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pgl!fEk XIV.
I'attUsbWI aUr ad WccklJ.
ttXHor- 3vj , .yjoprictorf .
!?aCcirmakoii of any Paper pub-
f iioacxMil this Senatorial district.
llafegl f .Sabscriptlonr
" kJj', on- teprneyeM'. . -
; rr3niier.iMdItfadvtiTOiTOt5in5ert-
id!.vivajqM r atl Insertion, and
r it r awi mrvvm savevtiuvui. nw
. v trrKw ail OWtMrr unices, ertwdlng
d Iitw, aHrpnee. jsmanai nonces 01 a
, ire baaiaSinanolar.IOccnttalinencn
I L rrU n
ST and his party
nil- Alexandria,
St"$"few Orleans, af-
toyears, will be
thechcplain of,
-.ir t n, . .
icnrainnihliiivcaiEuJ'ur( ;
tgtam .declines to
ng,m fevor of'thf
l&n woaianr
jiaS resigned'and
reyy,has been elect
t of France. 'Every
'ceable $
posai Ho give wife
7 f . x-..H fir-t
Denent.oi tne wnip-
-Srefidorsed by some
nents f 'tic injta-
"A-rtiBof mutes.frDin. the
asyioia weee inj tke -senate
chanvbei, im.Frldayuainong tile'
senatocrudTivsomt dama-
ging'sttmesof'ill treatmen'C
( 5 v i..' . ...'--.f bt
TnsaiSs oo-y'irtue iin'xurses:
iitor liurledcOnb,at,a.
3itol-.withoub. effecL
&im ( iteitKxkk sent :him td
3,THE,rd5A,siconventton at
Austin lriS''raernVnaVo
the legisapure. ureccommerlding
a. . ' ' ' -r QtCTft
ipecial tqhe Aj
;aenfe.pf Austin brings
tges againsttheghap
le'hojise) jOnd .exhibl
-which,ittrue, arejVery
iJiyVlty. i . fi
$ tlkr. Wftk2 "flftof Mtrftrti, rC
'W(" "" uwuu.. .
i by iiumJag 'houses and
inAercihe plague-Jhas'
brtfctk out.; The-czar is dispo'-'
seetxo follows Ae,lviie. -3
The Galvesion News' Jhaas
t; legMlaiurd-againstlretrench-
inent in the Teduction xf sala-
ifes belova, point that will se-,
. -7 j .Aj -sr vt
cure efficiency. "Retrenchment
may be earned entirely too far,
" '. Tn ' v ej
It is humored, in New Orleans
thatj". Mad. Wells, of returning
board infemy,riow surveyor. of.
the potrriias-fbeenindicted byj
HjellnitedStates grand jury foe
malfeasance imofSce. "Wells is
a bad case, anyhow. -
TuEjeffersonjgyw Isayi the"
samejswscs producejsjckjiess
in.liogs and mankind. Thzjiinp
mma had; Better "rlot'-have" ex
., WMed this opinion as, many; of
the Texas papers Jiqv; accuse
him of beinga hog. ' ,f
"" wFuauig
the 'home-
stead, law are taken to task by
ihe Houston Telegram) which
" handles them without gloves?
jljjc nomesicaa law u jioiaDus,
ed is-'a very proper one and
should not berepelaledj
Gen" Qmx
..have aed
-j jar,.
U.r a'restcf
Wjj ' -War-
JL JulesS
, ca-Prealdm
thirigJs rfil
- The, &
- uSrff
l n l j it
r - r- rr
t Higtaaupfl
tntk. A
A Dallas.
.r- 1.
, thafcthejprbpriation'aske'dfdr
by thfe, Bwafl -tolIegTD? gran-
Xh - & ihe iiempsteaa messenger,
ftf a I6ng struggle Tor exis
tence has at last gone the" way
C many nevvspapers-7-died of
-maiution. The Courier an-
-nouncesj that it is jiowlheumly'
paper published in Waller coun
ty. 1 at 1
The city council pf Memphis
met on "Friday evening j Uie
mayor tendered his tesignation
to, take effect at 10 the next
morning: The resignation svas
accepted when the council ad
journed sine die. Thi&ends.the
existence of Memphis as a city-
A wine importing house iq
New York sends the Banner a
3 circular, showing the quantity
of various wines imported, and
calling attention to the amount
imported by their own house,
-with die suggestion that it may
interest our readers. It is a
device to obtain a, gratuitous
advertisement The schemes
. - that are .resorted to for the pur-
'- jJI&SjRf beng newspapers are
to o 1 ifflWi ijmiAI 1 to mention.
