Newspaper Page Text
- "jgsx- - '1 "51 v-k" 2.i a .f.'r - a aMIIIIMI MMI1I1MII Ml J " 7 "- T ....- -i V..1m. ,.' llM.,lj" ".." 1 J .. . ... ' , .. , X & 2. 3 3 h 12 Uw, V Weakly taner. BY RANKIN & LEVIN. RIDAT,Jui.Yl9tb, 187S. The tTie Washington monu ment is undergoing repairs. m m - "A land steal has been dis covered in California that is fully as extensive as that perpetrated ia Texas. ' " " '''- , The Minnesota contractionists 'call it honest money.- They favor Sherman's resumption policy. The first bale of new cotton hasFcen shipped from Schulen- burjr. It was raised in Lavaca county. The Oregan Indians arp giv ing much trouble. Gen. Miles Jias had a severe engagement ivithrlhe hostiles: Chas. E. Stowe, tlie son of Mrs. Harriet Beechcr Stowe, has been licensed to preach by the Congregational association. Two assisiant pay-masters in the navy are to be appointed. Only Jihree hundred applications for" tlie positions have been filed. Mr; Naixv, a respectable cit izenjbf Bullit count;, Kentucky, died a few days.ago from glan ders communicated from a horse. TiisHouston Age publishes a map proving conclusively that Houston is the principal city of the" world. The hub of the uni verse, so to speak. Grant's presidency and whis key rings will be forever insep arably connected. Grant, Bab cock, Belknap, McDonald and Joyce will all be known to ir.fh- . i i i . ThE first day of the Austin convention .was spent in count ing noses and effecting a tcm ipriary organization with diaries vStewart, of Houston, as Chair .aian. Tiie department of agricul "turc reports tliat in nearly" all patte-of the cotton belt the crops isotdvanccof last 'year. In ject injuries scarcely "deserve jneESion. i JFitE- San Antonio congress ionalconvention Isat a dead - .Iodic.- Thirty-six. ballots were .ha&upUo "Monday night; the jvcte-itands; Schleicher I20;lre 4lariS. 3I)e. Waco Telephone says ' it -dsTumored tliat several inde pendent candidates will take the field against the regular Demo catic nominccsi This move is to. -hed?jsrccStcd. . ' ATROMrxEST New York' fi inancicr speaks favorably of the SantaFe loan, and says it is .more worthy of being sought lifter than pushed upon the aU attention of investors. "During the month of June, 1j 878, there arrived at the port of New York' 9506 immigrants. The'rc. also arrivedj during the same period, 2597 citizens of the United States returning from abroad. .Extensive frauds has been discovered at theIndian agen cies in Dakota. The details show tliat the agents stole every thing in -sight. A number of he agencies, have been seized by the military. --. ""I mm ' " Iowa is tlie- most intensely Radical State in the Union, yet with all her Radicalism she has more defaulting treasurers than all the other States together. Radicalism and honestly are not Synonymous terms. Satisfies prove that in Dela ware, where the" whipping post has-been fora cen tury, the numberof criminals is 'smaller in proportion to the number.qf inhabitants' than in any other-State in the Union. Private Fisnecan, Having had experience as a bounty Jumper, now wears the belt as the "champion deserter. Be tween 1874 and 1878 he drscrt ed and re-enlisted five times under as many different names. A movement is on foot among the Methodist churches in the fiast to do away with the arbi trary rule that limits the tim"d which a minister may remain-in charge of one congregation to three-years. The move- meets -ItH favor-.,"' " For able-bodied lying fac er's Weekly is ahead of all competitors. Here is a sample lie: "If the Democrats gain control of the government, the .slaves will have to be paid for, and tha National debt will be repudiated!" Thursday last was ihe hot test day of the season at St; sLouis. There were fouri cases of sun stroke in tl and one in East St.L,oui; thcrmomeiter raneed-i 102 degreesrrff fhe shade? "heat in the sun's rays was degrees. The Denison Greenbackers had a meeting and speaking. One of the orators said that it the government would only print money enough, they would all get rich directly. It never occurs to this class that money must be earned, before Ft can be honestly possessed. The Republicans look upon. Grant as a savior and want to put him up for the presidency in 1SS0. They