Newspaper Page Text
v . 4 i . Is I&. I?- anaj."i'i:- ,..v, '--- "j- '"" BT XASCIN tiEYBC. ""If "-, ZPiuilay, 3"ja? 22, 1S7S. "JIakt of onr udi:inres ae AlmletlIown to the guards with "" c'tMinqncnt tnx lists. .' r JIo.w "?Eiis Thompson-, pnys ibe CoUimbns C&zai, will not . te!a eiwlidato tor any office. , . 11 proposes attending to bis ' "iMrnrRiiiess n "ntnro- Cait. ,aib predicts that 'w&tVan improved river, prain Xill Ifeifrried fromJSt. Louis "to New Orlean?,f or three' cents ). bushel. This is bad tor Chicago. " Texas now has thrre parties, two, of which arc well defined the Democratic and the Repub lican. The third is the Tadpole or Gniback parry; it is not -yet on its legs. TucilcxiajLwfr is getting iinpisitive. It wants to know vjictlicr Mr. Throckmorton- ex-pec-ts to use the position of Governor as a sterling stone to the United States Sciiafc. Titekk are thirty-two enstom Iionscs in the United States where the receipts fall short of the expenses. At eleven of these custom-houses not a dol lar was received during the last Sscal year. During the reign .ol E. J. .Davis, Jack Evans, McAdooancL MMiipauy, fanners in Colorado and perhaps other Senegambian ronnticSj 'nsed ""to send allegro lij to serve onlic grand jury. The Citizen says: ''Now th?y "Lave to go,.tIieniselves." - - Jlloxg tlio Siiditcrranean iowt, -in Spain, more than a Im4reJ ketones have snspen lfejseuiiQMF, arid nine thous and -woreraen have been thrown out o employment. Ifard times U not- confined to Texas or the the United States. The Bss:in Est Cambridge, Uass. Wi rolled of $3,000 in money, and. -SifyJOO in bonds. A man and waman drove np to the bank and-calling the presi dent out cngagseil him in con Toraation far a. tew minutes. "While he va& talking the work was donc. Pu0FO-"r. Kilet, of the United States Entomologi cal Commission publishes some good grasshopper news. In his "opinion and the" opinion of the Commission generally, tfie peo ple ot the West need not fear siiiy serious savages frtnv the Hiojipers.'' Mrs. T. 1 Bell, of Sen J'raneisco,Iiss'$25000 worth of diunroods oufl other eems. Her husband 'is a director of the IJstuk of CalTforofa,, and a heavy ouner of silver mining- stock. His income is only $60,000 a -week and on this scanty srmr lie has managed to buy his wife a quarter of a million dollars worth of trinkets. Thk Georgetown Sun hoists the following ticket at its mast head: Kir Governor, Stephen IL Dardenj Lieut. Governor,. 3 ,jftJ". D. Sayers; Comptroller, 0. jwjM, 'Lesneurj Commissioner of 4$'Lihk1 Office, Win P Harde- ,' jnan. The Banner wonld ho plowed to see Major Sayers, and Guv. llardemau, receive the nominations. A xxgko boy 18 years of age made an indecent assanlt upon a white gill five years old, near Pilot Grove, Cooper ' county Missouri?-. A party oLfourmen attempted to arrest the boy, who was riding a iriule, when ordered to half he tried to' escape-by putting spurs to the mule. The negro was then lfred upon and killed on the spot Tnfc Pleasonton Journal takes Hon.. Gnstav Schleicher to task r his csplanatory letter to the San Antonio JZtprcss. It con cludes a lengthy editorial by paying: "3frc. Schleicher's ten der concern for. the bond holder crops out in alii his effusions, uud this lust is no- exception." The Basnkb think, that with the- except'ou of his financial Yiijianes, Mr. Schleicher is an ftblo and conscientious represen ted o&is .State .and DiVrict. SHALL FARMS The H"oiHtbu Telegram calls attention to the fact there were a thousand fruit and veg etable farms around Ilonston times would be materially bet ter, and it then goes on t state tlio amonnt of bujinps that is done in this line from the neighboihood of Norfolk, Virginia, nnd in California. The great need in many parts of Southern Texas, that are con tigions to the -railroads, is smaller rm, a greater diversi fy of crops, a larger cultivation of fruits, berries and vegetables; inijiroveU breeds of swine, cattle and sheep,. aiifitfheapcr .express and railroad freights. .