OCR Interpretation

Bryan morning eagle. [volume] (Bryan, Tex.) 1898-1909, June 14, 1900, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86088652/1900-06-14/ed-1/seq-4/

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ythc K'-t
. srtMK ONE "AS SAI1
.c oi peace prepare lor war,
mrr voiir medicine
. it,
1 uvi-l scisoname K"
Tlic ruiny H'ion
t - . ...I IV ill.
thc-t ami let "
I, ,,( out miiKf, as
.11 pre
II - I l.e :l I I .1111
,otc:.tlirisaUv.,y- io.,..v -;
Co I
AttarkiM ly ..i-Wrts
IVrce Star .'rotom.'
... I:...,
... i, .trior- II l ,in""""""
.ccmuI to none, v,e ' ' , flr )lir
ymir preset,,.,.. ;'u;.Rc:((U IlUcK Ct?SukV the
,iHICH";0- l-st-o-
I.i it pin ;
i .... it.
J-jnKOpimim -. i"i.i.-
eeraaml IJ.SVi m-nwiit home a lura
lid, hut n.4 lu.tudiUK tl' i" ",1 ,
Afut-an Uv iuiIh. J
Hrltl.h Tr.-U lu-lttU
A.vra, (t,.ldO,.-4. June U. Detail
have lo rwfiTH of another j-rioii
reversal to tli relief rsilumn under CoL-1
(rtT nnd Major Wilkiiiwm. fcw iuiy
I inrth ..f the l"rnh. There wen) heary
j casualties. 1
I Tin" latest ruiiioM report a further,
disaster tn tleta.-hti.eui on inn north
Wuk of tin- I 'run. which i ami,
w li. ro th.' A-lmnii were foun.l stmnirly i
Mitr.-iK-li.Hl. C..1..U.-1 Wilmx- mlVHiH-.
i.h. 1.H.H .l.-lnv-l hv heavy rBin which I
l.v .le.l roved the hrnl'-
j l'mhsu r.-nd.
June n.--Hol-rt to th war 1
. fr. Pretoria im follow: "Alter
" t : i
pM.nrr, but Uf Mill lit-Tli j
JI,n lntarl 5tf llin Hm
l.rarlird 111 llallroad. j
tUo ,
II. ,11. 1 a llttllroati
3. WtLgzxkX.
A.lt.r ..i.illri.l.. lu
. .. Ilon.lur'.
N.w Orl.-Bii. Jim"
. . t
i . i . i. ..I... r..tir...l til M
nrr.-i""'-'"H y "" - -
t,l,..v nln.nt IS mil.- ' M'1''11"-
. l . i 11 ..,.l Hr.i ?i-W
it .lnn.. tlm W f. w tay. hi linni- T""" n .
h.vr in. n-a-1 h l-u.K r K,.rn,,...n. , o.,-...n I. I ul. M
",.ry mil ,r.v,nt,.l tl... bnrKh. fn.n. Pa-r.o r..rf, o tli, Athmtio Ui
. .,.,.... .-..IWli,,,. of H..P..1.-H. It 1 My tl.- Ir-t nulway ,1-ul ;vr V-
. . . I..... .l ri,. II I.UIIIK
UIIH. Till 1 IHI m null".
t.tv stroii tm.' -( mil.- Ioiik' conti-v'ti'tC '"'"R:l
Ul'"''t mm 1 ' i ... if
& wood yard and grist
I have put in a new grM mill atthcKltrcaHU-ry
ami ill RtituI ttry ilay in the week. I uUo want
to l.uv all the .liy. Mraiht Woo.l 'cnt:.;i..UN" to
Hran. ami will pay the highest price l..r Mime.
VI ileli creel to any part of town in loa.N from
I'nsilixelv will not credit anyone.
l v the ilner or don t nsk ior
to eentn up.
