OCR Interpretation

Brenham weekly banner. [volume] (Brenham, Tex.) 1877-1907, May 18, 1877, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86089443/1877-05-18/ed-1/seq-2/

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'" ,s- iMSSS"'" - " r , - a- -t -
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-Thfc-Wcckly Banner
SSiZ.t ":.'.'.. - , , , ' 'V,;
t a
J .Jraskin.
r. it
EHtrtre.JPublwhSrti and Pjtitln.
1 aT--"-
JrfKjfultowuiwuries should
4WKtave p.bavmg lieen
paid apUc die delinquent
iKlwt,vandca in to the
rwniers: :-TL-A. "Raysor, "Win.
EM tr, Tkw.X.Mi" Dade, Steve
Bundle wgMj- T. E. Tom.
Vrmix a jear, forty-four
peackers in the United States
Wve been convicted ot crime.
The water privilege of Kiag-
FalU, on the Amencajyade
w.w recently sold ior 571W0.-
i .1. m ' v
JInekk tlie modified marrijgo
,law of Indiana license JnMJbcJ
issued io yoctiis ol cigliteeiiBi
glrh ot sixteen.
TnE new Yin'Inhi election taw;
requires every Voter to produce
I1I3 poll tax receipt before depos
iting his billot.'
M, D. Asir and the boree ho
wtw riding werekilled by a
etrotc of lightningnear Waco,
on the 11th instant. . ,.
Tho Black Hills' yielded S2,r
COlCKK) in sold last year, late
ieports say that tho jjold pans
out richer than it did in Oali-,
Xixirrr cadets from the State
lAgriculural College, near: Bry
, an, intend visiting Houston dur
ing the State Pair, and com-t-sr-
-pete fortucpryse iu Battalion
. , . ;
GteouaiA has" adopted an
amendment to her qo'.iEtitution
iorcver prohibiting thp. pay
ment oi the State bonds 'fraud
ulently issnedbr. endorsed bv
f-pcyahd-JiB tetrpet bag
. iHiat "mmtog -r
theif !!nentl.-e eflr
torfcwitraent oi visitors-ring-t3&6nmcaer
months. It is
jtklrwrfeg-place t.q.Btop aWor the
ok ndilitated.
to a 3c-
femniaK'i? W
& sympa!JHiio'
Wd his borea?ed;"fj
a' .35ir.i'sK'MwtnV states
Mit Se Sf frwtf'.tlie
. &h,4Swil9reen county,
exhTbltia three buffcilo calves 1
wb;1L ft jp8kt, pe '
i . m J"&. .
$!. iZ&
- - -in totrntygferday. Tlie'oalves
kreabeaf a- enth -old? The
wners propase-selling them at
i !tiiK treasury of 'Austin county
5s in ajpftt deal better condi-
-B tion tllle State Treasury at
thecitv of" the same name. Iu
. (Austin county thero ivre Iu-e l
subject to draft, and county war-
;r.iHts ard at par; but "the same
" ' thing canuotl)e said of-warrants
- on Jthe State trcasnry,at the city
or insiin.
Tie. Chinese are tending mis
sionaries to this country to con
cert onr peqilo we will not say
from Christianity -but from
their evil ways to Buddhism.
Iecently they dedicated a tem
ple in Ifew Yorfc city, the, ChU
ne3o priest, Kong Ching Foo, of
ficiating. It is to, bo hojed they
?ill take in Brooklyn and Cbi-
cago in their misaionary labors.
Tub 2$xas Jitwuffrant is the
title ot a new paper published
at Lawrence, Texo,. by the
'Lone' Star Real Estate and
Colonization Cumpany," the
initial number ot winch is now
beforo us. It Is a neatly gotten
up twenty-fonr column papar.
replete with valiuilJe informa
tion concerning tho Lone Star
State. "We wish it success and
cheerfully place it upon oar X
A,tr festival -wliich we at
tended, once upon a time, a
oung1 )ady throw a blushing
rc at a gentleman of her- ac
quaintance, which, owing per
liaps tatliu trepidation of the
thrower, missed the. object for
which it wv? intended, and hit
another party.
ulher.-; exclaimed yi wit,
sho ehp at a dcir
audhit a
KU116faAyI'01fe4',i:M0Dr-7RAt;EDV AT nOUSTO.N. STATE NEWS. Mhl Creek Locals.
1 3SBHjBa3
Court being
re is a large num-
ns present from va-
rts- of tho country.
V ...
ro are as manv as live urns-
tor tiic, contract to bnild an ad
ditionaotheconvthouse. Among
so many bids, it would be
strange if thero should not be
at least oiie that the Court
could not accept.
Except those farms that were
damage 1 by theJate hail storm,
the prospects are unusually
good. On my route down here,
I eonld not f lil to nutics that
there was very little grabs' or
weeds in plaulaUons. On Ken
tucky Ridge, I saw corn as
high as mj head. All the plan
tations exhibit evidences of the
persistent practice of industry.
The tax collector, ilr. Mat
tlycir lni told me that less titan
n thousand rdollars of tho faNes
tor the present year yet remain
tp be collected. Few -"couuties
J can make as good a showing as
J that.
In oider to bo rea'dy for busi
ness at this placa by the time
tho railroxd reaches it, 'several
business men have visited it
within a. short time, in order to
secure eleible places. As yet,
however, "corner ots" are not
heldjitiigh figures. But it is
only a question1 of brief time
for this place to assume consid
erable importance. The" lands
'surrounding it are good, and
they arc. occupied by iudnstri--
ons. farm ers who cultivate their
own Soil. These are the char
acters who support a town, and
make its merchants happy, as
good customers ycvfcr fail to do.
D. McO.
TlieSan Antonio lleraldghcs
itas a iactj. much to be regretted,
that- there, exists such a btrong
desire among American youths,
who have been raised upon the
farm, to leave the old homestead
las boon as they Have obtained
.ifeeiriinajoritVj-and repair to the
jMties uinseartji ot clerkships,
3!ereby:heyare!barcly enabled
io em-H-a deSentSwpiporh Tho
:wteEs. -
'AlLov' thejeenntry we find
n siai-dtv-oftftrniSlabori at tho
'same time ourcifies are' over-
jcrowded with young men seek
ing employment as clerks, book
keer, &c. Thousands of nn
cmployed men in large cities
couldffnd profitable employment
upon 'th"b broad acres of our nu
merous farms; au3, maltv men
.who are now struKlm to-pay
tbeir expenses upon a miserably
inadequate salary or striving uu
su'jcesstunlly to make a support
from a small business which is
utterly 'incapable ot yielding the
necessary amount of income,
would find their burdens light
ened, their cares lessened, and
their happine&s vastly increased
by reinoval from the crowded
city into the opn country, and
exchanging their present" bnsi,-
Tiefis' for the free, independent
hteot a tanner."
