Newspaper Page Text
j N a 4 - , . . .. A ' "T- ., I 12LS i V A -3 K HI il ' lr H i A .r "Local Intelligence. - iSELt!ri? ,s cxtfemclv Hull. It'ScKicirarein season so are fieas, ticks anct red-bugs." AffBw Peaches on some of the trees in town are nearly as large as Soft shelled almonds. Another wholesale' liquor liouse has been opened in the city. ' Plover-Shooting is now "being indulged in by our Nim rods. , - FAi&m arc lxyinring to complain of dry wwlhcn They Want rain. Maxt new buildings of modest -dimeiisTotiF arc l-eing built in the. suburbs. PvAiK. On Wednesday morn ing this neighborhood was visi ted by a fine shower. The wild-seehc are winging their way- northward, and the 'sand hill cranes are cumins; southward. ThE'6rass upon the prairies is growing rapidjy and stock cattle are Improving fast in conse quence. Finance. A Statement of the financial condition of the city of Brenham willappearin to morrow's daily. The Brenham Brass Band has been reorganized, and is now practicing in order to play at the coming Volksfest A dozes or two able-bodied 'negroes are kept very busy in -the-city sitting' round in the "shade spinning yarns. The telephone excitement is on the increase. Mr. Abe .Meyer has built one. It can ,be seen at his cigar emporium. tt i, CottonChopping. Weleam that a number of farmers in the Berlin neighborhood will begin chopping' out their cotton on Monday. Tjikue urn a- great mmij snpcrflwnu dogs hi -town, ami oftera superior induce ment for an enterprising saus age manufactured. Mr. Vincent Masiiir showed us some firfe new Irish potatoes yesterday. They were raised by W. H. O'Bannon and were really as large as a hen egg. Among the unannounced can didates lor the office ot city marshal Is a colored gentleman. IIi feels it in his bone tlnt he M "dead nre' to he elected. Fnorr. Peach -ami plum trees are literally 'loaded with trait, and should we escapa an otheriiwt, the yield will be lhelieatiestkhown- since the wart Piesrcs nud fish fric's are .comma,, into - season Picnics jare easily accomplished, butfi.-h trie', on account oftho scarcity. ot fish, are not snch an easy v matter. FleasT The" 'festive lka is nowhere. He is as ait! re as a great pross of kitten, hut not near so playful. His whole at tention is devoted to business phlebotomy. Cpt. J. M. Williams, of In dependence, has received the appointment of Deputy and Lecturer for the Grange of Washington county. A good appointment. Pabties doing bn-.incs that requires a TJiu'cd States inter nal revenue lieense will do well to renew the stiue prior to the lit of Miy. All license now jaiBed empire at thit time. Bket Cattle. Hardty a day pascs that more les Jit cattle are not bronght to town for shipment. The cittlo twile is one that is rapidly assuming importance in fbis neighbor hood, Oak Hill ITdusecies. On fsundaj last a representative of the Bax2ie8 risked theNnrerics of Messrs. Lockett & Edwards. Tlio plants and flowers are now in full bloom and the grounds look beautiful. The Brenham Hook and Lad der Company bag received an invitation to attend the San Jacinto celebration at Houston onMSnday the 2-jd. The mat terwill be acted upon at the regular meeting on Friday evening". MSIUISR IS AUSTIN COU.VLX Thlrtr.cfght Itnek shot Landed In aXcgror's Body. Some weeks ago a difficulty occurred between a negro nam. ed Bill Garrett and his -wife; the roan It was a separatum; ths wo man subsequently took np with another negro named Andrew Randcr, who lived on the Hall Davis plantation, near Welcome, Austin county. There had been some skirmishing between the two men, Garrett on one occa sion having caught Hinder, ar lii?, Garrett'.-1, housf in bed w ith bL wit;; he pro.