Newspaper Page Text
v, BRENHAM WEEK BRENHAM, TEXAS, THURSDj iQLUME XX VI. in V - IT .T. CCBav I. r. snoios Gurry & Simmons, ieaJ Estate kits Brenham,, Texas. Office over Heber Stone's Bank. "Will do a General real estate business. L .1 1 in Washington and adjoining counties for sale. All lands listed -with us, as well as env pre- crty for sale or rent, will be Riven cafprompt and personal attention. We in vite jour attention to the following partial list: One tract of 73 acres, 50 in cultivation, balance in timber, all under fence, good bouse, bam and out houses, well and run ning water on premises, about six miles South West of Brenham, on Mill Creek. 50 acres, 2 1-2 miles west of Brenham, on H. & T. C. road, 30 acres in cultivation 20 in timber, all under good fence, good im provements; will sell cheap. ? One tract of land 4 miles east of Bren ham, 268 acres, 5O in cultivation. 100 acres 1 mile east of Brenham. i500 acres fine land in Bosque county, 100 acres in cultivation, lor sale cheap, or will trade for Washington county property. One nice dwelling, 5 rooms, new and in good repair, for sale cheap. Situated in the southern portion of the city on Day St. 750 acres land in Harris county, fine 1 arm mgland, partly fenced, four miles from H. & T. C. railroad, can be bought dirt cheap. Nice farm four miles southwest of Bren ham, i59 3-5 acres of rich land, 90 acres in cultivation, balance in pasture, all under good fence, nice dwelling, 2 good rent bouses and all conveniences that could be desired. This isj&eap dirt. An elegant farm, 5 mile3 northeast of Burton 225 acres, nice new dwelling:, gin and saw mill, one tenant house, all in first class repair, for sale at a rare bargain. A nice residence on Sandy street, near the public school, six rooms below .ind two above, kitchen, two story stable and barn, Emoke house, private water works, supply ing houses and garden, size of lot, 75x20s. On the rear of lot, fronting on Compress street, is also a two story dwelling with six krooms. This property will bo sold low lcwn. One brick store house in Caldwell, Texas, .for sale cheap. Never vacant. Good pay- ricg- property. For sale, a nice one story residence on Sycamore street, with all necessary conve niences, including waterworks. 108 acres in the northeastern part of the city, all in cultivation, fine orchards of pears, peaches, plums and figs, nice vineyard and strawberry patch, an elegant fish pond, sup nfied bv ever-lastine MJrines, arrangements for irrieatine. This place has all kinds of soil, suitable foranv kind of vegetation. For a dairy no placo is "better. Nice two story house and outhouses, all conveniences that could be desired. A fortune for the right One house and lot in South West portion of the City. Size of lot about one acre, price $450. One Brazo3 bottom farm, 1200 acres, 700 acres in cultivation. 23 good tenant houses and steun gin. This farm is well stocked with good tenants and never overflows. One nice one story dwelling with five rooms, in the northeast comer 01 the city, on Day street, convenient to public school and good neighborhood; waterworks on prem ises. 886 acres in Hill county, seven miles north ot Huhhaid Citv. 500 acres in Drairie. bal- fr-nco in timber, vell watered, all rich land, yJ4pr sale, cheap at S10 per acre. Jp 80 1-4. acres improved farm, 1 mile east of .. '"" "Wm. Penn, 40 acres in cultivation, balance in woods pasture, all under fence, new five room house and outhouses, plenty cood water, for sale or trade. One nice 5-room dwelling on East Main street, for sale at a bargain. 100 acres of limber land (cedar and post oak) about 18 miles south of Gatesville, price $10 per acre. 175 acres 3 1-2 miles north of Cameron, 30 acres in cultivation, 30 in prairie, balance in timber, bottomland, price $12 per acie. 400 acres C miles south of Leon Junction, in Coryell county, on Texas & St. Louis E'y, 45 acres in cultivation, 250 in heavy postoak and valley land, 80 acres in cedar, balance broken, fine grazing land, price, $8 per acre. 108 acre firm, 9 miles west of Brenham on Greenvine road, G5 acres in cultivation, bal a.wx in pasture, good house with four rooms good spring in pasture, one rent house, all under good wire fence. 