Newspaper Page Text
-.i 'Z w i 5 r Lv 4i t- s i The Weekly Banner 'KY'X'ASKIS & 1EYI.V. Iriday; JlTarch -15, 1S78. IIoskt is wanted tor .the Dot Springs eaflerere. ... m Peach trfces nro in lull bloom In West Tennessee. The situation of Europe is still very mncli mixed. The city of DeiiUon i8 to re ceive $1,500 ot the Peabody IwhI. - - 4,I Wast vou to tell mo the -baretoeted speech. facta' is a Kansas The Court of Appeals 'has decided that tlie doj? tax in this Staie is constitutional. J. Mad. TVbm i 6aid to have gone mad. He prefers a lunatic asylum to the'jwniteu- Ovek one thousand people have been left destitute by the Hot Springs fire. As appeal is j made for help. A Majse preacher, aged 92 Tear?, has concluded to give up tobacco r.a be tlnnksMt injures his health. He has been a slave to it for 78 years. The Bajixee is nndei obliga tions to Hon. D. C. Giddins for a complete set of the De partment reports accompanying the President's message. The Homo Savings Bank ot Boston is '"busted," It owes its depositor, $3,117,437. It owns - a forge amonn t of real estate and will ptobably pay in full. . . Tub State election in New t -Hampshire goes Ilepnblican as usual. Tlie Legislature will pro- itabbjr stand 80 Republicans to j5 .Dewecrats. The IJepubli- . net tas is about 2QQ0. - . . " Cm. S. lL JRusski-l, of ITar--N .-tJiftJ the newly appointed Oni- d States llarsbal, tor the "Wes tern District ot this State, is Teryhighiy spoken of by the "press. THKjSAjntEB has received the March number of. that standard cultural journal, the South- m Cvltivalor, published by "W. I! Jones, Athens, Ga. It is iwrv up to its usual standard of cellence. Thk San Antonio Jixpress .probably speaks from experien ce, it says: lRine times out of ten where you hear a man abns ihff a newspaper, lor publish ing1 something about him, take " r it' for granted, the truth was m i Tns San Antonio JZcprcss jwMishes an item from tho Bakner as original editorial sattcr. In this it displays very Ked taste, brt proper credit s r tjie item would not be ob- " jjrrionable. Perhaps it was an Jewish t. vA WASHKOToa special to the Galvesfon JVuw says Scott's Texas Pacific bill meets with more favor in the Senate than in the House: A majority re port favoring the Texas Pacific bill will undoubtedly be made to the Senate. Gkx. O. O. Howabd, of Freedmans' Bureau and Chief Joseph fame, was in "Washing. -T ton a few days ago in -a. differ- r f wifroie. He is to appear bo- tae-the -criminal court, where jHit k pcadiog against litin for Jberewrery ot certain sums of money, in which it is alleged be has defaulted. Os Sunday lat during the morning church honr Atlanta, Ga., was visited by a very so- rTre tornado. The Episcopal ekmvli was blown down over , h$ heads of the congregation; -eighteen jersons were injured, imt none fatally. A number of other buildings were more or -r damaged. ijnsitK does not seem to be wty laaterial diange in thesitu atiHW Europe." Tho Czar is '"pacrfieally inclined. Austria is jdibsatisfietL. The London 'lime contends, that Russia tnnst sub mit to the peace conditions of the Congress. Tfco great pow ers did not invito her to make war- Or give her permission to replace? tho government of the porteAT -4 Tho tiretabaekers. The greenback movement is assuming shape in Grayson county. The Dcnison Revs Bays .the greenback men, or as they, call themselves '"the 2a tumids," will put out a separate ticket in Grayson county, und will t;ike advantage of any want of harmony "n the Democratic ranks. They hate signified a determination to maintain a separate organization, and have manifested a poisistont hostility to the Democratic party. This is just exactly what might have been expected ot them. It seems that the Donisun and Sherman grectibackers are the first to take off tho mask. The others will speedily follow suit. It bthooves every true Demo crat to stick tho closer to his party, and maintain its organ ization intact. We Itavo no doubt but that it iUe "Nation al" movement