-ejdcd at once to rnn liatnler off. Abont two weeks ago Itmider and the Gar rett woman, who had been living together as already stated, came to Brenhan and houuht some supplies and household god. They returned to the- plantation about dust; Hipper was prepar ed and liander, the woman and another negro man were sitting at the, table quietly and com fortably enjoying their repast; just at thii time a man pnppo&ed to have been Garrett slipped np to the door-mid fired n. heav ily loaded shot gnu. IJoles to the number ot thirty-eight were madcin Handera hack killing him instantly. The gun was tired at shortraiigeandneitheroitheothcr two parties weiJnjured. Garrett wa arrested on suspicion biit has been released on bond. As the shooting was done after dark it was; impossible to recog nise the man. Deserved It. The Commis riiincr' Court at its last seaaion displayed its wisdom in ap pointing one Wells, a negro, as road orenccr in the Welling ton district. The othsr day Wells wa buly engaged in or dering out hands to work on the road, no approached Mr Tom Evans a citizen of the town of Washington, anil or dered him to work on the roid at the Birue time saying "It ynn don't so I'll mike you." Mr. E. replie 1, stating that "he knew hi business" The negro then became very in-olent, when Mr. Evan knocked him down with afull grown axe helve. A brother of the negro then chipped in, and stated what ho would have done under the cir emnstanocs and also uwil some fancy language to a Mr. George, who t jok out a knife. As soon as the colored gentleman discov ered this, he recollected that he had urgent business out of town, and left on the donble quick. The one who hid partaken of the axe-hilve wive left town irumcriiitely after its application to his head. It seems that tlio appointment of a negr road overseer hid an plevatinz ten dency among the negroes gen erally, ami they were disponed 'o pni, on a ;ood deal ot "style." It may he -remarked that there are plenty of goad white men in the neighborhoo 1 who are com petent to manage alUtho road work. . ' , 1 1 G., ( and b. F. Rr. Mat ters. The party rcprp-enting tho G., C. and S. F. railway, consisting of Mr. M. K-oppcrl, president; Messrs. C. W. Hur ley, Leandcr Cannon, J". II Brook8,-G. U. War.'cn and A, L. Brooks left on Friday morn ing bj private conveyance to go over the pm.ed line Ht tho roadto Bclton.T hoy will confer with the people along t?ie line and ascertain tho teeling to wards the enterprise. They will return here by the same route, expecting to arrive abont Wednodaj the 3d pror., wheii anothpr ,mejstini will bo held, due notics of whkh will be given. Mr. J. E. Wallig.of Wallh, Landes fe Co., and a prominent director of the comp any, arnvert here on the noon train on Friday and at once took J private conveyance to go down the conntry aloncthe line as far as Richmond. He makes thetnp for the same purposo as Mr. Koppt'rl and party. There was a good deal of rnlk on the street in regard to the road and a general feeling of hopeJuIne.s seemco to prevail; many wore highly elated at the pro'pectE. The Watrousville colored church presents rather a dilapi dated appearance. If substan tial repairs are not placed upon this building pretty soon, it will 1 resemble the "cabin in the lane," focjt will $j tumbling down, Brenliiim Literary SocIaMe. List night's meeting wa- very agrjo ible in every re-pet. Tho night wa soft, eletr and b.ilmy, and a cover iiuiubjr than mini wore present. 