OCR Interpretation

Bryan morning eagle. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1898-1909, October 01, 1899, Image 6

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088652/1899-10-01/ed-1/seq-6/

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a- 1
In KHlon Yr.terdav, To.lity
and Tomorrow mt KrlUncr.
The Kaglo reporter attended the
mealing of the IJrjran I'.ajitidt As
sociation held with K-Iian
ohurcli yesterday. The attend
ados wa good. Tlie I i t l !cla
atf apjieard below.
The opening (mtiukH waa preach
datll, by Kev. (J. A K-Hter.
Text, Kpln-siuriH, fi-10. After the
termor) an excellent dinner wan
spread, and enjoyed by the largo
The house wu called to order
oy Moderator J M Zimmerman, of
Kurtett, at 1:30 p in, who read the
iJlh chtp'.er of U )inns.
Prayer by Dr F M Law.
Kev K 1) Wil-on and Br Jther C
E W'hitington were apdiiitcd a
committee to read credential.
IVIeaies from different cliurclica
were aa follow:
Providence (i A Foster, C I'
rotter, alternate 1 T (ioodwin.
Teac h CieekG V I'ri- e, J S
Svmisis, W K Sviiudk, W H Dixon.
"bethel II 6 Kermixon, V 5
McU.unj?, W II Wi'. v.
C'otioiiwond T K Shaw, J II
Thouia, T M Turner.
Tl)(ili J M .iililiieriniili, Jnhii
FoxierSr, J V Mn jip.ird.
Thompson Creek C (' Diil.incy,
V K Conway, II () ('linn y.
M inter fprnigJ 15 N. t'ly, J JI
Met! regor.
Iiryan Ir F M Law, Dr II 1)
WilKim, T It l!.itt.;, ulternaifri J V
Howell, J A Moore.
SuinU KeittH Ilev S C Martin,
Rev 8 It M vClung, Cha I'eteM.
Henry 1'riiirie It Orear, Koht
Blythe, J D Power
Kocky Kide K V Mathews, J
L HiuiH, alternates II T Walker, .1
II lloriifhy.
Reliance IImv J M Bullock, W
B Knglinh, A W .Shealy, alternates
C C Morgan, J It Smith.
The election of nflicer for the
niMiiiiig year recalled an follow:
J M Zimmerman, re-i'lectcd mod
erator; T T liodwin, re-elected
secretary; A W Hiealy, re-elected
treasurer; Uv Iiullock,corrPdpoiid
inp Kecretury.
1 he billowing committeeH were
Iivin Servic- I'antor mid dea
con of Keiiiinco church ami L'ha
Finance J I. SymniP, John
Fouler, W II Wiley.
Home MiKxion J J Conway, Dr
WiUon.W S Dixon.
Stute Miaeioin Dr. F. M. Law,
Kev. Bullock, K. O'Ucar.
A'Hociational Mission I i c v .
Pouter, W. K. Syinini, J. II. Mc
Gregor. Kducation Dr. Wilnon, It. W.
MaltheWH, E. Shaw.
Sunday School Cha. IVtern,
T M Turner, J W Sheppard.
Aged Minister' Itelief Il-v. S
C Martin, J B Neoly, J W Shep
lurd. Orphan lloim; W. B. Knglinh,
II () Conway, II O Fergunon.
OliituarvH F Kennedv, Itobt.
Blythe, W L Dixon.
Foreign Minnionn Dr. Law, A
W Shealy, J M Bullock.
The board member for tli en
wiling year are: Dr WiUon, Bryan;
J II 'eedon, Saint Itcdt; T H
Shaw, Cottonwood; F M l'reddy,
Henry I'rnirie; .1 B Neely, Minter
Spring!; Kev FoMcr, I'roviileiice;
li V. Orr, Teach Creek; It W
Matliewx, Itockey llidi;e; W T
.loned, IMIaiiee; Ja.d .1 Conway,
J W Nheppald.
Song I'r.iMM Cod from whom
nil hlcx-iii:;. Il iw,
Ulleine-d inediiig ud jouriiod un
til '.I a in Monday.
Divine Cervicrd will lie held to-
llaiiKli Marriott.
