Newspaper Page Text
'- J 1 .MP.- -- -i?---.- - -- F AK h'rb n I nyy t. a 3 la 1 ii Nv T h rt i -c ? r S--3 ts h ?ai H b i a. i u " i I rm 3 if C H jflA JK 3 VA A C. - . . .... L. J i tol. xn. Jzyjiyj' 2 :.? Tie Weekly Banner "Satfifc- J. b., K1NKIN".C -- ,t I).! JCCKIJIMOK. KINKIS Jtr3IcCRIMMOy, Editors, Publishers and Proprietors. l'2LlJAJii&HIFir G-3r.8- 1!M. Local option was defeated in frneMone county at' a cecent ation, by a smalf majority. .occasion yet to get a pliy- kin'a certificate in tliat.eoun- order to pet a glass ot linns warmicjj and. sootli- ilToo Er, a dork in the deiot at Hcniiistead, instantly killed August om, tli Stli instant. At jic time lie shot and mor- ronndeJ Harry Clajipart. not learned rue c.iue iffienlty. Mooney sur-- t) to the anthoriiijS. said to be oat of the jn to "appeal from' Grant Grant sober," as was 5y parties interested iii of one Philip, a lew Philip sobered .TJicy say Grant an that sort ot sticks to old 'Robfcsoli county," as pcrsistent- h ho ps"'ed alonr on the ' the Potouia.Q, r e;kk of theXcw York Us that the dnel, be imd liennett, was hid that the. , pistols . .pm miining neav aft wadding. Imr Iad. to-jtQr tBdepVive ttliauts ot the empty iding- before, a pis- fclen bullet, and ecs of its pene- aden heads, May pistol was load- true. -T-liis is the ppcx just estab- pTJof , t'. and It. M. itors andjiro- spiKj,- jiewsy liberal sup- jli temperate : gentlemen, iiot stand in any cousid- .mps'; Iieuce oiijee?ureu fcPeal Yander rich. . iew'auland iuimeiieely .11 limn of simple l! all made i wills, bu (ltlionsrli an , iiniuarrii i!e (he best ' dispositioij y, plac - ing it in pi u" apnli- cd to the pu sired to &erv-, durin he. He did not leav 'to execu- tors to carry ns wunes. mv. i. eaootrc," the grateful live forever in aflection of those .ehasWfltted., . . , til T-r-r; jr-i t, Ir dueling at4 a 1111000111 'or piemium? At Fair Bluff, North ' Carolina, the lflth inst., a cou ple of. sable sfentlcman of South CaroHna,fbughta,duel. fiThey really 'meant business and blood. INo shaui, with them.- They in terchanged four shots, and one of the parties was wounded three Jimcs, dangerously. The other party was wounded in the light arm. TlieJtmonstrated that they po.-scsgne pluck. Who' will daPy now, that-the' darkey is advancing in -the more relineJ elements of .idvilization? The Dailt Galvkstoxiox. This new candidate tor jiopular favor, made its first appearance in the Island city last morning. It is a morning pa ler, containing the associated press dispatches, as well as tel 'eg'ram"of interest from all tho important points in the State, not embraced in the associated dispatches. The Gdlvestonion is a hand Fome sheet, and under the ad ministration of its racey propri etor and editor. Major 1). L. iMcGarv, b destined to '.. a -SH '!.' n r '"- -" U;li place i . "I'll' i,r . ONLY OXIi niSSEXTlSn. The report of the joint com mittee of tlie two houses of Congress to provide tor the counting of the electoral vote, has at last been made. The re port was unanimous, with one solitary exception, and that ex ception, 0. P. .Morton, goes far to strenthen the belieftliat the bill is fair, and breaks up the nice little job that he and Chan dler and their co-workers in fraud, had conceived, of count ing in Hayes, by the aid of cor rupt and profligate rctunii.iig bohrds. Senator jtfortori i"s one of those unscrupulous politicians who is entirely innocent of favoring anything that could be wnstrned into fair dealing with a question inrolving thu inter est of his party. II is opposi tion to the measure, is not a had. recommendation to the bill, as reported by the com mittee, the passage of which is now scarcely questionable. Jfr. 