Newspaper Page Text
IfBrn Bborntng Eagle. Vol .IV No. 29 BRYAN, TEXAS. FRTDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 30, 1898. Price 5 cents A Merry Xms, HAPPY Ti all lover of (mkkI Eating. Are you a cuto of oura? If iini, an It your neighlair about un. Our methoda .buainm are new and'. We are conittantly adding U odi to our already law htix-k of Fancy (irocerie. (tock of fm y (rocerien in the large! ver brought to Hi. We guar.i in i iM'MMaMMA FRESHNESS, QUALITY, and . . . PRICE, Of our good. Y are vrry grateful to our cu.tniiic; f .r tlie liberal lutrotiiig'1 we have enjoy! aii'l hope for it- siiiinnc, YOURS, VERY TRULY, HOWELL BRIS. u a trial. Prompt Attention to All Orders, UaaPlCTFULLY, O. G. PARSONP, A Full .mil coniie(.- hue i,t CmidieN, Fruit-, Nuln.1 i, Fumy (irn erif, Klc. Heai.unrter. fur Fih, yrer- ami S,t ,,rde'r Imui-e. LEVY BROTHERS' SUGGESTION F)R Christmas Gifts! There Ii ihi puraa o ilrmUr that it 111 not Hint BMe) ru. within L , ,,m. M If rail wantaiiinrililiiK trlkliix In Ihe way of Km Kt.Ril a. , ti your laate and a can alio arallfr Hi more . MaftMMw la.l for HinHliIng aMHBajMay sets ; Arc the hanilMiiiii-it ami moit con.lale In Hie Hair, while In lirii WOM ICITt waaaaflaaMUW Mat iMMlaW, WHITE ENAMEL HON BEOS "llli Prriier an.l Wa.httaml Inmati h yu an aim llli.l will, a Side Boards, Extentioo Tables, CHIFFONIERS. FANCY There Ii an almoil eullc variety la Hia Carpets, Art Squares and Rugs .arty at remarkalily low prlcri. Wall wlih tho l.iiylni of your CROCK ERY AND GLASSWARE llll you have ibrnuali ..iir aaort menl Von can money hy lralla( "Kb Levy N. B. We Lend Tablet and ChairilorJEnlcrtainmcnls;arReaionable Ralei NEW YEAR PARSOS' Bottling brks, BRYAN, TIA8. blawgvd tad ufTOghlf Bqnippad with NW AMI IMPROVED Mill I N KRY. Strictly rt--Ue nnd Dp to -dale I nt. I'm jiareil tn liill nrrf, large or miuiII lor . SiTv ''ure Wholesome ft i) High Grade Jda Waler (t All Flavor. Wlmeale ami I ' lii tail, Sat i -1'.,. On guar anteed. Prfol - rnt, Bifl IIMIH Diners, WardrobcsJc TABLES and HALL RACKS aelect fmin We haea rlalil l.i Mat Bros I'alicy of the r tilted States In Iti-Kuril to ii ha ii ( iistoms and Taxes. FOREIGN GOLD Will BEACCKPTED Hut the relative Value Is Fixed lr. the l'reident, AImi a to Silver Coin. HAVANA FORTS ARE BEING ABANDONED pnlli Troop trc lmlnr Icim Int to tin- Term iif tgleimml Aim rican. taking I bance at Place. Washington, Dm -Th pr ai l- i' ban tu"i an oro.-r a to the uapnatml ofcti. in-, and poatal dnea in 1 t'ul. afi. r Jan I Thai order rawda: I It i. iii.-a,law i irilnnwi th-ef nn pain I nf tcrJan. I, lew. and until otherwie protil, ait ru.tom. tax-, pob.ic and Ktal one in iliatricta io Cola ehall l pi. . .a I :u!e i .-late, money or in lor t -ign goid coin ucii aa A.pno-i-iiio, (OHMM), ajaj Krencn Imi. Which Will he aooapaad in payment fo; auch cu.tom., taaea, pnhlic and poaiai ilu at the following rate : Alpbonat pi i. l U mi, k'i franc), f l 1 .. n a n-tuig on tract for laying money ebail b-payatnr in in- ii'-r :. noinliiate-i in ui ii conlruei, and where French and Hoanwli gum hall be itipolated aa the money of pay ment they (hall be p-c-ived at their peasant decreed tuflttel valne. i. e. , Alphonnno- CJS peeeta piece). .VJ0; Loai. (.'" franc piece). 