-- KiS
et irjgy
B...-TV " -
HarvcH'KMiriv el i I 9)l X&fT HO
juficaicTp;tJ-1-- s "rf wt
. V ":; r-J j - - --,--;-- -
"fc'riWfril PWf 'rfTtjnTk lOfl
rJ2rjTl,JjfAr r JTrJ. CTJUL X !-
: t "-'- ". .- rr ' jij. 1 I wggM .humh'WW' ViirJ"0"
'. . . - 1 ., . .- T C TT
...-:- i. cr-it- J " . - f . .TOnUE-liTNCH! i 1? I . ! LqnE.Polnt.,Itenis.
-t57STifAavtniitoifiirftl 'v-' - " " . " . wW?- - x.iija . -
VttWWfrg?.aionJ g?Jrt3S3JM fcKAtc.l SIKHS, :
S4i !? ass , r - j u. .v"" h . iV',TtiiaT 2kj k .ov v t v.i. t-- .- rr
, fr--u: ,t 1 , -i ,
. -irti'l , 4X 5?aj7-,
aA I 1 t rr
MllH ,- SBl 3 '
J: '
-tit d&ncr.Qothift":
;y J.UU i
1. : . ii -i 'i-'.V. J.K.-t
;it!r u-at niirrnnspa in London.
itnJs ivo. s.Lu-sj i . !
State for.Ac "iForcign Depart-'
ta:raerit? announced hisTpignatjohj
irjlie.BritisH House of Lords.
'wbf:E-CqN:GRESsxus G. V.
j!n Aiinointed retrister of- the.
::rreasury W place 'of Jlr' AUi
n, gece.-geaj
jTt r .'?
- 'The
UK ! Marshalibvtrf,-.m an
iivraiU JStSJS-VViXlf
,UltUlJU.l ii,LUJuaiu (Ujuv-ujiM,
i,rM"- - " "-
63 receive
Rev. B. Otherman, of Rox-.
rjary.Tilass.Vfias preatird'ever
- SSS? iSiV.n'd tepVeaes
everwundavs-tliough . 82 years
"of-age. He lrajust'niarned a:
sccuiiu wuc.
"3i . .- .
The disp?tr.hes" stStc
'of tHcthreatenlnglwar prospetts
England is making-'active pfc-jjj-aritiftnsit.ta,
put h.erseifjpn a
-iwar fpoting.'.-.r:: ---! ' -
Henry Ward Beecher is I
agamoti Wroad', and'oif 'Sat,-
r . ;.- , ty w " -i ..
2 . -i J5i. ". '. . . :
Sedalia, Mo. jThe 'Democrflt
of that cityhandlcsthe-reverend
ildimnerwitnout gloves.
av-Tuv.-TS- -. -.?:'.":
t.i. , ,..
0lSff W6oii,6fyiTew.YofkI
left.qtDO.oqo fortiie3 purpose
.rtSollege of Music'of the-'5tybf
cWirl?' As is usual in such
"cases, the will is to "be contested.
TiiE'iLqGrarige, Record says
y';'!Jie;,'hvc9iirds.rule in conven
tions has had its day and served
tfcmtmAe(finil clinlllH nmr hp
nir-rvxrr-'-'-r -.-..
' 'flhs will . ,o'f tlie
yn. crrn
people is pftener defeated by "it
ilian won.
-lvlTjfiE!Mai:land Houscj of
,egate3,irbfti YOte;.)fi46 :
passe"3 rilontgbmery, Blair'
nrvlnnrl hv rp.isnn ol
the fraudulent returns made
fom oUier'States.,, . .
, i-.r, :
"Major Joseph ' D'. Saters,
''ihairmaa "of ,' the Democratic
StaieT 'Executive, Comtalttee,
yiavingf received replies.. to"3us
cTrc'ula'r asking thcclioice of the;
"-committee forilie place of hold-:
Ting. the StateCt)hvention, and
- fljey having failed ' to make jl
-.selection, Major Sayers- places
Jn'nomination Dallas andHous-ton.--
'The place now receiving
-the -highest vote will get the
cft'ventiQn. .'',.
,T.HE.;3unset jpute' is .reaping
"jiSTfeward py" changing exhor-'bita'nt.lreightktarif's.-
A San
"Antonio mcichanti .advertises
for teams to haul 1 50,000 pounds
of ht8'eslSo?fftislinT',whence.
theywill ,be:shlpped-. jiorthwa'rd
by' the- 'Tnterhatronal railway.
vAnumb'e1!' of- other merchants
prp'pcsesliipping-and. receiving
freight via- Austin. - Prices of
alL-kindshave- been reduced,
cxcdptrailroad freights and pas-
' passenger '.tafifts. ' These should
be reduced "to." conform to the
tiriTSs?1 jC 'Jf '- v -v ,"
Tlie-Bellvilie Beacon, after
arest'pf.about ayeaf, has again
ibeeri"rv-ived by its ' former ed-.
itorJudge.' D. McCrTmmon.,
Tjie'firstssuepfthe, new Ben-'
coit,V6li'-Z;Ko:i made its ap-,
pgarance; on Saturday Jast The
judge? Vfid ' Is well' acquanted
with .the" wants of Austtncounty
wHlino3oub do- everything in
liis-power to make the Beacon
a credit to the county.- He
starts -under favorable auspices
and its the hope-of the Banner
tlra'"eay"meet "wTti?ltlTef suc-
ccsshe Aa-riustlv deserves.-"
"ioa iil 26th insV, rocsfiwinent Jpunlshment 3,pC 3II ififfead.