Mr. J. Marl; Jlauli of Sonora'
Texan, nnd Mi-n Ml la Marriott
vill he m i r r i 1 at tli" home of the
'iri'le'n I'lr-n''. I'ro!'. an I Mr-. Iv
E. Mrrriott. t li i - id iruin r at 1; u.
1,1.. Kev. .1. M. Dll!!... 1. nlliei ilill;'.
J'lie hill ! one of the pretty
and popular Brin ountv girN
who had the he-t tt i-loJ ofa 1 . 1 1" .
ein le "f frii lid", hili- the j.-r i ii
had been a htlldetit lit (lie A. all I
Si. Cullene, Itlid has made friend"
with nil wh have net him.
I'lley will tnakc their Icluc ;it
Sonora. The Eagle extends hear
ty congratulation-!.
Bryan, Texan.
lfflcel ever Jamei Drag ttore. Rei
idsnce rbone 131.
Of the Firth HuuiUjr Mrrtlnff to
be llfltl Mt Cottonwooil
Cliuri'h October '2tl,
aud 1H.
The fifth Sunday meeting of
of tun Worker luntitute will Iw
held with Cottonwood BplM
church Friday, Saturday and
Sunday, Oct. 27, 2S and 2'.).
Introductory Mention Friday at
11 a. in., by It-v. K. D. Wildoii.
Fiit, "How f halt we know the
the Church that Jcdu Chrint or
ganized." Ilev. U. D. Wilii,
J. M. Zimmerman and D. S
Second, "Holy Spirit Work."
Itev. S. U. MoClung, W. S. Dixon
and 0. W. Trice.
Third, 'ila the Day of Mira
cle Ceed, if no, When?" Dr.
F. M. Law and A. W.Buchanan.
Fourth, "If There id no Saving
Ellicacy in Baptixm, Why do Bap
tint Baptize." Itev. J. M. Bui
lock, Phillip Andrew and W. S.
Fifth, "Can a Church Pronper
and be a Light to the World that
duo not Practice Di-ciplinc." Rev.
1. A. Foter, J. II Suber and A.
W. Buchanan.
Sixth, "! tin! Spirit of Mii-dion
the Spirit of Chrit." Kev. J. A
Wadnworth, Dr. F. M. Law und
T. T. ( ioodwiu.
Seventh, "Seripturalne- and
Coiididtency of Kaptidt Commuii.
ion." Kev. It. D. Wildoii.
In Memory of Thou. MorKiiti.
It' Hid, Had indeed to record the
death of our young friend and
brother, Mr. Thos II. Morgan, who
died on the eve of Sept 4lh at the
home of hi parents, Mr. and Mr.
W. II. Morgan in the Reliance
He wa taken with congestion of
the brain on Saturday Sept. 2nd
and continued to grow woro un
il the end and at the time Mated
amiddt a bout of sorrowing rela
tive and friend he breathed hi.
last. Who had even thought of his be
ing mo ill, until he lay cold in
death? Truly 'iod move in a
mvdterioud way hi wonders to
perforin ."
Tom wa only in hi 17th year
hut no boyidh trail did he poddedd.
He wa manly, noble mid brave
und had placed hi aim in life
high; but (io 1 raw fit to take him
to a realm of love where hi future
will be far brighter.
He wa converted and joined the
haptidt church in the dimimer of
1 S'.lS, umi from then to hi death
lived an earncdt Chridtian, ever
ready fr nervice for hi Lord. In
our B. V. P. I". w e had not u mem-
ler more conecrated or more
faithful to the cause, and although
we realize hi joining u greater
union, we'll mourn after him for
we'll mid him oh! we'll mid him.
Some two or three year ago lit
tle Milton Morgan parsed into the
brighter world and now Toiu had
gone to meet him. One by one the
Imkd of the happy family chain
didappear but they are not lo.-t;
rather treasured in Heaven.
We can only point the bereaved
family to the lamb of (iod who
comfort the di-trede I. You'll
mid hi, loving Moiled, gentle word
and hi ever ready helping hand
but may the dear ,-rd helpyoiito
diilmilt to his will m,, ity ;l js
We, lll is ve.
Now lay tid ile tin-1' irinenlB,
Unit Tli'illiud Unit to ut'.it;
'I'lui (niiiid nre ii i all over,
l li it TImiiii.ih ii-ii iii ln'ur.
Mli'U'l' 'nee id ill III!' h e,
Mint no niie evi-r in l 1 1 .
