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The Port Gibson reveille. [volume] (Port Gibson, Miss.) 1890-current, February 22, 1895, Image 3

Image and text provided by Mississippi Department of Archives and History

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®hrç Umilty.
A. C. WHARTON, Editor and Proprietor.
H. H. CRISLER, Publisher and Manager
of lob Department.
Subncriotion Per Year. $2.00
Entered at the postofflea at Port Gibapn.MiiM.
a* #econ«1-etiw» mail matter.
T ie Reveille U anth »rinsed to announce
as a candidate for the office of sheriff of Clai
borno county, »object to the action of the Dem
ocratic primary.
• •
The Reveille la authorised fo announee
as a candidate for the office of aherlff of Clai
borne county, subject to the action of Ihe Dem
ocratic primary.
* *
The Reveille ia autborixed to announce
aa a candidate for the offioe of sheriff of Clei
borne county, eubjeot to the action of the Dem
ocratic primary.
Chancery Clerk.
The ReveiUe is autborixed to announce
m a candidate for the office of obanoery clerk
af Claiborne couuty, aubject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
• *
The Reveille is authorised to announce
»a a candidate for re-election to the office of
chancery olerk of Claiborne county, aubjeot to
the action of the Democratic primary.
Circuit Clerk.
The ReveiUe i> authorised to announce
on a candidate for the office of circuit clerk of
Claiborno county, aubject to tho action of Ute
Democratic primary.
The Reveille i* authorized to announce
ea a candidate for the office of circuit clerk of
Claiborne county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
The Reveille is authorized to announce
m a candidate for the office of circuit clerk of
Claiborne eonnty, subject to the actiou of tho
Democratic primary.
Tli« RoveUle ia authorized to announce
as a oandidate for the office of treasurer of Clai
borne couuty, aubject to the actiou of the Dem
ocratic primary.
a »
The ReveiUe ia authorized to annouuce
aa a candidate for the offioe of treamirer of Clai
borne county, aubject to the action of tho Dem
ocratic primary.
• »
The Reveille ia authorized to announce
aa a candidate for the office of treasurer of
Claibocoo county, subject to the action of the
Democratic primary.
The Reveillo is authorized to announce
an a candidate for the offioe of trcaaurer of Clai
borne county, aubject to the action of tho Dem
ocratic primary.
Tite Reveille »'authorized to announce
aa a candidate for the offico of mueasor of Clai
borne oounty, subject to the action of the Dem
ocratic primary,
• *
The Reveille ia authorized to announce
aa a candidate tor re-election to the offioe of aa
oessor of Claiborne county,subject to the action
of the Democratic primary.
At Baton Rougo last Sunday peo
Ï ile witnessed the nnusnal sight of
arge blocks of ice floating down the
Thirty Nebraska families are cor
responding with the editor of the new
Albany Gazette relative to buying
land m that neighborhood..
Tariff matters will hav§ to take a
back seat for some time to come while
silver and gold step into the arona
and settle theirlittle difficulties.
Last week tho Pascagoula Dem
ocrat-Star completed the 50th year
of its existence. Few papers in Mis
sissippi can boast of such antiquity.
Col. M. A. Oates, who commanded
the 22od Mississippi regiment dnr
ing the war, died recently at Cle
burne, Texas, his home for the past
twenty-five years.
The Brookhaven Times says: Jack
son's immense street car system was
t ied op by the cold weather last week,
and a man and a male were thrown
out of employment for a day.
Dnring the civil war Louisiana
furnished 5214 white volunteers for
tho Union armies, and Mississippi
furnished 645. These figures are
from a report submitted by congress
man Stone of the commilto ou war
Nows comes from Texas that moro
land than ever will be devoted to cot
ton in that state this year. That is
an additional reason why ^farmers
clsewhore should raise plenty of bread
and moat. They certainly will not
)>e able to buy theso necessaries with
the proceeds of 4-cent cotton.