"Eerforatiok" is the last
name -some inventive cuss has
invented for shooting and cut
ting. The idea is rather far
fetched as to perforate means
to make a hole through. Punc
turation is the proper word.
Thomas J. Brady, second as
sistant postmaster general, was
before the.Potter committee and
confessed to stealing cipher dis
Datches. some of which were
', ., , .,
sent to uie jnoum ana outers
to J?ill Chandler. Brady is still
retained in the postoffice depart
ments Mardi-Gras. The Banner
lias received -a. very .handsome
,poster announcing the K.O. M.
celebration at Galveston on the
ssth'int jKirig Momtis Invites
all rus loyal .subjects tobe pres
ent - Persons sending their'
names to Israfail, prime minis
ter will be'furnishedinvitations.
In the senate ,Mn Coke sub-.Tit-r,
j. , -.a
nutted a resolution requesting
the committee on railroads to
consider the bijl to aid in the
construction of a rardroadfrom i
San Antonio to Laredo and to
provide for '.the construction of.
rj (r I
the Galveston and Camargo
road to Rio Grande, city, oppo
site Camargo lexico.
,! McLennan cpunty is large
and-populous. She has;a poor
farmwhich is -asr'pdonas ever'a
farm gets tolbe. '"It is not own
ed by the county.ibut is" rented
atSjoopcry-rJoFourteert pau
ers -isalli!McLennan'ttoiinty
can muster. This is -sbdrcely'a
corporal's- guard 'as compared
jyithj.'yVashington ,county''full
companyofifty andT upwaitisj
The plague jrl Russia contm,
ues.to,spread. At St Petera
burg a committee of ministers,
Uiorities. .were present decided
1V , lr't jU s vc
that bodies of the dead through
out the infected district should
be burned. A number of Ger
m'an "physicians will go to' Rus
sia to "investigate; Jthe 'epidemic.'
t?N i?$uJr&PKy'tJj5re..'s
great exciterrjpt,, JiWrn.arn
esa desperadcv has been sen
tenced to 99 -years ,in the peni
tentiary for t the, murder of
Thomastevens, He says he
Cir iJ 1 'tii T , -; .
will 'never go there, and lus
friends threaten to. kill all con-
cemed in his arrest ,,He is
guarded by-15 meh and 35 held
Sun iBiwr j 3 .po ' l
in rcsewe.. .
3e -a ' t'f r "
' sThe jtiryiainthetiArlington
case, returned m verdict Tor the'
plaintiff, Gen.teejforthe.w'hole
lof theproperty. It'will prob-
ablyftbe remembered that the
Arlington estate;' is'situated'op
jiositp Washington. It. jvasjlie
npme. otfiieorge. vyasmngton
Par&JZustis-andfrqm him de
scended to Gen. ,B- E. Lee.
iShortJy after 4Ke beginning of
theJate.war the,property jras
jConQscatejand taken posses
jiop, of by, tiispyernment, The,
.suit vas fijr jts recovery. j Lt
Iirthe county court of Colo
rado county 'for criminal busi
ness last week"; Tim Hall, a col-"'
ored gospel expounder was tried
for stealing a turkey, worth
about six-bits ; the, jury said he'
vasguilty and assessed his pun
rnentatob days, in the county
jail." The costs in this turkey
case, amount to S97-52 with the
tSadays board urjail tpbe paid
for by the good people of that
county, Tim in the meanwhile
ha. vfng plenty to eat and noth-,
ing to, do.
What say 'the opponents of
Uie whippingpost tocases of
this kind ? They are of daily
occurrence in the state.
Some" time ago the "Manhat
tan bank in New York was rob
bed of over 3,000,600 in bonds
and .securities. The officers and
detectives have discovered no
clua to the. robbers. It now
transpires Uiat one of the trus
tees of the bank has had propo
sitions made him by four re
spectable la.wyers of New York
city for returning the bonds on
condition that the bank would
pay them a large reward how
large he refused tb state. The
proposition was declined be
cause it is probable that the
bonds will be reissued. It is
an anomaly Jiow criminals can
open negotiations though highly
respectable lawyers and run no
risk of exposing themselves to
arrest In this case they seem
to have1 done so.
The high court of justice at
Edinburg, on the 1st inst, pass
ed sentence upon the directors
of the City Bank of Glasgow.
Robert Sumner and S. and L.