. to Ncw.Yofkl ... - .') Ihe vigilence tt?tnrnitttfeSi
y;-"" -: v.calilbinia iTLi
j tc aeq 1 3 s
3 rr--i 3 '
4- D.-.J". a.'
vli nnH oS tba&vtztsi'T
say - gyr - ff xi'3U -
-,-'V"i A
rDJTl.- rojv
J?i'fjtw&4fejt!M'io jlJtUutipp,,
1 i.t fi-r ..ttc:a.iLr.
ing such rapid progrcsViat jit
llfri IU1W UVTiira 'lii
,ajjqSncU .kwj waa pfifai -
7 -
l ins
j 1 T ."J
1 -
ill aBU IW ttcic-
" . il-fT.r'.J n. , '"??', ""'HI., f
Ayho''fp)un'd, Uiejrn-ay, lerpjtb;
; cape justice in-ithe, loWJS&s.;
doesastonch bloody syokLm,
some of the qlder.States andlcr-.
Iiri1r1pr Stpfpe nnd tr-r-.
jitorjes, and,is,to-aU appearances
. r I
juuytas popular wiicre wi.c courts
arc .HKluilf lorcerana eneqt as.
. rotbcfibn.iTTherfiatesU,ind
. X -JTXT. -rrfTi . . ,3.
- .-ji"' -'.a .,.. rr
" V"" .' 1" ..".' . f..,.TJ '.
wfrgihiai : ItlS' claitnedthat'the';
.:a!. : T.T. lLllUillU.1.ii.l,..
WKciy-Wte tfio murderers
"'VX. '(" , - "', "i" i '. ',
more crueiiy inat, ne naa rreaieo
hiivictilhS.irilfirhQStsatisfacfcary .
rfrtiwifftr lvrrfrfYriti2 thaf5?an '
' r ' . " -
.TvJWrtntfriA '
oaV'eiliyl?pfitknca1ln. tfte
. 1 . . -.- is u.a a.
1 t s .. r"
siow anaeunceirainiiproccss oi .
uiciaw. n.s norriDie muraers!
b, j
land? -Humarf maturevvis the
HUmarf maturevvis sine
. t. K ..
isam&'UiereastKeref'Then6 vRjj
in'ghsh people 1kn6v..that) .the.tr.
nurdererers are - sujevoftl)e
,proper punishment. The.'Amer-
'"can .beoble Tiav6"hosucri,ta''s'sur-
"can .people Tiave"rtosucK,5i's'sur-
anc'e.'and so' act accbrdingly.
Grafting tliejssiimptibthaf
assurance tliat proper andrijust
punishmentvill be meted, out
to murderers "to be. co'rrQCt.
would it not.be" well to inquire
why it is' so. The government
of the States,' and of the.'United
States is assumedly a . govern
ment of the people. If this be
trueT.and none' will.deny.it, tlie
ucuuic iiicinscivcs anu nut. inu
-.u.St'it. ft .S.J!..-r, f.-,., r .. ;r 1
change f3r the better, lies in a
ciiangc in jjuuiiu upiinuii aim d
vip-brous' enforcement of tile
.cnrnin'al law. 'Money in crimi
nal' cases musrbe'niade to lose,
its p'oteiice and even-handed
jhstice b:e dispensed to he poor
ikndfnch alike.
J;-' u -. :
JL. Correction.
The Banner Ts in receipt 'of -a
comniunicatron ' from Travis in
whicli'complaint is made of tlie
communication ofL-.E. C.r in(
reference to the part, taken, in.
the concert at Travis, by Mrs.
Pitts and the young-ladies.from
tlie. Chappell Hill pemale Col
lege. .Our Travis correspon--dent
claims that the., concert
wa$(give'nby the ladies , of Trav--i
hd empronius, and that;
Mrs. Pitts.and tlie young ladiest
- " '" ,! . -. . ",
were, present by invitation, and
rendered valuble- aid. "L. E.
Ca",we suppose inadvertantly
gave Mrs. Pitts the, . credit gf
.haying 'given the concert", As
we have already published scv-,
eral notices of this concert, we
are compelled to let the matter,
rest, .
1 a m
The Banner has received an
invitation from ipn-i7-. Turner,
to attend the bull and lion fight
at San Antonio on the 5th inst
js DonTurnerfqrgot .to en
close railroad tickets, weiregret
to say we will be unable, to
grace the performance by send
ing a special reporter. Don
Turnpc will, however, accept
thanks for the invitation.
TV duel was fought in -North-ampton
county, Va., between
Sidney iitijs and A. .P. Thomas,
two., rounds were fired; they
stood six feet apart. Pitts was
killed and Thomas mortallv
.V$undcd.f :,igf iV-t .,., .
1 .-" ' v " : .
irluivA tUo"' ViAnlfo r3 pHwlr -
i..vfv . : . -.-.r. '.-1. J-,.i 1 r,j5omctampbcUiharips:iiliireu'!
'a(frienrJit iiooti themselves lor: -3Jffisu. ?Pl?.S..i-i ."i, -sy
"PbrMvancfidisr cTi
riif fiirrn -i jk si ari
tiusticeTby the
arc coramiuceu 111 -piiinu wis
f"V5? w"vr- wv.iyiw,. ..;.
,T1C1 o-rt'-vrnn'inr"iQ fn hp'hlm'pn'. Tn
'""-'. . "t l-n' 7ViT- -rr(' i"Min4hMneijraplayw m,au otnsrinat-
to si no other civilized .country; ex-: .',K,i5?WJrVBre9''anh,.Vpp)h"'q,o!-
-' ."., .,- i.. ,-,.t i'.'U2 ' .feredWforhish-rfafficrfbrtheCentriilRoVd.
SJfC- the United btates,.is ' lynch lay, .atrtCl.afif.aiithonied torsayithaCitrrearlily
'g-glpi'sgg "S; al
?- wsskis?j 3 . , W4 'f 4 f 1
l- - T-a - 5 a 1 is - -'-- "i
A Sa va S ' ?4- .iwi,
.Jzak wt&-
ssf-ei SisSssj
.&fcR ! tr-
a AK Fin 1 j-vwcTnrlfnt frnTn t)it.
"-"-:?-. ..lir' t".tA .u:. ii.
