Newspaper Page Text
"a,-' m - U' I If ir fMflfgaKfr, V- - -TV7-y BV RAJfKIX & tEVfiC. "Tb&Sy, April - - -5, 1878. TstsituatiQn in Europe ap prs to be as badly mixed as '-CIV. . - ' THE-fre aid water at$he-A. andM. coQtge, Uryan, is said to bwllrigj. MfcK are being rapidly enlis ted istoihe Englislx army and aaval preparations arc still very active. Bks Butler speaking of Howes' tirade said: "Well, there Is nothing nein it'it is only a 1atch of d-d stale facts woll stated," A. tort- snail revolution agaiast Diaz has been commen ced in Ta'tiranlipas. " One Sali bs has issued a pronuncia miento in favor ofLerdo, with 40 men. The politics of Chicago are iaa terrible muddle. The Re publicans elected seven alder Men, the Democrats six, Na tioaalstwo, Independents two and ComiBuoists one. A sale of trotting horses took place in New York a few days ago. Fifty horses were sold, realizing 527,93a The best horse brought 10,700. The average "was J5 57 per head. The San Antonio Express is of the opinion that if the people of eastern and northern Texas, will treat the, west with any de gree of fairness the question of a division of the State will meet with a negative in that section. Grain is now transported from St Louis to .New York by rail at twenty cents a hundred poufids. Competition has re duced freight tariffs to a nomi nal rate. TRE Secret Service division shas several specimens of the counterfeit half dollars, the trade dollar and tne new silver dol lar. They are a close imitation of the genuine coins, but are very deficient in weight The Texas Mute Ranger is the title of a monthly paper or magazine published at Austin, under the auspices of the Deaf and" Dumb Institute. The Ran ger,is a model of typographical art, aad its contents are enter eating as well as instructive. The Mexican recognition question Is likely to come be fore both houses of Congress in lie coarse of a few days. This question has been a long time coming up, and it is to be hoped tit when it does come- it will be disposed of. A large portion of the silver bullion purchased for coining new dollars is bought in Eu rope, because it can be bought for less there than in the United States. Silver is not such a drug on the market as the gold Bwrwould have made the peo pie believe. Treasury experts have been examining the affairs of the sub-treasury at New York. The examiner weighed $100,000,000 in gold coin, 51,400,000 in silver coin, and 53.3670,000 in gold bars, and counted $3,300,000 in flotes Everything was found o be correct -fltAii county j? strongly in favor of the G., C-"and Sf F.' Railway, and her citizens will -do everything that is required by lh company. The Rockdale Messenger of last -week contains over two columns' of railroad newsand items pertaining to the Santa Fe road. A corporal's guard of U. S soldiers in charge of the milita ry prisoners at Fort Duncan, were fired upon at Eagle Pass by a squad of Mexican soldjers on the other side, The prison ers had been taken down- to the river to wash. The fire was not teturwd. The manufacture of cheap painting? has became an estab I'shed industry in New. York ciry. Thousand of ddmbs are produced daily, and are sent overjthe conntry and sold for what they will bring, the pur nhaser however having to pay a stipulated price for a co-called tiold frame. The frame makes the-anney. j i TfcaXffaet ef Ra-iloda 1 . . The Denison Nears gives . a short retrospective view oftSr ay son county: Six years ago Grayson county was iSo-' miles interior, Jefferson being the nearest shipping point .for pro duce, and Abilene and Kansas City for cattle. Sherman being the county scat and a frontier post, had a population of about 2000 and the county i5,"6oo. On the 24th day of December 1 872, the Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway, was completed to Denison and the revolution inaugurated that has redeemed the county frc-m its compara tivelywild condition. Magnifi cent farms, dot the length and breadth of the entire coun ty. Before the advent of the railroad, the present Jocation.of the town of Denison',' 'was a wilderness. To-day it is a city of 6000 inhabitants. The coun ty has doubled its population in six years, and the acreage of improved 'land has increased 600 per cent All the changes and improve ments noted above are due sole ly to the railroad; the town of Sherman has grown to a city, claiming upwards of IO.OOO pop ulation." The railroad is the modern civilizer. In 1850 be fore the advent of railroads, in the'west Iowa was a territory occupied almost entirely byin dians, Kansas was the same un til 1856. The present great city of St Louis only contained about 50,000 iuhabitants, to-day she. has 503,000. Iowa and Kansas, are populous States traversed in all directions by railroads and teeming with pro suctive farms. All this has been accomplished within the last twenty years. Texas is com paratively a new State and her system of railroads is yet in its infancy. With, the present tide of immigration flowing into the State, her future prospects are certainly brilliant So soon as the G., C. and S.