NO:-: 29-
Gurry & Simmons,
Brenham5 Texas,
Of5ce over Heber Stone's Banfc;
9000 acres on G. C.
& S. F. R. R. in Cole
man and Runnels coun-
ties, all under fence 350
in cultivation, balance
in pasture, good water.
Price 4 per acre, easy
8000 acres two miles
- from Ballinger, all un-
def fence, ,$6 per acre.
640 acres in Run
nels county 3 per acre
640 acres in Run
nels county $6 per acre.
640 acres 7 miles
south of Ballinger, $3
per acre.
320 acres 5 miles
west of Ballinger, &2.5C
per acre.
1,280 acres 12 miles
northeast of Ballinger,
$3 per acre.
' 80 sections in Run
nels, Concho; Coleman
and Coryell counties;
will sell in lots to suit.
64,000 acres in the
counties of Schleicher
zrA Sutton counties,
$1.25 per acre.
P. P. P. Trill purify and Titalize your
blood, create a good appetite and give your
whole Bjitem tone and strength.
A prominent railroad superintendent at
Savannah, suffering with Malaria, Dyspep
sia, and Rheumatism 6ay3: "After taking
pTP. P. be never felt so well In his life, and
feels as If be could lire forever, if he could
always get P. P. P."
If you are tired out from over-work and
dose confinement, take
P. P. Pr
If you are feelin badly in the spring
and out of sorts, take
P. P. P.
If your digestive organs need toning up,
P. P. P.
If you suffer withheadache, indigestion,
debility and weakness, take
P. P. P.
If you suffer with nervous prostration,
nerves unstrung and a general let down
of the syitenvtake
P. P. P.
For Blood Poison. Rheumatism, Scrof
ula, Old Sores. Malaria, Chronic Female
Complaints, take
P. P. P.
Prickly Ash, Poke Root
and Potassium.
The best blood purifier in the world.
TJFFMAN BROS., Wholesale Druggists,
Sola Pronrietors.
Lrrpiun's Block, Savannah, Go.
For Sale by T. TRISTRAM.
For Sale by T. TRISTRAM.
Saloon "Legal Tender,"
J0M W. TEAGUE,Proprietor,
New Billiard Tables, Imported
Wines, and Foreign Liquors. Every
thing first-class, Polite attention
to all.
Just received from. English factory. Eu
rope, a large and good assortment of deco
rated and plain QDEEN'S-WARE, consist
ing of dinner, tea ana oea room sets. Will
sell separate pioces or in sets to suit.
In spite ofthe ilcKinley bill, we are sell
ing same at the same low price as heretofore.
Agents for the F. F. Hille Hamburg Hollow
Ground razors. Respectfully,
Enoop & 'Schawe
Shackey Building, opposite Nat'l Bank,
I am now selling Groceries at as close fig-;
ures as any merchant in Brenham. Pay the
highest market price for Country Produce
Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu
ation of the same. Free delivery in city.
Fresh Beer always on Tap.
Agent for the best
Clrarii Dasher
Ever invented.
Lone Star -Breuieg Coopy's
Select Bottled Beer,
C, HALENZA, Agent, Brenham.
Office at the Ice House.
:j. M- NASH.
Office under K. of P. Hall.
BOfflce over Hebcr Stone's Bank.
Will practice in Washington and adjoin
ing counties. Abstracts of titles carefully
erchant Tailor
Northeast Corner Public Square,
Suits and garments male to order and
it guaranteed
The Llano River Baptist associ
ation will convene at Llano, begin
ning the Friday before the third
Sunday in July.
The ex-confederates of Grimes
county have concluded to have an
old-fashioned barbecue and "camp
fire' on or about the 15th of August.
Albert Moses was shot at Cor-
rigan as he was returning from a
negro dance Monday night, the re
sult of a fuss that was started at the
Don Victor Cruz, editor of Don
Pascco, a comic Spanish Weekly at
San Antonio is in jail on a charge of
criminal libel. He stated that An
tonio Salinas was a blackleg.