'lorton may swallow his cha grin as best he can, and digest his malignant venom in solitary grandeur. There is no consid erable number of even his own party, who will pcrsUt in trying to give the count ot the electo ral vote, a purely partisan bias, ' regardless ot law, right, justice and the constitution. s4 I Hon. Mr. Julian, member of Congress, made a masterly ' speecn at inaianapoiis, tne oui instant, before ,a convention of the, people of Indiana. It was an eloquent appeal for the pres- ervatioii ot the constitution, and. 1 an unanswerable vindication of the right of Tilden anJ Hcn-drick.-; to the seats to which they havedeen unmistakably elected by the voice ot American free men. Alluding to those who wouhl subvert the constitution, by foisting into the office of President a man clearly not. elected, he thus' concludes" : Let them be warned in season by every lover of regulated lib erty that millions of men will be found ready to offer their lives as hostages to the sacred -ness of the ballot, as the pallad iiini of our liberty. ':Whosoever hath the gift of tongues, let him usa it : whosoever can wield the pen of a ready writer, lot him dip it in the inkhorn ; whosoever hath a sword, let him gird it on for the crisis demands our high est exertions, phyjica! and moral." LLEtrronAL Yotk of Floi-ida. By reference to our telegrams in this morning's Baxxee. it will be feen that the Canvassing Board ot Florida, in obedience to an act of the Legislature of that State, on counting the re turns found to be regular and legal, gave the electoral vote of the Flower State to Tilden and Hendricks by 94 majority. This ought to settle the question, and we suppose will. Logan ot the Senate and Chandler of the Cabinet, will rave and iume, but in the end, these viperous politicitians will find they 'lave been biting files, hurting their own fangs, and nothing else. Those little bribery operations I of. the .Hon. Win. Pitt Kellogg i in New Orleans'ars lo'iio inves-; tigated by the Grand Jury ot Orleans parish, and it is hoped that he may be dealt with to the full extent of (helaw,"in such cases made aiiiFprbvided. Ho is charged with. bargaining with Representatives atj$250 a vote and with Senators- (God save the workl at SlOOO a vote. jjiioop nun up ; ne riciuy deserves Itt i i tit " ' t. Hoak has been elected to the tT. S. Senate from Massachu- i setts, after numerous balloting!. Logan has not yet been elect ed from Illinois, and it is to be hoped he will not be. Anybody to beat Logan. Palmer is his most formidable competitor. m m John Davis stabbed Henry Dixon in the breast with a knife near Hearne la-t Thurs day, killing him almost instant ly. Davis eloped and has not been heard from since. The Capital Theatre has been closed by legal means at Austin, j What will the paper ol that ; - ii ! f..r !..cil- no-. BRENHAM, WASHIM .v iMfj-KTCPg-g ,-n-.-".'.T:.n 1TE SHOULD UK THAXXFf'L. Our northern exchanges are J full of accounts of destitution among the people of that sec tion. In the city of New York,j there are fifty thousand workinJ men and women out of employ- inent- The same number arc in the same condition in Chicago, and of course the smaller cities and towns have their due pro- port'on of destitnto men and .' woniQjMMUimr to work but u aL furl examine mittec a conver.-l uiia. T:.-..!Tf, i nntoev-"i oiaicn iisniLi .iliui :i-ier AttoNftiiTTm previous to the election, in which Corbin said that the cn- tluiMasm of the whites was such that the State would be lost to ihe Republican party, unless forty or fifty negroes could be killed in order to give excu-e for the introduction ot Federal troops. Ycry soon after this conversation the Ellenton riot occurred, the troop? followed, pud Corbin hasince. bcen.elect crto the ITii'tcd States Senate. Cause and effect were never more eabiiv discerned. BoirrwF.i.1. is of opinion tint the. bill agreed on by the con ference committee ot the two houses, on the electoral vote, elects Tilden. The people know that Tilden wis elected by their votes, and by the grace of God and the inherent v!r:ues of th? constitution, he is morally cer tain to bo inaugurated. A fair count is all the country demands, and nothing less will be accept ed by the people. Gi;x. LixnsTr.KT, who has done .