do not think he is the best man in their party, but that he is the only man who has a reasonable chance. Hcis a forlorn hope. The Fort Worth Standard says: "Practice, makes perfect, is a truism fully exemplified In the present campaign." This may apply to some of the stumpers, but in our opinion George Washington Jones is an exception. Every stump speech he makes lie gets farther from the track. - Kate Claxton, the actress, finds the road through the bank ruptcy court a hard one to trav el. During her examination before the register in New York shs broke down under the ex amination of the attorney. She wished to withdraw from bank ruptcy proceedings and go to work and pay her creditors. Ben Butler thinks Hayes is more popular with the leaders of the Republican party than with the honest rank and file of the party, because "some of the leaders have got something, and the.rank and. file have got noth ing and have lost even what they had.. This is not encour aging for the rank and file. a - Alice Vane, the wife of John Templeton, the actor, writes a letter to a friend in Austin contradicting the report that Mr. Templeton is dead. He is now in.the East arranging to bring out a good company diis fall. The Templetons are great favorites with Texas play goers. The United States secret ser vice, division has on hand about 5300,000 in counterfeit money, accumulated since December, 1S76. Nine thousand dollars is in coin ; the remainder in paper Some of the counterfeits are very good, but the majority of them are miserable. The grandjury of Austin has made a written report to the district judge. This is a custom which has been neglected by the, grand jurors of Washington countv. The law, we believe, does not requite grand juries to do this, but at the same time it fs a custom that should be ob- s:rved. About a month ago an at- attacheof the Denison Herald staff advertised for a pair of horned frogs, for export to Ken tucky. The issue containing the ad. had hardly been on the street half a hour before the office was besigned with small boys with cigar boxes contain ing frogs. Since then 3 10 boys with 502 frogs have called. They are still coming. This shows what advertising will ac complish. The now celebrated Mrs. Jenks was raised in the town of Mcadvillc, Pa. Her father was a carpenter by trade, and came to ?.Ieadv"ille' from Glasgow, Scotland 7n .1850. In 1855 he deserted his family, going south. Just before the war a reconcili ation took place and the family went to Louisiana to join him. During the absence of Mrs. Jenks' father her mother and herself were but little better than paupers.. Indians are- daily depreda ting in the vicinity of- Fort Davit. OWLS. Owl. 'i. To go prying about; to prowl. I. Henc to carry on a contratand or un- lawlul tnmgjUfcop its being prac ticed tjmWWWW(ix,!a' Xixa.- brkl;?en SimmmmmmmmmmmmWJlxzn's Re- pu m; eoi? pffJSfccpntra? LJvcll there fis the 'nited State"Wniavc ,lild the 'Bar? burners," -"Locofocos," "Free soilcrs'' and ;Know Nothings" as national parties, and the "Tadpoles" as a State party; and coming home to Washing ton county, we have the Oivl party. To show conclusively that "the name is appropriate, we quote at the head of this ar ticle the meaning of the word owl as applied to the Republi can roosters hereabouts. It will be noticed that the word owl is not derived from the bird of that name and has no reference to wisdom, but has a significant reference to the hab its of the bird. It is a significant and well known fact tliat the so-called Republicans of this county are in the habit of prowling at night; they hold secret meet ings or love feasts, to which none but the faithful are admit ed. On one occasion, yet fresh in the memory of this party, a representative of the Banner was invited to leave a'conclave, because they were afraid to submit their doings to the citi cisms of an intelligent commu nity. They hold their meetings cheifly at night and, it is said, would rather see his satanic majesty with ears like a "bicca leaf, tail like a corn stalk and eyes like two balls of fire" make his appearance than to endure the presence of a known Demo crat If they do not design practicing deceit with the un educated and to a great extent ignorant