S-.ul yiur ninney
;. .1
Ibshiii.' i.i--urT to atta.-k bun
I i.i v-tti-rdttV. Hxli.'Ul
I! Fire, Life and Accident ia
fhn lino lit ..IK-.
which t iiiii""-'i oii
.... .... i.i. tlniiLu
.n . ' , i, f,r vara. Vx
w from form.-r -x ri.-u.v, nm "i '
j th.' k'riint tin' lloii.iunw Pviinu-iM-
PnrL-r'n nn I mi'l Hct l-.i'l t-i Hi" uinoiint of
,-nvalrv UwH nn.l HuoV V 'ry ' ... y . -
whi.'i li km
w, rl-i" vulin nihl.' piri
-I wnt Kr.n.-h with
. at. .
I h..-
am 1 Ii.im
loot r ttla.'
;vt n-l t i. .l a plrm 'ollil.ilo (I it
the -t -liain
ft. - f
,nt.l infantry round hy our 1 f t nnd
r j
1 V.iiUin'l'
I t il al'.cifi'
J .I.IUf
L-nte.l 1'iTM.naI and c.ue-
(JI INSl ltANCi: A
l.t-,1 coinp.mie- n-pu-i-i
. . . .1... I.,, villi'.
.it rril.-l n .it. .........
Am n-. nt for the IVnn Mutual i...e
lict contract'' d
mpany "i i " l,i
ai- iij'ii-. ---
f I'hil.oU-lphi.i. !'. "t'ier the
.nii.anv. ak for Mircnnen copy
. m . ....).. ...I t'usii.iltv Acc'ulent
c litV A C.alty, an.l I lie - -
.. . IK. vnlk.iti'il.
.ranee Companies our l'U'UU- rc.tv , m..rnin. I hurri.-d K' k
. - -f " ' ' " , . j. i.i.iii.iiiflltii.
I - " " M .,' . m mm - JY' .OiJI ,B Frw ,(.. m-t nk.-ti nmndiiitf
... ........... - -. - - - shii-Ti.. tlo- H--1I.M...- i f..r tl.- iim.on
linIImiU..nvi:hr,r..Uv.-Und H-r- 'J, , ,,,, ,,, K.at Mii.,..i.i
uvulrv hii,-ad' '"l "'""' T;lll,.v t,ir t. f,ntnd Am. man trad-- m
infantry hriu'a.l.. roimd l.y nr -p ,,,,,, ,, wl,, th.- I i.it.-d lT mni
.th .-..himn nu t with jr.-u ,,...,,.. It N.id tlmt Miimri,
.1 ...1. ......!' .. ... '. 1 . ...... ....ri. Ol
... ii..ii ... .irH.i.E .1 .1 iin n ... kciiii. it iri ink ntmi. .
I t iiiumn Uitilu.u.
.. " ov "th
Tin- Lulu- ot I " an,
(! riii. II I on v two of Hnmilt.iii'-in-jtra.l.-, U nmimvi'-r of tl"'
tin- ft nit
I l..iuluru
fontry Mttiilt.in udviui'-mit to what n railway.
pmn-d to In. th. k.-y of th.- wic-my m-; )N pAVOR OF
f,i,,. ..u th.-ir 1. ft tluiiic. im- wa-io-i
.tKain.,l l-fore .lark, and I ord. r-'l IU i.u U th. V I.. r
for., h to liiv.iua. 0,, th.. Kninnd th-y i ' " " ' "
bad won. Poh-Cun w with hi-division I WaOiin .n. ,lun i:l -Th Umt.M
' i.i ..Mr.-i iit. r. A-.I lm- Mplaiu- ; rlat. ntt ..f . laiun lm --d u;n
P,l. hV .-.mid not ntt.u k. Lut 1..-Kr,id.mlly ,!. .nil ,.f .V.uiiral W. S. nu
, ... ft ii H'titiLltoti i.thi.t . inn i r HM funniiiii'i n
rvi p'i - '
I'ul New Stock fif Spili,. MillinMj
an.! l.innr. mi HATS. :iKo Die!
et. Il.itti'lilniri.' and Liter M.it. iii
.mil ii inil ait- in 1 1 i-t I tn c.
