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BRENHAM WEEKLY BANNER. VOLUME XXVII. BRENHAM, TEXAS, THURSDAY, JULY 16, 4891 NO. 28 I. r. 6IUM0K Gurry & Simmons, Brenham, Texas. Office over Heber Stone'sJBank. 9000 acres on G. C. & S. F. R. R. in Cole man and Runnels coun- lies, all under fence 350 lii cultivation, balance J pasture, good water. Price 4 per acre, easy ifflWrats, terms. , , 8000 acres two miles from Ballinger, all un der fence, 6 per acre. 640 acres in Run nels county $3 per acre 640 acres in Run nels county $6 per acre. z 640 acres 7 miles south of Ballinger, $3 per acre. 320 acres 5 miles west of Ballinger, $2.50 per acre. 1,280 acres 12 miles northeast of Ballinger, $3 per acre. 80 sections in Run nels, Concho, Coleman 4 and Coryell counties; will sell in lots to suit 64,000 acres in the counties of Schleicher and Sutton counties, $1.25 per acre. i MAN AND WOMAN. P. P. P. will purifj- and fltallze your blood, create a good appetite and give your whole system tone and strength. A prominent railroad superintendent at Savannah, suffering with Malari, Dyspep sia, and Bneumatism says : "After taking P. P. P. he neTer felt so well in his life, and feels as if be could live forever, if he could always get P. P.P." If you are tired out from over-work and close confinement, take P. P. P. If you are feeling; badly in the spring and out of sorts, take P. P. P. If your dljesti take If your dljestlve organs need toning up, take P. P. P. If you suffer with headache, Indigestion, debility and weakness, take P. P. P. If you suffer with nervous prostration, nerves unstrung and a general let down of the system, take P. P. P. For Blood Poison. Rheumatism, Scrof ula, Old Bores, Malaria, Chronic Female Complaints, take P. P. P. Prickly Ash.Poke Root and Potassium. The best blood purifier in the world. IJPPMAN BROS., Wholesale Druggists, Sole Proprietors, LrpF3U's Block, Savannah, Ga. For Sale by I. TRISTRAM. WiV " 3 "T ft w BaA B&LAamSS H Att.s; Kfj W IHmXr.MmtU BSBMJMJBMLV bfSHBnSl For Sale by T- TRISTRAM. URUN KENtfESS IlQUOR EiABnv ' Mjuuremjtu imutFsaBTOMcaaE RHWlfES GOLDEN SPECIFIC Itcan be given In coBee, tea, orln articles of food, without the knowledge of patient if necessary : it Is absolutely harmless and will effect a perma nent and speedy cure, whether the patient Is a moderate drinker or an alcoholic wreck. IT NEV ER FAILS. It operates so quietly and with such certainty that the patient undergoes no lncon venlenceand soon his complete reformation Is effected. 13 page book free. To be had of Bold by Dr. J. D.Rogers, "Brenham, Tex Saloon "Legal Tender," TJNDiS NEW EXCHANGE HOTEL JOHN W. TEAGUE, Proprietor, New Billiard Tables, Imported Wines, and Foreign liquors. Every thing first-class. Polite attention to all. CROCKERY! Just received from English factory. Eu rope, a large and good assortment of deco rated and plain QUEEN'S-WARE, consist ing of dinner, tea and bed room sets. Will sell separate pieces or in sets to suit. In spite of the McKinley bill, we are sell ing same at the same low price as heretofore. Agents for the F. F. Hille Hamburg Hollow Ground razors. Respectfully, i Enoop & Schawe J. JoL MALES IH STAPLE &FABCY GEOGERIES, Shackey Building, opposite Nat'l Bank, I am now selling Groceries at as close fig ures as any merchant in Brenham. Fay the highest market price for Country Produce. Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ation of the same. Free delivery in city. Fresh Beer always on Tap. AUG. LINDEMANN, DEALER IN Hardware, PAINTS, "WAGON MATERIAL, Etc. Agent for the best Clmrii Dasher Ever invented. Lone Star Breii Cofflpany's CELEBRATED LAGER AMU SPECIALLY BREWED Select Bottled Beer, ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE GIVEN. C, ilALENZA, Agent, Brenham. Office at the Ice House. :j- M- NASH, DB3STTIST BRENHAM, TEXAS. JSgyOffico under K. of P. Hall. MfiRFMDJIKE J 0r,iae Edition to Mil ITflRV Sepnor Hygiene, Salt A f A n C H V Stsua Het