1 JwwnjiruuivS'l?--iS3rfa',r
. u':.i.i.i .i..a ,A . i,-. m 1 Mnrwu nrir
i'""" i 'vuT."san s -:m rt
tncfanv; Mrohr.
irtceaH ehope all dancer ofcohl
titfC MC V'Cll Jf-TtliT ..
plantinj eariy.
weather is passed, though w
flWS5ott1!embrniBgor(Hf2.h oCinconvJmhavjng gnlyfixty gallons of me.
held everjnhinp c,H?redsiritrfJsptw;?theyj
rir 5avStjr-iS' .Tiirr' --,
u'n Mcrtnia4irlVnr1.'wf i,lT. lirh fl TrfVIP
so jaie in rjie season nau nevec ieen
1I6". jiiHiSilii'vlL-j u Oil.'
licrore.notsince.jrTbur warm sunnv
rofrefn onrinSmorifllie OTOwiball
?triSTed Y,itli.g9pdj5cason3f and enougl
rillace we lroueJo rean a: bountiful harvest
i i"'" iEssr jSfy ii -Sr' 'jiv '
nlnnted and arelooVmf well? line presnecta
iiortirentTof fniltMierric.s. tS some "of our
'Jiei5liri6ri.wiII3iave straw berriei to eof- of,
1 . v. .. . '. . .
It'&Sw Xi'Tvtfc' Knnnro . rifc i Mnnrf
msA luxunus,-and.
improvin" their Homes, tnsn.ever .Detore.
,KIy'Kt,;T-s.'vJt'lg il"buy'
flotneanitjjieDicasjiit, tv . ,.
A"hopi illKvjlong' enjofMfJngitSi oTalVitrtounts impara,-iagA(Kl dI
LJI1VI lltailL. 4114. II UUIS !. UI.VI) I1IIMI"
K.fi3&Vr7--'r'Vifflil . - ,M;na - . -
nefisfc-Mrry; P.-Hi" w bmldingi
ewKsldenbe: it ."win soon bS completed.
., t..lh ,- rA..,.
, i.j .?. -. .- rr.
1wh5,ha.d,?otS'!.'tJor ten or .fifteen years,
&!&& hli'"U agtoidiment ,hhe fan-
provements. The Tast prairie-(once covered
,ith talI 3nd n-be5 oftlie ,,
:ir!tf:em2are!ith'5he liaajSs now
brto&3rainflotafa?iri, rJottetlietd
.l-.-...!. i r .ii . ..-.it
' S- 'tfo- ' "J1 u 'u "
inrrnnii nvTinniainnitv imri finiimirnni
CTirraiaiL'fannCTs.. You arc e Mere, a
friend to ourgreat SF. KUehiai we
lobe vttl soiin Ue finished ihrourh our
i .t-tvio fr-nv t
i.uiaim ji"uglWwl" yjuiitj b"
i;it t:.i &.:Li;..Tv..t.. '.)- tiu..i
ipc)eoftSnd tfieGa Hill n'eighbor
..w-... j Vt 1 v-
libijiinveorrhctrIJtefary fi5aaffeit is
very plcasaaClbrtlKe.youngfolki" 'tolroect
bt?rSAvfirprou?nT fidai,-
.... .A. bS, & . ' I
'weStKist'thev win,triv- to- imprbve.
' monghc Tidmoer is,qinte arr oraro Vrio
Itaak'a hanse!IIfh'ntereri-d"iimcs-
Stigrae MrsS'ASlttk'gneSrtfieai&tin-
tl t p- " '-' ' '
A petitfon, numerously sign-
kfid- l&v'HlBik&V1 's?3'CrtA Mr. J
Houston"! ahd ' Texas' Central
'RailWayJ-Houkb'ri: askirura.re-3i--.
-,lmi; '" .: ,-.'tlC
duchon in freight tan lis, hesqnds
tlie following satisfactory an-
swer.. Iljfully'explains jtself :,
Ithrsrnv. Tfvas. Marrh 3S.- i'StSj
?.. ' ' -V - . : -. .'
.Messrs..l5assetvweanngenan(l others:.
;. yenueoien:j-i gives fcjc pieawure-ip nc
tn6vlctlge7yrJur.favor pf the 2jfd'jn"stant,
JmiCtcirioleS fh'cS interest: vod areiUbinir" in
the proifuction of potatijcs and O.tJier lege-Resifw-hrcKiidxY'ecn
i'Tiut'iri Keeping
'fates io such ma"Keis"aTjou mayesire.50
' ship Voiif "products "triatwill arrantjnot
only Uie moving 01 tnern,in -.large rjiramrtles
this season, but make it to your, .interest to
produce-and ship' in'h""uch"larger' quantities
theiiexL, " j-J j r
I shaTI do mvself.theKhnnr- ftwell asthr
pleasurejbf calling' upm jotr personally
wiuun a:icwiuays say aQounne join yirox
you for.the sTiii"nirrg"seasbnrTt isimv "de-.
Srrc to reach t)tt, earlier tharTthc'Hate'men-
tioned, and I trust to be able to dotsri;
-Any wayfcplease assure your roucers that
'the Central Railro'ad.wili.put them.inposi-
probtablyet to,markct all their pro
. " ."Ven-'respeclfnUy, " "
m. tn X J.-WALUO,
'3freiht:and -Ticket ..Agent!
Tie CoantryjTii. The 'City,
A yountr man from the.'coun-
't?y -hb"'hVdTccenT;ly.'cbnie ' in
to' possessTon,of'aifew''tliousand
aouars, "visitea-an-uncie in, ine
xity?an dldmerchant, to get his
uuyiLirauuui iiivcdLiii 111a fwdpf
Jl-nl 'Tn Viileirtpe.; 'iCln Knfl-' tr
ital 'in business. ""Go back' to
'settledown-'on.it,, and"dbia safe
Ibusiness;'! have'been, in'b'usi
Tiess here nearly"-forty;years and
have accumulated a fortunebut
rihas bee'n'dorie a'ta-fearful'fisk,
heavj' responsibilitjv constant
J)ilr?jand3worrj"ing anxieties.