develops suffi cient strength at the State Greenback Convention, now be ing held at Austin, an attempt Will be mado to put a full State ticket in tho field. Such a ticket would, beyond any doubt, be inimical to the inti-r-ests of tlie Democracy. The greenbacktrs will bear watch ing. Political. Thk Georgetown Sun indulges in a disquifcitiou -on political parties, and conclndes by saying: 'Many of our friends are mem bers of Greenback clubs, but wo suppose that few, if any of them, dream oi the organization ot a permanent political party on thessnes which they pre sent to tue country, m tins we think the Sun will find itself grievonsly mistaken. The greenbackers, under the manip ulation of Brick Pomcroy and kindred spirits, are duing their utmost to disrupt the Demo cratic party in this country. If they can accomplish nothing sooner, they will, undoubtedly, put a ticket iu the field for the Presidential election in 18S0. Just exactly what they want to accomplish is unknown, oven to themselves. Schlelchtr en the Silrer Bill. Hok; G. Schleicher writes to the San Antonio JOcpreta to say -that the JKand silver bill wiFl not bring any relief to the coun try. The coinage under it is limited; the silver dollar is a le gal tender and says Mr. Schlei cher, every one of them will bo bought np and paid tor enstom dues; paid out by the govern ment, and again be bought up and paid for customs; thus keep ing the dollar moving in a circle and out of the hands ot the pec, pie. lie also.says: "Yon must therefore not look for ranch re lief now, even if that utall amount ot coinage ranges, at pretty high fignres." The let ter concludes: "I hopo wo will get np a true silver bill yet, based upon correct principles and then you will find me its strong supporter." Thk St. Louis Jtepuilican of the 8th inst. contains a detailed account of the burning of the steamer City ot Chester, at the .Memphis wbarf. Tho firo broke out about 2 o'clock in the morn ing, shortly after the boat had" landed. The flumes spread very rapidly and in order to save the elevator, at which she was lay ing, the lines were cnt and the boat drifted out into tliu stream with a iiumlwr of the crew and passengers on board. Three lives wcreJost. TuuNavasotf. Tablet learns than there will soon be in the field a full compliment of Radi pal candidates lor the different county officers of Grimescounty. It is also said that they will un organized into clans Union League fashion. The Tablet thinks that by a thorough or ganization ot tlie Democracy of the county, and a county, con vention which will 'nominate men oJ undoubted integrity and aKiity, the ticket can be elec ted in spite of all opposition The Bankfr is in receipt of Col man's Rural World, a large eight page p.iper, published at St. Louis, and now iu its thirtieth year. The J!vral World is one of the oldebt ns well as one ot the best agricul tural papers in the Mississippi valley. It is published weekly at $2 pcr'ycar. The Tno-Tulrtls Cule. i- Tho question ot abrogating the two thirds rule at the com ing Democratic State conven tion is still being discussed by the State pre?s. Some few papers favor it on the ground that it has been n time honored custom with the party. The custom is very'liku that of go ing to mill -with halt a bushel ot corn in one end ot tho suck and a stune in the other to balance it. The time has evidently passed when the two-thirds rule should govern the action ot conventions. The Democratic doctrine that the majority rules should be snbstitutod. A man may be the choice ot a majority oi the convention, and yet be defeated by a very small minor ity, who persistently refuse to" vote with tho majority. Br this means a popular candidate may be defeated because ot his inability to obtain the requisite two-thirds vote. The Waco Telephone and the Ruik Ob terver, both sound Democratic papers, say emphatically that the necessity for tho two-thirds rule has passed, and that the first choice -ot the convention, as expressed by tho