301 1-2 acre farm, 18O acres under fence, 1 00 in cultivation, 40 acres is pasture, 119 in timber, good house, kitchen and servant house, threo los cribs and stables, good wa ter, situated about 12 miles northeast of Brenham. B bargain. A fine Sheep ranch one and one half miles from Copperas Cove, Coryell county, 3300 acres, all under fen"e, cedar posts and five JGlidden wires and sub-divided into five pas tures, ncii larm 01 iuu acres 111 unt cultiva tion. A good proportion of the whole tract j fine black land, plenty of water and a fair bCnount of timber, tour room residence, stock Pheds, cnbs, etc., artesian well down 500 feet, expect to go to a flow of 200,000 gal lons per day. For sale cheap, terms easy. 1101-2 acre farm, nine inile northeast of Brenham. 85 acres in cultivation, 8 acres in pasture, 11 acres in timber and 6 1-2 acres in meadow, two good houses, well and ever lasting spring in pasture, terms easy. 162 acre farm about 2 miles cast of Burton onH.&T. C. K'y, 60 acros in tutivation, balance in pasture, plenty of water, large and everlasting springs, one ti room dwelling 2 tenant houses, good gin house and machin ery. A good opportunity lor tne right man, Prico reasonable. 177 12 acras in Cochran countv, near the ""Chicago Syndicatcslands, lor &iic at a bar gain, 1510 acres in Coryell county, $7 per acre. FOR TIRED j man and woman. P. P. P. will purify and vitalize your blood, create a good appetite and give jour whole system tone and strength. A prominent railroad superintendent at Savannah, suffering with SLalaria. DvroeD- sia, and Rheumatism says: "After takinfj P. P. P. he neTer felt so well In his life, and feeU as If he could live forever, If he could always get P. P.P." If you are tired out from over-work and close confinement, take P. P. P. If you are feeling; badly In the spring and out of sorts, take P. P. P. If your directive organs need toning up, take P. P. P. If you suffer with headache, indigestion, debility and weaknes, ta'.e P. P. P. If you suffer with nervous prostration, nerves unstrung and a general let down of the system, take P. P. P. For Blood Poison. Rheumatlim, Scrof ula, Old Sores, Malaria, Chronic Female Complaints, take P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. The best blood purifier In the worlds UPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Druggists, sole irropnecors, Lift-uah's Block, Savannah, Ga. Fdr Sale by T. TRISTRAM. For Sale by J. TRISTRAM. PBVNKEHrfESS Liquor Kabhv aUT3WOJ?W JffJiSBUTaffCBJiE 0HMrfE5 GOLDEN SPECIFIC ItcanbeglvenincoOee.te'i.orlnartlclesoHood, without the knowledge of patient if necessary ; It la absolutely harmless and will effect a perma- I xnoderatedrinkeroranalconollcwrcck. ITNEV- J5B failh. it operates so quietly ana wiin socn certainty that tne patient undergoes no Incon venience, and soon his complete reformation 13 effected. 43 page book tree. To be had of Sold by Dr. J. D. Rogers, Brenham, Tex CAELISLE & HERBST: Sen'! Insuranoe Agentg, BRENHAM. TEXAS. SSf Office over Stern & Kolwes store. Saloon "Legal Tender," TTNDi.K NEW EXCIIAGE HOTEL JOHN W. TEAGUE, Proprietor, New Billiard Tables, Imported Wines, and Foreign Liquors. Every thing first-class. Polite attention to all Lone Slar Hmw Company's CELEBRATED LASER AXD SPECIALLY BBEWED Select Bottled Beer, ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE GIVEN. C, HALENZa, Agent, Brenham. Office at the Ice House. CROCKERY! Just receiyed from English factory. Eu rope, a large and good assortment ci deco rated and plain QUEEN'S-WARE, consist ing of dinner, tea and bed room sets. Will sell separate pieces or in sets to suit. In spite of the JIcKinlcy bill, we are sell ing same at the same low price as heretofore. Agents for the F. F. Hille Hamburg Hollow Ground razors. Respectfully, J. H, MEYE1, DEALER IN STAPLE &IAMGE0CER1ES, Shackey Building, opposite Nat'l Bank, I am now selling Groceries at as close fig ures as any merchant in Brenham. Pay the highest market price for Country Produce. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ation of the same. Free delivery in city. Fresh Beer always on Tap. AUG. LINDEMANN, DEALER IN Mware 9 PAINTS, WAGON MATERIAL, Etc. Agent for the best Clmrii Dasher JSver invented. STATE NEWS. Mineoia is boring for artesian water. Rockport is organizing a fire department. The Paris Pickets go to the In dianapolis drill. A building and loan association has been organized at Aransas Har bor. Work was commenced on the artesian well at Clarksville, Wednes day. DeWitt county tax rolls show an increase of 300 tax-payers over last year. A subscription is being raised in Alvord, Wise county, for sinking an artesian well. A national bank has been or ganized at Archer with a capital stock of S50,000. Work on the artesian well at Ker'viHe is progressing. They have reached a depth of 600 feet. Cuthbert is the name of a new postoffice established in Mitchell county, fourteen miles northwest from Colorado. Curtis Barthold, of Weather- ford, was run against by a horse and thrown against the wheel 01 a wagon, breaking his jaw bone at the chin. Mr. Miles Hanchett, of Colorado has a century plant in bloom. The plant is small, but the stalk bearing I 1 the bloom is as large as a man s ' forearm and about twelve feet long. , The bloom is a large white one. ' ' ! Chas. Carrick, wanted in Waco 1 for the killing of a man in a duel m ) 1875, named J. M. Turner, is now a prominent citizen of Tennessee and j the Governor of that state refuses, I to honor the requisition for bim j Walter Welsh, a seventeen I old young man employed in the job 1 department of the Evening Tribune I at Galveston, got his arm aught in ! 1 the cogs of a job press and mangled , ! so that amputation near the shoul-1 der was necessary. B. C. Altman stole a check from j M. L. Eubenstein at Aransas Harbor I recently and succeeded in getting ! it cashed before jumping the town, j The authorities are after him and if 1 he is caught will probably serve a term in the penitentiary. Joe Copeland and Wm. Had den, two well known sports, of Paris, fell out recently, had a rough and tumble fight, Hadden getting the worst of it. They were sepa rated. They met eoi.n afterwards and exchanged shots, but without effect. Floyd Gardner and Jim Trent, the colored men in jail at Cotuila, in connection with the recent battle at Encinal, resulting in the death of three men and th6 wounding of two more, and following hard upon the Ai'en-Bowen affair, is creating con siderable excitement. Conservative settlers are talking about selling out and leaving that section. Mr. Geo. England tells how the difficulty between himself and Sir. Do Forest came about. He says my wife accepted the position as soprano in the choir voluntarily, and witnout renumeration, to fill a va cancy, but as matters were becom ing unpleasant, Mrs. England, at my request, and her own desire, left the quartette, informing the rector and the leader of the choir of her intention, giving a week's notice, and without any motive of disre spect to the church. Shortly after wards, through the courtesy and kindness of other denominations, Mrs. England was invited to take part in their services, and from that time has been continually annoyed by a series of free speeches made by the rector of St. Andrew's church. For instance, at a church gathering held at the vicarage, Mr. I)e Forest remarked that "he hoped all the la dies in his congregation would turn a cold shoulder to Mrs. England." After this reached ray wife's ears it was evident that to still remain a member of St. Andrew's church would be impossible, and after due consideration Mrs. England wrote Mr. Do Forest a formal "note, point ing out the disrepect in which she would be