He o ce v. i w i I frert i,., inure,
Hi- .!e i-lll.t V' - M i 1 1 .
No ilium Io- ) t, t ! niiilrs of love,
Voit In IC mi eui t!i i nil d' e;
N i mure an I'- in i- in t l,c .idt ,
A cm, slant lie per be.
Althoii 'h t'l end iii'lei'd l i knmv,
1 1 id I I v s neul Ii tlie -"-I;
tin fi'lier, moiber ila not it ii Him ,
111- -i iil 1m with bis Ii"!,
Ah! brother-, mMcs t ie d i dad,
To 'ri with one so iIi-hi ,
Hill (iml csn comfort your poor lie.irta,
II you to bim ilraw in nr.
(iod kll iwx the pui n h you'll daily bear,
He knows bow end tbe lioine;
Put be in mercy "Kve dear Tom,
And lie deserves bis own.
One tlioiiL'bt ill roine to all liii friends
Whim lixikiiiK o'er bis (jrave;
That tin though K'iue has iwei tly
A Cbrintian Btronn and brave,
M. B.
Cmm Kr Cmmm mt JkIm rM
t raalartlll.
Jackaon, Mi-. Spt :n - rWrrtur.T
Cunur ut lh state board, inM a
uunimt Friday night to tha f ffm-t
that on new can of jrrllow trrtr had
arfl In tbo city on that day, in
patient beitii( Cbarlen Ellintt.a Wentrrn
Union mrd-ner tr. "'ii ia a new
point of InfWtinn, Xht Elliott rl !ne
bmK on Capitol 'rwt in tha bart f
tlid liiimnid i!itricL
Fniir fnuiiiies ae-iipy tie) mum honso
aiiJ lin y will ail tw tent U lt Juteri
tluu camp. I 'ui ti.-ita i paralycmL
Tmm ! sail lth.
Jackoill, Minn., Sept 0. --Two new
eaw of yell' w fcvi-r mul one death wa
repnrie.l t mU. Mr 1. Wmu hai
fruin tha ili esiw.
Ketvalt luur Smw Ci
Ker Went. Fla. Sept. HO. Tba new
eam of yellow fever Friday number "4.
One death reported.
New Orleans, Sept aa --The board of
health re,d,rt thr. n.w caar. of ye.
low fever here. Tbera have been no
death this Week.
TUe siiikIu rasa In I'la Uemine parish,
St miles Iwlow the city, resulted in
hr at aalertllla.
Washington. S..pt 80. -The yellow
fever dmpiiti hes to Hurj(eou Oetieral
Wyiiian rejHirt three uew canes at Sow
Oneaus and live persons uow ill of the
fever at Celiterville, Mid.
Itoaf Mule laalllula llurned.
Little n.-k. Sent :t").- A fire br.ke
out in the Arkaimas I leaf Mutu 'uti
tnte, one mile west of tha city limit,
and Kui ni" 1 such headway that ull the
brn'k luililiiii;dcouiirid.nK the imttitii
tinii were destroyed. Twenty-Kva teach
ers and other euiployea sleeping in the
main ImildiliK Were all reacued. There
were no niiils in the buildiiiKd, the an
imal vaeatlnii Hot havlllK terminated.
Lms will bu lloo.idKi, with no luatir
auee. Itule hy Klaad.
Anatin. Sept. :i'i - Hon A. C. TIi.hiiii
kins. metniier of the legislature from
Waller county, slates that the n tvnt
flixxl in llrazos river wrought geat ruin
to the agricultural interests of that
county. 'Thecotton receipts at lleiup
tead laat yetr were over Kdl l.aies. "
said Mr. Thompktns. "and this year's
receipts there will nut lie to vicwd I.VM
llffaraaras Adjaalarf.
Chicago. Seit IM. -Tbe differenced U- wealt'nest catlleim-u in llw I'.m-
tween organized lalau and the festival ""'""e have many Jtiouaands of acres of
aud federal ciunmittees have lieeii ami- ,Uto 1;i"'1'4 'ein ed and their large herds
cably adjiidted, and it is announced o' caiile graang tlier.-.m. witlm.u hav
that'the ciriieratoiw of tbe new poatof- ilK paid a cent to the state, ltiacharg-
rice would i made in a'conIaiice with '' "l!U """ "''""'uhii hi particular owes
the original programme Tbe stone ,ul" ,l,,t h than liKi.Oidi n, ba, k
will lie cut liv un. ,,ti men from a Muck r8,lUl f"r ut8 l'"ls unlawfully iktcu
of Illinois st.me. 'P''"1 by hiL'i.
