OCR Interpretation

Brenham weekly banner. [volume] (Brenham, Tex.) 1877-1907, July 09, 1891, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of North Texas; Denton, TX

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86089443/1891-07-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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. ifc
i.j snorox
irry & Simmons,
leal Mate Anots
tham Texas.
co ovirHeber Stone's Bank
. o fnArl taa! pstatrt business.
?7 W.liiri4A nil oHinininrr ivmntips
.coin All lTri lUtrt with us. as well as
city property for sale or-rent, win oe given
our prompt and personal attention. We in
vite your attention to the following partial
One tract of 73 acres, 60 in cultivation,
balance in timber, all under fence, good
house, bam. and out houses, well and run
nine water on premises, about sis miles
South West of Brenham, on Mill Creek.
50 acres, 2 1-2 miles west of Brenham, on
H. & T. C. road, 30 acres in cultivation, 2O
in timber, all under good fence, good im
provements; will sell cheap.
One tract of land 4 miles east of Bren
ham, 2GS acres, 5O in cultivation.
inn rws 1 mile east of Brenham.
U. MWC .i. " .... -i - -
i500 acres fine land in Bosque county, 100
acres in cultivation, lor sale cheap, or will
trade for Washington county property.
One nice dwelling, 5 rooms, new and iq
ood repair, for sale cheap. Situated in
le southern portion of the city on Day St.
750 acres land in Harris county, fine farm
ing land, partly fenced, four miles from H.
& T. C. Tailroad, can be" bought dirt-cheap.
Nice farm four miles southwest of Bren
ham, l59 3-6 acres of rich land, 90 acres in
cultivation, balance in pasture, all under
good fence, nico dwelling, 2 good rent
houses and all conveniences that could be
desired. This is cheap d irt.
An elegant farm, 6 mile3 northeast of
Burton 225 acres, nice new dwelling, gin
and saw mill, one tenant house, all in first
-class repair, for sale at a rwe bargain.
A nice residence on Sandy street, near the
public school, six rooms below and two
abdve, kitchen, two story stable and barn,
smoke house, private water works, supply
ing houses ana garden, size of lot, 75x20s.
On tho mr of lot. fronting on Compress
street, is also a two story dwelling witn six
rooms. This property will be sold low
One brick store house in Caldwell, Texas,
for Esle cheap. Never Tacant. Good pay
For sale, a nice one story residence on
Svcamore street, with all necessary conve
niences, including waterworks.
103 acres in tha northeastern part of the
city, all in cultivation, fine orchards of pears,
paches, plums and figs, nice vineyard and
strawberry patch, an elegant fish pond, sup
plied bv ever-lasting springs, arrangements
lor irrigating. This pla Cephas all kinds of
sou, Euuauie lur au v juuuui egeuiuuu. .cur
a dairy no place is better. Nice two story
bouse and outhouses, all conveniences that
could be desired. A fortune for the right
One house and lot in South West portion
of the City. Sire of lot about one acre,
price 545U
One Braibs.'bottom farm) 1200 acres, 700
acres in cultivation. 23 good tenant houses
and steam gin. This farm is Veil stocked
with good tenants and never overflows.
One nice ono story dwelling with five
rooms, in the northeast comer of the city, on
Day street, convenient to public school and
good neighborhood; waterworks on prem
ises. 886 acres in Hill county, seven miles north
at Hnbbsid Citv. 600 acres in prairie, bal
ance in timber, well watered, all rich land,
i-for sale, cheap at S10 per acre.
B0 1-4 acres improved farm. 1 mile east of
Wm. Penn, 40 acres in cultivation, balance
in woods pasture, all under fence, new five
(room house and 'outhouses, plenty good
water, for sale or trade.
One nice 6-room dwelling on East Main
street, for sale at a bargain.
100 acres of limber land (cedar and post
oak) about 18 miles south of Gatesville, price
.$10 per acre.
175 acres 3 1-2 miles north of Cameron, 30
acres in cultivation, 30 in prairie, balance in
timber, bottom land, price S12 per acre.
400 acres 6 miles south of Leon Junction,
in Coryell county, on Texas & St. Louis B'y,
45 acres in cultivation, 250 in heavy postoak
and valley land, 80 acres in cedar, balance
broken, fine grazing land, price, S8 per acre.