Every man to his trade, is an
old and true maxim, and we ad
vise our farmer boys totick to
the farm, and avoid the deception
so temptingly held1 out .by the
allurements of city life.
The habit of breaking ,into
county jails and murdering pris
oners is becoming roo common
iu some parts of the State, and
wo are proud to see thaPsovcr-.
nor Hubbard is determined to
try to pnt a sfop to snuh a high
handed, lawless proceedings, by
ofieriug a roward.otj500 for the
arrest and conviction ofeich and
every person breaking into coun
ty jails, either to winder or re
lease prisoners, "
Col. Jim Pinfcston .returned
home hist Weduesday iftter a
protracted absence of fifteen
months, and was warmly le
ceived by his numerous friends
In the city. The Colonel did
invaluable service to tho State
of Alabama during his absence
at Flowers' ilills. and with his
usual magnanimity receieved no
remunei ation. 1'he chickens
will hold a meeting soon to de
tcimino the altitude of their
rooats, to which, the Colouel is
not mviteo,
Tho above is tho neat way
tho Montgomery (Ala.) Adver
tiser has et telling its readeis
that Mr, Pinkston lias served
his terra in the penitentiary,
and vet turned to his aoions and
admiring lriends, Kow how
much better that is than to say
."Jim Pinkston, a sneak chik
cn thief has sened his time in
the penitentiary, and is now at
large; Keep an eje on jour
chicken coop;."
-"& -difficulty-occurred at Hous
ton, on Tuesday evening last,
between Matt. AYxodIief and A
Eiichson, city Marshal, in which
both parties were shot down in
the streets. "Woodlicf is'said to
be inoitally wounded, and Er-
ichson scriomly injured. The
difficulty originated in Marshal
Erichson's. ai resting Woodlicf"
for some alleged misdemeanor,
at which Wobdlief. became in
dignant, and attacked tlie Mar
shal with the above r,eults.
The citizens of Houston be
dine icry indignant at such
proceedings and held an indig
nation meeting, at which tho
following lesolutious were adop
ted: Jiisolped, That we .always
sustain the ofhcts of the law in
the discharge i.t their duty in
suppressing violence, and yindi
citiug the law of tlie land.
2nd. That we deeply sympa
thise with the Chief of Police,
who now -lies prostrate from
wounds received at the hands of
a violator of the law. . -
3rd. That wo earnestly re
quest the citv officeis to enforce
Lmost ligCTjusljj the "'vagrant
law," and eject from our mulct
all persons who lic by preca
rious me ins.
4th. "Whilst we are indignant
at the lite occurrence iu our
city and adjoining county,
whereby tho law is over-ridden,
and our good repute is outrag
ed, we yet advice patience and
foibearanee, and express tlie
hope that in future the law may
be enforced against, snch char
acters and an just indignation
The following resolution was
offered by Dr. A. A. McBryde
Eesolvcdy "That to suppress
lawlessness in this city a vigi
lance Committee of three hun
dred be formed-tor the purpose
of aiding the offiecrs-of the law
in tho discharge of their duties
and suppressing violence, and
murder, at any cost."
The resolution .was unani
mously adopted.
-AcKuoyedgcs the Corn.
Tho Xew York Tribune, one
of tho most violent Radical
journals in the union, seems
disposed at last; to acknowledge
that the Republican party have
made egregrious blunders and
committed many"errors,promi
nent among .which was the ar
raying of the 'negro againsj
Southern white men in polit
ical contest. It "now denounces
that policy a sigual failure, and
"Our So'uthern policy has not
only been a. curse to the whites,
but to the fiecd people for
whose benefit it was adopted.
It has not made them gooa cit
izens. It has nor taught them
how to usq the ballot. lb has
introduced amongthent" a de
moralization more dangerous to
the country than the violencc-of
the White Leagne, fornolie-
piiblicau Government can stand.
wn6n is not founded -upnn the
suffrage of ilia virtuous aiul in
telligent." TtxAS beef sold a few days
ago In London inaiketat 14
cenjs a poundjwhile the same
soit of beef commanded 15
cents in Galveston. At tlie
same time, Texas beef command
ed 22 cents in 2few Orleans.
The Gahceton ATos, and the
Crescent city papers, naturally
enough complain at this sort of
discrimination against thenn
and the JTcios asks, "is there
no remedy for this sort ot im
position 3 "
Abolish the monopoly of close
market and the thing is about
Kb people on earth are worse
taxed by griuding monopolies
than aro the Americans, errone
ously supposed to be particu-.
larly sensitive on the sabject.
We never could understand the
wisdom of compelling a man
to buy his steak or chop at a
particular pot "When men
can do so, they always combine
to put up ,the price of an arti
cle, when the roid to competi
tion i- blockaded and on this
point there is a good deal of
human natnns even in butchers.
The Commissioners court of
Austin county commenced its
session last Monday, and will
probably not be able to get
tluough tho busiue&s, a largo
amount of which they had to
transact, bcfoi e Pi iday.
Among other important
transactions, was . the appoint
ment of a committee to visit
the school lands belonging to
Austin county, and take steps
to dispone of the same.
Bois 1)"aj:c, it is said,
tho btst fence posts.
The Herald .reports a great
deal of sickjicss at Dallas.
A nook and Ladder company
has been organized in,Marlin.
Lamar county has a splendid
prospect for a heavy yield of
wheat. '
One Fort "Worth firm will ship
over 1,000,000 buffalo hides this
Highway robberies arc becom
ing common in the vicinity of
San Antouia.
The State tax on circuses is
three hnndred dollars for each
Two men, cunped near Se
guin, were robbed of 5150J iu
cash, hist week.
The Grange warehouse at
Sherman will bo completed in
three wci'ks more.
The Advertise)' reports the
o it "crop ot Bastrop county as
never better.
The question of a conntj-'f lit
is now being disotissed in Bra
zos county.
Walker county has a very
fair show ior a good crop both
ot corn and cotton.
The State Gran go has the
handsome sum of thirteen thou
sand dollars mi its treasury.
The machine shops of the
Gulf, Western Texas and Pacif
ic Railway are iu full operation
at Cuero.
