Newspaper Page Text
-"fi? ' r"',i r t "V 4 it 3 JL- J. ?Y.. RENHAM lk V sa t a Established i860. rnWUhcl ZfeUlr and TTttlclj-. RAX1UK A IXVUI. riprtctor. Jtsln at Subscription: Dllr, one topjr one year,,. , 'Wkly, onti copy one year, .. 9 00 SCO "..' vlr,ltes of AdTertlelnSi -TranttcntandLogal idvntlwrotnrt Insert ed at $1,50 per tqnaro Tor lint Insertion, and 5 cents iwrscraaro foreacn subsequent lnscr- Jtfsrrtare and ObYtnarv noticej, oxcttdlnr; elghtlinej. naif prlco, EditorJM nollceaofH -linrcST baslsu character, lOcents aline each insertion , , .AnnmraresicnUttlll be Inserted at the liil loMlttffnttM! .StaJcandDlstrl-roHce.,, 810; Cooatv 9TJA; Product. $3. TTio money to accompany the announcement. In ererj in stance,. The island of Cyprus has been formally taken possession ofby - GreatBritain. Spurgeos makes a summary ; disposal, of Bob..rngersoll thus: l!M He is a grexm Avatermelot" 1 . . . r-wf The Texas Teachers' conven- i tion to be held at Mexia has 3cen postponed to August 6th. The .La Grange Record is op posed to public executions and does not believe In capital pun ishment. The negroes in South Caro lina are abandoning the Repub lican party, and going over to the Democrats. It is estimated by the Treas ury department that there is now" about j?:,ooq,ooo of coun terfeit com In circulation. .Dr. Lln'dermaK, the director of the mint, advocates the Im- mediate payment of the , inter est in the public debt in silver. The Montreal authorities pre vented theparadc ofthe Orange men on the 12th inst.,and thus prevented a riot and bloodshed. "Kellogg has been before the Potter Investigation committee .at Washington giving his opin ioc?about Jlhe Louisiana affair. AK'English. architect has "fig "ured up ' that It "would cost at the present time, nearly J?r5o, ooo,ooo to -build tlic. great, pyr amid. X.IEUT. Fremont was married on board a steamer bound for Liverpool, May 30th. The bride was Miss Mary Anderson, the actress. The Galveston Afaar thinks It is unkind in many of the sTexas newspapers to make any Jnqulry concerning Lang's sala jvas Master ofthe Grange. Tee first stagcof the Trans- l r j - continental line which left Fort c ,. Worth for Fort Yuma, was at tacked by robbers near Gran t, bury, and-thc passengers relicv- - i ed of their wealth. A Berlin dispatch of the 15th says it Is expected that the offi cial publication of the treaty of peace will follow its ratification, which will be effected within a month from date of signing. The document -will be printed to-night and signed to-morrow. Secretary Sherman has in hand in ,tlte treasury 161,000,- 000 In actual gold coin. 121, 000,000 of which has been ac cumulated since he became sec retary, for the special purpose of redeeming outstanding legal "tender notes; He sa3's the coin on hand is amply sufficient for the purpose of resumption and that he would make no further sale of bonds- on this amount The Colorado Citizen feels satisfied that Jones can easily be beat. It scorns that idea that Hancock is the only man who can beat him. Jt regards G. Washington Jones as a dead cock in the pit. His opposi tion to conventions 'and Utopian Greenback ideas have killed him. It thinks either Shepard or Hancock can defeat the colo nel. -i- 1 . - - . 1 O.v Wednesday last Sethi Shepard addressed a large audi ence at Hiil.S Trairlc, Bastrop cojnty. He discussed the fi nancial question in an able man ner. There were Greenbackers present who seemed gratified with the new phase in which 3, thk.qucstlGn was presented. The Galveston News' report ' Siys Mr. Shepard made many j-Tvarm friends. SHEPARD, JOKES AND HAN' COCK. The Statesman and Gazette have undertaken to force the nomination of Judge Hancock for Congress by attempting to create the impression that Jones has developed so much strength that no one but Hancock can defeat him. Their arguments arc based on the letters of "N. A. T." to the Arrnd the statements of; "leading Democrats," whose names areTiot given. In our opinion Shepard is stronger than Hancock, and is the most available candidate to oppose Jones. In the first :xplace, tlic- unanimity -with which he has been endorsed by then staunch Democracy of William son, Lee, Burleson, Milam and other counties, attests the hold that Shepard has upon the peo ple generally. If Hancock be the most popular man and the most available candidate, why is it that the people have given so little evidence of the fact In the counties of Fayette and Colorado it is claimed that no one but Hancock can carry the German vote, the most of which, it is charged, was cast for Jones at the last election. While Hancock may be the first choice of the-majority ofthe Germans of those counties, it does not follow that they will oppose Shepard because Han cock is not nominated. Even the correspondents of the