held through his unchris tian remarks, and asking to have her letter from her previous parish restored. The letter referred to jp a previous issue refusing the request of Mrs. England, and which brought about the difficulty, sets forth that she had mistreated the rector and congregation, accuses her of imper tinence and irreverance and repeats the remurk that every lady of the congregation should turn a cold shoulder to Mrs. England. Mr. England closes with the intimation that ho was not the oaly man that got hurt in the fight, which this re ply to his wife brought about. Chili has org The almanac to 100 A. D. The Prince ci for $300,000. Shiloh's Cf Thisisbevond tl lul Cough Medial few doses invariabl! Couch, Cri ap and .1 derful success in the! without a parallel in 1 Since its first discover! guarantee, a testwhi! can stand. If you ha vet ly ask vou to try it. PricS If yourlunes are sore, che? use Shiloh's Porus Plaster. Luhn. Brenham. and Thos.W Ireland has decreased nS 000 in population in the years. The Memphis Appeal-AvalanciSI has a boO.000 suit on hand. An alleged case of Asiatic cholera is quarantined at Catlin, 111. Answer Tills Question. "Why do so many people we see around us seem to prefer to suffer and be made mis erable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizzi ness, Loss of Appetite, Coming up of the Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75c we will sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarantee to cure them. Sold by R. E. Luhn and Thos. Watson, Burton. Northern Ohio reports heavy wind and rain storms, with some fa talities. Kansas boasts of 20,000 Knights of Eeciprocity, a secret Republican organization. It is better to hold back a truth than to speak it ungraciously. m m Drawings have been completed for a handsome new union passen ger st-ttion at Augusta, Ga., to cost S100.G00. Science ennnot produce a better remedy for all malarial diseases than "C. C: C. Cer tain. Chiil Cure." Pleasant to take. Guar anteed to cure Chills and Fever. ' Sold by Jos. Tristram. Kansas City's new Grand Opera House will be a beautiful theater. It is located at Walnut and Seventh streets, and will seat 2,000 persons. m m - .Miles' Nerve and Liver Pills Act on a new principle regulating the liver, stomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, "piles constipation. TJnequaled for men. women, 'jhildrcn. Smallest, mildest, surpst! 50 doses, 25 cts. Samples free, at Jos. 1 nstram's drur store. New wrecking shops are in course of construction at West Albany for the New York Central road. They will give employment to about 200 machinists. Robertson & Jones, Jonesboro, Ark., j write: ' C. C. C. Certain Chill Cure gives 1 universal satisfaction." Pleasant to take. No cure, no pay. Sold by JOs. Tristram. Another case of an American girl marrying a Chinaman has occurred at Paducah, Ky. In severe paroxysms of coughing, try one or two tablespoonfuls of pure glycerine, mixed with hot, rich cream. It is said to almost immedi ate relief. tips! LpHl Liprs Just received two car loads 'li quors, consisting of Brandies, Gins, Blackbery Brandy, French Cog nac Whiskey all grades in bar rels, hall barrels and 10 and 5 gal lon kegs. F. Kbentzlin, Wholesale Liquor Dealer. Liquors ! Liquors ! Just received one car load liquors, consisting of Alcohol, brandy, gin, blackberry brandy, whiskey all grades in barrels, halt barrels 3nd in f and 10 gallon kegs. H. "Fisher, , Wholesale Liqnor Dealer. Notice. The annual meefcng of tho Stockholders of iho Brenham Cemetery Association will be held at the office of C. "ilirkuitz on July 6th, 189i, for hearing reports of officers, and for tho election of Trustees for the ensuing year. C. H. CARLISLE, Secretary. Changed Elands. The undersigned having bought the interest of Schulze &Amsler in the old Giesecke Bak ery, will hereafter conduct the business in his own name, and solicits the patronage of the rw-ip'e of Brenham and surrounding country, will keep bn hand at all times a full supply of fresh Groceries, Bread, Pies, Cakes, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars. Give me a trial. CHRISTIAN WIELKENP. J. I). CAMPBELL. K. E. rENMXOTOS. CAMPBELL & PENNINqTON. Attomeys-at-Law5 BRENHAM, TEXAS. 