majority vote, should be the candidate for Governor. It rests with the convention itself to say whether or not the two-thirds rule shall obtain. For Liberia. A special dispatch from Charleston, S. C, to New York, says the sailing ship Azor lus left Boston tor the former city loaded with provisions, farming ntenidls, drygood. boots, shoes, etc, the proierty of colored people intending to take passage for Liberia. Three hundred and fifty men, women and chil dren are quartered in Charles ton their departure. Thus, it 6eems the movement is taking a tangible shape. TJioae that aro.going consist of inde pendent small farmers who havci acquired the mentis by selling out at a sacrifice and having means to support themselves in Liberia for six monts. It is stated that fully one-half ol the negroes In South Carolina are anxiouato migrate,, and would go it they had the means. A stock company has been organ ized. Every stockholder is en titled to one passago when his turn comes. At present there are 30,000 shares, which sell at $10 each. It is claimed that 35,000 colored people in the South have invented in the en terprise. TnE Dallas Commercial calls attention to the defective col lection laws of Texas. It cities an instance in which two large capitalists from Maryland who visited the State with the in tcntion of loaning money, and after a couple of day investi gation arrived at, tlie concln- lion that they could not trust their money on nny securities which could be given. Until the laws are amended capital ists from other States will not invest their money The Com mercial says; "As long as money cannot find security which will stand the strain of legal pro ceedings, it will not come here. TnK Houston Telegram says arrangements have been perfec ted between a prominent St. Louis merchant and the I. and G. N.. Texas and Pacific and Iron Mountain roads, for the transportation of early-vegetables from Houston to'NoShenT markets at reduced rates. A number ot rclrigerator cars are being built. The shipment of early vegetables from Southern Texas, is as yet only in its in fancy. A large and profitable business will bo done in this hue before many years. Me. MiLulias written a let ter to the Comanche CW pos itively declining to allow his name to Le used before the con vention for Governor. It, how ever, his friends desire it he will be a candidate tor re-election to Congress. The Belton Journel says it will support Mr. Mills, for re-election be cause .it believes there is no one in tho district who would so ably lcpresent it iu "Washington. . m m L rnE matter of Crown Bow en, convicted of murder iu Gon zales county, the Couit of Ap peal afihmed the death tentcntc. The Chinese Famine. Tit" the Northern province ot China seventy milli-ms ot peo -pie arc starving. Paulines hat c occurcd 'in those, parts, but none h.ivc ever been so wide spread. The Seieniijic American savs "during the pi-t two bundled 3 ears, the desert has been en croaching upon Northern China, the regions now afflicted under going climatic changes almost without paralled in the hNtory of civilized countries. Wnter courses have disappeared; mas sive bridges now span river beds whoic fl ol h.i o w.isted every where can be found ei denccot a former population one; a dense ns that ot one bad South China. Famines and civil wars have greatly depleted tlie popnlntiou, yet in the stricken district there is still twice as many people as there are in the United States. Formerly the dificicnces of Northern China were supplied from tho Sonth by way ot the grtnt canal, ex tendingl650 miles trom Soochow to Tientsin, on the Peiho, near, Pekm. For a thonsand years this was tho greatest artery of commerce in the world: but it !ot its feeders, and became tor the most unnavigable, when the Yangtse-Kiang shifted its chan nels and found a new outlet three hundred miles north ot its old one. Thus cut oft from its only source ot relief in case of tailing crops, with scanty means of internal communication, and