Tho German lloiohatag last Satur
day declared in favor of an internat
ional monetary conference for restor
ing silver lo its former place as a cir
culating medium. The silver ques
tion seems to be by no means perm
Aiiontly settled, even in some of the
jgold-standard countries of Europe.
'The Brookhaven Citizen sajB llmt
it does not understand the finaucial
problem it will not attempt to discuss
the same, and adds : "This style
that every little tillage editor has of
Hiring his financial views in long edi
torials should be stopped. It does not
result in any good to keep up a con
tinual howl on a question you kuow
nothing about. We have studied the
question and arc as wise to-day as we
were when we commenced, and half
of these o-Ciilled finaucial editors aie
The failure of tho present congress
to settle the government's financial
troubles mukes it probable that Mr.
Cleveland will call a special session
next month. This would bo very
diegreouble to the Republicans, who
are harassed, like their opjtommls,
by dissonsions among thomselves on
this matter and their efforts to solve
tho money problem would bo apt to
fail ua completely us those of the
Democrats. They would be much
better pleasod lo have no extra session
so ns to be able to boast of what they
would havo done had they boon call
together and allowed to nrovide a
remedy for the financial disorders.
This programme will bo spoiled if the
president summons a meeting of con
gress in March and thus throws upon
the Republican majority the tusk that
has proved too great for the congress
now in session.
The snow storms lust week wero
the heaviest ever seen in the south
ern parts of tho gulf states, the fall
^jbwing greater than in t he mid
dle and northern parte of theso states.
At New Orleans the fall was 10 inches;
at Pontchatoula, La., 12 inches ; at
Pointe-a-la- Hache, La., 18 inches; at
Galveston, Tex., 16 inches ; at Ocean
Springs, Miss., 12 inches, and so at
hundreds of other points. Probably
this record will remain unbroken for
many generations. Nothing like it
is recorded iu the past.
On tho 20th inst., the house, by a
go majority, voted in favor of
building three more battleships and
twelve torpedo boats, the total cost of
which will be about $15,000,000.
The woman's edition of the Clar
ion-Ledger on the 14th inst., was a
great success, bringing in botween
!400 and $500. Every lino in the
paper was written by tho ladies.
Fred. Douglass, the noted negro
orator aud politician, dropped dead
Wednesday at his home near Wash
Never were truer words spoken
than the following from the Chic
ago Herald :
The cowardly and incompetent
attitude of the majority of Dem
ocrats in Congress toward tho Presi
dent and the national finances must
convince many constituencies that
the mandate at the November polls
was right. Such Democrats h
no right to sit as representatives of
the common
Nearly al
ll ot t
the Democratic
cowards, malcontents aud skulkers
who are making war on the Presi
dent have been defeated for reelec
tion. and they are perfectly willing
to drag their party down to defeat
in 13% in order to grntify their per
sonal epito. Each and every one of
them pretends to believe that Mr.
Cleveland is directly responsible
for their ignominious retirement
from Congress, when their defeat
can he attributed only to their own
pig-headed action.
Shipping Sweet Potato«».
A lanner in tho neighborhood of
Shawnee, Miss., shipped seven bar
rels of yellow yam sweet potatoes to
a northern firm, aud after paying
all expenses of commissions and
freight, realized 69 cents per bushel
on them. Once let the genuine old
southern yellow yam be well known
in the northern markets and it will
find a ready sale at remunerative
prices. Why not several planters
club together and ship by the car
load next lall ? If 69 cents per bush
el net can be realized it would cer
tainly be more p
cent cotton.—Holl
rofitable. than 5
y Spring Report
Too Much Law-Making.
The public good, the business of
every line would be greatly advanc
ed ii our national legislature met
less often; we think steps should he
taken to have biennial sessions. It
has reached the point when there
is never a year of universal peace
and quiet in businesb circles, which
is largely due to the fact that the
various business interests are fear
ful of some legislation inimical to
them. It has grown to be that an
adjournment of congress is a relief
to the country and there is no ne
cessity for such frequent meetings,
which only bring unrest, dissatisfac
tion and, we might add, in some
cases, disaster.—Tupelo Journal.