- ,F. road is opened to Bclton the popula tion along the entire line from the Brazos northward, will rapi dly increase; without the road, there will be no material influx of immigrants; farming at the preseut day, in order to be profitable, must be carried on where the means of reaching a market are close at hand and the transportation of produce is rapid. Wio for'Qorarnor. The Waco Examiner says : "We believe that the election of a Governor who is bona fide farmer would not only be act of justice to them, (the farmers), but also of far-reaching moral effects on their efforts to better their social condidion." This is all bombast; a man should be elected not because he is" a far mer, alawyar, a doctoror of any other calling profession, but be cause of his peculiar fitness for the position. We do not think it in consonance with sound Democratic principles to make any" class distinction! "The peo ple are all equally interested in a good government; we do not sec that there is any occasion to select a candidate because of his profession be it farming or law. Should the successful candi date be a farmer, we should cer tainly have no objection to him on that' score.. Let the coming man be nominated on account of his peculiar fitness to fill the gubernational chair, and then inquire into his profession after wards. r ' ' fc.- The Austin Statesman says: "Within the past eighteen months lands have doubled in value along the International road, from Round Rock cast, and for miles cither way. Men who bought lands have made money by it Williomson coun ty has been greatly benefitted by it" Here we have illustrate'd the value of railroads to a county, and this very plainly. The G., C. and S. F. railway will do as much for the various counties through which it is proposed to build it, Austin, Burleson, Bell and part of Milam counties, have no railroad connection nearer than twenty or thirty miles. A railway will bring bring them closeto market, and at the same time enhance the value of their lands fully as much if not more than it has done in Williamson county. x RAILROAD , MEfctlK Q. .-. Ril"ntlon'te K&lift 4180,000. Committee Appointed. Addresses. At ten o'clock on Wednesday morning a large" and respecta ble crowd, among them scleral of our mos prominent',, far mers and planters, asse'rjjKcd at the courthouse.- mjy- nicety in? was call4dto--9 C. R. Bi CaptT, dci Ba retary. On mptio love Esq. Setfi Shepard- was called upon to explain the "Ob-'-ject of the meeting. "iHe said that it was - impos sible to raise the Nmeans to built the road without issuing bonds, and that in order to dis pose of the bonds capitalists, must be satisfied that the-people along the, proposed, Jine want it built, and are willing fo' con tribute towards its construction. To show this disposition ub'- scription sare an absolute nccesi ty. Material and labor are both cheap and the time is the most favorable for building' the road. He explained the benefit to be derived from a competing line .and the enhanced value of land and town lots was fully set forth The charter demands the right of way through and depot ground in Brenham. Mr. Kop perl and other representatives of the company are present and want to know exactly what Brenham and Wasshington county will do without any mis representation. Mr Kopperl being called upon said substan tionally as follows: As Presi dent of the Gulf, Colorado and Santa Fe railroad and repre sentee of the city of Galveston I will state that Galveston has already done all she is able to do towards building the road, as you all know time are stringent Forty-five miles of the road have been built and arrange- 'ments' arc now completed for building -seventeen miles more to Richmond including an iron b ridge across the Brazos river. Galveston has $900,000 new in vested