Newspaper Page Text
t'-e -!j - pipay-jpMAtmua h iOcal Intelligence. Trade is very dull. Cousrr Court. There is no business of public interest doing in tliis court. There was a slight shower in this vicinity on Thursday morning and evening. Cooperage. A large num ber of new cvorcss molasses barrels are being sold here to farmers. A sew wagon yard is being fitted up South of the railroad and a short distance from the depot. - Hot. The weather for the pastTew days has been intense ly hot, but not as Hot as in St. Louis. ' It is about time, the colored people were having a religious revival; cotton picking time is nearly here. Cotton pickmglia's commen ced with some of our farmers and the "first bale" is looked for in a very few dajs. Mr. Pink. Barnhill, who lives in the Green Valley settle ment, reports that the 'owls" have captured nearly all the chickens. Mad Dog Killed. Officer Lehmann, of the night police force, killed a dog yesterday evening, which exhibited symp toms of kydrophybia. Died. Wc regret to learn of the death of a daughter of Mr. and-Mrs. J. C. Harris, aged 7 3eais, which occurred yesterday evening; Funeral to-day. O.NE colored politician was -heard to remark to another col ored politician on the streets: " I suppose to use my rathcrs and say-so's about dat in de convenshun." District Court. This tri bunal held a short session on Wednesday. The grand jury broughtin a number of indict ments and the court adjourned until'Friday. 'No Worms. No cotton worms;" of consequence or no -consequence, have as yet ap "pearcd In this county, the1 Nexs reporter to the contrary .not withstanding. ' - " A gentleman from the neigh borhood of Industry, Austin county, informs us that the con tinuous rains have caused the cotton to grow very rank, al though it is well fruited. Mew Building. Mr. C. Minkwitz will soon begin the erection of a new brick stor: house, 30x60 feet, on the west side of the square and adjoining the Giaber building on the north, "i Santa "Fe Bonds Sold. A -private dispatch received here yesterday evening reads as fol lows: "Am informed that Santa ire bonds have been sold; con tract closed; work to be pushed forward with vigor." t - -Revival. A protracted meet ing of the" Christian denomina tion lias been in progress for the"last ten days at McClelland meeting house, -four miles north of Burton, under the" Auspices of Elders Lincoln and Jones. Tne result of the meeting was twenty-four converts up to Sun day. County Court. Civil term. -Monday. Jonathan Burgess was tried for lunacy. A jury of twelve men decided that Bur--gess was sane. Probate mat ters will be had to-day (Tuesday) and on Wednesday jury cases will be taken up. John Helm and C. F. Hcrbst were natura lized. Closed. The protracted meeting of the Christian church, which has been in progress for .the past ten days, at Eldridgc Hall, under the suspices of El der; Pattic closed on Sunday night. The meeting -was high ly entertaining andjjood audi ences -were in attendence throughout. On Thursday evening there was a moonlight party at Rose dak Nurseries, for the purpose of feasting on the various kinds of fiuits that grow so abundant ly at that beautiful place. The Banner regrets that it was una ,blc to have a r-prcscntti-cc jiscscuL. The city was remarkably quiet on Thursday; all the Btenham owls were out in the Washington beat superintend ing the election of delegates to the Black and Tan county con vention, to meet here on the 15 th prox. Rosedale Nurseries. A representative of the Banner visited these celebrated nurs eries a few days ago. The fruit trees are all heavily laden with the choicest fruits. Thousands of bushels of fine peaches, pears and apples arc literally going to waste, rotting on the ground lor want of a market. On the street corners and in the bar-rooms white "Orpheus C.Kcrrs" can be seen in earnest conversation with the colored