One hnndred and sixty-three
couples have "spliced" in Ro
bertson county during the past
twelve months.
It is stated that there arc
about 30,000 IiVid of cattle and
20,000 head of fcheep in McCul
loch county.
Tbnng connty is rapidly set-,
tling np with a class ot good sub
stantial and'reliable'farmers. Its
lands'arc fertile and c?icjp.
The Record estimates the.
damage to tlie crops of Fayette
connty. by the .grasshoppers, at
less than one-fourth of one per
The Bastrop Cotton Mills con
tinue to do a thriving business,
and the goods, made at those
mills find ready sale and are In
great demand.
Jack connty produced last
year 10,000 bnshels ot wheat,
24,000 bushels ot oats, 25,1)00
bushels ot barley, aud S0,000
bushels of corn. -
Texas Is now tho sixth State
in the American Union, New
York being first, Penusv Ivania
second, Ohio third. Illinois
fourth, Indiana fifth.
.A man named Pace, "from
"Winchester, had his throat cut
by Ben. Ilincs at Giddings last
week. Hines Is in jail. Pace
is not expected to recover.
Lauds are cheap iu Polk coun
ty and within the reach of any
man, no matter how poor lie Is,
if he will settle iu good faith
and industriously improve them.
Farmers in the lo.wcr portion
of Tan Zandt county aie com
plainingof tiie destruction of the
young calves by a disease knuwn
as munian. Some lave lost all
their, spring calves by this dis
Major Geo. B. Erath estimates
that the school fund of the State
will be thirty million dollars
when the school lands are nil
realized from. Tho annual In
come will ba about two million,
eight luindrcd thousand.
The price "of cattle in San
Saba county is on the advance.
Milch cows sell for $13; beeves
from SIC to SIS; three-year-olds
$12; tuo-jeai-ouls 7 to SS;
yearlings $4.50 to 55. The de
mand is active
The Fort Worth Democrat
says there is a rumor among
the cattle men of that city to
the effect that there has bden a
serious difficulty between the
inspectors and some of the cat
llj men west of Fort GrifHii.
The rain and hfil stoim at
Rio Grande City, on tho 5th,
was very destructive, aud many
persons were .severely injured
by the haiL One man fo-t fonr
hundred sheep and a mule, and
the number ot sheep killed in
the vicinity is estimated at one
A new Railroad, the Now
Orleans, Texas aud Pacific, has
been incorpoiated, and five thou
sand, five bundled shares of
$100 ca-.h have been taken.
The proposed ronto is from Aus
tin to the junction oftheVinita
branch with the To.as pacific,
43 miles distant.
The !Ncw Braunfels woolen
manufactory is establishing a
wide reputation. It is now
turning out a vast amount of
cassimeis, ninch ot theinbelng
sold iu Miouri, Kansas and
Arkansa, while these fabrics
aro in vogue all over Tevis,
comparing in quality with the
best goods imported from for
eign markets.
Col. Pcirce has laid oft a new
town or settlement on We3t
Bcrnaid, where his road crosses
that stream, which he eallsXow
Philadelphia. He owns L'0,000
acres ot land thero in one body,
which he is endeavoring to fill
np with Pcnn-ylvania people.
To that end, hfr has Mr. Matt.
Whildiir established in Phila
delphia a advertising agent.
.$. .1. JArahL
Mill Creek, May loth, '77 .
Editora lircnlmiu Banner:
Alter waiting two months for
something to appear in the Bax
ter concerning the Grange,
hunts', picnics and parties of this
neighborhood from the '"other
ouej' I have concluded to write,
fearing that the "other one" was
waiting for me.
There was a wedding Sunday
morniug last: MissPercilla Bow -ers
to Mr. D. Harwell. Mr. II.
was a coveted prize from the
young gentlemen, ot this com
munity, but they must coasole
themselves with the idea that
their loss is Lis gain.
The party that wrs to have
Lbeen given -at the Bethlehem
liraugc Hall on fcnuay night
last, was postponed, on account
ot the rain storm of that evening,
until last night. The party was
a success and passed off quite
pleasantly, as do all our sociar
gatherings at this Hall,
The grasshoppers hav e depar
ted; let u's hope that they may
never return.
Farmers are working in earn
est. witlTprospects- not inferior
to those of this time last year.
Hunting-parties are quite the
rage out heie; several went to
tho Yegna lately, but returned
without any game, except osn
turkey, wh'ch well, I won't
say it was the one .Noah turned
loose when the ark landed, but
it was surely of the next gener
ation. So much for the game.
The hunters were-fortunate fn
recovering tvvo horses, which
were stolen from them, and that
amply repaid them for their un
successful hunt. Adieu.
Le Bellei
A tropical Georgian maid
said she would rather be a black
bombazine band on her" adored
one's hat than live without him.
ia,:x: iStoticje.
Collector's Sale.
I.N- comptuuee iYlt!i Article .CLII,
scctiout, 1C. 17 anil Id of the. acta uf.th
I fifwenlh Icurslatiireof the State of Ter-
ns, and by Tirtnu ot tno lax KttllHut
VVKshiiijjton county, for tho jnr 187G,
I buVoHMZHl and lotit-d nnm certain
t ract.i of I.iihI hartMuafier lie scribe!, an-st-t-su
on tbo assessment ro J wf said
cuimtv against tho pjrtks horeinafter
nann.(l, respccthtly, and will jircctscd
ti fcell M tho Cu.irtliuusa door, in the
ut.Vuf BrcnUaru, Washington cojlutv
Teias, befwren the Iionrs'of 10 .v. it.
and 4 P SI, to tho highest bidder, fur
dull in lianfl pale!,, so ninth of tho fol
hjwm Kcul state, oitimict in Wash
ington county-and gtate of Texas, as
will bo'snfiicient to satisfy tho unpaid
Taxes aud costs for tho year 1870. com
uionunx ou the. 1st Tuesday iu June,
1377;it N-iii2 the 5th day ia said month,
and ending hen raid taxes are all paid
or when so ruuch of said land is Bold ns
will be bufficient to satisfy said unpaid
taxes and cosfc
1SJ0 rrcclnct 'o. 1.
Burke, Gt-o. P 39 teres, J Hirbonr,
Leigiip; lOdO atres'j Nmrmin league.
Bfowu, T K 122 acr. J Harbour
Injrdo; 196 acres A S Miller League.
Uuhtuunn, "Flemmiii 325 acres iu
William G ites Lsagtte. -
Bl the. F M 0 acres J P Colo leagne
Bron n, JtT !( acres A Miller league.
