Newspaper Page Text
' r- f ,,... 's-wsrtS??,WBirMS!y 'at wwr" - -r--- sQSBs'V.". -. i: ,4M-5.-.SS32S.tJS?- TR ' VJ..'.i..l-LflW - -i--ci .-H..'- ""iT-'-f t m" W ' I- K-" BEiENHAJVLWASHINCTOlsr COUNTY, TEXAS. FRIDAY, MARCH 8,1878 m, 10 VOL XIII. - - , . ., - .- ,, r------s - rasssesm-. - WHAM m ir.ajB .v k m imr t-n l Fit fi i v f Vjtf &' ; - t . Wi - The JVeekly Banner 'te' -tow Ssi? nr uanki.v & letjx. Erular, March - - ,8 1S7S.. """D3,nfiREarot"tJ,,?P hnndrcil vacwit liorisS; in Dm Moines, Itiwa. " A ban Hiowing and an evidence of.bard times. . i '. '. ""Tub,.-Austin Gazette ''an- ,,1ioiihcea itself as unequivocally ,'Jn'fCvorotnlib retention of the 1 Xtwo-tiiirds ' rule in. nominating conventions. . : . . . '.uTnK''Astiii Statesman .say. tlioiRwiqiaperS expect o get aoniVuetfy a without Ppb- stepcronsnes . alter -the. drum,-,. iiiihg'systent 55 abolished. . . : - - ,'-i)x "Tuesday morning snow . cpnmienced tallijig at, Kansas Oitynnd coutifitud all day. On " . rJClmnaday inortiiu'g, this locality ., . VasjyUiffd by a wliite'frtVtt i . , -.i ..I i ' .THK.frigatd Constitntion. ot, :- "revolutionary fame; and of (which- eveiypphool -boy has jead, has' .again been fitted foj- sea- Sllg lately sailed with a .cargo' jif . , -American productions for, cxhi- ' bition at tha'l'aris show. '. Tirev llnikOherver says that lion. John H. (yO'igan will be a candidate tor re-election and that, nobody else is wantqdiiU ll strict. The rest pr:'tlic Sfafe,' Bays' the 'Statesman, will J , ue wen pieaseun ne, remains in statu qvo. ".'.',-' i '. vT,Tr-dirttiapi)lilait minth a . i'llijohrkeeppr .struck 'a disur derlycnstoiiier.rtwoV blows" im' f iicvface 'witli- bis fist, one tilPw lioin;r on . the cheek aiid the other on the temple. Tlic.Jtian Funbto .the floor; and died iu a ?'ite,w.miuntes. . Thk Rational Convention of ..ot- Greenba'ck'crs nnaniinonsly passed Ppmeroy's resolution, de claring that no man could be a Grecnbacker- and a Democrat or , Republican, too. It' this" proposition be true, the Grecn- SCaeicersMntrekaT sliould .define. their position; . ., .AKRall.thatlws b.ccn said I fgainstNcw Uninpsjiirc it mjisf' . JbisJuJifal'ljyjfSlntei to live in. Dnring-the year 1877 eighty persons twenty-six men and fifty .fon.ii jvomeii who.were'over - ninety years ot age-'dird.- Oiie' ,.j'ndy was 105 yesrs and 5 months old and two others, a 'man and woman were over one hundred. iT-is 'astonishing how a news item will sometimes grow. ' A few daysagq he..BssKE stated tliafover JtOOOIbarrels of Irish pptatoesTfor'seed bad been sold in Brerilmni 'this" season. !Ncw Jtho Colorado. Citfzen, usually a very circumspect' paper' publi.-h-es an item stating that over 50,000 barrels hadl)Den sold. Perhap ' it was only the acci dental addition of an ''O". The difference' in quantity is, how ever, very perceptible. Ex-Si'jtatos Bex Wade, of Ohio, died at his home at Ji-fi.' crson iu that State on the 2d' instv During the hii;li carnival ' of Kadical ' supremacy Ben' "Wade was ono of'the shiiifng "lights and n leailcr ot the parly -that-ruled the South with the .iron heel of despotism. He was, howevar; not'the-equarof Mpr- i ton; .old Zack ChaniHer,' Blaine .aiid ofhetdisfingurslicd meuibers obhis-party. . " T41E La Grange i?ow:is,in favor ot the wliipjiing-postias thesnrest, safest; simplest, most expeditious. and least expensive nieansof dealing-with'petty crini i'n'als. The Bas.ver hits for some tiui been an advocato-ot tins primitive ni-do of dealing with this pestiferous e1as ot of fenders -Tho next Ligis'atiire should revive the whipping-post. It has.for years been' found cf- ' leative in the little State of Delaware, and in "Virginia it has becu.rjayiced witji the most sal utars effect.. V"ery recent KeiituekV' lias, re-enacted the law. lJ r - - COUSTY FISAXtES. The annnal statement pi the connty finances -. -.appears, t..jn.r another- cohmm, and would have been .lioticed a day or two,, ago but for tlie press of oher, matter. By tetereuce ;to ;the, staten ent-it will be seen that ithe conntv indebtedness, qn January. 