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TherWeekly Banner
J?riauv, afcircli - 22, 1S7S.
Trie Postou savings banks arc
now biing sulijedted to a run.
The Austin greenbu-lc con
vention' wa3 substantially a
Tiik conviction that pace
will be maintained is general at
bt. Petersburg.
Six thousand persons hive
been attacked with measles at
Lyonr, Frauce.
Tjtkee has been a very heavy
and 'disastrous snow storm ia
the interior of Ohio.
The Forth Wtirth Daily Post
is the name of the latent j"inr-
nalibtic enterprise at that city.
Ilox. T. E. Leoxarp, member
of Congress from Louisiana,
died of yellow fever at Havana.
It is considered probable at
"Washington that the, resumption
act will be - repealed by a two
thirds vote. - -
TjiEmedic.il department -ol
the University oi Louisiana has
tnrrtd loose fifty-sir fnll ihdg-
ed doctors.
TnE Dallas 'Morning Call
politely calls the late greenback
convention the great politicil
"Iwb-tail flVh." ' .
--- - r-- - - ;
jme Dallas Commercial !r re-
fouiible for the assertion that
3?rii-k Pomeroy is the "sick
man1' 'of Texas politics.
The civil bervtce reform com
mittee of tho Ilou'e voted 7 to
3 to remove Col. Polk, door
keeper of. the jlouse. , ,
Thk State Treasury has re
fumed specie payments. Ten
thousand dollars in silver half
dollars jva3 paid out a few days
CoiiiMOTonBV"A'DEP.BrLT start
ed on the journey of lite with
out money .and without friend,"
Tot ha made and owned at his
"death "$ 100,000,000 worth of
A. NruBEE of men hare been
arrested at Tewkesbury, .Mass.,
charged with liyin; in open
)olyamy. They were trying
to establish a ilonnan settle
ment. The Secretary of War sys
one detail for the Agricultural
J College in this State hav
ing already been made Lieut.'
Plipper ciuuut be detailed tor
the c dored branch.
Uel Dow has recently in
troduced in the Maine L'-cNla-tnre
a bill which punishes
"drummers" lor liquor bonnes
by k fine of. S1000 and impris
onment for one year.
Thjc A'cws-Echo, of Lockhatt.
Caldwell county, is responsible
for the assertion that the anti
prnhibitioniste are about to get
up a petition to the Legislature
for local optioD on "snuff dip-VS-"
Dasiel McFakhm, of K"ew
Tork, the mnrdercr of Pichard
son, has been at work as a me
chanic in the Btudebaker wagon
works at Sonth Bend Ind. He
is a total wreck and was dis
cnafS on account of his drunk
en habits.
Tije demand for govornment
bonds has been- steadily in
creasing in all the leadintr cities.
This is brought about by a want
of confidence in hanks and
savings institutions, and mho by
tho silver law, which has, to a
considerable extent, restored
public confidence.
The D illas Moriling Cull is
only about five weeks old, vet it
lias met wjth sufficient encour
atiemcnt to justify an enlarge
ment audapprars as a six col
umn paper, .'I'ljssCall is a" live
and uewiy. paper and in ppint of
typographical ajipearancc is 'not
mrjase9 ii Tc?:if. -'
wm.1 wi
It is ch irged by some of the
ultra Republican papers that the
reaction of the last year or two
reminds the Ireeduien of the old
days of slavery. The colored
man no longer sits in the lygis
Lit me to make laws tor bio for
mer niasrer, and fill his pockets
with money paid for bribes. In
short he has to work for a living,
and with some of the colored
people the idea of fieedom and
work is incompatible. Because
of thi feeling Iherc is an active
inurement going on in the States
where the freedmeu predomi
nate, looking to an exoJm to
the l.md of equality and liberty,
Liberia. The St Louis Repub
lican 6ays it the freedmau wants
any more or better "equality"
than what he has here, by all
means let him go to Africa and
find if. Negro supremacy in
this conntry is dead, nerer to
live again; &nch performances S
those in Sonth Carolina and
Louisiana, from 1S67 to 1S77
will never be re-enacted. The
negro has all the 'i:ghts" he
will ever get It conclude:
''It he is not satisfied in Ameri
ca. Liberia will welcome him
with open arui6 to a hospitable
A par 10 ram states that a
Memphis merchant bought'
$10,000 worth ot Mexican dol
lars in New " o.-k at 93 cents
each, and taking then1 to Mem
phis paid them out over hij
counters as chance, dollar for
dollar, uiakintr SS00. Mexican
dollars are quoted in Galveston
at !)i ccuts buying, and "90
cents selling. Prcnham dealerb
only receive them for 90 cents.