Illlanis aail New Vurk fur llrraa.
New York, Sept. ;in. After a confer
ence latiug some time tim hern be-twei-ii
Kii'kanl Croker and Mayor liar
riaoli of Chicago, the latter alinotiiiced
that the delegations from Illinois and
New York to the Ilemocratic national
convention will support llryau for the
preside utnl nomination.
Knimaer rarpls liasd.
F.agle Pass, Tel., Sept. :.-J. T.
Farris, the engineer who was ao badly
injured Wednimday evening in the
wreck un tbe Mexicau National, died at
the railroad h wpilaL Mr. Farria was a
prominent Maaoii and hia retuaius will
be taken to St Louis for burial.
t ire la a l-aalalaaa Tow a.
New Orleans, Sept. II0.--A thsastmna
fire at ( attahuca destroyeil one-half of !
me town. Meveuteeii liullilinK Were
destroyed and only three stores are left
on Front street There was f 1700 in
surance while the loss amounts to
thousands of dollars.
leillrteil fur
OiattiiniMiL'a. Si'pt.
:tu. Miss Julia
Murrison, the actress,
was indicted by
the raii'l jury in this county for the
liiunlerof Frank l."i'leiilieimcr of tlm
"Mr. Piaster of Paris" coiiiMiny ut the
nHTa hoiis in linn city ell i ilday i-vt'li-in,
S't.t. '."J.
Arre.leil un an Olil I liarae.
R.iitb McAl.'Mer I. T , s..pt. :tn - A
party waa urn "ted near hern chari d I
with iniiri'i r coiiiiintted in Cleburne i
county, irkaiiaas, '.l year. silt. a. lie
was turned over to tlie din rilT of Cli
Imrtii' coiiiily. where be will taken for
Vi riioii, Tex.,
S." .1. e I I I the cn-e
I! S. Kilid, 'rai -if. rr. 1
mil l r to laid coiii.i v,
wa. chari"! with lh"
Of the t:lt.' V
from Aniitrniii;
in winch I'.lln
iiitird. r -f I in i; 1
the jure return-'
i V' lli nn ,1 ,.ii. '.'S. I-:1-,
I a ver-'.i : i f not i:m;
ty and tin-
I, i Hit w.n .li- . hari:. -d.
Oril.Tr.l I t in
Johaniit; bur. S- pi " i
i;re.it i ti'iteiii. nt in coii-eij
ili-r to the c-itntiiaii'li-rt !
Held. Part of the .lolnii.iu
There i
in f or
iaku tin
burn I'orpd
i are ii-M'iiililim;.
! K"iie to the front
I . -i .t ; . It rid. rd have
XII.. .lime. Ilrml.
Sherman, Te , S. pt. :in - I ,- t It ha.
cl.i. aiiotln r victim of the lleinb r
Mm l'i rry k'u expliinii. Mixdjoin i.
tin y i ui ii lady who had bitb feet blnun
off and was otherwise injured, Hiiccumb
ed at last.
M.Tiir MiorlrldKa lieait.
(lainesville, Tex., Sept. IIIJ.-J. It.
ShorlridK", mayor of U.oiiesvllle, died
here after nn illness of fuur weeks, lb
was servinif his third tern la mayor un .
was universally popular,
pMbh 8bll Mt mt SlkdrU to
Ctsbll m t mtmm,
MadriiL Sept 3). A uieetin; of It
pabUcam wa helJ here Frulay which
wm attended by 60U0 prraont. Amonj
thoM prednt were a number of leadinit
Frmii'Ii. Italian aud I'urtuKu Itwpub-
licaua Sereral vinldiit iecbM wera
niade in the courw of which monarchy
wan attacked.
At Dim IliirRiMi C'dllmho conreda a
cininittee wa appointtxl u mtablinh a
It I'tlluh.lll II liii IL
A rrwiliitioii wa pmu1 illanni
that teM m taken to wiiri- tht IiIith
tiounf the Spanieh pridoiier h 'li by
.lie iuMirfiit in the Itiilippiuea.