14.24; or tn I'iiiImI State money at the relative vauea M't forth in tb atore taiae, name r, 4 S for Alphoaatno, (K. piwia piece), and pi HH for Umu, (M franc puice) "It i further orlerei tiial M and after January I. Ihtrt), and until furtbei pp v.ded, the following Stuab silvet com., now in circulation on the uland of t'nba. hall be received for caatonaa, tale, p ilu c and poatal Out at tbe fol lowing filed rate aa American money : The poo, M ii nt ; niiin . . :n centaj peaeta, 12 cent; real, a centM medio real, ricenia llroni-i and ropoei com., now i-tirn'Ut in tho i.Uud of Cu ba, wil. lie receivml at their far.) vain for friction ; pin of dollar, in aingl pat ii hi t in i'n a it nut - v - ting 1 -' ci a'. i"n" p'.eta i" FIGHTITG FOR CONTROL. yailiral 4l,p.Mieg Kach o-.her r,i Havana aireel Hal. way. Havana, Dec. 2V Order ta betni; ree.iahli.hed her.- Tbe Spanuh an thoritie are fulfilling their dntie ir part of the city not evacuated by tin 8nih tmnpe. American ldier hH gnird in the antral part ami the i'u an ,'nri e in the .ulmrli. I lie American and foreign yndicatc no l.ow tug great intere.t in u. of tb" coiitnvery over tre t railroa. line. Kvpre.i'ntalive of the I 'nuaomt and New York ayndicate in-i-i lint i coiiiiny will conclude the .ale a ar ranged The Indie comimny, nn i tin oilier which hate comlmicd .igaiiiat tie tlr.t uaiueii, are ready to buy the ahan-i al the publ.c aucllon w hich Civil tiov ernor lhcaatro na ordered for tomor row. Tho civil governor i Hied in hi pnriHr and threaten impriuinmeut t tin- i Itlcial of the comny If the innke a private Bale without legnllfv li conn ilielice, lunch elcltcmellt rt'lgll II -I financial i irie and .lian a of the com pan an' n.llig Colonel Hilar, collector of cu.tom. ha givi n nulli'o to merelaiiita Hint ctu loin dntte iiiiix U ttd in Atnericai' III. 'Ill V. I '..1.. Ill-I III., til -lll.lllllteil t. i ral I i "'.. hi plan for tbe admiti tilratioa of ti uatom bonae. Prufer enco will bo git en to Cuiian, but at tin lieglnuiug all tho employe will tint I changed. t'hief of Tolico McCttliagh I watch tng American i nuiluaU, who are com lug in large numtier Welnewlay is ei'rt afe breaker arrived here. Tin chief ii. in, llther Amen can crookt are al;. watched. The Nlllllgiie. canted amii'lv, Imt It I- I. leved that fear of them are dagger Aliont 1600 Span tab troot left Ilu vnna from the mciiuiv of iha ilac -the ar.eiial. Morrn" and I'aliaii.i ,'ortrtia for liuanajav Wednesday. Two ci mi i ut on . of 1. nii'vivanbi vol autecr. u inter M.ij-ir Meyer, n gonn in Mi. 1 '. ri. . -. v urn n( the Two Hnndre. and .'roini Xi w Y"rk regiment, raie ill-- American flag over the municipe holding, of Muriel in i iii! pre.ence ol a number of notable purou ani peoph oul of town To colonel ciowl MM ra tion to be distributed to the poor, ana the ureal wu celebrated by a ball on Wednesday night. Colonel Ssyburn will go to Oabaoai and Babia Hooda from Mahal In order to distribute ratien. CAPTURE OF ILOILO. -- a