1, lS77v was ?3Q, 359.59; ofl-this., amoulit SU- CQl.4 has.b.een . paid, leaviifg .the .net. indebtedness of v the county on,.. January 1, 187S, S16.057.75. .Cnsylering, tlie, strni5ency, pt the. ,times,. we think the jpiiptjptiHiiissfoii,- j 1! : ' . ,ij. " ck iiayo,,uone,ww!HJl,n.(pay yg pfl so largoapainqunt, of llie dobt. In -less- than two years the connty should" be' ciitir'ely frbe f ronrrdebtvot cveTy descrip tion and: have ai liaiidsome"6Hfc' , qHji; plos in the 4 trcasury.Mln,'ihe' items ofexpoilditnro.iitwilbe seen that it co't- SS.COtTS' to' niaintain" the, paui'eRj'jnry 'sc'r-' vices' c65t3,'056.:56: v,l'lifeWis- cellaiieous expanses. forjljie year foot up'-l 'Ji4,39.!j,t;ipphiding. all salaries, keening conntyd prisoncr,aijdt(Itlc roinj minar items, incident tPi-lKp machinery !ot'thb county government. Tlie- svatemeat'isiiows rnat 'tncrewas. in ' tlBT c'omVryrb'aat the ......... h .. eii'I ot tlc tiscal year i,aua la. . ' V -r.ri Iil5.n iflti ''- the.icountj,juilge.tha.t)ie. thjks. 1 iif i nil iivw 1. iiiraunr iiiiiiiiiii. he wiJl:,be.hblcto" collect 'about S20.000 on tTid'tax"""Tdlls 'j'or 1877-. -Should -he be able to idh so tlle'counfy! wSHMic ip ja . in1ose'roHiw,coTi'(fi?iqn?1 ' .l3unng S - "i . . (,jiib.!i-iii..nd "'? uie.iuqsi oifjasi; ycarcMjiiutj; tcri)isspedr.tqrjtpcra.ptirpo3cs net drawn;. 011 'theigcHcral luuu has been 'at H'-'discon"nt-'of from not' less than lo per cent, and as much-as.S5,p;r cent. JL Ins is , an eviii.viii-ii jiuuuiti uy au means be( ivoidi(dit Jii' conse quence ofthedepreeiuted valde Of 'tlie "scrip, iVa?iic3! doiujr work fiirthe'' coTfiiy"afd com1- pelledtcTiiifgb.extra 'prices or lose vcrj.heavily. In 6a"sti$ where, ;,the.' compcnsAtion'Tis fixed by - htfir the -lbss is still: more severely ielt.-Soi far as' jve are ablet to s6e;tho oiilypar .ties, benefitted by cIo,w- priced scrip are thd epeciilatocs'therpin; ' The county .has Qvcntpatly,. ,tq , ,pay .dopar' forrlollarj.Jpr evpry. piece of -Scrip i.-sned,, Injoycry. I. . - . ,i-u m.7 t. '3 instance- 111 wiiich sen.., s, Tssned to 'pay'delits contracted,. by tlie coiiiity tliat should be paid 111 casli, the county, pr; rather the 'tlie' tax payerV'pf th3;c'oiiufy.' loe' ihctli"fioreiicc:' The" "question npw arises,' would it not be .belter . for the' Cominrs'sioners ' to issue hort bonds, say payable iii two years, to meet current exoeuses and pay all indebtedness' iu casli. The interest on ' the bonds would cerfainlv co-it th'acouuty less than jlie disconht oii-tlic ecrip.. Issuing ri a,njticipatian .bonds is, not, by ijny iiejiup,(ii"- currin new .indebtedness'. It, is a scheme that has. been Afre-j quently reported to, andj so far as onr knowledge 'goes,, lias always been tonhd-td work wiill. The Silver Bill Vase the, Veto. On the 2Stji ulf., toe Picsi dent's message veto'rii''the silver bill was laid before . the House "by the speaker. With"6ntqia cussion, the .House proqcctleu to' vote,'c Tre's'ult was: Yas, ISO: nays, 73. 'Tn fluT So'nafc' ,111c vote was: leas, -io-viiay, 19.-, - Nq'bflywa?., perhaps, more .mianimo'usly,p,as5ed)Over a veto. ' T"i " v "Tni: Austin , Statesman says the Georgetown railway' is a certaiufy,land calls' upon the, citizens' of "Aiistni tbsee that the coinicction is jiuuic, at that place instead ot at some other point. Accordirigito the States man the citizen's' of 'Austin arc chiefly characterized by a lack of enterprise. Tun aiiiOoTMnercial cpn. faiii6 an Vditorial'Vn'whcat rais ingin Northern Texiusand toshow how profitable it is cites Rii,iii stauce wherc"oncrhafl raised a crop of 1800 bushels o 1 sixt' acre.-, realizing njoney, enough to pay for the land. It saj-s as compared with cotton, wheat is thetiio-st' profitable'' as well as the'most efcrtain crop. Burleson Comity . . ..DewnviJle.Tuas, Feb. 3i, 1878. " EditotsB.vNKElt.