Newspaper Page Text
4 JUS& ff m 1 -V 13 ,. t Jr-rsgBsae8swsW!ratt5i,' , , 1. - ----. -..I.. ' w-n.i..nt.M, JJJ..v-gJ5;jgiwtMrjrNeiLirl,,,lrge i ill " ! ".'-' I. ' " . t B .?e liHam B aimer FaMls&ed'Dall? asid Weekly, i "Bt IUXKS A-lEYIX,. -. '-t RVTop.iwen"TioNj Diilr. 009 copy owi,itu,wuf. f 3 l1' Weekly t ' ne car,.-.. . ' 3 00 -Tran'ienland Legi.1 advertisement !iiortoiratl.SO"!iwjareorunolncli for Urt lisVVion.. aud sevr.'nty-Vlve cms a Hilars for eaofj (ins crtion thereafter. All qiirturiiva;iy"arly adveutm h.iU ranst-Typ, W ua.mrly in Rrlrtr.ce Irriage'anJ OJUuirf noticed 5,12 el Wit, linusjcftargeii ns advertise -m-j-vfj. JBUt-jjt,l notices of a. vnrcly hilsInessehatactVr, such as remark up on haslness linos'esf "the reception of friK tc, .will 1k chatsT-d'at 25i:cnt8' lin, Insertion. notice i-is-'rled for less than 0-i Dollar. AVNOnNCRMVNTS. -"" Wjll be inertnd at the following-rates.. it-Me a-id District ciuce., $l.00.i tnm, $10.00; Precinct SLQO, TrJ ninnr to acc'imoiiTij-' the, nnnouucB iurt In, tract- nmJ'osVry lustajirt. .j ' Panner Ajcnjfi; ' The. fctTovfine'nincd trenitentPR, fif Tigntvlv s.ithoriz-d -.geatg for-the DbgxhVm Basnku: ,-. -. " Of. nird..Vl'y. . .,..,.- I,KnUMe Hurtor. Oeo. W. Orator; ZionsvilK iyn",8.-no-(..Cl,a.ifllHniiA. t- H-nrv 1j Hrrion.Qv. Hill. j-; Blancliette, Round Top,;, .., .Win.O. C-armtchael Jhcn-trv-. Alixl lh-r, Smeprnfflna., ..;; . Brans Meeting;., Mon Banners ''. .. Pltaiso ' Mate in ST'"P:Per, that tlie. .charter, etc. has beenj received. , for tbe Pomona- - qcs District (Sran-re, ana' tlie nrj-i-rtilizatioir-oi the, fame will fake vlnee at the Oper.-v -llonso. in Brehliam, ' on Friday,' tyc Stlij - Jtf AprU at;iO"; (Tc1(ibi?' A.ii.1 AU T-iie-ueiegaics-aiu tcijuwu to attcfld p.romrjlv, M .!p work xan.j-)oi be'delaycjl. ' iibsiiectfutii, ',,;,.. t FHuLsbTts., , L. 0.inxcil, routtoiiis cxtensivpl.y T aareisnfiquiUg-iJir,ftb liojsml.reajoii wli.f.Afe ifi'iot,?." cjiTcralnie hore.. .J?ojcsnoldjg u;itli vegetables, nonuaU' .superior IQ: it,. , ; ,-,., Itii tlie,poorest'iindof:!oh. omy tivattempt. to;.iiadage-ka( rirm witUoDfc5.a'ii6yvspaper.cijII ia. arTriee:.-iisi lleedbd- an-, its teacliings folhwfed", cueln-nniri-L lierrill bo TcOrtlttcn. tihisadts inuinnl cost." e - -"- ''''' If by improtiei' br:1njaHicroiis torI!n' nt '-nn'-i- "iwritiU iiV''tl'e : iifj ot a' cow "shs .avjW nia'de Jt take oa nn' exceJsite nmonilt -6i fat, the corvbiild .dverafjier i pc- brone t6-tlie BaJrohmrjoPiat; 'Tlfrt ii'rnftsslfv' 'frir'ahabntidafil supply o pure air for cowl is 110wn' oy J,u-erJOiJOw;iij; L-uiuuiu- tionr A. "cow "'ciihsmiiiir six Winds l''carboii fn "Its'" 'daily J Jipa, ,ior rapjniipry jurpuse would refjmie95B'cnb1e'fett; ot atjiiosplicric. air; ' f -V.,( ','." Oil cake wjtbpats, and. 4ran makesi cApitalj feed' for sheep,. They reqnire miicli - less hay, raako TOa'rkable- uihjtdn' JanVl limb as ripe Jincf palataWc.ais they are in the;. old: -country-; wfrera tliey boast so .-mneuor tat, sweet',. lender innttou... "" ". More prass' and less prain; jViore coudeiislhp. pi fowLon'thb ,tann should Te. tlie iraoto! now. .The plan ot -pattinjr more of into ahtl "oi raisirijc ? Tabro"lJVa stoir'ot"ir'oencr -irishtdirection.- -Thamilyyiijuiencnthfcii)c3, "ifStUVL siftfTiigB f eldnf' " b which a ienicfTiKrnccpssiou ofescan lie obtained-inwip-kr, is by- linvinn ;r3Uetnd han? ot 3tferjit.a'gesi.,vvlijcji, ninnltinji at tliftcrnt period?,'db' "ifot all ceiterlaj'inj'at the same," Books and .papers form asi niticli a partf a';fa'rnier'av:k j:i tools, its do tlie plaw arjti filiovel and hoe., lbo fanndr ivho rise the latter 7Jthont tho the ioniicr, 'does an " up-hill bnsi iiesv' .which nearly always-ends in failnro-aHiatjprovirty. HoOF-BOUKD IN HORSES. Hoot-bound is caused by a,cbn-tra.