The Methodist campmeeting on
Lost creek, near Llano, closed last
Sunday. There were 77 conversions
and 35 joined the church, and S1S5
was raised to build a parsonage at
Geo. A. Montgomery recently
arrested at' Sherman was taken to
Miller county, Ga., Mondayby Sheriff
G.A. Montgomery, on a charge of
being short 81,500. He was form
erly sheriff.
Patrick Kelly jailer of the coun
ty jail at Galveston was drawn into
the cell of a lunatic recently and
stamped on the chest and stomach.
He died Monday from his injuries.
Jas. Lleweylin has been arrested
and carried to Waco to answer the
charge of criminal assault upon the
person of Mr. J. E. Ramsey, during
the absence of her hunband, forcing j
her to submit to his outrageous1
Dr. Arnold, living near White
Mound, who was once an inmate of
the Terrell asylum, has again be
come violently insane, and tried to
kill his wife and children. He cut
himself with a surgeon's knife and
then tried to use a shot gun, but
her screams brought assistance.
A Rio Grande City letter 'says
that on both sides of the river in
that country no crops have been
made for three years and great des
titution prevails among the peasan
try, and lawlessness in consequence
prevails to such an extent that it
would require a company of rangers
to each county.
The negros and whites of Gon
zales county are mixed in a bloody
fend in the Hamon neighborhood 12
miles from the city of Gonzales. A
negro Saturday last, by tho name of
Ned Nobles made an attempt to
shoot David Dubose with a Win
Chester, but the gun failing to fire
the negro was killed by Dubose.
Most of the white citizens were at a
camp-meeting and a message, being
sent there nine left for the scene of
the trouble. On their approach a
negro rode by them and fired both
barrels of a shotgun into the crowd,
wounding Sid Johnson, a deputy
Sheriff. The negroes threaten to
kill Dubose who has surrendered to
the Sheriff and trouble is expected.
The negro who shot deputy John
son has not been arrested and is not
A year ago the .city council of
San Antonio passed an ordinance
licensing gambling houses and
houses of prostitution. It was
knocked out by the supreme court
on the ground that the council had
exceeded tho city charter. The
charter was amended by the last
legislature and the amendment re
cently went into effect. Monday
the council ordained that houses of
prosl itution be licensed at $50 a year.
The inmates will be visited once a
week by the assistant city physician,
and when their physical condition
justifies it will be furnished with a
clean bill of health good for seven
das. For this a fee will be
charged. It is the intention to con
fine thegambling houses and bawdy
houses to one district, where they
will be under tho immediate surveill
ance of the police.
- i- i ii-
Members of the cabinet at Rome
privately declare that although Italy
will not officially assist'Italian ex
hibitors at the Chicago fair, every
facility will in fact be extended to
The persecution of the Jews at
Petersburg, is relaxed somewhat
and the expulsion of artisans is in
definitely postponed. The press
has been requested to refrain from
publishing articles likely to excite
animosity against the Jews.
Fon the past two weeks there has
been a strike among the miners at
Bevier, near Macon, Mo. The men
were ordered to remain ten hours
in tho mines whether at work or
not, and they struck. Now men
will be imported to fill their places.
Tue Lamar County .lliance is op
posed to the Governor calling an
extra session.
Western newspapers are urging
that immigration has not by any
means reached the desired limit, and
appear to think that those who press
the suject of restriction are not true
friends of progress. Undoubtedly
the great west needs settlers, come
from where they will. But the sort
of immigrants that are objected to
by the friends of restriction are just
the sort of immigrants that expand
ing California and the newer states
of the far west would not care to
have forced on them. It is the
vicious element, the densely ignor
ant, the unprogressive who do not
assimilate and will not assimilate
that should be excluded, andnot any
honest, intelligent, upright and suit
able population for grafting on to
the citizenhood of this country. The
unoccupied lands of the west would
better remain unoccupied a few
years longer than introduce into the
body politic millions of Asiatic and
eastern Europeans of a civilization so
low or so different from that of the
present nation as would materially
change it for the worse.
