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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
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iursta, Oof. 9 Fa row mami (0) 24 rAimrA IMIsOflD The Claims ! i x4 tw.: a Last Chance to See this Wonderful Play Until I9II the conclusion of this season The Clansman will start on a European and Aus tralian Tour to last Three Years. r2 23 nnnr u n I ll I l I I I I ica. "mmmm Gi i TWO Companies solidated into otie for this Extraordinary En gagement of the most Popular Drama in Amer- i By THOMAS DIXON, Jr. Direction of GEORGE H. BRENNAN. The Most Notable Cast and Production yet Presented Seventy-Five People on the Stage Troop of Cavalry Horses- New Scenic and Electrical Effects. Prices, Lower Floor, SI.50. Balcony, $1.00. Seats, on sale Friday, Oct 18, at Haswell's Book Store. The Daily Eagle Entered at the Postolhce in llryan, Texi, i second clast matter. BY CARNF.S & WALLACE BR VAN, TEXAS. OCT 15. M7 Roosevelt's Uar hunt is like his politrcal carter nolUinj; h u t uoise. There is an iuvirse ratio between the price ol leeraud the sieoi" the schooner. If Governor CampUll were a trifle less intense he would 1e a lwtter governor. The cotton farmer toils and the cotton manufacturer fpins, hut the middleman toils not neither doe he sj,i.T: jr I j Those Louisiana people who are seeing airships ought to be more particular almut the brawl of their whiskey. There was crowing and cackling when Secretary Taft arriveu at the town where tho Shanghai rooster is indigenous. Inexhaustible quarries of nicer, chamu have U-ett discovered in New Mexico. A smoker can s.on git a pit' that is not a mere sham. A Colorado man untried his dc evaxed wife's mot hi r and a New Jersey man hi mariicd hi giund fathei's witlow. England can't leat that. A Katiruue ram lia been lined vo and M-nteiuvd to jail for a year under the new law, making it a criminal n (Tense to fad to provide for one' family. There arc a lew notoriety seek ers calling themselves confederate veterans and democrats who are shouting for Roosevelt. They arc freaks that's all. ( irant's army at Vicksburg made the "pauper oath." There is no so much noise, that the Kagle par-' authority in the constitution for agtapher can hear it yet; but an old itgro declares that it was HOthiugl to the racket Roosevelt and his lifters have made. The huuiwcujs Houston Tost keeps popping its paper pellets at Marvelous Manhattan, Wonderful Washington, Regal Richmond, Chivalrous Charleston, Angelic Atlanta and Nectareotis Nashville. V It is announced that at the Beau niont poultry show none but the Plymouth Rocks wilt be barred and further, that the barred Rock will Ik entered all right. Beau niont ICnterprise. A paradoxical pun, as it were. Mars is an older planet than the earth, and it is presumable that the inhabitants are more highly en lightened than the people of the earth. Wireless telegraphy seems to offer the only hope of intercom munication between the two worlds. A Florida man has leen jailed for writing poetry. If the same law prevailed in Texas the jail wi.i; would have to be built on the state Ixitmdaries. Nobody can help Uing a pott in Mich a country and climate. In Norway a man has to show his vaccination receipt before he can vote. It would K a good thing for most Texas towns if the voter were required to exhibit a certificate that there are no breed, itig places of mosquitoes on his premises. The Krran l"asle in order t meet the demandt of a (irei'er Itr an for a strictly rirtt-t'U and up- to date daily ap-r, hn responded rv nureasini; il tarilities, hav ing ret-ently pmihaed a new Linotype mn hint an I a i tw j-ievi. The rale i alieidt a pretty good dailv, and hen it J et thi new marhiurry installed e dare ay Kiysu "ill !e prou.!er ihaneser of it. Houston lt. Governor Campbell is not re spousible for requiring applicants for a Confederate pension to take granting state aid to any but indi gent Confederate soldiers, and Governor Campbell knows, the constitution of Texas is not made of rublxr. There ara a few