- .Having ' recently removed from, voiir.qounty. tO'wliat,i-oiiie "ot. iny . former acquaintance miiriit lenn one 01 ine leiuoie, cornors oftirTesoii'j'T ahi ii6w' very pleasalitly. located at f Iit3 little Vil!asitiD.ciivjlle,-anii)iig the.2?otci Cutters," so called.. Before 'leaving" WnshingUiii co'iYntyJ however, 1 lialWluTpio vantioir t'o 'subscribe" for the .JJannkkv. which ilinsibecciuie, a very wclome visitor.Jicrc, and is not only read p3 myseit out 1 passed arrnmd until qiiitc'worn on'fc. ' " " .'- .. ,Deanyillp.isypt,a young lasc.iustiiiow im .its. int.-iney, , but'its prosiiects ,for the. future 'is 'sitWttkr'tm' tlie sonth' side of .'SniaV ntnnio lrllirie. Iten 1 miles west of.GaUtwell; apdiioi)ytiiipiit - . 1. .' 1 . to as line bodies ot tinilier as t'MVctT6nbrtlle,'StateailordsT whilerjini extensrvclprairic lrom ,thrce;,Jitrotch iug fa.jaway jQ.the .cast and .westj'turnishcan amnio supply of past' u'rage-' tor Pattlei horses, In mvidnillioh 'tin's. is Ji eonnr Ltrv. verr.ninch overlooked liy" .'.l'' i ' . - - j ? -it enterprising laruiers-au.u .inters m the' soil' "iren'erallv:" and 6ne." 'I'stiu'Vure;: thaf haslfebnisa'dly anisreprcsenfed iu -point -ot mor- als.nill.iBnM,1.P?.Jbe,,.pi-inric vnritts from bliuJc liof .wallow to a light, gray sandy.Ioam, '!taTn'Titg-,1Vn'ofe b fesT'gra.yel. ,jitiocc;is!pj).al,lyv a. tew I ines : quitC3..;rowing .unun it. . This laiiu isverj i-;uy in uuititiiii;, ad"vilf- vfcTd'nVf tRF ordinary year Mroih jppeiliaitt!toi. fluec. loutlis balcsf coroii,(pil froth els of .corn ner acre. 1 lie potato grows'well 'in this Voil,aiid .14 a' feuroi .isrop! f ?proerl3' ciJlf.i-. uvatedjt, -Jjiitr-jheipoiiclu Uottoms," ,tliQ,streaiiis is bv fa.r the; niat productive land we hiiye., jfijie sitir'7?'al-,bTafif, 'all'nviAl. aiyl, consiilered intschaiL-tilde; and' it' is l(e,lieyqd to.,bo betjte,ad;ipted for the cnltivai()iit, ijt snprir cane, than any tnucf iii "this pur-, .tion of -Texas.- .These jpeach vbrakesir,in!i;iatura,l:jstatjLvaro .covered witli a, dciisc.Krowth of v;iid peach (iieneu tfip'namc),' tlie ffuif of'wliieli i excellent !frtr'.1tn " ' 1. "' ' . -t-larminri.:is-- not-eirned- on f o, s.ucltai.oxtept: as.iiii . jij great mTiiiv other nlnns. lint is rnn- fc-..:--.-.fc - .-.r. i:---.-r-i. r-T "Li-r r.i, :'- H. t.i II. ..t M ' -j ' iuiy iiiiproving; n,iu uiu uayjs,. .iiotiar uistautT wneuit win rc- ce iC aUetiuiiSs elsewhere .'".' . 'The'greatcst olijec'fipii anj 'one J,fcaii''liaVbl,Bg!iiist ,'tlus contltyi'is Mthp ( watcf, ''wllicli is foba.riniiicnil. .ch'ara'iSter. -W ifrpst1 iiistajicpsjindiitp, tljospppt ae'-- cusrouieu 10 nriiiKiuii. 11, ,,lin-. iilcasant to the taste, bu ; alter, ' t.. :. i.:i.. 41.S - '.:.' U' -.lSlll ,IU IW llim,j41jn W! IIS III --l.'' ' ..' " ii-.i' -1 .1.. 2 i 1 wear awavi. Most .ot,,tuu wells liave more" or less of thistPiil- "1 j-- ph U ry 'taste, 't finu'gii ' lli'e wat er i1 gcnehilly ciiiiMilereil-lieahh v.. tJT early everV-'farnily'-js''profl(refl1 wit-li a. gooa uiiifergrouud -tas"-..tcrn. . .. .''..'; ! "Society is much betted .here,' t '-:.:. ? i,r. .tf.3.t.7r.!i J:il..i Lii.iu hum ucen iTjpreseuieu, anu the'morality of the-'1 people can hardly be;stirpassedli Wo have,' two churches. near bv Melius "dis!' a'ncf' Baptist and pi vine. ' sericesncarly ' etery tabbafh' iW-e liaye-aisp; 11 .jjooilcltoor tn npcation, .taugiit ty,rU. ii. ,init)i. late of Austin cpnqty, , 'with about 'thirty'five btudents inatfendiiVce? "" " '"'.'" 'Local; op'tion' is -in 'full force hero, and; thoscof uislwho'oiice .judulgedi often, .fpelj'jliqw sad to my lieart "are the scenes of 'JlirSenbergV ' happy home,''2. 'f.whfe'ir;!fonJ rtc6l lection ..pre;. scuts. them to view.'"' , , ,. .,( j ,yV,iLi.iAsri m -'t: ' -T t '-''C6rrcctIon.i r" !26th, lie,Blafcs''fliMt I safdiin mv remarks' at a1' citizens meeting "Tluitl was willing to siiy'tli.tL the 'old party 'wiiich had eon-n-bllcd 'this cdtfntry'7 hh.ree fo tilth's of ithof-eentwry Jot iiiir .national indcpCMdence-had' bb 901110 too. corrupt, for the is'oiis of flic sires of the parfyj", -Jle should ha'veVaidrtliaV Isaid,''!, was'ifot 'w'llliitg' to "snv1tlie old jparty had, became toa.cpiTiiiit, xstc;' make, the borrciHi Ur.f::' t' -i...i.i 1. " i.vr.?.i"l lliaf no preenback' chili was"or- , ganszed, inbr-is it probablb there wjll I0 one,,as tliq Dcnjoeratlj- over 11 ro oaj not iavor a, uisor "gan'izafion of the Democratic party. I 'write' this "ilo with any ddirc for 1113' niniio to 'ap pear bl ypur-papcr.