News have ascertained that they will not support Jones because of his Irredeemable paper money theories. We attended a bar becue in Fayette county on the 4th, at which there was an im mense concourse of -intelligent Germans. Wc there" learned of their general dissatisfaction with Jones. The talk about Jones' unionism in 1 861 giving him strength is merest bosh. Jones was a Union man, but in stead of leiving the country with Judge Hancock, he volun tarily entered the Confederate army as a Lieutenant Colonel and served with distinction, and he takes frequent occasion to harp upon his millitary ser vices whenever he has an audi ence he thinks it will take with. Shepard was in the Confeder ate army too, for a while, but was only eighteen years of age when the war ended. His pub lic career is well known to the Germans of Austin, Fayette and Washington counties; his fidelity to the Union to-day, and his devotion to the -whole country is unquestioned. Sensible-Germans are heartily sick of the "bloody shirt." They do not appreciate the patriotism of those who condemn its waiving by the opponents of Hancock to excite the prejudices of a few 1 old secessionists, and yet, at the same time, are eternally waiving it themselves to rekindle the prejudices of those who may have espoused and suffer ed for the Union during the war. It is no compliment to thier sense or thicr patriotism, and they so consider it. Again, if the sapient editors of the Austin papers be correct in believing that Judge Han cock possesses this wonderful influence over the Germans, could he not, by taking the stump, carry them for another if nominated? Could he not have carried them for Giddings in 1S76 had he made an effort? If he could, and yet failed to do it, docs he deserve the support of the Democracy ? It has- been claimed by some, with what show of truth wc do not -pretend tp know, that a great part of Jones' strength in the last race was due to the fact that he avowed revenge for the defeat of Hancock as the cause of his opposition to Gid dings. It is feared that the lukc-warmness of Hancock will be used by those Democrats who admired the course of Shepard, who, after a defeat by less than a majority of the con vention, stumped the District for the nominee and labored specially among his own friends BEENHAM, TEXAS, FEIDAY, JULY 19, to overcome their dissatisfac tion at the result of the conven tion. The friends of Hancock have confined their observations to the counties of Fayette and Col orado, the latter of which has always been regarded as a Re publican county like Washing ton. But how is it with the strong Democratic counties of Lcc, Burlcston, Milam, William' son &c , where the Greenbackers are showing their greatest strength ? The Democracy of these counties are unanimous in their greenback tendencies and be lieve in the views of Vorhees, Pendleton, Thunrian, and of ,Coke, as expressed in his late great speech upon the repeal of the resumption act These men prefer to attain their objects in side of the Democratic party if they can; but they would re quire nominees who are above suspicion. These Democrats believe tliat the present financial distress is traceable to the passage of the resumption act. In 1876 the Democratic party in convention at St. Louis de manded the repeal of this act. But when a bill for that purpose was called up in the House of Representatives, John Hancock voted with the Republican re sumptionists. The Greenback Statesman may have forgotten this, but the greenback people have not, and Jones will use it with tre mendous effect in case of Han cock's renomination. In these counties Shepard has his greatest personal strength. In Bastrop county many Demo crats have voted for Jones on personal ground, so in these counties many of those, who have gone off with the extreme Greenbackers in opposition clubs, will, on the same grounds, vote for.Shepard. With all the information that we can get, we regard Hancock as the least available candidate that could be thought of in the convention; yet wc think, he could beat Jones if nominated. We are sure that Jones can be beaten by, Shepard, Giddings, Munson, Jack, Flourney and many others. It would seem that the man who attends most closely to his own business would make the best officer, but it unfortunate ly happens that few who arc well employed in private life are willing to give up theis own affairs to attend to those ofthe public. In this opinion the Galveston News is correct. The people in making selections of candidates for county officers will do well to avoid profession al office seekers. There arc, many of them in this county. They have been so long before the people that it is unnecessa ry to name them ; they are well known ; some af them have al ready had their hands and head in the