10S acre farm, 9 miles west of Brenham on
Greenvine road, Cj acres in cultivation, bal
ance in pasture, good house with four rooms
good spring in pasture, one rent house, all
under good wire fence.
301 1-2 acre farm. 1 80 acres under fence,
lOO in cultivation, 40 acres in pasture, 119
in timber, good house, kitchen and servant
louse, th'ee log cribs and stables, good wa
ter, situated about 12 miles northeast of
Brenham. B bargain. .
A fine Sheep ranch one and one half miles
Jrom Copperas Cove, Coryell county, 3300
b -acres, all under fene, cedar pests and five
Glidden wires and sub-divided into five pas
tures, rich farm of 160 acres in fine cultiva
tion. A good proportion of the whole tract
is fine black land, plenty of water and a fan
amount of timber, tour room residence, stock
heds, cnbs, etc., artesian well down 600
feet, expect to go to a now of 200,000 Gal
lons per nay, or Mue cneap, terms easy.
110 1-2 acre farm, nine miles northeast of
Brenham, 85 acres in cultivation, 8 acres in
pasture, II acres in timber and 6 1-2 acres
in meadow, two good houses, well and ever
lasting spring in pasture, terms easy.
162 acre farm about 2 miles east of Burton
onH.iT. C K'y, 80 acres in cultivation,
balance in pasture, plenty of water, large
and everlasting springs, one C room dwelling
2 tenant houses, good gin house and machin
crv. A good opportunity for the right man.
p -msonalile.
1T7i3 neras in Cochran conntv. near the
hicago Syndicates lands, for szle at a bar-
1610 acres in Coryell county, S7 per acre.
P. P. P. will purify and vitalize your
blood, create a Good appet ite and give your
whole system tone and strength.
A prominent railroad superintendent at
Savannah, suffering with Malaria, Dyspep
sia, and RXieuxnatisxn s&tb : "After tgfrlny
FTP. P. he neTer felt so well In his life, anil
feels as If he could lire forever, if he could
If you are tired out from over-work and
Close confinement, take
P. P. P.
If you are feellnc badly in the spring
and out of sortx, take
P. P. P.
If your digestive organs need toning up,
P. P. P.
If you suffer with headache, indigestion,
debility and weakness, take
P. P. P.
If you suffer with nerrous prostration,
nerves unstrung and a general let down
of the system, take
P. P. P.
For Blood Poison. Eheumatlsm, Scrof
ula, Old Sores. Malaria, Chronic Female
Complaints, take
P. P. P.
Prickly Ash, Poke Boot
and Potassium.
The best blood purifier in the world.
UFPUAH BROS., "Wholesale Druggists,
Sole Proprietors,
Ltpfuix's Htht, Savannah, Ga.
For Sale by L TRISTRAM.
For Sale by L TRISTRAM.
BAU771SWVSID marts swots one
It can be glTcn In coffee, tea, or In articles of food,
mltbotxt the knowledge of patient It necessary:
It Is absolutely harmless and will effect a perma
nent and speedy enre, whether the patient fs a
moderatedrinkero? an alcoholic wreck. 1TNKV
KR.FAXLS. It operates so quietly and vrlthancli
certainty tbfct the patient undergoes no lneon
xenlence, and soon his complete reformation la
effected. 43 pace book free. To be bad of
Sold ty Dr. J. D. Rogers.Brenh&m. Ter
Saloon "Legal Tender,"
J0M W. TEAGUtf, Proprietor,
New Billiard Tables, Imported
Wines, and Foreign Liquors. Every
thing first-class. Polite attention
to all.
Just recciyed from English factory. Eu
rope, a large and good assortment of deco
rated and plain QUEEN'S-WARE, consist
ing of dinner, tea and bed room sets. "Will
sell separate pieces or in sets to suit.
In spito of the McKinley bill, wo are sell
ing same at the same low price as heretofore.
Agents for the F. F. Hille Hamburg IIollow
Ground razors. Respectfully,
Enoop & Schawe
Shackey Building, opposite Nat'l Bank,
I am now selling Groceries at as close fig
ures as any merchant in Brenham. Pay the
highest market price for Countrjr Produce.
Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu
ation of the same. Free delivery in city.
Fresh Beer always on Tap.