man, voter and brother. The colored man and brother will learn after awhile that the gen tlemen named above have no use for them after their votes are polled. Owl convocations arc now the order day and night ; there are owls enough in search of office to keep on the wing all the time ;N while part of the owls sleep the others arc out seeking whom and what they may de vour. The colored population is kept awake so much that when a country darkey comes to town he has a sleepy look. The city marshal was happy on Saturday. I Ic had succeed ed in running two tramps out of town. If th'erc Is anything iri this world that he dislikes, it is a tramp. One of the tramps succeeded in getting several drinks, by representing that he was a fanner and had a load of corn on the way to town. The corn didn't come. Armed. Candy Garland, an ancient colored gentleman has been appointed special police man for the classic locality of Camptown. On Saturday he was up in the city with a star on his breast and the largest kind of a revolver strapped to his waist. He looked as proud as Lucifer or a peacock in full feather. Fast Time (?) On Saturday last the' Banner had a lot of paper shipped from Galveston by freight. That paper is com ing yet. It is a general com plaint among Our merchants that it takes as long to get small lots of freight from Galveston as it does from New York. It won't be thus when the Santa Fe road is finished. Turned Democrat. We learn that C. J. Stockbridge, who was elected to the Twelfth Legislature on the Radical tick et and, who always proclaimed himself as a rampant Rad, now turns up as a delegate from San Saba count' to the Demo cratic State convention at Aus tin. It seems that his political opinions have undergone a considerable transformation with the change of locality. San Saba county is overwhelm ingly Democratic. Marriage Licenses issued by II. M. Lewis, county clerk, for the week ending July 18U1. jjl Henry Michelson and Char loU. Iankes. j:, B. Farris, and Jessie R. Alexander. Gottfried Harsch and Louise Jcremas. Rcid Rector and Lizzie Ma lonc. Lester Davis and Matilda Robins. Negro Killed.A negro named Alf George washot and killed by another negro named Henry Calhoun, on Tuesday, on or near the Jackson farm, 4 miles north of Chappcll Hill. It seems that Calhoun had been out hunting, and on his return, came up to two negroes who were engaged in making hoards. The board-makers said "let's take his powder-horn away from him," at the same time suiting their actions to their words. Cal houn turned loose on George, killing him. The other negro ran away. Calhoun went to Chappell Hill on Wednesday and gave himself up. His ex amination took place before Jus tice Onins. Result not learned. Gone East. Messrs, T. J. Pampell. R. Hoffman, and Hen ry Hoddc, prominent merchants of this city left by Thurjdry morning's train for the Eaclem cities t: buy their stocks of fill pjodj. Mayor's Court. Monday. Steam pas promptly raised at the usual hour. Everything be ing n readiness, the following grist was ground out: William Payton, a white man was charg ed with being drunk and disor derly. It being his second ap pearance on a similar charge, he was taxed S3 instead of one, and the etceteras. Tempi Petty, a colored lady, was found guilty of using bad language towards another colored lady. $1 and trimmings is charged against her on the Marshall's books ; pending a" settlement she spends her leisure time "in the bastilc. Cornelius Skelton. a colored gentleman, was up for "cuss ing" on the streets on Saturday night. Si and trimmings now detains Cornelius in the bastilc. Got a Horse. On Monday, July 8th, one Joe Russell, who had been living in the Gay Hill neighborhood, called at Parks' stable and hired a saddle horse for the ostensible purpose of going to Mill creek; the horse was to have been returned the next day. The next day came, but