negro, why do they not hold public meetings like the Democrats? The white men who are seeking office at the hands of this class of'color ed people never have anything to say to white men belonging to the. Democratic party. If approached upon the subject, they look wise like an owl and say nothing, simply because they have nothing to say. There is not one of them but will acknowledge, if closely pressed, that there is no Repub lican party in Texas, it is with out head or tail ; there is no party organization as applied to the State. If they arc good men and are entitled to the suf frages of the intelligent portion of the community, both white and black, why not come out in open daylight and advocate their claims ? It is a clear propo sition that a cause tliat will not undergo the scrutiny of the in telligent portion of the commu nity is an unworthy one. If the colored people will pay close attention to these office seekers, they will find that their chief stock in trade is not any special or particular merit pos sessed by them, but consists al most wholly in abuse of Demo crats and the Democratic party It.js said that everything is fair in politics; the Banner de sires to'say that it has no per sonal ill-feeling towards any of the white men who are running on the so-called owl ticket. They want office and the Banner does not want them to have it. The intelligent and respectable white people of this county want to control county affairs and propose to use all honorable means to do so. They are friendly towards the colored people, and would willingly have their aid and assistance in bringing about the desired end. The record of the administration of the county's affairs by a Re publican commissioners' court (there is only one Democratic commissioner) is before the public. Coiinty scrip, notwith standing a rigorous collection of taxes, is only worth SEVENTY CENTS on the DOLLAR. Is any better evidency of incom petency desired ? Caucus speeches were made by the several aspirants for rubernatorial honor.?. bBKLaubCic. has I . ri Wi QrvHLmmmmmmmmmmmmmW:- LmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmW "- H FVTK1&cpntra7!K; iHV- j I!1HVHU REPORTS. The local correspondent of the Galveston A'ezes at this place, in his report dated the 15th inst., says: "The Hub bard men called a meeting here on Saturday for thc purpose of changing views, etc., but it zzk." A meeting of all legates was called for the se indicated, and also, to arrangements for quarters tin. On account of the meeting was a failure. ierotai ol tlie ivczes is in ttie habit of making reports to con- brm to his ideas, without any special regard to the facts in the case The assertion that three fourths of-thor popular vote of "this county will be cast for Throckmorton is entirely guess work. It is believed by many well informed men that Hub bard would be the choice of tlie' county as between the two. It is but guess work, at least, and the opinion of the Arens' corres pondent is not very greatly above par hereabouts. The Banner has heretofore had fre quent occasion to correct the reports of this same reporter. Last year he telegraphed a Te port that the cotton crop would, be reduced fully one-half, over three-quarters of a crop was shipped. The Missouri Democratic convention passed resolution demanding that oppropriations be made for the improvement of tlie Mississippi river and its tributaries commensurate with the wants and interests of the M siissippi valley, and believing in the constitutional power of the government to aid in the construction of enterprises vi hich serve to benefit large sec tions of country and which can not be accomplished by indi vidual enterprise or State action. It has been suggested tliat if the government would inaugurate a liberal system of public improve ments, it would go far towards relieving tlie country from hard times. Tramp outrages are unknow'n In Delaware. The whipping post is one of the established institutions of tliat State. The whipping post should be tried in Texas; in our opinion it would put a stop to much pilfering and relieve the county jails of many surperflous prisoners. The idea that whipping is degrading to the recipient is all a mistake; when a man becomes so degra ded