Agent for the best
Clrurn Dasher
Ever invented.
Lone Star Brras Gofflpany's
Select Bottled Beer,
G HALESZA, Agent, Brenham.
Office at the Ice House.
?-Office under K. of P. Hall.
Hfi S Si Q 0 El Kr mh Grld Education f
MILITARY Superior Hypent, Silt
inn.ll Mil I B ft G VjMtri. Ti,.t
SttuaEeat. iUm,u.l!.J!u.
Bui.., sheet trmsts, so.
W. A. "Wheeler robbed Alger
Perry of 227 near Dodd City
Chas Stewart was drowned
Mondav while bathing in the Trinity
at Fort "Worth.
31. Eeajran and John Ed
wards have been arrested for the
forgery of land-titles at Dallas.
The 21st session of the Grand
Council United Friends of Temper
ance was recently in session at
Temple. ,
The timber of a dug-out fell on
the 2-year-old child of C N. Nunn,
of Aron, near Frazier, recently and
kUled it. r
The sloop Donica was wrecked
off Smith's point on Galveston bay
Sunday night, and five of the six
men aboard of her were drowned.
Sunday was suicide day in Dal
las. A man tried to go out by the
morphine route. Charlie ilier, a
German 40 years of age, went the
same route. Nora Green took mor
phine, but was revived with an elec
tric battery and may pull through.
On an excursion train returning
recently from Wichita Falls W. O.
Perry, editor of the Seymour News,
was slapped in the face by a brake
man and resented with a suit for
SlO.OOO damage. That was, per
haps the most prudent course and
will perhaps turn out to be the most
profitable, but all newspaper men
are not so patient and forbearing
and would have gone through that
brakeman like a dose of salts.
The Gulf, Colorado and Santa
Fe have issued the following orders,
signed H. G. Thompson, general
passenger and ticket agent, to ticket
On account of the meeting of the
meeting of the Farmers' Alliance of
Texas, to be held at Fort Worth
July 1 and 11, you are heaeby au
thorized toell tickets of form local
Sto that point' and return at the
rate-of4 cents per mile for the
round-trip, selling tickets July 10
and 11, with return limit of July 13
On account of the convention of
county and district attorneys for
the state of Texas, to be held at
Fort Worth July 17 and 18, you
-may sell round trip tickets to Fort
Worth and return at the rate of i
cents per mile for the round trip,
selling tickets July 16 and 17, with
the extreme return limit of July 19.
You will use tickets of form local 3
for this business.
On account of the thirteenth an
nual meeting of the Sheriffs Associ
ation of Texas, to be hold at Xam
pasas, you may issue round trip
tickets of form local 3 to that point
and return at the rate of 4 cents per
mile for the round trip, selling tick
ets August 9 and 10, with extreme
return limit of August 15.
On account of the meeting of the
grand lodge of Knights of Honor of
Texas, to be held at Galveston Aug.
4 to 7 inclusive, you are authorized
to sell round trip tickets of form lo
cal 3 to Galveston and return at the
rate of 4 cents a mile for the round
trip, selling tickets August 2 and 3,
with extreme return limit of August
8. If there are any lodges in your
city who will attend this convention
in a body or will send delegates
please secure them for our line.
On account of the reunion of
Granbury's, Ectore and Boss' brig
ades at Fort Worth August 4 and 5
you are authorized'to sell tickets of
form local 3 to Fort Worth and re
turn at the rate of 4 cents per mile
for the round trip, silling tickets
ugust 4 and 5, with return limit of
August 8.
Theee is a rising discontent
among the colored contingent of the
g. o. p. in Indiana that can only be
allayed by the judicious distribution
of a few slices of political pie.
The alien land law is raising a ter
rible hue and cry over the state and,
after reading it carefully, as well as
the comments upon it, aside from
perhaps a slight temporary embar
rassment, we cannot see much danger
Hkely to accrue from it. The United
States can doubtless furnish all the
money that Texas wants to borrow,
and it is a fact, having been demon
strated time after time that where
there is a section of country plaster
ed with mortgages of foreign syndi
cates it is an impoverished section,
and when these syndicates, by vir
tue of their uupaid mortgages, be
come alien owners, a system of
peonage and landlordism ensues
that is detrimeutal to the best inter
ests or the country The law, with
some slight modifications, we be
lieve would be a good one.
