A Happy New Ym
rear Haa4r4 Will ate .ai Mlaa
Extending the Compli
ments of the Season, we
hex to thank our friends
and the public for the lil
eral patronage we have
enjoyed the past year.
We hope to make iNoo, a
Dfj Qoodt tfadt, and we
assure- the Public that we
will continue to lead with
Up-to-date (ioods at the
Lowest Prices.
B. ETTLESON. Manager.
M .V T. Tl mi' runt. Hrwin
Jfarthhoiinl S I II II p
"loathboun.l No I "'4 Nil
orllilHiiinl So l . ' 117 a tn
4aathhunl No 4 i 1 h mi
t.xn N. Ttiu. taMt, (ni
IUI M 1 Ml.'
(fo. 1 leave. .
Ho. .1 leave.
I a m.
'i "'i in
aaTWBlN lUlil 'Mi l l'Tuh.
10. V, leave Id am.-. . ; in i in.
: i, arrive- at Hear it ! I U a. tn
11. .v r i inn- i . .Mr Hi .mo
, 1 mm
I arm.
ii p. in
r'reaii mli nf eaaH Huwt t Joha h
I Mik,. .
J. W. M.aey of Welianre, ra here
Miaa Dm k i;i.ifli.ii of llouatou, is
flailing in tirran.
1'iof. II II. Uaniafl m returaed It
Vmu yeete-dav.
Mii taenia Mom ii I elm, it viaillag
IIm I in Coi
Mr. ami Mia. Kr.mk Clarke went to
Mnera i: h ls,
1 1 lunula Iriley retnrnc! to Mma
itenlay Ml
ilr. an I Mi. Iten W.i n I Ii.-n I have
iiriit-l to Bom moat.
Iia snaie 1 1 a rr ia of llonati.'D, ia
King Miaae Christian.
I At a
Hi t
Hia Hi- r Mti I ! far lor ia ilaltina
I an. I Mr. : II. Mike.
liaaaa Mil r f I'uIN K''. fi-Hnned to
I Hhennan yeaterilay.
Txlajr l Ilia laal 'lav to M har.-aina
at f iiiilcinaa A Son'e.
Mihlnery hy whle-ale ami retail
very i-li-ap it Mia. Crm-tor'a. o
Mtaa Julia W.r l of Matlm, ia viait.
tl.- Mr an. I Mt. ... I'arker.
Mra IfraaU ami 'lauuli t-r. Miaa
0 aa. r-iuri.nl from Analtn yeetenlav.
U ila-rl VV.ahli Klon al We-t V i r I i
! f' eet.-r.Tay after a u- 1 It relative
, here.
M l.illa Mitchell a Tnrnerville,
1 .I w i county, ia vi.itioii Mira Amter
Mia A. i ll" Hollo ietnroe-1 to lion.,
ton yeeter.lay alt.-r nailing pleaaanllv
Henry Knrten, tina Htevener and
ll-tiry 'rmel er' to re fruin Kiirt.-n
Mlaa l.inie Hillyer returned to frank
li n yeaterilay alter i Mit t i Mlaa I'earl
Miaa Mamie I'at'ruuii rtiirn.-l to
He i pateail .-! r lay, after viailtlig
I'nan Maaala.
King 1 1 1 .antral f r lie correct tune,
aiipplnal from John VI. Caldwell' new
e e.-tric cock. H
rio iil .lava are ieferrel liy tia for
a.tutiif lot pliot' graplia. Willla Cle
nan I'hotogtaplier-
Ug liaiKiin at rl.Wi, a bigger hat.
Kim at fl tk, li.M.tigalethealioe aale
at Teiiiileinti a Son'a.
A lug lull waa giv.-n at W. ;la.rn l.a
night MMl a 1 1 e m I i I ly a number o'
young eo.le from I'.iyan.