-.tion and Jack of elastricity if the outer rira of the hoot Loettect a cure, rasp tue top ot tbefioof very thin for-an inch or moie, all arbnnd the hoof. As tlio- h6of crows, it jrijl giv;& Todni' lor the full play oi- tlie ifiiutih the middle of-the hoof. this-way, in about six months the lameness will Iks curcd. InTaspinfj the Jiooft if the blood is started, no harm 13 dbne. Bo sure and get the hoof very thin. The Farmer's Friend, of Jlc chnnicsburg, Pa., says that "the person who has bees rinder his care in February, should see that the entrances of the hives do not become closed by the ac cumulation ot the imcappiiisp of tlie honey anrPdea'd bees fal ling from their comb3 during cold weather. And the first warm day that the bees can Hy out, clean out the hives of all dirt that may be on the bottom baud, or the air will become hcatcu, and as the moisrifro'eoii denses aiid treezes,T the swarm will bH:nino uneasy and Jreeze or dwindle .iway. And it any are ionnd lfpht ot honey', fliey. lioulu tratalcen in a warm room where the- frost and dampness inayhedriod out, and tuen re moved to a dry, warm .cellar and ied either .bVpuUing on a jx-trtly-fiiled box pf honey, or by ieediiif; tlieui'dnce a-day a Jcj?' spoininls of sngar- fiy nip. . Sfell-c-,iftr,JBHIB,!J. -.--. ' - " WSWMW-;--" ---"- Crecu.Mauurc tt-ops. XJlieap anir'coodnaiiure is tln:gto k iiorft-apil; -inore Jintl' more'importaTittcvery ycte 'We- sire fTiidiil it battler to bti.V iriahurc iind1mi)re'"diBK:ilit to 3tciuiK.-nVrated1ettilhzars,tlfaJ sire' "to be'- 'depciitled iip5i. "Ncvertirelesss, fanners- make little use ofsnvertiiMnnre crops. It is hfcrd tb chimge'old phie tieds sriffioijutly to' plow. Tinder a' jcood tjrop'oV" d'ovoif- 'or1 veu of biiclcwecat. ! I linvaia- very. p'oor opinio"!! ot bnclyheak. as crecfn -msuiure- -RTcr.-ivimich better, And one em'at tinrtcr- early cnongir 'ki somfithins cl-sc' to be either Ihnrvcstcd ;pr plowetlr under as '.tboTcnsemsi-fl be.- t'or. instance -I witii&sscd-'tbe followinr puc- cos-hil' '.treatment)' olA rougn, stott-,, ,wir, .'jri-avelly lotf -ninl Jibpo'to. b?i sibltt ,-to carry-. -out -soniethinir tfuitc -siiilUftf 'nyclt' .this yean, Aiuohl iiej-lecfqi!.- J0.1 five. iicrcsKJl. which woiildjardr ly pa?tiu-e;'e.CP.was: ilowed apcl 5iweii-jyn rje.'wiui. ;,-, .toi-LH'-.wcll.. 'A L'oodiiiau'ystoa-' e&:W;ra ,pjcked -jJt, and jfibout flit, -fii-fc nt!, .fane' when tlui Vve vjiS:Tieadinffveilnit' was roihid .du.wu. rind, plumed. ui(ier- ofones v,-ere pariiaiiy picKeaoiijjjiaii thai is. the krarer oues fcre and about the first ot Julyt bnckwhe-At-was pWl. Ottlns a send ciop was4iarvestpd. and tliS StT-aW, Wth a'littlo addi- .tuiii ojlsonie other lihVmlitilire was spread oacK: anu rye was tfiw'Kivb'ji JiiSther' oppyHtiBUj -ffiWck off Hie 4WS? a"Hte 1-es.m was Hutf.fifij.flft. le ia's ateoiutiriie'plirwtMi miiier tIiR:-nuaiifv' 6f -'iHct "siiirwas'so ibbrf'tiraVcorn Wsis-phWlftn with , fertilizer ii? thbliill.'' Onhli'i very rair r;rpi) was tci:iiri.-. ju.u other tahiiv '"croiis" followed'. Xdw ; ifJci)'w-peas' eoifld 'have 1ie'cK'4bv'5d at tlie'last'Iibfahi bl the' leorti, they vbnl(f'do1ilitleiSs liave coveted' the! si-6ihi'1 -t6lf. -TIlerftTiernYialtt'liaVelJeen'plbTP ctl- binder' just 6fcfora-'JJrost--a3 d'3ii aa tliee'b'ni cold baUnt'iip' and'inovedtlien wleator'rjc . trifnlrt :lidVB-lKi?n -fiOWCU. u. .- e.; 'Liart, O? Khl-Jai lriOs. a croWirii'cro'if Tb boVrfMhb 'soil all tiltf HirieJ live' 6Kcv' sever-1 111 UU 1.4 4 11 Y- A-fJf w vitviw . H'ad'iFitnes over 'ollipr ' cropY. Is'not frozop'lTtlio roots 'ai-e-ab-lobfng ntifrini'etTtiaKcl grpwinp, SO' tBit' wlieir" tlre"'rhrnfth!' ot t Bit;' wi .' nilni snriti"r' cdmei-'tic plaiitmskes growth with which 'we' are all iamilliar. It is erycerta(ti ' crop, not being liMi'D'-to jviiiter kill. Bas'ides, iOisheapthe -see.d costing' teldblii bver: Sli50 per acrel-' ' -, - '"' RodClovcr,is -n,o crop 'where'-, with- tb mannre' poof Mid, thoiish oiic 6f the best fdr ' land iii goifd heart. It'pinst, liowever 5)ccnpy tlie laiidfully'-a year. OlU-ailCT. a goo .crop lias ;'inseu TilQved 'unde'a'iid theiaid iim'- c."albib?t any' crop"inaj-tollo"w; , American Agrisuliurid. ' . 