U. C. Wl. Proctor.
S mtiH.'
i r i . .1... lit u ii nil lht i f,.r i.ri... iiMti. v on nii-ount of d I
I ...... I...I.1 ,v ,1,. ..' OUtt-M. ill th lit. II -if th" M-MU-ll 1 '"
I . . .. ' rlnr... Attiiiiral Smniwon w
1 1 ii
IUtitk pnrrhiiu J Iht- Un ry iii.i,fu ot J.. O. K- riiii:.-. hi. h l tHf b. t
e.ii!HMl ktllt In HtTmi. h ai r.-i.-ir4j tn .nc lht jiubUt- at
nil ho int il4jr and uuiit, wall
Knobby Rigs of all Kinds,
fiU flr-' I" tnp( or dtihl dr nu hr ftirmo('o will h rourtvim. Prompt
nU K rv fuJ vrniit AUnti-.n U ll rtiU. will apt r"-it Ubral (xjf
Itim of your j4irvnirf nd KUkruntMf. iti-if' lion.
J. V. BROGDON. Proprietor.
to j;t't nuwa ot j elnr. it Admiral Samp-m
chi.'f and t . .mm--l r
urt d".
on iinli r iii-
v im ruin-
Pipework andpltmbingi
Wat. r Il.i. k In Nmn, Kitui.i l:- n"T. n.iili Tnii
.r.l.-rt .1 Vi1k.' M.i. k.i.iith -ti-t nr ;tl T.i- C. v.tn i: i.
. 1 1..-
ii ri- ir. I"i.-. Ij in-
mm mm mm
No'l'lt I'.
N.H.-" it h. r. liy trivt n that, pur
munt to tlx- ris.iliiiiuii ii.l..iti.l l.y
tin- hoard of dir. vt.ir of I In- t ;i I t 1 1 .
Wat ., tind I'la.u- Vall.y llallruad
Coiiipiiuy nl a in. t i in.' In I.I at tin
t.. n ..I I alvfrt. I'.-Mi-t. mi tin- .".th
.lav of .1 mi". I'ini, n iii. rtin .f th.-
aiu- o
:.! i.iiii
ill U.ll. Ill I iJllll.-. I'.'M,
Ml-. .... ...
at 1 1
l.f nil-
t- ..I -a.. I oiii-
ailii.ad ('..lit
...ii ii.il'lt V to
link liu III. I it III -Mill
pal: V Mill I." Ii. I.I at
(Iff, In th- I..MII ..I I'n I
tin lli. loth dav .f A"-Ti-t'.
..vi.,. k a. in., wfir- I'-l"
llii.l ii . "
.VVj.ii of T. va- f..i
I. ..nil- i.f -aid 't.inpanv. it ml
al-. am liotiiiii: -aid tliivrt..r- to
ln.iki- a pp I l.-a I iui I f..r t In- a p ill l.y
tai'M 'oiuiiii ion, and tin- n l-'ra-tit.ll
l.y th" S.-.Tt taty i f Slal.- of tin
Nilli .it T'Ail-. Illi. I' I' lln- dil. rtii.il
i.f -.ti l 'imiiiil inn, i.f -aid IhiihI
f..r hin-li an niii.tiiiii i.f in. hi. y a- tin-
I'.i-k In. I. L i s may .h ri.l.- I.i Im- in t-t
t.iry t.i pay ..r t-on-i rin-iiu, t-mn-pl.thi.-,
impr.. in.', t-'iiiippiii,' a ml
..p. rat in.: -aid lailr.-ad. in. I lo
.-. -.l t In- alii.- ul tin- pal! of -aid
-:tilro nl .-..ii-ifii. t.-il. and to 1..- r..n-t"-lli-!.
I. I. "I w . . II 111. Ii. n n -,--nii
...... i r i . ,i : t .