-betiire tlie public, Cut simply to correct a mistake aiid to pnr myself and the people here ri-jtif. ' There arc some good citizens here who are in favor of organizing 'a greenback club, .but I, do not think they are iu the majority. IJcspcctlully, J. M. WiLt.i.uia. ,r.,., Ij.p,i'.cjUiii7C,qi.Marclr4-.t 'Editors. JSannerTii . ''Difj Kivera"' coniniunusiwiin of'the Tlie rnrkcr-Kan JIc Case. We learn the "fullow'irig par ticnlaro from Hie-Brazos'-P'oJ of Mah-hlst: " - ' , The jtranJ-jnry Avas rc-cm-pauclcd and.oii Satnrday return ed two indictments, one against r llciivy Hodge aiid Milton Par ker tor the murder, ot 'Kn-ili Kaudlc. Handle, , ..lll.vllVr '.4lll- A. V n.lrl M-.t -0..:,..; T ( tor .assault with 111- tent' to ninrJer. flic parties ninrJe'r. were arrested on Monday, and appeared Jlefaic Judiro Ford, jp the .District court. IlaudlejErave. bond for his appearance. Ilodges' and Tarkcr a'p'plietf tor' liail which was Tefusdd. The" ease set ;foritrial; wl'ieii called the .(State .answered1 "nit ready, and moved fo.r a coutiifn-' Unc6"bri' tlie'grouiTd : of abse.ico ot witnesses!' The " motion Wis sustained ,when defendautVs coun sel " that, they would at .ouc aj);ly for a writ of 'habeas ctirpus. Tlie"applicatip'n was granted; and the .witnesses, Jorjbofh fsides were , sworn and put. tinder. rule. The State is' 'rcp'r&ehte'd bv'cSunty att'ohley, Cent; IloiiUersoii1, "and Mai. Ben." Bassftt .and j-Svtli Sncnliardfof ' .Jireplia'ii., The defendants by- Messrs. Davis, Bell &Taliafc7ro ilUU UlllllU .1. O. 1JUUUII 1 Til ei Hemp-ttcad' Iless'piger. fays ' Alta ' TCista is n'ow' re:uy fjir the. liepeptioji; of, pupils but iioie apnlyj..Bjmie..cnlori;d(ypntlfe' .arjhi.jilj.pndiab.ijy, qiitireJy too b'nsy in the fields to .think o'i' wastinj' time in acquinii!j a nn-; ,'i' 1 1 ' ' ' shed education. ' - " " ;:'J V" ' '' . TiVr '-Mexia Ledger ' thinks th-U Mr. Throckmorfdh it"' he" iknows when' he-is iwoII ofF, had I bctturirctain-hiff ireod'fat . easv posifioii iii'l-CoiigreJ-s with the chairmanship jofJ'tlio great Ba-j cifio.ItailWay Committee,; tlianj to t!iku,thJrchance ot..ii-.unning for -anioflice He hasalrcady filled and made; nothihg.'i.dh Tlie .ujuitttfyohpiteersvthe opiipoti that Mr. lhrockinorton knows which '"side his bread . isdnittcr- ed.','. " The Colorado Citizen speak ing of Maj. Boone, th6" present Attoi ncy -Getieral, 'says' "he has made a' faithful' aiid effi'jient.qt ficcivand if h6 so desires will, be jsure of' re-elec.tioni Itsaj's it hldertlOod that JT.j.MBoene, would' n'"t bo! a- candidate' 'for- ,re-electipn. The.Navasota Tdb Jetlio Msij'ir's home paper wa3 the first to suggest,., his. iiain'e, .and we, presiiuie! it done, so ad-' yisedly. , . i'" : ttit'" : ' The "Victoria Advocaesays a conide'r';tble1'ainount 'of to- 'D'accb will' be planted in this county this year. "It-has., al ways grown- successfully; .and. Mine: iguiitleniftt'i ciititemplates- planting, r-Tdbacco. has also, been Riicces-'fuljy Jais,r cl, in ;'smajl W3iy,iii"Wasliing- tton county foe home consump-, tion. ,Wc Jjaye heard .of liopno; so far vhojut(iids trying' a crop. If any. one raises a .crop-the Bansek would . be pleased .to hear of its' progress and the re sult. TiiK-Frankfort JTeomin, one of ;the. oldest. and most conserv ative papers, published in the interior ot Kentucky, strongly favors -the whipping-postl "It saj-'s: '- ' " K 1 ' ' ' Barbaric and brutal' as jit "ap pears, if- mnsr-lle admitfe'dthat it enforced if in dividuals prefer to live Inm- 'cstly. ' " ' 1- A Tbasiij .Mukderku. Micli ac Mbrplrr.a ti-aujp, who 'last fall waiitouiy'f-liotViii'd k'ijled iii. the highway WiUiain -Apiletou, an old inmate of the Sailors', home in,Qniiiey,.Mass., because lie" refused to give li?iu half a dollar, has pleaded guilty ot murder "in the second riegice, and has.beeu senteliced to the State prison ior life. . Nigger