Potter convicted of fraud, theft,
and embezzlement, were senten
ced to eighteen months impris
onment The five other direct
ors, John Stewart, Robert Sal-
mond, William Taylor, Henry
Ingles and John I. Wright, -were
convicted of uttering false, ab
stracts and balance sheets, and
sentenced to,eightmonths im
prisonment A London dispatch
says, the sentences create con
siderable surprise on account of
their leniency. The presiding
judges, in passing" judgment of
the court,(said they considered
the' circumstance that the pris
oners had not falsified the ac
counts for their own personal
benefit, but in the mistakenldea
that it was for the public good.
These men were all highly re
spectable and occupied high po
sitions in society, yet in Scot
land their previous respectabili1
tyand high standing1 gbes for
nothing and they'are convicted
the j same as the commonest
thief. In Great Britain, wfiat
evetirnay(be the. faults' of the
government, the- law 'is no re
specter -of persons, ithe'Wrong
coer, no matter what his .social
position may be,is,amenable-to .
the law- Xhe high-toned bank
directors will be sent to prison
and treated as felons; the same
as common thieves, they will
be dressed in prison garb, fed on
prison fare and kept in the ordi
nary Drison cells : they will be
allowed no privileges on account
u 1 lit' r T J .
of,rank or money. In this j-e-,
spect England is far ahead of
the Unitecl'Sta'tes. In this coun
try it has only been in rare in
stances that" bank and railroad
directors of 'thievish propensi
ties have been convicted, and
when'convicted1 and' sent to the,
jail or penitentiary they "have
been a'ceorded special privileges
such1 as being allowed to furnishf
tSein6ells'and"hdve their own
r)rovisions7 'wines', cigars, 4 etc
Some of the St Louis whiskey
thieves who were imprisoned In
the St-Louis jail were allowed
their own -furniture 'and instead
of living on prison' fare" were al-'
lowed toihavel their .meals -sent
from a restaurant In many
cases-,"respectablev criminals"
have been sent to penitentiaries
and at once p lit into soft places.'
Suchaitreatment' is radically
wrong andthose who violate thev
laws should be made to suffer
the extreme penalty of the law.
Money should have no, influence
in screening criminals from jus-
jtice.. The educated and wealthy
j criminal should be more severe-.
lly punished than the poor and
ignorant bne.
i 1
There has been fun in Dall
ilas among the newspaper men.'
There has been, ill-feeling be-
'tween the Hatld and the Com
wurcial for some time. The
latter paper denounced Pfouts
of Jhe former as a liar etc., etc
.During the day (Friday) as
Woriey, of the Commeiciil and
a friend were passing a drug
'store "Pfouts sprang out and
hurled an oath and a stone at
"Worley, the stone struck him
on the neck knocking him down;
the oath didn't hurt him. The
friend made, for Pfouts, who
kept him at a, respectful dis
tance by presenting a cocked
"resolver." The friend resolv
ed to keep off. This is the be
ginning. Tue penitentiary committee
find some of the buildings in
need of repairs. Very few con
victs complained of ill treat
ment, want of cIothingrinsuffi
ciency of food, or overwork
The conclusion is the present
management is satisfactory. The
appliances to extinguish fires are
nearly worthless, and the build
ings are virtually at the mercy
of the flames. '
Hon. Ben. F. Jonas; lately
elected senator from Louisiana
to succeed Hon. James G. Eus
tis, is not over 40 years old. He
graduated in the university of
Louisiana in the class of 1855
and has been somewhat promi
nent in Louisiana politics. Mr.
Jonas is the second Irealite that
Louisiana has sent to the sen
ate, the first being Judah P.
Semte, Jan. 30. Committee
reported adversely on resolution
to abolish the rules of the sen
ate enjoining secrecy of execu
tive session.
Bill for the preservation and
propagation of fish referred.
Joint resolution that a com
mittee of two of the senate and
three of the house be appointed
to visit and inspect the Bryan'
college, referred.
The house bill to repeal the
dog tax was referred.
Bill appropriating $30,000 for
contingent fund passed under
suspension, of the rules.
House. A number of new
bills were introduced.
Bill to provide for uniformity
of textbooks in public schools;
By Stewart, of Harris. To
ascertain the values of public
lands and where situated. Also
to protect fish in the streams
and waters of the state.
Judiciary committee Np. I re
ported favorably on bill to re
quire debtors to render an ex
hibit of their financial affairs to
creditors, and insolvent act
' 'C6mmittee on constitutional
amendments reported 'bill to
abolish" smoke-house tax.