as to require the whipping post, the chances are it will have an elevating tendency and make him behave himself in the future. Gov. Hubbard has set an ex ample that is worthy of emula tion by all candidates going be fore conventions. During the session of the Hubbard caucus on Tuesday the governor was sent for, he counseled modera tion and harmonyand in order to secure harmonious action asked his friends to withdraw his name whenever they thought it would secure such result. This action should make the governor hosts of friends. The St.Louis Republican says a letter has been received from Fort Sill, Indian Territory, stat ing that the Kiowas had asked permission to go on their sum mer hunt and that it was'refused bythe commander. Thelndians. went and were pursued by a detachment of soldiers and five were killed. The remainder were brought back to the reser vation. The squaws were so incscned that they burnt up the cabins, built by the government. The Denison Neivs says: What there is of the Greenback party in Texas is run by dis appointed office seekers and played out radical politicians. The former want to feed at the public crib and the latter seek to weaken the Democratic parly. They will not be suc cessful. Denison congratulates Bren ham upon the triumph of her public school. We feel a near friendship for our sister city of public schools. So long as our people recognize and maintain frceschools so long will our cities thrive and prosper. Brenham owes her prosperity to the in fluence of her public school no less than doci Denison. Denison Heiald. Mad dogs arc on the ram pngc in Houston. THE GONVENTIOX. Percancm Oigaiiizatlon Effected. Unorganized Connties Scaled Representation. Coinmtttco on Platform Appointed. Special to the Banncr. Austin, July 1SU1. The con vention effected a permanent organization by the election of Dr. M. D. K. Taylor, of Jeffer son, chairman, and John Book hout, of Dallas, secretary. The committee on credentials refus ed to allow the unorganized counties representation. This created a considerable flutter. The committee on platform has been appointed. The con vention adjourned to 8 .p. M. Party feeling is running very high. This is all that could be learn ed up to the closing of our tele graph office at 9 :30, P. M. Ed. From West Texas. BNnzR., July 13th, 1S78. EmroKS Banner: I, in company with three other young men of Ga Hill, left home on the cd of this month to tike a prospecting trip through Weslcrnand North Western Texas. We fint made for the famous old city of San Antonio, coming by ay of Bastrop, San Marcos and New Braunfels, all of which wc found to be good substantial bus iness tonns. Ciop wore extraordinary good all the way along the route. Where we have traicled thewheat crop averaged from JO to 30 bushels to the acre. On arriving at San Antonio we found it to be a lnely thorough-goiug business place. I did not admire the stj le the city is laid off in as re gards the streets, they being narrow and crooked, xsidc from the fact that the dry is handsomely and substantially built up, and will compare ti orally with any city in the State. The San Antonio river is a lovely, sparkling stream, running through the heart of the city, and afford a splendid pLice for boat riding, which the people in dulge in very freely and seem to enjoy it to their hearts' content. We took a peep at the old Alamo, where the brave old heroes of Texas fought to gain our independence. We also saw the spot where the famous Davy Crockett was killed. I could not help but wish that Texas had suchmen now as she did then, true to their country. As Governor Baylor had just returned from his ranche on tlie Nueces, we called on the governor to get all the information w e could in regard to Western Texas, which he cheerfully gave us. .After leaving San Antoiio for Uvalde county, the first place we came to of any note was Castroville, which is a prosperous little German town on the Madina river. We went as far into Uvalde tounty as the Sabinan Canyon, which is a farming dis trict, where they farm by "irrigating. ,Some of the places have as many as six hundred to a thousand acres in them. Outside of the canyon sheep raising is the principal business among the settlers ; nearly all of whom have accumulated large fortunes and hi e in all the ease and comfort that a peo ple could wish. From the Sabinal we came up to Ban dera, which is a flourishing little frontier town of tlireeor four hundred inhabitants. It looks rather odd to us Washington coun ty boys to see everybody in this frontier country wearing six-shooters around them and carrying Winchesters with them every where they go. AVc are stopping with Dr. Louis Polk, an old citizen of Washington county, who lives sixteen miles this side of Bandara, in the mountains. 