in the road. Galveston has helped to carry the ntire interior by making advances and giving credit on goods. Rail ways are not in favor with capi talist: they already having made large investments that are not paying interest What we now want is to place the bonds; New York capitalists having no inter est in this road except a cer tainty of getting their interest must havea guarantee of securty This can be by local aid so soon as this is assured the bonds will be taken. The buil ding of fifty or.stxty miles of ralway without going into debt is a fact' unknown in the history of railroad building. At this time the road can be built for one-half the cost . of Jhc Central road. Burleson county is fully alive'1' "to the necessity of the road and will do all in her power to se cure its completion, they, have pledged to give $200,000 "right, of way, etc. Milam and Bell counties pledge $200,000 each". What we want the city of Brenham, and Washington county to do is to guarantee a reasonable exemption from tax ation and $150,000 local aid, The benefits to be derived from a competing line were ex plained at length. The subscrip tion of $150,000 is not for the. benefit of Galveston, but , for the benefit.of the givers. Inregard to building the road it can be', done very rapidly. Mr. Brooks built 500 miles of the Union Pac ific road in fourteen months. The directors of the' G., C and S, F. railway will furnish $100, 000 to build the road to Rich mond and so soon as guarantees, of local aid are given will go to New York and negotiate the bonds. The road can be built to Brenham in time to move the next crop. No money will be required from subscribers until the road reaches Washington county. If this county fails to respond, the road cannot be built; the present is the golden opportuny. The amount asked $150,000 will be saved in freight on cotton in two reasons. !3saaaaaaaaV wlr. i nwoujajSJ1aj'aeaeaeaeA jaeeeevBeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeex j. t.n r nr,-j i s nma eafjeafmesl t OITSejeafJee. .Mr. Breedlovc made- an able address fullysetting -forth thb advantages' to be derived froirVa competing line of road'ie stated. that'acommittcebf citi zen's had meet in Mr.-Shepard's office and prepared the follow Hcolred, 1. That we regard the. speedy romiiletlun of the 4julr. Colorado andanta e KiUway to anil through tht County of nanlilnjriunMOl inennnoatuufOTisocciouie jumile oflalJ ceuntj, ai we Irel aturd It will enh&nre the talue of our laudaud fariN 111 irrrra.e our dou- e mraoii ami cneap- lon orour proaucu xeuoiuiezjui. aiy to luiture the we earnestly re- itlon! and w pledire id property owner to than $150,000, to be oompauy. . Mttlie ennnrr Court and the rily ronnrll all the property of e(d in ald uountrnad ty tasaJon for ieara.- - ii&tat"Uri to procure for kltl"UallwaT the necarT nitifElithecouutTof Watf&lOjf r with the neceiary fround) for, pa, ana oepoi purpose at wvciij Lunredlhata reduction ofratri orfrelEht wW necessarily follow, from the comMlrrlon of the U., C. and 8, F.- H. II. thr resolution ofaTurroerioerTrhjr;11i1nR an ao olule rateof reduction a4 a eomlltinn frrct dent to the payinentof ittbecrlntionH, be and iherepyrecludl. ' ?V C. "-That central oorairfiueeomt pMM be appointed hi avlrt the aKrJil of theBallU'av compaay.-in procuring iui-c.rljtlOD anto Duperiutend the same throughout the county,, with power to apjioitit iuib-commlriee4, and to l-uue an addma totheiKopltupon thf anb- ject. .- - The obove1 resolutions were passed without a dissenting voice. The following named gentle men were appointed a commit tee to solicit subscriptions, pre pare an address, etc. : B. Eld ridge, H. Hodde, C. C. Hem ming, E. Reichardt, C. R. Breedlove and F. A. Engelke. Mr. Leander Cannon said we are not asking you to give us a single dollar; we only want you to take that you now are giving to another and -give it o 'your friends. He stated that he had been appointed agent of the company, and would vtsit every neighborhood in the county. Mr. Warren explain :d that this road will be a-Texas road, managed by Texans andhe re gards it as a first class enter prise. There are hundreds ."of milHons lying idle in New York, awaiting employment if proper securities are offerd. Remarks were- made by Dr. Morris, Mr. Hemming and also Mr! Shepard. On motion of Mr. Hemming, the committee be requested to call on" the city Council and ask exemption from -taxation. Mr. Hemming said it .'would