During my absence Mr. C. F.
Herbst is authorized to transact all
business in the Collector's office.
Sam Schlenkeb.
Tax Collector Washington Co.
July 11th, 1891.
English Hebrew authorities in
London have taken steps to relieve
the great distress among the Rus
sian refuges in Palestine. The dan
gers of famine, the price of bread
having doubled, are so keenly ap
preciated that the Russian-Jewish
committee has ordeied the imme
diate shipment of food sufficient to
keep the unfortunate immigrants
alive until they themselves can reap
a harvest from the land.
Sugar Chill Cure is a safe and pleasant
remedy for Chills and Fever, perfectly taste
less. Sold on a guarantee. Don't fail to
try it at Jr. Job. D. Rogers.
The war against the lottery in
Louisiana is on, and is being fiercely
waged to prevent the renewal of
the charter. It is a fight of the
people againBt the money power,
with the consciousness of right on
the side of the people, the protec
tion of the fair name of the State,
against the ill-gotten gains of the
lottery company.
Miles' Nerve and .Liver Pills
Act on a new principle regulating the
liver, stomach and bowels' 'through the
nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills
speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid
liver,, piles, constipation. "Unequaled for
men, women, children. Smallest, mildest,
surest! 50 doses, 25 cts. Samples free, at
Jos. Tristram's drup store. -.:
. ....
A great amount of railroad build
ing is going on all over Switzerland.
This most difficult of all countries
for railroad engineering now has,
relatively, more railways than the
New "England states.
An investigation in Switzerland
shows that mortality from .organio
disease of the heart decreases as tne
altitude of the habitation rises, and
that it is greater in towns than in
the country. .
Russian peasants will be prohibit
ed by law shortly from selling or
mortgaging their lands.
p m
A Nashville special in reference
to the Coal Creek troubles says the
cricis came Sunday when the miners
and their sympathizers from the
surrounding country gathered
around the camp of the State mili
tia, capitured them and shipped
them to Knoxville in box cars, The
Governor has ordered a mumber of
companies there, and a gatling bat
tery. The miners say they shall not
land and trouble is imminent. The
majesty of the law should be upheld
if "U. S. regulars have to be sent
there by tho "thousand.
Qc.iy is to. retire from the chair
manship of the Republican national
committee. He gives as his reason
failing health, and says the position
involves to much hard work. Ev
idently the next campaign will in
volve much hard work to ever elect
a Republican to the Presidency, and
Mr Quay feeling his inability to
steer the old ship into the Presiden
tial harbor very wisely calls for some
one else to take the helm, and if she
is 'wrecked he can say he was not
the pilot.
Of t&e present jceneratlon. It i 'or Its
enroand Ma attendant. SlcU Bead
aebe, Constipation ana Flies, tout
have become so famous. They net
peedlly and gently on hodlffcMlyo
orcaiiM.civInc them tone and i(tor to
nlmllatefood.yoBlpiniior nausea.
Sold Everywhere.
Office, 39 & 41 Park Place, N. Y.
m I Vfe!!
Highest of all in Leavening Power.
Go to Jos. Tristram's and get a bottle of
"C. C C. Certain Chill Cure," and ii it is not
the best remedy yon have ever used for
Chills and Fever your money will be re
funded. Forty patents were issued at
Austin Monday covering 16,000
acres of land.
Do not punish your children with bitter
nauseous mixtures when you can get "C. C.
C. Certain Chill Cure" on a guarantee. Any
child will take it.
Sold by Jos Tristiam.