Shootkbs. The Jef- torsou tfimj)-, relates an iijcidcnt wherein the villianous toy, known as a, f'niggcri shooter,' was used as. a weapon' iof; de-. feuse. .It ajipcars that two young men,, both white) had a difficulty., One slruct the othi-r. Tho strikec then drew a "nigger shooter," and firing at his assai!antv Fcnta bullet, which buried itself in his check.' Tlie services of a physician were required to dig the bullet ouf. Tub Banwei: is under obliga tions to" Hon. S. B. .Ma-iny-for Congictsional' favors. STASH srsws. The Ronnd Rock .and "Bel ton Telegraph line is being rap idly built. . Quo bale of cotton .was re ceived in Hempstead on Fri day last. ' Extensive, preparations .are beingmadq at ,Waco. tor the. coming !Mai-Festi.. "" Tile Waco Ecimitier ' 6t J Sunday cqntiiin.t a tour column'! .speech.on thelocal gas questioni : The' town of La Grange' is ,'p,q't!of tlpbtaji'd ;.fia3.'sif62.0f in' themanus'Of the-city, treasurer. The nearro' boy '-who had the'siiiall pox at "Waco '.is now conyale-jcenti and,, the .scare, . is about over.- -, ' - "Tnk 'Comanche- Chief says Waco liad .her., annual fire; ttlipr houBetf;w,cqt- down.and the itjrft "companies were putted up. :,A citizen .of Austin coun-f 1 ty,, residing nearBuckhorn, has sold a lot of co"ii-fed-'cattlo for three cents a pound' gross. tThe-' Tablet sa'!'. there. is rnot'probably' a' railroad town in ' tlicf Stale tliit is more quiet. and '.orderly. than Kavasota. , "'' " - ",' r lipeilcf trees'tirCin-partia), bloom, and lilu'ni frees 'in i'ul pioom , in, iuariou, . county. .frost are entertained.. ' .Ilorsc thieves '"'arc'' oper-! ating.inAustni icquhy'.' They have visited, -snccessfplly. - the- '.iieighhbrhiiodj of Welcome -and Bell'evilleV- ' " ,' - ..Ik...!; if. 1 ji 'ii unsophisticated pair" fai((led'iin'"Pal!aa"ona''bndaI' tour froiii' 'Terrell1. "They liad .1.-. l - .( :..: not a cent of money nor any bss;isi-'"T; ,', T ". .., -'i'Trifci'Gafesvillo' Stin says local opf ion having been defeat-, ed in ryelle' Coco tin ty it .will not take so many' prescriptious . tQ supply the, demand., , , . Tlie 'Waeoites" refused to stand ouo dollar and, a half-"for Admission, to .tho": theatre. A" very lew worcablc tostand "tne raise.' .-)-'- ' -v ' '" ..... . :,rp ,, A negro named Isaac Beall has, been, arresttd. and jailed at Dalhis on a .having beaten and drowned rhis wife. Jeplonsy again. ,. ,. .Joe W. Hill is-no w sole-proprietorr,o(- thoi Comanche Chief w -He has been' connected witlt-tho paper ior .tjio past fpir years .-.- r Tne'Coloi-'a'do- Citizen .has. juAfcPininenced its 'sixteenth volume. Uii-Jer"'"its' ' :prcsent Tjatiag&ncnt -if '"is a -first-class, a'rtd neivsy "court ty' paper; , ' dayman FlVeirsafTex'as" veteran, and ono ot the lierocs of SanjJacinto.dicd, on tlie 24th' otJcl)ruary;att.Iiis ,farm, ab'ont1 .nine piilesfrom Austin. ')' ' A'petrifie'd rabbit-'" up in Dallas.- It -was found, about eight feet from the. sur face' ot th'e earth", 'arid was wedg cd'in'beiweeir'two rocks. According to' the ' Ledger, Alexia is almost as q'nret as.G.oJd smithB 'Dcserted'YijIage." ..The only incident' worthy ,of notpf was the appea'ranco of ,-yi insur ance nianC ijn. the yicinity . pf Deni- son the industrious, tramps. are .now looking for a j b to pick cotton. 'They always-want some kind of work thcy-cap't gefi' - The:Donison Herald says it is positively and emphatically 'in favor of Dallas as the inost suitable place for holding the Democratic State Convention. Tramps are numerous in tho yicinety 0 Columbus. Re cently ten. were found ina box car.'