-In the. vicinity ot Brciihain there is but one man who makes a specialty ot market gardening, and he has a dairy in connec tion with his farm. There are a nnniber of persons who raise a few early garden vegetables at a time when everybody has them, and they are compara tively a drug on -the market. Such of onr farmers as have orchards and onr nursery men realize handsoire profits on their peach crop. This season qnite a number of fanners' have plant ed extensively of early peas, beans, etc., for the northern markets; and, should the ven ture prove profitable, we may confidently look for a revolution iu the system of tanning that has been in vogue in this sec tion of country so long that the memory of man inoweth not to the contrary. There are other things besides cotton nnd corn -that-can be raised and sold for ready money. The Late Kiprcis ItobCcrr. Tue. following arc the partic ulars ot the express robbery as 'detailed to a Galveston JVeic reporter, at Houston, by the ronto agent on the train: As the train gulled np at Hutchins he was standing nt the car door ready to throw 'out the mail bag, a man ran tip and pre sented a pistol. He jumped back, and said to tho express messenger, "'Eobbers are on the platform." The route agent put out his lamp, and concealed his registered letter-bag The expressman closed his car-door, but tho robbers broke it down with axes. They got S384 of express money 113 ont ot some mail packages. Just then firing began npon the gang outside, and the one inside jnmpcd on1-, taking with him the un opened packages, A general shooting match then ensued between the passengers and robbers, the 'latter steadily re treating. The expressman re ceived two buckshot wounds irom a gqn in the hands ot the rear car brakesman. No one on the train was hurt. 2so passenger was robbed. The expressman was not eriensly injured. From the description of tho robbers and their cou dnct there appears to be no doubt that the- are same men who engaged in the Allen Station affair a month ago. The agony in the Returning Board cases is over. Chief Jus tice Manning, of the Supreme court, lias rendered a decision setting aside the verdict o guilty in the Anderson case, thus virtnally disposing of the other cases. Tho decision is based purely upon legal techni calities. There is no doubt in the pnblic mind that it tiiejqcm bers of tho Iteturuing Board had a tithe of iu3ticc meted out to them, fifteen or twenty years each iu tho penitentiary would barely suffice to expiate their crimes. The intracies of the internal revenue laws frequetly get care less and ignorant people into hot water. A St. Louis bar keeper pnt a few hlackberres in:o a keg of whiskey to make bounce jor his bar, and found himsell liable as the least pen alty to thirty days in jail, A tobacconist took a quarter of a pound of dried np chewing to bacco out of a stamped package and put it in a glass jar. He also had twenty broken and worthless cigars which he took ont of a stamped cignr tox and chucked into a drawer, lie was arrested by a revenue agent. Tiirj Banner is again under obligations to Hon. S. B. Max cyj fuc CongrcsEiuiinl favors. A Prospect for Mjrc Moinj. Tho House committee on Iwnkinand currency has agreed, by a vote of six to three, to the bill authorizing the issue of cer tificates for tlio value of silver bullion deposited at the tniut and assay unices ot the United States. The depositor will re ceive a certificate for the full silver dollar value of the bul lion, les tln cost of mint and transportation chcrses about one-half f one per cent.; sovritcr and a staunch friend to that, if he deposits S1000 worth of bullion, lie will receive about S9J5 in cert ificn tee Tor it. Thtee certificates nre to be redeema ble at the treasuries in San FraucibC" and New York, cither in silver bullion or silver dol lars. "And said coin certifi cates bhall .bo receivable with out limit fur all dues to the United States.') It makes the certificates money, and they will be an addition to the money volume ot the country. They arc to be of the denominations of 10 and multiples