Eight feet is the height of Miss
Ella Ewing, aged eighteen, of Scot
land county, Mo. She is still grow
ing. ' Battle Bilhousness, besiege Malaria, break
up Chills with "C. C. C. Certain Chill Cure,"
the pleasant remedy. No cure, no pay.
Sold by Jos Tristram.
m m t
Two acres of land adjacent to the
London houses of parliament have
been advertised for sale at 1,000,
000. Your Family Physician
will tell you that black haw, cohosh, and
cinchona are, among the best of tonics for the
female organs. These are among the prin
cipal roots and herbs composing Creole
Female Tonic, nature's great boom to sufier
ing women.
The national museum of Brazil
has come into possession of an enor
mous aerolite. It weighs 11,300
The Effect of Creole Fenale Tonic
is almost magical in cases of prostration,
pains in the back, rush of blood to the head,
irregular or painful menstruation, and female
There is no conspicuous star near
enough to the south pole to be called
a pole star or to answer the purpose
of one.
If you fee-i weak
and all worn ou& take
When HerBchel studied astronomy
only four double stars were known.
Now nearly 7,000 of them are distin
guishable. For Over Fifty Years
Mas. Wrssxows booracfQ Stbtjp has been
used for over fifty years by millions of
mothers for their children while, teething,
with perfect success. It soothes the child,
softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind
colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea.
It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme
diate?y. Sold by druggists in every pant of
the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Be
sure and ask lor Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing
Syrup," ?nd take no other kind.
Sam Jones is at the Corpus
Christi Chautauqua and will remain
until the end of the month.
Headache is readily cured by P. P. P.;
which tones and regulates the digestion and
creates an appetite."
Christopher Duffy has been
jailed at Galveston charged with the
attempted rape of Flora "Vincent a
16-year-old girl.
A Wholesale Groceryman.
llr. T. D. Jleador or the firm of Oglesby
&Meador, thinks it is just as important to
iortify against the sudden attacks of the
bowels, as against the robber that invades
the household. He says that Dr. Biggers'
Huckleberry Cordial is a weapon, a dead
shot to bowel troubles.
Craners gambling house in
Houston was raided Monday night
and the proprietors jailed. Law
and - order is in vogue there and
order must prevail.
Robertson & Jones, Jonesboro, Ark.,
write: 'C. C. C. Certain Chill Cure givss
universal satisfaction." Pleasant to take.
No cure, no pay.
Sold by Jos. Tristram.
A man named Roe was killed
by a boy, Steve Dawson, near' the
line of Menard and Mason county
Monday. Roe was shot five times
by Dawson.
The reason why so many people use Dr.
Bull's Cough Syrup is because it is a safe,
pleasant and positive' cure for coughs and
colds and can be bought for only 25 cents.
I have used Salvation Oil in our stables
j and heartily recommend it. It does wonder-
ful work on horses with cuts, bruises, sprains,
' strains, sores fcc. B. Craig, Manager,
Bradley's Keystone Stables, Baltimore, ild.
Ed Jungar, a thirteen yenr-old
lad bathing in the bayou at Houston
This disease vields quickly to thj wonder
ful powers of "P. P. P. (Prickly Ah, Poke
Root and Potassium). People livins in
miasmatic countries never be without P. P.
P. A word to the wie is sufikient.
IT. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889.
There are thousands of ladies throughout
the country whose systems are poisoned, and
whose blood is in an impure condition from
the absorption of impure matter, due to
menstrual irregularities. This class are pe
culiarly benefited by the wonderful tonic and
blood-cleansing properties of Prickly Ash, '
Poke Boot and Potassium P.P. P. Roses ,
and bounding health take theplaco of the
sickly look, the lost color, and the general
wreck of the system. P.P. P. isthecure- .
be sure to get it at once.
m m
A man is to wnlk on Rtilf s frnm
Paris to Moscow.
Advice to Kmldlnc Girls. .
Rifb early, take ample exercise and if suf
fering from complaints peculiar to yo'ur sex
use Creole Female Tonicin time. t .
