Newspaper Page Text
;f -.25? -- "v&frT J(faS&jn&30MS" v '. r 0 t ESTABLISHED 1865. The Weekly Banner JT ItAXKIK & LETIX. IrMay, March -20, 1373. The' United Status District Court is"in session at Austin. r The timber question was tlio o-casion ot an awinatcd debate in the Senate. 2vo final action Was taken. - Dr. Frank Rick, f-rmerly medical director ot Cheatham's division, died at Memphis on tlie 21t inst. 1 Srxcu tup. advent of Josh Ril ii.gsiii Texas, bad spelling has Leconio epidemic especially with funny, locals. Silver is coming towards the United States. 1 he Celtic, just arrived from Liverpool brought n quar'cr-ot a million dollars in silver bars. . . Tin: Home on Thursday took a test-vote in the bill to ppusion the and Indian war retains. The vote indicates that it will be defeated. A Jkw capital building for "the Muskogee Nntion,at Okmul gee, the Beautifnl Indian Ter ritory, is to bo built. The cor nerstone will be laid on the 15th ot April. The majority ot Texas cities arc tiredcif mixing politics in their nmnieipial flection, and now le every man who aspires ti ofti'-o'run a liis own merits; if fie has ati Tiikks seems to be revival o trade. The reports for. the p.t-t week- show n larger export -of domestic produce last week than auv previous week during the seafon. 'TtonirvNiA refuses to receive independence at the hands ol "Russia, or permit the passage ot Russian troops through her territory during the occupation of Bulgaria. The posttiHice committee have reported a bill to prohibit ,the carrying 'of newspapers by any but -the postal service. The bill is iniquitous, and shonld die a deaths Thk Senate Committee on Privahiges and Election" will report Corbin, of South Caroli na, entitled to the seat held by M. C. Butler. Corbin is a lladical of the most radical stripe. "In the House, -Mr. Waddcll, of North Carolina,, chairman ot the Committee on Post offices and Post roads, reported a bill to establish a postal savings de pository as a branch ot the post office department. A citizun's meeting was held in Galveston for the purpose of lctitionins readjust the federal court districts in this Stato. It is conceded that a new district will not be cre ated. v Therox Bakmjx, one ot the oldest hotel keepers in the we?f, recently died in St. Louis at the age ol 75 years. He had been in the hotel business filty years, thirtv-cight of which he spent in St. Louis. Thk .Austin Statesman gives - it as its deliberate opinion that ilouston- and Galveston, arc predestined to die natural death, and that Clinton, at the head of Morgan's ditch is the coming metropolis of Texas. It also asserts that the Jiorgan and Ialloryline3 ot steamers have been consolidated. Is Brooklyn, N. Y., on Sat urday afternoon the cashier of the I'hiuet Mills was knocked down and robbed of $3.5yi. The cashier was on his way from the bank to the mills. The robbers had a horse and wagon at hand, and cj-caped, iiotwitbstsinding they were pur sued, by' a. policeman and. a crowd ol citizens. SPEElYJOiTUE The San Antonio Eeprcs speaking of the rocont murder near that citj-. says honest incii contemplate the long and -'hast-ItV Hat of murders committed in that section of country with honor anl indignation. Courts and juries have failed to con vict a single mnrdercr. "We must have a reform in the treat ment of red-handed murderers btlnre the courts, and re form cannot ci.nie too soon. The power is in the court', and there the people must demand rcliif. Wo must prevent acts of violence by the peop'e, tor i horror of 'hat kind would cling to us for years, and the disgrace to the community could scarcely be obliterated."' The Banker has on ..several occasions reverted to the fact that red-handed, murderers have been acquitted bf juries, in too many instance, selcctcd-lor the purpose. The fault lie's not so much with the courts as wMi the juries, and with, to nosmnll degree, public sentiment. The stealing ol a hore is regarded as a much more-heinous offense tl a i killing a man.- The records of the District Courts will .