-o mii'jh dirty work tor Radicalism in Louisiana is now trying to make the people ot tlie Crescent City believe that he has turned Democrat, 'i'he General is a bad egg. lie sees that the Democracy are going to win, and he wants to take posi tion on the slron side. There now, the Hearne ..-b'-gux man has gone and done it. Why he has actually heralded it to the world that we imbibe. We are a ruined woman sure ; and think of in-titntlng suit against Mr. -iiguS'Cjr damages. Sh.ime to talk so iiVjont a tem perance man ! j . Hon. W. W. L.v(-cljias been re-elected - toJithfLap'osi tion of WorthwjMaster.of'the Texas iT"-fc ' ilTJ"! T-1H" . Ilcs?mado an efficient officer and has been du ly rewarded and doiibly honored by his re-election. Me. E. M. Hatohkr, ot Gal veston, and Miss Sallie Sax- ;-?' K0!, of Austin county, were married la-t Thursday evening, at the residence of Dr. G. W. Foster, at Nclsonville, by the Rev. Mr. Buckingham. There was a lifteen thousand dollar fire at Denton on the l.'th inst., consuming the South side of the public square, including the Jfunitor printing- establish ment. A colored man named Bill Walker was tried at Calvert la-t week on a charge of murder, convicted and is to pay the death penalty for the deed. Houston has a fire company composed entirely ot colored men. tJj le bo, trf gathering lit the house o about three miles in tli? try. A merry time tl laying the country bo. pletelyin the shade, arv olized the smites ot tli' lasses. The hours fie heeded until the time farewells, when tho bovs they had paid dearly fo fun. The country boys hT ken their revenge. iSot a was to he tonnci to carry r back to the city, and slo; stdly aim niuuilily tho young Lmnn-drasrs'e-d themselves home ward, mentally resolved to give the country boys a fair showing next time. Stermuii Register. vAsiuxr.Tox Talk. On Sun day the Administration was a J "little oil 'so badly ort, m fact, that Brother Orville, who visis- ed ihe White Iloue on family business, came away and told his friends that the President was in one of those moods in which it was no use to talk to him. It serins that Morton, Sherman, Stirjieant. Don Came ron and others ot the conspira tor. in the Senate and Cabinet, took advantage of the Presi dent's unfortunate condition, and induced .him to send the telegram to General Augur. The poor, oppressed female clerks ot Washington are thus mentioned in a recent letter : ''la the departments the clerks work in the forenoon during the holidays, and the afternoon the streets present a giy and anima ted appearance, for the young ladils are out, arrayed more gorgeously than Solomon or the lilies, in bewitching pullbacks, rouge, pearl powder, dark eye brows and under-cored eyelash es, bent, like Tamerlane, on conquest." John II. Houghton, who re Rides in falls county, Texas, has instituted suit in the Sixth Dis trict Court for the parish of Or leans against Stephen B. Pack ard, formerly 1T. S: Marshal, who at present "lodges at the St. Lonb Hotel." Plaintiff al leges that s.iid Packard owes him SI 77.50 for services ren dered as keeper of a steamboat at Shicvcport, La., at. the rate of $3 a day. A'. 