If they cn only get enough of
them thoy will make a very
handsome profit.
Tnn order of the Legion ot
Honor has been conferred upon
a blind man in Paris. lie has
been tor thirty years a teacher ot
the blind, and has taught many
pupils the art ot tnning pianos,
whose clerprness was cqiul to
that of "piano tuners who aro in
possession of their eyesight.
" Js consequence of hard times
the salary of Col. Tom. Scot.
as president ot tho Pennsylvan
ia railio-ul, has boon reduced
'from f 30,080 to $24,000. The
colonel takes ther eduction phil
osophically. The vice-presidents
Rnjf other officers leceire
10,000 and $12,000 and the
section hands about 1 a day.
. .1 , . m --
' Mr. 1101581X8, of South Caro
lina, tram the Committee on
Ways and Means, reported a
bill tor refunding the national
debt. Dop6sits may be re
ceived, in sums of not less than
one dollar, at any postal money
order office of the United States.
When such deposits amount to
850, they phall, at the option
ot the depositor, be convertible
into four jicr cent, bonds. -
TiiEnr are three reports on
the Soutuern Pacific Railroad,
one in favor ot the Texas Pacif-
ic. The majority of the others
lavoring the California South
ern Pacific, and a leport signed
by Win. 11. Morrison, ot Illi
nois. This report probably
represents Jho balance ot
power and will defeat both par
tics, and indefinitely postpone
the construction ot the road.
Tun Waco Telephone says
there are 30,000 Grangers in
Texas of whom 10,000 arc
female, leaving 20,000 Gran
gers who aro voters. There arc
210,000 voters m Texas, 150,000
of them are .Democrats. The
grangers compose les than
one eight of the voting popula
tion of the State.
A new daily p.ipcr is to be
started at Breuiuni; to be called
the Sentinels mioii as 250
subscribers can be obtained.
The town ha- a most excclcnt
daily paper now. and has no
canhlv use f.r another. Hous
ton, IVegram.
Correct, go np head.
Ti'iiTempIctou'o played to a
good hou-o at Houston on bat
urd.iy night They are en route
to .NV.v York,
Is It Degrading!
The Dallas Horning Call is
opposed to the establishment of
the whipping -p it in this State,
on the ground that "the object
ot punishment for law-brcakeis
is not so -much to degrade them
as it is to reform them." It
may begranted th it this is true,
but it the present means of
punishment, the county jail
and the penitentiary, prove as
they have, to make the offen
der worse iustead ot Letter, is
it not rLiht and proper that
some other means be resorted
to? Experience his proven be
yond any doubt that a large
majority of the graduates from
the penitentiary come out worc
than when they went in. "With
a certain class ot trifling freed
meu it is esteemed an houor to
have served a term in "the peni
tentiary. It gives the cx-con-vict
caste. He is looked upon
as being particularly smirt, and
is, to a certain extent, "treated
asal.cro. It makes no differ
ence if he has been convicted
of n common theft, or the raon
exalted calling of horse and
cattle stealing. It might, per
haps, be well enough to bury
all mawkish lentimentality upon
this subject, and assume that
when a party is guilty of coin
ting an offense that he has al
ready fallen to the lowest grade
of depredation, and that if the
whipping-pjst will cure him his
reformation will hare been ac
complixhed, and thus it will be
a reformatory institution in
stead of one promotive of dogre
rcdation. The Galveston Jonrnal of
Commerce calls attention
to th: tact that the cinning of
oysters and fish is as profitable
a business as can be engaged in
with a small capital. Oysters-and
fish are both abundant in GalTes
ton vet there is no one there
engaged in .he business. The
quantity of coined goods sold in
Texas is absolutely enormous.