tin u.n.Sci AvHUCIHli ferfcLt, sheet sraiXGS, bo. FOR TIRED STATE NEWS. Water is flowing out of the top of artesian well .No. i at Taylor. H. C. Thompson was found dead in his bed at Dallas one morn ing recently. At McKinney recently doctors removed 144 stone from the bladder of Mn W. E. Powell. The 9-year-old son of VIr. Tom Eeese at Seguin recently tell out of a wagoti and was killed. Nearly 500 men are employed on the grade of the Brazos Valley railway, between Hearne and Mum ford. Jim Galbraith, who was sen tenced to four years in the peniten tiary, escaped jail at Bonham recent- iy- Nacona has organized a board of trade, which meets once a week and is doing good work for the town. Six crap-shooters out of a gang of 25 that officers run up on in a basin near Jluntsville, were cap tured. Mrs. Anna P. Petty, of Paris, has filed suit against the Santa Fe road for SlOlOOO for the killiue of her husband. Mr. William Smith, liv ing twen ty miles west of McKinney, harvest ed 450 bushels of wEilat on nine acres of ground. The Hearne and Brazos Valley railroad is progressing finely. 500 men are at work grading between Hearne and Mumford. Childress is raising money for an artesian well. Two thousand six hundred and fifty-five dollars was subscribed in two days. Jas. Patterson residing in South west Collin, walked into the city hotel at McKinney recently and dropped dead in his tracks. The 5-year-old son of Wm. Justice was dragged to death by a horse which he led to water at Mc Kinney. He was mangled beyond recognition. P. D. Tonksley, of Paris, Lamar county, was recently caught under a falling tree at Kosoma had his arm and leg broken besides a number of other bruises. The north bound Central train was delayed Sunday by a wreck at Chaney Junction, caused by the Southern Pacific freight, crushing into an incoming Central freight. The artesian well at Denton had reached a depth of 507 feet last Wednesday, with a flow of artesian water, but not sufficient to supply the city. The work is still going orr. L. G. McDaniel, a resident of Holland, Bell county, was pulled from his horse by a wire which caught him under the neck, inflict ing a ghastly cut that extends from ear to ear and which may prove fatal. Geo. Campbell, colored, of San Antonio, was bitten by a dog six months ago, but had no idea of a mad dog. He had forgotten his long since healed bite until signs of hydrophobia developed itself a few days ago, and he is now dead. Freeman Reed, keeper of a ne gro bar at Mexia, was caught in the act of burglarizing the Baloon of Ansley & Loader, and upon refus ing to surrender was shot and killed by Messrs. Lewis and Constable Anderson, who surrendered to the sheriff. Congressman J. W. Bailey ad dressed an audience of about 400 at Decatur last Saturday on the politi cal issues of the day, denouncing the sub-treasury sceeme as a species of class legislation, hence unconsti tutional. His speech was well re ceived, a large majority of those present endorsing his views. A German gardener, named Reel, of San Antonio, went to that'eity five years ago. He subse quently wrote his wife in Germany to come over, she was delayed and he fell in love and married another woman. Now his other wife turns up and he skips both of them, and officers are looking for him on a charge of bigamy. Tutt'u 1.1 ver Pills act as Kindly on tbo child, the dtllcuto female or Infirm old ace, us upon the vigorous man. BBS a jfBl (rlvotono to tho irenlc stomach, bow els, kidneys and bliiUder. To tlieso organs their strengthening: qualities nre wonderful, causing them toper f oral their functions as In youth. Sold Everywhere.