not be advisable to ask sub scriptions at present, The mat ter would be fully cxplatn?dt,o the people who will doubtless respond liberally. The meeting than adjourned. Tik Sedalia, Mo., Democrat commenting on i,n item stating that a- Jerseyman was in Falls county, Texas, organizing the Loyal League, under the name of greenback clubs says: It may not be strange, but it is rtevertheless'true, that where ever can be found" any cause, clique, cabal, conspiracy, organ- tzatio 1, or institution calculated to do the Democratic party hurt or harm, there is at the head of it, or chief cook and bottle washer in the .kitchen which feeds it, will be found a meek, sleek Republican, as fat as a mole'and as seemingly uncon scious of any sinister motive as Guy FawTces was when they caught him amid his powder kegs and his combustibles. And let the sun light but once fall upon him, and how valuble he becomes. Why, bless 3our dear soul, is his self-abncgato-ry examination, I was just help ing the' boys Out in a little mat ter of forming a greenback club. You see the currency question. is the' onejill absorbing quegtior of the future.-nrtd there's "notli ing iiKC-oegming in lime, you know, tq get the issues ready. Then he'll, dive, down again, meek andslpekand go to bur; rowning as soft asa mole,, and" like a mole as' sbbn out of sight- .ei.,- -n Correapeildcnae. 1 , ':m r 1:. In this issuelof the .Banner?' 1 . appears several -letters from- correspondents in various parts of the county. These, letters arc interesting and will repay a perusal. We earnstly, hope our friends will continue to "favor us with their letters. J Communications should be wriften on our side of the paper only, and be made brief and to the point We will prepare all communications for publication the news is what is wanted. The Moffett bell-punch liquor law is hailed as the panacea for the relief of debt-burdened com munities. It has just been adop ted by both branches of the Louisiana Legislature. The Pennsylvania Legislature has re ported in.favor of it. The whis key and beer guzzlers, where the bell-punch punches and rings, have have to pay the en tire State debts. Could not the snuff-dippers, snuffers, pipe, ci gar and cigarette smokers and the chewers of the weed, be placed under contribution? t.l A riMttir MIf Ttl - , Chappell HlllXoeol.. '- 1 .-' ci-i March '3 1, 1878. i -. it. !. ' ':' , r .-Dry .-weatlrcr-makes tht; farm ers' -gnnrvBle." The 'merchants. themselves.-, by " winking " at each'Vother. Sharpiknfyjisand goods, boxes are now in demand. Tht Greenback Club met at the" "usual time. Nothing .of material importance occurred. Several .speaketjfexcoriated the bpnBhoIdersTviry'severciy, The bondholder, however, 'is able to 'stan''it. and.'Will "continue to draw-his interest with character istic promptness. . . 'Fishermen have had good luck this week, judging from the quantity of fish offered on ,the streets. ..v.The average darkey that had a dime to-invest in a pound jof Jleshwas happy.5 . 2 Town clecjion 'Monday.: and many 'candidates in -the, field. KireJhe officeLseeks'the man, 'but it can'tifind .him. .Don't ilct this get atiove a .whisper "n 'Brenham, forl would fear "the result were it "known. , A. R. Hill and Levy Rogers were arraigned before Justice Onins on Thursday, charged with the murder '-of Billingsly and Anderson. After the ex amination each party was held to bail in a bond of $500 to an swer before the 'District Court. It will be remembered that some time ago the same parties were before Justice Hynes upon the same charge, and they were discharged. I understand they have-given the required bond and are now at liberty. ' Mr. Leroy,.thc colorless man who was mentioned in the Ban ner some time ago .in connec tiou with the cremation of a colored lady's shoes, got drunk last '-Saturday and took the toyn on a mule ; he was soon discovered trespassing upon the dignity of the State, and was lodged for the night in the City Hotel. I learn since then 'he and his " angel " have winged their flight to a land where the pule, the negro and the " gias cutis " dwell in sweet harmony, and - where social - distinctions are unknown. ! The hog cholera has pre vailed here to an alarming ex tent, killing fully half the hogs in town, and this may have been one of the inducements that led Leroy to leave. , If at any time Chappell Hill should nominate a " Governor'" I will telegraph you. 1 ,t - - - L. E. C. ., .