Evans, T J 237 acres Andrew Eou
' ibsou Lcamc
Ewing, Geo 1120 acres II A .Early
Everett, Buck 155 acres Joseph
lUioour League.
Evans, John C 731 ncfo, Samdol
Gates League; 233 acres Andrew Miller
Evans, J P Eitato 1107 acres W S
Brown Leagut; WOO acres J Lynch Lgt ;
lbl acres Andrew Kobiuson Lge; 110
acres James Kegao Lge; 1 lot iu town
of Washington.
Franklin, J K Estate 'Xf! acres
William UeerL.agne.
raiiinhar, Beu 100 acres S A Miller
, Lcjgno.
Karqnhir, Mrs J L 100 acres Andrew
Miller Letgne
Goke, B 230 acres E Clampit Ln,
Giry. John E 100 acres M B Gary
and E II Jackson Lvagne.
Geo, Alfred D nl acres A Ilobinsou
Lsagne; 33 acres J P Cole League.
Harbour, James 215 acres Joseph
Harbour L-wigne. .
Hon ell, B A 119 acres Isaac Jackson
Le igue.
aiksnu, E D Jr 102 acres Jaa'Har-bour-
Kelsov. Chas 1000 acres J E Cole Lge
LbtU.W K115 acres Andrew Miller
Lgt ; 34J acres W S Brown lgej 1 lot Iu
tow u of Washiugton.
McNeil, A C-L24 acres J HaroonrLge.
McNeil, K B, Estate K)o acres iu J
Humour league.
MrKiuuo, John L 124 acres James
Wcstall League.
McPhnrsou, D W 190 acres M3irtl
McAdoo, Sir J D J2o acres Wru.
Dever Lajgno.
Mann, J R 331 acres M A Ddlard
Lge; 200 acres Audrow Miller Lge.
Poole, Win E I 0 interest in 203
acres Peter Kerr Li ague.
Kaudlo, Jules A llbi acres MA Ear
ly Leigue.
Itindle, M E ls9 acres Isaac Jack
son L'ugue
Shoatz, Fritz, Kiacres J Harbour Lge
Sniilh, E N 300 auren J Newman Lge;
Whithddj Bryan, 110 acres A Miller
Le igue.
Wri jht, E, 50 acres A Ibllard Lge.
Yiiiiii, c w, 101 acres I Jichsou Lge.
Yonuc, J u, 101 acres I Jacksou Lge.
Yiiiiug, J 1, 101 acre I Jackson Lge.
Y ii borough, w A, J2 acres Joseph
Harbour League. t
18a-Precinct Xo. 2.
Atkinson, J. 58o acres J Stephens Lge;
1 UU iu Chappol Hill.
B.niMiu.Mrs vv A, 1 lot in Chappel IB11
Carlisle, John. 1 lot iu Chappel Hill.
Carter, it k, 293! acres Munsou League.
DilHrd, Mrs C 1, 1 lot in Chappel Hill.
Etes, Kithard, 1 lot In
I inkcs, n v, 2 Lots in Chappel Hill.
Keniinnl V Hubert 1 lot Chappel Hill.
Klnppiuaun, Mrs K, 1 lot, Chappel Hill
Knotiu, Henry, &i aires Muns.iu Lge.
Luke, William, 1 lut in Chippel Hill.
Matlhos, J u, 20cJ acres F Gnuv-s i L
Miles, llillery, 1 lot in Cn.ippul Hill.
MeCUltaiulJ, 105 acrosMilIor Lejgue
M(Hloj,Mr Ji S, Hot in Chappel Hill.
Moore, Washington, 2 lots iu B-euham.
Ptrkius, Berry, iMotmn Chnppel Hill.
IMts, ED. agent for Mrs LS Daiidsou,
17 aei s iu Muiibon Leaguu.
Sledge, l'auldo, I lot in Chnppel Hill
bpann, J T, 23i Aeies J Stephens L40.
btoueJnu, 1 Lot in
liavlorAC, 2 Infill " "
I houipson, j. u, 400 acres a Stephens Lg
WliitUeld, Win, 1 lat 111 "
Wiuters, Chis, 100 aercs Munson Lge.
League; 270 acres Clark Survey.
IWtk-PrecInct Xo. U.
Arnold. .1 E, 1 Lot in Breubam.
AII..U, Hubert, 1 lot iu Jlreiiliatik.
Alien, '.luileb, t LjI iu lircuhaiu.
Alexander. A, 1 Lot in llrenhcm.
AUcorn.T J, lUOacrcHj Keg-in Ltaue.
Branch, Moses, 1 Lit 111 Breiili mi.
Brown, John, 1 Lot in Brcnham.
Bnssn, C. 2 Lota 111 Breuham.
Blister. W S, 100 acies ale iru A. Jami
son Ln.igue.
Bigby, Willis, 1 Lot in Brrnham.
B0I111, W. 350 aervs N Sunlit Lejguo.
Bnsb. N W, 1 Lit Hi Breiiliam.
Bnrber, l)au,94 aerea Austiu & Alleurn.
Leaj;tii s.
Biwi rs, J B, 101 acres J W Cole Lge;
23 a.eres I Jacknm L-.igne.
B.iker, Jainc, 1 Lot in Breiihani.
Coinptuu, G K, 93 acres Cirriiigtort Lge
Childs, Charles, 1 Lt 111 Breuham.
Cook, K S. 2 Lois in Bn-nliaiu
Cobiu, Davi, 1 Lot 111 Ilrrtih.im.
Carter, ltobrrt, I Lot in Biiili ps.
CAnfird, George, 1 Lot in iJreahain.
CnUiuaii,E 1 Lot iu R.enham.
Cr.iunptler. Martha, 1 Lot iu Ureiiham.
Cm nor, Dan, 0110 Lot iu Breiihani.
Cabett. August. eTincrev J CI irk leaguo
Cruiu Estate, 50 acn N Smith Leagmr
Davis. W W. 59f acres llirnuglmi Lgo
Dttt sou, Charh s, 1 J ncrea 1 Jai ksou Lj
I)n Id-o 1, Mrs M J, 1 lot in Jlto ifnm.
1) i is. G. 100 acrvs X Smith League.
D.llisit Hill, 400 aens S Wolard
L A 'UP: 50 aert k .1 Wnll.1iT1.11m.