.11.1 . .1 I".. II ". .'......II, I I H 1 .1. I I I j .
Hit- I. rui ina I- at !.( 1 1 ..I tin.-.. pl.H-i -, I j I
an.l t in- ..I I., r pnip. riy appnn. ii.-mt
and In I'liu-iln.' I li. r. t... and I In- I ran- I
i-Iom -. in. -In. Inn; 1 1 1- franrlii-..- .. I...
a i-..rp.! at ion, ..I -aid laillninl t "tit-1
pun ,t-- llif am. unit t.f t...-lv nn-
pliral.lt- lo -aid pal X "I -aid lailinad, (
in. ii . ir in.- piir...-- . inn ii. .iiin
mi i.i .lir.'.-i.ii- In t-M-.-uti- a in.-na-.-ilp.'ii
-aid pal t ul -aid lad... id. i.ti.l
oaul ..'ln-r piup. riy and Irani-lu-i ..
tai.l ('..fporai i.'li lo -. .-in.' r I i pa -In.
nl nl -aid I...M.I-. -aid ui.ntaj.'
in n I'M i-iil .1 lo In-and .p. nil.' a
t. lir-t In n upmi -aid pail .l -aid
laiiii ad. and. -aid t.lli. r pi'i.i.i fly
mid iranclil-. .f -aid lailioiid
t'.m'.i any ; and f..r tin- pni po-t.
al-.. ..f until. .iiin' -,u, diiti'.
t..i i.i apply I., lli.- Hnilr.i.id
( .oi i-.--.ui . 'I'.-mi- lor lli.- .'aii.-. I
llltinli of nld. r '.'fault-. I l.y -aid ( 'olll-mi--.t.ii
I li e. nil., r -.Mrd", hwi, l.y
w hirl) or l- r -aid ( '..mini ion un
til. fi.'-d -aid Kailload ( oinpauy to
t-M.r I". ml- In I In- -urn i.f Our Hiiii
tlrril nn. I Tlili'ly Tlioii-aiid lioll.-n-lfi:',;
....Mini, uiii'l to ,.. und tforin
nil o'li.-r ti.-f-t and IIiIiikm tirci ttiiry
In t rd.-r lo tin- proper lunkina t.f tip
jilirailoii for th.-ir approval mid rv-
ii-lraiioii us nf..r. -aid, on iliui purl ..f
il-. railroad al... .- nn nt i..m d nnd
-aid ..I In r prop, t ty and franrlii-r- id
-aid Kailroad 'oinpauy : nn.l to
.- . 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 -1 1 I Ii-. .nil- iili.n,. .;.-.i'ion. .1
lo II-.- nil mi.-Ii in. mi. -'m a-.-i ii.-i.--
II- Ilia I..- II !!' -1' kindd-
. . . . . .. . .
ri-at.- r. ot i " pr. -.-nt at
-a i
-- In 1 1 . 1 1 1 I
. W.
'.ill da- t.
It Alt-',
i free! i '
. 1 1. , ii. ;.. --n in..
rip! ion- i.f llir ti 111 1 .
is und i.i. put i nuii I,.
liand-oiii. illii-irali-il in. .nil. -
y liia.-.iin.', i.iil.li-lii .l hv 1 1 1 . I .
r tlln.'ly .'. -hi.-
of T. a-:
tin- -p. rial Mil.j. -ri imitl. r of t arli
I IK- lo dull' ll. ill',' ;- follow . :
Mi.ivh I vi'.i. ' . .i-;" April!
'llon-loii ( '.unity M:iy. "Mont.
ironu-ry inly ; " .Inn. , - I In rok. t-
l '.unity ;" .Inly . -- n t .unity ;"
Auuii-i. "And. i-oii l oiinly and
l'i.l in.-;" S. piiinlirr "liii-k
r.iniity;" Mrt.iiirr, "Wiilk.r
Co ii ii i y :" No rinlii-r. '-Itt-Mir
t i.iinly and San Aiifoiiio:" )e
r.'inli. r, "P.ruoi'iu County;'' Jan
uiiry, I'.mo. "Hanis Con'nty mid
lloii-lon;" l-'i-l.riiiii . -l-'oit' ll, nil
and Tl inily ( oiniii.'s."