They form a considerable item
in the sale of every dealer in
groceries. Vegetables such as
peas com and snap beans could
and should be canned in Texas
where they are produced iu un
limited quantities.
From the Galveston Civilian
of a recent date wc learn that a
large drore of fine and tat hogs
from the interior were shipped
to New Orleans by a Morgan
steanu r. A few days ago the
Bassek took occasion to say
that by the improved modes ot
packing, hogs are slaughtered at
nil seasons ot the year. New
Orleans affords a larger market
tor fat hogs than will probably
be supplied by Southern Texas
for several years to come. Tntr
fact, howover, exporting hoes
from the southern part ot the
State, instead ot importing
bacon, is certainly encouraging.
TnK New York Herald ol
Sunday the 10th iust, had
sixty-five columns of advertise
ments containing over three
thousand advertisements. It
says confidence in the commer
cial future is being rapidly re
stored. It makes this remark
on the subject of advertising:
An old merchant when asked
for the icc"ot of his great siicce-s
in lifa replied, 'Advertising.
It you want to get ou in busi
ness advertisfi "
Chicago has recovered a judg
ment against the bondsmen of
the defaulting ex-treasurer
Gajre, for defalcation in 1S74,
for the amount of the original
deficiency, $507,7I3, without
interest, and tor $1,000,000
jienalty. The bondsmen aic
among the most prominent
The Russians arc gradually
closing up on Constantinople
and seem determined to settle
the terms of peace their own
way. Meanwhile England and
Austria arc making active re
parations. for a war footing.
Tho outlook is gloom v.
Struhik to sa' tnc moon i
nearly lull, and nothing is
heard ot Indian raids on the
fiontier. AVhat's tlio matter
with the "Injuns"
j.i ... -.rrr-iT-.-r -t -n.. itjjgjjjaxasa.-in.'-TTrgjacsss
llor-c stealing seems to
be eji lemic all over the State.
The first given peas are
now ready for iiie in Yic'oria.
building and loan asso
ciation has b-en organized at
The sto-i raisers are hold
ing a convention at Fort Gra
ham. The hog ordinance is inop
erative in Dallas. The tame in
Morris Dunn killed Jack
Lnmb.Mi nar Bonhani on Sat
urday 1 ist-
The San Antonio water
works will be completed within,
two months, t
The Dallas Herald com
plains ot tho hotel runner nui
sance at the depot.
Candidates for county
offices are beginning to an
nounce in Victoria county.
Wheat in Victoria county
looks fiue. There is every in
dication of a heavy yield.
Nararro county has $1521.
42 in her treasnry and comity
script is as good as greenbacks.
Several hundred head of
corn-tod steors are ready for
market in the vicinity of Vic
toria. Tnc Houston Z'elegram has
been presented with strawlier
ries nearly the size of hen'
Josh Billings was to have
lectured at Fort Worth on the
14th inst., under the anspices of
Y. M. C. A.
Mr. Seyburn Cadenhead,of
jRckiboro, was killed at that
place by the accidental discharge
of his gun.
In Houston theives visit
gardens and oteal valuable pkutb
and shrubbery, which they af
terwards sell.
The latest report from the
Hiwpe murder cae, which his
becu on trial for a week at Dal
las, is a hung jury.
Dr. Levi Jones, one ot the
original settlers of -the city of
Galveston, died there on Thurs
day, aged S2 years.
An estimable and still good
looking widow lady, of Houston,
bus jiift fallen heir to property
in Cuba worth half a milliou
Hereafter the "Waco branch
trains will traiibler at Calvert
instead ot Biemond. This i
done on account ot smallpox at
The grand jury of Dallas
county has adjourned after a
three week' session. It found
one hundred and twenty-five
The city of Paris is pro
gressing. A gaslight company,
with a capital ot $15,000, has
been organized, and a street
railway is to be built
A mad dog in Dallas at
tacked a man, and severely
wounded his boot-leg. The dog
then bit a cow, alter which it
was sl'.ot and killed.