Russell jind the horse did not come. Mr. Parks stat ed a "tracer" after the horse and man, and succeeded in finding the horse at Hempstead, where Russell had sold him with the saddle and bridle for J5.0, giving a bill of sale signed "Wilson." He then bought a ticket for Hcarne and left. Russell is said to have relations 'living in Dallas county, Ala., and has probably gone there, on the money. Released. On the nth of June last Ed. Barsantce was brought here by the Sheriff of Waller county and placed in jail for safe keeping. The Wal ler county sheriff told Sheriff Hutchinson that he would send up the "necessary documents" to hold the prisoner. The pa pers never came, but on Thurs day Col. J. T. Griffin, of Hemp stead came up here and procur ing a writ of habeas corpus the case came in for hearing before Judge Williams, of the county Court. Upon hearing the case and there being no papers to hold the prisoner he was dis charged. Barsantce did not al low the grass in Brenham to grow under his feet, but at once betook himself to tall timber. On Friday Sheriff McDadc, of Waller county, was here look ing for Mr. Barsantce, but he did't find him. Mayor's Court. With the mercury away up above the nineties it is easy to raise steam. The Mayor's court was set to grinding on Friday morning. The vie. Jin was one Katie Fer guson, a very large black olea ginous lady, who was charged with using language calculated to provoke a breach of the peace. Rachel Hill, a sister in law, was the victim of her wrath. The peace and dignity of the city of Brenham was damaged to the extent of $2 50, which with the "trimmings" amounts to 511. The oleagin ous lady not having that much wealth, now groans and sweats in the bastilc. M. N. R. This means mid night revellers. On Friday morning early, that is about I or 2 o'clock, a party of M. N. R's, in a wagon or buggy, came into town from the south, firing off their gay and festive revolv ers, and also, exercising their lungs by hollowing as loutf-as they could, and that was pretty loud. The night guardians of the peace made an inaffectual attempt to capture the revellers, who fired a few extra shots, and putting whip to their horse, or horses, drove out of town. Who the parties were is of course unknown. Fire. Shortly after tcno'clock on Friday night a fire broke out in the stable on the place of the late J. D. Giddings, about a mile 3nd a quarter south of tow n. The stable and a quanitity of forage was totally destroyed. A number of the members of the fire department went to the scene of the conflagration, arriving iu time to save the carriage house and cow sheds in close proximi ty. The loss on the stable was about S700, on forage about 300. There was no insurance. BP Send your children to C A. Fetter's Grocery St"r. Thn will i fuIl vcht I i.l ryjjur OWL CO d vIUNIjN- Thsy Gather rA Watrousvillo 'and Hoot Together. On Monday evening, night and away on inri! the peep o' day on Tuesday morning the owls held a communion- with the colored brethren at Watrous villo, at the colored meeting house in that suburb of the town. Shortly after tw ilight the ' "Orphcu: C. King" owls were on the wing,, wending their way to the place of com munion. The faithful colored brethrcm from Camps were also "thar." The Banner Imq an able aau experienced corps oi reporters in attendance. The following white owls were in attendance ; they all want of fice, either themselves or their friends : Richard A. Harvin, Paul Fricke, E. Kamien, O. Crozier, Jonny O'Riordan, C. W. Klaedcn, Tom Lockett, Car! Schutze, Ed. Lockett, C. C. Bry an, T. O. Hyncs, Jo Hoffman, J. H. Hutchinson, J. L. Moore and perhaps others If any other 'Orpheus C. King" gentlemen of the pale-faced persuasion were " thar" and their names have been omitted, the Banner will on application publish them. The colored head centers and leading men were "thar" in full force. The