--how that in lr too many nistancrs horso thieves have been scut to the penitential y for terms of five and ten 3 car, when men convicted ot man slaughter and murder in tho 8'coiid degree have been let off on senteuccs ot two and five years. Very reentry a man convicted ot murder in the first drgree in Denton county was sent to the penetentiary tor thirty years. The recent deci sions ot the Appellate Court, nfiirmiiis th:f death sentence in three case, meets thp unquali fied approval of the pre, and, we believe, the public generally. A few judicial hangings will, it is to be hoped, have a sglutary influence on public opinion. The speedy trial ot criminals is also another thing that pnblii; opinion should and doubtless will imperatively demand. Every continuance secured inn advantage gained by .the de fendant, and a serious drawback to the prosecution. . Protection of Fish. Under the laws of this State the fining for fit-h in all fresh water streams is prohibited troin the 15th of February to the 15th ol June The Victoria Advocate says: "Any infraction ot this law iu this emmty- will be prosecuted.-' The same thing .shonld bo done in Wah ingtoji county Wo have nu merous small streams that are chiefly noted for the absence of nh. Why they are so scarce we are at a loss to know, unless it Iks that thc3' are all seined ont. The streams as a general thiii;; aio shallow, there beinsr occasional deep holes; it is an easy thing to take a seine and catch every ii-h in a hole, thus the streams are kept continually fished out. It l . almost impos sible to catch a mess of small fish with a hook and line in any ot the creeks within eight or ten miles of Brenham. If seining was stopped entirely for three or four years in this conntytthc streams would become restocked wit,h perch, cat, buffalo, gapor goo and other varieties of Mi that are indigenous to thec waters. As an article of food that costs nothing for its pro duction, fish is oue ot the nt mf'st. importance. In addition to this, it is highly esteemed by a large majority ot the people. In the old States they have both fish and gnmo lavs that are icgnlarly enforced, and wo should do the same thing in this State. m fc m - Thk question whether de fendants in criminal prosecu tions should be allowed to testi fy in 'their own behalf is being di-cussed. The LaGrangc Record says the rule of allow ing prisoners to testify is grad ually introducing itself into gen eral favor, and is giving satis faction. It is more than likely that it wjll be considered by our next Iegh-laturc. BEENHAM, TEXAS, FRIDAY, MARCH 29, '1878. Tho State Conrcntiim and laiitass. Major J. D. Savers was in Austin the 'other davmid was interviewed by the AY(fe Gazette. It say-: "'The member of the Democratic Executive (otntiiiN tec are ceiiernllv indifferent :w to whether tht State convention shall be held iu .1 nly or A ugnst, but we arc inclined to the opinion that the former month mav he selected: The plao-s ot meeting will be determined iu the course of the next two or three mouths by a majority votp." As to the time of holding the convention, it is our opin ion that August, or even early in September, would be early enough to hold it. Two full months of a State canvass, with all its attendant meeting, speeches and newspaper work, is certainly as much as the av crage voter should have r.ny desire for The canvass should be sufficiently long fur the various candidates to have time eliongh to visit all their constit uents and thoroughly cli-cus-the v.irions issues involved, and alt-o the changes, that should be made in existing laws. Theic are imiry things demanding nrgent attention. The judi ciary, the administration of the criminal laws, the system of faruiinz ont convict labor, the public school system and the revenue laws of the Stare, AH these things need to be thor oughly discussed and under stood by the people. Two months and a little over is am ple time to discuss these mat ters. As to tho place of holding the convention, itis a minor consideration, and we doubt not the Executive Committee will agree upon, a suitable locality. Wheat ana Cotton Raisin?. A writer in the Dallas Com mercial compares the cot of wheat and cotton raising, taking a fin example ten acres ot each. Allowing 1 per 100 tor pick ing the .cotton .and nil the other expenses, except reiifot land he .makes the tei acres ot cotton cost ready tor market i 130.50; counting the crop at five bales it realizes $250. lie calculates thcexpeiis.