1 ij-i B. II. B issott opened tho ccjrcisc by raiding. Ho read fir-it a slurt p-iii; after which he re id (or rather ren derel recitttively), a poe.n of sublime v pathos, called "Bliii'l ncss," John Brewnoii, the an thur, was stricken blind in hi-s mvihood. Anyone who -should read thj pijoi would knav t! writer was blind trj n ths tieartfuliuis of every cspre sion; and, but for the queer two ideIless of the eqjresiion, 1 would tay that ilaj. B. read it as it hi in:l t had aiuhred a like affliction. Mr. Norton next sans a pretty ballad, and anus it pret tily. After which. Mr. Holtze gave us a German sonz, which was exceedingly bcantitnl. Via Maniie Lockett ployed a piano solo. And last, though nil least, Mr. Kiggs read a "FL-h Story,' sorter on the ''Mark Twain" order, which was very humorous and entertaining. Next meeting will be on next Tuesday week, and all sulwj qnent meeting will he on Tues day, instead of Fridaj, as here tofore. The following are tlio contributors for next -meeting: Reading Seth Shepard, MNs X. Matthews, Miss Lulu Word, Miss Carrie Goree, Mr. C. C. Lockett. Music Rev. Mr. Stradcr, Mis King, Miss Kate Arnold, Miss Smith, Miss Ida Rippetoe. Tkained Birds. Two distin tjulshed foreigners arrived in the city on Saturday morning, one bearinjr a hand organ and the othercveral cages of hirds.iThe foreigners at once proceeded to business, hy giving a free exhibi tion of tho accomplishments of the birds. A temporary plat form w;u put np on trestles and the birds mado to go through a regular drill, snch a.s firing a columbiad, rinsing a' bell, marching, opening and ehuttiug a gate, etc. The saucer was passed '"'around and notice given that all the spectators conld drop in a quarter in the "missionary box." Some of them could, but didn't, others didn't have the quarter and .nnidan t fllriik flitm .tniPAi-ai wuti.i! ,. vsti tiling, iiiinbtki) is certain, And that is the birds are well trained. - ' Tklkpiioxe. Mr. F. Prcsun has erectc'I an amstenr te'u phone from hi ronri, on the coruor of Sandy and St. Charles streets, to his warehouse, noir '.he market, a d stancn of over two sqnarjs. ,Tho wire is an orilinarvTwiho strintr, and the instruments are cwstructe I ot cigar bpo. A representative ot'the Bs.fKR wa present the other attem-on at the roo'n while a lively, conversation ws -carriod on with parties in tho warehouse, Erory word could be heard distil clly. Wkeklt Corr.if Statk-iext. Mr. W. K. Liwis tnrnihc-s the Banner with tho tollowin-r statement for the week ending Thurday, tho 2 Id in3t.: Not receipts.., 110 Shipments 91- Stock on hand 6S7 Total receipts 19,5fi8 Freight to New Y"ork, S'Jc. per 100 lb., rail and water. Weather report by Dr. Wood: Total rainfall in inches.... f-10 Highest temperature S2 Lowest temperature 68 Averazo temperature 76 r Scissors Sharpener. A foreign gentleman appeared in the city tho other day with a knife and scissors grinding mi chine, mounted npon a wheel. It wa-' a gjrt of a one-legged wheelbarrow kind of a "trick.-' Knife grinders bsing indigenous only to large cities, the appear ance ot one in this city ereitcd qnitc a commotion among small boys who posescd dull "bir lows" and jack-knives, with and without blades. Dieii, at his lesidemo near Bryan, on the 23d inst., Mr. Thomas A Hcorn, id-loot son of Col. T. J. Alleorn, ot this city. His remains arrived here by the noon train on Monday, ind tho fnnoral took place from the depot, to tho family burying ground. A number of friend of the family attended the funeral. The Crrv Elejtion. Only n a week intervens between now and the city election, which ooraes off on Tuesday ne,'t. Candidates ar.) emulating the fleas in activity. Not a moment is lost. All their available time is utilizjJ in cq itiating on tltdir individnil merits, peculiar Ctiie-, and ability to fill the office:, fir which thev are run ning. All are instigated 3old3 by a de-.ii c to serve the dtar, e.mlidiug public. No great amount ot electioneering lias been done among the white folks, but the oloied clement has hid particular attention. A number of midnight meeting-, hare been held, and all candidates who participated in tlu-m feel sure tint they indi vidually have a "dead thing." So tar as the Eannke is nwai e every one is running on his merits and nsr-.otia' popnhrity. Politics have played no part in the canvnes. YuLKiFEST. Several mem bers ot the Bieuhahi Tolkifest Association are in fax or of pui