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f??Vri -.-" - WEEKLY BANNER. VOLUME XXVI. BRENHAM, TEXAS, THURSDAY JULY 30, 4894. NO. SO BRENHAM . . CUBS'V i. p. snmo Gurry & Simmons, ' Jrenhanv Texas, Office ovjr Heber Stone's Bank. A . - 9000 acres on G. C. & S. F. R. It in' Cole man and Runnels coun "ties, all under fence 350, in cultivation, balance in pasture, good water. Price $ peracre, easy terms. 8000 acres two miles from Ballinger, all un der fence, $6 per acre. 640 acres in Run nels county $3 per acre 640 acres in Run- w- leal Mate kk ,. nels county $6 per acre. vtr r, -1 04tu acres miles south of Ballinger, $3 per acre. 320 acres 5 miles west of Ballinger, 2.50 per acre. 1,280 acres 12 miles northeast of Ballinger, $3 per acre. 80 sections in Run nels, Concho, Coleman and Coryell counties; will sell in lots to suit. 64,000 acres in the counties of Schleicher and Sutton counties, 1.25' per acre. ; FOR TIRED MAN AND WOMAN. P. P. P. 'will purify and vitalize your blood, create a good appetite and give your whole system tone and strength. A prominent railroad superintendent at Savannah, suffering with Malaria, Dyipep Eia, and Bheumatlsm says: "After taking P. P. P. he never felt so well In his life, and feels as If he could live forever, if he could always get P. P. P." If you are tired out from over-work and close confinement, take P. P. P. If you are f eeline badly In the spring and out of sorts, take P. P. P. ' If your dieestive organs need toning up, take P. P. P. If you suffer with headache. Indigestion, debility and weakness, take P. P. P. If you suffer with nervous proptration, nerves unstrung and a general Jet down oi tne system, tare -7 P. P. P. For Blood Poison. Bheumatlsm, Scrof ula, Old Sores, Malaria, Chronic Female Complaints, take P. P. P. Prickly Ash, Poke Root and Potassium. The best blood purifier In the world. LIPP1IAN BROS, 'Wholesale Druggists, Sole Proprietors, Ijffuax's Block, Savannah, Ga. For Sale by I. TBISTRAM. uattitf For Sale by I. TRISTRAM. Saloon "Legal Tender," TJND1B VEW EXCHANGE HOTEL JOHN W. TEAGUE, Proprietor, New Billiard Tables, Imported "Wines, and Foreign Liquors. Every thing first-clasB. Polite attention to all. CROCKERY! rJait received from English factory. Eu rope, a large sad good .assortment of deco rated and plain QUEEN'SAVARE, consist ins; of dinner, tea and bed room sets. "Will sell separate pieces or insets to suit In spite ofthe McKinley bill, we are sell ing same at the same low pnoe as heretofore. Agents for the F. F. Hille Hamburg Hollow Ground razors. Respectfully, Knoop & Schawe J. H, MEYER, DKALSK IN STAPLE &FAHCY GROCERIES, Shackey Building, opposite Nat'l Bank, I am now selling Groceries at as close fig ures as any merchant in Brenham. Pay the highest market price for Country Produce Thankful for past favors, I solicit a continu ation of the same. Free delivery in city. Fresh Beer alTfays on Tap. AUG. LINDEMANN, DEALER IN Hardware 5 PAINTS, WAGON MATERIAL, Etc. Agent for the best Churn Dasher Ever invented. Lone Star -Breino; Company's CELEBRATED LAGER AND SPECIALLY BREWED Select Bottled Beer, ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE GIVEN. C, HALENZA, Agent, Brenham. Office at the Ice House. J- M- NASH, DENTIST, BRENHAM, TEXAS. S5-Office under K. of P. Hall. J. D. CJUITBELL. B. E. FESMNQTON. CAMPBELL & PENNINGTON, Attomeys-at-Law, BRENHAM, TEXAS. B,Offlce over Heber Stone's Bank. Will practice in Washington and adjoin ing counties. Abstracts of titles carefully prepared-. For Sale atAuctlon: On Aucust 29th. 1801. at 11 o'clock a. in.. I 11Il sell at the H. & T. C. Dei-ot, to the highest bidder for cash, Thirty Bundles of Horse Collars, consigned to Thos. Dwyer, to pay storage cnarges ar.u cot 01 sale. H. C. JIcINTYRE, Agent. STATE NEWS. The cotton, seed oil mill atl tireenvuie will cost about 6U,UUU, and will give employmant to about fifty laborers. It will consume about forty tons of seed daily. Work on the buildings is progress ing rapidly. The comptroller Monday re ceived the assessment rolls of Gal veston county as footed up by the assessor. They show a total taxa ble