A quadroon woman en
tered a Houston barber shop
and opened war on a colored
roiuorial artist with a cowhide.
Jealr.U'.y was the tiouble.
A Gidiiixgs special to the
Galveston ATios say: "The
news of Bill Longley's sentence
being confirmed is received
with great satisfaction."
Jlose Chipin and Col. T.
O. Bass had a misunderstand
ing in Sherman. Bus fired
three shott. at Chapin, who
stopped two ot the bullets.
Tho .Missionary colored
.Baptists arc publishing a month
ly paper at Dallas. It is said
to be quite ait interesting paper.
Sueh cHoits are praiseworthy.
How many gentlemen has
Gov. Hubbard appointed to
lepiesent Texas at the Paris ex
hibition! The names ot at least
half a dozen hae been published-
Eight miles of the Dallas
and Wichita raihoad have been
built, and now a vigorous con
troversy as to who shall have
possession of it, is in progress iu
The old rusty pNtol that
was not loaded has again made
iis ajipearanco in the town ot
Victoria. A small negro boy
was shut in the thigh, and it is
thought futally wonnded.
The Dallas Morning CM
relates the manner in which a
twelve j car old negio boy beat
his way on the railroad from
Houston to Dallas. The little
rooater is bound to succeed at
something, maybe getting into
the penitentiary.
Ward Taylor, Jr, editor
of the Jcfierson Jimp, official
ly announces himself as a can
didate for Mayor of Jefferson
and publishes his platform. It
appears that the city is hope
le3ty in debt. Mr Taylor pro
poses to serve withont pay.
Tho examination ot John
P and Morris Griffin, at Paris,
charged with robbing the ex
press company ot a $10,000 pack
age tenniued in their being
held in bonds ot 2000 each to
answer before the criminal court
which meets the fiistweek ot
The Hempstead Messenger
has an editorial on the great
one-legged railway, from which
it appears that it is not n as-
snred fact that the road will be
brought to Hempstead, the citi
zens ot that place being some
wlmt backward about taking
stock in it. The road may yet
be taken to Courtney or Nara-
Parker county comos to the
front with the oldtst man in
theStfte. His nnme is James
James. He was born in Prince
William county, Virginia, May
10, 1764, and is now 114 years
old. In his 109th year he raised
a crop ot watermelons, realizing
$125 from the sale ot them.
He served in the war ot 1S12,
and receives a pension from the
The city Council of Deu
ison, with one dissenting voice,
has passed an ordinance limit
ing the fine lor running a gam
bling house to $5. They say
it will bring money into the
city tieasury and that gambling
cannot be stopped anyway.
The State laws against it arc
stringent but up thtro seem to
be inoperative.
The San Antonio Express
says a large aud profitable busi
ness might be done from that
section of country by the ship
ment of early peas, cucumbers,
snap beans, corn, potatoes,
squashes, etc., to the northern
markets, but that the exhorbi
tunt rates of freight demanded
by the G., II. and II. raihoad
company jirecludes the jiossi
bility ot doing so aud realizing
any profit.
Early last spring a young
man niTmcd Dixon was foully
murdered in Bosque county by
"old man Swafiord and his son-in-law,
Marksbury. They were
tried and convicted of murder
in tho first dtgree; appealed,
and tho verdict was affirmed.
Subsequently both escaped from
the Bosque county jail. The
The Waco Telephone says
Marksbury was recently recap
tiired in Springfield, III., and
that he will be brought back.
The jirofpects tor a judicial
hanging are brightniug.
Some days ago the Ban
ner published an item relating
how a jealous husband shot at a
man iu a roon at a hotel, and
caused him to jump ont of the
second story window. The
shootist was arrested and tried
by a justice for assault. The
justice decided that the shooter
was justified, and discharged
him. The Marshall Herald re
marks: "This is common sense,
and what almost any man would
do, but wo did not know it
was law."