cli ising grounds and building an ampetheatre and other houses tor the accomodation ot the guests, who patiouiz.5 their an- I nual exhibition,.. The Phillip' Kit near, and adjoining the Ger mania grou'idbarespokenofus in every way suitable, and we would not be surprised if this lot is not purchased by the asso ciation for the purposo aho vi llained. The Banner heartily eiidrtisas the ptupotjtion and hopps that the purchase w ill be made at an early day, as the coit ot preparing the old Fair grounds for tins exhibition each year is about $400 which sum could be sax ed by tins purchase. TIocis. The big Iiw, so far as this municipality is con cerned, is a dead letter. The town is a Kind-ot a fieo hog ranche. There are four or five parties, each owning from 20 to 40 head of hogs big and little which roam -at large all ocr the city, and whenever they discover a defective garden fence, work their way in and mot np early potatoes and other delieajie that tickle tht pilate of an epicurean hotr. Pistol Shooting. On Sat urday night there was a colored fsndango on St. Charles stieet. Festivities wpre kept up till a late hour; and, during the progress of the ball, one or two pistol shots were fired in the vicinity of the freight depot. Itftmeiiately upon hearing the report of the pistol, the police repiired to the depot, but the -diootist had disippeared in the darkness. Stami'kwk. On Saturday niht about three hundred head of stock eiftle penned in the lot of the old Maynard stabie stam peded, breaking down the fence and completely ruining Capt. Biber's garden. It took the owners until about 9 o'clock on Sunday morning to gather them UPj New PoTvrois. On Sitnr day last Mr. Sim. Stone bro'iht some specimens o' Iribh potatoes as large as partridge cgs to town. He says they are growing taster anil will in 1 turc several weeks earlier this year than last. Four weeks hence and Irish potatoes will be plentiltil here for shipment. Brkvham Schutzkn Verkin. At the annual meeting ot this organization tho following officers were elected: Capt., R Schmeibeck; First Xiut., F. Rendor; Second Leint., If. Fisher; Ad r't., E. M. Schlenker Fun. Mr. Lott, of Wash ington waj in the city on Fri day with a fine load ot Brazos river buflilo fish weighing from 15 to 25 pounds each. He sold then all out in a very short time. He will be in town on Saturlar next wiih another lot. Irish Potatoes. Present indications are favorable for a very large yield of Irish pota toes. Parties who are making arrangements to ship them to St Louis and other nothcrn cit ies, are now trying to secure a reduction in railroad tariffs. The Grnd Rounds. Can didates are now busy every night making what they fa cetiously call the "grand rounds," endeavoring to ascer taiit,hov the stand, Shipment or Eggs. Mr. Jas. A. Wilkins, agent of the Texas Express Company, furnishes the Banner with the following: "There has been shipped by express fronl Brenham to Hous ton and Galveston, from Dec. 15th 1877, to March 26th 1878, 878 cases contnining 26,340 dozen eggs." It will be seen that the hens in this vicinity have not bccnidle during the j- winter. At an average of only ten cents a dozen, these eggs would amount to S2634, equal to the value of nearly 60 bales of cotton, at 9 cents per pound In addition to eggs, large quan tities of poultry, dry hides etc., have been shipped. The total value ofminor articles of pro duce shipped during the year, amounts to a large sum in the aggregate. Bitten by a Dog. A few days ago as a three year old child of Mr. Jack Ward, was out play ing with its sister, aged abourtt 12 years it was attacked by a vicious dog and severely bitten; one ear being nearly severed foom the head and the scalp laid open for two or three inches. Mr. Ward resides in the north ern part of the city, near the branch. The dog is owned by a woman in the neighborhood, who