Adozen.-tin1es;haverI, becrt; ..on
.thcivergeitofipankruptcy,. nd
tyice"Jf have -been."sorel temp
jtedjtojtake,rmy77,6wn life. .Of
ten meiv:wh.b;c,ommeiiced, busL
.ness v;hen J.did,- only one" bed
sides mxselfiJsucceeded,,,-jThe
.restajl failed.one after another,
iomedragging'Mtliei families
Jbnp poverty, and- 6 isgracc;
Ealccmy -advTceKeep,. ayay
.from tlie. citv-and, its ..delusive
tbusmess .avenucs.f U uictcon-
tentment on a'modcrateconiper
tency in thecountry is the best
-V"" ,VVT?y'l J.".1"!! , - J.!'""
fortune I-xSuld wish you . ,
The Jew-Yprk; Sun .jeepm.
niendsithehuse" ofarock-' candy
a"iid a'c-wSsk'foV-pulmohafy
cdnsampfiqTi.'i If fL-'feliq-: .hti
not oot the pulmonary-, con.
sumpUpn he,canj gtrjeastj cqn-;
"sum'atlic: r-ejwliiskey;iitlie.rbck
cariuv.1withniahv. wbuld,bci,a
gRS5Sfi EdiSatrltlem.
.-i ..-. a .-. ...
gcnl and accomphshed ladjpsySi out
county: we indebted Ibr the formins; of this
JJL jndcratcfulh- receitesjt.andjill eivJvou
the- couhtryfyoung man"," said
:tfre merchantVandiinvest' your
money' infelandSi-'Bu a-'farm,
gSMvPfilBAr, iiJPEIL 5,3.g7
THstlcyoa Hall.
w . -
xaiturllrrnhaaiJiasr-Cr ' 4. . 'f
i. ;s'j'tu so"rclt; Foyresporti1trtce'pr--doti
Ironnho.cfiunlfT, I will gTvji.fijrj not to
. pmisc my locality or tav te my .nime in
,pnnt,,toc l.dont propose to expose either
tjut mcreiv to. thuw tnat.I late.tlie IjAKSEK
aria read it;aii that I hVve Iearac3,sonie-
Uiing fratn it, ShiT .to inrjnife vihat ha be
Simc 'or'Trcsiacnl Y'iUiairis, IToVr $oy,
'rnrnrniiVrr"; o irw-montns ai'O? Tltamed
-'from the'CaptaIrV communicationSihat he
agdKd'praclif atTnioer pthht lie lxlotip
lhevtcrupVninccrSocty?(tlik.l conclude,
?n? some ol it sivjoirpiqj, ana uiasirs.
jWilliarjiJ urerstandsaadjiractice. rorject
joobEicalrprincipals, and feeds, the Cap
tain hirfib",, wliich,his looks,!how; jn onler
1 .., .i t' ; 11 fl u..i;nF
! n hjeep oirq in a izyi u''"li ' utivii
j tamer Fives fm pets therdmsce steaks to
their tisfactibn lfcre'jhe, enters their den.
' together with'buier" itcmi And from a
'plow b'thj?heliaS "riecn On a'farm. (at!
'l'Si'stasa visitor, lis he claimed Breaham as
hhbmeT and oliieHTJdtte careless way in 1
SiHiich manv.famis artmanaged ' and how
lementsTindstoekanrcarerl foe which I
ianvsbrryrtS.sRy" is .toodroc He told the
faraier how to teepjhecounts, and stated
thatevervbSdyjand thcountij Jtate, and J
,.nalion werejnJebt,.buUaiel1to go oa ana
teH?ii.hoypJtci7ret, ourof,debt. His plan
ofkeepVngJaceounts, nndjiiscassi book will
no( aiiver. I used- to practice that, and
nearly always cainc oui it:iiii.u. A-wrn.;
'over the receipts and disbursements at the
Close 01 the" year.anu a' rmra anu worse
?n'rilT-jlj.A.,tt.nd -tf i SAft.1 .al
.Ha,. - ;.'i,'i,
examining' the track? 6f the'horse 5tv
.'eral mt'
hthsaftef he'has'betrrgone,- either
or stolen, and not' much more prof
..... .
itable.-' Ifesr thai plow;boy hasjlone as
.most plow-boys do who hail from.tlre city,
search out and. 'find some, jpb,ith ashady
.side.to tby: thttime.the rays of l!ie,sun
-- " rt-"- r . ..- .' -i " i .
readopiftlk'V dirferent"pran by, substitu
F cash" bag- mstead'of cash book and I
-r-'5jrr.tfi -I :-,. ir i-,V ii,- ,i r
UI1K tll "Ji Ui.tV. U. l.d.1. uuun uiu .
find it is ThV true Secret of success and
afctyl 'i 'hever bLy bny anvthmg 'now
'without goingtolhe";cash.bag; and, if it
.fails; aherc ii no trade; iind at tlie close of
,the;yeai; itjsan'.easy mattcrtd-;tell exactly
what the gain has been. .But ,one. may
.say whatifou' get put ofSupplies and
gu of( ,money, .then, what? . Why, sif,
hreadi.meatand milk are, .always, bnn
'oant as itousht.to be on every farm in
tke counly,,and alf. else may be dispensed
iJ,i.iiwf":,rf j. ,-..- w,;. ,
'Tfith, except 1 little Irannent, which is tone
Ull uie muncj cumes, alia l iuiu 11 cusin
"fromnerrt"o""twenty-'iier'centless to buy
after"."the"- morieyisJobiaineVi, than, before.
Now, if riowibovand. all others who ire
inlebli-iU''adopt tliis plan, liberty and independence-
-will -"bethcir sure reward
Thereof, Jtr:E13itb'i;'Ii hopei the parties
named in this are""good-natured fellows,
and wil-igain appear tliat I .and other
larmers, ast w-ell asthe . matrons of the
county, Tnay. be still more benefitted by
"teiachings. -'Yours", etc;,-
TJnolo Romns on Education.