'The doctor moved out here a little more than a year ago, to engage in the sheep business, to which this conntv. Bandara. is well adant ed, as there is both water and grass in abun dance. He (fhe doctor) say it is the healthiest country he ever saw, that doc tors come here and starve out and have to move away. A good many people from San Antonio corns out here in the moun tains every summer for their health. The water here is splendid, coming from springs ;n the sides of the mountains. There is any quantity of game here, such asdeer, turkey, bear and fox. We start Monday for Blanco county; from there we will go to Burnett and Lam pasas, and then take a bee line for home. We are making the trip' horse-back and have a pack-horse to carry our provisions. Camping out and sleeping in the open air has proved beneficial to us alL We are gaining weight and feeling better every day. One of oar party, who is a little on the preach, says if we get out of funds he can raise more; says he wilf go to preaching and pass around the "missionary box ;" sajshe just knows how to hit them to arouse their sympathy for the poor and needy. Guess it w ill take us about four or five weeks to make the round trip. Will write again when we get further on the road. W. L. Lee County. Giddings, July 17, '7S. To-day I -was presented with a full grown boll of cotton from tlie farm of Mr WVJ. McClellan, one mile south of town. He will be ready to begin picking by Monday next. Our delegates hit for Aus tin yesterday with cheers fur Hubbard. Our venerable friend, J. T. Mills, was in town, on his way to Austin. I have heard some reliable farmers say that if the worms do come they have already got haif a crop of cotton made. I have heard nothing more ofthcholl worm. The Greenbackers arc keeping very quiut now ; we hear nothing of them. Peaches and watermelons are very plenty. Sickness'scarce, and doctors complaining of bard times. I The weather in northern cities has been intensely hot; Chicago, Toronto, Columbus, O., Mil waukee and St. Louis have all had cases of sunstroke. At St. Louis there has been 140 fatal cases of sunstroke during the present heated term. The Republican of Monday last con tains nearly two full pages of de tails of various cases. STATE NEWS. -7- Cotton worms have appear ed in Liberty county. Dallas now has five daily papers. Too many to thrive. The Pomological exhibi tion is the next big thing at Houston. Genuine cotton worms have appeared in Waller county. Judge J. L. Conoly, a prominent citizen of Falls coun ty, is dead. The corner stone of a new Odd Fellows hall has been laid at Paris. Nelly Donnelly, aged four years, died -of hydrophobia at Houston on Tuesday. Considerable quantities of wheat are going to waste in San Saba county for w:ntof thresh ers, Crops in Fort Bend coun ty are in excellent condition; no signs of worms and not too much rain. A three-year old boy died in Fort Worth from getting several grains of corn in his windpipe. Ed, Eaton, who killed Bob Homah at Corsicana, has been admitted bail in the sum of$6ooo. Wash Jones addressed the citizens of Milam county at Rockdale on Saturday. He told the same old story. A shoemaker named Lit tleton Martin sytrchnined at Dallas a few days ago. About a year since he made an ineffec tual attempt to poison himself. The San Antonio Express now runs its power press by water power in place of the "nigger caloric" formerly employed. The new water motcrworks like a charm. On Thursday last Wrn. Ja mison, while riding on horse back on the prairie in Harris county, was struck by lightning and he and his horse both kill ed. The city physician of Dal las declined making a post mor tem examination ofthe body of