refuses to have it killed, notwithstanding it bit another child very severely, some weeks ago. Profitable. Mr. George Harvey, of Kentucky Ridge, Austin county, bought about tw enty head of stock cattle and fattened them on his farm with corn of his own raising. He kept an account of the quantity of corn fed. Some two or three weeks ago, he sold the cat.Ic and after deducting the cost of the cattle, he finds that his corn has netted him seventy-five cents a bushel at home. t This beats cotton at 12 1-2 cents a pound. Marriage Licenses issued by H. M. Lewis, County Clerk, for the week ending March 28th: Charles Stephenson and Em aline Green. Henry Davidson and Tisha Brown. August Bunte and Meta Gal lop. William Gaines and Angeli na Hutson. Johnson Kennedy and Har riet Blue. Wheat. Mr. Black Lock ridge, who planted six acres of wheat as an experiment, says it is growing beautifully, and with a good season will yield well. He is well pleased with his ex periment thus far, and thinks wheat will grow as well in Washington count, as it will in any portion of Central Texas. Quite a number of chaps who were summonsed to do street work' and did not put in an appearance, and who have failed to pay their pro rata for the same have been reported to Justice Hynes; and, the conse quence is they will now have a nice little bill of trimmings ad ditional to settle. Volksfest Orators. Carl Schutze and Robert ikhmer beck have been elected as the orators of the day at their next Fest, which takes place in this on the the 10th of may next. The former delivers an oration in the English language and the latter gentleman in the German language. Last week the County Clerk was unhappy having only issued twomarnage licenses. This week he is moderately happy having issued five. The number of marriage licenses is the barome ter by which he measures the different degrees of feeling, from abject misery to cxhubcrcnt happiness. The Central of this city, is now enjoying a fine run of business. Mr. Rutherford, the genial proprietor, is untiring in his efforts to render his guests comfortable. His table is well kept up and gives entire satis faction to his patrons. ETew Connty Scrip wanted by II. A. Wood. fcb21-d&wlm Slim Meeting. A mass meeting of the citi zcnv.of Washington county will be held at the court-house in this city on Wednesday, April jd, At 10 o'clock a. m., to hear the report of the directors of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe railway, and to take such action Q8 may bp nec essary to secure the early com pletion of this road to this county, by which a deduction of 30 per cent, from the present rate of freights to Galveston will be secured, and the same advantage derived on Western freight when connection is made with Rockdale. B. H. Bassett, Chairman. Invitation. Capt. Schmer-. beck, of the Brenham Schutzen Vcrcin, has received an invita tion from Mr. J. W. Golledge, secretary of the Waco Mai Fcst, asking the company to attend on May 8th and 9th. A good time is promised. Our own Volksfest following so quickly upon the Waco celebrationwill probably prevent the Schutzen Vercin from accepting the invi tation. Dknti-t. Wo call the atten tion, of thjso in need o( the ser vices ot a den tilt to tho card ot Dr. J. L. Buchanan, winch ap pears in to-day's iue. Dr. Buchanan comes hero from Bonhatu, in this : trite, and brings with him the very high est lecommendations. Tight Rope. Prof. Delloune, the ono-legged rope walker gave another public performance on Saturday afternoon. Several country darkies were so surpris ed that their eyes nearly popped out ot their heads. Old Type suitable for Bab bit metal for sale, in quanti ties to suit, at this office. Newboulrs' are selling a splendid quilt at $L For the best selected stock of Dry -Goods at very low prices co to Newborn! Bro.V. M 4 V RKE bergs. Billiards a Hirech.