-' Office, 35? & 41 Park Place, If. Y. CLEVELAND IN IT. gSk Congressman Herbert, of Alabama is of the opinion that Cleveland will get the New York delegation. He has recently been in New York where he had an opportunity to study the situation and .he says Cleveland is daily growing in favor. Referring to the criticisms against Mr. Cleveland because of his alleged letter on the force bill, Mr. Herbert said: "This false criticism is a fair sample of the methods employed to beat down the greatest man in the democratic party. Mr. Cleveland did lift his voice against the force bill at the time when the measure was pending in the senate and when public opinion regarding it was be ing formed. His speech denouncing it was one of the most eloquent I ever heard. I want to see Cleve land re-nominated." There is said to be great grief in Washington at the prospective dis charge 'of 1600 clerks from the cen sus bureau. It is quite likely that the grief will be strictly confined to that locality. The prospect that the census of 1890 is to be com pleted before the end of the century is positively cheerful. A Wholesale Groceryinnn. Mr. T. D. Meador or the firm of Oglesby. Aieaaor, tmnKs it is just as important to fortify against the sudden attacks of the bowels, as against the robber that invades the household. He says that Dr. Biggers' HucKleberry Cordial is a weapon, a dead shot to bowel troubles. Five children -were bitten at Piano recently by a mad dog. -r-Near Clifton on the 9th inst., lightning struck the house of S. P. Anderson, a Swede, killing his wife and three daughters, who were in the house. Anderson was near the house when it was struck, but the flames were so rapid, owing to the explosion of a 5 gallon oil can, that only the wife could be taken from the house, the daughters burning with the building. The house was supplied with a lightning rod. Mrs John Hayly of Denison, was beriously if not fatally burned by having her clothes take fire while lighting a gasoline stove recently. Her clothes and hair were all burned off, and jier back, shoulders and breast burnecTto--a- .crisp before before the flames couTd be ex tinguished. Robertson & Jones, Jonesboro, Ark., writer ' C. O. C. Certain Chill Cure gives universal satisfaction." Pleasant to take. No cure, no pay. Sold by Jos. Tristram. It is a cheery heart tnat is ever ready to lighten some weary way with helpfnl tenderness. Tc live means to be, to do, tojac complish; not simply to exist, to re"st inert, useless. The National City bank, of Mar shall. Mich., is short S100,000. The German Catholics denounce foreign interference, in America. That California lake in the desert comes from the Colorado river. "England with all thy faults, I love the still" too well indeed ta see thy people suf fer with uenrgalia and headache. Let them cure themselves, like sesible Americans with Salvation Oil. "Ring out, wild belb, to the wild eky." Whvves. of course, but the peorjle. who stand in the winter winds to listen, would do well to call on their dealer as they go home and get a small bottle of Or. Bull's Cough Syrup. Only 25 cents. One hundred and ninety million pounds of paper is used annually in the manufacture of school-books. One gun, two horses and one wagon, one carriage or buggy, and all saddles, bridles and harness necessary for the use of the family. Soda, Vichy and Root Beer at Kiber's. Old McBryar and old Forester whiskey, at O. K. Saloon. Pure Fruit Juice Soda Syrups at Kiber.s. Try Maple Syrup in your soda at Kiber's. Delmomco and Puritan whiskey at.O. K. Saloon. Carbonated Root Beer at Kiber's. Have vou tried Kiber's Root Beer? It is delicious. Something new in soda water drinks at Kiber's. Old Puritan Whiskey a erenuine ' rtT-finlrt nt CrTlii Trt Gnlnnn uinV ui uuum a.' c uaiuuu. roi: hunt. A neat home, coinenient to busi ness and schools. Apply at the 1 store of B. Ell-ridge. Highest of all in Leavening Power. 