Favorable repo'rt on bill ap
propriating 600,000 for public
schoolsTrom Jan i, '79 to Aug.
31, '79 ; amended 'to cover defi
ciencies from Sept. I, '78. Bill
passed under suspension of the
Senate. Jan. 3 1. A number
of committee reports were re
ceived. Favorably on bill to organize
statt penitentiaries and regulate
conv ,ts.
That bill to repeal dog tax
pass, with amendment, so that
the collection of the tax now
going on Stop and that the bill
have immediate, effect
Bill to establish criminal code
and code of procedure was dis
cussed. House Mr. Douglass: Fa
vorable report on bill of Mr.
Smith, of Travis, to set apart a
designated constitutional grant
of 'lands to build a state-house.
Mr. Jones, of Hunt, for spe
cial committee reported a re
vised code of criminal proceed
ure favorably without amend
ments. Unfavorably on bill to ascer
tain the amount and location of
public lands,
Unfavorably on .bill to pay
witnesses cameu out 01 me
county of tneir residence, as it
would bankruptthe-state.
A large number of bills, res
olutions and the like were in
troduced. The 'local option bill was dis
cussed; the impression was that
it is easy to get a drink of
whiskey in a local option coun
ty as out of one. Such Vas the
experience of sevaral members.
Senate. Feb. 1. Bill appro
priatiAg 3,050,000 acres of land
to be sold, farming lands at
not less than 50 cents and graz-"
ing lands at not less than -25
cents per acre, the proceeds to
go to building a- new, capitol,
and any money over to be used
for other public buildings.
Rules suspended and bill passed
without dissent,
The report of the committee
on the revision of the code was
taken up and passed with some
twenty amendments.
Bill to provide for working
streets in unincoperated towns
Bill to provide for judgment
leins on lands passed but so
amended as to be of little val-
Mr. Story introduced a bill
providing for an appropriation
for the support of the state gov
ernment for the remainder of
the fiscal year ending August
31, 1879.
House Petition that if the
constitution be changed to ex
empt 500 pounds ol bacon from
forced sale; it include beef,'
mule and bear meat
By Smith, of Titus, Bill to re
peal the local option law.
Joint resolution to amend the
constitution, i6;h article, home
stead to be absolutely exempt,
except for taxes, work and ma
terial on same. Homestead over
value of 2500 may be sold un
der execution, the excess over
that sum to go to satisfy execu
tion. Referred.
Resolution that- the speaker
appoint a committee to inquire
and report what officers and
employes of the house and of
the departments may be dis
pensed with without injury to
the service. It was charged
that there arc government su
pernumeraries. Resolution adop
ted. By Upton: To amend law pro
viding for management of rail
roads. By" Loe: To repeal law grant
ing land subsidies to railroads.
Bill making appropriation for
support of state government
Mr. Finlay. Bill to adopt
Mofiett register occupation tax
on retailing liquors.
Mr. Frost Bill to provide for
the management of the deaf
and dumb asylum.
From Burlaaon County.
Caldwell, Jan. 39, '79.
Editors Barmen
On Wednesday, the 22d inst,
we left Independence for this
place; the weather was fine and
spring-like, and the roads being
pretty good our half day's jour
ney was made under very fa
vorable auspices. The' next
morning before daylight the
"beautiful rain" began to patter
on the roof all our household
effects, books, etc., were out in
the wagon without cover. 1
went out and covered them the
best I- could and "wished for
day." Day came, the rain slack
ed, and we resumed our jour
ney. After a laborious day's
drive, a little after dark, we
reached the capital of Burleson
county. Caldwell has improved
a good deal in the last three
The new courthouse is a very
handsome building, one stride
ahead of Brenham in that res
pect. Both the churches, Bap
tist and Methodist, have been
improved very much; andby
the way. our music here, in the
churches, vdcal and instrumen
tal, excel 'anything I have heard
lately. Several very handsome
residences have been built, oth
ers renovated and improved.
Mrs. Robert Morgan, former
ly Miss Bryan, of Washington
county, died last Saturday.
Mother and babe were buried
in the same grave.
On last Sunday evening we
had the hardest rain we have
had for months. It literally
came down intorrents, over
flowing creeks and branches;
considerable hail fell. A few
miles east of town, it was ac
companied with quite a torna
do, several houses were unroof
ed, one blown to pieces; three I
persons were severely injured.