-- i IT- "' 0r Kill Loaoli. Aran., 9d 1878. Editors Banner : In the ncjTuofHarebSth Mr. r-ecxanU, fills to Inform 70a that we hate not had a good rain gince the second week of February, and consequently many farmer hare bad to top ploughing. A quantity of cotton land 1 etlIlunbrokeD,,.J"armpwarecompIainlng of bad etandsof corn, and eo far as cotton Is con cerned the eed.Qpw in Jhe ground will not germinate unUl we bare a good rain. Gar den are tailing rapidly. Fanners are almost asgloomj ftAlast spring when the grasshop pers were with us. Mr. rectemia also failed to gire the Baptists credit for a lloursbtog Hun day School, faileJ also to state that the Meth odist and Cumberland Fresbyterlans have preaching regularly, we hope Mr. Pecksniff will look amund itmrsee wbatl going on be fore he writes again. Wetakeit forgranted that the Graball neighborhood has bad plen tyofralnasMr KenoMjs nothing aboatlt. Mr. Keno is very esrn.abte fur thinking (without exaggeration), that be Una la the bcttportlnn of Washington county, for we ail think (lie same. Mr. L. of Independence differs Tery .much with hh neighbors in regard to crcp prospects, line: tereral very reliable gentleman feem that neighborhood serrral day ago, (eomeof them ministers), and tbey all complained of dry weather. ATerylateresUngjuidlnstrae tire Ministers and Deacons meeting held at the Baptist church, has Just closed. A num ber of the rare beauties of Independence, were In attendance. I merely state this for fear itxscapes the observation of Mr. Pei enlff. Mr. L. orlndependenec calls'out at tention to Capt. J. M. Williams, asa.ullable man forournext repreentatlve, audi heart ily agree with him. Capt. Williams in my humble opinion would be the man for the Mimes, ne Is a dlgnllied gentleman. He is honest and capable lie is energetic and has the drtermlnaUon and pluck to maintain and defend our Interests at the pCapltal.I will not say as MrX does, think of it farmers; butwlll say-think of It lawyers, doctors, farmers, ministers, mechanics, laborers and freedmeu.'-. Now Mr reeky do hnfb afraid to tell m all and especially If it rains. No-e Mr:.1! K-nojou 8tickto(irauaH,-the bet -portion-of Washiugtoh county without exaggeration) ,, and1e certain to letus know whether 'tirnot you everhnre rain at Graball. , Sow Mr. L'.' you mast see 'your neighbors, and settle thatlltlle difference of opinion. In regard-to crops prospects Attend to those little rrattcnnnUemriLand.l will not eaya. any -more. . ,r rfm-'i' .ii Oocaixo-f.x rr nu 1 .is ,'" ,3Cin brisk IioeaJa. " ' April 3, 1878. . The crops and gardens in this section are needing, rain -."very; much. We have now two schools, established in this neighbor- hook, both of which are in suc cessful operation; one at the. new school house near Wesley, taught by Mr. J. G. Berlin, and theothcrat Bethlehem the Acad emy, taught by Mr. J. E. Gray. We think that Mr. I. -1. Swearingen of Brenham, is the man to represent us in the next Legislature. What we want is a good honest, sober-minded man ; one that will always be at his post, and will make the interests of his constituents a study. We have no doubt but that every one who is acquainted with Mr. S. will say that he is ' the man for the place. Rosco. The International, and Great Northern Railroad, is in the hands of a receiver. It has fail ed to pay the interest on its first and second mortgage bonds. TEXAS ITEHS. : !- .- u-. There are forty- business houses in lit arne. t. . "-" . Europan dipatches indi cates That war is inevitable. tAtc you vaccinated,.! the leading interrogatory in Rich mond The grand jury of Tarrant county has -.found icventy-sii indictments. Sixteen negro '(noumer's" baptizied in the bayou at Hous ton the other day. .'. The Corslcana bidtx, con tains the4nnouncemeii,df five candidates for county offices'. -r TJhe', people 'of Richmond have coma down to a summer basfsiV-'They are taking soda wateralrrady.. , "'. Judge Turner, at George town, on Friday last, admitted Nalle to bail on$3o;ocxJ rbond. Bond wajpyen. t " A store at"larksviJle vtia entered, by Jxurglan and: a Halls "burglars proof- safe' broken open,- ana .robbed oi $140. .- Three prisoners confined in the jail at Brackett escaped- -T--.---.Si.