Donison 2ews: Considera-.
ble cotton has lately beco ship
ped to Galveston fiom this
city, destined tor the Liverpool
market The ordinance re
lating to gambling adopted by
the council, Tuesdav altcruoou
is not legal, not having been
pas-ed at a regular meeting.
The 1j fiac is still iii force.
. - trti. -
The Houston Telegram re
lates a singular incident. Hear
ing fiddling, n )oliee officer ap
proached the house from whence
thof sound came. Looking
through a chink in the door a
"dead corpus" ias beheld laid
ont on a "cooling board."
Near the body were two or three
negroes engaged in religious
ejercises. One old woman was
in a irenzy. In the centre of
tho group sat a negro man ig
oronsly playing a fiddle. .
Acom-spondent of the San
Antonio Eepresi says four men
were killed at Junction City,
Kiiubail comity, "iu less than
no time " A yoke ot oxen was
the cansu of the trouble. Tho
steers were in possesion ot two
young men named Briishear.
One Major Wright had gotten
out a writ ot rejdcviu, and the
right of property was to be
tried on. that day. As Wright
was entering the justice's office,
the Brashear boys met him and
opened fire with thejr revolvers.
Five or six shots were fired,
when j eojilc run out to see
what was thcmnfteiv'and End
ing that Wright-was killed, im
mediately killed tho Brashearw
In the melee a man named
Gorman was also killed. Six
teen shots were fired, and
twelve ot them took effect.
ZiensTtlle Items.
Editor Banner.
Zionsvillc is a one horse post
office kept at the privaio resi
dence of Mr. A. Streckert, (who
is the P. M.) situated on a lit
tle spring branch abont eight
mile3 west ot Brcnham, and. six
miles enst of Burton. The
branch mentioned has a good
many springs and affords an
abundance of water for stock the
year lonnd. About a quarter
mile north ot tho post-office
Rhil on the branch, looms up
the large bnildiitg used as a
grist and saw-mill and cotton
gin by Mr. H. C. Meytr. Im
mediately after crossing the
branch we come to, the Ger
man Lutheran church, which is
a beautiful edifice and a credit
to our German friends. They
have service every , Sunday by
Rev. -Geo. Thoene. The church
is generally crowdecLwith at
tentive listners. 'The cemetery
connected with the church is
beautifully laid ont and well
kept. A" short distance north
of the church is the store house
and residence of Mr. Win,
Strewe, ho is a genial gentle
man aud a good farmer.
Farming ii progressing rapid
ly in this 'neighborhood; corn
is nearly all planted and far
mers are now bedding up their
cotton ground.
. G. G,
A "
-. i . ---- .fc. .. , . -
Tnn Galveston JVW. not
having enunjih new silver dol
lars to present one to each ot
its readers, docs the next best
thing; it gives the likeness of
The telephone has been uti
lized in Galveston. Onef has
been put up "between the JFews
offics aud the residence ot the
senior proprietor, Col. Belo.
It works well.
The Galveston Civilian, the,
oldest pajer in Texas, continues
to arrive with characteristic
promptness. Tjie nnmbersKfor
the 11th and 12thjii8t.r were
received by the BA3Sion the.
TnE Galveston Civilian is
pleased to learn that Dr. Hem
bold has been declared sane and
hopes that he will now pay it a
little bill of five or six hundred
dollars, which has been due
"several davs."
The nonston Age is ot the
opinion that should the two
thirds rule prevail jn.the com
ing convention, both Throck
morton and Hubbard stand a
fare show of being defeated.
EJsvr County Scrip
wanted bi
ll. A. AVood.
EvKRYTiiixa reduced to hard
,ian prices. You will sae
money by Tmrehising dry goods,
bots, shoe, clothing, hats, caps,
dress goods, cto., at D. W.
New Spring Gooi- an mug
daily at 2tewhoucr Bro.'s.
Bi:uifui. Linen Lawns, only
20 cents iicryaid, at Ncubouer
.vfml'Hiaigj - .u ea
i. .i " - j.