"I!. lii.iu'a.in.' is of ;-irit..-t in
I. r. -I to 1 1,., invi -ii.r, -pon-in-ni.
t..iiii-i. Ii.-nlili k.'i- iiml liomr.
s.-t-kt r; ami will u. -, nt fr,.,. to
any one pay Inn I he poMae, w , i . ,
i--J". .-t ills for ..lie year or '1 rniN
forMiinpl py. 'Hark niiinl.. rs
may In- had if desired. Please
mention this paper. Aildi'.-s,
I). J. l'KICL'. (I. P. A T. A.,
Plllestlll", Tl'MIM.
- ii.-iiniiv- r ,.r,-niir tho iuil tn , Pn in.-ni, . ,hvi-l.ii ..r.iuad-
advtmtiip- of d,,4 I t,.xxt Kit.'li.'iier j imral Suniji v nti.l.rord.M ..f Ad-!
interrupt tuir Vj ,..,um th-ti ajmro j WIJV,'"T'' n Thr Sjmnisli s.im.lr..ii !
with su. h tr.K.H ns'l thr..ni.-V ."nv t!i u t to hava lvn in. I
to Yre.lt fort with tn.l.-'. P!w,,"l''.,.rj.,r ,,, lm. Amerinni fonvittiii h.unty !
ami roinmiiniriite with M.-i.i,j i.t who I of IP) titer, f'.r.- u nidi .1 for ev.-rv olll- i
kni-v had a v.-ry t-oitipn-t f.-n-n in th j t r and in in under A linirnl rervem'n i
Vlrinity t.f Ileilhroii. I alio .hpit. -li.il j rouiiiiand. The total nta nnif of Ik.iitity j
a itfiiil nies.ii:.er to Mt-tlin.ii, in-1 nioti.-r allowed is pi,n i, .,f wlii.-h A'i-1
trnrtiiiK him to piiiii mi with nil i-eir inirnl Saiiipst.ti w ill r.fene sIV. ami j
to the iniiiii lint, of Hi-r,ulvv. j Admiral S.-lil.-y ulmit fivm.
These tw.ii.fU. eM t.i.-t i.f Yredeforl "1i.dii.Rll.at Admiral S.,,,,,,,,, -, i
R..l Station,..,, J,. p,. TI,. T,,mr,-h".l '' ij'- lltle. Hi" .-..irt;
,. ,,. , . , cls-lares th.-N.-w ..rl was ut.iti tho!
" -' "" " " .-SM'U .'IlKllKed.
Mi-ihu.-ti tfnm.'d a t-otnpl.-te vi.-tory over '
Hi Wet and t..k .sseif hi rnmr j AN ORGANIZED ASSAULT.
and iM-ntlrrrd his lr..M it, nil tUrts-liotnt
Htt niul Ki'rlirii.ir iii.irrlu-.l today
townrils lr..n-tailt. II.t innj. stv i ... , ... ,, , . ,
. j lui'U'", June III -Mirlm -I !t Criidy,
hi i i.t t.iii.-iio n' 'i lit ii-i' ill
a to the -eruritv of the armv in Sotitli
Afii.-n Tl. , n,,..i . I.nrk layers i,-.-it,,i,
Ot', whirli was unfortunate, l.nf wliirii
will Is- r. iiie.lit l very shortly and it will
Old Liza
A.Ie.l rojirit'tor.
ti)tl tlrays ami
Ixilito tl r:i vrni. t,
prompt aim rare- I
ful vik, are the i-laiiiiHiipon which we solicit a hliure
of your Itii.siiu'.-s in tho future. Thanking thosfwhrJ
havo favorml u in tin? jm-t and hoj.in to continue!
to iK'a.-u tlio. i I sun rc-ji,'( tfully,
CAT rir i
Tlirra Mfli liwncrriiii!, Wituml Mili1
; I. rn.lv nt Iitt Mgii. (
r 'l. It hum ' n, t.. In . ;ht Ml r .tr..l
rvii" ';i IJ-w.TmMI MKw.ii
tMiC" I'. H nr I Ul
r..i.t- Ltn i-rtt.