-'- ti':-L "-. '. l lie jciuui:, uciug adiccuyHCic relieved of their -pistols .and locked up. v -"' Fleaston Journal: Sheep merl are preparing for the spring clip. A great quantity o.f wool will be shipped from our'county this season. " -'"" England has called out the reserves and is making prepara tions for her fleet to enter-the Black 9a, she will also, occupy GaJlipoljon the. Bpsphorus'.j The Murphy tempiim:e wave has rolled into Dallas. It is expected that hundreds of red ribbon badges will soon be warn in Dallas. Hon. F. H. Sleeper'a prominer.t -member of the Waco bar, bos been arrested on. a Charge of purjury. Mr. Sleeper says the charge is malicious. There la a super-abundance of Mexican silver in cir culation in Fort Worth. It is passing at various discounts, hav ing no established value. Richmond has. a case of genuine smallpox, and two hun dred and fifty children have been vaccinated within a week. A good thing for?the docters. Mr. John Forgarty, " of Limestone county, has .100 acres'" in wheat Some of his May wheat is alredy headed out and will'be ready to cut in five weeks. Another veteran of the Texas revolution gone. Wil liam Gorman died at 'his resi dence, Sunday, the 24th day of March, 1878, aged 80 years. LaGrange Record. . . We often hear of cats1 get into all ..kinds .of mischief, ting but here-is" an" extraordinary case: Near rredencksburg, a fewdays ago, a cat killed a col ored baby only a few day, old. Patsey Hagerty and John Chapman quarreled over a trivial Marshal's' store, at Pleasantoit. Chapman .'drew a knife and stabbed .Hageriy in the back,-inflicting a wound that may prove fatal. On the 3d inst Charley Oliver, a negro killed another negro named Rufe Farrel, at Owensville, Robertson county. Olive then lit out, but was cap tured a few days ago at Hemp stead. -' - The" Houston '' TnegratfT says'apaw nbroker put up at auction. $2800 worth of unredeemed-pledges and sold only $30. -Diamonds " were offerd without a single bidder. Hard times. ' ""' A young man named Jef fers, who . lives -near -Zion Spring is missing. As he', was a dangerous witness against' some parties residing on the Dry Salado, it is suspected that: he has been made away with."," ' Rev. Mrv Carson says the devil is in Denison.'and'thus dt- scribes- rijSsf4'.rhis'.' celebrated' Ti(rnnfliy 13 frAniipnflv f ri- rcr 'dressed, ginemartTfn (he city. wearing nnc -CwUz70U-9,r.wiui studs in his shirt 'front as rlargc as wainu.ts:.,r-;, r t . : , The iShermarr Greenback- ershave'nominated a ticjc.et4br, icity officers.- The Ceurierzaya they have "not only proved'their Radical procliyitie's, but have "nominated a-man-who is a ' dis-' grace to the- wga.nuatioh," and decency stanas appaiiea. On", Thursday, at . Sandy Point, h dead body of a negro Ben Butler, was 'discovered with the top of hij head blown off. Butler was a quiet intelligent freedman. . No particulars of the murder. " .,. An Austin Stalesmaujrcr porter .went out on Walnutcreek nine "miles from town.'-The country wai literally swarming with children. Inquiry Iiciteu:" the fact that John Dillingham, has 11 children; Tom Bacon, I2j I. E. Carley, 13; A. A. Fulks, 13; Wm. Custard, 15; A. B. Town send, 18 and a button. All live within two m le's'and a half of the,bridge on;. Walnut creek. They want to know if any neigh borhood in -Texas can"-show more y&umj ow". "- Hall's, command has not been paid for six months. The Rockport Trar.saift appeals to the people of " southwestern Texas for funds to keep the or ganization in' the field until the Legislature' meets. A conspiracy was made arpong the convicts, at Hunts ville, to escape by murdering the guard. The plot was. divulged by one of tlie conspirators and nine out of the leaders arrested, ironed.and placed in. close 'con finement - ' In' January, last a man giving his name as Geo. Wil liams was arrested in McLen nan countvcharged with burg lar. He has been in jail ever since and finding that he was likely to be sent to' Huntsville confessed that he was an escap ed convict named Antonio Har ris, sent from Vtctoria" couhty, for five yearsibr horse stealing. He willbe sent .back to the Pemten'tiary. . ' - ,The . Waco Telephone jearns .front, a gentleman just from tjunpiisas that there have been serteri 'gSnifentiary convic tions' Dy'the district court. The H jggmsHarreH " -feud -is still raging in Lampasas count'. In anticipation of trouble a number oi citizens were sum moned on trfe State "police Jorce and all others disarmed. The Victoria Advocate says in April, 1876 Mr. David son, of Mission Valley, Vic toria, county, purchased .800 head j.oJ .one '-"year, old, graded ewTt-Sfaying 'therefore $2060. Last year he bought eight high