Protection for Witnesses.
Every court that passes by -con
vinces the writer that more protec
tion should be accorded witnesses
from the attack§«of attorneys ns to
their truthfulness or credibility. It
has come to a pass that the best
people ilread to testify, probably to
nave their testimony held up to the
world as falsehoods. False swear
ing should be discouraged and sev
erely dealt with, but protection
should be offered the ordinary in
dividual who testifies iu court.
— New Albany Gazette.
Didn't Expect Blizzards.
Last Thursday's weather was too
much for the Illinois delegation of
home seekers aud they departed af
ter two days, thinking the "Sunny
South" rather icy. ' Mr. Greer, of
Mattoon,th« only one to slick it out,
thinks he would be well pleased if
old Boreas would only let up long
enough for him to look at the coun
try. Our Western friends ought to
remember that the cold waa un
precedented everywhere last week
and not*expect too much of old
Mississippi.—Brook haven Times.
. ... d» . . ..
Music.—Having reorganized
string band, we are now prepared to
furnish first-class music for balls, par
ties, and entertainments of all kinds,
at reasonable rates. Can furnish three
or more pieces, as required. For
rates, etc., apply to or address
W. F. Marsch ale,
Care Reveille. Fort Gibson, i
Too Many Leaders.
The Democratic party in the days
of yore was noted for Its unity and
success. Now, when every man is
a leader and fights every othor man
who rloe* not follow, it is rapidly
approaching the fate ol the Whigs,
of which the Republicans will take
a<lvantage anil perpetuate them
selves in power. Never had a par
ty more glorious opportunity, and
never did a party so fritter it away
in dissensions.—Grenada Sentinel.
specimen Cases,
S. It. Clifford. Now CastlJ. Wig., was
troubled with Neuralgia*and Ithoiinm
tisra. his stomach was disordered, his liv
er was affected to an alarming degroe,
appetite fell away and he was terribly re
duced in strength and flesh. Three bot
tles of Electrio Bitters cured him.
Edward Shephard, Harrisburg, 111.,
had a running sore on his leg of eight
years' standing. Used three bottles of
Electric Bitters and seven boxe • of Buck
lea's Arnica Salve, and bis leg is sound
and well. John Speaker, Catawba, O.,
had five large fever sores on his Jog, doc
tors said he was incurable. One bottle
Electric Bitters and one box Bueklen's
Arnica Salve entirely cured bi n
by J. A. Shreve's Drug Store.
Mr. Moore Oeolinee.
Hermanville, Feb. IS, 1895.
Messrs. J. A. Regan, Samuel Farm
er and others :
Gentlemen— Referring to your
card in the Reveille of the 8 th inst.,
I take this means of thanking you
for your kind expressions. But
while grateful for your confidence in
me, there are circumstances which
prevent me from acceding to your
request, and I am compelled to de
dine entering the race for the sen %
ale. Again assuiingyou how high
ly I appreciate your promised sup
port, I remain,
Yours Respectfully,
Jas. R. Moore.
A Household Treasure.
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie. N.
Y., says that he always keeps Dr,
King's New Discovery in the house
and his family has al wavs found the
very best results follow its use ; that
he 'would not be without it, if pro
curable. G. A. Dykeman, Druggist.
Oatakill, N. Y , says that Dr. King's
New Discovery is undoubtedly the
best cough remedy ; that he has used
it in his family for eight years, and it
has never failed to do all that is
claimed for it Why not try a reme
dy so long tried and tested ? Trial
bottles free at J. A. Shreve's Drug
tore. Regular size 50o and $1.
DUfranchiaed Themaelvea.
There are 805 persons in Union
county who have failed to pay the
tax of S2. They will be prohibited
from voting thin fall which will ma
terially lessen the registration ol Ihe
county. It can be said to the credit
of New Albany that only three
white men within her bounds have
failed to pay.—New Albany Gazette
(Then Baby wax sick, wo gave her Castorii.
When ehe woe a Child, the cried for Castor la.
When she become Ml*, she clung to Castoria.
