OCR Interpretation

Brenham weekly banner. [volume] (Brenham, Tex.) 1877-1907, March 15, 1878, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86089443/1878-03-15/ed-1/seq-1/

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:The Yeekly Banuer
r - --- "-ffr1?
Manrf,011 5' 1SS-
A srw Fedcrdjudit:iul dis
rictvis to be established in
'j 0'ovfTus.iK Xicno't.T.8 haa con
TL-ned"au extra" session of the
rL-misiaiia'Lygislatiirc. ,
'"- The "Otuo" Legislature har
pased a joint i-egjution asking
Congress to repeal thcxesump-,
.;Miori actr-
' Chas: H
Wimo.v, proprietor
i -il. PJhpjkto Evening Jour-
o3ed"at'au 'Antonio On
' ths.9thJn3L. A ,
TnB '-Atlanta Constitution
sire 200Q people' fnnn the im
mediate vicinity pt its city have
emigrated to fcxa this scrsonl
St.'-Louis has received iCS,-021-"bal
of cirtton this season;
-tlitt is 94'h'ales more than were
rcceiveirdnrliig the whole sea
son or 1S76-7.)
"- .
Ox the 8tH iu,st. Cheyenne,
"Wy.,was- yisited'by a very se
Tereiiow storm. The snow
waftMAufced tin to fifteen teer
liigb in the city.
Thk prelitninarley of pence
are being Arranged botw'sr n
Ruia and-Turkey; l'endiu:
" Brn-bniFsTiinx. -
thccWot'nt'onsUe'E,roPca,,Ipv-! mmlc, i jnt 1,0; n .ptirtici
poworaaju)ear ilie.fJfl!S
dncation reporU-Jayprjibly m
.llio join$ rcsylntion that eiglit
hoursiboi reskrded as & dj
wtfrlct'thir6n;TiDUt tun entire
covermnclit servicfc
" 2 i JJ
XWEw"irsc"rititi6n ot t'otton,
liiiiud -in.,tlie iUlsot.AtrAca,
calhid .the, JCndmbv, cqttou 13'
nttracting Mine attention. The
Btaple U ciaitlcnk for insing
with woolen fabric?.
TjJBojd'nien aul the counyJj
trr" wonld bo irretrievably ruined
if ,the silver ,bi.U 'ip30 -ft-!
pasaedr the-countrrisiiot nun-'
?a. vn lire contrary, jfwijjjis
lower than it bus been at an
Ix MassaciiUstttb3twoperts
were Vniph.yi"d to studv the hab
its,'Uiauneia and customs ni
trSinp. Tliey rejmrt, them to bi
organized bands 'Ot thieves,
who, have their signal --and
make a living by peculation
r""" ' '
TnEh1pping-post is coming
into favor.jjcvajlaHeit; the
grand jnry t St. Lonis recently
lavored its esfaCliibmonf, jn that
-iy; librtli and South Carolina
judges advocate it; ICefltncky
ifd llissbisippi want it,iJind vm l
may add Texas needs it as bid
as -anv Sfate in the Uuion.
Tuvr cost of Ecittcneing and
dcAitering every convict at the
Missonri per.itentiarj- is 1.200.
The average annual cost of in
struction Ifur' ' tho "children of
the State in thepublicchopls
is "less than $4.50 each. Ig
norance and crime, it is said,
go hand in hand. The dertne-
timi tone drwu from the above
Mexicax dollars are at par
In JJoiiisriHe, Ivy., and a well
informed Wi&t'TexnVpaper says
Mil extensive and profitable bnsi
jiess have boen done by taking
.Mcx.ic.-w' silver to Dallas and
disposing of it. Jn view ot the
passage of the silver law, we
.fhlnk that Mexican dollars
should pas for thoir face value
in Southern Texas.
Jjjdoi: Minus a member of
the Louisiana Electoral College,
who has been in Washington for
fioice weeks in the interest of
tlje'Retnrning Board, telegraphs
to-Npft Orleans tfiat tie motion
lor ."v new tria'l in the Anderson
ease was pnsponed for two weeks,
AVderiJon meanwliilo remains
in dnraiico vile. There is . do
t -
,r -
lij the Ttpiiionftira'tron or Silver and
Itepral of ItrMimiitlrfn.1-
Our representative niCon-
IT, )'" .'.,- '"")
mnde a.rej-y ablaseeehiOii tlic-jilverbill-iit
which My took very
NStronsr nntniidsln Jabr of nlbi-
inctalirc currency. OuV'spa'co
will"iiol adiAit dflhe rcprodiifc
tioii of Ihe entire .Epeeeh. 'Ae
Oiake l-ooiii, 3 howQvpr, forjjhc
ccniclndiiigioijioi) of,i inyneh
Mr. Uiddinifi clearly sets ilntlr
fiis reasons for'the' remoneHza-i
tion of silver and iU effect upon
tho ciiflfinercenncli ndnStneu'Vfj
the conn try:
I laror the rctnppctizatiQn of
silver ; a1 ff
Mrst. 'Becanyo, I'' behove, rfhe-
Constittttioit -of the- . United
States make's -it the impcritive.
jJdntyofOongiess tocoin botlrgiild V
and silvec'npon tue, samo ixiy,
)vithonf "limitatioivflr, jstrittinu -as
to either, a)id.-t(i rcgplafp thq,
,valuethereolraudjtlint the Stato
fiave the right to dee.laro. tjie,
amount. at ho.-itsindard fiscl.
by the -United .States, -,-wlncli
hsll be a legal tender, in pay
mnnt nt flilltK
bcpnd. BeauQ Hip obli;a-H
tions ot' the 0oyeniiiient are'
iHvaufa iiijgom.or y "-f K?" '
time tlie,cnntr;iej yas inane. .