The word "milliner" owes its ori-
gin to Milan.
Creole Female Tonice for diserses peculiar
to the female eei, such as prolapsus uteri,
weakness, irregularities, painful menstrua
tion, is a cure provided by nature, and is
quick and permanent in its effects.
We would all be good if our
bread and butter denended on it. I
L. F. Grassmack is sole agent in Breaham
for Chase's Barley Malt Whisky. Rich and
pure, it is a fine Tonic for the weak land fee
ble, It strengthens the lunss.
The people who havn't very inuch" t
to do take the longest time to do it.
Messrs. J. & dllaguire, St. louis. Mo: L
I have used Maguire's Benne Plant with
success in my family for ten years, and saved
the lives ot several soldiers suffering from
Diarrhoea and Flux when they were 'given
up by medical attendants
Fhancis W.Crane, Paymaster V.S. A. .
I I II Ml -'-
Of the 1,900 policemen in Chicago
1,550 are Irishmen.
' ' 1
Heart disease is by far . the most frequent
cause of sudden death, which in threo out of
four cases is unsuspected. Tho symptoms'
are not generally understood. These are:
a habit of lying on the right side, short
breath, pain or distress in Bide, back or
shoulder, irregular puUe, asthma, weak and
hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of
ankles or dropsy, oppression, dry cough and
smothering. Dr. Miles illustrated book on
Heart Disease free at Jos. Tristram's drug
store, who sells and guarantees Dr. Miles5
unequaled New Heart cure, and his Restora
tive Nervine, which cures nervousness, head
ache, sleeplessness, effects of drinking, etc
It contains no opiate;.
The United States has 637,000,000
gold coins, and only 411,000;000 are
in circulation.
Ottou are an worn out, really good Jqr nett
ing; it is general debility. Try
jsbowips max bitters. , .
It win care you, cleanse your liver, and giva
a good appetite. -'
Cardinal Simorthe primate of
Hungary, enjoys a revenue of -$400,-000
a year.
This is the great problem of life which
few satisfactorily solve. Some fail becauso,
of poor health, others, want of luck, but the
majority from deficient grit want of nerve.
They are nervous", irresolute, changeable,
easily get the. blues and "take the spirits
down to keep' the spirits up," thus wasting;
money, time, opportunity and nerve force
There is nothing like tho Restorative Ner
vine, discovered by the great specialist; ,Dr.
Miles, to cure all nervous disease?, as head
ache, the blues, nervous prostration, sleep
lessness, neuralgia, St. Vitus dance, fit3 and '
hysteria. Trial bottles and fine book of
testimonials free at Jos. Tristram's drujr
store. s .
The revenues of the archbishop of
Prague amount each year to the sum
of 350,000.
'C.C C. Certain Com Cure" removes
corns, warts, bunions, molts and '"callouses.
Warranted. See that C. C. C. is blown in
every bottle. Take no other.
Sold by Jos. Tristram.
mm m m
Italy has 4,S00,000 trees which
produee one billion and a half
lemons annually.
ISradfleld'g Female ltegnlator
has won, on merit alone, a widespread and
enduring reputation. It is a combination of
vegetable agents, the result ofthe experience
of one who made the diseases of women a.
life-long study. Taken according to direc
tions the organs awake to new life and energy
leaving the woman free from pain at these
periods. Sold by all druggists.
p m
Whooping cough is prevalent
at Allentown.
Science cannot produce a better remedy
for all malarial diseases than "C (i C. Cer
tain Chill Cure." Pleasant to take. Guar
anteed to cure Chills and Fever. '
Sold by Jos. Tristram.
Bluefield banana company with
a capital of 6250,000 has been,
granted a charter at Austin.
'Cure Your Corns
By using Abbott's East Indian C "' . t".
F'er Corns, Bunions end Wa.lift t t -..
4 4