black and white owls communed together in brotherly love and affection, that is, affection for the colored man's vote. Speeches were made by nearly all the seekers-of-office. Col. Kamien, Col. Harvin, Col. Hutchinson, Col. Moore, Col. Cummins, late of Africa, and other distinguish ed military chieftains, descanted on their peculiar fitness for the various positions to which they aspire. They all said that they would be "good men if elected." So interesting was the occasion, and so harmonious was the communion of the kindred spirits, that the meeting con tinued until nearly daylight, when the owls, with the instinct of their winged and feathered name-sakes, betook themselves to their domicils and roosts. Mayor's Court. Thursday. Miss Cynthia Davidson, a rather good-looking octoroon, appear en before the court to answer a charge preferred against her by some of the colored people of Camptown, charging her with keeping a disorderly house, lo cated a little distance north of the African M. E. church. Miss Davidson was represented by C. C. Lockett, Esq., and the city by C. C. Garrett, Esq. A jury was demanded, and the marshall selected an "illustra ted" one, that is, 'alf and 'alf, half black and half white. Ten witnesses were summoned and examined. Able and exhaustive speeches were made by v the counsel and the case submitted to the jury, who returned a ver dict that Miss Davidson did keep a disorderly house. They assessed the minimum fine, S20, wince, together with the trim mings, amounted to $35 95. Miss Davison appeals to the county court, and pending the giving of an approved bond en joys the hospitality of the city bastile. Ball of the Season. The grand military ball to be given at the Opera House 011 Thurs day evening, August 8th, by the Brenham Greys, promises to be a brilliant one. Preparations are being made for the accom dation of at least two hundred couple; a splendid band of mu sic has been provided, and everything augers well for a good time. The members of the company, who comprise among their number some of the best young men of our town, are doing all they can in the way of preparation. All who attend may 'rest assured that they will pass a pleasant evening. Excitement. A drunken negro mounted on a pretty good claybank horse raised merry "Hail Columbia" on Sandy street near St.CIiarles on Tues day afternoon. As the marsh al appeared on the scene the drunken nig rode down the street; the -marshal impressed an animated backtrack but not withstanding a liberal applica tion of hickery was unable to attain a sufficient momentum to overtake the fleeing nig, The marshal returned having cap tured '3z hat of the noisv 00:1 Hrbecul. On Wednesday th .re was a giand Republican o-"0 v"' hirb:.cue given at or near Graball, in the Washington beat. Early in the morning a number of the Brenham owls were on the wing bound for the barbecue. Eating, drinking and speaking was the order of the day. It is, perhaps, almost superfluous to say that these gatherings arc gotten up for the special purpose of electioneer ing w idi 'the colore J With hard. white Re: is in scai of the8 sio: "du: pose 1 mceti: susniffbn. ' It is a noticable fea-vj tire of these enterrainments that the speakers are not near as "bad" when Democrats are on hand to take notes. When the owls are by .themselves they abuse the Democrats for every thing imaginable. Never in the history of a political can vass in this county were the Radical office-seekcis as active as at present. There is hardly a day but what a meeting is held somewhere in the county. It is difficult to keep up with a healthy owl. Real Estate transfers re corded for two weeks ending July 1 8th, reported by C. F. Herbst of the county clerk's office. S. F. Kavanaugh, to II. R. Hillebrand, 11 6-10 acres, War rington League, gioo. F. B. Gentry et al., I acre for school purposes, $10. J. H. Hutchinson, S. W. C, to