Third Bi5insetio be?tin-,
terests of the cinmtrv" rainirc'
the"broadest metallic uateqRn ;
ible, with the use of Iwtb gold
and mlver, upon -wliioli to sately
float a onrrdHiyadcjinate to the
business tntiMactiims -ot the
country, and ttut-lhc-dolbir of
412 grains, -being (the Jawtnlij
standard at -tbetime ttidcontract.
tizHtionpt U'r Va8iih laut
jUpoji the pi-pplfy, -. ?-, T i
' I ft.vpr.tlje, repeal tit tljcrc-.,
sumpfiouaet (ic:ajifej'j Wie
it unwise -tcihayp fiuil.jt,day at
J -:iiiek i'tJis nriMilutolV' ilnfesi-
k, . -v A.- -'-?..Z..l!t ' --.Y.
-oie iqt me oiiTcimuKiii, wiiu
tom'ut U force rcfinnijitibn' bv
rrtnnns nf eutlStrm'tion wilfbti
.rniubn tothe"l)es't iuTc'rcjjtoi
. . i...i lr,
the etnintv ano-mntl resiiin
iue iiawiR im iu icn.v-niio-uiu
caa.in "England utulersi 'sunilar
polfe'y, and the m:iJscsT"ot",our'
people becomc'the aWect1ave
nf n InrfiiUviiil npNtHferae' f" f
The remonetiz.iioli of'p'ilvt'rH
and its tree wiiutgtf itpfln' "the
same planlo with gold,,tl)e.'lri:-.
peal of the lesuuiptioi&acrj anW
-iw'icy will do-mnich.rutrejoyo
tho present dittres-ed condition
'of the cmnitrv;-,butjfltrfiouldi
not expect' .too; niueb.,' Jteli
vvill eomc slowly; "..The 'capacity
ty ut Uie lnints-as j-j.iin)aie(i(?i
but, .soojoyujvyu,,
will require time., fur the life-
giving biondto permeate, iinjl
rcacn iiieexiiyujiui;,iiiiic wn
Im rnnnirfi! witliMinmer lieat-
menjL brfirrjjicsiltuind .strengtli
can rpiju'igoi-atc JjieyiStati aj-1
ter the terriiiieiciiiiingauae.y
hansting nialpn:tice of the past
fifteoiTvcaK- TlicVarc ebManr-
f ste'ds inrthc'"rTglu;5'd(rcbtionf,1
ut shdnldbe tolldWLld hp lij-'a
complete add tboroupi retohr
in the trfriO "liitt'V, by wliiel
every vetige of protcetfon-shall
be eliminated tind iVTsely and
fairly adjusted upon 'a-rbvenue '
basis; fostering" cnlerpri-es of
ti.itioiml importance? by Avhieh
comuiei'cc shall bo '.dovclopeilf
and an intercJiXiigeof products,
and commoditicsm;ulo practi
cable; markets nponeil to them,
ro that we may sell for tho best
price possible lill'wehatc to sell,
and buy in the eheafwst market
snrh things'nrf wotcaunot pro
duce eheajicrtban others, bring
ing back gold and silver "to
cover the differnces- in the-ex-chanzc
and byonr ciiornion
jirdduction coutiteilfalatlcingthe
outflow to meet the interest up
on our deiit iiLloreisn han'd;
and by a speedy return to -ah
honest and economical adniinis
tratiun of the Government in all
ot its department, Hu' lessening'
ot tlie burdens upon the people,
the revival of the paralyzed in
dustries oi the ci.nrtry; which
by the contraction policy and
unjust and oppressive tariff
laws are v ell-nigh .destroyed.
Then will general prosperity
pievail through the wbole conn
try, and when, as a remit, con
fidence Blinll be icstorcd,ana I no
precious metals, in obedience to
tho iininulablc Tiiub of tiade.
shall cune to u, ns iliey i-nrcly
will, ill snflitieiit qnant'tres to
foim a baM for a sate an I stitli
eient volume ot curre ic- to
transact the busii ess Qtt'iecoun-
limPraKS lloniW ho nnderMonidV
resume specio paiinents, ttiata, t . -,- . i . .
"pbb'uy should haycjieen adoptcl cralio(ri in theScVialte Fiifgnee
whirb tonld lmve:jlWdually led Committer,. iiTlig.:ircseiit1outT;
to asound and jtable ciifreney, l00k iiwtifirg the assumption
fivS rr.,iii flnncfllal ofis: and bbi '.., Ai wA-ff .L L,
tno (jimieu nmuiiiii. oi iu ,u
its'c'ominaud, (o rcsilie onjtlre
ilT'"ntmcd. and that, the at
7 ! ' - ' t l I . ..