9m Kent A laiae llackmith lio.
an.l paint .Imp, k in I al-o a Urge atoie
ioiiii ppiy to Ira liiairli. 3
Inn pieman a S n are rapanng to
move tl.e lemaimler of their ilry goo. I a
atork hereto S'avaaota.
Miaa M. Stalla Ntiepard baa barn
pntfaaj OMajtaaM with h.-r m th t
ami brother at Ca i, Teaa.
I'k IkfWajl tbnaa ilieaa gooila hat'
Haiti- at l'emileman A Sm'a Thnit.
lay ia the laat lav f the aale.
New Year
to All.
Do You Know
tint What you PAY is not so
iportant as What you GET ?
Wain every good point that Good
Shot s can ( 'ontain. They are
made to Fit They aw
i w '
maae to w ear.
peep Your Feet
knd.lry by wt'iirinK a pair nf CLAIM' S InvialMt Gbrh
Sllll! Slp.
MtVebb Bros.
Mg rloaiDK out .ile at Teniplenmii A
-on a to lav
I er rent heiii .i.'tual tirat ma' on
My fall in tl.e boii-e at Temp email A
I 'D'a.
Jtki pin-in pretty lrea kimmU at IfM
than i oat tialay oi ly at remplrinan A
AlH Chame if l.ibertv Hill, baa
la-en njo'inir boli.lay v i i t to le a
tivea here.
1)11 J oh naon Ina the i he.ipeat anil
tint M aatnii lea o nll paN-r anil room
I moiil llog ever w n in Hryan. l'
IMM Hri a. A Co. have pure home
math' llbttta . all-- ITTai -the lineal MS
everaaw. Tiyu. Vhona 101.
Iinona, 'Ion ii . .meet yam pota
loea, binket . arue llahlain ami PI a.
I a t applea i heap tie". Iliittta. ."'
I'repaiel aa 1'iey alwaya ara to cater
J to tin- beat Ita e, Taylor A t on an
MSjea I, 11 Minimi a Kitia I'ryi ham
paftne. III!
t'ol. I.. I.. Koaler of "liege went lo
Melum le-tenlay to anompiiiv I ia
laiuhteia, Minaea R4M it ittt Alma
K atir. who ar- attiiiiiing llaylor i-oi
ItrerUiu!)' Maid he a gia.eful ami
( -in. iiii-iii thu g if the railro. nun
pany ar .iil.l i bailge the a.-ln-.l i e of the
noilhUiiiml .lay pa-eiiger train jual
for a New Yeiir'a gift.
When In niel ol llrat rlaaa livery
MNMtVhtklM on may he am you
a III get the bMl ami l there mi tune il
you will atll on w. r. JawM wnoglfM
l ll ailMtkn lo the wanta ol Ina
i iiatoniera. S
Mra. W. N. Crewa .lie.l at ber homa
in t lila . ity yi'-U-nlav iiioruing at
Ittlork, iiinl waa huuel at ll lliel ea
lafdty llttfMaat. heleav.-a abuahanl
mil ii I'hililreu. The K.igle eiletnl
aympMhy m Ihe family tad fr inula
A ilt-tmtn W. Hi well ank John M.
IttWIMM went to HoMtM veatenlnyaa
a romnitllee from the i lly Council to in-M-aligate
the iUeation of alreet paving
aii'l rert their informaiion back to tlia
. oiincll fur guiilanre in the tee! work
to he dune beta,
a la Maa lha i'raiaara ap.
"I., i i. .... ike apaalah.