A Wholesale Groceryjnan.
ilr. T. D. Meador or the firm of Oglesby
& Meador, thinks it is just as important to
lortify against the sudden attacks of the
bowels, as aeainst the robber that invades
tbo household. He says that Dr. Bigjjers'
Huckleberry Cordial ig a weapon, a dead
shot to bowel troubles.
Everybody wants to attain to con
spicuous and shining virtues, but
very few seek the lowly graces, the
thyme and sweet herbs which grow
beneath the shadows of the life
giving tree.
Shiloh's Consumption Cure.
This is beyond question the most success
lul Cough Medicine we have ever sold, a
few doses invariably cure3 the worst cases of
Cough, Crt ip and Bronchitis, while its won
derful success in the cure of Consumption if
without a parallel in the history of medicine.
Since its first discovery it has been sold on a
guarantee, a test which no other medicine
can stand. Ifvou have a couch we earnest
ly ask you to try it. Price ioc 50c and SI.
If your lungs are sore, chest of back lame,
use Shiloh's Porus Plaster. Sold by R. E.
Luhn. arenham. and Tlios. Watson. Barton.
If some of the scientists would
turn their attention from our origin
to our destination, they would be
conferring greater benefits upon
humanity. Ours is not a question
of decent but of ascent.
Answer This Question.
"Whv do so mftnv neonle we see around ns
seem to prefer to suffer and be made mis
erable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizzi
ness, Loss of Appetite, Coming; up of the
Food, Yellow Skin, when for 75c we will
sell them Shiloh's Vitalizer, guarantee to
euro them, bold by K.'E. Luhn and Thos.
Wateon, Burton.
Duval claims the honor of the
first bale.
Science cannot produde a better remedy
for all malarial diseases than "C. C: C. Cer
tain Chill Cure." Pleasant to take. Guar
anteed to cure Chills and Fever.
Sold by Jos. Tristram.
The lady managers of the
Texas World's Fair exhibit at Fort
Worth have held their first meteing,
organized, and gone to work solicit
ing subscriptions.
Miles' Jferve and .Liver Pills
Att on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels through the
nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills
speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid
liver, piles, constipatiop. Hnequaled for
men. women, children. Smallest, mildest,
surest! 60 doses, 25 cts. Samples free, at
Jos. Tristram's drue store.
Jno Vaughn, a prominent farm
er neat "West station, a few miles
from Waco, committed suicide Mon
day ly taking an overdose of mor
phine in a drink of whisky. He
leaves a wife and two children.
It is sad. to think1 that Kebuchadaezzar af
ter his pay1 life had to go to grass, but sadder
the thoneht, that so many men of promise
an 1 ability ficd early graves by carelessness
in not checking a cold in its early stages by
theue cf Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup, which
can be bought for 25 cents.
Solvation Oil, th greatest cure on earth
for para, is universally accepted by horsemen
and veterinarians as the ne plus uttra ot
There is strong talk of lynch
ing a negro at Nacona, who recently
struck a white boy, and later in the
same day attacked Dr. Love, strike
ing him over the head with a billet
of wood, inflicting a wound that
will probably prove fatal.
1 .i
Ulcerated sore leg, with a running sore of
several years' standing, which the doctors
thought lnour&blc and; amputation was re
garded as the only relie', the patient scarcely
able to walk bclore, now runs, apparently
well. The cure was made by P.T. P., ana
is known throughout Savannah as one of the
great cures that P. P. P., the wonderful
blood medicine, has made
A well at Henrietta that usually
has seven feet of water goes dry
when the wind gets in the north and
begins to blow from that direction.
As soon as the wind changes, it be
gins to fill up to the usual depth
again. This is a pretty tough ,story
but it is said to be vouched for by
reliable citizens of Henrietta.
Liquors ! Liquors !
Just received one car load liquors,
consisting of Alcohol, brandy, gin,
blackberry brandy, whiskey all
grades in barrels, halt barrels
and in b and 10 gallon kegs.
H. Fibhib,
Wholesale Liqnor Dealer.
At Little Ash creek church,
near Hubbard City, Sunday night
Joe Collier stabbed Louis Fraley in
the side and arm. It is doubtful if
he will recover.