Him bb4 llraHM DfiKlnil.
Macm. M.v. Hept 3H.-riiBrleSiinni
a'i l Frank Itrazilo wera found gmlir of
Kraud laro-ny her aud each aeiiteiie d
to two year in the penitentiary, (ieo.
Setters waa jointly indicted with the
defendants, but turned atate'a evidence:
His confederates bribed bim to lir. uk
1ail ai.d malra (iff km h via i ..rt ..f
UwXy aftr iniin(? mUitv; ,.VU.11(V.
u wraiwl and when the w
n.iu n,.Ii.r u,,i. u.
Clsira eviileuce against them was i;o:.e,
promptly answered ready and ini-d
on a triaL The etate was givi n a ' I
hours' continuance Jnd tte neit ihk t
Setters waa captured ia Knox eoair
and MK:reteiL When the time limit v. a
Dp defendants, counsel were on ban ..
vociferoualy demanding; a trial. To
their (Treat anrpri they were ui m-
UlidlateiL A flht reauhed in Ilia
OnliVictiiiu of both t lie dereii.;atils.
K'parl Miaul Mara T VigUt.
Kauaa City. Sept. HO. -The tirtthti
In the r)(bt to lie made here u.i.n.t iiie
rulleetiiin if the deparluient Here I. it
was taken when a writ of Imlieia . r
pun wa granted fur the release f F. .'.
Taggart. manager of the NVIr.L..
Clolhiug cunipiiny. Taggurt la I
tun ,i ineri imiui arredif I lur r.o,i..g ..i
report to F. C. Farra, depart in. Mil t..M
oommiaiiioiier, the numU'r of d-puri-ments
in their establinbineiits. Wlieu
arraigned l'fore a justice of the p.-aiv,
Taggdrt reluaed to give laniJ. and app.i
cation fur the writ wa made wli. n he
was ordered committed t i Jul. All tbe
Bell srrente. ple)(..l n,,t tfiulty.
lll( Malls Against allUinio.
i Austin, Sept an Attorney General
fluulh ia preparing to iU"tiluie suit
agaiust several of the wealthiest cattle-
Sinn in the late lur treapaas nn I try
title to large trai ls of atalo laud whicli
1 they are alleged to be occupying unlaw
fully. It ia charged that a number ef
1 laUlaua I A'lanr.l.
Terre Haute. ItnL, Sept. 3a -Indiana
coal waa ailvdiiced coits a toil at tne
millet. 0H-rators say tUe advance is
due to increased demand and shortage
of cars. 1'eriiapaUo air cent of taa In
diana product is sold to big Cullaiimsrs,
like railroad companies and wholesale
dealers, on yearly contract price, and it
ia not iifTected by the lelvatee. The
yearly contracts are made at the time
the operators sign tlie miners' scam f
wagt for the year, and runs from
April to April
lilf laa.. Hall.
1 Little It H-k. Sept. i'.'J. James IL
Ifiiinu, aumiiiiatiaUtr of the estate of
Wllnaui S Yowell. decaaaed, baa filed
suit in the Tinted Slated court a(aiual
the Pine liliitf Water ami laitht com-
'Mi7 totbui Il. lt Railroad oobi-
auy for f'M.ooo damaged. Vowell waa
killed at i'lti" illlllf Auk. I i, UU, wklle
lu the iliii li.irie of bis tin' es ad an em
ploye i if the Cotton licit. He waa wrk.
iuk on a wrecking, car und was shocked
to death by an uunnoilated wire.
I IOI.I llrauk I ..
laifiKvieW, Te., N'j,t. lid. The 18
ttioiilbd-old child of Mrs. Jani) Uaddia
ilri.filf . .Ir,.ii k.,1itti.... ,.f .,..,, I u lu.1
ly(r. a .purl b.ttle. Tim U.ttle
coiit..i 1 a IciHMiiful f lyeandwaa
nearly full of water. The child still
ins in a tim irmiii coiidill iu.
tlhg.r. iii,nll.a.
Ill, Tt'X., N'il. HO Wllit.