I I V. AMI I.I 1.11. t-nr-m
Miami-si -. t 4,1 ..,. , n. tor
a.MM.au... ... m m m
win n-.iult. I
w. sf. ni or-.-ani -r f, .r tin
I'rirk L.y.-rs'
hT three men Tueolay intrht in front of
I'.nrk layers' hall uad I It f..r d.-ad mi
WWtlriiltiniHI I
li..t take Inn; to repair tli
to the railway. An the-.
all in ex,tt'i , I inn now ul.!,. to hold
tlir line Ik-t-.v. i ti tins and Illiriio.fer in
trriiL-tli. Mi tliii' n Hill arniii-.. to
pinird it as lie ii.lv. nil-
"limit, r -hoi;!.: h ut P.Mi. )i-rfrr"'ui
today. II- then im. v. Johannes.
Lurk' We have .- jwt.uiii' a", d wit Ii
r.iillrr who w.U o d-'iiht s s .ti iiiuke the
Jr. .'i:re J "ts f..r. e in th.- Ii-Id felt.
Our I."" yt'-l' rday are not, I tru-t,
j.fOlls, hilt I deplore till- tleutll of tllilt
Mi ll, r, the Ku l of Airlie. The only
nl her Disunities r.H.rt.d as yet are, S.n-
Militiith laiu-.-rs. Major llmi. Ij. 1
I'i.rti -.iir mid Lieut, 'iiiint Hon. U. Ct
Teudisli, Uith l-initkill sl."
Lt.n.li.n t:..r.l. iii.n.oo.l. iili.n tn II
Itrslitrr.l l nil llulirrl..
I.tldoll, Jlllli. III. TWO p,iS1-H llf
new eiu-oiinnfiii to the Uritish in the
otll'-ial ilisitrhes nr.- that tlm hmket,
e inniriitioti of L,rd oUrts is in a
fair v.-ny to U- meiiilrd hr tin. fon-es
niovnitf northward nml southward and
ilnvinif t.lf the rm iui; i-oiiimiindin-s, mid I
that Sir lledvers Puller i. ut la-t iim-t..i i
of L.iiif.'s N. k. !
Tel.-raphii' eotimniiiitioti with (ei. I
II. Is-tis is I'XjHS-ti-.l to Im- resumed nt
unit, as a tlispatrh from lilne lofoiitcin '
wiys that the railway i in Lritish pis-1
s-iioii uk-ain and that thr work !
rriiritiK tin-line i K"iu;r on rapidly
with the tiluiiidaiit matrrial war. housed
at l!lo.-iiif.iiiii in.
Not limit t known h.-n- of tin- n irte.l
mi.-rt -t n of th.. !o. ts, ex.-ept th defeat
of the l.attalioii of the lleil.vshircs. I
Il Is learned l.y the Assoriiil. il IVes
that the K'lV. riim.'iil has nt last derided '
u m a pi. in for the i iul w ill, -in, ut
South Afrit-ii. The d.lails are kept most'
ns-ret, hut it en ti safely Is- sail that the!
Oralis- Iliver Colony und f h-Trnnsvnnl '
'dl Ih-i-..i -row n .-ninnies, similnr tt I
tlmt in the West Indie, the latter prole
al.ly h in n-naiiied tin. Trau-viuil C.lo i
Sir Alfi.-d Milner, it it de, lured, is tr 1
dainiip' ilntii. the si. 1. walk, with It il ..'...u (.-.ipaii;
liv. Tstotis nr.i wound iij hts fu. e im 1 throat.