0. Picayune. A special from Washington says that Hon. Win. A. Wheel er visited President Grant on the 15th, at the solicitation of Senator Colliding, . and urged the President to take no steps in the Louisiana matter until the Congressional committees make their leports. Mr. Wheel er having come diivet from an interview with Governor Haves gives some particular interest to his present attitude. We are intructed by the A. S. of M., to roiider a resolution ot thanks to the Brenhaiii A. S. ot M who visited this place on Tuesday last lor tho sole pur pose ot organizing a like or der at this Yace.GidJi)irs Tribune. The authorof "Hold the Fort" and other popular songs Mr. P. P. Bliss, was among those kill (1 by the Ashtabula, disaster. tit tn kien un'OTi 'the ewspappr men and that ho is jive them if they shouldn't write rdships and ex- so great, llns nor anybody else It is true newspaper ues work pretty !is a rule, thev don't than h good for them, have no excuse tor g things they ought not to t became of their worry. iv should keep their tempers. Jrother Ta'.mage. savs that tors write and publish bad ings because the public taste unhealthy, and they must give We readers what thev wish. It Ihey do this thev'' deserve to be held up to reprobation by all paeachers and moralists. That people have vices is no pallia tiof the oliojise of those who p.TWer to them. But the bus i ness of newspapers is to report fact-, and sometimes facts reveal the depravity of human nature nc -oll c ifc t-ivfur2 Tl ia imf lTic function of an editor to make lacts or to ignore them. He must take hem as they are, i-.voiding in their publication whatever merely tends to pro voke immorality or to gratify a morbid appetite. A minister may easily preach against wick ednoss'in such a way as to stim ulate cuiiosity regarding it and to inflame the desire to commit it. Sensational ministers have be-m known to do that very thing in their eagerness to at tract hearers. This is bad in a miii'ster, m in an editor. Brother Talmage says the re sponsibility of what an editor publishes is divided between him and his readers. We ask no such division. If the paper is evil, it is the editor who is at tr.nlt. He has no business to publish what is unfit to read. No, let the preachers offer no palliations tor the offenses of the editors. Editors havn a great responsibility, and they ought to boar it fncmselves. It was asserted to-day by one of Grant's stroiig, steadfast friends, that, as he has but six weeks further ot power, he is utterly indifferent to such opin ions as bis enemies in the House may form ot him. He means to act with vigor as decisive as as that which brought about the surrender of Appomattox, and he means to deal with the incip ient rebels of 1S77 as sternly as with the full fledged rebels ot 1S05. The person responsible for this information further states that Grant asserted that whoever wondered at this would have still more to wonder at be fore thev were mam da vs older. Extra Billy Smith, Yirginia's war governor, and a celebrated ante-bellum politician, is now member of the State legislature. Although seventy-six years of age, he is robust in general health and vigorous in mind as ho was twenty years ago. IPs inclination to talk is irre-istable, and usually he talks well. He keeps abreast ot the times as to subjects of thought, though his ideas as to the treatment of tho subjects are occasionally an tiquarian. The old gentle man's photograph graces the editorial rooms ot the Jleralu. JMllai Herald. "Flora Temple." the famous old trotting marc, still livos. aged'! I. so winiinT do no not like liei'ffify though all her friends, despite her imqucst Toned plainness, re gard her as a charming woman. A Federal soldier in the ranks writes : I have been at a great many places of late, and I find that the greatest number of en listed men are for Tilden and Hendricks." Again : "I ask the people of the United States, would a soldier of tho United States Army be bound to put in a corrupt President not lawfully elected ? Why, a soldier would be breaking tho laws ot the country by putting in a Presi dent that is'not lawfully elected by the people's vote, and a sol dier