a Mexican on the ground that he had been dead too long. The remains ofthe Mexican smelled badly. Atter the first of October there will be a new mail route from here to Brenham, twice a week, via Travis, and Pleasant Hill. It will leave Bellville Sat urday and Wednesday and re turn same day. Bellville Bea con. Col. Bass has again been heard from. On the nth inst he and his command were still in Denton county. A man nam ed Carter was shot in the shoul der by Bass' party, It seems to be impossible to capture the gang. -"The" Dallas Call claims that John Spotswood and Isa Jones, alleged train robbers, charged with complicity in tlie Allen Station affair, have been released from the Collin county jaii on straw bonds. A ruffian attempted to caress a lady while walking in the streets in Fort Worth. He was arrested.and jailed. A party went to the jail for the purpose of lynching him; while the jailor was tusseling with the men, his (the jailor's)Vife stepped out and rang the fire alann "bell. This stopped the "business." The citizens of Hempstead have held two mass meetings designated as numbers I and ?. Meeting No. I favors the aboli tion of the coporation. Meet ing No. 2 is Unwilling to abolish tlie city government and looks with suspicion on those in favor ofso doing. Thus the matter stands. , The Houston Telegram re ports that in Fort Bend county a rabid dog bit a mule. .The mule went mad; a negro horse doctor went to attend it when he was attacked by the mule which seized his leg and had to be killed and its jaws prized op enhefore the doctor's leg could be released. ' Chris. Ruttlesberger, an industrious dairyman, of Dallas, saved several hundred dollars for the purpose of paying his ex penses to Europe. While he was working in his garden a thief entered his house and made away with the wealth. He won't go to Europe for some time. The Dallas Herald had something to say about police man Arnold. The policeman called at the office and an alter cation ensued between him and Mr. Pfouts,. the proprietor. Blows were exchanged. The case got into the justices court. Mr. Meyer the editor of the Hetala appeared in the court; a pistol was discovered in his possession and he was arrested. Fritz Smith, a butcher died in Houston on Monday of hy drophobia. Seven weeks ago he was bitten by a pet New Foundland dog. Two weeks after the bite the dog exhibited signs of hydrophobia and was killed. The wound healed up, but on Wednesday began to give Smith-great pain, turning very Tad. - The pain extended up the arm until finally it reached the throat producing hydrophobic spasms-xcsulttntj in death A d ard. New Orleans, June 12 187S. The undersigned certifies that he was the holder of Whole Single number Ticket. No. 3,10 79 Class F. in the Louisiana State Lottery, which drew the First Capital Prize of One Hun dred Thousand Dollars, on Tuesday June nth 1S78; said ticket having cost the sum of Ten dollars at the office of N. Dudoussat Corner Common St. and Theatre allley and that the amount was promptly paid on presentation of the ticket at the office of the company. W. L. Campbell 29 Carondelet St. The following from the Vicks burg Hetaldisas applicable to Texas as to Mississippi. Har mony and concerted action is the one thing wanted. If the. Democracy splits up into fac tions all is lost: 'Let the Democratic party close up the ranks and maintain. a hrm and united front. True it Js that there is no organized opposition in the field, but the enemy are here, and dissention and want of concord on the part ofthe Conservation element ofthe State, will eventuate in the resuscitation of the Repub lican party, and an effort to its part to once more grasp the reins of government. In union there is strength, and delibera tion and harmony above all things should rule the counsels ofthe hour." - If Congressman Schleicher of Texas tells his constituents the truth, wc need not be sur prised to find ourselves embroil ed in a war with Mexico. He says the administration has de termed to force on our sister re public the issue ofwarorpcacef that Gen. Ord has been instruc ted to invade and occupy the Mexican border until the Diaz government can guaranty L us from the forages ofthe Mex ican cattle thieves. If Gen. Ord has really received-such instruc tions a conflict is inevitable. The Mexicans will never sub mit to have a garrison of Uni ited States troops quartered on their soil; they would surely at tack them and attempt to drive them off and this itself would be war. Mr. Schleicher is, no doubt, correct in saving that a war with Mexico would be pop ular in Texas. There is reason for bejicving it would not he unpopular in other states. Still it would be hardly fair for the administration to involve us in such a contest without the au thority of congress. 