When cbo had Children., the gave them C&storta,
We know nothing in the world about
the intricacies of financial legislation,and
doubt very much whether we could dratt
the first line of a measure looking to
the relief of the national treasury, but
we do know that something is radically
out of gear. There are hundreds
men in congress today who are in the
same fix as ourself ; and yet they have
the nerve to stand op before the people
and look wise when the thing ia mention
ed. Oh ! it is a miserable travesty on
intelligence and integrity.—The Law
rence County Press.
The experience of Geo. A. Apgar,
of German Valloy, N. J., ia well worth
remembering. He was troubled with
chronic diarrhoea and doctored for
five months and treated by four dif
ferent doctors without benefit. He
then began using Chamberlain's Colic
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, of
which one small bottle effected a com
lete cure. It is for sale by Dr. W.
Red us.
Oysters always on hand.
At Kelley's.
Arrivals at the Columbian Hotel.
Feb. 14—J. Cnnningham. Springfield,IU ; W.
D. Smith, Memphis; 8. & Kranoa, Fayette ; A.
S. Kuhn, Alexandria.
Feb. 15— D. H. Parker, 8t. Louis; F. Darling,
Lansing, Michigan.
Feb. 16—D. Mayer, New Orleans; S.H.Lamb
din, Jr., Adame Coantv^ .
Feb. 17- W. L. ;
en a, Baton Rouge; V C*dPT Lee
Feb. 18— T- P. Bellows, Wilson, La. } W. B.
Vankirk, St. Looia; fc. McCutcheon.
Feb. 19- M. B. Element J. Tennant, Jr.,
W. J. Land. O. G. MoDavitt, New Orleans ; C.
E Lane, K B. Cromwell. St. Louie; G. R. Wil
liams, Columbus, Ga ; G. WwTaylor, Vicksburg;
J. A. English, Philadelphia^
Feb. 30— E. C- Rus»©H, W. R. Lnckett,Vicks
burg; G. S. Penley, Cbicagc; R. W. Magrnder,
Chas. Till, Rnwrara; J. W. Jennings, 8t. L<mis;
J. B. Moore, Natchez ; F. P. Fox, City ; L. 8
Pointer, Memphis.
n vil le; Ed. Ow
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
Baker's Chocolate, German Sweet
Chocolate, Royal Baking Powder,Dr.
Price'll Baking Powder, Cakes, Pie»
and Bread. At Loury'a.
Blessed is the farmer in the south
who can make two blades of grass grew,
whore one grew before, and two stalks
of corn, in place of one and one stalk of
cotton, where two grew before.—Vicks
burg Herald.
Children Cry for Pitcheris Castoria.
O. W. O. Hardman, Sheriff, of .Tyl
er Co-, W. Va., appreciates a good
tiling and does not hesitate to say so.
He was almost prostrated with a cold
when he procured a bottle of Chamb
erlain'» Cough Remedy. He says : "It
gave mo prompt relief. I find it to be
invaluable remedy for coughs and
colds." For sale by Dr. W. D. Re
k 13
■ ,^t 4 ii
For the Reveille.]
Uncle Sara could pat in the fieM an per
of 9, 000,000 troops organized and. ers
unorganized. IK
Given by states the smallest number |
would come from Nevada, 6,248 ; "hi e
Pennsylvania, 806,230; New York,750,
000; Ohio, 645,000, and Illinois, 700,
000, are the largest. Mississippi stands
fourteenth with 233,480 available men.
only two southern states exceeding her, of
viz: Georgia, 264,021, and Texas, 300,
b 0
Our Military Strength.
Mrs. Emily Throne,resides at Tole
do, Washington, says she has never
been able to procure any medicine for
rheumatism that relieves the pai'i so
quickly and effectually as Obamber
1 «tin's Pain Balm and that she has also
used it for lame back with great suc
cess. For sale by Dr. W. D Red us.
Many of our citizens are attending
court in Fayette this week.
Uottoline for 8 c per pound,
- 1 At Kelley's.
The snow last week afforded much
pleasure for the young folks of town.