E mg, J M aud K ri, 47 acre-i Harrmg
tmt Tj.u -mf 1 1 n. h. IT... . ... T
..-. . ,.' , i.,uj iiitrnogiou L
Ellis, JoScpluue, 20(1 acres, Lee League
Fi her, J. 1 lot 111 Bretiharu.
Field's, William 1 lot in Brenbam.
Francis, W, one Lot in Brviihaiu.
Fischer. Fred, oun Lot 111 Bmubain.
Gaines, Mnttliew, 3 Lota in Breiiliam.
Garlaud, Andy, one Lot in Breuham.
Gilder, A J. nn Lot iu Brenbam.
Graves, H L. 40 acres (II K union roll)
3 lots in Bieuhniu '
Grutiuuc):, A, 120 acres Sehner lea me
Gnksette. John, 2 jjits in Brenbam."
GarretMiou, oue lot in Brenjiam.
Globor, Sun. nnclot in Breuhain.
Hughes, j i-neR, 05 acna I jjiiiixin Lgo.
Haekett, Thoratou, CI ucres Smith and
Cou lesiiue.
Hueske, Atignta,200acr.-sX Smith Lg
Hogan, Win, 200 acres Carrington h 'e'
Hanbanlt, jolin, 140 acres Jamison aud
Gordon leagues. -Harleman,
V, one lot in Brenham.
Hlckcy. j imes. Co acres I Jackson Lz,
IWIe, Wm, 2S0 acres C le leagna.
Henderson, K. 1-2 arre Hope league.
Hackworth, W W, 200 acres J W Cole
Hemming. I1.2G0 acres (H R not on roll)
T-itmllon.AG. 14 j acres PU C'o league
jjubert, Harvey, one lot In Brenham.
jrelnis, Audcjson, ona lut in Brenham.
jiopes. DenuH, one lot in Breuhaiu.
jrnbert. jeff. one lot in Hrenhani.
jjur.l, 11. oue lot in Brenham.
ijuhert. Cary, onehn in Brenham.
Hunt, Dm, one loUu Breuham
HJlhaWav, R onu lot iu Breuham.
Houbtim, John, one lot in Brenhara
Hirnsou, 3 S, one lot i Brenham.
Hirslilwrg, George, one lot in Brenham
HiitpolWJaeob, one lot in Brenham.
Hnpo, M. 20 acres Harrington leaguo
Hig-nns, Ko.!n, 97 acres Hirriiigton
league; 21G acres (II R not 0 roll)
Holland, Ad.dpha, I lot 111 Brenham.
Harris, Mrs E A. 140 acres E Alcorn
league; 1 lot in Breuham; 16k No 97
111 Breuham.
Jarks.m, wlllism. one lot In Breaham.
Jttlni., FD Sacn-s HarringtOu league
200 acres I jamisoc leigue
K ng, Diet, one lot 111 Breuham.
Krmer,C, IgOarresKuyken dall league
Kramer, Emma, 00 acres M Kuykeudall
Kaler, John one lot 45 inn-enhara
Knrfi, M V. ono lot in Bj-euhaia
Kerr, M P, 2 lots iu Brenham
Lands. johii, 27 aerea Lester leagne; one
lot iu Breuham
Lester, W,2 lots in Brenham
Lnnk. F, 70 acres (iXHnot un Roll)
30 acres II Ttnutm, l?.,m
7 ewis, W C, 78 acres WalHee league
uive, c A,.uiieiolliinreuhiin
LU'.t, J c, ectate, one lot in It euh iiu
Lehman, J, 77 acres j Clarke leaguo
Isug, W. Eslau , 200 uares S Woodward
Matchet, t h, 170 acres N Smith league
Morgan, ja, UOncresj jitekson league
Morgan, C, 18 acres b 11 Miller league.
Muller. W. 1 2nr.rM Vln,r l.i...u
Mink, F, lor 115 in jjrenhaiii."'
Jiceiaue, rienrv, I lot in llrenham.
unsfju. 8, 1 lot In B'riihsui.
Mornss, Ben. I lot iu sreohain.
Monttfomerr. w .V. COO acaes Frost lge.
aoniM. .-e r .c' leeri m 11 fT.u. i..
itorgan,4ltred,llot ia Breubauu"
Mason, Geo I lot in llrenham.
Monijoy, jeny"l 1 t in Brenham..
3iaBrnni,nin'tii,3 lutein Brenham,
Nealey, Aaron, 1 ,'ot iu Brenham. .
Nral, Geo, I lot iu Erenliam.
21U acres Juo webb Ign; 1476 acre", cer
tificate of E D j Garrold.
Oliver, Po.up-y, 25 acre, league not
Pennington, Aa.T2 13 acres j w Cole
PllugliKupt & Carothora, I lot in lifcn-
Parker, Sidney, Hot in Brenham.
Petty, A, 1 lot in Breuhaiu.:
P tler. O rt.20 acr A Harrington lge.
Parker, j M, I lot in isrenhtru.
Perkius, D P JcCacrcs S Woodtt ard
lrg o
lasley George Uot iu Breuham.
Pra t7el C t lot in Jin ul.am.
Phillips A U 1 lot in Brenham.
Itindle CIits I lot in Breubam.
Itueker, Mary W 257 aerea 1' unit A
Horn L ague, '
Rentbcrger, Juo 5acrosA Hjriing
ton league. 1
Huberts Houston 1 lot in Bi curiam.
Kjflin, C l lot 111 Bn nlmm.
Buff, C T 1 lot in blk C iu Bro-h mi.
KoWit K CJ acres N S uitli league
ltoss J M Hot id Breiihani.
ltipetoe,Asi lot 111 Brrnhmt.
lledderrer, F 100 acres Jackm Lc.
21KI ncrri Kinkemrall league.
Simnwr. L J 1 lotiu Urenh'iui.
Stamps Est 19 1-2 acres, A Harring
ton loagne. .
Stockbridse. L B 107 1! jierus A
.Ual riugton le.icnu
stoekunae, ju uyu acres Wro Uatcs
1 Spencer. George 10 acres A Har
rington leage. v
Suodgrass, J AV o9acrcs A Harnug
ton league.
Silas. Dan 1 lot in Brenham
Suiilh, Sim Hot lh Brenham.
Slilcr; J E 1 1-3 lots in Breuham.
bcholl, J J 1 lot No. 17 in Brenham,.
Sbnckey, Jno 1 lot iu Brenham.
Sohwary, G I lot Brcnhaui.
TliompMu, W A 264 acres James
Clark Leaguo.
Thompson, .1 W 1 lot in Brenham.
