Newspaper Page Text
,a- JS zbT c rii ! 153 I .5 - CS.?L..i; fr4 -Su ..rtjE -, RSKJ rsxS I 6- ie,'w :L',i !j -ew .t -s &r v J? '3 .VI J I? 3 i?T5 0' c- lsh is-: ic ?? sj BROWNSVILLE, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MAY 7, 1397. 0. 228 s I VOL, u US Ate S S W I X H3 IftJ iW . v CSK 13 W L, r417 pf'W S V A 4 "5 SOCIETIES. BIO GRANIE LODGE SO. El A- F. . A. M. Isi dore JaAs. W. M.A G Ilatoanoi. S. W , W. A Seale, Secretary; A.J3uo. h-W Bobt. rlzeH. Treasurer; B. C Jaev, X W.B. H Want, J. D . a W MiUer, -Mer Visum" brethren cordially invited. Lodge j eta first and third Tnesday in each inouili. ESCELSIOB LODGE NO, r &???&? r M.T.O.O.F -OFFICER 5T & ?. 5s JOIn M HajM,SouIe j Tic Grand; Johi. 3. Stue&e, Treasurer; Vic . t?.i- ir i..Triaj-r? W.J Flt-teher. ?ittinc Past Grand, Cfeaa. F- ni5lMBan District Diqm J Gr ad Mast-r TSic JjCdge wests i au p. j. every Wednegdsv night "isit ng brethren and all dil FeJkras in joo.1 standing we oordiaur Invited o attend. KSIGnTS OF HOXOlt LOIJGEKO 73P-OF. TI ElS . V Browne, DKStaUH" J eO.Wneei er, Tic Dictator: has F TiKtnsmm; tssis2"1 Dictator V S-on, Pist D w'J'VnS. L - raster rnuifc tampion, F. J. U- Oarza rx)-5o meets ieoond ajurth Tuusdivs of each aonth. .'Tftoi.lfS KMOHT3 OF AMETUCA. t. ?036ph . T CWmxrUU1 Branch, fo 745)-eets on the 1st and 31 Tue3-j dayofeachniontfiatS p. !-, fi a isfc l" m n,l at7 n ti . from Oct. 1st to Apnl "30th a ..,. .. . nnc.ii Hall at St. Josephs OoUtK ..i n.rir Ti.-.BrSibate. ftedeA1 4. Brore. Vxoe Prid-y Fed- . m, Bee. Becretary; joaa x- ul",r '-v.- ?ergt. at arms J. F. " TfTlgg jFj VSJUOS jr., j.jriio wtw Bombc, A. . Broxme. I BnwncuHsP A In ill iii nn O-NCTISG ALl "iCa-J OTSIO STSAE & AHA.XSA-3 PASS and MSXICAK SATIOS AL Bailways- Fliis Line Oarrio the Umttd States lttai! on Si-liudr.le Time of 40 Hours. BUges Lbhvo AJie' an Brown- ville Daily at G a. hi (Sim days inenHud) nnd arrive at D srhiHtimi he next Evenino;- K&TE3 of fare Round Trip ticket jnc Trip ...5 22.5 1 15.00 Gn.Idren under 12 years half fare. Children under five years free. . L ffifflffl, L, Bransiille, Te. IHOS BEYNON PR9P.AHD liRm . -Go To- &'bZ- 5nn JU -.., 1 -s--- Foi Cin rhsk -y-, Wi;i-s Oi ae D iiiit-sUc hihI It;jprted Oigr?, 0tiirirti.-. nd TibncCu ot AH Kinds. m 8. PABEflES & CO . iTopr:eldfs t5ronwll. Tex. p- riL ri H il II! r te scaur ani Eable supplied -vith fresh fish, oyster ' itmeand vegetables. 3onforthJe and well furnished rooms in consec'iion with TdStaumat. Mrs. E. Abiupft Propnetn-ss E'izabeth Street I 51 5 6.1 (Suocesaoj to Chdstiau Hes., --DS VLER IN - Hhest Price Pail For Ooantry Proauee. r&lfri : haw, : ; Tczc PSMf nxi fir L I ft I i U 8 I 1U 1 PROFESSIONAL OARDS. ATTORNEY AT :LAT7. Brownsville : : : : : : ' Texa. ffica Second Floor Kio Grande l&droad Building "Will practice in any of the Coarts, ctato or Federal and and railroad litigation, the investigation or Uca and preparation of abstracts, speoalues. S- 11. GOODRICH, AT rOUNE Y-AT-LA W: DI5XLE2 IK KHAL ESTATE Oinplete Abstracts of Gameron Connty Kept In TheOffics. ROWNSTTLLK -TEX Ml. MAitIS, LAWYER AND LAND AGENT MONEY TO LOAN ON GOOD SECURITY. Office in Dalzell Building on Levee Sfcrtlefc. " 15iOOrm,'&ie. ..,... &z&fc& NO. I.JlLEmERr ATTORNEY-AT-LA W. );Hoc over First National Bank Brownsville, Texas Will practice in any of the ourrs of th State when special! mi: ployed. H. G.' Krau'sse Is no Prepared to do all kinds of UJo-lnk nnH PI n If Uf II X if 11 1 u 