Newspaper Page Text
The Brenham Banner. (published bailt asd "wieklt.) 'Weekly, S2 s year, in advance. wonts inserted at one dollar per square of one men lor tost insertion, aim uity u per squ&refor each subsequent insertion. Obituary notices and tributes of respect in serted at half price. Entered at the pqstoffice at Brenham, Texas, as setond-class mail matter. Official Journal of Green's Brigade Association OUR AGENTS. Joeut F. Weibtsch, Burton, Texas. F. -M. Gbtwc.-, Lyons, Texas. Jo Mikkski, Wesley, Texas. GIDDING'S GRIST. Giddixgs, Texas, July 1st 1891. Editob B,uoceb. I have just re turned from Aaansas Pass, where I met Messrs. B. B. Eivers and Julian McFarland, of Brenham, injoying the delightful Gulf breeze, for wnicn that city is fully noted, it being one of the most pleasant summer resorts upon the Texas coast. I also attended the sale of lots at PortlaDd, which is beautifully situa ted en CorpuB Christi bay, about saven miles north of Corpus Christi and through which runs the 'San Antonio and Aransas Pass railroad. This town has a growth of about six weeks and has about five hundred inhabitants and is destined to be to to Corpus Chaisti what Brooklyn is to New York. The picturesque land scape view, the .varied and beautiful scenery and the delightful gulf breeze, all well repay the visitor to Bockport. Cod ressman L. W. Moore ad dressed the people here on the 4th of July1 at the barbecue. Misses Louise and Mamie Bowers left to-day to attend the wedding of their cousin. Miss Flora Await to Dr. Cole, at Dranville, Texas, at 8 o'clock p. m. this afternoon. It is very dry here and crops are cut off about one half in conse quence thereof. Three car loads of Mexicans were brought in by the San Antonio & Aransas Pass Bailroad to commence work at Lexington, the terminus of this branch of said road yesterday, the line will be completed and trains will be running into Rockdale the last of next week. The intervening space between Lexington and Lott will be rushed to completion and trains will soon run through from Yoakum to "Waco. The First National bank of Gid dings have their new bank building under headway and it will be quite an ornament to the town of Giddings. Mrs. Adkins1 new two story brick building is nearing completion, and will be another feather in Giddings' cap. The Lee Guards are drillings tri weekly, and'the boys say they are going to capture anotherprize at the state encampment, and be one of the ten companies that will visit the Columbia Exposition. Bedwood. TATE NEWS. Gov. Hogg went a fishing on the 4th. The Laredo fire department has gone to pieces. The guages of the Austin and Northwestern road is to be widened. Work on the Paris, Texas, elec tric, street railway is now progress ing. The Cooney trial for the mur der of General Hammon is in pro gress at Busk. Henry and Geo. Chapman were arrested at Ft. Worth for attempted blackmail recently. Smith, a book keeper, at Sher .man, is short $200, and brought back from Texarkana for trial. Prizes, are offered to Texas schools making the greatest contri bution to the World's fair subscrip tion. There was a severe wind and hail storm in the vicinity of Hills Prairie recently, which did consider able damage. Adjutant-General Mabrv went down to Encinal, to see that order was restored and his presence had a good effect. ' J. T. Robinson, recently arrest ed in Galveston, on a charge of em bezzlement, has been carried to San Antonio for trial. The Traweek hotel at Dublin was burned recently. A drug store in the same building and a saloon sustained heavy losses. Ed' SeibermanD, while fishing in the San Antonio river near the second mission, stood on a bank which caved in with him and was drowned. Jno. Scott, at Texarkana one day recently tried to rob a show window at a jewelry store while the proprietor was in the rear, bat wns apprehended. Bill Thompson, colored, was murdered near Linden recently by Louis Grady who slipped upon his victim wnile asleep, struck him over i the eye with a hatchet and put the man's head in a sack and ' dragged him about 50 yards. SOIESTIF IC 3IISCELLAXY. A standard of color has become necessary, and is being sought by the London Society of Arts. An rerolite exactly the shape of a human foot is reported to have fallen from the sky near Macon, Ga There are nearly six thousand pieces in a modern locomotive, and it's no small job to put them togeth er. The most brilliantly colored alloy vet known has been revealed in a re cent investigation by Prof. Roberts Austen. Its composition is about 7S per cent of gold, and 22 of alumi num. It has a rich purple color, and bright ruby tints are obtained when light is reflected from one sur face of the alloy to another. AS EXAMPLE OF HAIL MAKING. The interesting phenomenon of hail m the actual process of forma tion has been witnessed by Prof. Tosetti, in Northern Italy. In the afternoon of a squally day, he was looking eastward from a house which, with two others, enclosed a court, when he saw the rain, which was streaming from the roof to the