- Mk. Calloway is taking bet- ter pictnrcs than was ever taken in Brenham. Mint Juleps, first of tho season, at Uir-chborg's. The latcxt styles of Foulards and Snow Flake Linens with edgings to correspond so pretty Mia new at JNewbouer Uro. s. The newest Btyles of ladies Fihdiues and Scarfs jnst arrived at Newboiier's. Billiards. Ilirschberg's el-, cgant billiard saloon is tree for the use of his ciistomrs. Tomito Plants for sale at the Oak nill Nurseries. nnli34-tf ' Foe a good square meal go to the PnE-fix. Restaurant. It will cost you only a qnartcr. Twenty-five cents will pav for a good square meal at the Phe nix Restaurant. If you want tho best pictures you ever had taken go to Callo way's Gallery and you will be satisfied. Fob your JJry floods go to Newboucr'ii. If 3011 want real Habana dgar for 5 cents, call on. A,2JEwaAf in 22. 1 m jgjFCrrro Seed W anted. Highest cash price paid for same deli vet id at my warehouse. d&w3m J. A. WiLKiifs. The best line of Edging and Inr-crtings in the United States for the nuncy, atNewbouer Bro.'s. bquare meals lor '2o cents af the Phenix Restaurant. 25 Cents. This amount will jet a sqnare meal at the Phenix Restaurant. - Evi-RYTiiiNO reduced to hard pan prices. You will save money by purchasincdry goods, boot-., shoes, clothing, hats, caps, dress good-,, etc., nt D. W. Bloombarjjh's. Just received a full and com plete line in ladies, mioses and children's Shoes. Mens', youths' and boys' Boots and Shoes sold at remarkable lo"w figures, at D. W. Bloombargh's. Ciovks andToucco O.11 the corner ot Sandy and Ant streets opposite the public sqnare, Our, young friend. Mi. Abo Harri son, has opened out a firs! class Cigar and Tobacco stand. This is 'the only place in the city which makes a specialty of this business. Smokors ard chew ere will do woll to notice thiB item.. Gay Hill "Local. March 25, 1878. I sec that Gay Hill locals have entirely disappeared from your paper. If you will accept the communications of a green clod-hopper, I will endeavor to post you in regard to the move ments of our fanners. They arc all through planting corn, and some of the early birds have ventured to plant a little cotton, but this fowl is still looking for a squall in the shape of a big frost The gardens are flourishing, and we have some early vegetables. There is noth ing very startling here in the shape of news, so it will be difficult to make my Communi cation interesting; but as I pro pose noting passing events, I trust something worthy of my pen will turn up by the next time. We have preaching reg ularly at the Baptist and Pres byterian churches; and the Presbyterians have a flourishincr Sunday school, which seems to be exercising a good influence in our neighborhood, as I note amongst them some of the worse roosters. We have noth ing in the way oramusements, except our literary Society, which is not altogether literary, but is about to be merged into a dancing and courting society: "Pecksniff." Otobalt Local. Grabaix, .March tb, 1S78. Editors Banner. I notice in your last weekly issue that you desire a corres pondent from this place; and, without any flourish of trum pets we make our bow to the public, and offer you our ser vices, though humble they may be. Graball is situated in the extreme eastern portion of Washington county, and we think we can say without exag geration that it is the best por tion of the county, Brenham is distant about nineteen miles, Navasota twelve miles, Ccurt ney six miles, and Washington, slumbering in her quiet beauty, six miles. The Methodist church, known as old "Rock Island, is noted in thehistory of early revivals and old-fashioned camp-meetings, which -are now almost a thing of the past. We have one academy in the neighborhood also called "Rock Island," but we regret to say it does not seem to be flourishing. Our colored brethren also