I ii-a.ly was taken to the r .unty hos.
piud l.y tin- ih.'.-, h. re the utti'iiditit;
71. -i. s.iti proii iiiiin d his woi.n.l, .l.m.
(,-t r.us. His Hs-ail. nit . ".. -,. 1.
(iia.lv was uiniit to ntt. r the hall
where a ni'-eiiin,' of t ie tun in was m
progress, wh.-ii he was in. .im -. ,1 u .i hy
three men. ltiss.nil the nxstiilt was
the r.-su't t.f enmity Is tweeti two fne-
hi.ii i.i:. ii
' X I.- -.-'inv Is I.. ei.lv thin,- tn t .;. t w
, u a. Ill In. IV..-nt uvt.ii I .r. .r.- J
5 o.J ' in .1 l'.. r ..: I I . ..... X
j 1.. .-'. r h'. il. ,li!-v . -r ! ,. v :l . -v
f, n.ivt... mi. I tiHiki- iii .iji.r ItiiT.i,
f '"!! ft l--- .1... - ii.y .-.".-.. -4!, t.. 2
H -I Ht 4il k....si.f .1,1 . ; . v, .
If '"-""" '-'I" "f Si
I ? l"-ii.l'i . n ., n iii. ! n I . .hi 4i" !
) .."...I...I j- in. i .i'n nn x
A little Wink
a-ily ,'iinl , .
rail l.e .lone
o.lll I v ..ii a
SINGEK Sewing Machine
llmt y.ni tlml ,,,,,,r
I! It'll tlo ..i- ,,f ii,,,.., Nl
i :t all n!!,.M t,, I,. ,
avy.iuil, v, ar, ,niten,.
I Nt , ; s(
in.., in. in. -I,,,rt. r lie. tile, ni
t.ii. r f. . .1 1 1 .it 1 1 any oil,. r.
ii. nn
old I.
'i ill.
lions in the ..ri;uiii.atioii, nml tlmt i f y""r " i,K K ""' l" ' ' 1 ' 1,1 - 11 f
(ira.h-was one ,,f those who had Itoeii X "x -o" l.v.ti..- r- -;. rn, i
in favor of ha iK the uii,,,,, withdraw ! X'v 'i ' '""''t" " ' ""
front the l.uililnn, Trad,. Co,,. I ,.,,, ,.., A,, :r,. , 1
hlllr.l l.y a ll.ir.r'a Kirk. i
Ahileiie, Kan., June i:l J. S. IIol. S
litiK- r, formerly pn .id.-nt of the Ahilnm ' f
Nntional hank, of the wealthiest J
farmers in this f ion. was kill. .! nt his t
k m
farm, I J iinl. s rust of In
hv a kirk
from a horse. He wi.s ;.' yars old, mid
faille heie in Is;.".. 11.- niu l.- n fortune
ill .rain un. I -lo. k rai-itijr, and was one
of the proliiliinit Ileiitiliheiiii polltleiillls
of retilral Kaiisus. ,. wrved u term in
the lei;lsliitiire.
II.mIj ll.irnt-.l I.i a ( rl.i.
M. Killlley, T.-x.. June Pi. New of
the h .t-nlile d. a'h of Intl.- it year-tild
U-ili ll .ss, has r.-a. lie.l lu re from the
lion le ast. tii nrti..n of tin- roiint v. Tin.
ehil.l wns ii-iiitiuir n lire with kerosene
from u run, whu h exploded in her1
hands, res'iltmy in h.-r I. rrihltt death
ft. mi tin- M inn s.