public crib, while others are exceedingly anxious to get there. For. the information of the, Houston Telegram the Bakser states that it is in favor of Shep ard for congress against the field knowing as it does that, he is the choice of the majority of the -people. The Banner has never advocated the claims of Hancock, neither is it desirious of creating a division in the par-ty-for the purpose of letting in an outsider like Wash Jones. It is the so-called independent press of Galveston and Austin that is working for Hancock, although it is apparent that Shepard will have a majority in the convention. The Telegram may rest assured that either Shepard or Hancock will beat Jones. It is charged that the Green back conventions in Texas sel dom fail to adopt resolutions cbndcmning the corruption in the Democratic party, but they never say a word against the Republicans. The Greenback clement has a leaning towards Republicanis - m REFORM IN THE POLITICAL CANVASS. Thinking and sane men men of intelligence and sound gudg ment are becoming heartily tijed and disgusted with the manner in which political canvasses have heretofore been conduct ed, and are clamorous for a change or reform in this di rection. More sober reasoning and less of partisan prejudice I and littleness is what is wanted. The discussion of men, meas ures and principles should be conducted with gentlemanly courtesy ami decorum ; intoler ant and slanderous discussions should be done away with ; the time has passed when any good can be accomplished by such debates. Of what really good influence are the sheer asser tions and exaggerated declama tions of the political rostrum when figures of speech and the play of fancy is substituted for straight-forward argument and authentic historical data? Are they not worse than useless? Do they not occasion, instead of remedy, public evils ? If so, are they worthy of rational be ings ? These ar questions that should be answered, that a speedy remedy may be applied to the existing evil. But, to approach the subject more nearly, is there any honest, sensible discussion during the majority ofthe political contests of the present day? Do we not more frequently find in its stead bold'asservations, a garbling or suppression of facts, violent de nunciation coupled with revolt ing personal abuse? The vast number of political speech es made last year and this, with a few honorable exceptions, were such as we have describ ed. Men have stood up before crowds of people and, in an ef fort to aaiuse them, said things of which they would be utterly ashamed in their private intima cy. That such a procedure should not be only tolerated, but popular, is by no means creditable to our masses. We are, therefore, ofthe opin ion there is infinite danger as well as folly in the present, sys tem of political canvassing for the reason that it has a tenden cy to demoralize public senti ment, and facilitates blind vio lence, and, we would suggest, as a remedy, the calm, dispas sionate discussion, both through the press and on the rostrum, of the political issues of the day. A few journalists and speakers, to their honor be it said, endeavor to pursue this only safe and sensible course, but by far the greater number prefer the worse? The method adopted in the southern States prior to the war was by far the best. Op posing candidates then spoke from the same rostrum in cour teous and gentlemanly debate; nay, often traveled together, put up at the same hotel, and often occupied the same room. Thus the most gentlemanly tone was preserved ; the masses were instructed in courtesy as well as in facts, and when a pre tender or falsifier appeared, he was quickly exposed and held up to the ridicule of the audi ence. Had we such a system now in operation, our public meet ings would awaken a three-fold interestand the crowds who at tend them, instead of coming together chiefly on a sort of a boisterous frolic, would come to listen and be convinced. As it is, the speaker only reaches those who are already of the same opinion. In the other case, his superior argument and persuasive power would influnce others, who had had entertain ed contrary views. Dennis Kearney, the working-man's champion of Califor nia, is going East in the interest of his party, and says he will make Ben Butler president of these United States in 1S80. Kearney is a San Francisco drayman and is an illiterate man. juu.i, county commissioner: The composition of our missioners' Court is well kn There are five commissionc; one Democrat, one Ind dent (elected by Repub votes) and tuo Repub. both colored men. The chiefU business "of this court seems to J be the issuing of countv serin. In Frhni.irv last flip com missioners court puDiisnca a n nancial report, showing the county's indebtedness to be about j5i6,ooo