-sot the wheat crop, at ?100 when it is put in market; tho yield he estimates at twen ty bu-luls per acre, or two lmn- L drcd bushels. Averaging cotton at en eci.ts a pound, and wheat at one dol lar a bushel, the writer finds the advantage to be in Savor ot cotton. The Commercial editorially,- thinks the advantage iu favor ot the wheat crop, as in the estimate ot pri'-es, the gen tleman has rated his cotton too high and his wheat too low. To us, the true policyy scpins to be a diversity of crops, cot ton and wheat as well aa other cereals, grow equally well. We do not think it advisable to plant all cotton or ill wheat. To use a homely proverb it is "not well to curry all your cges in one basket." It one crop fails the other nay hit. Thk Waco TeUpftone still harps on Hon. A. J. Evans, ol that city, as a fitting personage to srace the bench of the Uni ted States Court 3et to be e-tab-lishcd. "Wcare at a loss to un derstand why Hon. A. JYEans, is so eminently fitted to fill the position. He is a hitter and uncompiomisiug Radical and during the last State canvass, madeaspecdi to the negroes, in the Brenham court house, in which ho was guilty of using the most incendiary language. He alo said there was no such a thing as an honest Democrat; that the only honest men were Radicals, and much moreot the same sort. It such a record en titles a man to a federal judge ship than Evans is the man. The 7iAr say Waco is to havo a Mai Fest and I'.rcnlntm a Volksft-et, and ask-: 'Cannot Corsicaua a fest of some kind" "Tobecertainly."' If dogs are plenty, hae a sausage feast. FACTS AM) FIGURES. President Hays receives 100 letters n day. The pipn'atiim of Africa is about 100,000.000. There are 11,000 men on London police force. San Finncisco has about 100 gambling houses. Jew Orleans claims a pop ulation of 200,000. E-.k1.wiiI to.) o16,392 out door pjupcrs lust year. A ton of. coal yields about S,000 cubic feet nt gas Tennessee's tob icco crop i estimated at 60,000,000 pounds. Texas would make 210 States equal in size to Rhode Island.' There were 1,593 buildings erected in San Francisco last year. ii embers of the Mississippi Legislature receive $500 per an num. One thousand polygamous marriages took plaue in Utah in 1S77. Europe expended for tele graph messages last year, 15, 400.000. Taxas measures from north to south, 470 mile-; east to we-t, J S25 miles. Nebraska raised this year 25.000,000 bnJieU of corn, and 175,500 hugs. Eighty-three murderer', all men, were hanged in the Uni ted States in 1877. The Colorado mines produ ced S7,S70,432 worth of gold and silver oii in 1S77. The railroad rioters co-J Pennsylvania $700,000 for mili tary expenses loue. Great Britiau has expended 839,000,000 nrtwelve jere in building ships ol war. The Cherokee Indians are enough civilized to possess a public debt ot 1S7,000. There were eighty-three minders hanged last year among a population' of 50,000,000. Ot 309 members of Con gress only 193 are natives ot the States which they represent. Boston people cat each year about 120,000 beeves ol which the West provides 38, 000 to 40,000 The imports of France du ring 1877 amounted to $751, 273,01)0, 'and the exports to $G95,SG4,G00. The population ot Austra lia, at the last ccn-us was 1. 