.1 1 ui
Mi l.'". was cleiimin;
the limine at tlm
nil li 1 1 ,1 hi-, hand u .11 l.uliy l,n era: "L
All'T ullllHlll.it .oil it V.'di. iuiilnl ll...l IDS
thumb, lor' liiiu'i-r and luidilln l!U,'i-r
WiniM have lo ! auipiil.ili iL
I. p.. I iinaur
A rll'i
Ti x..t i.ana, Ti . I- :
in l; ecr.il e ii 'I'lirie.l in I'n
nlllilll'l-S of
il of l-e
:.n'-1 mi'li-r
j t lie coy le an' in:; in t he ilc
' Coiilo r. ( .,ri A -til' t w.,s
I. II.'. I III a Li
T. ., S. 14.
II.. lion i f V
iirm cut oil a
bad Inn
the , f-
ii c'.iitilv
:.iii. fi"ia
a I...U',
Il he il.i-
fe.'tl of
189 J OCTOEEF, 18091
Su.'f.'.o. Tu. : V-'c. j Tli. ; Fr. Sa.
T 2 T Ti 5 o T
0 9 jK)jll 12 13 14
15 IG 17 10 19 20 2f
22 23 21 25 2G 27 28
29 30 31
k Hot hk
Ourown SALSA I'AlMI.LA i unMrpare for a fpririR
tonic. If yu i.eed a good liver pill try JAMKS' ANTU
Xcw Line llammiH'ks Vm
'111 ' f w
(a v
IHtlMl I'd VM II
a o 'i ui Mi u k
and I l.iiin -tu ( iniul
Krp.iil in and i h .it
l ie p' i' ,.
Antronizc our Nome Tailor and keep money
at home. 1 guarantee Fit and Finish.
117 acawccc S SICft.
Best Passenger Service
I O FflT TRAINS Dflll Y 0
1 MW 1 l""" UHIUI aC
St. Louis, ChictTjo
....cind the Enst.
Only Ui. Uunnlnt thfuma
Co.flir snS
t'lscpril In
Superb Pullman V.-'.tll ul-d Buffet Slerpcrj,
Hjndsume Ne Cliair Carj (teals free),
i'lui ci mm: to
(.-rniiri ui M'ih!u, nt VwTisni,
'Pacific Cor.t LimitcJ,"
Seml-wrrklv. b,-lat-.-o
I. P. Ill lillld, Tut li...r..-r If.ra, rT. iTH, Tit
t. N. TllOIOr, K. r. Tl'BMEB,
fm I ui Ctt I liiM-r. I Pu. r ui s.it il
Patents on Mechan
ical Inventions.
Special attention paid to nbtiiiniiiK pat
ents 1'ilued laiw. (MUCH In Talialerro
liiiililinir, near court boin-e.
J. G. Minkert, Att'y-at-Law
''bailwayxy;' j f V-'- -'V
I "K trotitls lo nuiwi-r qu.tkLi." ; ' K rf" i i
anies & MeDoiwai
l'nys aud sells t'liiik
ens and F.ns. Yc j;tt
tlicinaficsh and sill tlicm
ipiiik. ,()iir prices a;c
low ami l In y arc IiouimI
to 'o. Wholesale and
ictail Staple and I'ancv
IS bal
".nod laundry
fin it, Ci utd is a
of our pi ices.
Mali) dtlrrl.
Hi ) an. Tela..
Merchant Tailor, j
f llic II. .1 Iinpiiit'.d
lor Soil- ii J'.iuts.
iii'4 done .it u-a-ona-
When you wiiiit
dry : i lid i. a .
,'H'I We'll -il Ji
il w le II IVo pii II,
.-at iaf.it lory I.aun
dii.l or 'phone i:h
liiiinile i. ml return
if-e it Iii on. If
i- in t full- T; 1 1 (ii - dnll'l
pny foi
Aincru an Laundry,
Ten iIimt. .,, slli i,l Ktt-lisim- tinlel.
;Tdi'i!!ii;Hi iji.
' n i i,.il 1 riiiva our Usik
u 1 1
1 I N it 1 1 . Tt Xlld.
Ullice. ocl Jun e- iii.' Sli
ib ln e ,hii e 1:
l!;irl) r ilmp is the lorgt'st in
I'ryan. Knur hai ih uc wait-
iiil'. Miavtf H) cents, catis-
faction miarantocd. Nexti)fe
Dunn it Daly's.

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