"tr3V -rcsmnfition vjlh5come j as
'eertiuii as the'tlay follows .tl5.
liihtj-and not in obedience toa(
statute fixinp. the dayv I. - j
To be 1-xfc.tiiijr, the condition q
'things,. J. have indiedted niuat
itixist; jftoreedlu their abesnee,,
"cannot e, peniuuicu atiii ' l;ot(
"a'C n ih i-w
j, .-.. (
Atlcmitted Assasslnjllin.
-t -1 '-. , i i,i i
A special trotn. Bryatn ta-the
Gal'veston .iWto'Osays tliat'while
Mr'nenrr iTodgeVwas af snpi
.per at the house of iir. Andcr
,6on. m .Burleson comity, near
the ur'.i2os'rjyor,onie cowsjrljyj
'villiaw fired ta load-jOJ liucseluit
through tie-window -attll jdjicsj
the. shot blistering his bioast
and carrying- away par,- of, bi
clothing niid 'eard. Iftfteen
ChliKsllot anU oife' slug word-
picked oii't otrfllb wall, tlodgc?;'
it wilf'bc remehibered, the
same, man lic witli. ililton
j,arki;r,.iis.1cliagedl ,jjitli J)io
7murdcrJof Jtusli llandleiUlbere
Is no oluo.to the would.be assas-
ill.7 -" r- - .'ltl-u
C0N3IDKltABCK diCU310n is
going on 'down' in Ndn- 'iJsrsey
,ibont the convict lab orquesti6n
,A proiiKition has -bepn made in
tho legl-latnrt td prdhibit' flip7
"making of IiafsTanll sl?ocs"Tn the"
btaje. prison, ,,uecaupp a.ojjt,
0000 honest people mako a liv-
iig by thc,jnanufni;turo ot tljesc
'articlea. -It J admitted , that
.theprionors'niusttbe i.kcpt'ems
ploj-cd "andjf HVos'dble'manfe't.o
earn' 'thfne bwi?" living. Tl'c'
,i it rt'ifi'i
'question appears to ho a very
"knotty o'no'a'ud as1 far 'from s'uliK
,' liT7-! !( '.lit d S 1 '''
lion.asicvcr, u ,e , , ., j.
Tnn Mfst
battla prer,, the
ifinaneial problein-xirillillici the
,bill, 'to rppeal .thefipiujipipi
Iawj- which i lia8if passedj fim
the Ilojlse ,ljili rcjiealpfg. jlic
res)imp.titin act.' A strougfimt-
willf be-itnade to retire tlicy-
liationUl baiilf'circulfitidii 'and
.siibstitiif'd L'o'vcrVn.clit 'legal
tender "notes ifi'their'stia'd. '
? .11 4 K J( 1.1 ft,,lt it! (!
iiir.LciLqXGIT.-r- J-ll0.t-TalK&-;i
ionjV'eicj jjf thp.Stli.'inn.t .sayfija.
short timwagor Ilonry -JIiUerj
jhe-g jaileiv found, ai'0 td?iH
i-Longleyfe- L'clPtwoibottlos -filletl
i.witlx T witter? ''If;'VasBill itl-
i, .'' ! -L t.ttl ,1 KlT. .
Mention to giire tlie.i.iiliir.a sore
.head.' fB'dlj;il).(ho'jiwre41cJut50r,
y wa,tvbed tlmijeyer.,, ,
T'H5"Sec)ictiry -ioj,'.jWariiir0',
'l(ortk thaMlieleahas'liepn spenti
fof-foi-igejfuel aiid straw, iu the
dcp-armKiiV'of T&niifonV .Tlily
L lS09"rd Jnne-30, 1S77;
. a.'tti r
i ti , r,
Cockfss iis, Qeupymg.its.
time -with- inifccllaneoit.!busi-
The Chinese question--
,i upied ilifr. nttcutionu oft jibe
H6ns0 aU'dhylTIiurailay
The Iloiiso domuiittce oh &lty
pcinjit utves have jigrecdjjbnb,
stitutc a salary of 5,000 for.
United rt Siatps luarshai-t, jin
stcad" oC'fecs;-'' efc, as at-ipres-ent:
' ' r"
Great Drituin received sixty
LpcreenL, of.its importrd c;hccse
lioiii Lite uiuicu ciiaic,r iwcuiy
percent., from'llojlatid, tifteQii
per centiroin.Cauadn, and the
ualnucatnini Fance, Geruauy,
Pclbatioks. Xbrmally the
number.-!)! iiulsatiolis per minute
differs nt diflerrnt jieriods- ot-
hlq at lii tli, it is about .l.i.r); iit
tho agcotscven,'lroiu 80 to 85.
in ixlultp, 70 to 75: in old age,
50to65.i In females the pulse,
is quicker than in males.