subject to a government that has not the energy to combat so dire an evil, even if it had the power, the stricken region nuut bear its nffection as bet it may. The Chinese government is opjwsed to railroads and has torn up the first and only line of railway in that conntry. I. trohlbltton. Tho Texas Chrhtian Advo cate says: "As the cars stopped at Led better we saw something which we commend to the Drenham BaiN.i:, and the voters ot Washington county who defeat ed prohibition. A young man was lying- on tho platform in a drnnken stupor." Tho Brenlmm Bakjteh took uo part in the election on pro hibition. It was left entirely with the voters themselves, and was opprwod by some of the prominent members ot the United Friends ot Temperance. There aro about 4,700 voters iu the county. The total vote in favor of it wa3 hardly one hun dred out ot some twelve hun dred votes polled, the other thirty -five hundred voters in the county taking no iuteret in it whatever. "We are fully aware ot the evils of intemperance, but are by no means satisfied that local option or prohibition is the way to avert it. Wo do not "propose to enter into a discussion of the subject, but would "call the Advocates attention to the fact that Ledbetter is in Fay ette, not Washington county. Tlie citizens of Washington lounty aro as temperate, as moral and as religious as those of any other county in the broad State ot Texas, and jut why the Advocate should have singled out the Uannee and Washing ton county, as an example to illsustrato the evil effects ot non prohibition we are at a loss to understand. In Galveston there are, it ib estimated, not than oighty public bar rooms, a numbor ot -gambling houses as open as tho bars and dens ot prostitution by the score. Can the Advocate do nothing to abate tho oil of which it com plains! The London Times publishes statistics to bhow that while the aggregate mass of crime in cities is, of course, large, the proportion of criminals to the population is, it anything, smaller than in towns and rural district. In London the proportion is 4 iu 10,000; in Liverpool 11 to 10,000; in Taunton, a small place, 17 in 10,000. Mits. Eu.rx Kvj.:fit, a na tive ot li eland, died in Chica go on Sunday List, bating at tained tho remarkable age ot 106 j cars. She vs bom in 1772, and retained a rcm.irka blo memory of the Napoleonic wais, and also ot the Irish row vlutiou c 'US, STATS NEWS. Dallas now has a steam camh factory. Bunjlar- aro plying their vocation in D.illas. The Comanche Greenback club h as forty members. .- San Jjciuto day "nil I be duly celebrated at Houston. A temperance iuoenient has been oiganizod at Marlin. Eggs are selling at five cents a dozen at Dnrango, Falls county. The trees in the vicinity ot Dallas are leafing out beauti fully. Navasota has a crand J Pnrim masquerade ball on the I'Jth mst. The small crjin crop iu the weinily ot Schulenbuig arc looking thrifty. Beaumont shipped thirty car lo-uls ot lumber the fiit week in March. A young man named Rob ertson was banged by a mob in Denton comity. The Round Rock Ileadligld has again donned its ulster or patent ontside. Home made bacon is sell ing from wagons in Belton at 8 cents a pound. The San Saba steam mill arc now turning out an excel lent quality of flour. Hon. II. L. Ray, a prom inent politician and member ot the Dallas bar, is dead. Tho grocery Btoro of Mr. Elj.ili Binder, at Hoiuton, wu buglarized the other night. The crackor factory at Sherman was burned on the 12th inst. Lois $25,000. There arc now thirteen cases fif small pox at Breuioud. Three .deaths have secured. J. R. Stark, manager of a lumberyard near Crockett, was shot while iu bod and killed. . The Hempstead Messenger reports that two new brick stores arc to be put up at once, The Columbus Citizen notes larger quantities ot lum ber going west-via tho Suiuet route. Corn is up in many farms in Colorado county. Cotton has been planted by many, though not g'cuerally. Farming lands, improved and unimproved, are selling