742,234. The popul ition of the capital, Melbourne, is 210,000. During the year 1870, 108.771 Itali-ms ca-no to Amer ica. Ot this number, S9.000 are set down as temporary tour ists. t . The ship-yards of Maine hae turned ont a tonnage of 70,308 tons for the'eir 187.7. which is an increase ot 2,7' 4 tons over 1870. There arc estimated to be about 350 match-girls, .700 boot blacks, 100 sweepers and 250 flower-girls daily and nightly ba-y in New York streets. This country- imported from Jap in, last year, through the port of San Francisco, 4, 100,000 pounds of tea. Fiom China we imported only 920,000 pounds. The strength of the French army is as follows: Active army (five classes) 719,330; re serve of active amy (fonrclasscs) 520.982; territorial army (fie classes), 694.73G; reserve ol tei riti-rial armv (-iv. dasc), G39,- .782; total, 2,473,880 all train ed men. . i "Wncall thcattcr-tiou of our rcadcis to the advertisement ot Simmons' Liver Regulator, which appears in to day's paper. This standard rrmedy does not deserve to be classed with the many patent nostrums so liber ally advertised thioughout the country. It is one of the very best preparations of its kind in t use; and is recommended liv the regular racti tumors of medi cine. It has a large sale in thi city, and can be found in all o-ir drug store, a bottle or package 'should bo found in ev er) lamily, as its judicious use :s almost certain to pievent a i bi'inus attack, if taken when he swnptons tii st show them selves."' Purchasers, should be cartful to see that they get the genuine, uianufietured only by J. II. Z'ilin.Wi., Philadelphia It is said that Kiissii will de mand the withdrawal of the British fleet from the Sea of Marmora. Rumors were in cir culation in the lobbies ot Par liament that the tone in English official circle, is decidedly war like. Waco has shipped 4SS200 bales ot cotton this season. Forty hales of cotton were received in Dallas on Wednes day. The Dcuison Keic-i com pl.uus'nt bad roads between that place and Sherman. The Galvcstonpoliee made 2,2S1 arrests during the year ending March 1st. Twenty-one candidates arc announced for county offices in the McKinney papers. Corn is selling at 35 cents a bushel, and shelled oats nt same price, in Anstiii. A negro boy was arrested in Houston charged with "sys tematically" stealing ducks and poultry. J. C. "Wolworth, a so-cal-h d doctor, is now basking in the Dallas j-iil on the charge of being an abortionists. The third Texas State convention of the Young Mens' Christian Association is now in session at Dallas The new court houc at Fort Worth has been finished, and .turned over to the county authorities. It cost S45.00O. Austin is a good place fo'r lawyers to go to ,More are wanted. There are only one hundred and thirty-eight there now. The M.-.rlin Ball is inform ed that negro-greenback clubs are being organized 'in Fall county. Excitement is running li'gh in Dallas as the oity election is drawing near. The colored clement is holding tho balance ot power. A convict was shot and killed by a guard at Mcquitc, a railroad station in Dallas county. The convict was try ing to escribe. A Washington special to the iVeuw'says the resumption act will bj voted on next week and that a majority of the Sen ate is in favor of it. Somebody has been writing foolish and insulting letters to the L-iGrango Itccord. and it in turn hits them a very sharp rap over the knuckles. There is a legion of candi dates for county offices in Travis county. The Austin Gazette is in favor of them coming-out with their announcements. The LiGraugo Record' reads a homily to persons wbo behave bad'y in chnreh. Peo ple who do not conduct them selves properly in church show verybad breeding. Every street corner, Bays the Fort Worth Standard, snp ports a debating society where the merits ol tho favorite can didates tire sounded. A city election is 6obn to come off. The LaG range Record throws cold water on the green back movement; and, iu com mon with the conservative Dem ocratic press of the State, can see no occasion for the organiza tion ot a third ;attv. John Presron,a well known farmer of Dalh.s county, went to Dallas and getting drunk re paired to a livery stable, wheie lie went to sleep in the loft. During the night he fell from the loft and received injuries resulting iu his death A Dallas Herald