'St.'Lcuis Republican m- . The San Antonio congres sional convention, after a ove day's session and fifty-four bal lots, on Wednesday, adjourned sine die. Schleicher steadily maintained a majority of from 35 to 45 pf the 205 votes repre sented. The Ireland men stuck to him to the last and are to blame for there being no nomi nation made. Schleicher came within ten votes of having two thirds. Resolutions were adopted charging the minority with the failure, to nominate. The probability is that Schleich er and Ireland will both run. Tlie former will be elected. The Missouri and Indiana Democratic conventions have adopted resolutions protesting against the asumption of jurisd'e tion by the federal courts which are increasing their jurisdiction over cases arising under state laws, and the phenomenon is assuming the character of a quarrel between the creditor of the East and the debtor of the West. The amount of monev in the United States including legal tenders, national bank notes, fractional currency and gold and silver coin makes a grand total f 945-38S.097- .Estimating the population at 45,ooo,ooo, this is 521 per capita. And yet some people persist in saying there is no money in tlie coun try. A "courthouse "ring" ,has been discovered by'the outs in nearly every county in Texas. Query. "Why will men snioke common tobacco, when they can buy Marburg Bro's., "Seal ofuVoith Carolina, at tlie same price?" CEXTItAL HOUSE. THIS First Class House is centrally lo cated, has been re-opened under the management of the undersigned. It has been thoroughly refurnished throughout, and is now kept in ftrst-closs stjle. Every accommodation is offered to travelers, and COMMERCIAL TOURISTS, K. V. Rutherford, Proprietor. Brenham, Teh. ,5, iS;S-d&wtt JOB PRINTING, of every description executed with neatness r-d dipatch at this office, and at prices that' defy cont pr-titiun. , VEGBTII FOR DROPSY. I MIALLNLVER fOIUIET THE flEST DOSE. rEOYlDEXCK. ilB. II. K STEVEX3 Ptar Mr, lhavetwcnaRrcafsuffercrfrnm dropsy, I waieonttnHltomyhoitteforinurt tliui avrar slx muuUwnf tlictlaielwaiu. tliely hclplcs. I waa obliged tu hare two men tohclpnuoutorbul l un. Mvollen W iuihe larger Uian ray naluiaWIzc arounttmv waist. I tuiiervti an a mau could au.tlhc. 1 tried au remedied tar dropsy. I bad Uirrr dicVrent doctors Jly fticnd all expected mc to dio : many nijrhts I u rxieued to itla licmre moroiuic. Atlaa egcUne uturut tu by a fiirad. 1 ncer fhall forget U. Bret dose. I could italics its goiI effect fhici day to day: I was Rotting biUcr- After I bad trkeo me 3 or 6 bottle, I could wait alctpqutte well Light. I befian to gain row quli last. Artec taking some 10 bottles, I could walk( ot my room to the otber. ily aiietite waa good; tae droptor bad at this tliue disappeared. 1 kept taking tho Vcgetlno until Ircgalned my usual health. 1 neani omicreai mau) cures by uMng c,e Uuc after 1 irutout aud wu Able to atteud to my work. I nm a carpenter and builder. I t ill ako lay that it has cured an auutot my wire or neuralgia, wfto bad ful lered for mJte tt an 3U yean, frbe gays tdie has not tint any neuralgia for elht nloi tfri, I liaveKUcnittooueof mycblldren for can ker bnmor. 1 have- no doubt in roy mind It wilt cure any humor; It U asreatciaanacr of tho bloud; it h talo to give a child. 1 will leccomineud it to tha worM. 31y lather lj 8) years old, and he .says tvere Is nothingliks itwglvc rtrcnh and life to&n&cd.enjon. I cannot be too than tlul for theuiof it. I am. Very gratefully yonn, JOHN . .NtlTTAGE". AU DlSEARf OP THE BbOOB.. If Ves- llue will teiice palu;-cleau. and iuriiy. and cuicrach dUcajerf.