valuation of $25,661,400, against 320,177,190 last year; increase, S5, 484,210. Warrants for the arrest of Edi tors Miguee Dina and Paulino Mar tinez of El Latigo, a Spanish week ly, for the use of their paper of op probious language toward Editor Lozano of La Imz, have been issued at San Antonio. It is an outcome of a standing feud between the men. The Waco branch of the San An tonio and Aransas Pass railway has "been extended northward from Lex ington to Rockdale, Texas, a distance of 171 miles, and was opened for business to Kockdale on Wednesday. The new stations established on this extension are Niles, 94.2 miles from Yoakum and Bockdale 102.5 miles from Yoakum. H. Francis Pascal, manager of the Southwestern Enterprise com pany at El Paso, left town suddenly Monday when it became known that he and his partner were wanted by the government for running a lot tery. They were arreted by the local authorities early Monday morn ing on the charge of swindling, and on finding bail slipped town. Debts to a large amount ore owing there. Sherman Earls was arrested and lodged in 'ail at Austin, charged with shooting Marion Jones, at a campmeeting in Travis county. lAbout a week ago Jones cowhided Earls about a lewd wo maA, and Earls nursed his wrath until Saturday and wjant to ' the meeting prepared to get even. They met Sunday morning in an hearbor and hot words followed., and the midst of the congregation Earls opened fire, shooting him twice. The M. D. in attendance thinks Jones will recover. The Beaumont Enterprise says: The report of the government engin eer on Sabine Pass is most encour aging. The water on the bar is. deepening, and there is, or was six monthB ago, a channel 1000 feet wide, and 10 feet deep aU over. But take the center of that ctiannel, say 300 feet wide, and our authority is good in stating that the shallow point is from 14 to 16 feet, to follow the channel. But just as the engin eer says, with one-third the money expended, minus the $300,000 now on hand and at present contracted, the result has been "most satisfacto ry." We have before us the record of soundings of April 19, 1891, com mencing at gulf end of east jetty, taken about 125 feet apart, and the depth is 16 feet, and the lowest from that to the wreck of the Clif ton is 14 feet, 1 inch and that is only one sounding, the remaining average being between 15 and 16 feet. The alliance "encampment"' that opened at Sulphur Springs Mon day promises to be the largest gath ering of laboringpeople ever brought together in Texas. It was estimated that 6,000 visitors or more were present the first day. A correspond ent there says: "This is strictly an 'encampment' of and for 'third party ism.' The democrats of this and the surrounding counties asked for a division of time, but no time was granted. Only a few of the speak ers have arrived at present, but sev eral prominent men in third party circles will be in on to-night's train Senator Peffer of Kansas, C. A. Power of Terre Haute, Ind., ex president of the Indiana farmers' al liance, and President Evau Jones. Tuesday Harry Tracy and T. J. An derson, vice president of the F. S. alliance, are expected. On Wednes day E. W. Coleman, Stump Ashbv, W. S. Morgan, Dr. C. W. Macune, Ralph Beaumont of Washington, D. U-, and li. Li. Polk of Worth Caro lina, president of the national alli ance, are expected. Judge Metho dist Jim Davis delivered the address of welcome, and also stated the ob jects of thiB grand rallying of labor- ltes. He stated the objects to be, first, to discuss political, economic and social questions; second, the two old parties say that organized labor should not go into politics, but we propose to snow you that it must go into politics in order to get relief so vigorously sought for.. "Jim's' speech was loudly cheered by the multitude that listened with eager ears what their "soothsayer" had to impart to them. The response by Stump Ashby per program was deliv eied by Leo Rhodes of the 'free state of Van Zandt.' ' A Washington special says : "Pa pers in numerous applications and recommendations for nine circuit judgships have been arranged