thereof np to $1000, and thoy will pass from hand to hand like green backs. Tho St. Lonis Jiejniblican says the effect of the bill will be tp utilize all the silver iu the country and all that may be brought into the country, without waiting for it to be coined. Under the silver bill the coinage is limited to $ 4,000, 000 per month, but under this bill id', silver bullion in the country may be turned irto certificates and the certificates put into circulation. There is good reasons for hoping that the bill will pass. The Washington Star say in fornution .received at anny headquarters' about Sitting Bull his intentions, and'. the condi tions of his follower is directly opposite to the press reports Sitting Bull and his people nre not on the verge ot Btarvatiom, as, represented, bnt are in fare condition. The winter has been mild and they have plenty ot buffalo and other game. He has no idea ot surrendering, but on the contrary has a strogn de sire to go on tho war path. Trouble is expected as soon as spring opens. Mr. Scnucura's Mexican re port will soon be submitted to the House. It will claim ab solute protection against forced loans and violence by tho Mex icans on onr own citizens living in Mexico, and if the Mexican government cannot protect the bordvr Txas may do so. It is probable that after this report Diaz will be recognized by the administration. The tentimeut in favorjof recognition is daily gaining, ground. Mu. Matthews, of Ohio, said he was directed by a majority of the Commitfeeon Railroads to re-. porhacktwoSenstc bills in re ganlto thcTtxasPaeificrailroad one introduced by Mr. Johnson andoneb3'Mr. Dorsey withasnb rtituteand to recommend its pass age. He also reported a bill au thorizing the Southern Pacific roadroad to extend its road to a point on the Bio Grande nearEl Paso. Accokdzso to the statistics London contains 4,250,000 souls, and covers an trca of 698 square miles which would fill a space ot over US milcss quare. -There arc 1460 miles ot streets. Tax as arc high beinir at the rate ot 50s per head or $12.50 per an num. The Victoria Advocatth ot opinion that Texas can stand Tom Scott's Pacific railroad. At the same lime it firmly, but respectfully declines Mr Throck morton just at this time. m ShCBETAKY SlIEEMAN JvaS be fore the Finance Committee. He thinks the remonetization of silver was an aid to resump tion. He is bitterly opposed to the repeal of the resumption act. ..- The seemingly interminable McGurrahan case is still being investigated by the Senate committee on public lands. This case has been before Con gress for the last twelve or four teen years. A bill has been cntroduccd in the Pcnsylvnnin legislature making the creumtion of a hu man body a misdemeanor, and providing for a fine of not less than 500. Cremation would be a handy thing for poisoners. ThcUi'IlrillpHcacon. Jndue D. McCrimmon was in the city yesterday efiVetiug arraugements for the rcMiseitn tion of the his p.iper, the Bdlviile Beaton. He pur chased ot us the presei't dres of the Banner, and will be roidv, within less than twenty days, for business. The good people ot Austin county are surely lor tunate in this matter, as the Judge is a strong and forcible the people of Austin county. They should extend him a lib eral patronage thereby en abling him to tnrnith them a firbt class county paper. Austin Comity Locale Skmpronu. March 20. The farmers, orjthia neighbor hood are through planting corn, and are now very hnsj plant ing, cotton they seem to anti cipate a bountiful yield the coming harvest. The Literary Society organ ized, at this place some weeks since is rapidly progressing. It was well attended last meeting and all seemed to enjoy the en tertainment. The public tree schools of thw place closed on the 10th inat after being in progress three months. 