in Colorado county at from $3 to 10 per acre. Pigeon-droppers arc ply ing there vcoation in Dallas. A countryman was plucked to the tunc ot $20. The Waco Mai Fest will gi e a premium of J200 for ihe best brass band and $100 tor the second best. The Galveston Jfeios ol tho 14th inst. contains account ot five murders committed within the last two days. - The matrimonial market in Colorado county is quoted as being lenwrkably dull hard timet-, you know An organized band of hon.e thcircs ara supposed to have their bet dquartcrs in the vicin ity ot Rouud Rock. Four hundred Scandina vian families are located iu Bof.qnc county. They are ex cellent and thrittv farmers. , The Waco Mai Fest comes ofl on the 8th and 9th ot May. 13 run ham will havu a Yolksfest on the 10th and 11th of May. A telcphouo has been erec ted between the offioes of tho mayor and chief ot police in Dallas. It works like a charm. D. R. Francis, county sur veyor of Robertson county, has been arrested on the charge of being connected with the laud grab. Galveston's Greenback Club held a meeting ou Sat urday night, and appointed a delezate to the vonvention at Austin Tho theatrical season at Houston closed with the en gagemement ot Frank Mayo, which was" the least profitable of any. A correspondent of the Gnlvcston 2ews gives a graphic description of the boiling wolls in the vicinity ot Sour Lake, Hardin county. A new brick storo 25xS0 feet is being elected in Uemp btead. The Jfessenger thinks much building will be done the coming summer. A fight ocenrred In Tom Green county between Ameri can and Mexican buffalo hun ters. One Mexican was killed and another wounded. Tun Dallas Morning Call speaking of two rustic Ethiopi an youths who were anxious to fight, says thoy woio endeavor ing to "crawl each other's log." Tho woik of coiistiuctwg the cotter dam for the Brazos bridge, will soon bo begun. The Hempstead Messenger says the work will be pished to completion., At Austin on "Wednesday, Alderman Joseph Nallc staV bed Alderman T. J. Marfcley. killing liiiti iustuiitlv. All the telegraph poles be tween BVlfon and tound Hock have been "planted". It now only remains to stretch the wire. The Moriiing Call say hish rents will kill a town as dead as Hou-ron, and that Dal J.u is suffering from tho dis ease. Society Yorwaert', of Dcn iscm, have purchased a lot, mid will nt once proceed :o erect the necessary buildings tor a gym nasinm. The Coltunbns Citisen says the jirwcnt grand jnrv is'accus cd ot being the worst looking set of men which could re collected together in tlie comity. The Giddings ,J.onc Star says crops reports are very favorable from all parts of the county. There will be a con siderable diversity of crops. Tho Chief want- to" know if there is man in the United States who has five"oi six thous and dollars to invest in buil ding a hotel in Comanche. Tho Sehulcnbnrjj Argus will this week be removed to Flatonia. 13 miles west ol its present location the nanio will be changed to tho Flatonia Argut Tlie Dallas Herald says the gutter arc in a most filthy condition mid demand imme diate attention. There is no donbt but Dallas is- a scented place. The Telephone reports the arrival in Waro of a woofr mule and a frerdmnn The mulo is an exact counterpart ot Fremont's celebrated 'wooly horsn " A lady in Colorado coun ty succeeded in capturing a large chicken hawk as it wa in the act of catching- a young chicknn in her van!. She wrung his hawkhip s neck. A petition i iu circulation in Giddin-rs asking the ISoard of Alderman to aholi-di the office ot mayor and (ilanhal and us ing the sslaries paid them in building firo cisterns. Two yearn ago, say-3 the Chief, Comanche county scrip was dull sale at twentv-five cents on the dollar. To-day it is worth seventy-five to eighty cents and bnt little offering. A Mr. McKee residing near Salado. B-jll countv. had a .two yuar old child. It crawled under tbe bed ami finding a box of strychnine p'lls ate about forty of them. Physicians were calltd