Klllt-.l I) Mrtlmu I
I'l nix, A. T , June l l -IVank 1
Smith, a nun. r, ma le lnre wiiiuimk
III 11 M Xi. ' HI -alllil Illlf llotlse ut Helve
tia niiiuiirf raiiii nml who provoked a
r.v Ix-forr he r nil I Ira-., a snl.ioii with
the money. He was t.tulih. ,1 niul rid
tlletl with luillets, hut iii fall i iik mortal
ly wounded two Mexnniis.
ll.f I Kill I. tlm. 1
Provideni-e, June .l.t ;,rK'(. linker, !
who wn injured in Sunday' elis-trir
rur ur.-idelit, died Tuesday ll!J.'ht, nmk
iust tin- fifth vieiim thus far. Lu utnii
ant (iov.-nior KiinLnll is improving.
JmlKf I I nr. I Id. sheriff.
t. limh riiiuuiisioii, r of South Afrira. Shermnn, 'I. i., June :.A inilil urn.
I In spite of the opposition which ho hai i "n,i", wn" ' aus. d l.y Distri.-t Judtf"
ilirurrrd. ass.-ssin n line .if f loo nwnst tho
(ieiieral-, Methuni. Ilund!,. ami Bra- "'"'" f"r f,,'lur,,, " m'nn '""""
hnnt are r.-ted to have :!IM) ,,. nn.!1 "" U''"""t "I!"'1"1 l."!'
6d itnui etiKiiKt-d in i-nrlosiiiit the fts-rJ In a radiua of live nuK-a in Ilrewster
I. C. 33 3C 319.
xc rx)ij
. 4 G. N. R. R.
iMiiMiii!. n i:i:i. i.., i vn:
A--. . 111- ..
- .11 An'.... .. 1 . i.,s.
I I'll TH
I .1 s (
J'llV T I'll.
VI. A.-.'N ,
li v i- r t . .wrvrii in.
. In- lie ill. . .hi 'i,
J.i iv I;. n to I i'ii.
The best Material
Is li..-. I Iii t,,. tiinkitu' '
."-I N I'M. and it ...it ,o
nil. 'Hit- I.e. I aiknj.)
tlo !,e .( M() ( ,,7
Business is Rushing '
mid I it in -ellin.,t (,f them.
The Lock Stitch Dron kad.
The Singer Autnmallcyop Head,
I 'm ll I lie (im
The Nt w l..,
i.- ol, I intele
ilolll.l i -s tin,
ina. lni;i ry you
Hie lll'i.llt
0. L.
Telephone 185.
of im kind-
ad AlllolilHt.
mi -nre. Ita
est piece I.f
t T Ml W . A k
MILLER, Bryan;
nr. -
I IIIM l'-'l V I .
.I.,...' 1
n In
rl m. -11-
N.IH..H il II-
riii, .
,,n I ..nl' ,. linn ,
Jul,.- I'nti
S.M.p'.iiii h!l.'i..
it. M-h.
ill Iii rs. I'!. I.
i.ow iinrv Aiti: i-.ivi N iv m ai.i,
hum: im i ii.i.ins
A-k A'"irs t.,r ;. ir'n ilsra as lo Tint. ,
Iiji-'s ul .-sli-. li..!-. 'u ll.'t'.ni. .-I. , ,,r srlle
W l. J. Plill I , li P A T. A ,
I'ul. stun.. 1 i-iia.
Hryt, T.-xaV
. O'll'iw ovei Jii.ea lirnu hT??. U.
den I'li'H.e 1.11.
...b ninrching on
opt ) tmr fri-uli in.aii nf ail kltnla at
Ilrogdon's Market,
Beef, I'ork. Smiasirt. Ett;.. the liPKt!
in tin. eastern part or Oriuiitt. P.ivri county, Texas, nn expert report ther that rnn Iih hml, glwavs o.i halltl
Colony. must bu liiw.yoo.ww lu .muk.iWor do- Yournto pleiiso,
Tim war tiflU'O nuunlty return! on tr pita.
To Willis tV Co!, .nan's for all
tie I, iii- .Ii-Ni.'iis in
... Mouldings
...and the new
...colors In
Hat Boards.
i H
- j

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