Greasy bnttCTis so perishable
that thele is no nc in packing
it away Tor a future d.13-. It
will deprceiilto lroni the ''stait,
and tail continually salt will
not save' it. Many people have
an idea that tailing high will
sac butter. No mistake could
be greater. It is the avoidance
ot injury iii 'making if Inch
give? Jo the butter its brat keep
ing quality. Butter not injur
edit) mauufactuiiiig is thcuuly
butter that wilP keep. Faulty
butter will '"go in,ucliing on, '
to eti uUot), though Jiiiicil
111 the bcbt ol salt. Anicrictii
TiHiriiio ."piiuip "tii nnnitiir uririi
, The L.i Gringo Re-onl
notes a number ot iiuproveineuta
going on in tovu.
Up-to ihe 1st in-1. Ileinp
rstcad has shipped only 2,S7o
tjalea of cotton.
llnutn istohae another
ice fjetory, with a capacity of
twqiijy tons per daj
Wheeleck has anew paper,
and for want of a better name !
it 1ms been called tiiu'tlOwl."
. Col'. J. W. ' Jfisbbnnfj 'of
the Meia Ledger, has been
quifc sick, but is now conv.dcsc-
The San Antonio JZcpres
ajs you can alwnysitell when
some soldiers arc paid'off, by tlie
IcgA. ' 1
Tlie Dal la's 'Herald relates
'a bad ease of seduction and de
lation. It is the oil, old
tory. ',. . . r
A bayou fanner 3ms. pre
sented - the-f Houston Tclegrm
Tivith specimens of -new Irisli"
potatoes. . '
' - Tlio Ilcuipstead Courier
reports having oidered a new
die from the S't. Louis Type
'i Corsicnna, says the Index,
wants a public-school building
iapable of accommodating about
four bundled pupils
1 'IIonton has 6G1 white and
iSi3 colored scholars enrolled in'
'hcrmublic schools. The attcn
diince,'is 542 white and 683, col
ored. 'The Dallas " Comnercial
is now-eijjoi ing the delightful
.sensation of being the defendant
in' a libel bint tor just an een
1 San Saba county has a
sin who is too poorto take his
county paper, bnt who is rich
.enough 'i' loc money iu the
ten-piu alley.
1 r-Judge Turner, after an
cxiuiiuutioii of George 'Harris,,
charged with the murder 'ot
'Oleniuk, at Austin, remanded
him to jail without bail.
The Telegram claims that
Ilopston has tbe most poweifnl
cotton pres in the State. A
five hundred bale pan be com-
"jiresscd to tour inches (?)
i Tho grand jury of Brazos
comity, iU their recent reporf,
rcconimend" the esUiu'.Mmient
of the whipping post for (he
corifcotfoil ot petty offender.
' Tho Waco Examiner wants,
half a dozen dumb buys to'fold
papers. In the absence ot a
.1 folding machine dnmb.bovs will
iilo the work much "faster than
spoking ones.
The Mexia. Ledaer sAvs:
J lA whipping-po-t iied properlj
would be a great fctep op the
right direction. , , AVe have ad
vocated .its esfablisliiiieut eon-1
liniVaHy, foy jeai." . .
r f The.urAnitonTo police are
Vaid to.pnt ill tlieii;ileasnie time
'during the1- lonely hours' of tho
nisiht wntcln by getting 011 fctoue
'., 1 . . i ft .- ; .
doorsteps and snoozing. Some
ot them are regular siioozm-s. -1.
.' ' 1 - '
The Galveston News scorns
determined Jo keep fuliy up
and even a little ahead ot the
times. It publishes a commu
nication on "Texas Imniigra
tion"gated London Feby.' 30,
1878 ' -' '
The 31aio troupe was
treated to a pelting with raw
eggs at Corhicnmi. The Judex
intimates that the polieo were
not wholly blameless. They
refused to dead-head the "stars"
at their peiformance.
A tanner named Joel
Johnson, on his way home from
Jacksonville with the proceed
ot two bales ot cotton in his
pockets, was Fet ujkiii by two
men, supposed to be tramp-,
and lobbv-d of S150
II. W. Whcoler. the "paid"
of the bmglar who was shot
and killed in Austin on Friday,
was 111 rested on the train at
Hound Bock. Both men are
supposed to be e.peiiciced .New
Yoik ciacksmen.
'I he J Ionstun Telcgr nn
of the lOlh int., says it is ru
mored that Walker and Bl tck
h iv e iiain been tiied and 011
virtcd oi minder in Chambers
About 3 o'clock on Satur
day morning Houston was vis
ited by a terrific thunder
stoim. The stieets were del
uged and a lcsidencc was
struck by lightning, but for
tunately no one was injured.
The Agi say.s theio aie
some grocers in" Houston who
only give from thirteen to four
teen ounces to tho pound.