11 aiiii uiubf huh, Repairing Jewelry and Silverware of all Kmds a (Speciality. ELIZABETH street B HENTiTKO. ATTORNEY AND !QUNSELOR-AT-LAW 1 Wil piatit'.ce in all federal and ! r Hate Umirts. Brown$viUss 2lexas j fOIIN P. KELSEY, ATTORNEY a I' LAW. Wfff practice in the Federal and tate UonrtB. . liio Grande Oiiy - - Texas FAS. II. EDWARDS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Land. Titles Investigated and Abstracts Furnished. Rulalgo: : : : : : : : : : : Texa &JL&m S0X&1- ijiii aL SOUTHERN PrGIFIG CDMPHHY, ATLMTiC SIST3U. Steamers make trips berween Morgan City or Ne.v Oreans and Brazos Santiago, via Ga.lve.iton about every 10 davsr For further information call on or addreas M. B. KiNGSRURY. Agent. ' X-2f ' oj -st ti 54slWc; .'sC&Jl.": Li;i VXul. K3 FOE 2 S nin rn ES.3 I S3 k 9 d 2 e 1 ? 2 2 n E 1 s s 5 n K 5 a s a r n 3 8 1 M S3 S 51 11 k h .?: i tv: ? :i n n ii i ta Ui li t?ffanc) card mounts. a i . n,A r oil r.--; -JrSt-'opving and entargempnts in crayon 'scattered ill Small gronpi be Ann i!anev (roods o all JJescriD ', K- ?.. r -,.. . J 1 ,, or -1 tion, sntable for Wedding arid Birthday Presents! lusic. Books, .Stationery, to3s ena Inks, Jewelry, Silverware, Fancy , - " , . .. Goods x)f everydeseriptioa J list received Tjy ; ! P 0 Cfl I' ' '!PV r isi It bi G t bi K.A A U 0 u ff 1 Bxo vasalle, Texas. ?rjtzp !r ot?: ?3tM&$m& BREAT 6BtM OESTBOYEfil iM&iuumu lam (OZCr4!ZED chlcr:k.) Disinfectant, Deodorizer Aatisapfis, FOB SAFETY, dEAKURESS AW) COKt'OT ! Wt!l Iceep The atmorphcre 2mse antiwnolt&oine; removing cut : had odors from any tource, I Will destroy all Disease Germs, 1 i&feclivn front e JFevsrs, and all Contagious J&isecbses. known to occar Jvhcre the Fluid was freriy used. i-2S5;SS5S?223! Yellow Fkkk has J N a ice. pAcs. Its as m rorit cases of Diph- theriv hse yielded to jr. Attendants tni Hie Sisk vilt "ieenre I'rtcclioi r-iii Xis-leci-o-is D:ejies by u-,1115 tUo Fluid. Pencctly hoiinless, u?cd intcrnallj or externaHy. AS AN INTERNAL D!S!NFECTANr AND DETERGENT. . Takca r i-yrct?d oru-,caa&,a'a,'h,it allay intlPiUEiatian and cC'tf-iS Offen sive discliarges. The Fluid Isacrtp2a cure lor Diarrlics u Byetilry3aTu3JIu flnuu2i3tionoffi8 Howob. ItiJia 3ine ia it nature ft will often atrti complete relief fvom ITiartbsru. Acid TJeTW, MU).r?f H. r Xcpton3Hop Geo. jDRer. Richard Fuller, Hon. Alex. H. fctenhens, Hon. A J. Walirr, and many other. ZEIUU 2. GO., PhHadsJphis. CAN'T - - ioJIiJCi . THEN SEE JDRNAXANSGS. He is piepared with one of the finest Trial Gases containing a full assortment of spherical land cylindrical lenses, pnmb opiitahnoscopc tor inspection of the interior of the eye, and other optical instiuments for examination of the eye&, selec tion of eye glasses and bpec tacles. Kemembpr that yon run the (risk of impairing 3'onr eyesight wlin rou trust the examination j of the eye a nd selection of glass , - nlntaA jes to spectacle a alers. See Dr. Gr. Natanson ofnee ud stairs over the YTUREIA BUG- ! 