As Uncle Remus came up
"Whitehall street yesterday he
meta.little colored boy carrying
"a slate 'arid a number of books.
Bpme words passed between
them, but their, exact purport
will probably never- be known.
They were unpleasant, for' the
.attention of n ..wandering police
imantwas called tothematter by
'liearingthe'old niaTTbiwl out:
"''DbTi'tybu'come foolin' lon
ger me, nigger; you're flippin'
yo?"' sass -at 'de wrong color;
ypuk'ngo ,roun,' here .an' s.ass
dese .white people,- .an' maybe
tley'll-'stan' it; but w"efi you
:"come a'slinginyd' jaw a't.a irjan
"..- r.. j ri .0
IVtr! U. fel,v - ca -ut- 1.111111111
days gin out, yo' better go an'
gityo' hide greased."
'".ghat's the.matter,. old'man?"
asked a sympathizing police
man. - ' ' - "
i'Ngthin', boss, .'q.c'plft I ain't
cvinc. loncr.de,streets.f
1..-T nr- w-..
"Oh, well school 'children
you know how thcyare."
"Dat'swa't. maieT' saywa't
I, diiz. Dey better be home
picken up chips. VVa't a nig
ger gwineter i'arn outen ibooks?
I kin take a bar'l stave an' fling
mo' sense into a nigger in one
minit dan all de school houses
betwix dis.en de State uy Midgi
gih., -JDonYtalk, honey"" Wid
one bar'l starve' I kin fa'rly
". rtll CI IL'UUll'-U
"Then you
don't believe in
''Hits,, de ruination er dis.
Country. Look at my gal. De
pie 'oman sent 'er ter school, las'
year an' now wedassent hardly
ax.'erfcrtcr carrj; de washin'.
home; I'.aint larnt nutJiin in
books, 'eniyit-I kin count all de
money I gits. ,No use a talkin',
bqss J'ut a.spellin'book in a
nigger s"hands en right den en
daryou.loqses.a, plow hand. I
done haH.dejSpe'unce un it.
Atlanta .Constitution. ,
tr : rt - ;
,Chjckens thieves- have be
comcjsuch a. nuisance in Hous-fon-
that a mechanical genius
has invented ..a ( sort of a
dummy' chicken bearing a
close resemblanerlto the gen
uinC -article and. loaded with
buckshot, powder and caps.
Upon.. being yanked from the
roost.. the .innocent .looking
fowlflgoes-,,pff and there is one
chicken .thief less .in the .world.
V4jft' . v. ' ...
g-.vine ter hev ncniggerJchiUun
a hbopin' an' a-liollerin'--.-tt''me
w en l m
-..v -. ;
T T I0?! J j" '? w!-ll -A
' e
r " "Thereu -are fort' business
houses m Hearne.
.cates that
Are- y
leading int
, --Thc
county hais
The Ccr:
tains thcannouncenv
candidates for count
- .The. people vi
nave come down xo a summer
basis. Theyafe .taking soda
wwateralready. Judge Turner, at 'George
town, on Friday last, admitted
NalIeto ,bail on" 2fa,coo bond.
Bond was given.
- r-A store at Clarksville was
.entered, by burglars and.a Hall's
"burglars proof safe broken
open and robbed of $r40.,
--- Three prisciners cortfined
' in the-jail at- BrackVtt : "escaped.
The jailors being' -asleep", were
relieved of tlieir. 'pistols .and
locked up. . .. t 1 . t
Plcastqn .Journal: ,Sheep
men are preparijig for the'spring
clip'. A great quantify of wool
"will Be shipped-from our county
tliis season. ".-
England has'called "out the
reserv.es -and is making prepara
tions, for her fleet to enter the
Black sea, she,-YVill .also occupy
Gallipb'li on the Bosph'orus.
" The Murpjiy temperance
wave has rolled into Dallas'" It
is expected'-' that hundreds"' of
red ribboji badges' will soon be
worn in Dallas.
There' is ' super-abundance
of Mexican 'silver in cir
culation in1 Fort Worth. It is
mg'no 'established' value.' '
. Jiichniorid" has."" acase of
"g'eniiTne shl'allpox, anotwq hunr
dreS' and fifty "children. Have
been vaccinated within a" vj:ekt
A Wod thing for .uie ' doc'tersi
-r-.-- 'JP1?1 :FJSany. ot
Limestone. xou"nty(nvhas-, joo
acres in wheats .-.Some oft his
May .-wheat is alredy .headed
out; and will be ready to cut in
five, .weeks.,
'Another veteran?npf jthe
jTefa.sV'olutitln gQnei Wil
liam uorman aieo-tfii .nis resi
dence, Sundaythe 4th day of
.March; 1878, aged, "So yeats.
LaG range Jlccord.
We qften .heajaqcats get
ting into all kinds' of. miscniefi
'but-'here 'Is an extraordinary
case: Near- Fredericksburg, a
few'days. ago,', a.' cat killed1 a col-.prpd.-baby
only,a few daysold.
- -.Batsey-Hagertyrand John
Chapman- Quarreled over a
'triyial.matter.in Ma'rshalls' store,
at Pleasantonls " Chapman' drew
anknifeandstabbed -Hagerty in.
mayiprove latal' -.
-i Ori-th'ed'-jhsE"
- . i
Oliver, 'a -negro "killed"
r-c'gro 'named" RufeFarrel'" atj
Owerisville: Robertson "couhty.i
.ms.-'j.j.' t:"-.x..l C;r--l.." ' ;
Vllv: uicii iii. uui, uut nw "-ri
iured'a'few, days agb'atHe'rrip'-'.
stead.' ' ',; " i't -
, The, Houston . Telegram
.says a. pawnbroker, put -tip sat,
a'uctlon.jS'iSob bith of' unre-(
"deeneo,pe4g'es.and sold -only
$30; .Diamonds, were ofTerd
without a' single .bidder. ;Hard
times. .",, ,
rA young-man named Jef
fcrs, ,vho. dives, -near Zion
Spring" is- missing. ;As he "jvas
a dangerous witness .against
some. parties, residing on the
Dry Sala.doi-jt-is suspected that
he has been, made away with.