grade bucks and now has a flock numbering 2000 head, about 600 of which arc this season's lambs of superior grade. He has already "realized $1000 from wool, and thcclip to be shear ed next month' will add at least $600. During-the past winter Mr. Davidson fed his flock corn quite freely, and his sheep are now in fine condition." ..1 m e m Barlsa Locals:. Spring fights have opened in Burton; the hearts of the officers are greatly rejoiced thereat Merchants, law .and -medicine are down with the tide. Farm ers are busy and.need raih'jery much. v- A grand picnic will be given on,,thc 26th inst by the Odd Fel lows of Burton. A general in- vitation is extended to, all. Ther orators selected for'thc day arc IJr.Gco. bt C Hussey, of Bren ham and I.'.H. Bowers. Esqr.,' of Burton. Nothing further except ''ye loke"istgo'ing'afishingon the Brazos". " " Redwood, .- Mr. Foster, our Minister to Mexico, since his-departure for Washington, has been denoun ced by-all the newspapers of the city of Mexico, with one excep tion. They" declare that hc'.is" an obstacle in-the way of -settling difficulties between the two nations, -and that he is actuated by personal motives. The St Louis Republican says; "We fail to sec what the government is to gain by this interminable delay in' the Mexican matter If Diaz is tcT.bc. recognized at all, why-not do it at once and get the benefit of it? If he is not t be recognized, why not tell him so and face the conse quences? That recognition is of small consequence to us, but of very great consequence tj" him; , and it should have been granted just as soon as Diaz became the de facto president." It is noticable fact that in all the town and city.clection held- in lexas on luesdayiast there .was-n6"politlcir DalUis .hao"a, very' "exciting election, polling" 2378 votes. The race seems to have been a free thing, no less than six candidates running for assessor and collector. In all other places' there was no scarc ity of candidates, e very man run ning on his p'crsbnal popularity ana good looks. 1 he people seem to have ."tired of poetical squabbles over little municipal offices. So far as reports go all seem to be well satisfied with the result The Austin ."Statesman says it is stated .that Hon. Wash Jones, of .Bastrop will be a can didate for Congress in this dis trict and that he will run on the Grccnbackcr's ticket He is said to be in full sympathy with the most advanced green back inflationits. It wilL be time enough to discuss Mr. Jones whom he makes an offi cial announcement A Topeka, Kas., dispatch says the migration to Kansas this year continues unpreccden ted-in the history of the west Fifty car loads of people arri-' ved in Kansas in one day. The season is fully a month in ad vance of prcviciu'' years. . ..-... rteasant Experience Isalwaptbappyreui:cfn3a1arter"i Gtngtt Tonic. The mother ijiuu surpris ingly in heah&TinaTOtrigth by its aid; aA her babe thus obVini- ha'ppymfort and peace that shows how wonderful the strengthened nerrous and phjsieal condition of the mother reflects itself on her oirsing little one. It i a" rare comfort to haeNcr-' Tousness, headache and sleeplessness-subdued as only this remedy can do it, while that destroyer of our little ones Cholera1 in fantum, and the -dreaded Cholera. Dysen tery, cholera morbus, colic and. crampVare shorn of their terrors and speedily cured by this, incomnsrahle mnwHin nU !.: ' ant. Buy from your druggist, R, it Luhn . a dollar bottle.' or a camnl lvsttl-,, cn.. cents and test its merits. The dog question is assuming a national importance. ,Iriger gen, New Jersey, a band, of masked men partially succeed ed in exterminating the canines of that town. On the other hand, New York promises a dog show in May, in" whicfilKc prizes will aggregate over $5000 in gold com. It seems that pub lie opihfbh:in regard to dogs si by no means unanimous. tnjoy Lire. What a truly beautiful world we lire in I Nature gnes us grandeur of mountains, glens and oceans, and thousands of means of enjoyment; we can desire notHngbetter hen in perfect health, but how often do the majority of the people feel like giving it up disheartened, discouraged and worried ont with disease, when there is no occasion for thU. feeling, as every sufferer can easily ob tain satisfactory proof thafG real's August Flower will male them as free from disease as when bom. Dyspepsia and Lirer Com-' plaint is tlie direct 'cause of 75 per cent of such maladies. as biliousness, indigestion, sick headache, costnreness, xttrross pros trsOloiCIdlil'nese o"f the Bead"' palpitation of the heart, and other, distressing symptoms. Three does of August. Flower will prove its wonderful effect. Sample bottles, ten cents. Try it. Pjienix Restaurant.' A good square meal for twenty five cents: If you want a real Havana cigar for 5 cents, call on r A. Newmax. - mch 22,4 m. . .