Pure Home-Made Molasses, 40cts
per gallon. At Kelley s.
The fifth grade of the Tillman 3 chool
have been undergoing a severe examin
ation, preparatory to finishing up the
first half-tertn.
Mince Meat, 10c per pound.
At Kelley's.
Dr. T. T. Bailey made a short trip to
Brandywine Friday.
ileckor's Oat Meal,lfic per package
At Kelley's.
Miss Addie Hedrick, who is attend
ing the public school here, visited her
parents Sunday.
Trv a pound of SILVER MOON
At Loury'u.
Mrs, James Reynolds of Herman ville
is visiting relatives here.
Just Received— A lot of nice Ap
At Keilet 'a.
Mrs. Robert Wilkinson is spending a
few days with her friend, Miss Kate
Cordes, near Harriston.
% .
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
A Pur* Qrase Cream ot Tartar Powder.
A D-s Moines woman who hasltcen
troubled with freqaent colds, conclud
ed to try an old remedy in a new
way, and accordinglv took a table
Hpoonful (four times the usual dose)
of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy just
before goiug to bed. The néxt morn
ing she found that her cold had almost
entirely disappeared. Dnring the
day she took a few doses of the remody
(ouo teaspoon fill at a time) aud at night
again took a Ublespoonful before go
ing to bed, and on the following jnoro
ing awoke free from all symptoms of
tho cold. Since then she has, 01 sev
eral occasions, used this remedy in
like manner, with the tame good ré
sulte, and is much elated over her dis
covery of so quick a way of curing a
cold. For sale by Dr. W. D. Red us.
Among the officers of the naval ship
Concord, recently captured by the Chi
nese when on a hunting expedition at
Chinkiang. we notice the name of Lient,
Edward R Freeman, a cousin of the
wife of Dr. B. 8 . Byrnes. Much anxi
ety is felt concerning the rumor.
A complete line of First-Class Gro
ceries at prices to suit the times.
At Kelley's.
Mr. Wm. Greenlee, an old and re
spected citizen of Pattona neighborhood,
died last week and was buried on tho
14th. The family have the sympathy
of the community.
Yon can buy Jersey Butter st 25c
per pound.
We are sorry to hear of the misfor
tune which befel Mr. Sax Greenlee in
the loss by fire of his smokehouse and
contents, valued at several hundred
At Kelley's.
Cauned Goods of all kind*, at pric
es to suit tha times.
At Kelley's.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Byrnes had
a little snow bird to flit in their new,
snug, cozy home on Friday, the 8 th.
She weighs eight pounds.
Leaf Lard, 9c per pound,
At Kelley's.
The excessive cold has been of long
er duration than ever known by the old
est. Snow began falling on Monday
evening and came in mists, flakes, lay
ers, and almost every other conceivable
form for six days, sometimes an inter
mission of several hours, however.
Wednesday was milder, but it snowed
all the same.
Ofcamberlain'a Bye and Skin Ointment
Is a certain cure for Chrooic Sore Eves,
Granulated Eye Lids. Sore Nipples, Piles,
Eczema, Tetter, Salt Rhetim and tkald Head,
25 cents per box. For sale by druggists.
For putting a horse in a fine healthy con
dition try Dr. Cady's Condition Powders.
Ihey tone up the system, aid digestion, cure
loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct
kidney disorder, and destroy worms, giving
new life to an old or oyer worked horse. 25
oents per package. For tale by druggists.
REDF8' DRUG STORE, Port Gibeon
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
To the Teachers and Friends of
The Claiborne County Teacher»' Association
for white teachers will hold ita annual meeting
at Herman viLLB ox the
7 th, 8 th and 9 th Dats or March, I « 35 ,
in the publie school building. Exercise* begin
each day at 0 a. m.
Every person interested in the cause of popu
lar education is cordially and earneatly solicit
ed to attend, and take active part in the work
and diecumior.s of this meeting. An elaborate
program has been prepared, and will be placed
in the hand* of the teachers and others during
the ensuing week.
£! a
February 11th, 1895.