and claiming that there was more than enough back taxes due and collectable to pay it off. Not withstanding this favorable - t f ,.,,. showing, the county's credit is at an exceedingly low ebb. Scrip issued against the general fund is now slow sale at 70 to 75 cents on the dollar. Tax payers should remember that thecounty pays dollar for dol lar for this scrip. If it is re ceived for taxes it is the same as money, that is, the county takes it at par value. Buying scrip has for a long time been a regnlar business here. The business is perfectly legitimate and the purchasers 'ofthe scrip are not in the least to blame. The fault is with the management of the county comniissioners. They should regulate the ex penditures of the county in such a manner as to prevent an over-issue of county scrip and its consequent depreciation. From the financial condition of the county, as shown by the published report, it would ap pear to be only reasonable that scrip should be maintained at something like a reasonable price. As it is at present the county loses from twenty-five to thirty cents on every dollar of expenditure. This result is brought about by bad manage ment; it is not charged that the commissioners' court has been guilty of any dishonest practices; the whole trouble is simply that the commissioners are incom petent to manage the financial affairs of the county. In making nominations for commissioners thepeople should put forward no man who is not a good business man and a fair financier. It is not necessary that the commissioners should be merchants; theie a?e farm ers and professional men who are fully competent to promote the interest of the people. It now costs the county be tween S3600 and S3800 per an num to support her paupers. Scrip to that amount is issued, but the paupers do not realize more than the average price of scrip for it, or, say from 70 to 80 cents on the dollar. A poor or pauper farm should be pur chased and the paupers main tained on it. By this means the county would reduce this expense probably one-hilf. County convicts could also be utilized. The Georgetown Stm says that many more counties have instructed for Shepard than fai Hancock and that Shepard is the strongest man. It says Hancock is now seeking the Democratic nomination, while it was apparent, not many w eeks ago, that he was preparing the way to run against the nominee. The St, Louis Republican is ofthe opinion that Redcmier, who plead guilty to murder and was sentenced by the court to be hanged, was made to do so by his attorney, who will en deavor to have the sentence set aside on the ground of insanity, it being claimed that a sane man would not plead guilty. The White Man's parly in Grimes county is in earnest They have drawn the color line and will adhere to it. White Radicals will be permitted to vote with the Democrats, but arc respectfully invited to take back scats when it comes to holding office. The Age and Telegram, of Houston, are having a fine time discussing the question of the tax sale advertisc-ncnts. JLK (Hk (aras MTn.,oft9H"; SB--Thci graodH j jLKii rntJHHri j a v vjy eanrBBMrT-. - I ministered Ill in Galveston. Rev. S. A. King's residenco at Waco, was burned qn rthe 1 ith inst Loss about $3500. The Mason. News-Item of fers as a premium for two new subscribers, fourteen housecats. Some speculative San An tonians are wondering how Ire land would lookTh Schleicher's A gentleman living within a few miles ef Dallas sold his peach crop, on the trees, for one dollar a bushel. Williamson county will h'old a Democratic convention on the 23d of August to nomi nate a county ticket. The congressional conven tion met at San Antonio on Friday," but adjourned until Sat urday after organizing. The Vietoria Advocate of the 6th inst says cotton pick ing will begin in some parts of the county next week. The citizens of Hcarne held a meeting in opposition to the "city" ordinance requiring them to work on the streets, The police court ofthe city of Denton had thirteen cases last week. 2 with the trim mings is the minimum charge. Business in Belton is good for the dull season and improve ments are being made all the time. Belton is not near finished. Delegates to the Austin convention have already begun to arrive. Log rolling is now and will be the order of the day. Hempstead Messenger: Cotton in the neighborhood of San Felipe is materially damag ed by wet weather. No worms. The Belton Journal aays: "Be patient The telegraph line, oX which so much has been said, will be completed at an early day." The sedate LaGrangc Re cord says Jim Jones, a colored gentleman, got a fall that resul ted in his death in 17 minutes. Jones was hanged. The Taylor Hotel at Go liad was burned last week. Four negro children aged from three to five years were crema ted in