'Mjorrehpoiiderit of 'ific1 jCtyin Iri freliiltinan.' thiis "Vrflfes c6b- ceniiuTcka's'.fa'rbi'fn'i.'fT "atri of . Texis.lhat with the skill, caji-. .-i-r.i -!..i. 1 -rn:. .!.:....' lai UIIU lUUHbll V Ul ilMUUIBlJlll . farmers tyO&Vd'jaP Fe6 that State In money , .value of pro-! duct ions, j.110 immeusy ad,vftg-i tacethap this State,-, has -bver Jlliilois"(leavinj-iouti the -wues-tion.ot taxation);, is-partcularly' apparent, in thergreator variety and certainry ofpiudnctiou. and a-nihch-longer sepson'-'snitable, 'for'Out'door-workf-Hiid the'short nessotithe seasbu-that al.l kinds, of stock havd to.; be -.fed .with' -grain, &c I "have seen-growing' in tho same- field' in this State, side by side, cotton, oprn, wheat .and tobaceo...JT'believe that, within tlie rnext dec-ado .Tcx'as will bQ'as. great a hog growing State as. sjie nowj is'a cattlcjnB 6lieep. growing coun tryT Perhapv Texas ap)les will never bssiiccessiully grown to any great extent butX am sure that peaches, pears, and grapes-.will flourish here. .As to grain growing 1 think North ern Texas as well adoptee, to ' growing wheat, oats- and bar ley, and reasonably well to In dian corn. I havb never .seen finer samples ot wheat and oat? in any country. There is little doubt that in the. next ten years Texas will take rank with the leading wheat producing States of bur country.' , . A SMALL teacup lull of kero sene oil, and same quantity of clean lard, heated enough to mix with the oil, four tablc spoontnlls of spirits turpentine, pnt all in a bottle and sh:ike well before drenching, is a speedy and, contain cure for cclic in horses. It will relieve the worst cases in from iive-'.to ten, minutes. We have known it trjed more than once, with perfect success', A gentleman in Caswell Co., North Carolina, received last year S600 tor one acre of tnbnco cultivated by himssll without hired assistance. It becripie's llie.soil frpnv'Dctol? . Hr to Jujfc-eight 'moiifhs-dur- lri&.AvliiihiUmK'wlfcnfficfironird inp opinion inap a icmtory us large asrIlli'n'6is'"cbnJd"T)9lfoiiii'd witlnn.;ille"iiniils' ;M Xortlicrti (Jrasslioppers aniLCctton M'onn. The success at'cndiiiy the' la- -bo'rs" of tlte Uniteu ' btntt& En tomological (Jomniisionjiu their grasshopper investigations, has caused, the p?ople ot the . south, to appeal to Congress" for "aid in counteracting the ravages' b' the cotton-worm.- Mr. Sliel'ey. ot 'Alaba!.na,...Iia3, introtlncd -: bijl for the appointincnt ot .: coiniuission .to invesligii'c "th origin tuiU'best meaiisot destroy iliff tile cotton anliv:vorin.Tht hill.Nvas i.a:Qiitly reported; back trpn.i,.tl!Q 'loiiyc c-oinmutce ot the whole. Tt provides that fhe (viniitiissioucr ol agriculture 'shall appoint :thrt'o peiv'oiis fopeiro'mieach.ot the Statw ol illabauia; LQuisiann.niid Texas and appropriates i?LO,QOiyor their . Tcxpenst-f. iThc cotton! worm ie,,tb .the southern planter very jaiieli ivhat thu.grassiioppcr .i&nthe tvestem. tanner., -md there .ran be, no .onestion as to Tue'dosffabillit'y "ol a .tliorbngji wvrjsf hfifluiri: stfcli as 'Mtv SUcl- .loy's' bill calls t.-r. -.But "our .pepphxirre .n;if Ari).Iy opposed .to ijfig.creirtioii.joi qomiiussjoii?,; f .y fioitt wliere1-" there is, 'absolute iVeell 6t theltf,' wlncl'i is b the cifee iilfliis in?taiice.'?Tlre nVeiri b'ersof: the .UnitciIStutcsEiittf-;nitegieal-C.omiiiissi.Qtr)wjiohave- make any entomological iiives tig-sttiutnliaf irfieiesSaTy. They n'pp'eftred rl!edntly bufore"i 'the apimspxiiitidii' ;oniiuitee',ot;,tlic -tHojisj5, nfiud, .sbpwcd, tljatj,.tpr want. time anil sumccent mcaiis, tliero ' 'Hverbr,M'iie'" important -jiitstio'if "in tKe1" gnissbjifipef problem 1-Avliich-i fbpy;,:biHi!