'Remember our fi-h day is a saying not nnfrequcntly heard in this place. A Reader. The Austin Gazette in reply to the question. "How many gentlemen lus Governor Hub bard appointed to represent Texas at the Paris exhibition?" says: We don't know the number, but do know all who have be-n appointed will do honor to the State. The. positions are nii'rely lionurary and there is no limit by law in i-neh cases. None of the commissioner draw pay from Texas. The Mcxia Ledger is of the opinion that there nre two many newspapers in Texas and says; The mania for newspaper ed iting and publishing now afflic ting the country, must, in some degree subside, or .-e can never have many papers containing the merits that mfcht exist un der other and more propitious circumstances. The Fort Worth Standard thus tersely states tho lvaEous ior a convention. The object nf calling a state convention is to ascertain the views and wi'hes of the people and when that is obtained all good democrats should be satis fied. We are prepared to sus tain the nomination ot the con vention. The Courier Journal says of the present Kentucky legislature "Tl -judgementhaB already been pronounced that it ifi the most mischievous .and inefficient legis lative body that ever assembled at Fraukfort. It gripves ns to have to say it is a Democratic Legislature." St. Patrick's dav was d un observed in St. Louis. The EepublioJn of the ISth inst., devotes five columns of solid nonparicl to a description of the celebration. Tub misundert-tnnding" be tween Russia and England con t in lies, and there has been no progress whatever made rowruds satisfactory settlement. The prohibitory liquer law was killed in the house of repre sentatives of Massachusetts by a vote ot 118 to 03. Missouri, as well as Texas towns, get into debt. The small city of Pleasant Hill, Cass coun ty, Mo., owes 1342.239. Gold down to 101 at lcv York and goods proportionally low at Newboncr Bro 's. The latest stvles of Foul.irds and Snow Flake Linens with edgings to correspond so pretty and new at Newbomr Bro.'s. For the best selected stock of Dry Goods at very low prices a to Newbouer Bro.'s. If you want the best uicturcs you ever had taken go to'Callo way's Gallery and you will be satisfied. The newest style of ladies FNohucs and Scarfs just arrived at Ncwbouer'a. Billiards. nirschherg's el egant billiard saloon is free lor the u'Q of his customers. Beauiful Linen Iiwns. only 20 cents per yard, at Newbouer Bro.'s SSA5?3 rjSA5. Mnrlin is to have a city Opera House Dallas has nil abls-lvnlied voodoo pricotesi. A brass band U about t bs organized nt Round 1' i.k. Sk candidates are running for the office ot city Marshal at M-trlin. The Waco Telcphtne has besun the publication ot a week ly paper. The first story-of the new court-houae at Georgetown is now up. Col Geo. P..Finley has bseii elected city attorney ot Galveston. Flatoiiia lias a bras b-uid and a brewery.. The Argun man is happy. Belton continues to im prove, five new cottages are now under contract. Twelve dollars is the price in R.iuud Rock tor having a "high lonesome." Several parties have been at Round Bock seeking real estate investments. Belton is to enjoy the pleas ure ot ''a city"' election on the first Tuesday in April. Fort. Wurth 1- nearl bank nipt and city script scarcely bus any market uiluc. v Tne Colnmbus Citizen notes the arrival ot some im prove breeds ot swine at that place. The Columbus Citizen makes a strong argulncnt iu favor of a county or poor farm lor Colorado county. The robbers, after doing the train nt Hntehin, started on foot for Dalln. A large posse trom Dallas is in pursuit. C. L. Miller and Jacob Schmidt, had a difficulty nt Navasota. Milh-r received a lead of No. 5 in thi neck. Some micraMc and graceless Fcampi desecrate tiro graves ot the Belton cemeteries by robbing them of shrubs. Bjlton has been visited by several suspicious looking char acters. They are said to have a keen eye for a good horse. The Caldwell Eagle is now under the Management ot E. W. Billings, whose name ap pears as editor and proprietor. A 3"oung man named Crason Crandle ha been arres ted at Dcuison on a clnrge of forging a draft for fifty dollars. The knife was successfully used at Dallas by a -small boy who cut a playmate's arm ."very