Lipors! liprs! Liprs
Just received two car loads li
quors, consisting of Brandies, Gins,
Blackbery Brandy, French Cog
nac Whiskey all grades in bar
rels, halt barrels and 10 and 5 gal
lon kegs.
F. -Krentzlin,
Wholesale Liquor Dealer.
An unknown deaf and dumb
man was killed by the train at Rich
ardson, Monday.
The Alvarado roller-mill and
grain eleva'or was burned Sun by
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
tL x &
Go to Jos. Tristram's and get a bottle of
"C. C a Certain Chill Cure," and it it is not
the best remedy you have ever used for
Chills and Fever your money will be re
funded. Louisiana drouth is not broken
everywhere and there is much suf
fering for want of water in some
Do not punish your children with bitter
nauseous mixtures when you can get "C. C.
j. certain umii uure on a guarantee. Any
child will take it.
Sold by Jos Trisuaic.
m n
Galveston was visited by a
heavy wind and rain storm Sunday.
Battle Bilhousness, besiege Malaria, break
up Chills with "C. C. C. Certain Chill Cure,"
the pleasant remedy. No cure", no pay.
Sold by Jos Tristram.
Earth has no other joy like unto
that of the woman who has made
eighteen calls and found everybody
Tour Family thy iclan
will tell you that black, Haw, cohosh, and
cinchona are among the besl; of tonics for the
female organs. These are among the prin
cipal roots and herbs composing Creole
Female Tonic nature's great boom to sufiei
ing women.
"Always aim a little higher than
the mark," says a philosopher.
What ! Kiss a girl on the nose?
The Effect of Creole Fenale Tonic
is almost magical in cases of prostration,
pains in the back, rush of blood to the head,
irregular onjpainful menstruation, and female
A writer says the best book cover
designers in this country are women.
The dear creatures have always been
twitted for their designing propen
sities. s -
Needing a tome, or children who w&nt enfld
Ing cp. should take
It ii pleasant to take, cures Malaria, Indl
geEtion. Eilioucces? and Liver CoiaplxiaU.
A Philadelphia equestrienne has
secured a divorce. The bridal rein
galled her and she took the rein in
her mouth.
I For Over Fifty Years '
Mas. Winslows Soothecg Strup has been
used lor over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while teething,
with perfect success. It soothes tha child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.
It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme
diately. Sold by druggists in every parrt of
the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be
sure and ask tor Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing
Syrup," nd take no other kind.
Three hundred and sixty-one
women registered to vote this vear
in Worcester, Mass.: 206 in Lowell
and 338 in Lynn.
Shiloh's Catarrh Bjotedy, a marvelous
cure for Catarrh, Diptheria, Canker mouth
and Headache. With each bottle there is
an ingenious nasal injector for the more suc
cessful treatment ol these complaints without
extra charge. Price 60c Sold by B. .
Luhn and Thos. Watson. Burton.
You play in great luck if you miss
the train while strolling through the
Oh. What A Coughf
Will you heed the morning. The signal
perhaps as the sure approach of that more
terrible disease Consumption. Ask yourself
if you can afford for the sake of saving 50c,
to run the risk and do nothing for it. We
know from experience that Shiloh's Cure
will cure your cough. It never fails. This
explains why more than a Million Bottles
were sold in the past year It relieves croup
and whooping cough at once. Mothers, do
not be without it. For lame back, side or
chest use Shiloh's Porus Plaster. Sold by
B. E. Luhn and Thos. Watson, Burton.
The lover frequently says, "by
by," but after he gets the girl he
dosen't say anything of the sort.
Headache is readdy cured by P. P. P.;
which toaes and regulates the digestion and
creates an appetite.'
New York Bociety women aie
holding receptions on Sunday.
Telephonic sermons are almost sure
to be introduced.
Robertson & lones, Jorestoro, Ark.,
write: C. C. C. Certain Chill Cure gives
universal satisfaction." Pleasant to take.
No cure, no pay.
Sold by Jos. Tristram.
The Duke of Argyle"s youngest
daughter will marry a Lancashire
cotton spinner named Emmotf, a
ijiiaker and wealthy.
Sugar Chill Cure is a safe and pleasant
remedy for Chills and Fever, periecUy taste
less. Sold on a guaraotee. Don't fail to
try it at Dr. Jos. D7Boi:ers.