rcpoiter has been exenrting over the Dallas and "Wichita railroad. How tar the road is completed the reporter docs not state. He concludes his article by predict ing a bright future for the D. and W. At a shooting match be tween teams, (six men to a team), rcpre-cutii g the Stone wall Greys and Lamar Rifles, ot DalWs, the score stood: Stonewalls, 130 ; Lamars, 12i. The shooting was done at a distance of 1,100 feet. Distatchks (o the jWtrtatc that papers are soon to be start ed in ircnham and Coman che. Both these phces have excellent papers a heady and adding another to eicJi pWee is siiuplv toHv. Co'u abut Citizen- The Christian denomina tion at Fort "Worth, are nbout to build a new and bauutitul stone church. The edifice is to he 45x87 feet in dimensions. The style of architecture is G-thic. Tho tower is fifteen feet square is to be eighty-seven feet high. The San Antonio Erprts says "every body is busy here." .New buildings, new f-necs, re paii-s, the waterworks, the street railway nnd other occupations gives steady employment to liun dredsot skilled laborer. In com mercial circles business is brisk. The Marlin Ball says that A. D. 'Stryker, who came all the way from New Jersey, to preach political wl-doul to the people of Falls county, is also engaged in organizing the Loyal League under the namcof green backs clubs, and trying tn Incite the negroes against the whites. The Gulf, Colorado mid Santa Fe party arrived at Rock dale on Saturday last. A large and enthusiastic meeting Win held at Caldwell. All that is asked by the railroad will be granted, by the citizens of Cald well and of Burleson county generally. Kenoists have an easy time with the city outh'-rities of Denison, but the county au thorities are not so easily han dled. A lot of keno manipula tors were bound over iii the sum of 150 eich, by a' justice to answer before tne county court. Emile Houllion , i j. ruiii; lawyer ot Houston committed' murder in Harris county more .han a year 'ago. He was tried and found guilty ot murder in the first degree; appealed to the Appellate Court, which body ntlirnied the decision. He must hang unless saved by the clem ency ot the Governor. The Express says San Ar tonio will in a few day6 be the scene of a novel kind ot a battle. The'contest will be be tween a largo Texas bnll, and a lioness. The Express has grave doubts as to the morality of the entertainment, but thinks that morbid curiosity will prob ably draw a huge crowd. The Austin Gazette sajs there is a strong feeling in that city in favor of abolishing the city government when the next Legislature meets. "The in iquitious prhitingand other con tracts, and immense burthens suffered by the tax-paying pub lic withont con. pensating advan tages, all condjice to a surrender of the city charter," The Statesman has the print ing contract. Columbus Citizen: Several carloads of corn-fed cattle left our county this week for the E-isterii markets.. . .Several cit izens of our county are invest ing in fine breed of cattle. . . . Geo. II. Little's corn is about ready to plow. He also has cotton up.... A much larger area ot cotton has been planted iu our countv than heretofore. With a good season, wc shall make 30,000 biles. Corn and other cere-ib- will not be neg lected The city council is improving the streets ot our city. .The District Court sends two gentlemen to tho peniten tiary. A 6FFCIAL from Tyler to the Galveston A'ews says: One ot the largest mass meetings ever held here was held on Saturday by the neighbors and fellow conntymen of Gov. Hubbard. People from all parts ,ot the county were pnscnt. Resolu tions were passed condemning the efforts of parties to traduce Gov. Hubbard, and denouncing INe of the Galveston Post. Hub bard was endorsed as a good neighbor, a worthy citizen and faithful public servant. The meeting was irrespective of par ty. . Los Angeles, Cal., is blcscd witnastoek dealer who speaks English. French, Spanish, Ger man, Italian, Hindu, and one or two Indian dialects. The Court of Appeals has granted b"il to Walker and Black, the former in the sum 15,000 and the latter f 10,000. YOL, PIWEESSlOXAL CARDS BKEEDLOVE k fiWIKCs, Attornoys - jvt -Xjtvotr Brenlira, Tcxns' DBS'. S. R0OEJ1S. A.ttOrnoy"at"Ii el'w, Main Strrot, Cliapi-ell Hill.' TV-jem lucliB w C. C. I.OCKKTT, j3Lttornoy-nt-Iinwr, Brenham, Texatf, Oflic Allorn building, tino!ite public tquare. mcliil-w. P. II. & J. T. SWBARIXdEN. V.ttO4i3i0sjrS,xvtfcXJrtT7C-, Uronliam. Tcxaa. Offlc Inlity-tt's bntldin?, Et aide df Public square. Feb. 8. 