severely. They were only quar reling. A hew paper to lie called the Bellville Argus is soon to bo started at 'that place by New nam & Farr of the IIeinptead Courier. Up to the 10th inst.. there had been five deaths from small pox at Bremond. Out ot a to tal of twenty cases, four were varioloid. The temperance movement is meeting with great success in Marlin. Alinut one hundred persons have signed the ''iron clad" pledge. Green Duffield. of Gal veston, has boiigiit Mr. . A. B. Palm's farm, iu Williamson countT, containing 547 acres, for $9,000 cash. The Argus with its manifold eyes has discovered that there are a lot of lazy, loafing negro men lying aronnd the streets and depot iu Flantonia. Every man in Burleson tfonnty" is ofterd the Caldwell Eagle for eight months, provi ded, however, that he brings the editor three bushel- of corn. The Fort Worth Standard says prominent St. Louis Mer chantb have made arrangements with the railroad lines tor tho transportation of tegctables at reduced rates. Several sharp Dallas mer chants were taken in and done for by a sharper, who played the lorgeil bill of lading game so ueccssfully tiiKt he raised o $100 or so and skipped the town. The Dallas Fair Asoeia -tion has been reorganized and is now preparing for another an nual exhibition. The Commer cial remarks that the public ex pecta something else besides hore recing. Last week the depot at Wtelder, on the Sunset route, wns fired by an incendia ry and burned. The telegraph operator succeeded in saving his instiumcnts and pait of his clothing. A German named Fritz Wnlbairn, residing tour miles from Waco, having been dis;i pointed in love, made his will and then shot himself in the thro-it. lie is likely to make a die ot it. A number of English im migrants trom London have ar rived at Weimar. Thoy come on the recommendation of Dr. W. C. Kingsbury, and are very much dissatisfied as the' claim tint he has been guilty of inU-repioc-entatioii, The Deiiisjn JS'ews say: '"The people of tbU State soon found our. if they had not al ready know it, that Biick Pom eroy. is u hrat class fraud. The Beanmont latinbsrman says ora'iges can be r.ii-ud in great abundance in Jetlersdu county. Trees ten to twelve vers old will yield tr.un 420 to $30 each. In" planting trees 100 to the acre is the rule. The Flantonia Argus had hardly got rettled iu i:s new qnaitcrs and commenced open ing it many eyes liclorc it was viititeil by h bevy of Flnuton ia'b most b.-autiful young Indies. A stranger in Daila was taken out walking on the Cen tral road and bulldoz-'d to the tuneota gold watch and $33 iu money. He was made to look down the muzzle of a revolver. The local ol the PIasaiiton Jo-urmil says" his office hours are trom 8 a.m. to 5 p. m and that any one who is dissatisfied with anything appearing in his department is cordially invited to call and see him. A large number of Ameri can farmers in the neighborhood of Flatoiiia bave sown from five to thirty acres ot wheat each, and hhonld it '.uni ont well they will make some, money. Wheat always Bells tor cash. The Caldwell Eagle man say. that if he had to choose between Hubbard or the Devil 1or Gov ernor, that he would take the latter. He evidently has no use tor Hubbard, unless he could consign him to the care of his cho'ce. -i In Limestone county, near Thornton, two hog-, were" bitten by a rabid dog and in eighteen days thereafter both went mad. One wns killed and the other placed iu confinement; it died within thirty hours alter the first symptoms. Sherman is no;v a f nil fledged city, and ii: order that h'T citizens may enjoy sll the rights, privileges and emolu ment pertaining thereto, the city council has nnanimonIy reso'ved to levy a tax of one dollar on the S10i: Seversl of the local preach ers at Deiiison hae decided to attack the tin ot gambling. J udging from the action otthe city council of Dcuison in tr3 ing to reduce the fine for gam bling the field is inviting for sermons on that subject. Denton county sends four murderers to the penitentiary; two for twenty-four