- not ycr. hecjUjable. jtOjtiilly.sblvB. In .iskinir for,. a coulinuauce ot th.VpVbpnatiduV-n.'eV'prt'.llied thcniselves'tb-'coililiite'this ?ppciaTinyesrgitioiiwJjhiiif.the 'year, so as fb avoiJ the lfec'essi- ty'bf a'p'jibinting fi ?imalafcom-. mission Ut'hsblne :himrb''tlnH'-, . hil Uo niakejriit:.Jidditionj-.n. tlioroiigb.juvestigatioii.-ajid.,4-c.- t)ort on tie cotton army wprin of'llie'soiAir.' Willi tliis pfbm-1 ise, we see nonib:ibr",a! secoiid minisjyuiuf.a.irmilar nafure, wlie'n wo 'have one that has earned tlie 'cohfideirce of flic people "aire-:!"- nf -the fielcfc IVc want to see tho, srasshopper investigation sp"Vpllf Vn; made full and conipIete. an'u we hrcIiuifii-Jor ot'-thc ciSttoii ;:vqrm epoijt, -.but we see n'o, need: of two coinnihiisMonsifor'.thc "pnr-: pose- Cohriaii's liural TVorld. 3Vat.ItnIos,Cottou 01113.'' -',? ,' v? i'-..-I'. i,-T.Iionijids-4tl9gtton gins arc needlessly injuredif not ejitire- ly ruined, by one single cliuscr. . Thaticauseiis pcrmiting in'oat or lint cotton (that is, .cotton thatiias been oirce ginned,) to bffiiisci Yith Tseed -cotton ."find -passed -thfduglrii.tlie aws .the , second time; ibucti ilmtAcayon catcehs'-in the'teeth,;clogs .the saws, dulls the teeth, and bends or breaire ttie'-riUs;' wears tlie bbxe?,'ald 'strainsulie whole 'gin so as to make it produce.' alad sanrple, and really become al most worthless -Itiikewise in creases the'dratt So-,as't'o"''dis tress tbb'Wn'les' propelling 'the gin,and "cfpates;so ,'miicllriction ;is often to set tlie' giu hofee on fire. m Thulcan Wtxiihmedjlie bnrijiniLoJso many "jjtir hohses' .by, -thp, ;supi9sed, spoutaiicous ,cpinDpsyoii.ot.cj'uqnv , , s!,;V;fr' r; t 7 ' 'i. jight year mo fourteen rab- bhsK.were tnnied: out-ill iMr. AnslinrB4 estate of JJarwon Park. Melbonrue. Thejiuuiborottheir liroffcnv shot last rear on this estate' was-'l4r:22d;'ard in' 'spite of tjn?- Uestrnctioii, inn besides wlrat gcA's on'ontsidt? the' estate, they have swarmed over ' the, ciglfboring cbtutfy, andt have' oeen lounu ui cousiucrauiu. uis lances around. . . - - -. -- . . - ; sj . , CoTwsoaked'ti'oF t.wenty.four honr5"m'troi!nlye, and fed to hogs'once a week, is; said to be a snre preventive ot bog cholera. 'Wheir th'ey gef sfek'-eqiial 'parts 'bt'-copperaW :srilphurj salt -.'arid each, to the' hog will cure it in .most, cases. A "pinch" ot arsenic limed with meal is,a fine appetizer. . , AVith regard to swine the Un ited Slates head the roll .of all nation wijii 611 per tlinnjard of the population, followed by Spain, I3enmark,-. Anstro Hungary, Portngnl. Germany, France, Russia, Great Britain, Sweden, .Norway and Greece, in the' order named. TiiEUritish government has purchased from" Sir William Armstrong four 100;ton guns at acostot $S0,000each, aud nego tiations arc proceeding for a number ot smaller weapons, wagQiis and army stores. . Russia, says tbo A'ortk Ger man. Gazette, regards war with England as inevitable, and knows' that she was novcr'better able to wage it than now. . .. The supposed express robber arrestod at Da'lns has been re leased thoro being no evidence to justity holding'him. Newboukik' iro selling a splendid r-uilt. at Si, cis'tsni'tl arcbesides, tlibronulr-i'-T "pntctiliil-'hiieif, "inire'iiW&Vo VBG-ETIIffR HEa own '.roieus. JUltimohe,M. !., Keb.'l3,lS7. Mr. II. IE. rjrcv e-i. Ih,vkMh Mncv -e f ra! j care ' iw pot a sowAruI Vcrj' i-aliifal ftwt 1 3ial t?ciu yh. niciua, but tbev ci-ttljii't rn me. X. I J-jtViltCiinl oryuitrV'ejiPlitjeft'JiU a Jaly wiio wiw sick.Pirnlons: lime, aivl WeaiucnH well fmniTyour Vrjili I ip, huJ 1 went a:td h,-m'.t hum. tic Iwttle of Vcgilt.e; ntul allcr I lu&tl U-ti,l ! b-tllc, tht?'r-u Urtuif, aja it im- wnlolira!, and lhn Ibon-rltt on othrr UA- leAmlwitiakr it yet. lii-anfc tJod fir this e:aeilv" :iiii irtir-elf; aul "VLl.-hin rvny uleiVrnmy i ay-aubllou to It! It liable.- ing for health , . . 3Iia,f. KRAIiE, CT8 VV-tltal!inureMitrct. SAFB -VXI 6URIT. Mr. n. iii sikvVx. Iu teTa j iur Vi-.lnp, was r?w niramtlea t mo,aa'lJlM"lia!S.Io:iUi. vmai '' r.H nii-nil. I ro,i;rn:ct lo Irv it. Al lb limp 1 iinwOKii'iD, ii,iin,lucH! h rnvoiK R iU JnTjnlur baliits. 