Naw York. Daa. M. A dtapatrh to
Tba Triban from Waahingtan aajra:
Tba energv with which the navy da
partment ia atranitt. mi ita forra ia
the Hacifto ia farther emphaaifl by- ita
liet-laion tn aeod 40t) enliated men aa
qolekly aa poaalbla acroaa the aj n'inent
.San FraneUco to tar taken by tba
neat mail ateamer to Hon Kong Thta
action waa taken in reapnoaa to a
reciaiaitinu from Admiral Dewey toaend
htm men to 'aka charge of the ranlnred
cruiaer Hon Juan da Anatrta, Ida de
Cuba and lala de Luzon, the two latter
veaaeia iieim now in dry dock at I! .ng
Kong, while the tirat la Iwing repaired
atCavite In the Utile of Manila on
Uat Taaaela that were annk there were
Spaniali i r. wa aggregating i-ll !!i -ra
and men, ti .- r couip.ementa la-ing ota.
ttibated aa toilowi: I Vm Jaau le Ana
Ira, W officer and 1 711 men ; lala .la
I'uha mid 11 1 d Loaon, each 81 officer
in i mni It i believ.-d by Admiral
Dawey that he can reduce theae crewe
by near. y i ne-half without d.-tr'iMiig
the efficiancr of tba veaael for ibe par
pmt of crui.ing and guanl nuty in the
I'nilipnlue gr mti.
Tba paraotinel raaooroe of the navy
will be aeverely taxed in aenuing theae
men to the Pacific juat now on account
.f the natir rv htmtatioua on the num
ber of men a!. owed m the aervice Tna
preaent peace eatahiiabmeut nrrrviilea
only I j,?.Vi m-n, but in the war miner
apecial tetn mrary authority the total
naval atrengtu nave tit nearly
Thi ligure w ill be reduced Una week to
I'.'.iaai, but I. ." thia it .- . .
uua to go. and an apneal will la
maile to congreaa a aiain aa :t :. ..., ....
ble to auth rite the iiepartineiii to re.
tain in ibe .ereice for a lew term of
veara all of tunea men who enhated lor
the war and who !--ne to remain lor
tba longer pi-ri'al S-veral tboaaaini ap.
plication Iroin tiiee abort tune men
have alreadv tan received at the navy
department nd confidenew ia .-xpreaaeil
that no iiiflh ulty will be encountered in
aecurmgeii" i-.-ti gool nu n for ih i.
ael which In Uat liecearily be kem ni
omtina.ion ,! cotigrea will give the
f'ju autnnrity
The naval nnthoritiea eipect to h-ar
f tin .1:1.1 . t!,. I ; , ...n ' i-t ,
t.imorrow w h ber 411 meu ileatined fur
, Dewey'a ahit lo Mkathe jilac-a of in.
whoae term a of anliatmeiit have lona
ago enure., .mi m,.i are anaiuaa to
I ootna boroa t 1 raeniiat on tbe Atlantic
xavat after a 1 nef ho, 111 ay Tb- Hurf4.11
la to lai coal' 1 at Hurt ai I and w III not
top again until atie r- 1 Hong Kmig
early nr: month. II irta rrceived
from Norto.k man-ate tint tta Yia.
' mite, wh en will follow ihe Baffa.o
wito on aai H and Hri maru.ea. will
Ret away w . hin two we. k. M.ait of
tba marine, arill be lanneii at Uuam 10
hold thai I. and until thu army arraugea
to opiy tb- garriaon.
Ika air al All.aaee.
Alliam-e, O . Dec 3H -The fire which
broke out in cav night i-auaed a loaa of
nver fia,an. i'he biaa ortginatel in
I'arthea' -ii.n' atore A ftoree gala fanned
Ihe flamea Tne Atwell Uoci, occupied
by the ( ' i.wv Drug ami Ciiemicai com
panv. caugni tire and I be exploiting of
Ibe liruga and chenncaia threw l uruing
ftuioa in at. mrMtioua. Daring tne fire
-Mi ii rv.11. were injure 1 K r-tn 11
Koben tin.-u waa overcome ly amoaa
and iieai aim la inaatrioua condiuon.
Kiremaii Wa.ab and I' ",i -emati Uawa.d
were aiao laidiT lajure.1. luaurance w..l
COVar about ialf Ibe loaa.