- - . New style spring and summer goods, very lowy atD.. W. Bloombargh's. ,25-Gents. Thisamount will get a square meal at the Pue nix Restaurant. . v , A splendid tworbutton Kid-Glove- in all colors, only 75 cents a pair, at Newboucr Bro.'s Dry Goods Palace. Linen Lawns and Suitings, in aif grides, just arrive3,wvcry cheap at Newbouer Bro.'s Dry""" Goods Palace. .;-'. Just received slippers, shoes . for ladies, Misses and children, sold remafkabielow, at" D'W. Bloombargh's. . "!..- Novelties in ladies ncckwea'J-' of every description just received at Newbour Bro.'s Dry Goods Palace. .--"' ,, .. ; La State" Lottery': We call the attention of those who are "sportively" inclined, to the ad. . of the Louisiana State Lottery' in another column. This lot tery is a legitimate enterprise and is chartered, by the State. VEG-ETINE FO It CHILLS, MIAKES.FEVEtl & AGUE. TlKBOBO. X. C, lS78i Dit. II. R. Stetesws Dar Sir I fl vrr) joatAilforwbxt joanaluaLlemtdldb Vfgeiiue, tuu dour In nir family. I wl.h lo es press my tb-tuk-t by h-urnmlng jou or lb underfill cure ormyson; &bso. to let yon Itniiw that Vegrtine I the be-l mrdlrine i xtr taw for rhakM, Chill. tit and Ague. My son wa-tidcl with xnraslft. Id 1K73. ubicb l(t him with lUp-Joint dl-ase. My -d njflerwl ap-pet deal of lain, allof Utalime; the i-ala wad -mi great he did nothing but rrr, lb doctors did not help him aj-aitlrle; Le. could: not 1 1 rt hi foot from the flour, ht ruuM nt raoTtr itbout crutch1. 1 irad jwur 4er tUtmrnt in tht 1aiUxU9 tontirr-Jotitnal, that Ptiuewa" a great Blood lurifier and Blood food.. I trif-doDB bottle, which waa great braeiit. IO kbj-r on w 1th the nicdlclDf , Kra-iaaHycatnlQ He has taken eighteen botitein all, and he U completely rjfstnred in health walk without crttcma or ran. Be U twenty year of ajfe. X bare a younger rou, flfteenyeawora-ns who b tvobjectto UMI1. Whenever be feels one owning on, he cuiu-m In. takeadore. of egelineand that Id Ibe lalof the Chill. Vrettnt leares nn bad ef. feet uvm the ytem Ilk mot of the medicines rscommendeilfHrtbe Chill. I rbeerflillyre Oonuuend Vegetlne for ewh ronipliisl. think It I the greatest ntedfriue in the Wurld ItetTpectlullr, aiite. j. ir.LLOTD. VKGET1XE. When tht blood become ? ilfelc-it and etagnanr, either fmra chanr f4 weathJrorof dlniath, want of exerrbie, Ir regular diet, or from any other eane, tt.e Vegctlnewill renew tb blood, carry QlTtbe i-ulrid bunion, cleans th vtomacb, regulate be bowefls ana bui-art a Jone of rigor tnUf .. whole body. " ? vzsGxf-rxirx, -. TOR DrsrMM, KKH1, 0CNES ASJ . ' GEM.AI. JEBU.Tr. " BKJtXAKDSTON, MAPfl., 18?i. ' ' H, the Qodrljropl. haThigueil Vsyetln. XSm iilcsure larrroluroendlufr ll to all ttturr troubifliilillunHrsr any lind. ltT,n la, errpaene, or General irbilily, it be- InglticcTeatl-'oixI lliriptr. Sold by H. I.. Cruwell&rioiis.tiho rell mnre or ittban aU oUicrl-ant kledicins pat tosretrarr. Mie.U.FEltr.rS. -MRS. II W". M.I-TT. JO'aU'HCS tSLATE. Veeetlnelthe"irreat health. reorer erra. pofedrschtfltely tiflrk. rootsanU herbs. It isirr) lIeiknttotaLe;every child Ukeslt. VECr'BTXX'B rOU MJtVOUS HEADACHE AXD lUIhUJlATlsU. Ci-cctxNan, Omo, Aran. 9, 1ST?. II. n. f-rrvEtsret, Esq. 5 Dearliii I hate nsecl yonrVesetiie for crrru lltadarhe and al-n fhr luieuniatle-m, and have ttuod en tire rellerrrom both, and tale prat pleaur inirromniendiiiffltto ail tvhofiiaybe Use- . wlstaniicted. rilLD. A. JOOD, lCrtJUU Street, Clnn. . Vrffrtine has restored thoiuands to health, who liava Ion; and jaiulully sutlered. VEGHTIITB. URUOGISTS TESTOIOFT. , . Mb. H E. SrrrrN-s. Dear Mr 1'e hare been-elllug yonrtTme.ty, the VegeUre.-ftr "- aliont three year, and tale : In re- cnmraendlnirlito our ettetoroers, and m " lii-tan-erherea blood puriUer wiId rrach Hie fce, has It ever failed to effect a cure, to " our kiHwIrdK. It certainly is the he j ltu ultraofrcncfTAtoTh. ;. Ee.pectrnllT-, K. JI. RIIEI'HtKD CO.. JftsirxiKts, Mt. Vernon, 111. "VTOB o an "3? I "P3" 33 . . lr PreiaredBy , ., R. il.-STEVEXS,BO3T0X. JIASS. r-Vfar'tdWiJtld hy CUrnjilnif tj-