8Ofilce over Heber Stone's Bank. Will practice in 'Washington and adjoin ing counties. Ab.tracts of tit'.ts carefully prepared. naus C. CertH child wiltl Let the phraseold you so,'" become rapidly obsolete. Battle Bilhousness, be;iege Malaria, break up Chills with "C. C. C. Certain Chill Cure." the pleasant remedy. No cure, no pay. Sold by J03 Tristram. i A report that Secretary Blaine's mind is affected is denied by his family and Secretary Tracy. ! ' Your Family Physician will tell you that blaik haw, cohosh, and cinchona are among the best of tonics for the female organs. These are among the prin cipal roots and herbs composing Creole Female Tonic, nature's great boom to suffer ing women. Mrs. Leland Stanford gives 85,000 a year toward the maintenance of the orphan asylum at Albany. Tlie Effect of Creole resale Ton!c is almost magical in caes of prostration, pains in the back, rush of blood to the head, irregular or painful menstruation, and female weakness. Lord Lytton has completed a classic drama, which will soon be produced in London. m If you feel weak and all worn out take BROWN'S IRON BIXSER3 It is highly probable that Mrs. Scott Siddons will return to the stage next season. Arlington House, Dayton, O. I think that Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup is perfect'y wonderful in its effects, three or four dosei cured me of the worst cough. C. L. NORTHRUP. "I am no orator, as Brutus is but, as you know me all, a plain, blunt man, that loves ray friend" to well to see him struggling with pain, when a bottle of Salvation Oil will cure him so here's the twenty-five cents lor iijb i;rcai. pain cure. A Massachuesetts girl planned the complex machines which make paper oags. ir'or Over Fifty Vearg Mi. "WIXSLOWS Soothing Strut his been UiPd.for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, viith perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all pain, cure3 wind colic, andis tho beat remedy for Diarrhoea. If will relieve the poor little sufferer imme diate'). Sold by druggists in every parrt of theuorld. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for Mrs. MWiaslow"s Soothing Syrup," and take no other kind. Mrs. Cornelius Vanderbilt is said to use 1,000 calling cards every sea son. SmLOH's Catarrh Remedy, a marvelous cure for Catarrh, Diptheria, Canker mouth and Headache. With each bottle there is an ingenious nasal injector for the more suc- cessiul treatment ot tnase complaints without extra charge. Price 50c Sold by B. E. Luhn and Thos. Watson, Burton. Spurgeon's first convert was a woman. '"Frailty, thy name is woman." Oh. What A Cough. Will you heed the morning. The signal perhaps as the sum approach of that more terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself if you can afford for the sake of saving 60c, to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shdoh's Cure will cure your'cough. It never fails. This explains why more than a Million Botdes were sold in the past year It relieves croup and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do not be without it. For lame back, side or chest use Shiloh's Porus Plaster. Sold by P E. Luhn and Thos. Watson, Burton. There is always room for a man of force, and he makes room for many. A Wholesale Groceryman. Mr. T. D. Meador or the firm of Oglesby & Meador, thinks it is just as important to fortifv against the sudden attacks of the bowels, as against the robber that invades the househofd. He says that Dr. Biggers' Hm-kleberry Cordial is a weapon, a 'dead shot to bowel troubles. Lady Pauncefote, wife of the British minister at Washington, is a great pedestrian, and takes her dai ,y "constitutional" regularly before noon. Abbot's East India Corn Paint removes quickly