the kitchen. A negro hackman was shot and killed while waiting on his hack outside of a house some six miles from Corpus Christi. It was a brutal murder. A motion to abolish the two-thirds rule in the San An tonio convention met with no favor. The strongest friends of Mr. Schleicher opposed it A citizens meeting at Hempstead on Friday last adopted resolutions to the effect that the city government of that town is expensive and unneces sary. Texas newspapers arc stir ring up county officials who have been in the habit of send ing to St. Louis and other towns out ofthe State for their print ing. The Georgetown Sun thinks it wrong to put a sixteen year old boy in jail for carrying a pistol. It thinks the confis cation ofthe pistol sufficient punishment 4 The Denton Monitor says time and trouble in answering questions as to the whereabouts of Sam Bass may be satisfacto rily answered by a small card inscribed "Damfino." The Grand Lodge of the Knights of Honor has just dos ed itssessionat Palestine. Every thing passed off pleasantly The next session will take place at Dallas on the third Tuesda3m August 1879. Ada Paddlcford, a young lady residing in Coleman City, deliberately drank a cup of concentrated ley. She said to her friends she wished to die. The doctor says her recovery is doubtful. The shipment of vegeta bles and fruit from Denison to Kansas city and other points is being vigorously prosecuted. The Netos learns that the ship pers arc well satisfied with their returns. Candidates in Austin county are coming to the front at a lively gait The Beacon now has over a column of an nouncements and announces that it yet has room for many more to tJTR vrVtMffbtrs VOL. Chicken "collar'" is prev alent in Denton. The fowls are "collared" while -in the roost. "collarcr" has not been t. or advertisements and appearance of are in circulation in The', passed for car ridesT" The congressional conven tion at San Antonio organized en Saturday, beventeen bal lots were taken without any ma terial change, the last ballot was Schleicher, 120; Ireland 85. -Another midnight murder has been committed in McLen nan county. B. 0. Gambrcll, who lived near Perry, was call ed out of his house on Thursday night and shot. No clue to the assassins. ET On Thurkay the oth inschc ;t0-40.o .VeaVto flear Penincton, Houston countv lightning struck and knocked down seven colored people who were hoeing cotton, Ben O'Niel was instantly killed and three others seirously wounded. Deputy Sheriff Rather, of. Bell couuty, has arrested Jacob Gunter and his son David, whom it is alleged murdered Calvin Bass, in Vernon Parish, La. A reward of S500 is offered by Gov. Nicholds for their appre- nension. The Mason Ne:es-Item in forms its readers that it is not responsible tor the assertions of its correspondents ; that their names will be furnished upon application and that they arc at liberty to shoot or punch them as they may see fit. Two little girls, aged re spectivly 4 and 7 years were en ticed into an ice cream saloon in Dallas, kept by two Dagos and were by them violated. There is great excitement over the matter, but the jail is well guarded. The report of cotton worms in Gonzales county is denied by the Gonzales Inquirer. Four teen cotton fields were examin ed and no worms found, and in one only was eggs found. More cotton will be raised than can be picked out. A Mexican named DeVara suicided in 'Dallas by hanebfj. He. was the towrn dog catcher ana also the motive power-. of tne ttciald. s press. He was married to an American woman and his suicide is attributed to jealousy. A primary election was held in Lavaca county: For governor, Hubbard 740 ; Lang, 236; Throckmorton, 58. For For congress, Shepard, 602 Hancock, 508. A full county ticket was nominated. About 1300 votes were polled. A Greenback club has been organized in Houston. I Col. Tracy was the chief gob bler, lhe lelegram says that Col. Westcott proposed joining the club, but the second gob bler or Secretary would not al low him to do so. San Antonio is entitled to the palm as the beer drink ing city of Texas. It is estimated that 8000 gallons of beer were drank in that city on the 4th of July. This Is a little over three pints of beer to each man, woman and child. From a statement publish ed in the Galveston News it ap pears that the number of Gran ges in Texas has been reduced from 1304 in August 1875, to only 383, on'December 31,1877, At the latter date the member ship was 14,925 including female members. The Navasota Tjile: says ' w;th tjie Democratic party of.. -e heavy rams ofthe two I the star, nnrl th,- rnnwnt;nrt the heavy rams ot the p. weeks has damaged th potion crop in the bottoms. The cot ton is very large and fonrr; a thick heavy hade over the- lower branches, which with the wet weather causes the