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Image provided by: University of North Texas; Denton, TX
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ru.wwiW gpttjil NHAJ EEKLY "OLTJME 31. BEENHAM, TEXAS, THURSDAY, AUGUST 26, 1897, NUMBER 3& CURED SOLELY BY FAIIH. rTwiSreSS&S BANNER. r air. Will Lochridge, of Austin, is Now Comparatively Well. Tuesday's Austin Statesman contains the follbwing account of a remarkable faith cure per formed on Mr. "Wm. Lochridge, brother of Mr. H. M. Lochridge, of this city : " Yesterday morning's Statesman contained the infor- . mation that Mr. "Will Lochridge was very low at his father-in-law's home in this city and his condition was considered critical. Such was the case up to yester day morning, and then, strange to say, a mysterious power came to his aid and he was reported 'yesterday as a comparatively -well man. It seems that Sunday afternoon, in despair at the ap parently inevitable end of Mr .Lochridge, the family wired to a iaith healer in . Peoria, HI.",, named Mrs. Hill to get her to as sist them, if possible, in bringing Mr. Lochridge' back to life and ridding him of the deadly stroke iOf paralysis that was rapidly capping his life away. At 10 o'clock, Sunday evening Mr. Lochridge, who up to that time had taken little notice of any thing around him, raised his hand and motioned: that lie wanted a pencil and paper as he could not .speak. It was given .him and he wrote that he was ieeling -some better. This was certainly glad news for his rela tives and friends About 10 o'clock -a telegram was received from Mrs. Hill in Illinois, saying that she had begun to treat,- Mr. Lochridge at 6' o'clock Sunday evening and would treat him un til .7 o'clock Monday morning, when he'would be well. At 6 o clock exactly 'buhday evening Mr. Lochridge began to feel bet ter. Yesterday morning at 7 o'clock ha talked and said that he was entirely well and wanted to get up. During the night he had recovered his speech and improved in every particular so rapidly as to excite -wonderment. He wanted to get up yesterday morning, but his wife insiste'd on his staying in bed until he had recovered some of his strength. Sunday morning Mr. Loch ridge was so low that no one was permitted to enter his room and it was thought at best that he could not live through the night. The cure is certainly the most remarkable on record. Mr. Lochridge has been sick lor nearly three months now, being a victim of paralysis all that time. The stroke took effect in his feet and worked on .up until it had progressed above his waist. The disease spread rapidly from that time until Friday, when Mr. Lochridge lost the power of speech. Sunday at noon he called for a piece of paper and a pencil and wrote a message, tell ing those around him to send a telegram to Mrs". Hill in ' Illinois and ask her to 'treat him and wire back the hours at which she "would treat him. Her message came Sunday night at 10 o'clock, as stated above, and with the de sired effect. Mr. Lochridge was due to take some medicine yes terday morning at 4 o'clock, but declined to do so, and also at 7 he declined to take any medicine. At a few minutes past 7 he was talking and all pain had left his body and he could move in the bed as well as though he had never been7 afflicted with paraly sis. It is needless to say that Mr. Lochridge's relatives and friends are wild with joy at the sudden turn of affairs. Mr. IOchridge was reported last af ternoon as being practically a well man and it will only be a few days now until he' is able to be out." On the Tuesday afternoon train from Austin Mr. H. M. Lochridge received a letter tell ing him that his brother was ap parently as well as ever, and able to drive about over the city. Mr. Lochridge says he is not orthodox on the subject of faith cures, but after seeing his brother at the point of death Sunday, and then having positive evidence of his being able to drive over town the next day, furnishes a field for speculation that does not in the least interfere with his joy over his brother's restoration to .health.- M A Big Sloe Picjisik- 1 1 P from Business, we have Secured these I are I n i : I t From a Large Manufacturer that is Retiring Shoes away Below their Present Market Price, and as is our custom, we now prepared to Divide the Profit With our Patrons. CO LOT 3sTO. 1, that we offer for your con sideration contains 18 Different styles of Ladies, Hand Sewed, Fkench Kid, Button - Tipped and Plain toes, Regular S3.50, S4.00 and S5.00 sellers. OUEPRICE $1.95 CD CO fedD LOT, NO. 2. In this lot we offer Misses and Ladies Good EVERY DAT WEAR SHOES, that you generally pay $1.25 and $1.50 for OUBPBIOE, .85c v LOT NO. 3. Contain an assort ment of Boys and Girls School Shoes, Elegant, Servicable, and Durable Shoes you have been paying from 8 1.25 to 1.50 for OTffi PEIOE, 60 to 91 tills NO. 3. Here is where you will find a large assortment, of Low Quarter Shoes ,all sorts of Styles; your choice for 50 cents a pair. The variety of Ladies' Misses' and Children's Shoes in this stock is large arid the sizes and styles cover everything. CO go o CD on oo o CO LOT 4. Consists of Mens', and Boys, Boots and Shoes, including the everyday Workingman's footwear as well as the finer grades. Be sure to give us a call and secure some of these Bargains, This is an op portunity that is not likely to be offered again, soon. We have just received 100 pairs of Woo! Blankets which we offer at $1,75 a pair Regular Price $2.75. P. S. Our fall stock of Dry Goods is now beginning to arrive and and we promise some rare inducements for the coming season. ' We Invite You to Call and Get ourPrices Harrison Dry Goods Co., WB.OLBSM.LU A.JSTD RBTJLIz. Trjmi WLLtv-j ; j!?n,awngg!!itjrj J-mtf tsa uw5va v hjwtbchbu'w m -w umw STATE NEWS. crop larger o Travis than last The cotton county will be year. Vernon is to have a three days county fair October 6th, 7th and 8th. C. V. Terrell, of Wise county, thinks of entering the gubernatorial race. There are 30 prisoners con fined in the Travis county jail, three of whom are insane. The , new occupation law levying a tax of 510 a year on cigarettes takes effect September 19th. Buck Solomon, an escaped State convict, sent from Harris county, has been captured at El Paso. Edmond Johnson, a colored man 70 years of age, was found lying dead on the prairie near Houston, last Thursday morning. Epilepsy caused his death. Whitecaps are said to be operating in Nacogdoches coun ty. Wils Millard, a disreputable young negro, was severely whip ped by them a few nights ago and ordered to leave the neighborhood. The tax rolls of Hunt county for the year 1897, just com pleted, show a total valuation of 89,155,685, an increase over 1896 of S117,000. Total tax will amount to S94,720. There has been an increase of 800 voters While engaged in playing a during the year. game of base ball at Emery,1 A. R. Allee, ex-sheriff of GusGeewas hit on the temple Goliad county, was shot and by the pitcher, which gave him I killed on the Gullett ranch, in his base. He made his tally, but fell just as he reached the home plate, and never revived I Bee county, on the 18th inst., by N. C. Gullett, while engaging in a personal encounter. Mr. G. is a Scotchman, is over 60 years oldf and has the reputation-of beings a peaceable citizen. The wife of John Luska, a Bohemian fanner living near Ennis, gave birth to a boy baby last Wednesdav nierht. on Thupfr- I day, 18 hours afterward, the doc tor was called in and the same, lady gave birth to a healthy anL well developed daughter. The, attending physician, in speakings ' of the case, said: "Such cases are so rare that this may properly be classed as a freak in nature