The Banner' has found us;
its visits are hailed as that of an
old friend. "My subscription for
the Galveston Neivs has expired
and the Banner comes nearer
filling its plaee for general news
than any paper I know of. As
a local paper it can't be beat.
Farmers arebeginning to start
their plows; say they are fixing
for an early spring. L. L. J.
The prospects of a reduction
of the tobacco tax from 24 to 20
cents are regarded as extremely
doubtful. The 'government
needs the revenue and the new
pension bill will be held up as
a bugbear to prevent legislation
oft the tobacco tax. Whiskey
drinkers and tobacco chewers
have to, in the main, support
the best government under the
sun. If everybody would quit
using tobacco and drinking whis
key the government would col
lapse. Memphis having abolished
her charter has just begun get
ting into trouble. The govern
or has appointed two commis
sioners who have taken charge
of affairs. The United States
court has issued garnishments
in favor of creditors amounting
to nearly 1,000,000 and every
thing available belonging to the
city has been attached.
The Telegram gives par
ticulars of a dastardly assassina
tion at Columbia, Brazoria coun
ty. It appears that at half past 10
o'clock on Saturday night as
Mr. Santee, the. county clerk,
was going to his home he dis
covered two unknown men
couched in a fence corner.
Without a word the two un
known assassins opened fire up
on him, inflicting wounds from
which he died on Sunday last
The cause of the assassination
is involved in mystery. The as
sassins escaped.
A E07 to the Sn.
Dlitors Banner:
The cottoft"t
existed in the c
regions of the
and as abund;
as now. Th
greater ravj
attributed to
of culture.
They cannot be 1
cucmicai or prisonous appucajs,
tions; since that which destroys
animal lifefwill more or less af
fect vegetable life. The com--pounds
commonly used tend to
induce a prematurity of the
leafto check the vitality of the
plant and hinder the natural
rise of that vegetable semen,
emitted mostly from the tender
er leaves of the plant
Those exudations or vegeta
ble emissions, resting uponlhe,
surface of the leaf, I denomi
nate a vegetable semen, since it
stands in that relation to the de
posited ovules, and without
which, the worm cannot be. gen
erated. Then any application that
would disturb the action of this
semen upon the eggs, would
forestall the course of worms,
approaching at the times of the
application, while the vital or
productive nature of the plant
is disturbed by this process.
Then as soon as it begins to as
sume its original tone of vege
table life, the productive cause
of insect life is again in opera
tion, and your field is suddenly
flooded a second time with a
destructive creature of its own
Now the farmer, admitting the
truth of this plain statement nat
urally demands, a plan for the
destruction of this enemy" to the
cotton plant
1st He should have his land
ready to plant at the earliest
season, even at the risk of plant
ing a second time, in case his
first planting is cut off by cold
2. He should adopt the most
rapid modes of seeding his
grounds, and the most active
plan of culture; this will insure
a natural maturity of the leaf,
by the month of July, when the
cotton should be topped, this
will remove the first deposit of
eggs and hasten the maturity
of the upper leaves; now it is a
well known fact, that the worm
in his incipient state, cannot
subsistnpon the matured leaves
but is nourished at first, upon
those invisble approaches of
vegetable sabstance, that are.
found upon the tenderest leaves
and buds only. Thousands I
find, are deposited upon the
matured leaves of the plant,
that never reach a visible de
gree of existence, for want of
that productive and supporting
element that is emitted by the
tenderer and more thrifty leaves.
Only two objections Jiave been
urged against my arguments.
1. Objection: After top
ping the cause of life will be
presented on the extremes of
the branches.
Answer: It is the habit of the
worm to suspend himself from
the upper to the lower branch
es, by means of his web, conse
quently, his startting point be
ing established at the end of
the limb, he will lodge upon the
ground or among the old dry
leaves, where his life terminates
for want of proper food.
Then ploughing or dragging
brush through the cotton (it be
ing prepared as directed) will so
diminish the stock the first sea
son that they will do no materi
al injury and, pursued for a suc
cession of years, will lead to an
apparent extermination.
2nd Objection: The worm
does not always appear on the
top ot the plant.
Answer: The main body of
worms begin on the top, since
the tender leaves most exposed
to the sun's action, furnish more
ol that vegetable element that
imparts vitality to the eggs of
the fly, and more of that vege
table milk (so to speak) that
maintains the worm in its infan
cy. Advantages over all former
propositions :
1st: Poisonous applications
injure the leaf or lung of the
plant, retard formation and lim
it the yield ; therefore, if the
worm is destroyed the plant is
injured in proportion to the de
structive ability of the insect,
and no advantage arrives from
the additional labor and ex
pense of the application.