onght not to be used as a tool for political parties." nox. Bex. Hill thinks the newspapers have treated him badly, and wants it distinctly understood that he is in full sympathy with the Democratic party. Galveston jVaws. It is refreshing to learn that the IIox. Bex is "in sympathy" with something good, and it is to be hoped his love may prove steadfast. . -. . Hieronymns complains that freight from St. Louis is thirty days en route to Hempstead, and an indefinite period puts an end to oysters coming from Galveston. Nothing will rush madly to Hempstead until that circular saw ceases to alarm the country and locomotives. Statesman. "Dar's gwine to be wall," re m irked a colored citizen, "an' all you niggahs might jes' 's well git rcaily for active busi-ncs-." "Which side shall we take V asked one of his hearers. "You niggahs can take jes' wha side y'er please ; l'se gwine to take de Canada side!" Foiirclergyinen who officiated at a wedding in New York the oMier day were paid two hun dred and fifty dollars each for their services. - A Sample 1'ottlfiFrct. Ifjou are troubled with Headache duUnes. incapacity to keep tha mind on any subject, dizzy, sleepy, or nervous feelings, gliioiny forebodings, irratabii ty of temper, or a b.ul taste in tlie mouth, unsteady appetite, chkimr sen sation in the throit, pain in the side or about tho shoulders' coldness of ex trum idea, etc. , or in fact any pyiutmns of Ijiver complaint, bi'iousness, constipa tion of the bowels, or dyspep-ia, fo to your drusirist 1$. E. Lulin and net a bottle of Dr. Siierm ui'a Prickly Ash Outers. Xo spirit is used in theii manufacture except a putts atticle of tl Hand Gin. Jj.idirs in particular will find them pecaliarlr adapted to their wants in all ages and conditions of life. The table tells all they con tain, cjusequently physicins d n-)t liesitile to prescribe tliem. Sample bott'e for trial free. Keuular size ?l Juue2vly. Tlie American l'conlp. Xo peoplein the world sutler as much Willi Dyspepsia as Amerunns. Al though v ears of experience in nied: ciuo ha tailed to accomplish a certain and sure remedy for disease and its ef feels, such as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Ilibitual Costivoness, pal pit'i'lon ol the Heart, Ht.irt-butn Waler brah. coming up of food alter eatinjr, hnv spiritK, ,vc, yrt since the introduction of c.ltKKN's Auuiwr ki.ow Kit we beli.v.' nii'ir is no case of lvs ewia and I.iver Complaint thai can not eh iiunii'.Mately relieved. 3 ,('()0 dozen sold l.t year with nit one c.ue of failure reported, do toyourlru rUt 1!. I". !, ihn&Cn , and -ret a stain pie llottle for 10 rents awl trv it. Two doe5 will reliee you. Uvular Srzr ' Ti eeul-. rum-AL METHODIST. .licino is acknnwledjj ed to'lnvelio equal as a liver luudicirie; containin-r thrso Southern roots and herbs which an all wise Providence has plac ed in countries wheie Liver Diseases most prevail. LADIES EXDOESKMEXTl '! have'given your medicines z thor ough trial, and in no case has it failed to "(jive full satisfaction." Ellen ilea cham, Chattahoochee, Fla. riJOFESslOXAL. "From actual experienie in the use of this'medicino in my practice, I have been, and am, satisfied to use and pre scribe it as a purjativen.tedicinej' Dr J. Mason. , SI. E. FLOKIDA COXFEltEXCE. 'I have ued Dr. -Simmons' Liver Rejrul.itor in my family for Dyspeia and Sick Headache, and regard it an invaluable remedy. It has not failed to (jive relief in any Instance." Rev. F. EtHerl'ii;. . . . , - -. - "Simmons Livfer Rejrnlator "is cer tainly a specific for that class of com plaints which it claims t cure." Rev David Wills, President Ofrlethorpe Col lege. pct"3.w.l. JsIiOFJ?SS10JYAZ GAUDS. c n T. KAVAXACGII, -i.