Tom. Jor-l lot in Brenhara.
Taylor, El 1 lot in Breuham.
Tom whessey, J. 1 lot in Brrnhim.
Van Ness, Jno. 1 lot in Brenbam.
Williams.. Abo, 1 lo'iiu Brpihim.
Wilkiu, J B, 11 .acres A. Harrington
Wood. A it, I lot iu Brenham.
Wills, Mrs J. 150 acres Jamison Lg(v
"Wilkms.J A,20Oacres S Hiucs Lge.;
Wilson, Dick, 1 lot in BreuKim.
Wilkins, J"B, 75 1-2 acres Jno Long
League; 1 lot iu Brenham.
Werchoell, G. 100-acres P n CoeXgc.;
72 acn s Jas Schfier League.
Wilson, WB, a acres A Harrington
Lge; 1 lot in Brenham.
Viehusli,C,4 lot in Brelihim.
Weibush, Jno II, 100 acres Jamison Lge
"Wiebash, F B, 100 acres B LHanks
leigue; 1 lotiu Breuham.
Williams, D C, 301 acrrs Wm Bridges
Willis, P J, 2 lots in Brenhara.
Winchor, Ludwig, CO acres Jas Clark
Webmeyer, F Sen, 1 19 acres J Scbrier
league 50 acres P t'oo league.
W'atk-ir.Siuvllot in Breuham.
Walker, Jerry, 1 lotin Breiihaui.
WilUaras.Fraucis, 1 let in Brenham.
Williaius. hhed.l lot in BrenhaHi.
Wilkius. W G 550 acres M Sparks Lge;
135 acres A Harrington leagn.
Wilkiusv E. L TDO-acres J N Cora Lge.
Wilkernun, T J, 1C0 acres J Carringtrfn
lejguer 43 acn-s NBmilh lejjroo.
Zander, Angust.W acres I 11 Co0 Iejt ;
100 m fc s J bdirier lcagus.
3S7C Prcc'n:t JTo i.
Allcorn, J U, 320 aerea jnsiah !. ster !gj.
udeiso v A G. 50 acres D B Krai r Lge.
A lim, Mrs S W, 50 acres Henry Aus
tin Lge ;2C8lcres.BL Hanks I.ge.
B de, M, leO aerea Geo fGentr Ljj
3iuen"t w K Altcoru Lge ; 55 acres
Ua ic Jiun'son Lgo.
Buek. M 40acrea S itrt Williams Lgo
B me, Qmuton. 73 aeresP P Bordeu Lgo
U iniitr, J C, 30 aerevs S F Austin Lge.;
1 lot i 1 L ins; Point.
Braiis'etter, Alex, .0 ucresvv E Aitcorn
B lumau, nenrv, S3 acres ''Rir PryorLgi
Brantetter, Peter, TJaeres VV K Allcon.
tiammiek-, Mrs fr(by WTtCtiw acru.
Sam lihuh. 'e-iguo.
C iusiiaeU, P 11, 41 acres G Bmileu Lgo"
Couiptou, Z A, (by J t'Birnett) 103
aires Henry Austin lpe.;y50 acres
Elirt Peak lge ; 200 acres HSury Aujtiu
Campliell, A A, 70 acTes vnt Pryor lge.
Crunshaw , Spuieer, 20 acres WM Pryur
Ciroihers Green, 25. acres Josiah Is-
tei" 'eague.
Cren'-ha . , 3 C, 115 1-3 acres Jamison
and nei sh y li ague.
'Htp.T, Thus, 55 acr s Josiah Leplerlge.
D.eLing.CIIEst, 37 iiciesTboslI Bur
den leaglie.
DivKMrsT, l63 acres W EAIconi lge
40 acres I J unison Icaiius
Deekel, Mrs Mary, 100 acres McHeury
wiauuru leuguu.
Drgac Joseph, 144 acres S willitrrs lge
Eikenhorst, vvm,2oncrcsByrd LUiu&s
arutivH E.50 acres S-m Williams lgo,
Gireus, J E, 100 acre J 11 Miller leagued
2o0ncrc8BStHithild Icagie.
HqltlLiis,o47'acrui BlHinkilge
Iliiui,&Biriie.t,l lot in Long Point.
HiggtsoitR A..ICG KcrvhwrnPryorlge
Harrol.Jamee, 05 a'res wui Pryor lge.
Hirri,J (1.C0 acres wm Pryor lejguo.
UiU, j 11, 50 acn s j 11 Miller le igue.
Hone, Ilenry, lOOO nciesSam IIiuc.li lge;
200 acres O Hendson lge; 333 acres J
xMiller lge;- lots in Burton.
nulb,C,32J .icre-j is Murrowleigne.
Jones, H B, 120 acres J B Milrr Ie-igne.
JuiKoiu iu, (', lot 10 hlack-IC in nurtoii.
jjrksou, Mrs ji j, TS0 acres. JET Alcorn
80 acres O II11d3.u1 league."
Kramer, K H, 125 acres J Fletcher lge.
Kieli r. PraiikC5 an es josiah tester lge.
Klanuer, IiJury, 80 acres B L Hanks lgo
Kl.iuse, wm. 55 acres Jo.-isU Luster lge.
Little, L , 3 1 2 teres SF, Austin lge.;
"550 acres S L II inka leaguo.
Lewis, Hogh M 300 acres S F Austin lge
Little, wm, 145 acres McHeury' Nev-
Lightioor, Chas, 1 lot in Bnrton.
Liudocy, w u, 109 acres'j rttilefleagnrr
Lehde, Tred, 50 "acre" Jas Wilkinson lgt
10 aercs Cli:kleaau
L-jckctt, C C 41 acres Isaac Jaeksonlge
liugPoipt Urange I Int in Jong Point.
Morris J ('. 13 acres Jas McCaiu lge.
Mos. s, LG1 lot in isnKoiu. .
Milke, vim, 112 acres w E A com lge.
McGregor, J C. 253 aeres Willi ims lgo
Maletie, Ciih In, 50 acres ia Pivorlgu
McNiI iy.;LB.iiSOtiCreslte.loakeA lge.
Vlc,Ciii Heurj,44jer BI! I, IfnlikJ 'Miljjs?
1.cuj$ut;, ui, iei j x atuHuiHjw,
22 .. - "1&"&
70 ' Ilenry ICT"
4$ -WE Alcorn7 "
Neutz'er, Juoj 100 jcr sa iiimt!.ir )gj
50 " .O.HimIboh '
JCeae, wm, 100 teres l.BlOnlliw.lcigue.