11k ronilf Tf!i! t tr-rc li fKitt?a.irc4na:l;c vmpertle- hoi-inrd ! n:rtf t my tlrbllits nl tm !IilliJ ikarj and uinlrrlt. iioislcnt wl rajiMlj- ircomnt. sahtt.i lnciri" ta.l.lfclUll"heaUh and good fillff. Ihe n..t hc-diatctl tci A bcluR a a. Mtre, ana jxfwerAil, agNittu pKn.dlnF-braltli aatl rrtofiay the va-.lid'.rMrnito new life and pacrffy. cr ttlnc lmcvand ajlving ai Illvp.laPtfrc.'ci-PcttntlD'Iabpetpr. Yours tml , W. II. .('I.ARIC, 130 Jli.atcrpy .'trrct, Alleghany, l'cnn. VECHfiTDflU. ipu: B I1ICST M'KISU jir.ninxE. OlAnusT,irN. U. R.SriTIJM.. , .,..- jLour-'lHo.Ml lrparalitiu" family n.r -.pifTal3paNt-and think tlmtfur Scntfu.a r Ulicuma-ic aUcction. it ..u:.. I ...I1.,.'.mI -' . Kt.-jl' .'...rliTc-v and prjnnicdicitip i; is the bci hi I hate ei'cuMtl; andlliatr u.p.1 liu(isrcrerTthinif. jlcaif cliceraill) i-commeud it to any one in Yours i t;-,iei-triflrr," rj. . " JlRr.AiA.nrXSMORE, 19 Ituell Street. "f, VtfGEnXE. - BpaTox, Kcb. 13,1371. DK-iit.ii 'Aboutoneyerlncf Ifoumtmr ceif lir a foltr cintlitim fnm eneaUleblll ty. Vereiiup'was -tini-;ly j ecmnienirtl lo ncbjj,frI-udvhohp-l brn nuichbtiiieilltetl byltuo. I procured the. article, and, alter U-.tuTj-cYfral-bottlr-, nurcaloml tolieulih, and lUAhlinuea it me. 1 ftelqulie Dft dratrthnUht)r I- n miiIKUienirrlr toit Tor tliwecumplni'iraroi trtdrh 1; I especially iiretaie-l, aud would ciierrfully rrcoinrueiul itthtwcuha feel that tbey reatore them to perfert braid . Jtfi'pectlUUr yonrs. - - , ,tr.irKTTKX3iiJ-f KIrm'of S. 31. IViteuplll A Oi., , " ,Ojt. 10 fitat,M. ,Kwton'. -VE&ETINE. AIXJAV ODTAINCD BEL1KF.- . Srm Beuvick, Mr., Jan. 17, 1S72. Jljuit Sik I Jia.Tr had dypepsia In its worst furmfnr'tbp IaJ:tea..years, and have tafeen hundretlsbfdoHa--? -north nrinedlcine-jwilh-wt5tfTitabiinC'airy!rt-ncf., In Sejiiemberinbt I" romrnoncrd taking the Vtptini, binre -ldtinie jnyhcalth.ha i-tpa-iily Inipmed. My fnotl dtj;e4t.4 well, uul I Rave gained fif teen ptjnidi of flesh- , There are (.everal jlhera In til bluet taking Vegcllne, aud all Late obtafued reliaf.i Ytnir trulv, " TnOMAS K. MOORE, OTerwer .of Card lixiia, Poit-onouth Co. fa MilL!., ' ' VSGESEETE, -. . i . Prcrarcd by II. R. STEVENS, Eostcc. 3Iays. .Yaifthie Sold ly all Druggist. HOW TO TELL GESC1XE.. ' ' Sill's Un Beplator, . or Medic. dc Tok for clean, neat whlTE WKAFPER with?herd -Jii.btjlicd:ncr ftlaroped ap6n it in tlie form ofaiibb-ju p-aci-rulir curved lu to the letter Z embracing llieemblrm of. onr trade-, Swimla, MonarandlirnJuate wiili the vnmU A; O'tdM310XS UVKIt KEU17 LATOU or MEDICINE thpiemi, alto nb serre the -shrnatnroof J, II. 'S.KUAS A CO., in rt-d ink ou the -dJttv ; TAKE:,XO OTHER. Beware of thoao who know nothing of "Medical GoiupMUid., ttho J-tit nut uostruna known to tour, and Ivrinj; analyzed pruvo .worthlckH and oaly made to -flee-.- the public, ajd to pirate on the well earned reputation if Zellin A Co. medirine. Thcve frauds hare no reputation to Mitaiu, and will cheat ypu foralrewpvnnj1 er-rry way they can.- IsMik cJtrrful to the medi'iuft yuu are in rtneed t Uikc, fur inticb -fie.-iiij-:, permanent lajury ntl even death ka-t fuultetf from Ini-jmn-er treidinent and from lakiusuu-rkllllully prepamt mcxliilne. ;sEEjvrno endorses, tixegkkuinb ,rIIon.Uex.Fir. Stei)ben-.n. , , lJltr.irevJ.Jno. W. Beckftith, TKhopofCa. Jjca.4un.'. Gvn!-iuttU. a. frenalor. Kt. Jtev. Bi-twrp !fenv.' " Uiin. John Gill hirtor. J. Edirar Thompson. ., Huaunll. IU4. Jlon. J.C. Ilterkiarldirt. -? trror.J'id HU, I. l. 'Cltler JtulH-plUram WarnefGeoreia. .