All farmers will agree that the
topping process tends to in
crease the yield, and hasten ma
turity while on retrospective
consideration, they will concede
that the worm never generates
or begins his ravages on the ma
tured leaves. All tobacco farm
ers will testify to this truth. The
eggs deposited on a matured to
co leaf never spring into life.
Then the cotton worm is to the
cotton plant as the tobacco
worm to the tobacco plant, and
both appear and disappear -upon
their respective vines alike.
Thos. Woodson died at
Beaumont from the effect of a
nistol shot wound inflicted bv
j. W. Davis.
"fc. - - .Seven
- K 1 u criAssucd
annnnnnX. aa
''.IBM eel;.
Proved br!B
in Harris
nderson county owes
1, and still the peo-
Grayson coun-
:pad town in
'ouses are in
n on the east.
iad in Corsicaha.
Bellville has shipped 1232
bales of cotton this season She
is 15 miles from a railroad sta
tion. 1
?- A man has been arrested
at Sherman charged with hav
ing murdered a negro at Bon
ham1 fourteen years ago.
Brenzeale's mill and gin on
Honey creek, Llano county, to
gether with 30 bales of cotton
was bipied a few days ago.
A stranger named C. A.
Forsythe was crushed to death
by falling from a freight train
on the Central near Gum Island.
The Corsicana Index says
the appointment of Mrs.PauIfne
Wood as postmistress at that
place gives general satisfaction.
Several sales of real estate
have been made in Bellville and
property is looking up. Rail
road has nothing to do with
Three new buildings are
in course of erection in Bellville,
but, says the Beacon, "this is no
proof we will soon have a rail
road." A number of panthers.,are
running loose in the wopds.be;
low Tyler. The neigborhood
school has been .stopped in con
sequence. A cock-fight is to come off
in Hempstead at an earlyf day
for 500 a side. The Hemp
stead paper says much,sport is
Henry Scott -and Robert
Woods, of Grimes county,, have
been indicted by the federal
.grand jury at Austin, under the
ku-klux act.
In Throckmorton county
three- masked men made a raid
on "tagle rancho, robbing the
house of valuables and also
stealing a horse.
The mail going east from
Fort Griffin was robbed near
Taylor's.store. A sheep herder
has been arrested and identi
fied as the robber.
An old, man-named Mc
Pherson, who was left in charge
of a saloon in Bellville, helped
himself to J75 and left for where,
the woodbine twinetlv
A difficulty occurred in a
saloon at Eagle '"Lake between
J. S.'Harbeft and1 Chas. Drank.
The latter was cut in the neck
ancldied on the spot
Thccourt house at, Refu
gio was burned to the ground
Jan. 26th. Many of the rec
ords were burned; the building
was nearly new and cost g5xx).
J. G. iseipp,.of Fredericks
burg, charges his son-in-law
with improper intimacy with
his, Seipp's, 1 o-year old daugh
ter. There is much excitement
about the case.
The Greer casewas tried
at Hempstead and went to the
jury at 2 o'clock on Friday.
The Cornier says it was the
quickest murder trial ever
known in Waller county.
Major H. H. Boone and
Mr. T. D. Cobbs,of Navasota,
"have formed a law partnership.
Major Boone is ex-attorney
general of the state and is uni
versally known in Texas.
A passenger on the down
train from Chappell Hill to
Hempstead, while laboring un
the, influence of bad whiskey in
bibed at Chappell Hill, fell from
the train and came near break
ing his neck.
Col. Horace Yammer,
who has been made notorious
by the Galveston News, was on
Thursday last arrested in a
beastly state of intoxication.
The recorder allowed him to
depart en promise to leave Gal
veston. A "yaller nigger" was ar
rested in Austin for carrying a
pistol. He was fined 25 and
jailed. In an hour or two a
young man rode in from Drip
ping Springs and going to the
jail recognized the nig as a horse
course dtaLR
side oi thelTailr
7, -1879.
A passenger train on the
International was ditched near
Dodge station by a misplaced
switch. The train was running
slowly consequently no damage
wis done. Tramps are accused
of doing the mischief.
Thelast stalk of sugarcane
on Areola plantation having1
been squeezed on Friday last,
the proprietor, Mr. House, gave
his employes a grand banquet
The convicts working on the
plantation werealso made hap
py by a grand collation.