The Mexia. Ledger is in
favor of:a regular old-fashioned
Democratic county convention
and nominatrpnsJ''fbr"' county
o.Tlces in Limestone county.
Trfccounfy is overwKelnlfngly
Democratic, and the nominees
can be elected, '."r
At Dallas, Mike" Mahon, a
brakeman, and Bob Rowland, a
saloon keeper, played cards for
money. Rowland lost his pile,
got 'mad 'andshot 'Mahon,
wounding hfmsKghtlys 'Row
land hid himsclf-.ahdsent word
that .he would surrpnder -if his
bail, was not put tpQ high.
Capt.JohnDuncan, of Mat
agorda county, died at liis resi
dece on the' 3ist ult'., in the
Sgth'year of :his,age! 'Capt.
Duncan cameC,tdT Texas, before
the revolution. Before coming
to 'this State he commanded the
first steamboat that ever "went
up the Alabama river,
The assessment, for Statc
and county taxes in Travis coun
ty is about f.2,tooo,ooo greater
for this year thah last year, while"
the city assessment of Austin is'
near S-.oooDop less. ' This,
means, says the Statesman, .that
the county is, settling' up and,
farming lands are becoming"
more valuble, while city proper
ty hai taken a downward chul'c.
M ra S J : . .- -""JEl & :& m... A. t . A T J"t-m, 'ir-
rcfaTaTaTaTaTantelies lnUl-. VDIata'nras ---
SMRnmond J? i
. aaaaaavB.1 aaaaaarBia.rBr
n.j.Lmi - j - - wamMcgiBisaBi
Thursday, at, Sandv
iplntthe dead'body of a, negro
3ji Butler, wasdiscovered with
.urrrssr & t ?. i. t f . r
eaa blown orT.
iet Jinfelligent
iculars. of
tyi -
K. Hcfman, formerlv-
a newspaper ouhlisher "at Mar-9
lint s now a minister of thej
rresbytenan 7 cliurcii and is
preaching A Rockdale'. It is
rather out of the usual order of
things for newspaper" men-'to
take to .preaching.-; -1
In.1830: Mr.fAAirey, liv
; ipg.onjthe (Zolqradq rivcr.-where
Alley town, now, -stands..-planted
some apple seed brought from
Missouri, which came4 up, grey,
"made treesvaiTd ;iti due- tfmp
;bore; fruit,' and' have been bear
ing ever; since. - "
There--is something' wrong
; .withi .the-'nSail service' on the
Sunset. router ye have receiv
edbut one-eppy, of the Rich
mond Four Coutifies . during ,the
"last four weeks" and 'have 'also
I'misse'd1 the" Colora'd 6C752v cfne
we"ek- riWe havenb;doubt;both
, papersvereduly jnaijed.; . ; ;
' . -t -Ak Austin SfatesnatfT
pqrter'iyent put; qn.Wilnut creek
nine miles ..from,. 7 to wo. Tlie
country was literally warming
Witfi:cliil8reri? inquiry" elicited
the fact' 'that -John. Dillingham,
has 1 1 children; Tom Bacon, 12;
J.E-Carley, 13- A. AF.ulks.13;
Wm. Custard, .1 y A. B. Town
send. iS and a button. Alf live
within two 'miles and a half of
the 'bridge 'on--Walnutcreek-.
,borhpjd;irrj Tejgscan, ishqw
Jifife .ypung.ones. .3 , .,-
t"4 Ae 1 1J.n?s-Si Commercial
says Mrs. .Franklin Mynottevwas
t'l;.'!. ' -' " i--tiw,ti
bitten, .by; sl copper-head, snake
'while ' cutting ""gfeenjf -Tn"'"tfie
woods.- The" snak'e by'wKlch
she .was 'bitten' ivas' .-about
three feet long. A. phy
sician, was .summoned im
mediately, and at once .admin-?
istered whisky. She became.
rinsensible(in half "an HoUr'after
she,was.bitten,ian'dremained fn,
that condition .until her- death.i
Herarnvwas,dreadfully swollen'
and ftec-sufierings intense. Two
. ofHer'doctowere "called in'thet
uay oeiore ncr acain, Dut werei
1 unable'tor:anord' her any 'relief,
- Sin Saba Aretcs: 'Two di
vorces: . granted in- the District
.Cqurt,jand-tVo; marriages have
cpme,jto passj.o, there is -no"
change in ,trie' nymber of, mar.-'
Vialjable' "people. George Wasli-
'iiigtonTs no"w;in'jaiI Unders'eh
tencerHpithei penitentiary for
.three- years. 1 'NptiUfcthat .the
courthou5fchas,becn completed,
a new fence should be. put
uiuuuu 11. jt. large lantiuuia
caught'' a good sfzecF'cliickeh,
ihd; was holdingiit by'the foot
wlin :discqvered.-:.The- taran-
!tula.was captured and-put in. al
cohol. It, seemed to enjoy lt
self"a little' "over'Iialf ah. hour
's then died. """'
The Jlexla edgerxgiyes a
detailed ace'puKt . "bf a" feaful
-tragedy near- Woodland, Free
stone count)'.- It appears tha
,a, one-armed negro attacked his
employer, Jlr. .A. Jynne, with
an axe while feeding horses in
the stable. 'VYfter knocking Mr.
Wynne down lie nearly severed
iiis hand front his' body, ' The
negro then,"; went to' itherJiouse
houset and attacking a: .Mrs.
Cole with the,' same axe, broke
her arm in "two" places. He was
then frightened off by a boy in
the' house 'who fired a pistol at
him, but .missed. The negro
then went to .a- neighbqrs.,hotls'6
and said thieves were trying' to
steal Mr. XVyhnes horse, after
this he escaped! He ''is' de
scribed afi;foIlo'ws:'Is'abbu"t '"2d
years old, .blacky right "armroflv
jveighs J40 to 1 50. pounds. The
negro has been caught,, and at
lastaccounts was be'idg taken to
Wynne's' House foridentifica.
tion. The' next issue "of the
Ledger will- probably .'contain
an account of a first-class lynch
ing. TliE ' Galveston Weirs' pub
lishes a fetter from Master W.