in, but the child died. A neighboroood qnarref tock place in Walker connty, seven miles from Loveladv. re sulting iu the killing of Hum phries and Foster, and tho wounding of ono Andrews. Tho Comanche Chief has not fully detcruuenod who it is for in the Gubernational race, but it ik certain tlmt it is not for "Gbsbv Dick Hubbard, or Gard ener Lang, or John Iroland." In the District Court of Falls county. Judge" Alexander presiding, charged the grand jury, laying special stress on the growing practice of granting continuances in criminal cases. Thompson's variety show ad. has been dropped from the columns nf tho Dallas Commer eial, and it is prejmriiig to re new the war on Thompson in particular and variety bhows in general. A correspondent ol the Gal- Teston j.Ync from Liberty say the Walker and Black case was called at Wnllfsvillo and con tinued by the State. Applica tion was made tor bail, but re fused. Ed. Barantc; was 'ronght to Hempstead on Monday last and turned over to the jailer. The stolen jewelry was recov ered, but the stolen money had all been spent, excepting "about twenty dollars. Mr. Helms of Comanche connty draws big pern-ion regn lxrly as a soldier ot the war ot 1812. He was in the battlo of New Orleans. Mr Helms-is hale and hoarty and ean do a good days work yet. The Marlin JSaUsyt there are about 200 Tonkaway In dians in bhackclford county, who live in a halt civilized ai d harmless condition upon their own lalior and the charity of the neighbors. The Houston Telegram says on Sunday last the bodies of three dead negroes were found in tho woods near the road be tween Sandy Point and Chenan go. The bodies were lull ot bullet holes. An iuqncst was held and indications seemed to point to the tict that tho ne groes were cattle thcives. In Dallas some man with, perhaps, less than a thimble lull ol brains in his pranium, made a negro boy, about five ears old, drunk, thinking that he was having much fun and at tho same time time perpetrating a huge joke on the small negro Such a man should be whipped about half to death with dog Wood switcUc$t MiaiMiBtif'V'"iiiii''ii'-'nBaaBiea! Texas- has sent 613 convicts to tbe penitentiary during the hist ten months;' and they arc yet gbiug every day. The penal code needs' amendment.- The Sun Saba iV&r says several lircal option cases which had betrtt pending in the Dis trict Court. were trinslerro'lto-a justice's court niidthe jiutice de ciding that hu had no jurisdic tion dissmi&icd them. A gentleman residing in Weimar bonght two cows of high grade Alderney for S100. The cow give trom three to four gallons of milk each per day. Fine cows are evidently the cheapest in the long run. rioro theives have been raiding iu the neighborhood ot Sehulcubiirg. The Argus sug gests the organization in each neighborhood of HK-ieties for the detection, arrest and prosecu tion ol horse and cattle '"hook ers." Tni: Uazos Pilot (Bryan) ciidoraea tho snggestion of the grand jury of that county favor ing the whipping-post. The Jyilot sa.y: Anything would nt picferablc to the present nncer tain,dilatory and disastrondy ex pensive mode ol punishing small oflenders- The trial of W. L. nawpe, for the murder of A. G. Miller, was commenced at Dallas, 0n Friday lust. The cae excites much interest and wiil proba bly require a tnll weck'n trial as a large nmiibcrct witnesses arc to be examined. TnE Schiileubnrg Argus says Mr. Tom Scott and bis syco phants scein. determined to force Throckmorton to lie a candidate for Governor at all hazards. Mr Throckmorton has signified Lis willingness to be sacrificed. ' Two 3lcLenusn connty preachers bail a diflicnlty, and .nicotine m tho road indulged in "ensMn" btrR Thov were ar rested and taken before a jus tice; one was taxed $G0 for trimmings and things; the other was honorably discharged. Tvuno is no longer correct iu The nounlnng city ot Uciit son. A raid was made by the county authorities on the bank; the hanker, and hu assistants m well as a nnuilxTof kenoists were captured. Keno