Honest dcileis complain that
they cannot competo-with the
light weight gentry. The law
shuulp reach thcim
The Mardi Gras pioceion
in San Antonto was a di-mal
affair. The inam fcatnre in it
is said to have been four red
devils. A correspondcnt-t)f the
Galveston "News says: "The
glooui'cansed by the .carnival,
'pageant provades eveiiitiieingn-
-ostclasscs.'J' , j .. ,-f,
We frpqitently read -or
heavy tax 'pavers, 'but Waller'
county claim the 1 other ex
treme. The Hempstead Courier
rcpoi ts that Alio Trowcr's State
iind'1 county tax' amounted, to
exactly five cents, aniT that
Abe stepped up to ,tho captain's
office and settled his bill like a
man. He didn't grumble about
high taxes.-
The Dallas Morning Call
thinks that penitentiaries should
bo icfoimatory institution that
the S'ate should manage and
'control its prisons itself, having
performed only that amount ot
labor necessary to cover iex
penes and no more more.i "It
may lie remarked Unit, sonie
States have been unable to
make their penitential iej sclK
sustaining. . -
The Austin Statesman has
discovered a plan' bywBich the
expenses-ot .the city government
of Galveston can be paid and,
the Santa fc railroad built.
Hera's the scheme;. There, are
p-obably eighty bat rooms iu
Galveston. Their sales'tivei-age
30 per day or $S76'0QO ncr"
annum. ""A tax of one, cent on
each ten cent drink would" giye
the city a revenne .pfi S3PO0Q.
It's just as easy asthe multipli
cation table.
.At Austin, ''on Thursday
night, the ' 'residence1 ot J.i n:
Ilobiiion" was'burglaiized aiid
robbed "of Stjft iVoVlh of fine
Jewelry, City Marshal Crcary
011 Friday moriiing iwc'jrtained
who the burglars were.' One
had takeiP 'the' train "for Round
Rock; the other he followed by'
himself overtaking1 him in the
suburbs. When ordered by
Crcary to Iialt'he1di'ev a knife1
and made afth'e Crcary'd 'lidfsei
Creiry wtj"thrOwn; ' a'rough
and tumole s"klrmish ensued
which resnlfcd in 'the IrarglaV's'
'capturing the Xl-iiibal's pistol
and escaping. Thb thief, whoe"
name proved to-be Win. Wil
liams,' returned to tovii atid
Avehtlo bcclath boarding' house'
lis hiding place liaving beeil'
asceifained,' "'three policetliati
went to the house and breaking'
in the 'door attempted to dn'eSt
him: As they "entered he fired
o;i one 61 them jfith Crcary's -jiis4
tol. Several 'shots'' were ex
changee and Williams Was klil
ed '011 the s;ot. '
. The Houston 'Telegram
1 elates th: adventures ot
Madame Jennie Latour, a
Fiench lady ot 200 pound-,
weight. A citizen made a com
plaint against her for lining
abusive laugtia'gi A warrant
was is-ucil, aud'two officers dis
patched to an est the madame.
Going to her house, she was
summoned to the door, and told
she was wanted at the coiut
house. Shecxcnsod herself tor
a moment, and returned with
two big "butcher knives. These,
after a 6triirgle,thc officers cap
tured. She then asked permis
sion to go to herroom; this was
granted. Keaehing her room
she seized a razor and attempt
ed to cut her throat, but pre
vious to doing so she made a
slash at oue ot the ofiiceis.
With the assistance of her hus
band, she was finally lodged in
jiil. The officers say she is the
toi'ghe-t customer they ecr
.Ni.weooi-k-,' me
splendid quilt at $1.
Tribute to Mrs. Mlurton.
IIrriiam, Mircli C, 1878
KliloTs oftlic DHuiit-r:
This day. forty-two (42) yeai-S
ago. tlie 'Alamo full, and the
dawn of liberty appeared in
Texas. I ,puK be )deaipd to
see republished in your paper
the tribute -to 'Mrs. Wharton,
which J -see iu the Galveston-
JVexs of the 5th tust There
are a. few oldTTc-;tus left ju tins
and adjoining coipitics who
take your paper and 'nlay il6t
ce tlid'iWtoj, who will be- grat
ified to sue that proper respect
was paid to the memory qf
thatjioblc and refined ojd ladyt
Mrs. Sarah Ami Whtrtou, wliu
tniv be called 6ne df the mothei-s
of Texas. I ktieW Mrs. Wharton
sincer.lSSL and tor.near seVcn-
teeij yifirs wp.weie neighbors in.
old Bi-azoria'county, and i. cati
say tlmj 'slie'distharged all of
herfdnties to Iter familv, to her
neighbb'S-'arid to bei'r country
.Texas,-as fully asauyone-ofthe
mothers of Tqxas. li-sT W bar
ton 3 renpiins, wor.e taken to.lier
old homestead ' lvhereSire ' tid
' lived sinee''lS23, tornntbraietitT
heliitl' Jirazorln conntv, Brfind
itwoyeaip- ago,II wasilold b.vza
iricujt that, .Mrs- Wnartoji .,yad.