miusical critics who arc offended Ixxausc the thou sands who are not critics whistle or sing the airs and songs that the people love instead of Wagner's or Chopin's classics. About the same number of self-appointed "leaders" are disgusted with the democratic masses because they love and trust Hxyan. Ifl iS5o the newspapers and the people" of Virginia had a good deal of fun with a youthful sprig in search of potoiety who came "the hull way frVm Bosting" to tender his legal services to John Brown. The newspapers and the people of Texas are promised a similar farce comedy with San Antonio as the stage and a certain uiiuister of the gospel from a distant Northern city as the star actor. "Mr. Bryan thiuks a national in corporation act would be aVtremeu dous blunder. It is now upo Mr. Bryan to point out the essential differences between a nationali corporation and a national licens ing act." Galveston News. NO .... . . v neeu to Dottier a statesman with a simple thing like that; ask some intelligent school bo. Among other points of difference he will tell you that it is much easier to cancel a license than it is to dis solve a corporation. livery individual should pay his share of the expense of government and the same is true of every cor poration, institution and interest that enjoys the protection of the government. Discrimination in taxation is manifestly unjust. While the freeholders and the own ers of homesteads have a right to demand that the railroads and other corporations contribute their proportionate share to the public revenues they have no right, and there in no reason to Itelieve that they have the wish to le excused from performing their own duty. The jwople of Texas are neither so selfish nor so lacking in self-respect as to favor exempting homesteads from taxation. EDITOR REEVE ABROAD. We fell asleep in a chair at Grand Junction last Wednesday night on our way home from Memphis in our usual soaked condition, and let the train leave u. The hotel clerk told us to go up stairs and take the loom on the right stde of the hall with a lamp turned low. Me red he wuz crowded and we wud hev to double op wfth a man. We went up and pulled off our things and went to bed without awaking our bed-fellow, who was sleeping .sound with a sheet over his head to keep off the muskeet ers. Before we fell into the arms of morphine we seen a young lady ! and a young gent come in and set down by the winder. At first they talked so low we conld not hear what they sed. Finally we heard the little miss say: "Wallie, ain't you ashamed to try to kiss me right her whar we air a-settin' up with a dead person?" We felt owful curcous. We slowly rea ched over and touched the nose of the man we wuz in led wrth, and seen at a glance he was dead, al right, and it a race to a finish t'ixt us three for the lxittom of thv" s,ePs- 11 ,s useless to sny LEUIL NOHCE. THK SPATE OK TEXAS. To all persons interested in the eMare of I.uiiusla TietMiut, deceased. Hy ohn Walker, evet'titor of the estate of natd l.udnsia 1 ieiMiut, deceases!, hate filed la the county court of Itraro county his final account nf the condition t4 said estate, ittgethei with an application to Ise discharged as executor thereof, wrmti will he hat1 hy our said court on the third Monday in OctoWr, A. P., I'HiT, tame heing the 21st da? of (Vtolier, A. I)., IM17, at the riMiit house of taid Hratua county in the city of Hryan, at which time aJ place all persons irilsfeted in taid estate are required to appear and con test taiit final account and application, if thev tee proiier. Whitest W. I'. Koyett, clerk, l the County Court of Hraiot County, liis en under my my hand and tScseal ol taid court at my office in Hryan on (Seal. I thin the 2 1st day of October, A. U.. I07. W. C. BoiirT, Cletk County Court Braos Co., Tex. By ti. R. Wicker. Deputy. SI LEQAL NOTICE. THE STATE OF TEXAS. To H persons interested in the estate of L. 1.. Foster, deceased By J. W. Blake, administrator of the estate ol said I.. L. Foster, deceased, have filed in the county court of Brann county hit final