fs a very fine game especially for the bank. T. J. Davis, i now in the San Saba county jail charged ol assaulting a man with a deadly weapon. Some time ago he was tried for lunacy before the connty Court, and declared by the jury to be sane. He will now lie tried again the issne being whether ho is a criminal or a lunatic. ' Fayr tte Colemnn, a depnty sheriff ot Brazos county left Bryan five, daya ago on horse back for the purpose of serving process in the connty. tie ii:u not been heard trom since. Hi horse was found with his over coat tied to the saddle, having six buckshot holds through it. Foul play is inspected. Beaumont Lumberman: Judge Pedigo holds cpnrt in Chambers county tbi3 week: lie reports the district remarka bly quiet: So tar as criminal business is concerned tbere are probably less than a dozen casas a year in his district. The Dallas Commercial is opposed to tfi two-thirds rule and favors a majority nomina tion. It says that so far as ihe canvass has progressed bnt two candidates are prominently lc fore the people v;zi Throck morton and Ilonest Dick Hub bard. The, Sn Saba News says: '"One year .will soon havepas-ed since local option was carried in this county, and in all this time the authorities, havo been Jeggimr away to got convic tions by reason of a violation ot the law, but not a single case has yet been gained."" Georgetown Sun: Vacci nation is now in style -..Fishing tackle and "wurrnius" arc in 'demand. ...Garden p'nnts are coming np and chickens are eating them down . Four or five new families have located here during tho past two months . . . .Tho heel flies are alter tho cattle.... Some miscteant enter ed tho Easley school and tore npthe estament and other books i Last Sunday tho .New York Herald printed sixty columns of advertisements. In referring to tho fact tho Hvrald does not consider th's an tvidenco of good times or of reviving proi-- pentv, but ot the importance ot making special efforts to do business in a dull time. The man who refuses to advertise his business because business is dnl! docs not understand the real object and value of adver tising. If times aro haid and business goes slowly then it must be pushed and urged, and forced to go by advertising. Houston Telegram. ... CoxG.R.hsioxAi4 proceedings are nt pressent devoid of public in terest, Tho Pacific railroad discus.-io,j. s stilt going on. ConkUng's bill from, the-Committee on Commerce, in lavorof Bennett's porlar expedition was yabcd witu,vu.t debate the UfnabiieV Comenllon Vfe nnrke the folIovviugC'snins tnViry trom the Austin- Stater ntaa: The Iudepcifrfcnt GreentVaefc Coiiventii-"! met iu Rcprlv-CnfJt- -tivo Ill7 at 1 o'clix-k on .Tuts-.-. day. About 40 delegates wero pre-cnt, some tight or ten'bi'iiKj colored. Twciiff of the defegrife" nrc residents Of Travis codiilyi W. 1L Kftfngefar, ot Wa-liingj ton comity? was- elected' pertfW1 ncnt prwJdenf A letter from Brick PomerbV wus read. It et forth that tho members: tii the Greenback par ty had generally severed their connection with lxtti pyfificstl ? pai tin, and lie urge 1 tho p-artv in Tex is to press forward xintlt it came into control oi tho State. ' A number of sixxchcs were made In the evening a plat form and a cart load of rcsojnv tions TTcre adopted. The con vention adjourned bine die hImiS 10 o'clock. . lion. George McCormick is spoken ot by the Colnmbus Ct- . hen as a flcsrntblcaml eligible: candidate for Attorney General in f ensneing campaign- He has made an efficient Assistant Attorney General, in whicb ca patityhcKnt present actirgv and will !c a strong man it placed lxforc the people. Com anche L'hirf. The Baxkkr wishes it- dis tinctly understood that it will favor no one eKe than the woun ded, crippled and lacerated soldier-patriot. Hannibal II. Boone, tor this position, and to have -sufficient faith in the "wisdom ot tho next con vrnfioh to be lieve that he will receive the -nomination for re-election npo.n the- first ballot, or bv acclama tion. TIkj Kavasota