years each, one for murder in the tir-t de gree tor thirty years and one a negro fur fifteen years. The juries ct that county prob; lily have conscitntious scruples about hanging men. The Galveston JVVto is re sponsible for the assertion that lyuuhitig has been run into the ground in Montague. county. A ju-ticerode to Eagle Point to hold court, and staid all night. He found his mule the next morn ing hanging to a tret in tho vicinity, dead. Scvercns Sormoud, aged 31 year, committed suicide' at the rendence of his sister, in Waco, on Sunday night by sliooting him-eli, with a pistol IIw?sin comlortable circum stances and it ie sup-Oscd he was laboring under a fit of temporary insanity. The jury in the Huwpe case, at Dalla were discharged on Tuesday being - unable to agree. It is said they stood eight tor aequital, and fonr ior five years iu the penitentia ry. The trial occupied ten days and has cost D.illis coun ty a large bum it money-. Henry Bowzier, aged 70 years, boarded with a' widow lady, Mrs. Harriet RuimelU, who resides some 20 miles from the village of Pltaston. Henry fell deeply in love with Harriet. She did not reciprocate the ten der feeling, and flatly refused to marry- hint. In consequence thereof be delibarately shot and killed hiinselt with "a pistol. 'I he town marshal of Comanche has a winning way. lie had a refractory cuss'named Johnson, who refused to pay a fine, and also declined to work. The marshal took a heavy log chain and anchored Johnson to the town windmill. There he staid and cussed for halt a day. The mayor then allowed Johnson to depart. Charles Mueller, a German tanner living 18 miles west ot San Antonio, secured the ser vices of a surveyor and was en gaged in locating his land, a part of which he 'was dcsiroiis ot selling. A neighbor ot his, Gahe Monarch, came up and claimed that the lines were wrong. IIo went off and iu an hour or two returned to where Mueller and the surveyor were working. Levelling a double barreled shot at Mueller, he fired blowing thn whole top of Mueller's he-id off. IIo was at once arrested. Fort Worth ha only ehjht policemen; tlio Standard thinks the number eTiou!d be 'loublcd. Tub Uempstcid Moxsenger continues to nrge upon the citi zens of that place the impor tance of seenring the great one leg ;ed railway. It says that it the road is secured, Hempstead will bcroiiir! the lumber unrket lor the whole Central railroad, but if allowel to goto Courtney or Navasota, Uempste-ad will be irretrievably mined. A youth named Abe Mont gomery, aged 1C, was killed while out on a deer drive. Tins remainder ot the partv had re turned home and missing the young man search was institu ted and his body was found shot through the heart, near Post & Terrell's saw mill, in Grimes county. Whether the "killing ir.i accidental or not remains a mystery. Victoria Advocate. Cole man & Fulton lately sold the Scott & Byler pasture, contain ing 1G.0OO arcres, to W Wright ot Banquette, for 37t000. Mr. W. as the same time sold Mes srs C. M. & F. 2000 bceevs at $16 per head, and has the option to deliver at any time before Augest 1st 3000 bead ot cows witn calves at 12 lor each cow and calf A Special to the Galveston JVews from Hutchins, a station on the Central mad, says: Train No. 4 due here at 10.5 was robbed by four masked men. The express was taken, the mail plundered and expres mesenger, Thomas, wounded. Fifteen or twenty diots were exchanged. The robbers were ail young men. They did not get any money, the messenger having. put it in the stove when he discovered what was going on. Ronml Rock Headlight: The country in the direction ot Georgetown presents marks ot improvement on every hand. New farms are licing opened up, new houses built and old ones enlarged. ...If the local option law has been repealed, what will become ot one or two doe tors in this conntry whose prac tice ha chiefly consisted in as sisting liquor dealers to evade the law ? Lampasas Dispatch: Conn ty eripis now current at 75 cents on the dollar. ...Three young men, arrested for cow