account of the condition of taid estate, together with an application to he discharged as administrator thereof, which will he heard hy our taid court on th third Monday in O.toher, lHH, tame he ing the 2 1 at day of October, l'H)7, at the court house of taid Braioa county in the Try This For Catarrh. Free teatt are now helnf eupntiej tr mail to all Catarrh sufferers). There ne esrpense on cbltfition 'rvrr IT. Shoop it combining (V I i lyptmt, Thymol, Menthol, Oil nf W i n. etc.. and ia incorporating thrsr ' , .1,1 it. into a pure, anew-white crr.iu like lrriorted 1'rtroUrnm. Thia Creation Dr. bboop'e Catarrh Remedy fieea immediate and tatting rrlirf to catarrh of the note and throat. That all may first tett it free, (haae trial boare are being mailed without charge, aimply to enctsorage tnene teatt and thoa fully d-mnrtrate, beyotad doubt, the value of thia combination. If Catarrh bat etendrd down to the tnmarb we bowrls, thon Ir. Shoap'a Reiterative trust also be used internally if complete care it In t expected. Iltherwwe the IH. Shncp'i Catarrh Remedy will alone I entirrly auffirient. Write Ir. Shoop. Racine. Wis. for unrple and booh. Sold by Iraw'itt everywhere. Valck twa tkftit I msX ytwt Hn. 1 On rvr't"ta I 4 Fur Wr So J on the ll.ssrt o ! for Mm ho. I On the Kidney I No. ton kama M. H. JAMES. rAt1 At HONGKONG. Secretary and Wife Received Warm Waleem at That City. Hongkong. Oct, 12. The- a trainer RTtnneeo'a with Secretary of War Taft nd wlfo on board came Into the har bor Saturday. Mr. and Mra. Tuft at tended a reception at the consulate In the afternoon aud dined with the gcir. ernor at bight Putin a the sea trio here Serreinry Tift apent rmich of bla city ol Bryan, at "hich time and place all t time In wo-kng on Ma apeerti for the persons interested in taid estate are required opening of rhlllpplne aasemblr. io appear anu mmrsi taiu nnai at couni and application, if they tee proper. Witness W. C. Hoyitt, clrk of the County Court of Braioa county, (iven under my hand and the seal of taid county at my orhre in Bryan on (Seal.) this rfce 20h day ol September, IW7. W. C. Bot rr, Clerk Countsr Court Brants Co., Ten. Br (i. K. Wicker. Deputy. M Llgntnintj'a Awful Work. C,tiadala)nra. Met . Oct. 11 On b.t Ban Itad.tre harlcndn a rran, a boy. a inle and three oxen were kl'led by lightning and fourteen men sbockoA For Sale. My pasture one mile southwest of Bryan wn; tirst to pass the post by 2 lctjjths. We ditln't skeer that COUjJe any wurse than that rjse sketrV'l us. We walketl through the ccjntry to Oliver, anj wired for ouy clothes by express. liar deman(Ky.), Tree Press. we containing acres; all under fence; 200 acres clear; balance in timber; two homes and sexeral sheds for cattle, alsu wind mill and galvanised cistern. A most desirable place for a dairy or for raising cattle and hogs. Will tell on eae terms. Apply to J. W. English. Oct. 2J TO THE PUBLIC. I dtiire t ff 'ntorm my patrons and the public ths ' noMr ktc first-class four chair hartr bop, with hot and cold hatht, in the I & Dal block- W pleateA 'o v T f"- L. Winter. 262 Weak Kidneys Wwh, earely t I"rr The KidrMr. lik. th. Hrs mnA iv. sn srvx kidney h1";". n Mwir watkiMts, ant tn the omn t",i- m in. nm thai enntml and ruioa aad etict(theo th.m lr ertnop t luwtnrmtTve as lrw tjrt8rmlly pn-patwi sn twh Umsss NOTICE HUNTERS. i All parties are herrby warned aainst hunting on any lands owned by the fol- lowing signed patfies. Antr parties vio lating above rules will he prosecuted to the full estent of the law. lake l.ura, 272 Vincent l.uia. STRAYED OK STOLEN. One light fawn Jersey cow with one straight horn and one drooped horn. Very fat. Liberal reward for return to W. E. John son. 256tf eorurollmi iwrr.-. To drnmr the h.lnq.TS ekioe. Muule, it I a wtu4e ol time, anj ol nonet aa If your bark aches ne It weak. If the mine "?' or Uitark and stmne If ynu have trmosoma ol rtnhUorKh.r ilntrMtnt or tfuir rmia kW mi", n T Kineuv.a month TatMaorUiil1 and mm what II ran aud wilt do tor iou, i)rucfijt racucuiMbd aad taU (oratiuo Do M. H. JAMES. ! r i