1K78 lV- I B. McF.irlan-1, Batcx MeFariand McFARhAND & McFARLAND, Vttoi-noyis-a tXck-t7Cr Breubaia Texaa? Office Cpatalri" in Orabut'e bltildln west side of Public Square, iut-lowit Beth Shqmrrl. , C. C. Uarrell, SUEPARD & GARBKTT, .A.'tto:rxxOTre)Ca,t-XjEirccr, Umiiaui, Washington cuuu'j, Tex. Solli Bbepard. C. C. Garrett X. A. Rector. SHEPARD, (TARRETT & RECTOR, .-ttoi-xi.oyia'.t-Xjj-cw, county, Texas. N. B. Business for I.e county should be unlit fo (itd-Hnga office; ter Waahington county lu Ibe ..ffict. at Br.ulmm. jlj20d.twif W. a BAIRD. M. D., Fbytiolan and Surgeon, Weider. Washington County, Texaf. mcliS w J T Xorri. M D. LB G'nath, M D.. BrcoliaiB, Rocky, Austin co. DRS. KORRIS & CREATH. Physicians and Surgeons. Offers tholr Profrssl-mal services to tbe citi7eiis of Brenham and ricinily, Office Wood & Co. Dniif Store. Star Htli 1874. Sm r F. JIATCUKT, M. D., v SurgeonTand Physician, Bronhani, Texas. Rei-pwtfiilly inform" his old t lenda of Brenham aad vicinity, that lis bra resumed practice. OlScent the Crump pl er Houne. may20d&wtf THE UNDERSIGNED DESIRES to inform the citizens of Brrn lwm that bo will remove to Brenham within thlity dayH, where ho pniHies tti locate nnd enjnue in the practfrw of his .nifeion DENTlS-ntY. Will ruaranlee all work eutrasted to him, and will work at living rates. fel.23tf A. I.. JONES. inmiiMiiiiipWitaaw RBhXHAM CARPS. WILLIA3I ZEISS, Baker and Confectivntr, Main Street, Brenham, Texas. Paler in Staple and Fancy Orocerlns IVines; I.iijuors, IKerBeer, &c Hot rei.l, fresh Ckea and Pics on hand at all times. y EI.DHIDGE & CO., ivnot.r.siLE axp itKTAn.'rnui.Mts tic Groceries -and Provisions, Brenham, Texas. A fnll and cimplete Stack alwavs en hand, for sale at BOTTOU FlGllRBb' for THK CASH. Give us a. t.-ial, 0t8.S874. ATRS. D. PETERS, Dealer In Fancv Groceries, Fruits, Huts, Cigars and Tobacco, Crockery,GIass and Queenswarc, Under Central Hotel. Brenham, Texas. Cash paid for butter, chickens, eggr and domestic fruits. The Patronage o! the public solicited, Oct. .tf wm. SCHUREXBERG, ik Blacksmith, and manufartnrer of AGRICULTURAL I.1IPLE3IEKTS Brenham. Texas. C3Special attention jriren to Hniisr Shokiso, jreneral job wort and repair Inir. Terms liberal. Shop near May. nard's Lirerr Stable. June 18. '74. A STELZIC, S-A 33DIL.EI2. Harness Manufacturer, OppposltoNewboiier's Store, BllKSflAM, Tkxas. SADDLTS. Hiriiess. WHps, Spurs liirthv, Brl llo, Collais, llames Traies, Satldle Hips, 4c, alwaysnn band for sale R-pairinp specialty. warranted. UuiStf A.STELZ1GT Xm-NQ. 13, SVVL1SG 5tILLIKKRY -axRs J.l- RS J.IJXOlfrONflASrerrfc.-I JjJL tall Hirtu emtot iirw and Ix-aulirul gnnit clntiraeinj; Futtfiit Hal, UntrlmniHl Hm, KIUkii., Flo erir Veiling, Ijic-;, "vte Alf wwesl Rtles in Kwcfc Wiif. inelndirj; Jjnfi", C'nffi-, Rn hing. JiUfj, Ti(- Kii-cUueK. c A (iaiidsimt line f Wlitte Hood tia hi-Pu R-tdrtt t. llils ilKiwr'nTn, nibrnrfiif; Etulm-idi'i-ie?, Uuflfins urai 'f nrkhitf. Opening Say April 3d inehfi w,.m LOST. LAStr SCRIP No. 21-2S8, for 040 acr-, iued to ibe ban Atttnnid and Jlecii Gulf R. H. by fl-CrosSy, i" C.-mntifioner of the (enersl Ijand Ofticr, dott-1 Siafch 20th 15S3, Cules intelligence ftf H J,e rrtelved at the" t General Land Office nllhii t)ainth9 fn m this dair, 1 will apply In tnc-piot Per oiacen- foraauplicat Vtn.T.VAM?Bf.t. Jannaff Utli.lSTS w8w. Strayed or Stolen TTJIROM TUB PREMIS8EH OF THFJ I- iindersigr.ed. near Wesley, au thw lUth lust., one dartl btvy mnre. branded J. D. on left liifr, left tore loot while, blaxn face, smnil addle lokrXB on tltA we)U her, 14 hands frijb, in fins order, had on a 1-1I when she lett home, I will pay ten d.i'lara reward ur tho rrcVerr of the s:.imxl. ineh'ij-wim J.M.tOi'fiETTi LEE -COCXTY MARKET.