4 6 OF THE r 1 n uldilud il, U s n From and after Oet. 1th., 1896 regular passenger train will run as follow-: REGULAR TRAIX. Leaves Brownsville (Daih) at 9 a.m. " Point Isabel 4 p. ro JOSKCELAYA, GENERAL MANAGER. AND COLD "s SI A (S 1 1 1 U A f JBS L, A. H-GtISSST'S Barber SndT). & Alo a fall line of tobaccos oigars, pipes aud smoker material. EL12BEli STREET Iff LLIS W A LG E N 3 a G H PHOTOGRAPHERS, Are introducing new and elect styles .of work at their Darlors. AlbO new stfles ,aone. inspection or w vtk PKMr.n.rinrJnttnn ? rPWrmiJnn WASHCfGTOS- strbks - Oil IZESTT 'yhe MiI1er's Hotel buihlino; hav- m; been completen rouaircil is of- l fared for rent for lio'ei purposed j1:801065 -A.PPly to" tfran- ic,sCO nrr,a- ing been completeh repaired is of- I Old newspapers for sale at 4f'Q -r zrz hundred HOT A FLAG- OP TURGE. Edhpm Pasha Wants an Arm istice for Five Bays. London, Ma3' 3 A dispatch from Athens announces, that Edhem Pasha litis sent an officer witli a flag of trneo to Greek headquasters, asking for an aimistice for five days. An other dispatch from Athens says it is also reported that Bulgarian irregulars, to th number of about 200 men, have crossed the froulier- in Mace duui&. COLONEL VASSOS RECALLED. Athens, May 3. The Greek Govermnnt has recalled Col onel psSwro m Crete. He gjnrligqmmand of the Grel35rces 'o'u Thenfriiil; by Colonel Stavkds. Casea, May 3 renewed reports here today that the Greek troops are about to be withdrawn from the island of Crete. ")r- Xat, Uandia, May 3 hip nqurtrp -. .. mi -erLr- als commanding the iieets' of the foreign powers, in Cretan waters had a conference yester day with the insurgent leaders at Paleokahtro. The Cretans were promised complete au tonomy, including the condition jthdt the nomination of their ruler should be subject to the ratification of tlie Cietaiu as sembly. The insurgent leaders, how ever, cut shorj, the conversation and reiterated that their motlo remained, "Annexation to Greece or Death." GREEK PLE1?T IN" POSITION. London, May 3. The Stand ard's eerio3pondent at Yolo will sa' tomorrow: The Greek fleet is taking position to shell the heights of the defile leading to Macrinitza in case the Turks succeed in turning the Greek ilank and maiching ro Yolo. The foreign warships have moved further out, leaving the Greek fleet free range. The Greek fleet has sent four heavy guns to Yelesiino. NICARAGUA BOUND ARY DISPUTE New York, May 3 A dis patch to the Heraid flora Pana ma says: A correspondent in C.ista Rica telegraphs thaf the govermenr is preparing to send immediately 2000 men to the Nicaragua!) frontier, pending a decision of the boundary de pute. It is said that President IZelaya of Nicaragua now has . opuurnl limif"ivfl frnnrw 4nff;irp 'IWCeil IUC liUMlifi JUU3. (....-. . ll. ..-..... yr....n.- In San Juan there are 150 men j waiting orders, 200 more in 1 Cbrnannadega, 200 in.Leon and a like number in Granada, Rivas has also been strengthen rtivas lias also oeen strengtnen & ed by several hundred soldiers, AH this activity may or may not j-psuit n hostilities. Nicar agim in hejactiou is dominated ,by s fear that there will be an invasion as government officials have received private stating that a movement of that kiud ia hing pushed foiward.! The leaders, it is said are men who have been exiled from liMcaragna. uosiaiuca, on inei other handr in view of the pies ent strained relations with Nicaragua, is merely sending hr troops to the front so jhat if here is any trouble there will be nt) delay in strengthening her defenses. The commission which now has the boundary dispute under consideration is composed of three engineers, one appointed by Nicaragua, one by Costa Rica and a third commissioner, E. P. Alexander of South Carolina, who was-ap pointed by President Cleveland.! THEIR HINDOO GUEST. San Francisco, Gal., May 3. vr neat-ly created a rlotaK4jje meeting ot the Woman's tW gress by