» Co. Sapt.
bor Sale l
A flue Chickeriug piauo, which ha*
been used very little. Will bo »old very
cheap. For further intormatiou ap
ply at thia office.
fir': :
The ^ tiw pl»^
per ^^je l-nh, » 1 ^ wil , do inor«
ers £££*"£ 0 conventions heki ID
IK 00 ^ than aU i ° Resolutions
oofcto ® t 5^. n ? think, do very little
andconven » certainly feel* an in*
good. Mr. tab" ^ ' V . ^ [ce ^
terest in the planters, ana
good .« ghow signs
Old Grand Gunning, the oon
of life again, ô • . ^
tractor, expects to P tfctt wharf
work soon quarrying roc* *w
at Natchez. . ,. r n tintjt.
b 0 to d and Session. M^ehead »«
tempUting fencm« a la r «e ^ P»»' L ' re
to go into the business m tbe right *ay.
It has been suggested tf !>• V. Mc
Alpine »ill consent to run for circuit
clerk he will carry his district solid.
Our ferry hill is too steep and needs
repairs. And from Sprott's spring; to
town tho road is impassable. Can t the
road overseer do something towards hx
ing it so that travelers from district No.
2 can get to town ? Ihe J***^®**""
pervisors ought to have this bottom
ditched, as it is too big a job for the
road hands. , _ . . . ,
Miss Nellie Drake,the efficient teach
of Grand Gulf school, visited Glen
A 'Sir e Kirby Ä fic Alpine will attend the
convention at Vicksburg Thursday.
Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder
World's Pair Highest Award.
Fresh Cream Crackers, Cra^anel
Biscuit, Lemon Snaps, Ginger Snaps,
Vanilla Wafers, Belmont Biscuit, 80 -
da Crackers. At Lourds.
A Reflection.
Written for the Reveille.j
If, during the late snow, our law
makers could have caught a glimpse of
the "tableaux vivants" presented in
thousands of cabins scattered over our
county, where the inmates are helpless
ly hibernating, 1 think it would stir
ttieir deep minds to reconsider the ad
vantage of taxing and burdening the
people to pay for the expensive pearls
that are wasteful!/ scattered in the
common schools 01 the country.
A philanthropic writer, in Georgia,
has sorrowfully remarked, that it is a
sad commentary upon freedom,and Sun
day and secular schools, open without
money and without price to the negroes,
that among the many hundred convicts
in his district, there is not one with a
gray hair on his head. They are all
young, and had enjoyed these later day
advantages. Those who had grown up
in the restraints and instructions of sla
very, and drilled in habits of industry,
alone seem worthy of trust and respon
sibility, and have the ability to keep
out of the penitentiary. I do not raise
the auestion of the ability of the aver
age aarkie to receive a literary educa
tion, but l do believe that it only tends
to develop in him the "incurable lepro
sy of slotn." It is to industrial schools
alone that be will own any advancement
in thrift and prosperity, and the possi
bility of bis becoming a useful factor in
this nation's economy. The statistics
of the recording angel will one day dis
close the fact that idle hands, rather
than idle heads, are the instruments
with which his satanic majesty accom
plishes his schemes.
In this country a free and annual
distribution of tools, and seed, and do
mestic animals, would be far more last
ingly beneficial to the mind and body of
the famishing masses than so much lit
erary pie. And, after the experience of
a quarter of a century, those who have
the distribution ot the hard wrung pub
lic funds would do well to recognize this
"mournful fact"
It is said that it is darkest just be
fore the dawn ; if so, surely the night
of this country's probation is drawing
to an end. Quien Sabe.
Planting Potatoes!—E astern stock,
consiating ot Triumph», Burbauks,
Peerless, Early Rose, by the peek or
barrel. Call for prioes, at Kelley's.
Sealed Proposals
For working the publie roods of Claiborne conn
tv for one year under section. and S«30 of
the oode, or by oontraot, will be received b. u..
board of supervisors at their March term, 18»k
In order that the board may act odvieedir and
intelligently iu this matter, ovoreeersare order
ed, in making their final reporta on 4th day of
March, to give the number and name» of all
persona who are liabla to road duty.