Fayette Smith, 1 00 acres, Ev D. Jackson, II. R., S475. " C. R. Breedlovc, to J. N. Chadwick, house and lot in Brenham, S3000. Moses Branch and wife, to Tobc Williams, 1-2 acre lot in Brenham, S75.' King of Prussia Beer Sa loon. As will be seen by the card elsewhere, Messrs. Leh mann & Els have opened a saloon under the above name in the Asbeck building. Mr. Lehmann has been for a long time con nected with .the saloons of this city and now launches out on his own hook. The hungry and those in search of liquid refresh ments will do well to call at the King of Prusia saloon. Brenham Brewery. Bren ham has had for a long time a local reputation for the excel lent quanity of her home-made beer. No one has done more to establish this reputation than Mr. Lorenz Zeiss, proprietor of the Brenham Brewery. We take pleasure in calling atten tion to his card elsewhere. Hobby Horses.: The hobby horses arrived in town on Sat urday, much to the delight of the little negroes and small white boys. Every boy who could raise a nickel was on hand for a ride. Negroes of large growth, both male and fe male, are also liberal patrons. A scarcity of nickels makes hobby horsing rather dull. Weekly Cotton Statement. Mr. W. K. Lewis, furnishes the Banner with the following statement for the week ending Thursday, July 12th, 1S7S. Net receipt:,, biles 10 Shipments 55' Stock on hand ill Total receipts thU season 20,665 Freight to New York, 90c. per 100. lbs., rail and water.. Weather report by Dr. Wood: Total rainfall in inches 7 3 10 mgncst temperature 94 Lowest temperature r.. 77 Av erage temperature. . S3,S' Rev. W. B. Riggs is expect ed to return home to-morrow, and will preach on Sunday at 11 o'clock. No doubt the at tendints of religious services at the opera House will be glad to learn that stated preaching will be resumed again. The action of the San Anto nio convention in not nominat ing Mr. Schleicher was univer sally condemned on the streets. Notice. No person is au thorized to buy anything on ac count of the Banner without a written order. Rankin & Levin. KX C A. ItiTrni, the handsome Grocer, neit door to A. M. While, keeps thl'C't SUcV in Pinlun. fr thecitvtrj'l; raplc. bKccenjiufery PW oHUS 7"V i&Kk SHHK nHl oBttnHI iiauviwu, uuun ivwr .vi:m.wi -.... mm- CALENDAR CLOCKS- . Mr. II. A. Engman, of Louis iana, general agent of the Calen dar Clock Company, is now in the city. It is the intention of the company to establish head quarters at Brenham for the surrounding counties. These clocks are said to be all that they are represented. In due time our citizens will be called upon by Mr. Engman or his agents. The Alexandria, (La.) Democrat says : "Though it hai often been said that Southern men lacked success and were wanting in those. sterling qualities which, in a business point of view, are justly at tributable to our Yankee friends, it becomes our pleasure to note the grand success that energetic and gentlemanly agents of the endar Clock Company have had in dis- ng of their noted "Fashion" clock. e Jeam that the best citizens of this 'Ji are aRatasJheiHstlves of this op- rtunily of procuring an A Nij. 1 Clock and Calendar. Their Superintendent, II. A. Engman, who is a native of Louisiana, informs us that their salts have been over three hnndrcd in the past three months and a half, and with flattering prospects still ahead. Having one of their "Fashions" in our sanctum, we cheerfully recommend all in need of good time to avail themselves of this opportunity. This clock L sold at one price only, so all can rest easy as to fair and square dealing." A Card. Some maliciously inclined persons have circulated a re port that I am a Republican and luve been in the habit of attending Radical meetings. I attended the love feast at New England for the purpose of re porting the doings to the Ban ner. Want of time prevented my making the report. That I am a Republican is simply a lie. I am now and always have been a Democrat, and expect to re main one. Geo. W. Grater. HARKCr ItLTOItr. Banner Omen, July iS, 1S7S. COTTON. Good Middling lo,1' Middling T oi Low Middling oj Good Ordinary 8"i Ordinirv o HIDES. Dry Flint to, 12 Kips io() it Damaged .' 