-t torn oy e1 X-i aTtr, Brenhnm, - . Texas. VCWl practice in Washington and ad joiuinj; counties. janlGdlmw'lm II. E. WILLIAMS, Bp-nham. rr. it. mi.i.ixosi.EA Chappell Hill. WILLIAMS & 15ILLI.NGSLEA, Attorneys - ailja'--r, OHice in Onins b.iildinjr. Hast side Conrt House Square, Brenham, - - - Texas. Prompt attention to collections, ex amining land titles and paying taxes for ma residents. BREEDLOVB & EW1XG, k--t'toi'-ci.o3--is - a,-t -Xi-3.x7 Brenham. Texas S. R. KEN A DA, ii.ttor3ioy-at""!Ja-VD-, Z Burton, - Texas. Will practice in the District, County and Justices Courts. Prompt att-H tion given to the collection of claims raav26vly J. A. LIPSCOMB, Ti.'trtcssraa.oys-a.t-Xjo.xTO- Xkp 11 HAL ESTATE AGENTS, Will practice in the District Courts of Washington, Lee, and Burleton coun lies. I.rprCE upstairs over Gidding's Bank July 1C I. H. BOWERS. .ttorzioy tx j"j.-ot7-, Burton, Washington Co., Tex. sepl" J. M.Gos. Bates McFarland. GOSS k McFABLAND, Brenham, Texas. Office Upstairs in Allcorn building Near Brejdlovo & Chatlicks Bank, av J. T.Xorris.M.D. L. B. Creath M. D. DRS. NOKPwIS & CKEATI1 rhysiciacs and Surgeons. Oder their Professional services to the citizens of Brenham and vicinity, Omce Wood -i Co. Prnc Store. May 14th 1874. 3m. Trcscriplion Free "FTlOR tho speedy cure f seminal Jn weakness, lost mauhood. and nil disorders brought on by indiM-reiions or oxces-. Any druggist has the in gredients. Address W. DAVIDSO. CO.. SG Nasssu St., ew York. aur4?owly QOCLE U.VIVERS1TY, CIIArrELL HILL, TEXAS. The Second Term of the Seventy first Session of this Institution wi!' otMi,, ion.ii,r, .lamiary im.isii. lt,r . ill. irii !r ti 1 dersiirn-l. JOHX C. MILI.KU. - ........,..,., .. dei-Jitl&wtl I'lr.-nii at DR. J. W. FOOTE, of Virginia, late of Gonzales Texas. Having attended a fall Course of Lectures at the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery, and having had sup rior advantogis in Practice, feels as sured that he can ifnaiantec satisfaction in every branch of his business. OlHce over Wood's drug store. Brenham, TeXM. noO'75 s IL'AliRISON, MERCHANT TAILOR, Has removed to the Minkwitz bnilding west side public square, . where he is prepared to attend to tho wants of hit patrors. Ready nude Clothing and Gents Furnihing Goods ot his own make al ways on hand. .Oct. 8-3m (T.T1AKXETT, 352atrass -SfZaiiufacturcr, Brenham Texas" Kepps.ponstantly on hand Macliino made Matrasses' of all kir.ds, which ho is selling at moderate pticcs for c."h. Call at 0. tt'ittebergs, next. door to R. Hoffman, and examine my luatrnsrs and prices before purchashing else where; as I-am making the best mat rass in tho market. septlOtjl U. C. BARXETT. Yn. SCflUEENDEUG, rjggHj Blacksmithj and manufacturer of AGRICULTURAL LHl'LEMEXTS, Breuliam. Texas. J3JSpecial attention given to Hiirsk Siioeinu, general job work and repair ing. Terms liberal. Shop near May nard's I jvery Stable. Jui.e IS. '74. RS. I). PETERS, Dealer in Fancy Groceries, Fruits, Nut?, Cigars and Tobacco, Crockery,Glass and Qneeiisware, Under Cantral Hotel, Brenham, Texas. Cash paid for butter, chickens, eggs and domestic fruits. The Patronagu if the public bolicitcd. Oct- 8-tf B.1 ELDRIDGE & CO., WHOLESALE AXD ItETAIL IS Groceries and Provisions, Brenham, Texas, A full and complete Slack alwavs on hand.forsaloat BOTTOM FIGiJKES for THE CASH. Give us a trial, OctS. 1S74. II. "W CK-ISli:!?, Dcaler in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Specta cles, Silver an. Plated Ware. Brenham Texas. Repairs done on short notice ami warranted. AH Goods arranied as" represented. vlln3- D.G. -WILLIAMS, DEXTAL SURGEOX. Brfnlmm, Tcses. OtHcf over (Irabcre Jr-wdry Sto, Xorth East Corutr of tlie Court lluusu SI ni re. Plates niailf mi flmrt notice. A'l! op-erattoa-5 L'ltani tfttl. 'iVrniri cadi. o. 7.lSm yf A. ENGELKE, "" " E3Ja.Krisi3--t, IE.lI.EIt IN roreisn and Domestic ExchaK.50, AND Firo- Tnsiiniipo V -Llll AllMUHlt.U 1 !" ' r.rcnliaii yf m i- X