Iieelr. ihe Ifeal,
St. Ixmia. Dae. The atatement iu
tbe diipatcn 'nun New York tn the ef
fect that tn Liggett aud My era Touacoo j
,-ompany of hi city wi.l la m.i. nuai
iil with the Cnion Tobacco cnmtmn ,
the pnn-liaw price laMng placed at about
flt.OUO.UUO, ia emphatically denied iJ
Colonel M. 1 '. Wetmnre, who I al tne
beau ol tne former company. "It t all ,
a fake." uec.ared Mr Wetmore I'm n
Tolaccn coiunany never i'iTrre.1 to my
the Liggett nno Myera Tobacco com- '
(any. ami L.itaett and Myera ooui)iiy
never njfaTI 1 to aell to Ibe In. on I.
bacco comix ny, or any one eiaa."
..an .' Ilaukler ll-l
ThoniMville, (ia . Dec. H -Mix Mer-
lea i,n 1 daiu'hter ! Hi" late t 'a-
it 1 1 lir.-i.i, the Cubtn .evier, died ut
the I'liieywiMMla bote, 111 thta city Too
day evening of conaumption Toe laaiy j
will la- emb uied and taked lo Cuba on
the warabni which the Ciitted State
ha delgiit"d toconvey the f in.ini- of
BMaa tin ta hick to ma uaiivu c nin
try. i
ni-. 'aiainmi'i Waiidias.
(ln Kidge, N. J. Dec. Tba
wedding of Miaa Olive PalttaaflOa Samp
aon, ilaught' r of Hear Annum, Samp,
on, ami 11.- iry Hairion Si-ntt i f ni
h'raiiciat ii w il take place here on Jan. i
at the Qlag Mip Coiigregatioual
Hill lie, I lll.li... ,(,.
Chicago, Deo. IH Lonta Mil k, aged
lit, chore , nmque and horrible ajMhod
to end hi lite. Hi lifted a lid 'mill Uin
love and held ma head ugaiuai the
glowing ci. untn li.- m a burn, d
v. rely that died a few houra iater.
Tl.e . ,1111 n Will l.aa. llira. Ilafa.
Noa- Orieiina, Dec. n The Snutln rn
Knucati1.11.il aaaocia t l.m . compoied of
edlicili ra "i ml the mui'hi rn atati-a. ,im
111 minual c vanttnn here Th.ve are
about 400 ui tuber in atn udmuv.
Thanking my patrons for their Lib
eral Patronage and wishing one
and all a Happy New Year. I desirt
to say that I still have a beautiW
New Year presents, which
close out at very low prices.
ble WaLafk.
NEW MARKET, "-"wehi
1 nr. 1 a .anil iimiMvi w
M:v plan. DALLAS and other CitiJ
And Bryan has at good Market Service at any City. -i
PRICES NO HIGHER! ,u' ;; : - -lu
FREE OELIVERY to any part ..f the City.
Gooeh llnililing. Racket
stor.- Btoek,
Stanley & Uk
k I - aV
OTTO liOlfUMI: . Proprieto
AH kiiuii of Fm
' - ' 1 , t ' v i.n .. !
alniit notic- i ,r iirnica arid barhAaJ
lunning a Free Dalivarv ataaaai wJ
' af -
.1 iner your order at v.iur iiar. Mvi
ia .1 lion . enterpria and deaervea thm
i tne .-.iie witti whom J iiveai
my money My rntea are 1.00 ier
t.iird, with hjaycial pricee liy the week or month, f
r r
Stock of Dry Goods to be sold by Jam
1898. and in order to do
decided to place our enl
the market
At Cost, tf di o
1 2 3 4 5 6
v i n x e r
n u
x v
7 8 9 0
a c u m 'mmmm
0 m ICaS mniMai
These are our cost and selling marks. Cut
them out and bring them with you.
Next Door to . I. IJ. Alike.