Chappell till! Locals.
March 10, 1S73.
Fishing jnrties sr"c in season.
They have the usual success at
tending that specialty, c'
The temperance councils
flourishing liko a green Bay
Carl Behiitzo, county attor
ney, was down to-day before
Justice Onins in the'taterest ol
the State.
Crum Morgan, assault; fine,
41. G. F. Whisenaut, assault;
fine, $10. Case appealed to the
county court. Henry Ellison,
and William Morgan, default
ing road workers, acquitted.
Mr. White, black, or Lcroy,
who has for the last six months
been teaching the colored youths
new ideas ot social equality,
and who hae been boarding with
a colored lady and keeping
shady, was lor the first time
seen on the streets to-day. He
was in charge of Constable
Cook, and attracted as much
attention as a lie"Giasticiltus."
Le.-o- had been arrested on a
charge of having "cremated" a
"pur" of shoes belonging to a
colored lady, and at the same
time nsingsacriligious language.
One dollar and trimmings ap
ptased the wounded honor of
the State ot Texas.
Our fellow townsmen, Messrs.
Billingslea and Carter, left lot"
Austin on tho 12th as delegates
to the Greenback Convention.
The next day the wires brought
the news by private dispatch
that Hon. W. H. Billinglea was
elected chairman and Pt. E.
Carter secretary. Communism
triumphant. Three cheers for
liberty. This was, however, a
little pleasantry coming from a
friend of Mr. B.'s. The club
held its regular meeting there
being about a hundred present.
Several have joined the elub.
Mr. Billingslea delivered an
address, explaining the object
of the greenback movement.
In the course of his remarks he
intimated that there was an in
clination among unthinking
people to condemn the move
ment, and even him for joining
the party. In this he is wrong;
No one here doubts the honest,
intentiona of the club. If suc
cess attend their effort and re
lief comes to the country, as a
matter of course tho move will
have tho applause and admira
tion of the people. But should
defeat stare them in the face
and the move prove disastrous
to the finances ot the country",
to say nothing ot the ruin ot the
Democratic party, the errors of
the reformers might be chal-
cnged and even condemned
abroad. But at homo sympa
thy might or would prevail,
because knowiug our persoual
friends to bo honest in the'btep
thoy have taken, charity says, it
is but human to err.
Mrs. E. D Pitts, in elwrgo of
a portion of tho mnsic class ot
the Chappell Hill female col
lege, went ,down to Travis
Friday for the jmrpose of
giving a concert for the benefit
ot the parsonage at that place.
The effort was an entire success,
realizing something near $100.
Several Chappell Hillians were
present, and not only laud the
success of the young ladies, bnt
tender their thanks to the
Travisites for the courtesy and
hospitality which met them in
every manner possible to add
to their comfort.
L. E. C.
Asonrfegant Iisirdrcspinjrjtund Par
ked Hair Balsam, drwrvrdlr jxipalar
for the brautilul hair U rrrxluces, and
its. iimUhful. clraniinc and lii-aling
properties. Cnmmoncinc at tli roots.
It pmmoteaa luxuriant Rrowth of jounc
luir, and unfailinety restores pray r
!arlrI lialr Xn in original Youthful olor
frivimr it a soft, rich and lustrous ap
pearance of (jri-at beauty. It is pit n
antly ciwlinfr to the scalp, clransca it
from Dandruff, cutra itchtnp; and hu
inora, and stops tailing of the hair. It
is perftetly Innnltss, eiqnhitnly per
fumrd, nsrer w Is ilia skin or gums the
hair, and pIea"ra,rTerjboiir by Its
many excrllent and attractirr qualities.
Hay a bottle Irotn your druggist, B. E.
I.uhn, and test It! merits.
Untnireaehcble Testimony
Establishes the fact, that "for evsry
Inrm ol painordltrt-isinlh Stomach.