1 &B ABSQWTEDf PURE Go to Jos. Tristram's and cet a bottle of "C. C C. Certain Chill Cure," and if it is not the best remedy you have ever used for Chills and Fever your money will be re funded. A Henrico (Va.) farmer has been sentenced to one year in the peniten tiary fpr spreading poison on his premises to kill dogs. Do not punish your children with bitter nauseous mixtures when you can get "C. C. C.Certain Chill Cure" on a guarantee. Any pTlHd will loir. Jf child will take it. Sold by Jos Tristram. It is the purpose of a company of capitalists to run a steamer on the the Sea of Galilee, for which they have obtained a concession. m "R fit tin "Rlllmrtanoct? "hocrmrm UToIotm. Kaa up Chills with "C. C. C. Certain Chill Cure," the pleasant remedy. No cure, no pay. Pearl fishing is still carried on in the river Tray, England, and some valuable jewels have lately b"een lound. Your Family Physician will tell you that black haw, cohosh, and cinchona are amomr the best of tonics for the female organs. These are among the prin cipal roots and herbs composing Creole Pemale Tonic, nature's great boom to sufier- mg women. There is one society of boys and girls in England to protect animals which has over eighty thousand members. The Effect or Creole Fenale Tonic is almost magical in cases of prostration, pains in the back, rush of blood to the head, irregular or painful menstruation, and female weakness Jacob's well and the plot of ground surrounding" it have been sold by the Turkish Government to the Greek church for four thousand pounds. 1 ... IF TOTTB SACK jLCJTES, Of Ton are all worn out, really good ior noth- ing, It is general debility. Try JBXOWX'S ZKOA" JBITTJERS. It wttLcure youcleanEeTonrUjer, and giTO a good apptateT " A district in the central provinces of India is being ravaged. by a pack of wolves, which have killed forty cattlewatchers, who were chiefly of both sexes from eight to sixteen years of age. For Over Fifty Years Mm. "Winslows booTHcro Sykup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme diately. Sold by druggists in every parrt of the world. Twenty-nve cents a bottle. Be sure and ask lor Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syrup," nd take no other kind. Report says W. H. Truesdale is to be th'e VicePresident of the Great Northern. Headache isjeadily cured by P. P. P.: which tones and regulates the digestion and creates an appetite. Contrats are not let for the new terminal station of the Reading in Philadelphia. Ulcerated sore leg, with a running sore of several years' standing, which the doctors thought incurable and amputation was re garded as the only relief, the patient scarcely able to walk before, now runs, arjnarentlv well. The cure was made by P. P. P., and! is known tnrougnout savannan as one 01 toe great cures that P. P. P., the wonderful blood medicine, has made. o w who eats a strawberry shortca' e wunoui cream. . Science cannot produce a better rer jedy for all malarial diseases than "C. C: C. Cer tain Chill Cure." Pleasant to take. Guar anteed to cure Chills and Fever. Sold br Jos. Trist ram. He who doubts religion is more of a believer in it than he wb o is in different to it. Miles' Nerve ami .Liver Pills Act on a new principle rej ulating the liver, stomach and bowels tr .rough the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad tote, torpid liver, piles, constipation. U nequaled for men, women, children. Snu Uest, mildest, surest! 50 doses, 25 els. Ss mples free, at Jos. TrUtram's druc store. "We have to pass th rough many a storm before we learn calm" in a tempest. Men defy remors' j and then com plain when they auj called upon to I endure it. ' Sugar Chill Cure is a fafe and pleasant remedy for Chills ant'i Fever, perfectly taste less. Sold on a guarantee. Don't fail to try it at Dr. Jos. p. I'.ocers. TJ. S. Gov't Report, Aug. ijt 1889. W I m Powder The best spring medicine in the world is P. P. P. IT .you wou would be well and in good spirits use P.P. P. If weak and de bilitated and run down take P. P. P. For a spnng medicine to cure and tone up the general ailments of the system take P. P. P. (Prickly Ash, Poke Hoot and Potassum). In England about eighty-seven peers are directors of public com panies. Advice to Budding Girlg. Rise early, take ample exercise and if suf fering