If the I. Hi la. '.nu l',1 AgelM aaiertaas. Manila, Dee. 29. -Further detail re garding toe necupatlon of Hollo by the inturgeiit have been received bera Tba American eipeditton commanded by Brigadier (ientral Milier. arrived there im-miay and fouud tbe Spaniarde had evacuated tb place on Saturday, ii board the rtramer Cburnoa, ana bad been transferred to tne lalan I of Mints no, in accordance with an agreement arrived at wttb the itiaunrent. Tba lat ter ei.t-rt-1 II i.o and occupied tha 'rencbea on Monday at noon. They iro mediately established a municipal gov eminent and placed guard over foreign property. Tne inaurgenu are friendly, lulel and orderly, allboogh ther- baa lawn aome looting at mgbt, but the booting of fire native baa bad an ei- empiary effect uon the rest, Admiral Daway coaatden tt absolute. eeaaary that a fint-ciaaa tateeman to l Ihonmgh.y luvc- tigat. the liuation and aortaiu tne of the Kilipino Kepuiiln-an He further tatea that tba United HlaU-4 mot accept li.eir repon.ibilitie in th Hbl llpplne which ha been aumin d by iTfBaal If ibey el. irk tbi duty they would put lhmelve back IKW year id tbe world'a bwtory. Tbe tlrt Kepnbli ran gcivrrnment lie re rtaigned over the iueition of American intervention a II.. g. i i-riiiii- M - ! II.' l':i..ippine I . binda. Owner of property desire Amerv can cooperation. Tbe present tempora ry cabinet, which will eterciee power pending Ihe election, i very antl-Amer-ican. It allowa of no American corpo ration whatever and wauta to declare a free republic and conanler tbe Amen oana alltaa. It i willing to grant a lib eral colonul treaty wtib a monopoly of the mine and railway and will repay the eipenaea of American occupation ot ST ."tn WILL LAY CABLES. fblllepla lalaaa Will He IMaee.1 la Tesch With tarh Olh.p. New York. law. Colonel Kim lironffb of the ipoartenuaater' depart men! in the army has received order to ecnre at once an iron bip of from UK) to i .-Kitom for use aa a cable abip to .ay cable to no) aw lit the ialanda of tha Phil ippine. The department lia already onleri d for tbi WfM 1WI mllee of marine cable weighing UV ton. Tbe cable will take about 6t00 cable feet for colling. Th" cable U to he coiled in keletou tank in different bold on the Teasel. The cable hip must acronimie date mi tne forward deck lbs "giving i.oi" machinery, which will weigh from la to 21! ton, and Ihe aii-eaaoriea weigh ing from U to 10 tor.. In trie after hind will ! fltte.1 out tne quarter for inn. crew of 20 men. Thi anace will ba naed for coal on tn- way out. Tbe ahip will tie kept on a'ation aa a cab e bp, at can, if neceaaarr, )' ilel a a tnuapott. She u to be teenred ai once. nrrle.l al Hie Chicago, li-,- .".1 Weiey Mirritt, who holidar m ihi tttT, - .1, M 1 i- i-tti u ('.wnnt.'g me waa verr mncli nrpnl to bear of li e MfMMtfV Iloliobv lielierai lil'i to tile iii.urg-!ll. tieneral Merrill la-.n-ve II. eiirr.-n... 1 may have I en an uiientionai M the latrt of ihe Stun an I 10 ma.- il OirhVnlt for tie I 11. 