53-0 Hndou
Xiihn,"Thns Est, 100 rcfesATiiil'tTorJge
0'ier, R A.'-SJJacrefcJJ Bon
lh nri,U s'Sviaenslw j: Al
irileu League.
Alcorn leagno
Po eet, j s 2J0 acre? It rnianks.le.nrue.
Pett . Jhne S. 3 acres tub irdeu JgeY
xiiuerks, uub.-rijo acies .viex iuceoy ige
K slcrry, w j. ICOlicrew Mcpherson lire.
f Bobertsou, wru, 177 acres.J i Gill, hwr.
ccurouuer, rtngiisijOUncres K cooper lge
iruck.ii,120ae!s"Diiviil Ayers lirr.
SeiJel, IsaacTO aci-es Josiah Lesler lge.
Schul'z.', r AhonI ldtirfliurten.
Stamps? jno e.a(i-jLn jftj Campbell,
SSl.ecies Eliia Peak lge.
Stetler; August, 75 acresiijesse Holde-
maul,..-. 'fe -
Selm'.tw, Joseph, 100 acre WE-AlcOrn
Tonn E Iward. 50 srre L WilkKnlgi".
oil nerca "w EAlroru lge. "SsSpijgisL
Thnuiae.A ElOCaciejis Gnacher frtt9
Tmll Jit. m.li. ttr.11 11 lluosoii. "
J Venal, Kamns, 183 aeres Mary Phelp1
Yau Drais.', F,50 aerea j B Miller Igp.
WendtG F, 75 icris Gailnonien lgi
vien baker jno F, 50 acres Gait Borden
wl.i-it.tone, D E", fiO acres j n millerlge.
wettenuan, li, 100 acres josiah lester
lge. v '
eincherEichalrdrlGS acrsa wjl Alcorn
lge. " ,
Zjjerl , John, 120 '".errs Herman Ilenec
. iy lge.
ISltf-fcapplenciiLiIKonfrrrreSo 4
Fincher, G A, byj B Gray; 46 acres
Ueruiau nenseley l;ei
Uiggnis, w A by Sim Nnnn; GO scrtu
Aiiarringtm lge; US acres j Walker:
Ige'.JocresDalUus lge, 0(5 acres Kuy
kelulall lge. "
Geueda, S li, 1CJ acres Obe'diakHnd-
soivlgti;2Iots in Burton..
JIc(iregor,.I3in & liIberC.by Gray, 550
Sai m,Mliumclge. "'
1S76 PrceluctSo. 5.
Allra, Ellis. 10 acres, Porry 7ige;39
acres J A Ailcorn Lire.
Ulcorn. Mrs Mrs Lrdia (by Jeff All
cnmjr) 333 acres,-El is lm Allcorn
Affleck, J H& D, 3100 acres, Sam
Wiliniil!. Lge. j,
Binl E'ljab. 1 lo; in Tndependenew.
B'ne.jH, 200 acres Susan Cltnipitt
Crawford, Off, tC5. K!nTendall Lge.
Cjirry, B P 977 acre?, S F Austin Lge
10 j acres Perrv Lge ? 143 acresTJryan
Lge; 25 acres N Clay Lgej 14 acres
Saul Lge.
ClayJTarjtnsllOOacres'NCIay Lgo.
Jihlert, Wnr2l5 acree,Jt Andrews Lge.
Edwards, Mrs EjT (by B w E. agt) 414
acres, whitehead Lgar 100 acres
Chnsimtn Lse.
Farmer, it rs MaryE, J75 acres Sisin,
viainpiih ijge.
Graves. Chao. 10 acres SantxLge.
,E!ijahIGraves,Carrcs& nls Lge.
Hunt, .urs l' U, 1 lot in Independence;
Hall, MtnElzbth.l lot in Independe'iilieN
Harkle oak Mrs "Elizabetii, 159 acres
Nester- Clay Lgo; 159 acres Dan
Frost Lee ; 1 lot in Independence.
Harris, J wM, 190 acres S F Austin
Lge. 10o acres Lira not on roll,
Harn, E. 15 acres S F Austin Lge.
Holmes, Mrs M J, 1 lot lu Independence.
Hallum, J A, i lot in Independence
Kennedy, A, 123 acres, Dsvid Clark.
Linn, Lucy A, IS3 acres Knykesdall
Little, Edmund, 50-acrea(Lge not on
I.i psconib, w Br223 acres Perry Lge.
McNeeve J L, S0icres Perry Lge.
McKfilght, Arthar,120 acres Saul Lge.
McKnight. John, agt, 209 acres James
Chnnce j.-ga.
Mojigomory, II J, 214 acres Perry Lge.
Momsj.S A, 194 acres Sum wijiamB'
Lge ;"100 acres B Hanks Ifle.
McCrucUln.'j A, POO acres J P Cole le.
Power, ThosR.5S0r.resN Clay Lge.
Raadle. Mm 11 E, & B Randle, SCO
acres Hay Lgu.
Robertson, jas lt,JCG2 aires Bridges Lge.
Sewatd, Jno K,8?5 acres, T S Soul Lge;
S95 acres Clampltt Lgo.
Sheral, will y, 25-acres, Lge jiot enroll..
Stephens w , 134 seres Perry Lge.
Stephens, Mis S.J 170 acres Perry Lge.
Tarver, Kato Mr 253 aerea Lhristuian
Thonues w II, 233 acres Perry Lge
woodward, J M, agt, 150 Pi rry lge.
waters, l)r 11 w, 27S acres Stephens
lge; 103 acres Sue Gumming Lge,l
Lot in Independence. '
lS7&-Sniiplcnienijl Holt
Allen, Da. I lot in Brenham.
Allen, Mrs M Pt 25 acres Phil Coe Lge.
Aiulhor, w , 57 acres Smith & Coe Lge.
nrvw, Mrs Mary Petty, by juoC P 0
aa.es tchr e. Lge
Beaumont. G 11, iLnUiiB-D'luiiin.. -tf
Bliding, win.F Fncke agt, 2 Lotite
U0 acres J.F Perrv A E M Austin Lfsf
Cnnse.M'is Cl, CO aires near Inwepen4"
vnce lot n In Idihuidcncd J5
Co npton, Mrs R M by O G C, I Lntte
Brenhata. iv
Coiupton, Lrjuis J, by j S y, 2. lota 'h.
u-enuaiu. i 1 -
Cooiar.TluV,5'HcresIu isterfg.e, t"""1
Fly.wC I Lot in Brenhmr ' "V, '.