- V. W. BEOKBft & CO.. Biitrh'-rs, and dealers in X.SV3 STOC3I, iildms, Tel. -Meats nf all kind eonstanlty nrt hand at wholesale anlVetafLSia'long on tlio western braecb ifTTTJt:eiir8Jt railway supplied nt reasonable ralra, free of express charaet". rne!-W 0ni At Wholesale. JUST KECEIVHD TITO CAR Iid af Cbolosi Floari 100-bb's Sa car; 100 SackB Coff.ei 1 cat Anheufer' lmttTed Beer; 1 car Ai-sorted Canned Fruit-j5t) bbls CTiolcest Linuon-;."i0.0tW-choicest brand t?rfirsi Cbewlnpr nn-l Smoking ToWont Bacon, Lard, Hams, etc., sold tothe.trarte at Oalveswn and Houston prices strictlv a' wholesale, at D. IT. UWOMB RO H'S, - Ifotice. ALT persons re nolifiVd Tot tn pur chanea proraiosory note rlgnexi by J. A. Wilkins, psyahlH one day aJlff date to the order of J-h Hall DatL-. dated January 2d. 1878, and KiVefl aa purchase monev tor land, which nolo Is lost nnd las been pnio 2 in full. Amonnt of said note was fifteen hun' dre.1 dollars. J. H DAVIS Brenham. Feb. 8. 1878 3W. Administrators Hotice AT THE JANUARY: TERM".. A. D. 187'. of the County' Court nf Wa9hinjrtn couuty, the nnHrsi?nel were appo'nts 1 t-xecntorn uf the last will of V.A. IKran. deoesse-l. L All persons having. 'cUlrns ajritiir tho estate o: inft ceceaseu ere iinii-ini. to piesrnt the same for allowance, witldn the lim-5 rf'cf'm,t br-lanv JKFFKRSnS BASSfiTT, E. H.'OnTOJC. . Ex-rntors. BrenlmmtMarch 10, 1S78 Jw4t ' Financial Soport. The Stale qf Texa3, Couniy'rrf Washington: Statement of the deb-s, receipts and expendltnti-s of WnsWncton' county rorthflyejir beirtrtnintr Janusry I. A. T 1S77, and ending urteniDer oi, a, I) 1877, inrlu-ive. - Amonnt rfue tie the mttti tr Jamutrr I, liCT, i thnwn br rsrnrd Gn mtwloncrs enurt.Fcl. ... SMrBSM Amount scril- Iwur-l lie Dl.trirt Oertto junira , op to Amntt 1, lsn 2,1GJ So AmonntofiM3ipietlby conntv rtsrt. tit luror durlnsttieyfsrliffr 1,36 00 Amnont errtp Ijum1 to lo 1OT ..... - , ....,. 2i 73 ' AmnmitottierdaJm i-' proteit by Comml t.lnnintf enorr. ftltu srrin onlfre.1 therefor doting JS77. . IlSS St euEuiT. Bt amnnnt "red'tered VcrlpraM bi 1K7.. ,. Br amonnr jore waip paiillnl&? Ily amonnt enramon srnppaidlnlsTT'. Br amnnnt court Jmns jail scrip ialiltn 1S., Bv amonnt road awl lirlige serlp iW is isn ,- .. Bv amonnt Innane ay- ltoosrrippai'l Inlsfo,. By amount common scrip on hand in treasury Byamotuit tahintrea" ury... . -r .. Br amount lilanee uns l)jconty............ r,et(M " 1,0113 1391 M. "1,74 " z.rzi o i.srats 1K,K7 73 ;w,ia3-3i,io3 75 Office County Judge, Wading ton County, JB-enhaw, Texos 1,11. t. Williams, cour.-v judjti of Washington cminty, certify tbTabotn to be a true and c.-nect statement "f 'be debt, receipts and expenditure, of tlie c-unty t r the year comtiienclnx tannery t.and endlnff Tcemir :.l, "' A" D. 1x77. a shown by the records of the CommlFsioneiV enmt and 4be r- port of the C-mniy Tetsienrer. Kr-thf iat mentis will bo Seer, that in nno reartlie'debt ti,Ien decreased fn-m aOXiOJSa to St(5.n.)7.73. a decrease of nearly one half. I herefe annex sta'e mef.tof K. A.Harrln, Esq,. Tnx Collec nr, as part of this statement. lllennn,ermy seal a-id pipn.itnra .iffijaily Februirv28.18rR. ll:E. WILLIAMS. ConntrJo-'po Washington Co, Brenbem, Feb. 23. 1877. Judge II. E. Williams, PrenU -Jiam, Tecas: Deak Sm At ynr reqni-t 1 have; 'xamineil the- lax rolls in ruy pnes sinn, and find that there was abotte $20,000 still due the eonnty on the Srst day of Jntimiry A. D 1878, i tliint I'esa collect sTiont 20.()00 a said aiuoant dprinir tlie pnsnl year. Respectfnlly. yonr oheiiienl serront, B. AHAUVlJv Ti"t Colle tor WHsUfoytOTt Co. i Marehl-w4l w , ' D. G. SMITH, SADDLE-TREE MAKER. Brenham. Tryss. All orders filled promptly at lirixyj priced. l'aiioanfe'O solicited; t " - iVIS, ..JMffiTs S 'rJK.s' r J. T: V!. SSSa 2 L-- 1" -J 'liiA. -veUiS 533!eg Jii-.J--y. ,- ?;rf E3