have a school, which is considerably patronized. Crops are a 'little backward, but the farmers, de-. spite the low price of cotton, are in buoyant spirits. Several acres of wheat have been sown, and is" looking wdl. Of course this is merely experimenting, and if it proves successful a considerable acreage will be sown this fall. The only no table occurrence in the neigh borhood recently was the launching- last Sunday evenine on the majestic Brazos by Dr. R. H. Butterfield of his most beautiful yacht, "TheRd War rior." Truly did she "walk the waters like a thing oflife," and the shout that went up from the. assembled multitude was really deafening. "Long live the gal lant doctor was resounded from the- hills many hundred yards up'the river. "The doctor bore his honors modestly, and only bow ed to this continued greet ing. Keno. Parsing Operations tic. Isdkpkkdeuck, March 18. Editors Bsaaeri Dkab Sm The prospects for bountiful crops during the coming season never looked mnrc lavorablo at this season of the year than they do now. Aside from the iact that there will be a very large increase of acreage in rnhivation in Wash ington connty, I notice that farmers generally are diver sifying their crop"? more than in iortner yearr which I think a very llcnlthliil sign, for we never willbccome at wealthy, pro8crous people until welcarn to produco what we consume. It is certainly the friglith ol lolly for farmers in this coUntv. to payout thousands of dollarf annually for bacon, flour and syrups, when they can be pro duced as cheap here as 111 any part of the northwest. This being an agricultural county, and the interest ot the farming community being paramount to any other, it occurs to me that wc should be represented in onr next Legislature by a prac tical thorough yoing ffrmer. oue well acqiiaited with onr wants, ami able and fe.irlet-s in demanding and ad vocating our rights such a man I believe Capt. J. M. Williams ot Independence, to be. Think of it, formers. Respectfully, L. New Spring Gooda arriving daily at Newboner Bro.'s. Just received lull and com plete assortment ot embroider ies, l.ices, si.k handkerchief, fishuee, ties, gloves, corsets, notions ot ecry description, sold very cheip, at D. "W. Bloom6ar;li's, PiiLiixRiiAaKurEA good square weal ftn; "twjaityfivo ceatb. ojoav Only to fcon-r th the brautiftit flWn Oul) urtljiwiu brturribPT nns ri I Oaly 10 tiaix tl at the tm and I6r otm-rrre Uulr bring bctutjr that ma-t le tlMO jnil Only ti know that onr lute b a Dl,Soo3, Onl to know tlun no Maiidrtilu U nm Oulj In Dad Ihsr m bopM'changt to BMTU'rlM, Onlf tuxo ttat no jur us rwiuref Onlr s "iKmlful of dart las r!Da Onlr a iibsiitoiu to cumo knI dew Onlr a tibsiitoiu tu cumo knI depart I Only kir till, do T lac rtuih'a tmiula m&j. Only for tbla do we Join bean to but. Only tolnmvUi;e.H'titnnMr-miIDrrow Onlyirnitnibuaoreartli'allrptlugjear! Only to leel that tho elortoua mnrratr Onlj-lanilog U bring iToIIps Tor tfart ' 1 JLVMEET HEP0ET. UAN1KH omc?. nikh omc?. I March 2tf, 1878. f COTTOX. Oood Xflrldllnff 05fS Uiridliny ,8 7-3 Low llldrlllnp U" finod Ordiuaiy .,....:... ..7 I S Ordinary.. .g 3 HIDES. Pry flint.... -...18 (jt3t3 Kirn II 'Alt 1-3 Daintped 6' fr-B I J Batcher's grei-n 813(3 -" COCSTKT-IllOUUCK. ,-"" Batter ......,; K(r 3 a ft Corn In aback ......,....i.i:irj 3 wi-et potatoes., ...... .:30a& rorATOts. Perbbl J3303.0rJ STAfl.R OKUCKKtKS. Bacon, elrarsidr. ...... 10 13 1 9 " brrakfant 12 a 1213 Dams, dioica 13 a lJ i3 Larrl 13 a 14 Cuffee, prims per sack... 21 a 21 13 ' Knod ..S013 SHgar.pun-irhltu 11 13al3 ' pnme. "....!) 12 a 0 " clinler ....10 C10 13 Rlen, elinice. ff a 10 Dried apple ........... 8 t-3 a II Molawiea, chuie......,6.i a 71 " borne...... ...SO a5I Setap, Golden... M Corn tnt-al...... ...40 iS" SoWi-fwev. tf MO lb-.. .5 5a - choice, JK01b...5 0O Salt, cnant- v 1 & a I 73 " Ann. 200 a223 Pratt"a Radiant Oil, l ct v, 2 75 a 3 00 IUIIOIKO An T1R. Baj-ffinir, doublo anchor, liearv. 