.t of till, lnuce, hainnlay night lie was cuargeo w ith huving shm al Mr. Dedweylrr one mghl laat week mi i also with having burin i un Deiiwey.-r's Wn and stia-s 1 Inirs day night. Man NRatjaaM DaMMa Denton, Tex., Dee. 27. -Dan Park erson wns struck just over th eye in a tight at the depot S. umuv night and a gash cut in his, wliieii necessitate, several stitclifs to clo.e up. I'arkerson says he dcsi not know the man who strucw mm. Willi OMI War. Lima. Peru, Dec. a;. Advices from . mav i in. i if affair. I in r ii' serious Y' ing men balOOgilg H I e sst fty are Joining either side, al Iranks have lost nearly all their olors and a civil war l inevitable. r.i.riiuHli-r. Itiowssu Nsgrurs. Pana, 111 Dec. j;. The Christinas festivities Iniv resiltei in lunumrran drunken braw ls ami aiWMNM Imtwee-i union and m gro nuii uiiioii iinnsrs. Kle M of tno latter are in jail and as many more am nursing serious wminda. KUBTKN NEWS. Kurten hail a nice Xmae with a ham battle with roman candlrs and the United States club waa victorious. Mr. Walter Kdge of HunUvillcl "Ik nt Xmae at home and returned Sunday night. Mr. Burt Carroll and family of; Rin k Prairie ssnt Xmas with his mother and returned Monday. There was singing ut Mr. George! Burkhault's last Sunday night with a large atteiidunce and nice sing ing. Mr li. M. Kdgrt of (i ilvestor. MBl Xmas nt home and returned Monday night. There were several from ibis community went lo Wixon to the Xmas tree. Hoping everybody bad a nicei Xina-. Pink. A p'etty dmilile welding ws solemn iteil nt Bethel chinch l.i-t Sundsy ncrn ing, l(ev. I. M. Bnllnck lining the ollii i uting minister. The contracting parties wi re Mr Will I'aie to M m Hutlie Kl liugton and Mr. Dan IstMi l .Mrs. Cua Hamilton The Ragle i lti-nds congral illations. Voiir A I It'll I Ion Im Askeil lo the Foll'" IllK lllloiiiiccllieilt. On and after the 1st day of Jannaiv, IHtsi, 1 will run in . otinccll n witn my , I ire losuiance huiiness. I!el Kstsle, Bental and Collecting Ag' iicy, real es- ' tale Isiiight, - d oi cxi hsnged on !nh Country and City property, sh-trs.ts liiinisheil on all title.. Houses for relit will he made a specialty, we dmng lh-leiiling and lolleciinv, our patrons will not he tioilhled with dOiOfJ llipo ' own collectiDg. C'i ec,ins of Mort gage, and all other Inisiin s. ier'aiiiing thereto. As lo coininission w 1 1 Im et . Nola-y 1'nl.lic in office Kindly give us atrial. We solicit a' share o( your linsine-s. The I n.iirai c- boaiMsw will always: haw my prompt, careful ami per una: attention . will at all time. ae that my patron- are pro'ected. Asking for a 'hare of your Ileal Ks-1 lute and Insurance Imsine-a for the NcwlVesr, I am Chai l. s Carr. 7 ym CRAND OpEf?A HM)UgE r I Friday NBght, 0.c. Mr. CRESTON 4BKE I r r Miss ADFLAID . INTHEBEAUTBULCOM PRINCE y-0R4M4 "The Bagged mlier. " Handsome Costumes. Beautiful Stage Settings. Splendip Company. out i.itroiJ I 1 I 1 We are thaiAfultoour many i. customers ful to our many i r thevery liberal patronage extendi and we wish tl A Me As c.. f J lm. the rhoi.l ell earne.1 rJ Mospiuiily in' 'lor & Co; IsW 's a household r( m)w line of ii ll.l li t ii - .iiii. bona, ( i' 1 . .1 1 m n- No. 1 1 1 ,(ufk UiaraiiM - si iAn, Maiiuiior ileliverV. Am as.lgi.msni Palestine, Tet., I)oc a7. -( JsorR.i W. Ilordeaiit. id aler in g. tits' furnishings, has made an aaaigniiifut for the bMMtt J of Ma cn diiors. Win. Hmyles was aiv ff....17XZ' Sssutud triisice ; a.sets i:i,issi, llebili- Ntatloiis, gixal for iab"u' ' l.'ssi i II I I 'I' "' Vaars. fl ' I' (Hill fin Moore VHV It a V T 0- Bws, K Traill, Manager. U W. S. Wllaos, Agl. less Christm HAPPY Of YEAFYl0R cox Bryan SP R.B. all i a 1 mi." T. Ant. 1 'a Ns2 1? K Moore , " M,l.'1" Mahon. i laterv.:'siri-re-' d I Cage Uiyan, your Mni, leihune No i. misoned rouriti in II If used in a 7"W'iii, , nig dlffereuOM one Hi an, lien V""iacii!four others Hm live limes. ry sick "fy 0. Sj . Base, ; rilo of hope f ffls In tin -fella the flag loawrakcn the seat jr n .. -l.iiiiilon. ,,f . i - - n I rnlmi whiuii u bee I iiupreiii-udi V York, fTv. UsH Ht. liouis, It M 4 'r .i.U late ( M rd, trfi sii AKERY- 4ND BOARDINI frro liOi-HMB, Preprk mtW all km, Is ,, Kresli Ilnj SOMlMlly on hm,il. gJ shnrl notice for piajajaj oini runtilno L I r 1 e. ire 1 1. nverl l livtl your order at mm is :i linn,,, eiiteriirise and P' "I' tl.e.,,,. Wj, w., 111 II ft a ..... lining . .ny rule anl priot - by tbe woek oA erinl 01T0 BOE. L-We Li Tr.lllc Manager. gin '-I i i-t of Kire Is. f"-"! M Is. osst airav W Wllao. W'l It. van. TeJ ericua I t - T ,