(saidrtthat she fcjt lis though h"c
was the tniniTof an old lice
IhaP ha'd'16.-t'.all 6f iN'l)i-aneli"es,-rfnd
soon the o'ld 'trunk MVbilld
disappear fiotn earth As .tho
scpretanvot the J.Vjsas, Veteran
Association, snceits juyanizi
tion in Mav, rS7.1aiur as the
'friend of Mrs:. Whtj-ton, hen.
cither and her. two brothers, all
of wlioiii did so much in the
first settling df '"thb wildnes's'of
1 exas 1 ask yon to republish:
the -action of .the Texas Veter
ans in Galveston,, , - ,
Mojks AnsTiy IIrt vk,
In accordance'- Wtfi iiistrnc
tipn&i'Mf tlio'Vefera'n 'AisUcfa
tiori, .Saturday h&t, .att their
'uicetmg, huie jCQinnit.ee Tn-t
poinicu. lor tue pninjoso nave
drawn- up1 the' following vJflrff
tions as' tribute "of 7e)ect to
the mejnoryjofhe'Juto Air?: tSr
Al Wharton:
Vpteraii Association 6't Galyes'
t'oii'connty regard with jsirtcerfr
emotion .the recent decease ot
"Mrs. Sarah A.rWharton, wjip,
when 6fY' a vi-.it to'tliis city,
Tdied at' 'the fesiifencV '6f Joint
"W-HitrriSj'Esq on the 12tlrol'
February Iast,rjtRged P3 years.
'Her, long rosjejenee, mary er:
vices and distinguished conncc-"
tions in TeVife -Inakp ' it proper
for (his asiJeiatfou t6 record its
estimate of 'a character that --was
jidbinicd with,, iutollcctu.i) giftfe
and attaii,i!i)enfs ot tIierJiiguet,
orderl ' Her miuff'was ciiltured
bv "extensive1' readilig ancr'stUdvf
and trained by"nssb"(?iati6n wiTh'
the 1 ilearncd and unlearned,
am id tho refinement Qfjsociety
the vicisMtudeo ot border lile.
auu me civil ana military coji-
vnlsions ot great States strug
gling for politic3rcxisteiiee;
;" JiesolvedThni, as'r-die,accoinf
plishsd dviugljfer, of;i yidoived
father- djl-peiifing his profile
liospitaliry in 'the' earnest"colo-u-ial'settldmcbt'ot
Texas! da the
yonn'g' mother- siidn tlfe yomigj
wife ot t the, brilliant ryopug,
tJOvyey, ffi. U. yjiartoiijf pf
xiaaiivuie. icon., nnu as inu
eqnKT.dY that1 lirisb'and' distin-"
ignished'at "rfdinef in Texas, as
1 legislator, and abroad as minis v
tor? tho trJcnd.and.gnestit' the.
pratojVfStatesman aed1(1scliohij
W."C: Prestonof 'South ' Caro-
ll.lrt, Ull I11U WllllMlGll XCUIU
matrdn. l.lboring for years son"
lierplantafion to rear and edu
cate Jier f only, cliild . to be itv
worthy , 1 sqn Qt j.esas,..muttQ:
jn fortimo au'd heal th 'bereft ot
eyeiy menjber ofi her ,tamily
tliefasi of fter uut,ie in Texas
-he has' in all places and situa
tions bdiiie' he'to'ell the finisliod
ivontair and palridt ' citizen,
showing :i spirit ot' endurance
and courageous cfibit to. aise
superior toidvcrse foi-tune that
commands our admit atiou and
profouiid respect, and which, in
behalf ndt onl.y'dt the members
ot this t association, but ot all
tho elerans of Texas, wo here
place on. record. t
Iiesolved, T I1.1t the thanks of
this association are tendered to
tho Galveston JVetcs for its
knidly consideration of the
Texas veteransrAiid- that the-c
resolutions be published in that
F. K. Luubock,
AVm. P. HAiinEJriK,
E.X). Lynch,
Gcy M. ISisyan,
- Tub Baxnikis nowjirepared
to do job work at miraculously
low prices, having jut received
a large lot- of new type and
stationery, especially adapted
for wedding imitations and
fancy work.
Billiards. Hirschberg's el
euiint bilbaid siluou is tic? for
llu Uos of his cuitouu-rs.
-preservejicn estate for, that sou , first capitaj-jpnze of thirty thou-
' Gen. John A. TVlmrtoii, so aud dollars, oil .TuesdTy,5'Feb-
distiliguished in 'tlie bite tfaVof ' ruaryi2,'l37&; said ticfe'eVlfiVv-''
the States if lalefvcara brjken inr? eost'Tlie sum 'of ' ue' Hollar
Shall Itfe have a' tonatr COhTchtio'u?