13 a 1 "ij Tie, oil kind, ter bdl 2 73 a NoDoubt or rr. Portrait ot friends and relative in all ajiw were and are desirable, 'hut be fore the days ot DaueareofypM and subsequently of Photo graphy, tho prices of picture- were too high fbranr but tlio rich to indulge in that 1m' ail been changed by. the develop ment of photorraphy to ita present state ol excellence ami the cheapness of its product. thus placing tho ranch desiref liketiesses-of nnrparents, sfeter, 'T brother-, children and friend.- -" "' within the reach of everv'eM." Wo all recognize tlio iaii. tlwt when we want pictures faket - We WANT THE BKST, tliejr (MM! only be obtained in Brenluaii at Robertson fe Co. c-aUerv, flfj posite Mrs. Scliwara's millinery bazar. 1 Gentle Hlut. In nor gule of climate, with. Jit sadden change of temperature rH wind and snnahlne often InteruilBgied In aslngls dij it Is no wonder tbt oar children, friends and rnixtivf-s ard so Ireqaentlr taken frora u by wg . ,,1 jeciea corns, nan in nnatai re-mFtwjf- -directly from tills cause. A boHlnot boschco' 0rmna Syrap kept abuttC yonr home for Immediate niw will rent aeriofts t-ickne-n, a larca doctor,' ldll,aod prrhapa death, by'the ntw of three or four duee. For carlo tCua aamptlon, ltciuorrbajfes. Pncatnnaki, Severe Con-fl'1, Crnnir or ftny diaeaea" . of the Throat, or Linig-t, ita ruar tit eirnjilr wonderful, as ynof dracghtf will tell yoa, German Svrop li-a.-r sold in eTcry town and V ll?o M4 continent. Sample buttles lor Wtels., 10c.; regular slxn,75c; J - Zf ew AdvertiseaMate D3. 3.T,.SVGJSJLnAXf Tt lEiTM'.ffJ'JSIV " U5vlDjrIote.l la Ermfcun rretluly triKlent hb uivre.. slonal aerrlcn to Itt rltltens and those of the Ttdu'fv. Offlre iotrtb side ot'the aqoare, orrr axl'i AffVJj 7UIIDJ nctx;lw3ra Lost. SOMEWHERE ON THE ROAD between Brenraiu and Harruon'i More, st BROWN FUR CAPEandMOFF, for which th finder will receive a Ebcrc! reward on tfiu ddfvery of the same to T W. Morriss, Esq., at Bimmnr or- it the residence of J. II. Campbell, near.Long I'oml. tneh29-wit Citatios TncSrtTE or Tbcas, 1 Waahingtrn Coanly. f To the sheriff or any comlabfe of Wash- iurton county, greeting; nereai, oaths has been madepy T. K Byrnes, and filed in my coarvthat WI Si WilEamsba transient person, soTltaTQie'" ordinary process of law cannot btt served upon him. Vott are hereby commanded fiat by mating publication of this writ in, somericwpaFeT printed In said Wasting-' Ion count. " lher be one, but if there be nonewtnanOtiittedin said coasty, then by pubbcalion til Some newspaper5r-Jrated-!n the nearest oountr where, locre is one published, foc.three successive wccLsbelere the rttvrn day hereoC " , You summons the said W. S.TV"iInims to be and appear bdbre me, at my office, m the city of Brenham, So said county of. Washinjon, on the 22dDay of April, A. D. x8?& to answer the complaint of J. P. Byrnes, o- a pica of ilabt founded en an account dated December 14th, 1S77, for eighty-one dol- hrs and fifty-four1 cents for a car load of lumber, sold by said Byrnes to the said W. S. Williams. B Herein fad not, but of this writ make djKr " return, show ing how you have executed tiw .same. . fl Given under my hand at office M, Ite 26th dayofjlirch, A. D. 187S. T. O. HYNES, J. T., W. C- A true copy of origmal. " Jl. llA.l(-OCX, C, W.-Cii rnch9.3w -f ? 7otice to Tar-Payrsv "4 3utat j THE TIME FOR PATJIESTS Op Tase on real estate for lbyeaT 187S. 1874, 167S and 1877 till beC. . tendnl to the first daf ot AprH Be.' oltbont cost, after which tlraa tlM-BtLl;. will polt!vfly b no fnrthrr"ditli!r llpaitlt-s who liave not paid rootr- 'axe for Mid years, are ijnelJ''i. coma forward and par Ihe'-arao and ret. ft. A. HAItVINf Collector Washfuctou Ccnuiy f ."-7 t " ' -1 a.1 ! a. T 3sat " - - - """S1 - '-- m