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W !p e 'r ,. W rrtm l 1 lO HPJLGKES. VOLUME 31. BREKEAM, TEXAS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 19, 1897. JSTUMBER 3T THE EPW ORTH LEAGUERS. THIRD ANNUAL CONVENTION OF THE TEXAS CONFERENCE IN SESSION. &-.rn.T3.TiTC.-MV7fTfTjTT-T3t,-a'rjrTTC?mjiu-WM BANNEE. .Delegates in Attendance Opening Ser jnon by Rev. Chas. A. Hooper Today's Exercises. "When the first contingent of delegates to the third annual meeting of the Epworth Leagues embraced in thjjj Texas conference reached Brenham on the morning trains Tuesday "they doubtless "Were forcibly reminded of the principal tenets of Methodism sprinkling and pouring. The first all day rain in several months had just been fairly in augurated and the city wore a bedraggled appearance not at all suggestive of hospitality. The reception committee, however, made up for any discrepancy that the inhospitable' -weather clerk saw fit to impose. A dozen or more members of the committee braved the downpour to extend the hand of welcome and the hospitalities of the city to the visitors. "When the afternoon trains arrived the rain had some what abated, but was still falling in sufficient quantities to dampen the spirits of less determined workers than constitute the' Ep worth League organizations. Fifty-six delegates came in on the day trains Tuesday. Others reached Brenham on the night trains and more are expected. Those who came in in time for the opening service were : Misses Moselle Toland, Ettie Brandt, Chappell Hill; Misses Hortense A. De Chaumes, Eliza beth H. Germond, Houston ; Mr, Fred Schwab, Galveston; Mr. Emile Koehl, Miss Louise Phelps,- Houston; Miss Lil lie Hoffmann, Galveston ; Misses Allie Johnson,Moorehead, Brook shire; Miss Clara Buckingham, Navasota; Rev. B. J. Guess, Brookshire; Mr.Smith, Galves ton; Mr, Harry Marr, Sealy; Mrs. Mabel' Roberts, Elgin; Mrs. J. R. Lane, Flatonia; Misses MinnieParsley, Genie Richmond, Manor; Miss Jones, Mrs. Ellis, Miss Clara Whitten, Mr. "Will Moore, Austin ; Mr. Harry Jones, Elgin; Rev. R. -,T. Blackburn, Mr. Mackrell, Smithville; Rev. J". "W Kelly, Manchaca; Rev. L. M. Bryce, Mr. Min nough, Richmond; Misses May Houston, Bessie Farrington, Mrs. Capt. "Whitefield, Sealy; Misses Minnie Stampley, Beatrice Norman, Galveston; Miss Nora Books, Elgin ; Miss Mattie Camp bell, Chappell Hill ; Rev. S. W. Thomas, H. H. Sanders, Hous ton ; Rev. "Weems "Wooten, Nava sota; Misses- Etta Toothaker, "Wessie 'Howard, Lucy Dealy, Galveston; Prof. A. Anderson, Chappell Hill; Miss Minnie Reese, Sempronius ; Miss Blanche Neville, Hempstead; Rev. C. A. Hooper, Houston; A. Russell, Galveston; H. E. "Wade, 0. T. Hotchkiss, Houston ; Miss Maggie "Tottenham, Sempronius; Mesdames H. C. Boone, Pauline Rosenbush, Fulscher; Miss Mattie Mersf elder, Eagle. Lake; Misses Pearl Porter, Madge Hitchcock, Caldwell; Rev. F. B. Sinex, Georgetown; G. W. Davis, Franklin. Rev. R. J. Briggs of Austin tols announced to deliver ' the opening sermon Tuesday night, but owing to his inability to attend, Rev. Chas. A. Hooper of Houston was substituted. Those who attended the service to listen to Rev. Briggs' eloquence -were not disappointed in what Rev. Mr. Hooper had to say, and despite the muddy condition of the streets there was an excellent .attendance at the initial service 1 "" a kih Hfio MiiFPHfipfi l..iw.i-i.i.ik.t I i uiy uiiuu ruiyiiidtj! n .WE HAVE BOUGHT From a Large Manufacturer that is Retiring from Business, we have Secured these Shoes away Below their Present Market Price, and as is our custom, we are now prepared to Divide the Profit With our , Patrons. LOT NO. 1, that we offer for your con sideration contains IS Different styles of OS btD Ladies, Hand Sewed, Feench Kid, Button Tipped and Plain toes, Regular 83.5$ 4.00 and 85.00 sellers. OUEPRICE SU 95 LOT, IsTO. 2. In this lot Ave offer .Masses and Ladies Good EVERY DAY WEAR SHOES, that you generally pay $1.25 ind g $1.50 for - 