Althonirh it may be too eirly
in the canvass to, express an
opinion as" to who may oe the
proper persons to fill any ot th'e
c.mnty offices; yet. tte regard
now Hs-the piopei' tiirt&toaiis
cns3 , such nncstio)i3 as , the
above. For, it' wo are to have J
.1 luuiiiv convention, it is nine
uiu iioucst leomanrv 01 tne
ctmtity should be discussing the-
matter about which f hey mayi
1-11 10 iiiemici. iiicir;iueiegate3,,
as wen as select uig( tiietrest men
to reflect tlieir views in the
convention ' 'Ou the otIieiJ
ltamlj vif-no! convention is
hold, it- is tube, that. the tcandf
datcs.shpttld be pre-pariug.for tlie,
innrlitv pnntpst
In reviewing tlie history ot
tins county silice the-'ivilf Ve
'find" that. witli'nno'sing1eexJ'
ception. then Uoniiiccs fk finr
Comity cont'cilfittiij have been
defeated. And in tlie except
tion irientioncUj'oiily'a poition
4t tlfe ticket M'as elected: Tlfis
,ts nob a! farcfable,Tecoitl-fort
convent ions, , .- -
Wliiln unfr. HpnxTnrt tlio nniwi.
t - 7,i'"'.,ili',,i; .(.-w.
siiy ipr eonveiuions 111 tne past.
e iiiniic me necessiry 110 lunger
dsi-t.s. In times pait -there
.were two well ar&nriZbd paTtif.-
,in' the eounty.J-lv6Vl 0110 oi
tnetn, at least, is not so well.
Organized. And in-"a hiea
where1 -party lines'-, were.' not
strlorty draw'n, many who be-
long to ibis, p-uy coujd be in
'duced to vot for rood. respon
sible men, and"jnen, too! ivlid
have' n6v6r 'affiliated wftn'lhoir
party and never will, dn this
way. wo may succed,.iiif electipg
a larger proportjim, of Trepie
sentativo men than at anv
J- time betbre si'uco flic warl
But call a colihty convention
judi-nbininato candidates, -and
iniine.diat.ely ypn ery.stalize alt
'theioppnsitiou audi concentrate
hSirces winch are now scattered,
w.i-.Jii:..l. .A':i.r -.ft :.. -lJ
iiiiii ivuiiui iiiiul uLiicrwise ue
wielded ' in 'another directidhV
Pasb-'exnerieiibe hasriiEliowrf
lVliich, narty ppJIs theraost
, Without, , enlafgingfnrflier
npon the idea5 a.bovesnggested,
'..;:ir u.i. ' '.Vs...- ,1
wc 111 auy iiihi, ciiiiiucliuu:
pthefactithnt'th'ereare lio strict
party issues, in.PU.fi.-caunt.yeltei
tions, we think that we 'wonld
tbe more likely to get aeccjifa-
oie inenin an. ine omcca ny.ai
lowmjf every man to run tfiat
from;-" Other "counties1 have6
"tried- this-- plah ' jitru. sit i.has t
'worjreq wejl, ' Yjliy,f,iot, yien.
w III ui. m , . t ,.
e We. .expressly disclaim any
, iiiteiirTdn "of refle'dting" hrJddlhe'
pfcient iticambents Or npori theJ
iioiiiinuea ot intr pastrcoiiveiKj
tions., Aud,we aKQ,state,thatv
at aryiaj,jrtvflf the.Demoerutjc.,
makoit a; 'success and slmll
icerfamly;. suppoit jthenpmi-
rinees.v S,.I1. , , , ..
Itjs now nnly a question oi
policy "as to- 'whether af conven-1
tipn-suau oe'iieiujanii wc tnuiK'
'. 1 1 . t- .. . . . t-ij . ,1
ll,UCSb.lWllVj UUMU llUIUyillUi?"TT?
1 AiCarf.
lln; nndei-si'Tiied eertines that
be held for collection fbr!acconli
of ,P. W."Arnolrl, at Palmetto,,
Calnpbell 'coi'tiify, Ge'orgiar'qiifei
MiHlti'sirtgle ntiinuei ticKet'iH'o.
96U3, Class-Jl, ini'tbe.iLonisianat
-Statei Lot.tery5 which drewthej
sent by'the home officS ot'the
-company, at Kew Oilcans La.,
thrcuigh correspoiidoncu, and the.
jamopnt was promptly paid, by
n. cnecir un ine ivoiiisianii i.t
'tiolud-Baiikvon presentation Of
the ticket jit the office of the
J.t. Runner Louisianaia'tional
Bank. - ' - -
. 1.ii (
A Card
'New OniEiKS, Tub. Iff, 187&. f
ijie undersigned certilics that
he held for collectioiufoi' account
of parties in Nov; York city,
ticket No. fiO,&!S, Class Br in
the Louisiana Stitte Lottery,
which drew the fourth capital
piize of twei!ty-fie hundred
dollars, on Tuesday.. February
12, 1S7S; said ticket haying, cost
the sum of 52, at otficc" of ll. L.
PInm. ncces'sor Ui IV. Frank
Moore -& Sou, 31T Kroadway I
New lork", and that tlie amount
was promptly paid by a theck
on the Louisiana .National Bank,
qii presentation ot the ticket at
the otficc of the company.
It. Runner Louisiana .National
peach and JK'sh honey-it 11 irat-h-
' i -' t . V- S-i
mayjeel.so dialjosd.. To Jsay
the least of it, tins, would give
,ns. a larger H'aVierr to 'select"
111 hub coiiiuv suoiiiu ue -ii.d
To 'lioW'S'BbnntfdiTt
nve swift-" do ' onr'bestfor:
I'ltpEESSlOlTAA,. GA pH.