U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, i88g.
The best spring medioine in the7 world is
P. P. P. If you won would be well and In
good spirits use P. P. P. If weak and de
bilitated and run down take P. P. P. For a
spring medicine to cure and tone up tho
general ailments of the system take P. P. P.
(Prickly Ash, Poke Boot and Potassum).
m m
Clear Creek hamlet, near Hous
ton, is reveling in a mystery. The
headless trunk of a man has been
found there partly devoured by
Advice to lluildlng Girl?. .
Rise early, take ample exercise and if suf
fering from complaints peculiar to your sex
use Creole Fenoale Tonic in time
On July 12, 13 and 14 Kev.
Sam Jones will attend the San Mar
cos Chautauqua and deliver some
Creole Female Toniec for diserses peculiar
to the female sex, such as prolapsus uteri,
weakness, irregularities, painlul menstrua-
ttnTi 1c o MiF. Yirrtuiilnl liw Tintnro. ftTifl in
quick and permanent in its effects.
Jay Gould says we have a super
abundance of silver. Well, "we"
havn't. Pass it around, Jay, and
we will build you a monument along
with the other patriots.
L. F. Grassmuck is sole agent in Brenham
for Chase's Barley Malt Whisky. Rich and
pure, it is a fine Tonic for the weak, and fee
ble, It strengthens the lungs.
Advertising pays; this is shown
by the experience of the fellow who
advertised for a wife and got an an
swer from his sister.
If you are traveling, be sure to have a bot
tle of Maguire's Benne Plant in your grip
sack. There need be no fear of Cholera, if,
when attacked with Diarrhoea, Dysentery,
Flux, or any Telaxed condition of tho bowels
Maguire's Benne Plant is resorted to at
once. ' .
Mr. Charles Beitz, of Indianapolis,
is looked to for one of the most re
markable inventions of the age the
electric wagon.
Heart disease is by far the most frequent
cause of sudden death, which in three out of
four cases is unsuspected. The symptoms
are not generally understood. These arer
a habit of lying on the light side, short
breath, pain or distress in side, back or
shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak and
hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling or
ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough and
smothering. Dr. Miles illustrated book on
HeartDiseasefreeat Jos. Tristram's drug
store, who sells and guarantees Dr. Miles'
unequaled New Heart cure, and his Restora
tive Nervine, which cures nervousness, head
ache, sleeplessness, effects of drinking, etc
It contains no opiates.
Verona Jarbeau has cleared S27,
000 by her acting and expects io
make SS,000 more before the sea
son is over.
Indigestion, and Stomach disorders, cse
AU dealers keep it, 81 per bottle. Genuinehas
Vade-mark and crossed red lines on wrapper.
Trials teaclr us what we are. They
dig up the soil and let us see what
we are made of. Spurgeon.
This is the great problem of life which
few satisfactorily solve. Some fail because
of poor health, others, want of luck, but the
majority from deficient grit want of nerve.
They are nervous, irresolute, changeable,
easily get the blues and "take the spirits
down to keep the spirits up," thus wasting;
money, time, opportunity and nervo force.
There is nothing like the Restorative Ner
vine, discovered by the great specialist. Dr.
Miles, to cure all nervous diseases, as head
ache, the blues, nervous prostration sleep
lessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, fits and
hysteria. Trial bottles and fine book oJ
testimonials free at Jos. Tristram's drug'
'The Silver Christ," Ouida's latest
novel, will soon be published. It
treats of love and religion.
m m
'C.C C. Certain Corn Cure" removes
corns, warts, bunions, moles and callouses.
Wwranted. See that C. C. C. is btown in
every bottle. Take no other.
Sold by Jos. Tristram.
It is reported that the superinten
dent of the bureau of engraving and
printing at Washington is to be dis
charged. The rush of summer tourists to
Europe has begun. About 3,'OQO a
week leave the port of New York.
Surprise to All.
After using "Mother's Friend.1' two
months I was so speedily sn.l easily relieved
that it was a surprise to those attending mc
'Mother's Friend" undoubtedly lessens the
pains, shortens the time and restores the
mother speedily to hth. Will recommend
it to a expectant mothers, and hc1v"sp them,
to uss it. Mrs. J. A. R., Mimcie, Ir.c".

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