Bowr'a or Btealhiug Organs. Parkar'a
dinger Tonic is the. speediest and most
effective enre known. If rouareasu
terer from Dyspepsia, Headache, 2tcr
ronsness. Loir Spirits, Wakefulness,
Bad tastn in the mouth. Heartburn,
Acidity, Soreness of t be thro t or 1 nnjrs,
Palpitaiinn of the Heart, Cosilrrnrss or
Liver disorders, you cill find a most
comforting and complete cnr in this
Sterling inTtiro'aut. To the aged, the
feeble and convalescent, it affrds just
Hi" help needed. It builds up and mjv
tainsth strength, diffuses warmth and
enerpy through the system, and is in
comparablr superior to wines or liquors
ivhlie it dnT not Intoxicate. Hut from
your dmiitNt, R. E. Lubn. a $1 00 brit
tle, or a sample bottle at 15 cents and
esl Its merits,
square meal tor twenty-live
25 Cf.vts. This amount will
get a square inoal at the Piinsix
For a good square nienl go to
tho Ptrianx Uk-vtaci: vxt.""- It
will cost juii only a quarter.
3k --
BnnEDt,o7 i Eivixcr,
AttorncyB ttrt rZiaYV
BrenhataT; '"
Main "Rtreot, Ch.ppeU UJII, Taxaj,
c. c. i.ock3:tt,
A. ttornoy-at-Xja-otr,
Brenham, Texas.
Office in Alfcarn bnitdlnjr. oprmsfto
public square.
mcliS vr.
Brenham: Texaa-
Offtce in Abbott's bnlMinr, "Bast rfk
of Public square. Ttb. 8, 18T8 lr.
I. B. McFarland, Bates SIcFarlanA
tto2rxxo3rt- , t-XiaCTry
Breuhaui Teja.
Office Upwiln. fn Graber'a trailolnsr
west aide of Pnblic Square. iuel5wtf
Heth Shepsrd. C. C Oarrett,
Bivaham, Washington coeay, Tex.
Seth Shepard. C. (f. Ocrrelt
S. A. Rector.
. Urcfdinffs.Lcecbanty.Texsa...
N, B. Basinets for Ee cocnty
.should be bm to Giddiuci oHJct; fsr
Washington eonnty to tfa offlea af
Brnhara. Jly20dAwtf
nrsieima and Bargeoa,
Wesley, Washinon County", Texai.
J T Jforris,3f D. LB Creatb,U D..
Brenhara, Bocky, Austin eo.
Physicians and Sargeois.
Offers their Professional services to
the dtixens of Brenham and vicinity.
Office vVood b Co. Drnjr Store.
Sargconand FhyslcfaH.
Brenham, Texas.
Respectfully informants old Mend
of Breuham aad vicinity,' that lie has
resumed practice. Office at the Crump
pi er Honse. may20d&wti
Brenham. Texaa.
AH orders filled promptly at living
prices. Patronage solldtsd.
- ,
Baker and Confectioner,
Mam Street, Brenham, Texai
Dealer in Siaple and Fancy SroeerU
Wines, LiquorB, LajrarBeer, h.vBor
Kvd, fresh Cakes and.. Pies on band at
all times.
Groceries and Provisions,
Brenbxm, Texas.
A fall and raraplete HtatV always oa
hand, forsale at BOTTOU FIOUKSS
Give u a t.ial,
Dealer h
Fancy Groceries, Frmts, JfTnts,
Cigars and Tobacco,
Crockery ,GIass and Queenswaro,
Under Central Hotel,
Brenham, Texas.
Cash paid for butter. Thickens, ejras
and ilomfslic frnits. The Patronage of
thV pablie solicited..
a Blacksmith 4gp
xi mansfaetarar of
Brenham. Texas.
E5J-Special attention given to Hosts
SiiOKixa, general job work and repair
iut. Terms liberal. Shop near ifay
nnrd's livery Stable. June J8. "74.
Oppposite Xewboner s Store.
Bbesbau, Texas.
SADDLES, Harness. Tfhfps, Fjrers
Oirtlie, Bridle. Collars, Ilsonw
Traces. Saddle Bug', tie , alwayaon
lund for sale. Repairing a specially.
Al work n an anted. a
lauiCtf A.-STELCia
H -