SwttOx-aaoSrO - iit -Cit?t
-AlitcS3raae3f"'tt'iiXjet-OT-; r
Main Street, CU-ppell ljili, Tex.i. u.
' incIiS r"
- ' '-' I : rx
llrpnlrnl. Totrfct.
fti'Oi-ee (n'Aileiry buifdai!,n)nilO "
uuuc Mjunrn . IrtchS w
'' ' 'i t ' -Si1 '' 111.
Brpnliiim Texas.
Oltlw in Abbott's IfplbJl'ng, &uta'
ofPab!i9fcq'iare, IVb-S, lars,ly.
' 'tmXja.-ovf
'fan.liauu'lSas." 0
A Vt
"r. ? ''l-'J--!- "l flr
l-CtTKt-Ir-'-fp dr-berVJuiWiflitf
'iido of fabtic-SiiiaM: i$UJSwif
.. I
' "
&&8arfMi .
flHp.n nn - r? , unmw
Af -IA ',
I B. M4nrlan.it, BateaaieF-rlssii'
I ' ' -i: iilf. v7 yfiwf
A.orii6rs'atJatf .
Uifibuitl Kshinston cou.tjr T,j.
j - in '! , J v
."it "- 1. r
Seih Slicpard. -rc.( 0aliti
S"' N-A!JJoetf..j; -u
VSHIipARb GAlltETT S'llKcTOfc" 1 1
--i.ttcjrxi.osrs'-ii.t ttXSei-v&t '
K-K.Iia-itSξtoTl Lie Uxih'ljr
BWmld bo-mint to Siddiua office;-fof
M"'"iitu cuumj iodine ftlUfr-pti
Ii30dJfif .,
- I "
,y w.aBAiRrXy.p5.,
PSyalclaS 'Si f&2&&. "
LWpsli-T. IVttsbtxjfou Cmutr, Tela.
J T NorrKM'D. rLBCre.tb.&U.ViLtl -1
Brcn!mm,v KoekjrNAvUn en,
.DRS, KQCKlSfe GRlfeTn, x
' Phystcbtns .and SargceBstc
,x Offers IbeircPofessfmra BBfcj.t.
i5 ci'j?enl?f Bcni"njLjridaUy. s
" ' Mr-14llil874.3n7
1 . : ". .-?- ?,
, Breobaln,Tesii3.
IfwtiertrirtrylnfimnTn'ii oM"f-enrf
oflBreriliiuj fad victnttv.''tfiai' Iinlurrf
resinned praellco., Olhce'liVtbB-Ciauip-Sff,
lerRust. "m-iySfOdiw- Ji
firf tftiir, &i K!V,'v rn
'j liiAj '.' '- - ni .'.., ui j.r
0. G, SHiTHf.., j ,
Alt onfcn filtjRAtttfst 4ffe -1.
"wa. t Abiumto Boucjieu.
JUiJ? tir S ttlst p FSSVT3'" nJJ
I TlfTfVrY-ilF &tftJ
"' - ?-
JSaiertlond iQonftetiGhtor"
r 1 Main StreeVBrffiIi.tn). Taias,
Pnler iii Stftiiloani Eiincr flrofrf--
1 ffinesEi tenoro .'
;or,' Lagrt'Bri'ri'e. TlnV
ilnl.f realr Cas-ad. Piesrya iaad of JW"
r Vi a
n -
A .fsl
1-? rfr.r 'llu . ( .-j
- - 1
'moi3ss)ct hot ncrr nijEfjTi1"
. .- . . r' r ?
.Urocenes aril Troyisions,,:
rtff I
- ---
" ArGrt l.f ArpiWfSa'rf tiSiiffe1-
fiwutrfursale at' JJtvnDlf.'JEJOfJKBljfi
t J5 rj ,
1 r . .
hUSSSD., PITERS; 1-- 5 '
jeaier in
Tapcy Kj-ocerfeij-Jyul nts
Cigars and Tobacco,
Crockory,G 1 ass'a'nd Queeirswaro'j '
-riia.erfetralHofef, '"' '
; ' BrenbsOTf Tos? J
(fash paid forbuitur, cfiicki-n, sru" rt
aifdVenil-stic frriils. Tbe Putroriage vf
thepulilic eoliut3.
Wy, SCnUEExVBEKtf,-"
BlacksmitHfT &MA
and manufneturor of, , 4
Brunbanu Texas.
E'Stwcial attention irh-en to-nbnax-
-a .. 1-
.SifOEliopjirtrSl job work aiitt rth a!r-
iu. ienua UDerat. Hiiop finlr ilnjs
nnrd's ITerr Stable. June 18. 't
v " SADDLElt
Harness lafaotaf,
O ppnsllo J.wbrneF( Store,
Brkshaji, Yexas.-
SAD6l.CS. Hafne-lVliffi?.- ffffifi?
OFttliF, Itrtdli-,, rAjtaiS, Hnre
Trncf. Siildlo Bjcii, &U- a1ylln1
liUnd furw-c. IJi-p.iiiing n, spiTi'aljyc
Al work Trarianied.--laoiClfr'"
" i'i
." -
v.. ,
fi?e Va i
-. - -

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