.' They 'W,ere doing- their leiel best to '.'beat the railroad." ' Tnn Scuin T-imcs says that fifty five Texas papers have al- L ready announced their prefer' ence for Judge Ireland for Governor- This we take it is a ''slight" exaggeration. .The Colorado Gitisen dis courses on "Hard Times" and comes to the 'conclusion that they are superinduced by the extravagance ot the people, lnauy ot whom ' live: -beyond their means'. It is estimated that one hundred thousand ,horses .have been 'sfolen'iu Texas within the last" three years' '-and ' 'this ac counts for the -antipathy- ot the 'peoble to horse, thieves. "Vket little cotton" is arriving at Columbus. TlieCitiseti thinks that not' over a 1080 bales are now in the hands of'the 'planters' and 'that'not ovfer 7000' bales will be sliiprteil tiiis'season. , The latest. coal oil explo- ,siqn .occurred, at-(a farm near .Dallas. .It was caused, by shak- inga lajnp in which tlicrc was v.e,ry,t.ji.ttIeoil. , A -young lady 1 , came, very, near Josmg ,Jier. iife '.. ' . " ' . , ' r . , ...;.' ,. .rrrThe JJenispn ; ,iV?i say the remains ;of(..,an upkhownj ,ujan .were fonnd in- the, woods near,. Limestone .Gap. Scarce iy,.a,.ij.'l'i? qbit. thcskr-leton was .lelf. Jit is presumed, he was murdered- The Grissom.:innrder! trial has been concluded at Houston. The'jury'a'ite'r'beiiig out about tfiye. honrsretiiriied a,-ycrdctnf-J gniUy,Ofj!nurder,.in' gree. J.ndge.v-pokoverru mption for a new trial. , .-Vodrem J...Hoii3ton,, ja soti. : plfiain onstfjn, and.klissUiir-' xie.Glcim Unrne'l,. danghter-'Pf Major, rnrnqll,-wero, m.arrjedaf .Au-itiuon tho 2Stl ult. ' The" Austin papera,,givc. elaborate' uescrjptious. ,ph tho , .weddingj which wa.s abrtlliapt affair.-- " .-Tlie- Dallas;. Morning Call ;conj'aip3(a,g.omewhat sensational." 'article,.irtlwhiph ib-y,9aii) tliat 'ainev?' and relj&ioiis.spciety tj'ls been-oi'gatiizjd. i,OitUiilere sire pot'ia'dmitte'd. " -;Tlioc cerehlonics arejsaid toriyal.thoseloKd negro tdamp meeting!: . - The tiew'mctliodistchnrcli dedicated' 'afc -DenUon1 Sunday last,-is n' model ihonse:of wor-sliips- The cost ;ot -tho clinycli, including .the"-ljouie and tnr- nislnng.j', is aboitb' $G,20O, TJuj building alone cost1 a littleover ?5,200. 'The church. is.ah lorna motit to the city. ' . ; The Austin- Gazette ' ?svs: ,i et may iiuu it ueeussai y 10. 1. t',.i,,': t ' " ' !.'-' -. .publish the pames of a number V , ,'. r :, ' r..: r --. . . . .01 uoys wuo cany pistols .111 . ' . i. j -. '" .1... ' their po.ckets: It is a practtca- mhs't'lie slopped"."- Ifitlies publication of tlfe'iiames wonld- abatfitJiisuteprehensible , jirac .tice, theyshpuld be pnblisjied. ., (Gryilizations rapjdly.ex tendiug westward. Iu the far, west-county. of Tom Green, and in .tho town, ot , Beuficklin..a. t: -:i ..' ' llf. .lp-e.wcry has, been establishcU JL lie. .Alason. iv ws-ltem has sampled the' beer, and pro nounces it. equal to the best. aim i,ouis mnuuiacture. . - ... ' . .- rr." 1 ' A. yoang named rAfin Stephens .. livjng, near' , Bdld Springs',r'McLeimenjCounty,''fe-' :ceitly.. g:)ye; birth- to. a child which slip afterwards killed:In" cousequent-e of ..her' precarious situhtion, .it was imposible toi remove her to-tl'B Waco iaiL, It,.isli.kelyt .that, she; will never be tried ,byauy human tribunal;- -' ii. If- any" 'one' ddubli that Texas is'fapidly being " settled up, hit hinV m'arIctiic7progress of Vc3te'rii' Texas'. Two years anocivilizati6nv' Hvas nnkubwn in Kimble coltnty. Jo day Jnnctiiin City: the 'connty seat, is-a thriving "villager TIihust- ands- of "cattle , .and" .sheep- are now grazing upon the slopes and broad valleys. The.ConntyjCommissipners' of Brazos county .have purcha3. cd n farm.ot.sometlniig.over one hundred ,acres,-. lying- a few miles.portb Pf Bryan, for .the purpose ot establishing p. county or popr farm, as a- home for; pappera arid indigent persons'.' This, is a .highly . commendable and, .progressive step. - The great ''HipTIieatron" isihe name of some kind of a side show that has' been "doing" the towns along the Sunset route: ' The 'A'rgus'inv it passed through Schulcn'b'iirr bnt did not stop. The .outfit consisted of about seventeen vehicles draws -by .oxen. -There were some twenty five men and wo m n 'connected with the lay out. It 'is a huuib'u:. '-rniv'ItTeicsJItem correspon dent at Benfrtcklan, Tom Greene county, says he has just returned "from tlie 'buffalo range, where ho 16nnd"veryfew buffalo. They have nearly all -been killed or left Tcxa3. TJie. huiifers are disgust cd,. and most -of thcin -have quit the busi ness. Yery few have.