-restoring the vatieut to perfect Leatth after trying, dlncrcnt pb)f Uaus, many remedied and Miflcrlng for vcars, Uit not conclusive proof. If yen are a eunercrjoa canbeccred? WbyUUiU'mcd lriue performing gucb great curcaV ltworka iu the blood, lu the circulating fluid, ltcan truly be called the great blood purifier.' The greateource ordUcae originates iu the blood: and no medicine that docs not act directly upon it to purify and renovate, haj jury-Just ciuuuupou puuiic lutcnuon. -T El CS-E JT X3X3 E . I OWE .MY HEALTH TO TOUR VALUA BLE VEUEilKC. EwroRr.KTt., Apr. 29, 1877. M. II R. Stevens : Pear Mr, IIa ing i-uflcred from a lrcak-Inj-out ofiaakerMUJtwrcs for more than me Tcara, caused by an accident of a fracture I bone, which ttarturo ran into a running Korc and having turd ever thing 1 could thiuX of and nothing helped me; nntit i baf taken six bolt lei of yonr valuable mediUce wtiich Mr ilillcr, the apothecary, recommended very highly., The tlxih bottle cured me, and all I can tay, U thai lone my health tu yuur valuable medicine. Your most nljcdlent servant; AL3EUT V ON lCODEIL , 'It I j unnecessary Tor me to enumerate tho discar-s for which Vcgetlnc should be ncd. Iknow ofno dLca?es which will not admit uf its ucf with pood result. Alniuht innu merable complain u are caused by poisonoiu frecrcuons In the blood, which can be entire ly ct pel led from the. sjs.tem by the n ot Vegcline. When the blood U perftctly cleaned), the da-easempMly-jteldd; ail palui ctae; healthy action u promptly ratoRdt and the patient is cured. .7" S 3-3a "I? X 3NT3SS CUBED ilE WMEX'TIX&'DOCTUjRS c FAILED" Qmtnxati, Otr Apr. 10 T7.. K. SteyenS: Dear Sir, I wa seriously troubled wUh ktuuey- corapuum ior a iag time, x uavv consulted the best doctors In tnlaelty. l. hapettaed vour Vr.reUneforfhUdLca-9.antl it luii cured nic when the doctors lailodto da BO. Tonr -truly . LltNEST DITUIGAK, EcdJfncr, 021 Iiacc st.-y x-Iace of boslueis, 57JCcnf. Ate. Vrei ared Tty R. II. KTEVKXS, noSTOX, ilAiK Vte'lneli9otd br "all InKCd 3IEX AXD WG3IE.V OF Ti! D S0GT1F Desiring Pleasant anil Profitable wori, are" invited to suLcit orders 'for TllE LIFE OF Csn. Alcert Sidney Johnston,- embracing his sen ices in the armies of the United State, ths Republic oiTexas, and the Confederate States. By his son, CoL Wm. Preston Johnson. Ontjliantlsome octavo, 722 pages illus trated by maps ail engravings-. Sold by subscription. t.x"dusie territory given. For farther particulars, apply to the pub- ushers, D. APPLETON 4c CO., 549, Broadway, New York. H. EISIIEIU TJF-MXlL IS I STAPLE AXD Fancv- Groceries - ' WINES, LIQUORS, &c. Xrnr tliu DriM.t. nc.lOt UKEXHAJUTJjCIJ fl EIIUE1C.S SALCO.V, , Sandy street, opposite Conner O&e. IirlxiumTesa'. B. G3KS23. Proprietor Tilt; Saloon s well svrplisdat all tinea with the finest liquors umes. isL bms,.Ie and beer; alsu domestic and Imported agar Agent at this place for the celebrated Stone tvallwhiskey. A private sitting-room, for the convenience of customers, is attached to my saloon. Patronage solicited. "iJrenham, January lt, lS7S-dtC "O. S. Saloon," Ant Street, opposite the Central Hoayv -Brenham, Tfxas. THE undersigned, proprietor at this popular saloon tales pleasure in an nouncing to his customers that he has fitted. up a fine Ear, Beer and Lunch 'saloon. i. erj thing first class. The finest importe Liquors and French 7ne. Imported Ci gars; also, Swiv. Cheese, Imported Sausage and all other delicacies and substantials be longing to the lunch department. Attached to the Saloon is a prhate sitting room uhicir is at all times at the disposal of my friends. SAM MUERV, dec n,'77-dt Proprietor. II. KIRCII &. CO. mrauoejii Imported and Domestic Wines, Liquors, Cigars and Tobacco. BAR J.XD SJJIPLE KQOZr. Ant Street, undcrCcntral IJouseJ BKESiMMt Texas. Wc would respectfully inform thepnblie that wc have fitted up a nice Bar ana have attached thereto a first class Sitting Room, forthc accommodation of customers Wc always keep on hand a. ery superior arti cle of Kentucky ON Bourbon Whiskey, to which we invite the attention of epicures. LEMP ST. LOUIS BEER. Is always kept on lap in a Patent Refrig erator, and is fresh and cool ; also, Bottled Beer constantly on ire. rz-jMJquars by Hot'Jc or Gallon. . Ma 9 d 1 y. CiTv hotel; ; Near thiTassctiger Depot, -C A i 1 y fn. --- .j :;