3 () 6 Butcher's Green 3H4 COUNTRY PRODUCli Butter 12 15 Eggs.... 78 Corn in shuck jO(j)35 Sweet potatoes per bu. 30(a) 40 POTATOES. New, wagon load, per bu., .. demand GROCERIES, AT v HOLESALE. Bacon, dear sides SQ,S4 breaktast "Jivs) Hams, choice lo(r) Lard :.. 9Q1', Coffee, persack 15 18 Sugar, pure white, per lb. I! prime 8 (; " choice loif Rice, choice 7Kfc Dried apples yj-i Qi) Molasses, choice 5(2 6 M olasses, home 45 (a) SyrupGoIden .60 Comraeol, per be, 40 50 Hour, fancyper icolb $4 co " choice...... 375 Salt, coarse, persack I 65 "fine 2 25(3)250 BAGGING AND TIES. Bagging, double anchor, heavy, TiCa, all kind, per bdL ".2 75 (, LUMBER. Rough lambcr, all kinds, pc. M,. $20 co Dressed and matched flooring, I in. 25 00 Shingles, O. K., perM 5 25 B. " " ...... ...... 4 25 Doors, smallest sixe, 2-0x6 6 each.. I 75 Sashes, glazed, smallest sue, Stio... 1 40 Blinds, rolling 'law, smallest size, Sxio I 40 A r.HOKITE Rf.sieuv. Simmon's Liv er Regulator is one of the mo-,t meritorious and popular preparations offered to the public 2: is entirely free from injurious mineral, and as a vegetable pre paration made of southern roots and herbs it is a sovereign remed; for all liver and bow el somplaints. The merits of this rem edy commend it to the public as a standard to be kept constandy in the family. It has the most unqualified endorsement of thou sands of our most prominent citizens in all parts of the country, who have used it and testify to its excellent medical and curative qualities. Purchasers should be careful to see that they get the "genuine," manufac tured by only by J. H. Zulin & Co., Phil adelphia. The Mother Often innocendy gives her nursing little one the severest Colic or Cholera Intantum by indulging herself in fruits and v cgctables. Parker's Ginger Tonic, taken freely by the mother, will not only counteract this dan- ncrous etlccton her babe, but will strength en her own nervous and physical system, and impart to her little one quiet, chcer fulness,freedom from nain, and a cisposi- tion torefreshui" sleep. It is a cheerinc relief tion torefrcshiii' from the roiscn from the miseries of Dyspepsia, Headache, Nervousness, Palpitation, Heartburn, Liver disorders, Constipation, Low Spirits and Wakefulness, and the dangerous Cholera vvakeiuiness auu uic dangerous v.nolera Infantum, Cramps Colic, Choler Morbus, Diarrhoea and Dysentery ate rendered harmless and speedily cured by this match less and invigoratinrj corrective. Buy from yojr druggist, R. L. I.ubn, a $i oo bottle or a sample tattle for 15 cents and test its menu. FOR JULY. STij,, "blower: Linen tnm"nings isj aad 15c "p" ywd Spanish Lace Scarfs 75c each. White Marseilles Qudts $ 1 50. Darlington Dress Goods ice per yard. Organdies do. do. 15c per yard. Figured Corded I"icrrucx I2jic per yard. Silk Parasols only St co. Lace Collars .ind Cuds new 50 cents. 5 Button Lyic Thread new 75 cents. N'cw lot of 2 button Kid GI01 cs 75 cents. Gents nice Cassimerc Suits $10 00. A niccwhite hirt $1 25. Straw Hats cheap, cheap. Nobby styles in men's Boots aad Shces, all at NEWBOUER, BROS.' Dry-Go odi Palaoo. Main Street. A good white vest for Si 50. A good summer cos j for 75c to 1 00. A complete assortment in Brown, Grey and Black and mixed Cassimerc suits, closing out at cost, at D. W. Bioombargh's. Closing out of Summer Dress goods, brown Linen 15c per yard, regular price 25c ; Black Grencdine 20, 30, 35 40and 50c; J lormer price 25 2? A 5 and 65c; Colored Grencdincs I2c and upwards, rare bargains, at D W. Bloombargh's. tSy Fresh Groceries, bought expressly