lowsr bolls to rot and fall off. The Houston Tilegjaft re lates that a black negro named Brennan, who is legally marri ed to a white .voman, found her riding in a wagon with another negro blacker than himself, lie raised a rumpus; was arrested and fined $$ and tiimmmgs. A countryman took a load of corn to Dallas and because he could not sell it at fifty cents a bushel he got mad and driv ing on the bridge, over the Trin ity, he commenced thro ving the corn into the river. The city marshal persuaded hinto de sist by threatening ta arrest him fot insanity. Thc local reporter; on the Dallas papers struck a big bon anza last week. A man appeal ed in town with his fac: blark- cd. The sunnosition is that he was Bass or if he was not Bass that he outfit to have been I Bass. At any rate he fjr.nshed 1 the for several sensa-1 rion locals. ' XIII KO. 2& The Denton Maxifot says Greenback or third party pi pers arc springing up in differ ent portions of the State fifcV musorooms, whose existence, wc predict, will be about as ephemeral. Anegro la Austin county stole a horse from another negro on Saturday night By sunrise the next morning the thief was in jail; on Thursday he was con victed by a jury and ivcn te,n years in the penitentiary. "The Bcllville Beacon says one such' example is worth more than a hundred lyncliings. On Friday evening about fifty corporation tak payers in Hempstead held a meetings at the courthouse and adopted resolutions declaring trie corpor ationa useless turdefi.f and that the mayor and 5603 to .the city marshal is an putrage. There is a growing disposition' to do away with "city governments" in many Texas towns. Richard Nelson, coloredr is editor and proprietor ofthe, Gal veston Spectator, Richard 'went, to the market in Galveston car rying with him the sum of ten cents and a market basket. He applied to. a butcher and' had a piece of the jowl ofa beef whacked off Mr' Nelson thought the allowance of meat was too small for the large sum of money. Thebutcliercboked Mr. Nelson. Nelson escaped and after having had the butcher arrested went to the Galveston News office 'and reported his trouble; thus he- got his name and his difficulty with the butch- cr before the public at one and- -the same time. s ' The Navasota Zaplet has this to say about Col Jones' Chappell Hill harangue! T. D. Cobbs, Esqh, Jno. H. Athison, Robt Foster and Wnf. Blackshcar attended the public speaking at ChappelL Hjllon Wednesday. Speeches were made by Congressman Gid dings and" Wash Jones. Green back candidate for Congress. Our delegation thinks Giddings " got clean away with"- Jones, knocked his Greenback doctrin "higher than: a. kite, "he, could, only rant a little about conven tions being manipulated by 'lit tle bob-tailed lawyers." Jones is one of these bob-tailed law yers -who has for a number of years tried to get a nomination from conventions and couldn't, so now comes out as'a bob-tail-ed-Independent-Sreen,back " Radical candidate. Pie wants office bad. " The platform adoptcd'by the Arkansas Democratic conven-' tion on Saturday favors'the sub stitution of United StatV treas ury notes for national baiik, bills and their being made full legal tender save where a con- tract specifies otherwise;! oppos es further increase of the inter-t est-bearihg debt; favors the "equalization ofthe value, ofthe greenback, silver and gold "dol lar loran purposes, so that a national dollar shall be a dollar among all our people and in eyery departmentofourgovern ment;" demands the .unqualified repeal-of the resumption act: favors a subsidy for a Southern. Pacific railroad ancTappropria-. tions for the constructions of levees on the Mississippi riveif calls for a tarifTforrevenuconly; invites immigration to,the state;" indorses the fraud invest.gation oy congress and declares that the colored I kails:!1 S nr- ?f1.n!lfirJ ?n tntroet- recognizing the importance, of a more harmonious feeling', em- hrarrs tfip rrtinnrtnnifv nf.invlf- ing the colored people to an ac tive co-operation in furthering common interest. This makes- a pretty good platform. St.Iouis Republican. The Austin Statesman harr this to say of Mr. Chesley can didate fiom this senatorial 'dis trict: Judge Chesley was one .of the ablest as well as one of the most effective members of the Fifteenth Legislature and he should be chosen. Here is a warning to busi ness men. The Memphis Ava lanche notices the inteicsting and sufficient fact that of all the bankrupts, who have lately filed their application in the United States clerk's office in that city, none ever advertised their busi ness. Direct cause and effect. In fifty-six years that have ehpsed since Mexico secured her independence, not a single President of that country .has strveef out his term. .Et 4 M r 2& T i - 33V I S- - &2&Z ,& - "v-