by the department of justice, but they will not be forwarded to Cape May as the president has intimated his pur pose not to take them up until his return. It is rumored that three of the appointees will be democrats, but nothing definite is known. Should any democrats be selected Judge Culberson will doubtless be one of them, as he has been strongly re commended. Selections will not bo finally determined upon until shortly before congress convenes. The Memphis Appeal-Avalanche, commenting on the trouble with the Coal Creek miners, says: "As it "used to be' said of the pistol in Texas, a man might pass a lifetime without ever having need of the weapon, but when he did he 'wanted it mighty bad.' So with the state militia. When the state does need soldiers it needs them mightily, and would ba completely .at a loss without them. It should, therefore, change its pol icy towards them." The Farmers' Alliance have been charged with engineering a scheme to form a corner in wheat, and raise the price of it. The charge was de nied, out reports say that hundreds of thouids of circulars Lave been sent Sft " designed to convince the farmers of 'the country that it is to their advantage to hold back their wheat in order to force up the price. GBEENvfLLEHerald: "The fact that Mr. Cleveland's enemies in and out of Texas are raising such a hue and cry against him now is the best evi dence that they fear his strength be fore the people. The politicians are against Mr. Cleveland, and the peo ple are for him. That's what's the matter." An excursion train at St. Maude, near Vincennes, France, collided with another train. Forty-nine killed and 200 wounded. Six died after being extricated from the wreck. The wreck was caused by the deliberate alteration of the sig nals bo as to bring the two trains into collision. Democratic convention. Having; been appointed by the chairman of the Democratic State Executive committee, chair man of the 72nd Legislative District vice, C. K. Wolf, who has removed from the District, I hereby, . by vir tue of the authority vested in me by said appointment, call a convention of said District, composed of the counties of Burleson, Lee and Wash ington, to meet at Brenham on the 6th day of August, for the purpose of nominating a Democratic candidate for representative to succeed Hon. H. G. King, resigned. County Chairmen are urgently requested to call at once, such conventions in their respective counties as will in sure a full representation. Chas. S. Williams, Chm'r Dem. Exec. Com. 72d Leg. District. Democratic County Convention. By virtue of the authority vested in me as chairman of the Demo cratic executive committee of Wash ington county, I hereby call a con vention of Democrats of Wash ington county to assemble in Bren ham at 10 o'clock on Saturday, the 1st day of August, for the purpose of sending delegates to the conven tion called to assemble in Brenham on the 6th day of August to nomi nate a candidate for the Legislature for Lee, Burleson and Washington counties in place of H. G. King, re signed. The chairmen of the differ ent piecincts, will call their meet ing and have delegates properly ap pointed to attend the county con vention. Heber Stone, July 23, '91. Chm'r. Dem. Ex. Com. Two hundred dollais has been raised at Rogers, Bell county, to de fray the expense of a public tank. The work is progressing. XOTICE. During my absence Mr. C. F. Herbst is authorized to transact all business in the Collector's office. Sam Scblenker. Tax Collector Washington Co. July J lth, 1891. 