Uiis-eke, FmuK, I LhtiiiBrenliam. ' ' - k
.odfrT, Fritz, laVJ aeres 1 oe lge. f 1 ?
Grouevti.S-J aerea H Uordunjlgi kT fc"
Huberi, Paul, ts. of,2J acres Ias wail,-. w
"sr- f ' ,
LIarrIa,JC, I Jt iir lKenlutnin. r " r
Hs.ll. H C, 400 acres S wn.Uiard Jpn. " Y "
HnmU-tl, J.i . 72 acres, ijamUcn Lgw; ,
72 acres E Gordon Lge.
JackhOu,3Ui:iid,'50 ahea A Hamng-
touT.ge ' x
Klng'itiid, Mrs M A,27 acres Harring-
lonXie. '-
Krentiin, F.1 litin Brrnhsm. ' -Koelilei
. It E G F G tck , a I, I lot Is
Jir nlism. t;
Krauer. A, OS-acres Jas Clark Lge. " ,
Knrp, F, 05 cres Clark lj?e. ' -j,?. L
ge. lwgg't
Lorkett,JnoM,235 acres S M williama STfsr i
ice -m&r :
Liesivliz, Robr,2 Liits in Brei'iam. vW"rt
Llucecum, j C. I lot in nrecLam. e'j.
L.im;ittm Kiader, i lt in'lirenham.
L-eEineh, IC 3-100 acre, xgo not
Morgan, Mid.son( 44 S4 acres S It
Mn!denh"Uer H,Ilt"in Brenhmj
Mt Farla ul, J eat by w wat-on, P Lot in
Muller. klrs w,I82acres NSinith Lge, .
Muw, j 15, 44 5-1U acres Oic Iiy-
McCride Jij,21 acre Lge. net on rolL.
hi vili,ja";S00 acrt-s Spark Jej
O Meali n 10. 1 1 t in Bre-dinm
Pieic!i,CnrU7ZnrvH Pail Ow Lge.
Hncker, Bev L. P.227 ncies Hope Lge
Itatley, JO, 1 Iit in B-eulmn.
KarikifMrsDll, 1 U;t.uikBr-nham.
S 1 uiien,an',I Lot in Brmbaui.
Seelhif, Mry Iut iu Breuhanu
SchrLlxe, Christian, 13 1 acres Cole- Lgo;
114trw Iague not 011 lot.
9im..S3n.Godfre.r..l LntlnTireDliam
TesUrd.Atlrjan, 175 acres -J long Lge.
ii c'ur.FIier 59 acre?. tUrk"Lge; i-"-1
Twhlief, AM,IlJ(t iiiBreiihani.
wjllismson. MrvM 1 I Lot hi Erenhamj
ZabuLAugusTJlrairetUarrliigion luer "'"
II. A. iTahvk. B.r .t -""S-
CVHfclorif TaxuN, Wastiinslno C TeW
5?as Sfotice!.
Y, M. Fnucr-.ax-issei'sor nf A
lliecoiniv, will tie in tlie. laxnil rci
offlee in BellvilV, Mondsy, Jlitv
llili. wheie-l.e aui leniain s.
t fr the purine of enahling jiarl
who nave not aireaaj noiieso.joj
ij therrpropefty !o a.i.,rmwet.
.ril itli,wtd -s - Y-
I Conistiii"; ot lute antlieanf
?tive li.tjs, isonnciR, eve., i
Cliildrcii Uonnets HiidJvotinns
ip frreat variety estrenielj ehwtp'.
Uome antl sue. -i!iir!23u2nT
Stoves oi all the late
improved nttents, Ifoaaa
1'n.rnUiiiitr Good- o every t
cieeiipiioii, veryc!ietpj
1'J.isf "bt the Uomt- 11
ffltislrattd Pfietd Ctifciilopue-,
Flftr pnges SCO 511iietrtioiH-. wtli
DiTcripiions of thonfsiuVof.ilie'lxfi.
flowers smC egelaWce in the warld,
and the war ,to grftw them B lor
tiro cent jw'ts.gH. Blarop. PrlfiledlOf '
Genusnnd English. .
irk.'s" Fioral GaWe, Quarterly, 23-"
cents ayenrj r -
Virk a Flower and Veeetahle GardeB
59 centi in paper; mrleaut. clolor
ers, $1 CO. Addre-s -j'-
J uhssTtcKi RreheeterNjY
3.-3IEA"Ll ,
.Earmfoj IicpIeKCHlvCnstiBgs
Jloes Chains, Iran, Sttl$.
St'iveTnmminiri and Tin-ware, otal
fcinilsrPaTnta, Oils.TaraNlies anll.wm
drtir GlSiv.Bugy and Waon iunter.nl
Rnhber 'Be'tine;, fro.u 1 u IS" liieke
wde, Parkrngit nl) kim'.v' anii all ar
licles uppetfeuniug to the Hardware
lix-iness ,-. " . -
Feb. 1.1 v vi airi- streetBrenham
House Furnishlajr Uood,Pnin9.cif all
descriptions Cooking and Heating;
fctovea. in larga-arh:ty. .
vroiight trmi Pipe aud Stiant Fit
tings ent and Cttrd to orders Roofing
an 1 souting done it short notice
T'lanferuJ for the lilwnl patrenaga-ln-towed
ujwii the old 3rm, nc rtp ct
fully solicit a cnntinnaliee of the Bhire
Brenham, 3Tily-2gth.l7&.
A f err years Ego- -""August. Flower
was discovered to he a cettain ie for
Dyspepsia and Liver complaint, a fw
tbin Dyspeptic madej khown to their
friends how eaily and quit kly they
Iiad been cared by its asel Th great
f nrerfis- f Green Angnst Flower he-
enme heralded Uircngh the imtlf if t
onesuSererto anirthev UntSJSIwwMt
advertising-, its sale has Ix'miajrTte
inenjvXruirgi!tsin Every Tosfe tetist
Hnlttd Stales jure t-elifog h Npfr
son vitteriiigtvuU Smf, Sioniwdi.'SWek-
f Headache,. Co-menes-v PaliltaHM t.
I tho Heart, tinIT .1 i i TJBTpg,'
can ta(.e three dotes wituont re!
to your Drucgist. E E. Loki
-of this city; sad set a huttl
MB m.d try. Jt &xipK l-etl!
seiui! livtss'
r '"ft S
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