-I-ewls W under. -Ait. V. M.FhUa., 1'a. haveletlenof commend uuon and reconuuen dation. Teitlmonlals are received every day from 'per-ou-Mrediica3on' and prominence from alt parti oflheconntrv.a-iu all thatl-i ake-l U a fair trial. - It it eminently a Family Medicine; and br being" kept ready for immediate resort will "are manv an hour of un:inc and raanra dollar In lime and dtrtw, WH fc ena lorau Atmanacann amvinco ynrnveir 4hat Simmjns'- IUfrulatnr of the few medicine- that rjn be relied upon h a afe and eflleaciou-s family tnedlciue hut beware, ''fimtiil lioon vruir n-iiftr! fur frftiir1 Imt. ration- aHd-uiltKttut xrtuumcruu; they lay I upon the (jrcafeoi U erMeliclne In the world., in wait to nrvv uixm the i-uhlic and tu iitra Dr. Simmons'. .LIvcriReulater, MANrTACmtXD 0'LT T J. H.ZEIMX&C0, ItfiLJiDiLrniA. tEoldby aUrrpectable drnsrsiiU. D. W. Slocmbargli, Sole Acnt, Brcnhara. Barnes House, Corner Main Street and Texas Avenue. IIocstos, - - Texas, The OLD CAPITOL HOTEL Hebnil and famished with entire XEW FUHXITUKE. j. L. BARM'S, Proprietor, Lata ut Wa'liinston Hestaurant, Brvao, Texa. Tlio popular caterer, PETER LOI- SEI.l.K. Stoa-ard. Fine famj.le ronin, aud ppe-rial at tentimt to liavtlti-.g commercial gtn- tku-eu. .. uua3t It '..':u:iw.tri'j w - jiib&AfcdjHi -pltENHAlt Sewii! Macliiiie Be-P3t, . OfTicoand Salwrocm corner Market and M .tin streets, under Mel uti re IIuuso- S. G. lFRIJ.HT, Proprietor. I keep cnhtanlly on linnd a lull !-tock of Sriiifr M-tciiinc ff the lit nianu Incturc, wliich are nttt red. P-niurkal'ly I"W tor rah. All kind of livei stock tuki-ti inrxchancM fur Machim. , Marhinej nuatlr and pxpeilitinuln repaired. Fb. 8. 1S"S tf. "J 1 K A: IlEALY, DK.VI.ER IN'QKNSItAl. CUTLERY, EDGE TOOLS, Earming Implements, Castings Jloes, Chain, Iron, Sttel, COOKING AND HEATING STOVES, Stove Trimming and Tin.warc, of al kinds. Paints,, Varniahr and win. ilnw (11 18., HiitfKV anil Wann maierial liulilwr Be. tin?, from 14 to If inclirs wide, Packing of all kin-is, and all ar titles appertaining to tbe Hardware biiiieS3. Kb. I. Ji ain utreet. Hronliani TEIOIARDT &. SEELnORST,' BKENIIAM, rKXASj TI. &. SHEET IU0. WORKERS, DEALERS IS GKNELhJ. HAEDWAKE, Ilonan Furnislilno; (ioods, P,im.R nf all de'scriptio"ui. Cooking and Healing Smv-g, in large variety. wrmylii Iron Pipe and 3teaii Fit tinjra cut and littrd to order.v Itoofii. and fipoutin done n.1 ali:ri notice. Tliankfal for the MIkthI patronace bebtowud upon the old firtn. ne respect lily a dicit a c.,minnance of the saint, Brenham. July'iUtb. l7:i. H. FRASKE, . IJCALEaiX CMS, Pistols aa! Afflinriiiitlcn audinanufacturer of Fire and Jlurglar Proof Xqfes, Ant street, Btcnliam, Tcxaf.. Gnn. Pistols and Safes re aired at abort notice.. Iron do-r and "window blinds made to urdtr. All kinds of cartr!HC3 and ammunition ktpt on hand. October 19.'I7-ly. ' A Spleiiuiu Opportunity 10 WIiYA FORTUNE! Grand Monthly Drawing, 1S7S. At New Orleans, Tuesday, April "9. Louisiana State Lottery Covtfy. This institution was resriilarlypin rorporatud ly She Legislature of the Slate for Educaiioual and Cliritahle purposes in 18C8. with a capital nf $1,000,000. to which it has lccea.Wed a, reserve fund of $:"50.000.. Isslirand Single Number Ir.vinj;s will take place monthly. It never scales or )wt--pone. Look at tbe following distribu tion: CAPITAL P1UZB, $30,000. 100,00? Tickels at $2 Each ;lalf Tlefc-tB $1. 1 CAPITAL PRIZE $30.o0o 1 do d.) 10.000, 1 - do do, S.OfO 2 PB17.KS of 2 500 C.0Q0 5 do 1.000 '.. liJiOO 20 do son 10,10, 100 flo 100 10.000 i-'OO' do 50 10.000 200 do 20 10.000- 1000 do 10 10,000, ArpnoxiMvriox imiizfh. 9 A pprx'tion Prizs ol :100. . 2.700 9 do do 200.. l,Su0 0 do do 100.. 900 1857Priz-s. amounting to $110,100 Write for Circulars or send crdra to M. A. IIAUPHIN. P. O. Box 692, New Orleans, La. Or to All our Grand Extraordinary Drawings am under the supervision and man agemdnt of Btnls. U. T. nEATJREGARD, and JURAL A. EARLT. 