0URPEI6E, .85c LOT NO. 3. Contains an assort- ment of Boys and Girls School Shoes, Elegant, Servieable, aricl Buyable Shoes you have been ' paying from 81.25 to 81.50for GO i QffifcPRICE S b a s GO CD GO CO OO LftT-4. ConsistrofMeiis' and Boys, Boots and Shoes, including the everyday Workingman's footwear as well as the finer grades. Be sure to give us a call and" secure some of these Bargains, This is an op portunity that is not likely to be offered again, soon. We have just received 100 pairs of Wool Blankets which we offer at $1,75 a pair Regular Price $2.75. P. S. Our fall stock of Dry Goods is now beginning to arrive and and we promise some rare inducements for the coming season. We Invite You to Call and Get our Prices i LOT NO. 3. Here is you will find a large assortment of Low Quarter Shoes 9all sorts of Styles; your choice for 50 cents a pair, The variety of Ladies' Misses' and Children's t Shoes in this, stock is large and, the sizes and styles cover everything. TT I "! I Bill arnson Dry G-oocis Co. B $ WH.OLESA.L& A.JSTD RE1A.Ii,. !i-faWiftf.t!.fcKr;aL-PJMJuy,-vv.wB.jB e,r,'j3Taa?j-m:m.-: r. iw vjTV3?w?-CT.gpw-i if,..VMMrTI Y rL ." Today's program is as follows : Wednesday, August leth, liar, e:0O a. si. Sunrise Fvaj cr ami l'raie ser vice J. 31. Foster, 3Iarlm, Texar. 1C0 a.m. Song and Devotional Service 31i-i Acnes Jleuefee, Flatonia. S:iO A. 31. "Why Wc arc Glacl You Came to Rrenham. J. D. Campbell. Response A. llns'Ll, flaheston: 3Iiss Seville, Au-tin. 10-.CJ a. M. Appointment of Conference Committee-, anil enrollment of delegate. Tlio League as a social factor practically illus trated . 10:30 A 31. The Cp-to-Date League and its Officers Gus. V. Tboniason, btato Secretary Yau Alstyne, Texas 11:00 a.m. Sermon on Christian Education Jno. It. Allen, Georgetown, Texas. Aiteiinoon Session. 2:40 r. at. Song and Testimony Service W. I). Fields, Richmond, Texas, 3:00 l". m. The Retrospect and Prospect of tliu three Departments of the League work in our Conference. l. The Deotlonal Department 3Irs. U. IJ. Lane, Flatonia, Texas. i Chanty and Help Department, 3iis 3Iary Dechard, Anstm, Texas. 3. The Literary Department (Each of these papers will bo limited to 15 minutes, TMth 5 minutes for discussion of each subject by the conference.) j 4:0) p. M. The need of lesion helps rr methods for ecnnng uniform aud successful work m the Literary Departmeut 4:20 p. m. A Jtodel Literary Programme or some pian ;ev Suggestions on ArOtlrtfTa llov Pline A ifnnnn. tlnii.t.iii bugirestious on the Junior League D. Graces, Angleton. 4:40 P.M. Work J. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. Folloving is a list of real es tate transfers recorded by the county clerk for the week end ing August 17, 1897 : G. F. Keinast to Seth Shcpard et nll2 acres Jas. Cos league 5 12000 Henry Juerges and wifo to Chas. Mrs.N. E. Boeker 1-10 league for conducting the Literary -R&vr et al S1 acres Wm. Pryor Session. 7:43 p. m Song, Frayer and Testimony Service Miss Allison, Austin. 8:15 v. 11. Missionary Sermon Rev. W. Wooten, Naasota, Texas. league 1,100 00 W. Merten, executor, to W. B. Blackburn 2o6 acres ia Washington County , 2,000 00 Mrs. Ottilie Jessen to Baned Shocniield three lots ia Brenham 800 00 Hill et al to John acre3 Perry Square ' - 3rl0 OO MARRIAGE LICENSE. Following is a list of marriage licenses issued by the county clerk for the week ending Au gust 17th, 1897: Henry Jacks to Lilli"e. Wares. Algie R. Allen to Angie Hackworth. William Hugo to Friderike Helm. Hillary Davis to Rattv Wii. lliams. A hen in Mr. J. C. Rankin's; poultry house has settled" tho doubt heretofore existing as fa the age of an egg. She lays none but those of.the soft shell var iety of which' the quality of tho egg can be easily discerned. The man who calculates ori gathering a top crop and the man. who expects to harvest a big crop of fall vegetables are mutually congratulating each other on these excellent August showers K f &i ' .a" TSats r?ss