from complaints peculiar to your sex use Creole Female Tonic in time. p The income derived by French people who rear fowls is, according: to retorns, about $67,000,000. Creole Female Tonice for diserses peculiar' to the female sex, such as prolapsus uteri,,"" weakness, irregularities, painlul menstrua tion, is a cure provided by nature, and is. quick and permanent in its effects. . . Rome in the days of her nride and! power had a circus that would ac commodate 150,000 people. L. F. Grassmuck is sole agent in Brenham. for Chase's Barley Malt "Whisky. Kich and. pure, it is a fine Tonic for the weak and'fee ble, It strengthens the lungs. Bombs were invented at Venlo-in 1588, and were first used in' the ser vice of France in 1634. If you are traveling, be sure, to have a bot tle of Maguire's Benne Plant, in your grip sack. There need be no fear of Cholera, ifK when attacked with Diarrhoea, Dysentery,. Flux, or any relaxed condition of the-bowels- Maguire's Benne Plant "is resorted to at J once. 1 - ' A company in New York isbuying old horses, fattening them and. ship ping them for mea.t to "hv belle. France." SUDDEN D EATHS. Heart disease is by far the raos frequent cause of sudden d,eath, which in three out of four cases is unsuspected. The- symptoms . are not generally understood. These arer? .. ahabilof lying on 'the right side, short-L breath, pain or distr ess in aide, back or KhonlnijT- irrfjrriTarjvT jse asthma, weak 'and hungry spellsTwffioTin stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, op presiion, dry cough and' smothering. Dr. 21 Ues illustrated book on H"eartTiseasefreeat Jos. Tristram's drug; store, who sells ai id guarantees Dr. Miles? unequaled New H" eart cure, and his Restora- -tiveNervine, whi ch cures nervousness, head- ache, sleeplessnef ,s, effects of drinking; etc It contains no 07 jiates. . . All the let ters of the alphabet ap pear in t'ne following sentence: The quick " brown fox junjps over a lazy dog. 1 For Ma laria, Liver TroW ble,o r Indigestion, use BROWM'S IRON BITTERS The weather is so excessively hot in Loi idon that business is almost susper .ded. Even the baccarat scand1 al has lost its flavor. HOW TO SUCCEED. Thf is is the great problem of life which few s atisfactonly solve. Some fail because of P xt health, others, want of luck, but tha tna ority from deficient grit want of nerve. j.m jyare nervous, irresolute, cnangeaole, , cas jjy get tne oiues ana "tase tue spints do wn to keep the spirits up,h thus wasting; ' m onev. time, onnortunirv and nerve foreaL T here is nothing like the Restorative Ner- i one, oiscoyerea Dy tne great specialist, JUr. ' Miles, to cure all nervous diseases, as head- ' ache, the blues, nervous prostration, aleep- .lessness. neuralsria. St. Vitus dance, fits and hysteria. Trial bottles and fine book of testimonials free at Jos. Tristram's drug store. ... Professor Elliott, of the Smith sonian institutions, estimates that there are how but 100,000 seals left in American waters. 1 ' "C.C. C. Certain Com Cure" removes corns, warts, bunions, moles and callouses. "Warranted. See that C. C. C. is blown in; every bottle. Take no other. Sold by Jos. Tri3tram. A Small estate in Lincolnshire which sold for thirty-one thouands dollars in 1870 and has since had two thousand dollars put into addi tional buildings, brought ten thou sand five hundred dollars last week. Surprise to All. After using "Mother's Friend" ttvo months I was so speedily and eaily relieved that it w as a urpnse to those attending me. "Mother's Friend" undoubtedly lessens the pains, shortens the time and restore? the mother speedily to health. Will recommend it to a expectant mothers, and advise them to use t. MrB. J. A. E., Muncie, Ind. A German Lieutenant-Colonel has been deprived of bis commission be cause in a recently published work he advises the -public not to go to church, which be says is 'an an tiquated institution not in accor dance with modern science. ,