1 m m The land commissioner is dig ging up land grant records under the irrigation and ditch laws and says the state will recover 2,000,000 acres of land alienated under these laws. Miles' Nerve aim Liver Pills Act on a new principle regulating the liver, etomach and bowels through the nerves. A new discovery. Dr. Miles' Pills speedily cure biliousness, bad taste, torpid liver, "piles, constipation. TJnequaled for men, women, children. Smallest, mildest, surest! CO doses, 25 cts. Samples free, at Jos. Tristram's druc store. . Highest of all in Leavening Power I X 5S33 ABSOLUTELY Pt?R The bank of Natchitoches, La., has suspended. The mayor of 'London banquetted the Columbian committee. As great as is the producing power of Texas she neither raises wheat or corn enough for home consumption. Italy has a large deficit in her fi nances and reductions in the salaries' of officers has been made to econo mize. The report that the Standard Oil Company had secured control of the Southern Pacific Railway is contra dicted. The man who does the "Gulfside Musings" for the Galveston News is a dandy and no mistake. His col umn on Sunday is one of the most interesting in the paper. . ... w - - '- Woman is so very faith al in her own attachments that she is unable to forgive change in man. Set a, dish of water in the oven with cakes when they are baking and they will seldom scorch. Tour Family Physician will tell you that black haw, cohosh, and cinchona are-amoug the best of tonics for the female organs. These are among the prin cipal roots and herbs composing Creole Female Tonic, nature's great boom to sufier ing women. The Belcherville News says that bricks are being hauled to commence three new business houses on Main street. R. E. Brown is building a 25x50 warehouse. m The Effect of Creole Fenale Tonic is almost magical in cases of prostration, pains in the back, rush of blood to the head, irregular or painful menstruation, and female weakness. ' Runge has received her first bale of cotton. It weighed 690 pounds and classed middling. For Malaria, Liver Trou ble, or Indigestion, use BROWN'S IRON BITTERS The Orange Jueader reports a watermelon raised near that place by Mr. JBredtstaeider, which weighed 66 pounds. Jb'or Over Fifty Years Mas. "Wkslows booTHiso Stbup has been used for over fifty years by millions of mothers for their children while teethinir, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gams, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imme- diate?y. Sold by druggists in every parrt of tne world. 'JLwenty-uve cents a DOtue. ue sure and ask lor Mrs. "Winslow's Soothing Syrup," nd take no other kind. The second artesian well at Mc Gregor is down over 900 feet, and it is thought a big flow will be reached in a short time. Headache is readily cured by P. P. P.: which tones and regulates the digestion and creates an appetite. There is to be a grand picnic and barbecue at Campbell August the 6th. A Wholesale Grocerynian. ilr. T. D. Jleador or the firm of Oglesby & Mcador, thinks it is iust as important to lortify against the sudden attacks of the bowels, as against the robber that invades the household. He says that Dr. Biggers' Huckleberry Cordial is a weapon, a dead shot to bowel troubles. There are thirteen ccloads of piping at tuo depot at ijaurange for the waterworks plant at that place. A remedy that has stood the test of public trial for nearly half a century, surely can be trusted. Dr. Bull's Cough feyiup never dis appointed anyone suffering from a severe cold. "He iests at scars, who neverfelta wound" and he can afford to laugh at the horror of rheumatism, who never nad a touch of its Quality. But it seems the tune has come tor a universal laugh sidce it is known that Salvation Oil cures pains of all possiblo kinds and can be bought for 25 cents. m The artesian well at the or phans' home at Corsicana is 75 feet deep and the work is progressing rapidly. Cure Your Corns By using Abbott's East Indian Corn Paint For Corns, Bunions and Warts it is great. The city council of San' Antonio has passed an ordiance preventing a street car company from working any member of the crew more than 12 hours per dav. The -nenaltv is $500 fine. U. S. Gov't Report, Aug. 17, 1889. Bakii Powder To theXaclies. ' There are thousands ol ladies throughout the country whoso systems are poisoned, and whose blood is in an impure condition from . the absorption of impure matter, due to menstrual irregularities. This class are per . culiarly benefited by the wonderful tome and " blood-cleansing properties of Prickly Ash, - Poke Boot and Potassium P.J?. P. Roses i and bounding health take the place of, tho sickly look, the lost color, and the eeneral " wreck of the system. P. P. P. is the cure ; be sure to get it at once. fc A great amount of wheal is still being brought in at Wichita Falls. , Advice to Bndding Girls. ' Rise early, take ample exercise and if suf fering from complaints peculiar to your sex; useCreole Female Tonic in time. ' Acanteloupo weighing twentv- five pounds is on exhibition at the Tyler fair. Creole Female Tonice for diserses peculiar to the female sex, such as prolapsus uteri, weakness, irregularities, painlul menstrua- tion, is a cure provided by nature and is quick and permanent in its effects. ' Torn Brown was arrested at Ft?J' Worth and jailed, charged with the rape of Mary Minefield, Monday. L. F. Grassmuck is sole ngenti n 13rcnham ,, for Chase's Barley Malt Whisky. Bich and pure, it is a fine Tonic for the weak and fee- -ble. It strengthens the Inn Two suits for 820,000 each were " -filed against the Texas & Pacific rail- way at Ft. Worth Monday. Messrs. J. & CMaguire, St Louis, Mo: I have used Maguire's Benne Plant with success in my family for ten years, and saved the lives ot several soldiers suffering .from Diarrhoea and Flmc when they were given up by medical attendants Francis W. Crase, Paymaster U. S. A. The hay crop ot Navarro county is being marketed. The crop is of good quality and auite large- STJODKN DEATHS. Heart disease is by far the .most frequent '" ", cause of sudden death.which in three out of - " ' four cases is unsuspected. The ffymptoms. are not generally understood. These are a habit of lying on the right side, short breath, pain or distress in side, back or shoulder, irregular pulse, asthma, weak and hungry spells, wind in stomach, swelling of ankles or dropsy, oppression,' dry cough and smothering. TJr.ilUes illustrated book on 3rc Heart Disease free at Jos. Tristram's drnjr store, who sells and guarantees Dr. iDles , unequaled New Heart cure, and his 'Kestora-. tive Nervine, which cures nervousness, head ache, sleeplessness, effects of drinking, etc It contains no ooiate:. Midland has had a S60,000 in cendiary fire. The Midland Gazette office was burned with a number of business houses. LADIES Needing atonic, or children who want build in? up, should take BROWN'S IRON BITTERS. It is pleasant to tale, cures JIalana, Indi gestion. Biliousness and Liver Complaints. The San Angelo Standard says" tlfre'e figs were raised on the Bis mark farm near San Angelo which.' weighed two pounds. HOW TO STJCCJBEC This is the great problem of life which. few satisfactorily solve. Some fail because of poor health, others, want of luck, but tho majority from deficient grit want of nervev - They are nervous, irresolute, changeable, easily get the blues and "take the spirits down to keep the spirits up," thus wasting money, time, opportunity and nerve force. There is nothing like tho Restorative Ner vine, aiscoyerea oy tne greai specialist, ur. Miles, to cure all nervous diseases, as head--ache, the blues, nervous prostration, sleep lessness, neuralgia, St. V,itus dance, fits and hysteria. Trial bottles and fine book ot testimonials freJ, at Jos. Tristram's drup stoiet , mm J. L. Williams and Tom Shoe maker fought Monday at Ft. Worth, one using a pocket knife the other a six-shooter for a club. Bnulfield'g Female ltegnlator has won, on merit alone, a widespread and enduring reputation. It is a combination or vegetable agents, the result ofthe experience of one who made the diseases of women a. life-long study. Taken according to direc tions the organs awake to newlife and energy leaving the woman free from pain at these, periods. Sold by all druggists .The Iowa Park, Toxian says five new store buildings are in the course of construction at thePark and three, more will be commenced soon. Sugar Chill Cure is a safe and pleasant remedy for Chills and Fever, perfectly taste less. Sold on a guarantee. Don't fail to try it at Dr. Jos. D. Kojrers. m m J. W. Davis, the slayer of B. C. Evans, at Ft. Worth under sentence of death was seized with an epileptic fit lecently and the muscular con traction opened an old wound, which bled until tho gallows may yet bo cheat eel of a victim.