Mrs. Fannie PJeischman, a
young and beautiful woman, of
Dallas, committed suicide at
Denton. Her husband Charles
Fleischman married hersome.
six mopths ago, and lately de
serted her, ""gSing ,to Denton,"
where she followed him. He
is a fraud having a wife and
three children.
Anderson, Grimes county
has eight ,stores. A writer in
the Tablet says "people who
farm seem to- have no spirit to
enter Upon another year1 of
disheartening trial. The re
turns for the last crop have
been so poor that farmers are
low spirited." When farming
don't pay there is no money In
selling goods.
The Columbus Citizen' tells
of a MrFlournoy, off Colorado
county, vho, last yearwith aid
of his son aged 16, made? 400
bushels of) corn, ,2000 gallons of
syrup, 1000 pounds of .sugar.ipc)
bushels; of.potatoes, besides oats
hogs, etc. He has. sold J$2,3So
worth of produce and .has some
left yet The Citizen points a
moral oy saying, ".there, is 'no
money in farming of 'course
not." ' 1 ' - n
Cotton had been lost off
the cars of the T. and" P. Tail
road". A conductorwas instruc
ted to stop his train ricar-where"-
the cotton was supposed to have
been lost. He dfd so and dis
covered two men on, top? of a.
flat in. the, act of rolling off a
bale. One jnan was shotand
dlledt the,otherwas seriously
injured. ThreebalesoCcptton'
were discovered hidden In tlje
brush near byi
Victona.-AdFi)catez Cotton
is still coming in quite briskly.
ougar cane planters are
busy making sugar and 'molas
ses. -- - - Dr. Geodvpn Has
grown as fine oranges the past
season as we have seen in Flor
ida. 'Victoria 'is more access
sible to delegates tothe coming'
'congressional convention than
other places desiringit A ne
gro woman living 4 miles from.
town ventured too near a Burn
ing pile of stalks; her clothing!
caught fire and she was, so bad
ly 15urned"that"she died thesame
day. ,
I would rather dwell in the'dim
fog of superstition than in air
rannea 10 nguimjj ay uie an
pump of unbelief, in"' w hicli the
panting-breast expires, vainly
and convulsively grasping lor
breath. ;
Haste turns usually upon,a.
matter of ten munutes tqotlateh
and may be avoided by a,habit
like that of Xrd'Nelson, fo
which he ascribed his success in
life, of being ten minutes too,
There's no funeral so sad to
follow as the funeral of our
own youth, which weJiave deen
pampering with fond desires
and ambitious hopes, and all
the bright berries that hang-in
poisonous clusters over the
path of life. .
It is certainthat nine times
out of ten" we are nearer the
truth in thinking well of persons
than ill. .Human nature Ism
tree bearing good as well as evil,
but our eyes are. wide open to,
the latter and half closedto the
Deacon Ferguson, of Dr.
Wardlaw's church, kept a-spint
shop in Glasgow, was axwhole
sale dealer, I think, and a good
man. At the prayer meeting, t
one evening, Fn order to distin
guish, him from another of the
same name, Dr. Wardlaw said?
"Brother Ferguson, the spirit
dealer, will lead our prayers."?
The eood Docter had nd inten
tion of shooting an arrow into
the heart and conscience of his
friend by making such a dis
tmction, but he did it. Prayinp
and spirit dealing, thus coniom
ed, seemed so utterly anOma;
lous as to make the gentleman
very uneasy in soul.
Whenever yu, cum akrosta
man who distrusts everybbdby,
yu have found onevhom, it is
safe for cveryboddy to"distrust
He who saves jrflittle. things'
can be liberal in great ones.
Sis Paraatto j of Gare;
nUa&'lutiiaSwdarMaKSor. .
If wedid notknow that pop
ular, governments were iastmrf-;
ed-forthe benefit ofibe people, -it
might be inferred from the
manner in which they -are ad
ministered, that tKeyiwere-ae-T'
ated exclusively ic.the!dvia-J" -,tage
of p'oliticiafis- Wrlarbow-J
ever, was meant for Ae good of
all, has been and is. fsediorrhe
j profit of a few, and drey- the
least worthy and useful mei&
bers of the communjy,
'Government; indeed, in this
counfry hasbecome BdtHWe r
else than a means whereby
small number of the people Man
age to live upon the people, like
lice on a lion. The royal beast e
is annoyed, is conscious that he
is beingbled by a swarm ofmw-
erable verminf'and"v)itf ffcBH,
ful as he is; heJJwSjtMrtfec
cannothakf'themoffwirrirj" effort h can maker Sothepeo- r
pie, IikVthe lion,' areT fed upon,
vexed, and-yet' endure.