W. Ling, of'the State Grange,
together "wijh tlie" resolutions.
passed by "the Grange; asking
that the-harbor at Gaivcston'be'
improved by "tlie" general gov
ernment. "The resolutions have
been sent to" the Texas- delega-'
tion in Congress.- -
,Four skeletons were recently
found in makingiianf ejecayation:
in .the AJanioj. building-iijat'San.
s- ui- 'Jiii.1 01 nis n
- f, ?v
.PAQJzg&VQJkLLT- (JAlUtijl
. : BUBJBpLOVB&e'iVI'S'i, -r
- 1
-i-3.: t
. BEV. S?, l,.0'ERt-'
."Main .tresJi iSfeP "fel-7W U l.yirim
nieliS w-" . "" '
;-t-..- ? m.?i3 VJgtf-w i -.t; "
j.ttavsXoy-UtiiJLieiir. '
' Oiireiii.'flHpTliaiT.---
K Ofne-i-jvMlccjpjbuilcJlcbJ oppntilij
r'oijc rqparr. , , mci.tj-w.
3' '.i:ZHJ ."'V)
iii ,1-
-T. Hj.MJ3T.i8.EA"rifSt7Eift
'X fo'rxiovaaat -Xitixtr,
"' - Brenham. Texan.
. .- t ......
'Offle. In AMvitt'a iwt'iT.ltn tte -.rl J1
jof bllc-'q;llrt. n. Fib-tit 1878-JV.
t.ll. Mrrarlaiul. BateskSfrFarMnH.
I --.-clAj,"d'
'- 7 iBrenham," Texas:1 -'
-.We 1'uWle Hiuare. jn. 1, 1S7J.
Wr' ? B'MKD, M,; D., - -
Fhyiicjan and Safccon.'? I
. i ' s j&y -JT t
men 8-tf.
V esley .Texas, i .
J..T;! Noni,iM..D; .-r.!B.:nafiVM I.
Btnhnm: . Itockv. Austin Co.
qYORRlSta CREATH.'i" ai
rhysKlans nni .Snrif ons.
OtrrrtnTr'off.J,.forial'ii rvlreit to tS V?tl
"noUlrwihanisndvIcluIlvonir,.'Vl, tz :-j ,. i
.J". T- MATCiyjTTe M, D ..-:
Brenham, Texas..
nKlHrnllVriWfnrnij hli'oM'frimia r thll
eit au J i trinity lluit he iiai rruowl prartiwi
Oractlittlierfuulugtonilottec. mayiO,'77;
j :nrlDtfyt.,l.iq Brinbam
T-IiUullvtudtri Liurnlii-
slwal srri.toJts xltlzen
PCS o.""i-.ld r tli. euua'rr, .ottr- Wovif'
Uru(rator.i- " -"nchiT-diKSm
j. X-,sri'?S?'1-,':??S'f
.. rit
Bvrnes, and fired in my court, that vY.fL
'rtiihanisisKtrahsicnrpersbnjiso Uiatlhe
orlinary process of-Jiwannot.be3ser-qd
upon him. . You'.kre h'eTeBy''cornrndn'Jed
thatymjliBfj.putilictt'gapi' thh.Tflit.in
some newspaper printed in said Washing
ton coumy, if there be one. but IT "there be
published, for three successive week Iwfnri.
tie reltWdiy hereof? '"- . ""
. You summons the said V. S. Vj'Uliams.to
beand appear before me, at my o'rHce, fn
the city of-2lienham7ra saitr-- county of;
AVashingtonn,!hg--ax itiT
23d Day .of April. AXD. 187S,
"to answer the complaint of J. P, Bvrnes.,on
a plea. dtdabLfduruted on"an"h'ecborit dated
yccember 14th, J&77, .for aghty.one dol-lars-ahd
fifty-four centi fori car load of
Jumlier.-solJ.by said.ByrJiesj tathesaid XV.
'S."Vr'iniarqs;- " " , .
return! showpg hoyoiihave execedthe
,fiiven urtder-jnifl hand.5r ojHceJhisjithe '
2clh "day of March, A. D. lS;S. . .
B-T T.0.'HYNE3AOP.vrci',
A true copy.of oricinaL , 1, 1 n,
- ii-;T 'fi T"""'
2j"ten c9''y. tUejiundiirsjhed-,
were appo'ntei executors of the. last ;
JWifl-ot VyATI-?nfreee"asS3. J
tile estate of the deceased ar nuiirjrd
-to .prsont tlieCgam'e.'rdf 'ri'ilowiinc?,
witliinthet,iniH pfnicribi-d by Jaw.
m - -JkFFEll!-:0X,'B'ASSE,rT,
-,,-s ..E,H,2i01rT0S." "jl -3
'Bferi!iam,aKrchr10fo'7g Mwlt1
-r Jv;,.w :.."... ?
.Strayad or'Stbieti '
Jj' 'TnDrjlgr.eit.i.ear Wrtlpvnnlist
I01bind.on""dk'tlt,ljaj1iri'ife' blended
J.,D..on. left liip, c It ior loot; white,
blax'j fnce, itniall Saddle ninrtii.on the
jvcailiers; abnnt 14 lmntJ.i: hluTiMiirinii
orderhad on a b-.-ll w-hfutljejett jtmne.
Twill 'pny-W dMlatrf reward for 'tlie
rex-ivnrr otthe-aulmaU -' ."
mcliS J-w ha ' J. M. I.f3t;KETT.
F. W. 3?EfjgEfi( &.C0.,
.Butchi'ja, and dalerajtl - ,-;
, " "xrva 's.soc.s,.'-
Jiiildint;;, Texas.