skinning, have been committed to pUl'in default of $200 bail ech....We are now ready to announce candidates for a con sideration A young chap calling himsjlf Benson, was jailed for stealing oxen. lie fays he lm been on the dodge for five year. Hempstead Courier. Duringthc week we have come across three colored young men who are go ing to enter the A. and M. college at Alta Vista .... A number of new brick store-honscs are under contract nnd working people will have plenty to do teis summer ....Enough iron is now in the city to lay five miles of the Prismoidal or one legged railway... ".There is now $3874 50 school money in tho comity trea-nry....Eght hundred and twenty person have paid their taxes fori S77. Tue Comanche Chief has a Lartnl story on tho Sheriff and his deputies, of Bexar county; also a serious complaint agiinst Hon. J. II. SicLeary and Les lie Thompson. Tlio trouble grows out of the Geo. Harner, Comanche bank robbery. The sheriff is accused ot resisting an attachment; the deputies could not be found. "Wncall the attention of our readers to the advertisement ot 'Simmons' Liver Regulator, which appears in to day's paper. This standard remedy does not deserve to be classed with the many patent no-trums so liber .ally advertised throughout the country. It is one of the very best preparations of its kind in use; and is recommended bv the regular ractitioners .of medi cine. It has a largo sale in thi. city, and can be found in all joiir . drug stores, a bottle or package should be found in ev ery family, as its judicinuo n-c :s almost certain to prevent a i bilious attack, if taken when he symptons first show them selves." Purchasers should be careful to see that they get the genuine, manufactured only by J. H.Zeilin . fcCo ..Philadelphia EvKirrrnixG reduced to hard pan prices. You will save money by purchasing dry goods, boots, shoes, clothing, hats. caps, dress goods, etc., at D. W. Bloonibargh's. New Spring Goods arriving daily at Newbouer Bro.'s. 25 Cents. This amount will get a square meal at the Phenix Restaurant. The best lino ot Edgings and Insert higs in tho Uniteil States for the luonev, at Newbouer Bro.'s. JtJST received full and com pleto as-ortment ot embroider ies, laces, silk handkerchief, fiehues, ties, gloves, corsets, notions ot every description, sold very cheap, at D. W. Bloonibargh's. Fok your Dry Goods go to Ncwbouer'a. No Docdt ofv it. PortraitsTo" friends and relatives iiVnires were ami are desirabley but lu fore the days of Dangarcotype, and sulxeqneutly of Photo graphy, tho prices of lietiircs were too high W any but tho rich to indulge in that lias all been changed by tho develops ment of photography to it? present state of excellence and the cheapness of its products, thus phieing the much do-ired likene.-ses of onrpiavuts, si-terf brothers, children and friends within the reach of every-onc We all recognize the fact that when we want pictures taken, we want the jfusT, ti.ty em only be obtained in Brenhaui at Robertson it Co. gallery, op' p -ito Mrs. SchWarz's millinery bazar. g " Jcsr received a fuil and eoTtf plete line in ladies', mi-teca ami children's Shoe. Mens, yottlh.' and ljoys' Boots and Shoes sold at remarkable low figures-, at D. W. Bloornbnrgh; " Twcuty-tfve cents will par lor a gooil square meal at thePhc nix Restaurant ." Cioaks a. vd Ton aco i Oirtho comer ot Sandyand Ant streets oppiMtc the poblic square, Onr, young friend, Mr. xV.bc llarri oon, h; ojjcned -out a first-chws Cigar and Tolnieeo stand. -This is tins only place in the city which iak"cs a specialty of thi bu-ines.3. Smokers and chewers will do well to notice thii item. Newbuckks" -are selling a splendid quilt at il. Fok uorQUET, leave yonr or .dersat J. L. iinnions' office. Robert Lee Asimoxs., Uoiico to TasrPayers.1 Xait Chanoe 3" TITE TJjn. FOK. PAYMENTS OF " Tr n r-l rnsti for thn tex a ISI73. 1S7-1. 