'Capital Prize, $100000. Whole Tickets, $10. Close Foundry. ivrvv,oriTTr's shof. Hempstead, Texas. C. B. CLOSE, rrprictor, Manufartnrer and Ropairer of Steam Enjjinee, Boilers, Saw "Mills, Shaft iu, Pulliea. Mill snd Gin Uearin x; Von and Brass Cabtinfr of any Uize or Shape. A trill Supply of IrouPipeand Fittings 'or Steam and waier, kept al ways on hand. All or ders for Repairs or, TSTEAV "WORK inil receive personal nnd promt attenti.n, and satistaction guaranteed as to price and workiuauhip. Will also keep on hand a full stock of XU1 and 5'ijrine Sup plies, such' as Brass gooils, I)olt and Nuts, Bar lion and Sleei, which will be sold at Galveston and Houston Trlee;. Fteight 'added. Will have a full, complete w)on -vonKixrj establiphmkxt, In bonnoction with my oilier ma- cYinerv. srdwlll be prupared to till at any thai all orders for Plaining and Drrn-lng Lumber Mou'dtixK nnd Sawing nltli dispatch I"atrunage feliciud. inoilSwl -JT- - ai - Bg&ii c. w. k ijjunasx (Kladen's Brick lluiiding,) Corner Main and Ujnglass.Slirets, BJ1KNI1AM. TEXAS, iriinlcsale nnd Retail STAPLE A.Nl) FAXCY-" Groceries and !?rovisioi-s WESTERN PRODUCE,. . FAMILY SUPPLIES, AXD WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, Tobacco, Oigars, tP ijes, Stutjf .Pouider, SAot, Cajte. Paint; "Oils, irooJeJi-ware, JTitil,' Pope,, Collars, , Jlaiuts, Traces, Jars,: -Jugs, Wines and ' Chamjiagnes. Solo Ageut. for, the celebrated' LOXDOy 8WJ3TG12?' ,yf.t J. LbmVs' CKi,Kn-cATKi): ; . ST., LOEIS ' EOTfLED BEER - In qnarts'andpluts, Superior to any olber, if , 57" The h'L'hest -market rie paid for Cot tun, Hides anil -other Country produce. March lt-Io74-T LOOK OUT FOR- ! -y v . .; BABOAIXB IX !. .,., FA-LL;& WINTER - ,? . .-,i- - . . . A .full .stork of .Prints, .Dorcsstica, Camlirics, Lawns; Muslliis, Grenadine's, Poplins, wiss,4nerti,ngf, ' Edgings, triuimiii s. gloves, howierv, shoes, par- 1. T -.11 1 rl... - TT-.' :!.....- ulin, j.iilii,' uiiu uni la I.JIUIPUIU); (ipods. -Callaud examine ny gxis be'ore t'tnrcliKsfiig ejKewkery', a'a I am determfned'niKto-Ly Qiiden'iiSd. 1 April 20--77, T , ,.I). LEVI; BT. -V,--. GBIER, t. i . , - ,Dcaleriin Jc ', , falclies, Ms Mia, Sj3ootoolpis,, , - SIItT-ferBLATtjiWAJBE, j -, ...Jlrenhnm Texas. ,. , Repairs doiie.ouf shortrni.tica' ar.d warranted.. AU. Uouds warranted r.r reprtscutcu. ' ' ! - Mint H; r.v . . ' l.-l yliiraiiiis! --.-,. ffJl. :'-" . j-'J jbti,o Is new in receiul of .i.slouk ot e&xx S WXev ' i ,i - " '; ,,.,.. r.'r,' 1-- WmI mi ' .. -I, : 'J - .'I .'' " , Consisting .f . " - i . ' ' ' Ladies' and Gejits' nruMsUing gyJs, , r,cmlj niaIe. i;vlotbirig Alpacas, .linens,. ,j:ieo"iets., do liie'sticte,' jeauK. dbesKins, Itsua. beigp, Blisetiiis,' corset e( ;loo'ts, shoes- an'd- hoisery hat, gloYes and undcrware, iu. qndless ra riety, w'liit-k 1 am uow, offiiriiig cheap Fr 'tlie ready cash. Tlie j-ooili! dro bound tt' Ue' sohl. (live une -a call' if yon aroin search of harainsj ' t ". "WeliaVeafiiienfsoi-tmoit'ot FIJiiMTIJ.81! and defy c'oihpe'titrou, sitter in style' ur-priees. ,. . . i6Z6-& ehoa'pertlian ever. "We 'do-only a casli basinets. 2fo tfoHble lo show'c-oods'r 'Call "and see bs ' ' ."A. smoEr','. Brenham. Texas, fcit. IStli 1S7G. Tt. IIOFirM:A.ISr9 Dealer in , STAJ'LA AArD SAxYCT BBY-eeo&i Uf-r CLOTECIIsTG, HATS, POOTS, SHOES, Gents' .FitrnUhtnq Gds, Ladies' and Misses FIXE DRESS. GQODS, . Ilosiery, Hoods, .Shawls,-Robes Jewtlry, Silk, Satin, Lawiss, A-r, itc. All of which will be s-ld at very res sooable figures for ready cash. Call-and -iamnw lnr gi-ick. afd prices. Ilyl'a fourth ,-iiSi , FRIDAY A.VD SATURDAY, 31 VY 10th and 11th, 187S, oxTni: " The fejtiritiea 'wlU'nncn on Fridir mnrnliicf 'with a ' " ' PROOESSK IN- OF'DECOR.VTED WAC4(W3,' Military and.Fire Coi:ij,aiiie,. S.icietic-, s'chruls,' etc. etc Tin, prTci-siiinvwill." iimvi'i through tin. strevU of theei'v to tin F.iir (irm.uls, twill b!