for the city trade, :c!d at a v cry small nrot and delivered free. C. A. I'OLTEX. For a good square meal go to the Phenix Restaurant. It w ill cost you only a quarter. DARLiNGTON"Dress Goods the latest, iocayard, at Ncwbouer Bro's. Just received new lot Fans, Fan chains, corsets, handker chiefs, hosier 3 pair for 25c, Parasols and at very low figures, at D. W. Bioombargh's. Just received. Straw Hats, Straw Hats latest novelties from 25c and upwards, at D. W Bioombargh's. Fine old bourbon, 10 cents a drink, at Kirch's, Under Central House. Twenty-five cents will pay for a good square meal at the Phenix Restaurant- EgV. C A. Potter keeps first class goods and sells them as cheAp as the cheapest. H Cotton bEr.u Wanted. Highest cash price paid or same delivered at my warehouse. diw3m. j. A. Wilkins. CiiiLDR'ENsTMisses. and La dies Slippers. Shoes very -low; also Gents and Boys Boots and Shoes, call and see them at D. W. Bioombargh's. B,Go to C A. PorrtR, the Live Grocer, for tobacco, cigars and all fancy Groceries. Square meals for 25 cents at the Phenix Restaurant. - Go to C. A. Potter for your flour. Every sack warranted and delivered free. Gents' shirts, drawers, col lars, ties, hats, wrappers, and latest novelties at D. W. Bioom bargh's. I'll csix Restaurant. A good square "meal for twenty five cents. 25 Cents. Thisamcun will get a square meal at the Phe nix Restaurant. ANNOUNCEMENTS. FOR SIILRIFF. The friends of Mr. J. H.J Grabow- here by announce him as a candidate for ShenQ of Washington county, subject to the ac tion of the Democratic county convention. TheFriendsofJoJiN A.-VERSON licrcby announce him as a candidate for Sheriff of Washington county, subject to the action of the county Democratic convention. Wc arc authorized to announce SOL. M. WILLIAMS as'a candidal: for Sheriff, subject to the action of the Democratic county convention. FOR TAX ASSESSOR. I hereby announce myself as a candidate for Tsi Assessor of Washington county, subject to the approval of the Democratic county convention. EI-ACKLOCKKIDGE. TOS STATE SENATOR. Wc are authorized to announce Hot. A. CHESI.EY. of BUlvillc, Austin county, as a candidate for 5tate Senator for the 2Cth Senatorial DistrKt. Subject to the actional the Democratic Senatorial District Conven tion. For tax collector. Wc are authorized to announce D..G. BOWERS, as a candidate for Tax Collec tor of Washington county, subject lo Ihe action of the county Democratic conv ca tion. T)EN. S. ROGERS, Attornsy-at-Lrw, Chappdl Hill, Texas. I. B. McFarlud. Bu'erf Jlcfarlani. m ,-cFARLAND & McFARLAND, Attorncfys'a t-Xia.'cv, Brenham, Tcaa5. 0Qr(-UpstAlr lu Graocr'i buildia;, -rr Bido I'pbHe squam lai. I KM. w. C. BAIRD, M. V., PhyslcLiB and Surgeon, mehS-t!: Wcrlcv.Tetas. J' MATCHETf. . P. Snnrcon and thTsict?nl Brcnh-nn, Texas. HrreftfaUT lnfnmMv uW mnli f tfvl cirvand viclnitv that ho hat rv nirae i urara- Office at the rionlactnn Uoii.- muv Ji.n. J. T. Norrli 11 1) Brvnliam. I. VOm Ki'!r;,AisiV "VrORKIS & CKUATH, IS Physicians and Surgeons. Oar their'wal miu;s fa tho elti zrnof Brenham sad Tlciury Offlc. Wood's IrriEHr. Ilarll. 1S7I. r. c locket? Attornoy-ot j-j.-e7-," Hrenhtin, Texas. 'rJREEDLOVC & EWIKG Attoruoyo o t Xiavcr, ftrrni'ftm. Ti Bit 7. X.. 2UCZZATOA3T, ifavpicI'K-a.'M ia Ilrwa tt Mild thiKP rtf thm t telnltv Uic touth eiif ufthe square, cr lwis nature mrM7-0Au.nm Sstrav SSotico. Taken up by Gabriel! Duacsn, and estrayed before Thos. H. Lipscomb, J P.. Prccmrt No. 5, Washington County, May 15th, 1S7S, one sorrel horse, bald face, fare fietandlerswhrtc up tie knees, left hind foot also white and sarae leg while up o the hock, hiavy mane and tail, about IS hands high, no brands about 8 yeirs old and paces a hide. Aprrassed by J. D Bishop and T. B. Hocr at 5 jo. If. M. LEVIS. Clerk County Court, VahintnnCo. June iz'jS. Printers' fee rd. BRENHAM CARDS. "P K. CARRICK, PRACTICAL