right, caught by a very cold wiud from the north and driven back and up ia thick drops. Suddenly a gust of wind from the south struck the drop?, and tossed them in all direc tions, transforming them into balls of ice. This formation of hail ceased when the south 'wind ceased, but was repeated three or four times in ten minutes. XEW METE0I50L0ICAL RECORDS. In January of last year, the sys tematic observation of snow was commenced in Russia at 428 stations in the European portions of the Empire, at 21 in the Asiatic, and at 55 m the Caucasus. At nist tlio record 6imply stated daily whether the ground .was covered or not, but last winter tho inquiry was extended to the depth and general behavior of the snow. In a report for Eu ropean Russia for the early months of 1890, Herr Berg has mapped the southern and the western limits of the continuous snow covering for the first and fifteenth of January, February, March and April. In the west, the snow extended steadily until the beginning of March, the limit being then close to the Baltic; in the Southeast, there was steady advance until February, and as far as the coast of the Caspian in th-i south, the advance was fluctuating, there being a maximum in the middle of January, and the middle of Feb ruary, both reaching to the Black Sea coast. The retirement of the snow limit began in the south and south-east in the middle of February; in the west about half a month later. On April 15 the limit passed through Onega on the White Sea. Wetluga, and Katnerinenburg. By the first oi iiay, an European itussia was free fiom snow. Returns from the celebration of St. John's day, the Mexican feast day, says a San xVntonio special are coming in slowly. "Up to date five men have been killed m this section, and the latest is Augustin Herman dez, a fiery son of Old Mexico, who was celebrating with his friends on Atascosa creek, thirty from San An tonio. To him came Jesus Vasquez. accompanied by a stranger. Her mandez offered to fight the stranger for love. Vasquez, replying, said that he did all the nghtmg for his companions. Hermandez and Vas quez began a mill for blood. Vasquez bad much the best of it. Herman dez drew his revolver and struck Vasquez on the head. Vasquez drew his knife and spilled the bowels of Bermandez on the ground. He fled and was pursed. He has not been seen, and there is no doubt that the friends of the dead Herman dez filled him with lead. Officers are investigating. The Btranger got out of the affray with a whole skin and baa disappeared. The remains of a mastodon have been unearthed by Jas. Woods on the' bank of the San Marcos river near Luling. The remains are in a fair state of preservat'on. One of the teeth is thirteen inches long. The ankle bones are sixteen inches in diameter. German? is clamoring for a repeal of the tariff on cereals. Advice to Wokejt If you would protect yourself from Painful, Profuse, Scanty, Suppressed or Irregular Men struation you must use BRADFIELD'S FEMALE REGULATOR CAnTT.RSvn.ix, April 2a, 1663; Thli Trill certify that two members of my Immediate family, after having suffered for years from ITIeustrnal Irregularity, belnc treated Trtthcrat benefit by physicians, were at length completely cured by one bottle of Bradfleld's Female Kegnlator. Its effect Is truly wonderful. J. W.SraixaE. Book to " WOMAN " mailed FREE, which contains Talsable information on aU t axaale diseases. BRADFIELD REGULATOR -CO.. ATLANTA, QA. tOS BALE DX AXX, UStJQQJKM. The little two-year-old child of Dr. Young was badly, though not dangerously, burned by turning up a bottle of carbolic acid to its mouth Friday morning. The Galveston investigation has developed a good deal of the work ing of a receivership, as well as oth er strange facts. Mrs. J. T. Trezevant, of Dallas, and a former St. Louis belle, while walking up Broadway, New York, stopped and slapped the jaws of a dudo who had the impudence to fol low her and try to engage her in conversation. SARSAPAEILI.A. Isn't; one Sarsaparilla as good as another? No! No!! No!!! Don't tfcjnk it. Don't for a 'moment think it. II you want Boll's Earsaparilla, demand it and tako no othsr. It contains ingredients that are not found in any ot tier sarrapariUa. 3&esa very Ingredients mat make it different from ether sarsaparilla are tha most important. In fact, essential to its curative virtue. Omit them and Bull's Sarsaparilla would he as inert as the many inferior preparations of sarsapa rilla found in many drug stores. Bull's Sarsaparilla contains no unimportant in gredient. Each ingredient used is chosen for its beneficent effect upon the human Dr. JOHB BULL'S system. Combined, they exert a harmo nizing influence upon every function of the body, improving digestion, strengthen ing the liver and kidneys, cleansing the blood of poisonous matter, soothing the nervous system, enlivening the mental faculties, and in a word, by infusing new strength and life, completely rejuvenates every part and makes ona feel altogether like a new person. .SARSSAPARILLA Elmer Hodson, Alvaretto, Tex., writes: "llv strength and health had been failing me lor several years. My blood was in a very impoverished condition and very im pure. My limbs felt lame, rickety and rheumatic, and I could not walk without tottering. I felt myself growing prema turely old, and my face began to look pinched and shrivelled. I suffered con siderable, was restless at night, very ner vous, and growing very melancholy. My eyes were sore and I had catarrh. I tried many tonics, and bitters and blood puri fiers, but failed to get better. I finally IS TH.E BEST ! bought six bottles of Bull's Sarsaparilla, and before I had used it all I felt like another man. My strength and health improved, pimples and sores disappeared from my person, aches and stiff joints left me, and I consider myself a well person." BSTThere Is no other remedy so pleasant to tatce and so sure In Us effect as Or. Bull's Worzn Destroyers. Price 23 cents. Mr There la one chill remedy whose ef fect la a certainty. It has been tested In many thousands severe cares nnd never known to fail. It is called Smith's Tonic Syrup. Take no other. John D. Park & Soxs, Agents, IS lnan&Utf Sycamore St., Cincinnati, a 11 Jos. Tristram, fluent for above medicines Keep - , On this "WO t "JJBJJ. V , It. E. FEiTinSGTOX. CAMPBELL & PENNINGTON, Attomeys-at-LaWj BRENHAJI, TEXAS. BgiJDfllce over Heber Stone's Bank. "Will practice in Washington and adjoin ing counties. Abstracts of titles carefully prepared. Changed Hands. The undersigned having bought the interest of Schulze & Amsler in the old Giesecke Bak ery, will hereafter conduct the business in his own name, and solicits the patronage of the people of Brenham and surrounding country. Will keep on hand at all fames a full supply of fresh Groceries, Bread, Pies, Cakes, Candies, Tobacco and Cigars. Give me a trial. CHRISTIAN WIELKENS. I To the Ladies! Please call on W. H. ELDEIDGE For First Class -Groceries. Will meet all honest competition. My motto: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you 1 Havo just received a stock of fresh Boneless Uams, Whitakor Hams, Fort Worth Hams, Fmo Fulton Market Pickled Beef. Thanking you for past favors and soliciting a continuanco of tho same, I am, Very respectfully, W. H. ELDEIDGE. Old Finney Building. Just Received by A Fresh Lot of Fl. Worth Hams AND Fresh Mackerel, Sea Birds, Tidal Wave Flour and a largo lot of Cakes and Crackers. Wo soil now Honey at SI per gallon orSi cents per pound. Call and be convinced that I am still in tho lead on low Prices and good (roods. .Resptoctfully, J. H. QTJEBE. J- L. AMMONS erchant Tailor Northeast Corner Public Sonarc, BRENHAM, TEXAS. its and sarnie it Euarantoed Your -- Space. , V lfe-fc" 3. D. CAMPBELL. Breakfast Bacon, RE8CHAHDT, WhGl Carry a BsaAe u-roeei WESTERH PRODUCE, TOBflPO, CI6ARS, - WOOD AND WILLOW WAMMX Orders from country merchants solicited and given prompt attention. A1P kinds of Building Material! Best Lime, Cement and Brick. Mete snfl Ceflar Post, Cyuress Cisterns Gllen WirejBncKeye Mowers Hay Rakes. Jb 'iAJN JS DEALER IN FARMING- IMPLEMENTS, FENCE WIBjb, paints, oils, taesise, widow glass, iron pips Pumps, Steam Fittings, Subber Setting, &c ffost Sandy Street. BRENHAM, TEXAS Heber Stone, President E. Reichabdt, 2d Vice President. First National Bank, Brenham, Tesas Capital and Surplus, $172,500(?0. Diroctors : MRS. S. F. ESOELKE, CHABDT, HENRY DODDE, C. A. ENQELKE, HEBER STONE, Accounts of Farmers, Merchants and business men generally re spectfully solicited. F. AGENT FOR DEALER IN Oh.oice IPamilv Groceries. Wines, Liquors, Tobacco; Cigars, Crockery and GHasswai GRABBR BUILDING, Qrders for Keg or Bottled Boor in all parts of tho city freo of charge HERMANN WHOLESALE AND Western and Texas Produce, Imported and Domestic vVJGfKS, LIQUOBS, ONAB8, TOBAOOO, Delicacies, Candies, Preserved Vegetables, Pruits, Meal, Msb., Piokles, Canned Pruit, Futs, etc. BRENHAM TEXAS, Solo &gont of Anhacsor'a Colebratad St. oti1r Bear - ICE IN QUANTITIES AT LOWEST RATES -Q8 QrLowest jwholeBale prices to tho trade I Pays the highest rnarJr.? prion for Cotton and other product). Spring and Summer Goods TVe Lave now in Stock an elegant line of Dress Goods in all the now styles of Wool Pabrics, "witli trimmings to match. LAR6E LINE OF MEN'S, YOUTHS AtiD CHILDREN 0L0THIN8. Stetson Hats, all shapes. C. P. and other popular makes of Corsets. Our Line of Carpets is JTow Complete, Have just received a large shipment of the popular John Kelly Ladies, Misses, :intl Children Shoes. W. A. WOOB & Co., Lumber Yard. ' In stock all kinds of Sough and Dressed Lumber, Windows, Doors, Blinds, Door and Window Erames, J- LIMB and OEMEISTT. BEHUINE 6LIDDEN FENCE WIRE, l STODEBAM IAG0P Good Goods. Low Prices. Give us a call. W. A. WOOD & CO., Brennam, Texas. BECKER fc Co., Full Stock of Farm Wagr3g W. W. C. A. Enoelke, 1st Vice President. H. K. Hashisox, Cashier, f A. WAHGEMANBy MRS. A. 31. GTDniSGS. H. K. HARRISON. W. J. LBMP'S CMiaHl JgjBs&iUi lB oiled Beer ! IT& BRENHAM", TEXAS. promptlv filled. Goods delivered FISCHER RETAIL DEALER IN