Ta7ht'mn calls fort a few sjiring rh ten 3 -he wants 'em on suliKcriptinas. XSovr Advertisements' : 1 Wotice to 2?az-3rtyersf Xat Chnnai, '" ' ' TUE TIMEftm r.TMEXTJ.oV Taiw tin riHil t-tmtr for Iiejc:i' tsr-U 187-t. 1S75 n.i ISTT-wifl Iw, lecdrtl m thr first 3t ol April !. without cc!, iiftor which vlfeir ihi-tw will xjriliYfly be no further HIaj-. All (milts- wlm Iihto not piid thnr Inxi-y for wod ywrii, n? req irsttn ti come forward ami py tin- raiuii mi niue o.U H. A. HAItVl.V, -o!ltnrVrUim;tmj Cuunlr " For Sale. AFORTT ACEH TAR'-f SITIU-. t-il one mil- aid a q-nrtrr'-a't it UrruharK, wu!l iuipmTMl;"WiHid unit -wiiiiritrmlful;p!rn1iil Inntiwr r?r Mdnirr;0nf, jmnlnrtlTr 1L Will b oM fiir-mi thinj cxnh, balance jwr'tt" within "DO '! two Tr-irs Applr at ihi BannU Omen. MurcliS f VEG-ETIKTB. 1IKU owx woun. BLTlSOKE,M.P..rb.l3tl$f7. Ms. II. It. Mitch. IAUXi-'iitCTTpnil yrare I liatc got nraiil vrry painful foot. I bad oiu vM Irlati, Imt ifer ntiMn't cure me. ow ,1 baipheni ofTnurej;r!liirrria a laily who ra !rk fr a 1 nig- lime, aiwl Lframr all well frum Ttmr Vcjetine, awl I went ami tvnijrtit mfftue IVriflo or ejcrtiner ami after I bail netltineWfIe, th pain i-fl me, audit I pan tohral, ami thi I btmctif-ime oltirr b t tie, and mI take it vit. Jllatik x1 Tor tfaU -rnneil and ymr-elf; and wlhina Ty s MiOnrmav far nllrntion tIt. It liable Infiltirbeauh. ' ta vre-tJ!aIUmore5trwt YEGETIXE. RrE AXDSUBK. Mn.II U. Stevkx. In l7i your emetine va rrcnramendrd tr m, and, jlrMinj ti the -frraistn of a friend, L ron-ctitfU to trr It. At tbe time I a-rtHrrhijr;fnm grner?! deMIrK audnrrT f ott4 pnittatlin ecprtmlucrd Inr tmroilt and lirrsularliibfN ltTrtndrTniitinjrii- 4 etfnff and curat! re ptvperlir-t rewd to afert ray debilitated vttm frwra the tIrtU; ait I undo ft rUient uel japMlv reroYered. raining- more tlian iwnal beallSi and fro! feillngv More then I tune not beI?a)ed to to ToAecednemyTOOHtuiKiualinedindoe meat,, ai lelng-a afe. su-e, and powerful acratin promntln? healt't and retfjins" tho wTWled-ytemtrt neTC-llfeandenereyr er fineltheonlrmeiUrlne lu-;andailfnff ai I lire 1 neTerexpect to find a better. Ymirstrulr, W. H. tXRK, iJOilonleiejr Street. Allegnanj, Venn. TEdETrNE. . . . THE BESTSI'KDiOJinDICTSE. ClUriESTUWV.. DkabMd ThUUJo yiHir-inKI I-rriratHtnin niTrinMilT for; i?Yral imin, and tiitok that for rrorul or f aakrpn lliunornr Uhrunivl aiTrrtlon it cannot Im eTcrllrd; and iw a Idrnx! puiftlrr ami Fining nmlirine ills th brlthinj;lhaio arwtl Ilnve HwlaliiuwtPirrjtlUnjr. . Iran rbrrrfullr rrcomaie nd It to auv one In. tiMKlof nchamelfrine. Yolinirwpwtfullr. ,? iik. a. a. nrxsjioitrr. - 19 Hn-ell SSf ot. YEGETIXEr, WIIAT Is EF.Dnp. " HOKTOXt Feb. 15, 1S7I , v , II. R. TFYEC. tl I)raitM- AbnntoneyeareincelfoimdniT-i elfln a feeble cnniHiIon from jreneral deblflO ty. A effrline wa utmnjrl recinmeudrd tov rocbv a friend wbnlod Iiefn lunch !eneilfte'I livlHae. I iintcuredthe article, and. aftec nInp cvrrd bottlei, win retoied tohealtb, and diwoallnued iA tte. I ferlfuit conft-j lent tliaMIteie I no medicine urfor toit fur thoe complaints for irbirb It I- imperially prepared, and vnnld fbeertnlly remnimem Itthoeuho feel that tl er need jsoiuelliln-- to reioieinenuopeneii nni'n. Ieiiect Ail 1 1 rmir-., C.L. I'KTTtNGIIal. rinvof M. ret.euyill A Co.,, Xo.lOStafeM , Eodtun., YKGKHNE. ALLHVVR ORTMVKD RltfEY rTiiDLcwicK,Mjc,,Jan 17173. II n.CTMio DeiRin I harehaddyfpeiwIalnlUirorF fitrm for tlto lvt ten Jerp, ind hive taen. hundred ofdollarx north ofmedkineH wlth outohtalnln? anv relief. In epteniber lit '" I. ctimmenceil taklnj; the eceiin?a inr&, nhbhttme my health ha rteaIH) ImpmTcI. 3I fioI Jtctrs well, and I hate painedflf- teenpoundofdefh, TIierearArercralotbera " In this plir 'atlnp eritne, ami al liars, obtained relfc. 4tnrmlr; " TIWXM hVMOCWE, Orereer of Cinl Kooip IVrtinouy C6,4 Prt- pared liv H,'K STEVCXS Bo'stoa, Mass - Yegiline Sold by ajl finuqixt ' , H 11 -I I .i-r -'BIB "i s h 'A - iJ n -SI -4 ' 11 cSi j f .1" - ui i & ! i 1pJJllL, -, "