1875 wirt 1877 will lw rx ifbitrd t Uir ErldjiT nt April nt-xt wilhont c i", iifii-r wliiclt inB iWi ' will pwitiTf tj- b- bo Inrtlirr dclayv All 1'Bilfm -Klin lintR ma paiil tlit-ir tnx-t lor rnid jntrr ajr rrqhrfttt-a. r pimi- forward anil rwv llir -amp unit ram- ot. K.A-UAKTIX. Collector WafMnn-l.'Minfjr For Bale. " A FOUTT.ACUE FARM. SITOJU x ii-il -nt miV ami a jartrit "I Br-nliam, wc!l lroproTpi.;-wronriiil -Wnii-r plriitifiil;aitplrBiVul Inratinn f-jr KSairT;fini, proO,nrtir-i-oil Will ! wild lor -np tliirtl cash, hnlarcr r-M within one nil two Tear Apply a& llin OIBrc. " Murcl 8if THE BMlERSlOXEP DESIRE to inform lk rilizpsa of Brrn Uaui that lir wit) leuiorr to Brmham wiiliin iluri riitTif-wh-ri Ii propose m loratp and rnjrnr'' b hr pradirr nt Sis i.rorej-fionDKKTliiTRY. Will guarantee all work entrirotrd to him, nd will workal liTirijr TMt. fob23 tf A. L. J05ES. VEG-ETINR HER OWN WOKDS. pAtTnioKrtJi.I.,reb.W,1ST?. " yR.n.K.-yrrvxsa.. DeakMb HnccT-aljran I bar ot a sort nnd Tf ry rtal"nl foitf. I h(ul ihj-, -ici"Ur bnt thryamMii't.riirp lirf Xw I harrhrmil pfTourVcgfilurftrin a lady TCho waj?!tt Jtbr a Ions time, anrt Iinanirail wfll (Vuiu jour "l rpF'iar, and I yifbI and "xuybt mcuiic bottle of Vrgcthier mnil JUW 1 tiart nMonFbonI-, thr rint Jr1;merml It be ?an thcai, Ami thru 1 bmicbt one oilier bol ile.nnrtKtl talr itjrt. I tl nk (Jf t Tor this temrdy rut yi.uirlft od wJ-Mnjr Mfi-f uHnrriiiJL-r pay an.ent.on to It. It UiLIm ijaforfceal:U. w , Mim.C. I-KAKIT (378 TVetllanirooreSljeet TEGETINIi. fj" SATE A"ND SCHE. J J. v Mr.II.K. Ptxtxnji. In liGZ jour r7e;In ww frcrromndwttO- me, and, yielding to the rrHiit of a Alend. I rviirraied to try ft- At the Wttif I-ra-miTeiliiKfroin gjX Mli; andutrT nns iirotlratitnt sujetluducf-l hy orrrik amilrrepuIarJ iliid. Its-rundertnlir'M'pb-iai;andcratlip prot-trtic efmedt4ialect axy cle'iiir&ted ;teiufnm thefiitidte; ard iinnerit -frnLrfVot utel iijIiUt ircf-jrif-U. falnlug more bfallh and ?ot. " eeIcp. ilnre ttcn IlJe jut he haled to o ie Vreiin myjnittlurqianiI'ldIiJlorpe icent, 4 teinjr a ca'r, enre, aud pourrrut apenrin rmrnwUnjc Jieallh and retorinrtho Taeil in'tftcin to newlI.eandererFT. esl- tueistl eooI medicine lcre:and asloi g a I Hte I neer rxuect toilnd a Wtte r. Tourntnily, V.. II. CLAJUC, LJ0 Monterey 5tieet, AHcgbauy, Ienc TE(iETlXE. Till? BEST srRnsGMEDIOXE. II. R.5TXTTy- DrABbti IhUIsto crnl'VtratIraTeiitfl yoiiriiltH'd rrepara'Inn" In my family tor ererat yearn, and tblnk that for Scrofula nr CankeroiuIIi-inorvor l.ceumailr aflectiors It i-annut le excelled; and as a blooTI put I tier and eprin; niedlciiie ft la tl- hnX tliicp I bare eteruted, antllhaie turd almost eierythinjc. Iran cheerfully recnu-mendit l& an) oce ta need of ieh a medicine . onw rcretffuUy , Mks. A . A . DRC'SMfrRE. 19 UiiK-rU btreet. TEGETIXE. "WHAT 13 yEEUED Eos-tot, I1.1 J, 187K FT. R.Sr-crr. Icvr tu Abont nre y earslnce I found my elf In a feeble ctmdi.inn from xtneraldcbl.1 ty. Vejreiliio iraa fctronply reccn mended to meb a friend who bad lern much btneflttl bj ltd we. I proenrtdtbe article, and, alter bln teTcialhr.ttle, nas rntnied to health, and dloniinueil its life, I feeln,vl cunfl dent tl at there U no medicine tuj-eilor to it forthottcorai'lalatsfor wbleb ltberectallr prepared, and would rbcfijly Teeraimeua itthtt-ewho ferl that thej need sumethin to icblorrtheintoperfect fcealtu. i:p?i.ecuully yonj, O. U. rtTTEXGrLL, I'lnnofS. M. I'ettenjriU A Co., n. lOStatftfet-.Eoaton. YKGETI3JE. AIXHAVE OCTAINED IlEUET. Fomr Uebticic, 3Ix., Jan. irf IE72. II IE. S-rt-TENS. Pfcj.RSii. I tavehadUTTpepsiain itwort form fr tl.e last leu jrars, aud ba taken hundrfHNofdoUars wurth of medic iceirith outobl.iilniap anv relief- In Peptemberdajt 1 rnmmencnl taking Ihe V,injr, iittra which tim my health bat te Jily iimimrM. My fool dieJA veil, and I hare ained,flr-j. een pnnntUnf fleph. i"bere areeTe;a1 titber In this pi tee taking TejTPltne, and all hare ubtalnetlrelijf Vowtrulr, TH(JMAE.tMOOUE. OreTceer of Card. Ilot,(n I'oritraocthGo.'a illlls, Prepaitd Iwr . R. STETESS Bosfon. a..s. Tegetine Sold It all Drucgittt, JOB WOUKof al d.arripiion U.o9 i.jtLilU alcUttlUaoUiCtf," 8. i'- m v .1 M tiri - 1 1- J T -1 41 - - -4- 2 l -" F.