It is quite "certain Ithat. man
kind did not origirialTyTntend to
organize civil .society' 'for A
purposeof-breeding fleas to live
upon the body politTc-. Civil so
ciety, in its begmnisg. grewf out
of the common, sense ofindtvid-
ualsjthat.they. could have"ho se- "
curity for Iife,and p"roperty with-
out, a legalized association, in.
which the strength otjall should
defend the right of each. And -itwraslri'this
necessity and sel
fishness of the savage that what
is now boastMfy CaHed.civihza
tion haditstongirl'J'jTJhe design
was to "protect the -weak against
Uie-strongthe fefcjagainst tfc. -
many, and lor anme ,it $ervef
US pUip0se-.Vei5m.WeM. JXKfDe
means emplayed 'tft prtvent'afl -,
evil,, sqon .generated an equaLif
not .greater evil. That which;
was; devised tb'poAect the many
from the few, sjB'became the
meanswhereby a lew were ena
bled to oppress; despoil and de
stroy the manyi." Ana so civil
society rhventeoS for the good of
all, has.Hts"elf; engendered the
worms that consume it just as
the little creatine that live up
pjihehon.spj'ng.from his own
body and cling,to it with a vo
racity that even thecorrupGon
of death and dissolution jcancot
satiate and "detach.
j This, hdwever, is Jhe law of
nature, tlievrce bf all mundane
gffairs.'the condition of all nn
'rcSn 'institutions. There is-
killing canker concealed in ev
ery, flower, a' passion & every
soul, that varps it from the right
and a flaw 'in every civil govern
ment that, prevents jits, purposes
.and ultimately destroys its life.
?Everyth1jfgr here is imperfect;
and 'therefore perishable. God
iso'ordairied'it. We masf.therc-
'foreVtakelt as it comes and do
the best-we can under the cir
cumstances. Itls, nevertheless, deplorable.
'that ourlot should- be as hard
as it is, though k is much hard
er than it, would be if wejfid
(whatWecoHld td make it better.
iropular governments, every
where and always, will as natq
rally breed demagogues as ,
cneese win nreeo maggots,
coneenialoarasites w&be fa
on.either.body as long asue
world Iasts..i Batmen ihooM fee
wiser and stronger thaa beasts.
They should notbe fed upon by
lice and vexed by gnats-as dogs
are leeched and worried by such
flies- The blrtifc has bat his paw
to brashoff the vampires ; men
hayera mind 'and a will and a
moral power which, improperly
exertej, could always and' effectually-rid
society of t&e petty
cormorants that fasten, fatten.
upon, and eat out its substance.
But the division of the people
I into parties,, and -their pssstoOS
r 1? a. A.1 1 Aia.
as partisans, ue:ai mc oqiewu -01
the whole trouble, j An insane
soirif of oobosuiofl takes tie .
place ol a wise and. whoJesoiSe-
sense ui .wuuitHytt J
co-operation in
mentior thesas
natural 'result
which thesmasses .
themselves, forthc i
the politicians who; ,
their 'dissensions ' aSf- foment
them in order that thegftiay live
just as- lawyers encourage litiga
tion to, make pronto oot ot the
etrifinr'fnrtT; ?e
' .ThishaTbeen1 sgjH
be, so long as ho
tinues unchaaei
"are governed" by!
es'anu passwtis 1
reason, b g
It is, therefore, tJMHsbuse and
not theJuseictliatiBrte. God
nas oraerea atLtmnjp wisely aiia
merclfuTjfibf thejgfcod of men,
but ihsHp1 the -provisions of
Godjgjllntir own destruction
PoljJISr government s not an
ex(on tothe.rulev It mi-ht
beTaftsoTutely "and universally
feeneficiaUfraen were not both
.knaves andfaofSr But they
have been so from Ue first and ,
will be so to tile last "nd the
best to be hooed for ts. that tha1
exiIeend;aeaT&Bgb their (by
may- nermiagaseeryafipeai.to
tllatj FnteHigent. aet&shnes-v us
which civ-society ana gnenr
ment' 'originated, and -wiich
alone,. can, preserve thecMr sub-j
sepejcia totne. wise end fol
5yjiich,thJf;'Were pnrr-.nK ins
UWLH.J1, ta
watt won
from the
oaeqaaa wiu
mMMftpre con-
n . Y
"""" sscS-
.. .. - -.J-."-
JS-i'?'5- r.
- ;