denouncing the women of the Wefet as savages a,nd d daring that hehadbeeiK in- Tlfe gathw-Jfiof'wonnpn from all over the State has been in session here all the week. Thtt Brahmacharin Bobhasbiskshu has been a picturesque figure', always attired in a flowing gown of silk affd wearing a huge turban The women have made much of the man. from j India, who has posed as an h.x ample of humility and gentle ness, and last night he was in vited to speak on the subject of religion as a synonym jf education. Instead he stepped forward and in unqualified language at tacked the Congress, its motives and the honesty of its speak ers. He announced that he had been insulted because, as he I averred, on Thursday evening his flowing silken robes had been pulled by one of the ladies while he was talking pulled, he said, to insult him because he was telling th truth in op position to the ''horrible and foolish doctrine of heredity.1 Bobhabiakshu attacked wo men in cpriprul. He r.Jillnd them dishonest and said: "The wo men of the West are savages Will you tell me what is the difference between the Iudian. who puts war feathers in his hat, and the woman, who puis feathers rind flowers in her haf?" He then commenced a per Sonal attack on Mrs. Gardner, but his voice wds diowtied by the shouts and hisses Irorir the audience. When finalty quiet was re stored the Hindoo exclaimed: 'I will go like a hero I will be brave." s He gathered his silken robes about hull and strode from the stage. Surrounded by hia friends he. was e.-corted to the Irienus lie. was e.-corted to tlie furnace room and let out into tbe street through tb& coal hole, The ladies of tlfe Congress deny tliat the EastTndian had 1 besri iuiiiteI and said ihey ?Lv ... . ir .1... PlSBcaaihbriariir -ftWmb;sksliu, KM' 4 Absolutely Pure, i Celebrated icr- its great lejavenmjr strength and healthlusness. A sure. the food aa:nit alum and all iOrms of adul teration common to the cheap brands. royal bakimj iuvder co., new -ork- I had heard nothing, about it un til he commenced his attacks The Hindoo came to be the guest of the Congress tbrougli an inquiry at the TheosophicaL headquarters for Mrs. Annie Besant, who was expected in this city, s she would not reach here in time the Brah raacharin was recommended. . 1 --- . e was inos Angeles tlie iGnrifr5 ot nim transporta- lion and, iii,OL P"yg ' his addresses, tllP11 his expenses .vJiilB"nels lu Hhe city. - COKE STRICKEN. BY paralysis; Former Senator From Texas lii a Critical condition. Waco, Tex., May 3. Ex Senator Richard Coke is very ill. He. was stricken with par alysis yesterday in the -lower limbs arid it ss extending to (day, threatening-his entire bo dy. There is yet hope that the attack may be arrested and that the disease may yield to treatment, but the Senator is certainly in a very critical condition. Senator Coke has been fail ing in health and strength since his retirement from the United States Senate. - As a consequence he has remained quietly at home in this city, refusing every appeal of friends to enter public discus sions or appear at public 1 mppHnrc Knpfi itMr ir thpir I s r J J were political meetings. He made ah exception last Satur day upon the occasion of the old settlers' picnic and was a welcome uest at the annual reunion; Subscribe for Tub Hi.rald, Awarded Highest Honors World's Fair, Gold Medal, Midwinter Fair. acr? A Pa.'S Gtss CrefiE of Tarlir P6w3er (40 yaS THSSTiBI- W4f m Sir m CSMM .