1-0 Mite, in gun control of tbe Philippine olami l.ulu I" Maella, Philadelphia, Dee t --The Yo emit haa gone 10 Norfolk. After Wing fl:ti out in the navyyanl tliere he mi. pn ceed lo Manila with auptulea aim 4 men for Admiral Hewer. Sbe la uuner couiinauil of I'mnniantler II. S. Id- ; 1 will go to th- Philippine by way nf tb Sue canal, nod afier reaching M int. 1 an 1 turning over nupl'liea and men M Aninirai 1 ieer. the Yoaennte will tiro peed lo tiiiain, the ip-w I'uitcd St.ui poaaeMinn in 1 be Ltdn n .'a. a llurlril In Indian Padllnaa. Arkanaa City, Kan., D'c. 2ft Aleg Wahoo, the 1 1 le.lltl nil el of i ne Kaw tnlie of Indian, whonied al the agency on Saturdav, wa buried in the Indian faahion. Hi hnr.n wa hot and placed over hi grave, and over that waa ereot id a new lent pun-bawd for the occa alon. Weuhoo wa euppueeil to bav been almut U.N yean old at tbe time of bla death. Hi father wa one of the moat noted of Indian chiefs, and al one 1 tiniri turned Alei. mil of hi family for commitllug ...iiie .light iin.teineaiior He remained an outcast for aome time, hut M tiually taken back. A rraiale IrleiMl'i Kaeape. South Hend, Iutl., Den. U. Mr Hurkei, who wa arreted for alleged , connection with tbe Hichlaiid, Mich., , Iiiii ami waa cimfliued in the ; ciiy polnc aiation, baa uyalenoualy die apiieared from bvr iioarter. An open THE "Original r itter having had a larg & successful busine" during 1898. desire thank his patrons & it, and to wish on Happy New Yea Remember erything in eery line, touch the prices. JOHN B. The Original Cutter.i THE exposi' J. E. New Stock i Come to tt QuartBttle ol Fme Wine Presented Free ;! HKSI AI UANT In The best Cigars in town, fall t..ja winnow of ent. llealb a4 a .1. ...... i .1 . Placeiviile, Cal . IVc .11 . Kohert V 1 Holer' -11, forineny a well known t'hlcago newnaa-r man and founder of Tbe Nugget . f thla p.ace, is dead of con- umntion He a one of the most widely know 1 natwte on tbe coat. A widow lunu. i mm. w. ,.i.,,i.i , Knirrt Hi,,. ..ii Chicago, Dec. 3a. Bdward KoUoy, a well known aaloon keeper of tni citv accidentally bol and killeil h.maeif He thnw a pistol ujion tbe floor saying it waa "no gm-o It was discharged. tba bullet iiw rciig one of hie eyes. H died in 10 ininntea T- Mure -iroa.l. Cuthre. (). T. Dec . Two nur death- ! . Ill 111 , p.i nre lepjirieti :r -Htronil. Mr and Mr. Jai kaon Karr an 1 M-vrai new cases are also tei. re HOLm in neat rackagt Then irr hare an r'l.nint 1110 ttrriij(ion that u e nre r King at ' ALBUMS. LAMP to pleane. yon. ' HV orf nof tin mi large auortmmt of Toys. Dolls. and uthrr thiwp that fladden , fs I 1 Ir & Lii ir ji HV cannot uofjie P n i hmt lo tt the I Pricn and qualiln 4 rijht. HV are to turt BOTH AUK ei'fc you fo rvmt in U intjxrtctime to fcuy COMB, nnfraf During the ruth of the IloHdaya, e aiil not loea i DKMBTHKNT, aa tl FIRST I L WAYS, ami you can lie aeatirnl ihey will receive tba rloeestaM the price will be right, that ii if vnu wiah them put up conMstent with the tlrel .piality ol meilirimi. BEN S. 1 - - I handle ev the Gro-i and alwayi( bottom on MIKE PC flat u$. You villi for lore WitheTeh'sd Charles, " ' ' iincM f f 8TB0, Ham Head car CALL pi your ot DESKS nil i'n I oi Ffrl the hrnrii tf I REi L laJaWllHail I a