- made qxpenses, and nqn&.inade any money this searon. rllearnp . . Courier: Busi ness at .not so.bad biit that it migli't be worse., .'.The tramps co'me in' 'nndihiished numbers.-. .-.J.- TJ Newman,' "a well.iknowii..tnerchait "of Ihis place whodisappcard .last week, .died at Little Rock Ark., .; Jhc Bap tist church alUoontown, lexiis,. not lpiis since" expeilcil forty-? eightbf its members.' -The next1 Sunday th'eserforfy:eisht formed h themselves- into a (ihiirch, and txpejled.- .the remainder, and took possession of tlie church records. . ",' , . A .lemon, -measnrin" lk inches Tn eirentrifereii'cb was ex-, liibifed ra' lie GalvestbifCottoif : Exeliann-ei 'It was 'grown at .theJ-esidencp, of? Judge 'Bal- tinger,ipt.- tliatcity..on a. tree now laden .yritb iiat(ire fruit-; Kt-eeh ' fruit, 'serin? aiid bloouisy -ir.. '.- i-..v .. jr.-.-. an uv-uut) nine. J.i-ew3.. ,j lJ La 'Grange, H'ecnrdi fwo ybnt'ig meii frbnl Cts'ierri'hy the .name of' Smfth" 'anil Borriri'je?' ..went to. Round, Top to: a dabee; enjiiyeq tiieiiis.elyes.untij, alirrat 1 o'clock and ", left, . stealing, a, goip'hoi-se frpitj a negro. jN'ot beiiij ade'nts"'iii: tlie "art of .horse .stealing they" were-soon; "taken .in... -pjio is,ugged;i. the 'other out.on bo'ud.. 1. ,.,, Hempstead Mcxsinaer: Last ;,weck- Mr... Sehelluianj of! Post .Oak. JBoint,;.-near the..JVustiif .ana -ooiprauo line.-soiu a nun ,'tlrea head of "corn-fed cattle iu' the city-of- Breuhairi-a't'SJJceiits'1 a ponita'gross-j-.' . . 1 heJ"corpnexis jury in .tlie .Jqlm. Billlingslea, case,. returned a that; he, came' to his death from' wounds inflicted ' with a stick: in thfo hands' 6f Tiom Garrett, a negro, atGhappell Rill onJebruiiry 3,' ,1878.. Garrett is in jail at Brenham. . ... Victoria Advocate Wild' turkeys are plentftul on '-the' Lavaca, "ii'eai- Morales. ...An. 'unsuccessful1 afteiribt at iaii breaking was-'niide. .As nsnaf, si piece.-sot;. paw; .wasylouncl .Several business. liouses, of this city contemplate retiring from business bard tymes, .. Charles-ran'd''-IIohiy Ciirsner; oil their" 'farm, "near sVicroriai fast yean raised "cloven -acre of ribbon, canCjvyhi.eJi,. .produced thirty two barrels of syrup. 'TJiey -soldvinost T6f it; At -fifty cents-a gallon.'.niiaking, ,tlie irpgceds'of rlthe. eleven acres .S.G40.' Owing fp the drouglit, the crop was' shortf. " . , i (o DpuimpF ir -Portrait, s of'd.rglafjves ii al ages were aiid KreTdesirjible) butrbV fore"fhe diiyi 6't Da'ugareotype,. and- subsequently- ' 61 Photo- lraphy, "the prices' of pictures. were ,,iop .,ingn ior,a!iy3Qnt Tne .rich to indulge jn that has all ucen cuangeu oy iiio ueyeipp-, nient "of " pirdtography1 to its present' state .'of '!oxcellenco!'and the cheapness of its produets, thus,placiig.the .linieli, desired likenesses.of ourparents, sisterii, , brothers, children and friends within 'the'' rehcli'bf 'every one. We all-reeogniz3 "tho. fact'that' when we.iwjint- pictnres ;taielr, jve, wAsxTni,,BfaTj. tney can only be , obtained in Urenliani ii't Ribdrtson'&'-Cb. 'gallery,. Pp-posite- Mrs. -'Sch warz'd'iniliincry bazar. . : : i- - ,L- ItcuionibcrThls,,. .Now fa tlie Utile of year for-IJn" tuuuia,. uui.g- c.c, ;, VX'i'ffl unajaiRi tu.niis,,oi prepisposmon to .Consumption and ntlivr Throat1- aDd ..1 ii .x.J" ,-. , J ,''iv" : Lutiif ,usc:;sl'. HiifchPHS (Jertuan'Bjr- 'hp'liaa' I'cen'uscd n?trii's'bfigh'&orfiood for tlie'past two or-tlireoyears without a single failure Jpruti .If yon bjve ti-t u.ed this medicine yourself, R"lo jimr dnigufst, K. E Xulin & Co., ann ask hint of jta . wonilerful success umonjr liis customers."' Three dosei will ruli.ivi tbe worst case. If "you hare no.laitb ia any medicine, just bu a sample Ii'ittle of lloscbee's Uernian Syrn)i for 10 crnts and try it. Keular ?izd ottle 75 cents. Don't neg.lect a chance to save 75 cents. Tlie'-Preailcil Coiisiimpllsn. Creeps in .upon iwniiawarei;the sad consequence of having ones too Often neglected ar trilling .cold. Dfy this nnwelcoino. Tinitm by using Ijirter's (lintjer Tonic on the' Brat appearance 6f'a(,'ough,Xi)ld or' Bore Throat, and von will escape the dan'irer. The is 'm ,Cttre qual tn it, and its pqwerfal ac tion on Ills uuruu.