all corns, bunions and warts without pain. . is kjTSiansifaa uien. j FsrrpmiftrTtipc- rnintnl mPTifitnift- J ns a cure nrovided bv nature, and is p-JCK ana permanent in its eaects. Saccharine matter supports life. w m L.F. Grassmuck is sole agent in Brenham for Chase's Barley Malt Whisky. Kich and pure, it is a fine Tonic for the weak and fee ble, It strengthens the lungs. Sitting Bull's wigwam will be ex hibited at the World's fair. The Blood Is the rife Maguire's Candarango cleanses the blood. of all imparities, acts on the liver and kid neys, and is a vital force, indispensible to good health at this time of the year. 75oper bottle; we pay expressage when three bottles are ordered. J. & C. ilAGULRE, St. Louis, ilo. The fire proof safe was first made in 1S29 by a type founder. SUDDEN DE.YT.Hb. Heart disease is by far ji9 most frequent cause of sudden ieath, which in three out of ' 5.iur cases is unsvupjeied. The symptoms are not generally understood. These arer a habit of lying on the right side, short breath, pain or distress in side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsv. oppression, drv coush and "smcthering. Dr. Jliles' illustrated book on Heart -Uiseaso tree at Jos. Tristram's drag store, who sells and guarantees Dr. Milts unequaled New Heart cure, and his Bestora tive Nervine, which cures nervousness', head ache, sleeplessness, effects of drinking, etc. It contains no opiates. Italy is to spend 615,080,000 on ii3 now navy this fiscal year. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use ,. BROWN'S IRON BITTERS Stanley carried home 8110,000 as his share of the lecturing tour. HOW TO SUCCEED. This is the jrreat problem of life which few satisfactorily solve. Some fail because of poor health, others, want of luck, but the majority from deQcient grit want of nerve. They are nervous, irreiolute, changeable, easily get the blues aad "take tha spirits down to keep the spirits up," thus wasting money, time, opportunity and nerve force. There is nothing like the Restorative Ner vine, discovered by the great specialist; Dr. Miles, to cure all nervous diseases, as head-, ache, the blues, nervous prostration, sleep lessness, neuralgia, 5- "Vitus dance, fits and hysteria. Trial bottles and fine book ,ofl testimonials free at Jos. Tristram's drug store. A new $3,000,000 British battlo. ship is being built at Onatharn. m 'C. C. C. Certain Corn Cure" removes corns, warts, bunions, moles and callouses Warranted. See that C. C C. is blown, in every bottle. Take no other. Sold by Jos. Tristram. ' m The recent census in Great JBritian makes the population 39,000,000. HP Sugar Chill Cure is a safe and pleasant remedy for Chills and Fever, perfectly taste less. Sold on a Guarantee. Doa't fail to try it at Dr. Jos. D. Rogers. Keep things apart, never mix tho bitter with the sweet. Rheumatism James Paxton, of Savan nah, Ga , slys he had Rheumatism so bad that he could not move from the bed or dress without help, and that he tried many remedies, but received ni relief until he began totise P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Rout and Potassium), and two bottle3 re- . stored him to health. ' The mantle of charitv should bo fur-hned in cold weather. Rheumatism is cured by P. P. P. Pains aid aches in the back, shoulders, knees, an kies, hips, and wrists are all attacked and conquered by P. P. P. Xhis great medicine, l by its blood cleansing properties, builds up and strengthens the whole body. A gentleman-never makes tho state-" ment that he can prove that he is one. The Importance of purifying the blood cannot be over-estimated, for without purc blood yoi cinnot enjov gocd health. P. P. P. (Prickly A-h, Poe"Roo: and Potassium) is a miraialous blood purifier, performing morirAs it sii months than all the sarsa P"Hfe so-ial.el b:-.od purifiers put. toeth ' Mis. Ella Wiieeler Wilcox, ia erecting a summer home on a rock on Long Island sound. She is de termined to mAe herself solid with: t the world. x