-opn-d by.iho Prysidentl iTfis fclfviiieannl MlaiH.iiiHnfa'TrtU.irniiu!eri .known by prograuiuie.niliousin til,; (leril! ill and K-igliili la.ig.iajjt.ij.Csyccal -ami instrnmeutitl uim'c, ' ''', ... . . .' . ." -. ' - ' Pr;xo Games -for. Ch.idreii, ,oc etc, , So Bands of I-Sssis; - , 'TTitl 1 in atlrndsnc?'" dnring-'tliefvir iy.nit.jf-tt .iv i:u.r., -r,vi.i itir il"l Mir nw, t nrtn. prtvs-. I I'l O.t llCvl"t0U. wagons are ofi're.1. ' First prii-,$;;0. Secuo-1 piia-.SJil. Tniri'priirvSrJ.'H ,'" j' ADMISSION .FOtl EACa n.AX.L-"f tif 5 ..j L To-the gronndj. each grown pcrs.-m, wiiliout rvrepti.ih; 2.j;ernts;1CIiiUrri fn. To ihi lniiig'lavillini, each;ii,,'50 iw.i's. '" . . '' ry.3-ciet!es or-lrtiL'-f whli ilec-ratrd wagons, v.-isHihi' torticipSil'c!In'tli8 procyesiou, will nie.ii' inuaw the 6 - i).i i T..-j.i:. .r ' ' ".;'.. "uuy; ,vw ,tt On'tlm 'Central. 1-Oiie an'.Vone'.Crilifare' (r1')lt ofnt!9" "."ulWest, Theickets-oUe-pJfrinn'May 9lh to My frtlifiiiclceivu. " ' ,.iii yuifili aodjciaWpplea.urH.aro coniiallv i.ivite-l."" J'":' "' ,.,i .., -' -.' -ir- : G.-F. WOEIILER.Sseretary. r.'- Monday, March tbelStlK ao.o ,--:s I wii fo call flic, iiiTPiitinii.-oFiavi patrons to tvvrfjlipujo s'tot-lc.tiV.MILLIX'K'irY dib.OT)S 'jit,tli? sprjus JSffiWJR. jyfaih; ypara.cxjicrioncj-' in tliis lino. c-)ui'Din-(lti'vjtji.jiJ!r Vmiscii.fsiKilitfes, oiiiililcs'inc to exhibit tins season even trlincVliue (iriottsrlian over IfbTBi. ' v :-'" ' T ,!iT ' " - - .-.'i.jr..'- mi -;.- " Pattern Hats aiid Bonnets-fipeeialtyji t.3iy,i)atj-),ns will fintl a; full lino of Tlioin-ctififsfanu. ,-nost, st.v.lisji tlesiiis;.'in,ircLa;irnft(Ts'- neitlioivpHiiwt'Jior cxpenpqjbcjn-:.spiaretl tot-eitro tJio7laro.-ili''iinvelticsf 4iV iiigeHto(elc qf Piei-t'h . .SJ.JJ.ti . Xancrioitti -'Khiwoi-tJiKJiaii'il. .Solicitiyg a conliiuuniep of pttroiia--e,jifeinai!r,ni.-?'.-n ':'.,; I , VTcry .respcctfnlly yonrs, .-f!i :"Maroli 12-ly. "" " lTE.VX;ETTB! SOWAR2T. '. "-., ' "f T .- ': -- '! it- ;-.. i. ,;.. i,fv .-rt r ' . ' ' - -1 T- . " " - ..rti-u' wht ii s-iu . r ::." ,:mt kevelbv .".'",!."-' '.AXi)';C(y50X''PA'OTOE;r! 1' ' OFFICE: , . '.. , ,' : ' -'""WAREiiOPSyi -' 3TMAIS' Siis'L-p.'-' " 9j.l,H8.-J5iu.J5iFK,cKi.irjST "" ' IWUSTO'N,"'-- -r - TEXAS;. '--''"' LilJcwraaVi.10MW.J6-'6Vv,tAjtt(Jii;"i;l:iatW ..? I'V ! - '' -. o;i 'iJiiieittssiilirjijeil: J '-''J ".'J "" i-'ei'il ,AHEXT. i'OR rrocjnr.4janilil.:'tViiiltTL'chP,d,Lyrd, AJ'!k'--1 'the Largest Sugar'Pianlatiulis iii Lfiuiblaiia and.Texas. '. ? epHdiSwt J'ij. -.-,, : ,- !-' l.r-a " !"'H "'' "' . it i-H4"'t )i!- k T -. .-if ';-,- .; ...'- - .f- 'f-' . ! f ... -.' riare -'CT n i. Hi ,i i -T ' i. : -... . . ." ' 'r . .. -r . w -. ....-rt '.' r'" u ...i ' 'r Ji. - - ... . ..... .. S.p- .,--,:! .;0. i '.:-;ir &mmmimmmm i . - Nearly opposite the--McIn"tyre'Ho'uselM.-iti:trel. -"I. ! ! 1 1 M - 'Olio' aiul iwo liorso -Ihigiesi'1Bitct4:Carriages'!h'nii Hoil.Tlo TInvcoo ffni" liivf 11 tir'.t...pln! b. Traiisiiorfji -. "" --- - " 'i.ujr n ."ii?i '.- tion fiiriiishetl to any part of ilic State. ITprses.Lpnglit. aniT soltl. Horscs.Loardcii IsV tlie .day weel tir niontb. T.,..M,;otnrl 'n,lil Ciltieifllf! illll fMiafsllltoPtl." . j. .uiuimjv . ,' - t DEALERS T ' ' L- 0L! '.! liUniusr, mmh 1 1 . . T " U ' - ' -. ;,-l 1 .CT If-.', -.' i . . v .. -.. AMD FA R M fvl C Hi N E R-Y, x Iiielutliiis Sialic Gntfeis, Com and 'Cob-ilills amlxllorse Piijvers. .' - JdEXTS-FOlt "' ' " " '" ' ' John BcereVTiows and Cultivators. StudcbalcerVTaiin and -Spring 'Vagiins. January 19. 1878-3ni ' J3lC H.iiam TcXU " -- . &twviam&&-. ja-JU:--.'-- "i5li&98teiSgfir3BHrtf- lirenham J 4 """ . ita eP&i&ZSi82?akB&'tX . '. .- S:--t !..i'.itv will t irm part of the. programmer. -. i dav.-h On lut'l.VV.'ninif-t a.BALrj.fn.thS to"parthtr.ilc!ln't!ia cretury. - - r-r-y lr aitf ,. ' 3i;c Gciitr.iliCJoininittce JlENUYlfL - 'fIiSR! :;Pfrsirdiint.'' -,n t" nit . , s -I Mk . t ryv ;B 9- t i' ; tirf" no -mi j- '1-n .,. i . (: .'.It., .-: - ic ;. i;, -!Trv- ' t ,- -j" f-ftess. -"t :S6wi r ''! ..-iV'5t-J .is. IN flrtL nnftr,r, Wnrlr mi uuure, uimus, AiM ft. flily4.SP , f.- 1 1 L-ui J EniK5iMa9i H . , 3 - it' a ' - s 4B f?ia -r -4ti.i2 T...- ,afe-