-Meats1 r.f all lod Cnnalanllx" o
hami.atrliQlesaltranrLretaU: Stations"
on tljo Weatern brae!i,pf tlixfantral
latlway supplied at' reasoriaKn Wtri
free of, express cliar-res. mcliSQ-wCra'
'.P6"r.-Bstl6.'r ;
XJk. JM';5BJJ' ajirc qnnntr mst
nt Brrnliam", wefl irnprnTedj wood.aiu.
adalrjffln, pnMloetiTioi'., tMi'L'?S
sold lor'.'ne thtrd"casll, balance paibTt;
within one. and.Swo'ye,ir '.Apply at,'
the Bank Kit Office. . MafcliS if
1 - - -
ffdticc. to Tasi-Tayers".'
"Last Chanee.
TaVei" rin renl estate for tho yea.s
3870; '!$74,'I8;S anai8T7wl1U)"i-x.
teiidndi to jlhV first dav, ol ApriLnext
wltltont cnut, after rliicli time ibcrb
illj- o.it,ivcly .be;nu .furthorfdelay."'
AU pauses who bavijnotpaiiltlirir.
tiaife tiir" s'iS Vpftfli?!ari""rpnn'iitiTl to
mine Jhmiirdi'andU pavitlin .-tinoaad;
'sHine coetr' ." "R. A. IfAKVlN.
i .iJ tiuiltefal 'W-aIIinioimi'u'i'l'
, -. . .. . ,
'QJgaBGtffiP.14 ,
t , , $-&SWSgT
Brenhsm, Tnair. .IffP
WTl 1 i.nr"
.Jrriiri3 nis -eai
-?? Afl$a&efe&9a:,
. !;??nJrrfit;"BreiiliiorT.'rrt.xir
D-aler in Stapl-. and FanirWrocVTi-.)-"
II tiieo, f,iqunn-, La-ier Jror. &r. lint
re7ar:irasrKtiikA7in3"Jhi. 5ai..j ..
all time
,.- ...- ,vo UM uua nt
1. jAsiiT "
:- - iDenTor-'??'"-''''
Fancy Gn.cerics''Frn'i!l;l':nt5.
WJak.-.0"gaK3iad Tob'aeco
,, Under Ci'iitral-Hotol.."r' Z.
- rraU!
Oct- S-tf
.Silt ClJ.
K"T..EtDnjD(3B &t-i:vi3ar
A 'nil aSd-fetSplrTSaVlAa
3ivo;n3 -.tmlfY frsti at 3lq
55555 J3Lw ?5
k-a-T Bf-mfeiTr?10
-b!SSpi'c"TTa'it0l?l! nS
siiOKjKO, jreuJ i!tei"tS a.Bdipr.
Toir. Teriii rit jSbrm jit.y.
tlTA Tu!I a-witn-ent oi new anil
.b-;iujUrll -rxMlaianrr-rel'Iatii
HatP. .Ontrinimed Jhu. .tTtiki..
at...I. V llll.' .
r;l(Ju.v?9 bivb$'4j&t)
it,).riinjH;--rrnaTRring Ximliriililetie,
If m tz ant bcSTsHob
lTT" 'IJlxxir- saypT ,isl
; -i-ijtndttBnifitttijref or''
Fivi hndsMitfaPSnMTpt&tjTg,
Ishqtpotic.-,4to'b3doBtrji wli!UiTV-
3art rid res'and-'aiminrrtttoh - Kf pt oa
ban-i, . .tg -,t Ogt-jfcy-1 gjBblt?
nTl BiriIARDTirij!Stefel.BalT.
.4 k - .'- 'l i nriiiup
Hnnse Fnniisliltiir olodfe-PiSi
ntlKSSU1' h li-PiPaa'a'ljStjcioifJ'?
ungs ciitnni4 ntterl to-order. Ki
f. SksiStohtSft- xsltlZ
' !A.eJn2&T,5it HO 3jn
a.8.f- fj.r 1-li.A htvOVf BSBt
1JK.VLEI1 ix oks cnjivi -j,,
s-ij "f SBiSs. wis 3stasa3
firalBgmlileaBtsr "sstlns?
t- -;7? s-ocawCA t&,aicy Mss si
Stove Triraraih!!', aridTjhatiftffittl
fclnrlf .I'dnt.dils.'TkfnialicS and "yia,
dtfw Ulasw. Bngjfy and UlviifTitialfcrril
Rubber Ba'tlug. froln 14 to 18 Inches
tielea appertaining- to-, IjiB. UirdirajH
bSsipera. -- " -'" r
F-U. tb-3Jt.iP attffltfclattitibanVraJJ
T.UOK Ottl"F01iy':!rtfw
.-.-.i-rfiAfitjAiaa "3i'-r-j.ni1s.
a waSl SrhfTSn16
z-i -----i - -g-5-?!i5
r A fnlHloci" -r-rrnf-i. TSrBwffri.,
Canibjice, Ujwns, JiasUtijr, QfrnliliiirT
Poplins, ,awis9. Irlket-liart'K.filiriiioW"
trfulBlTnW. irlS?, ll&ier?fioV;H,a7?
asolsj Indies 'in AcOjatSL E'4r3lih1tR'
. liHtareO
dete.rjnin.-'d.rioi o ba nndeird.4j t-t
April-JO-TTr '""- -C'LEVJ-
,,".. .'r;1.;:'!.--''.'
ai rji,.iitkv ,9 .4.-u .
-St "6i C6- 1 r
-.-,, t,AViLBS
lf- -i t&si
tT4 v5r'Jas-
S5 Mr.
jfPpippaitrIiebe''r''f SlSwWJ
bnd;for-le. lfipai"fiD"pt4i1iirv
errJertrif;i&tJ)rew3tK!a,T Hrin-r
--- ". ,'f"
1 -jsfi-frf,if-r fj r? ,oy
H.A-Ir.1 $AU..UdL
j---- ,A JrT1T lAJXtE?WMTm
t"" r"V ""'