-t duiii t-n ill mc throat and luuus,. removes all soreneste an4 intlsmtnation thi-refrom, and pro tects the feeble from '(Vifuraption. lCqitally valuable as 11 corrective, the th'mandaof ladies who sutler ut.told mieiics'Ironi luncilonal deraujienien-s will jrrntefully appreciate its cnm.'orta. usiiglves" entire relief from Pjinfnl PerifidH and establishes, the Imhbtul rHiruliirity of the disturbed functions Biiy.from yittr druggist, It. E. Lnhn" "s Co ,11 -JllOO bo'tlu .lira sample tolth at 15 cnts and tri- its lueiits. d&w "GKEEDLOVE & EWIXG, Brenham. Tt-ins'1' ..... .... ,-.. ... ....:.:;r ""P., D.4&JrT.,SWEAR!NOEK, 4oo3riB.4iTt-Xj,'V-?' . Brenliahi,-Txa OtSrn in -SbliMt'a boTramir.J!aLiW.j orpnbliQ-'quarB. . '."JFebiSI'lSTS tr." n : : ,'i a . .1. BMcrIaniI, r Jfete Afcfarland ; MCPAIILAXD & SlcFAI.AND Attornors-at'Xia'nr : - ' 'Brentialii; "eiix btac&VVztaih' fflcirn"&utidlt,ir north bliteof PubtltquaW;' jui-15wtf SfethSheird,- C'd, Garrett, - ;i 'r. .! BlICfA &aAVJmrv. t-'i-.J.':-'-" .a--;.! tra! .tor-ZLo--(3-.t-'tjs.V, ' n-i. vvlliiaJxJ-JXl'it liiaffl, WialffiiBtb'n'couux, Tex. j. ,.1 i"-ty.' Seth Sliepanl-. c. C. Oairett f,.JGiddiBg!ieo,iJpQat3rj'roxat N. IS. Business for; Lp - county slioiildbsepito Ci'ddiirRn oflicB; Ue WaRhiDgtou count; to tbe tiflice rt Br.-nbam. '-'- ' 'HySOdiwtf - , t T IF. M'ATCHET?'MJTdJ-- Snrgc6n.and iysfcian. -, 'Brcsjbanif-Taxaa. 'ffpj-i'Ct'faliy''inYa'rins;!his old t-ienfa r-Brenlmla'axiT vicilittyT'tb'at Iiebrn- of rvsumed nraeiiea. .OBini'it'ilnrfmnn.i Jiror House; ' ' "niavSOdiwr,! JTKorirs,MD. liUCfraVi.MD Breubai, , Boekr,Autin ; DBS! NORMS' ,fe;c1iEA.TIl. , Thyslcfans a'ild .SargebHS. pfe'rs'their Professional Services o 'e,':Itla!UsorBrenliani and'Vicinitr, " Office, Wood, & Co. Drag Store, ' "i!arl4th".iS74i1Sia- 5'J Ii'. T THE. ."oT;n"l?RSJ-NEqDESlBK3 to Jta form tbe citizens of Bren ham tbnt'lie will reaiove to llrenbam within tllir7'days,"whA1B.Ii;4proi)oi'M to locate and erica'sriTin ilif practimot bis j.rS'ession DKNTIiTRY-. Will' guarantee all work entrusted to' him, and will, work at liyiDjKraUst. feb23 tf A. L., JONE31- . ' l t .mfajJ-urT RBhiniAM- Cards. " ' " '-vVILLIi '25EISS, BaTcermd Confectioner, Ifain Street,", Texai. I)nler In Staple and "Fancy !flroeeria .ITines, Xlquors,Jlagei:-B:tr,-&cr Hot rosd, I re-h,Cakea, and Piea on band at ail times.' 'jwh.'- " t TiEEDRIDaE frCO.', f -P" . v,. -. -' ., niOT.ESALE A5D. BKTAIL .tJEALKKS m Orocerieir ani Revisions, - . - .Brpnhatn; Teiar.1 ..'- .,, i, . '.-. A. JaU.and camplete Stack .alwars na hand, forsale'at BO'lTOifFIUdKEd forTIIE.CASH. r, sM ' Qlve us a trial,tt Oct8.18. -RTTEW iTAKEBT, - " JLH -s.t,.---i. - i ASD - ; - CONFEGTIONiJt.7, t Main Street,'Brenliain,. Texas";, The'nnde'rsfsrned beg'teave'to Inform tlieh; iriends.andr'the public .jbat tbay haveopened aBakerr and,Confecti.n. err'in this 'diV"an(l solicit' & sham i.f their patronage. . "Frrah brttad. cakes ...... .... an. najD JU uauu, V.U1UT inn,, alactarrd toontor. T . SLOAN-& .OTTOProprietors. Feb. 5 13788m," ' ". ' ' it! ".- JVT-RS. D. METERS Dealer .iti -Fancy Groceries,-' Frdilis, Nuts, Cigars and -Tobacco, iGxockei-y,(l la?? and Queensware, u Under CenfraLHoteI, Brenham, T?xas. 'tasli'pafd for batierj "fhick'-ns,. ejjni 'and. domestis fmits2 ."-The Patronagq of the' public solicited, 'Oct-atf - "-., , i,, .. .S.. m ..1 ...i...-i. "Wm.-SGHURENIJEICG, Blacksmith, $&" and manufacturer oT AOIlICULTnR'iL IilIPLlE'llE'MS Brenham. Texas. " '.- ,: " t'S'pe.cial attention given tn IIOH8R SnoKiso.-general job work' aiid re airing.- Terms liberal. Shopnear Jlay nard's Livirr'Stable. ' , June 1874. -., p . . A JSTBLZiCj SAtiDDER Harness Manufaotorep Oppposlte Kewboner's Store. BuKNnAjr, Tcsas. SADDLES, Harness. IVhips, Spurs Girths, Bridles, Collars, Ilamcs Traces. Saddle Hags, fee, -aloaysdd band for sale. BepairiBg'a specialty A 1 vroik warranted. -.. '. " laotGtf JL-STELZICf rl 1- ? jfi-eC-"