JOB-PRI.VTEKl Office. Sandy Street, CTerVocJ& Co Drugstore. tSsTvAlI urork promptly executed and satis faction guaranteed! July 2, d tC y & smith, SADDLE-TREE MAKER. Brenham. Texas! AH orders filled promptly At JUing pricf& rAlronacc solicited. jan. i, ?3-y. JJRENHAM BREWERY t Maiket Street, Brenham, Texas. LOKENZ ZEISS, Proprietor.. The Tiry best quality of LAGER BEER always kept on hand. All orders pmrnpUV filled at short notice. Give me & trisl and be convinced. July 17, lS73-y. "TTTILUAM ZEISS, AND OONPUCTIOWBIti Main Street, Brenham, Texas. DEALER in Staple and FkDcy Grocr ries, Wiaes, Liquors, Lager Beer, Se not lircad. Fresh Ci es and Heron hind at all tines. jan I,?7g-y. XJEER SALOON TO THE EIKG OF PRUSSIA,' (Asbcvk's building', near tht.M"ket,) Market street, Brerftam, Teiafc The finest Imported Wines. Liquors and Cifars, also tine domestic hquoi. cigars, and tobacco. , v Imported Sausage, SchwiUer Kase, and all delicacies usually kept by first-class sa loon. A share of the public patronagtf rcspcctfuUy solicited. LEHMANN & ELS, July 17, 1S7. Proprietors. EL riUXKK, ijEAi.nn ix Gis, Pisiols ai AmiBitiii, , and manufacturer of I' Ire and liurglqr Proof pafczl Ant trcKt, Btenliani.-Trias. ftanp. Pistulanml Sftfcs r, aired a short i.cUch. Iron door and v.indmr T blinds rodo f rd c All ,k!nd nf cartr drt and. ammunition ki-pl. on hand. OctnlirJO.Ti-Ivr' W.m. SCI1UHENBEKU, ; Blacksmith &r and inannfacturpr of a AGRICULTURAL IillPLEMENTS Ta. s EsT Special attrntinn jrh erJ to TTfmas Smokino, jrenural job work and repair? 'Z- Txrjna liberal, j Shop nxar-llajr-. nard'aJjvrry Stabli'. June 18"M' ? . -V M. A. IIEA.LV, , DEAW.R. IS General 'Hardvvare;? CUTLERY, Edce ToolsCASTINGS, ' . " Farming Implements Hoes, Chairs,'?Iiiw Iron, Steel, Cooking and Heatmgjioves, Stove Trimminra and TavwareoIalBittdj. Paints, bus, Varnishes and whKwlGfass,i Buggy and Wagaa material Robber Belting, from 1 tj to 18 inches viide.'Packuig,ofUie kinds, and all articles appertaining to all " Hardware business. ,1. , Si , January 1st 1S7S. Maln'strtet.'Kc'diim. w ICILARDT-i: SEELH9RST T Hrenhwn,. Texas. TIS & SHEET IROX.ffORRERSJ DKAL S ISTGSSEX.C. " - House-furnishing Aborts, Pumps of all de scriptions. Cooking and Heating Stoves, m large variety. " "" " 2: Wrought IroaEpeand' Steam FittiBgs cut and fitted to order. Roofing amfpotit iugduneal short no'ice. ,',??, - Thankful for the liberal patrosageDetfaw ed upon the rfd" firm, -wc respectftUlysalicii t iinhnninr ftf lli, nm,.i Brenham. Inuaarj; isL-lS?"- c g A. STELZIGv v SADDliES JiXV Harness ManufactuYer f! -? Man Street Kat Door to, Hoffman's. j BnEsnAM, Tbxasl" "j SATmLKS. Hnrnw,- WlilpV ttuihf. Brllle. Collars. ' TVai". Saddln Hr. ic.,, alf hand t.r .Ic Itjruliiuita i Al vrtirfc warrautcd. v lapifist - A..STE u citation:" STATE OF TEXAS.5 , To the SheriS orsny Cola mgton County; orcetin TTOU art hereby coa 1 miking pubEeation'e setae newspaper published county 't lourks previj turn day hereof, vou stajnei ri. whose residence l. unknowl appear before the Justice Court, NcT. ofWashinctori .counryat ruy fire, m the town oi Brenbanu. GUthe 4th Monday m August, being the 26tac!a.Y i Aucus.lS?8i then and tbsre"li'ai!si( the netrdan cf T.SL. Wakinsajjdr.Throl Thompson, coorWfifethcljra'o'SViSua1 1 compson, enwrca upon a promnussirv note tor torty-crgal fajlouarsoi oai. Isly 4th, a 1973 ana aue jurycia, ;jsi Herein iau uai pur nave yoz uica 4 there before said .ecurt this writ, v.iU v return thereon, shoving nowyou navel ecu co. ins same. , , j Given under rov hand atcffice.thM day of July, 187a. .- CHAS-ZURCHERj J. P. of Washington cosntyt i, A true copy of tic originaC' " H. HANCOCK, Constable. ' " c llTY HESTAUSAJC f ii r airniivim pV.ii.i.t " Opposite the Cotton EaaBge.)v!' Buy-Oysters, EUb. and Game in seasonTBR Meals at all hours, Tjcek cr month,, Board Art the TMj c 4 ! -s I J-. r- S.ngO If '.