„ . t A. A. JUNES,
Fib. 15th, 1895—3t
Wanted—A Farm.
P° rch "« * piece containing from
200 to 500 acres of land, with residence and o» It
er improvements thereon, located not more
than 5 miiea from a station on Illinoia Central
or Y. AM. V. R.R., in Claiborne, Hinde.Madi
•on orJefferaon oountie*. Write fali deacrip
tton of land ***? improvement», with lowest
Chotard P. O., Ml a«.
Citation in Chancery.
state of Mississippi,
Charles Turk :
Yon are commanded to appear before the
ohanoery court of the oonnty of Claiborne, | u
«tato aforesaid, at the Mareh rule day thereof
on the 11 ib dof March, A. D. 1805 , to détend
the auit in seid court of B. Frelick A Oo. el ala.
wherein you ore a defendant.
This 1st day of February, A. D. 1805
_ . _ . A. K. JONES, Clerk.
0. A. Frenoh and H. C. Mranger. Solicitor».
SEASON 1894.
Proctor EZxLott,
By Horry Wilkee,
't\ e «PfTof Mason of 1891 at my
£! a £V %>** Wood" term, near Ruaaum ; Si
U Port Gibeon and Herman ville.
For »»«aqn, which begins about March 1st
#10 cash in advance. Have well-etwLJci
PRMum Mores wall cared far, bat I *ui
responsible for accidents.
Rat »am, litas.
Address me «
i SiiS
A Cbance lo MakeMoitey
I ,ra out of debt, ind ***» * «*•
Dtah WMbef busiue*. f° r !*■ In the
five weeks I havo m&*»o over
thankful that I feel
1500,and I am so
like telling everybody, so that thoy
be benefited by my experience
Anybody can sell l>Uh Waaber* be
cause everybody w.nU one.especially
when it can be got so cheap. I bel
ieve that in two years from now every
family will have one. You can get
full particulars by addressing the Iron
Dish Washer Oo , E. E. Pitts
can't help but
I be
burg, Pa-, and you
make money in tbia bnainea*.
I ieve that I can dear over $3,000 the
and I am not going to
coming year,
let *uch an opportunity pass without
improvement. We can't expect to
succeed witbouttrymg. Mas. B.
Best Assorted Fancy Candy, 40cts
At K«IIey V
Children Cry for Pitcher*! Ctttoria.
Mackerel, Pigs Feet, French Mus
tard, Berkshire Sauoe, L«a & Pern»»'
Satie 3 , Tomato Catsup. At Loury's.
For Sale at a Bargain —One Fami
ly Horae, bay color, in splendid or
der; one Columba« Phaeton; also a lot
of work horses and mulea.
disposed of at astonishingly low pric
Apply at E. Kiefer's Store.
per pound. .

Will be
68 .
What is
Casioria U Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for ktat
and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphia*
other Narcotie substance. It is a harmless ratait*
for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and CaitaOt
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty yean' ok k
miitoM of Mothers. Castoria destroys Worms aodaltap
feverish 11 css. Castoria prevents vomiting Soar Cut
Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. Castoria retkiij
t^thlnf troubles, cures constipation aud flatolaff.j
Castoria assimilates tho food, regulates the stoatal
and bowels, giving healthy and natural deep. C*
tori* is tho Children's Panacea—the Mother'» Frtosi
" Caotoria la oo wrtl adiptozA
I recommend R a«iup«Mr*WP
known to me."
M Qaatorla la on excellent medicine for chfl
diva. Mothere haw repeatedly told me of 1U
good effect upon their children. - '
Do. G. C f'Mooc
111 So. (Wort »Ll
Lowell, Maea.
•• Our phyoUlM« la tt*
meat have eye«* taMf * ***
enev In their outttfe rnrt»»*
and although we emtj h*» «
medical «appli*
product», yet we art free to **■
mcrlU of Caöort»
favor upon It." . -
•* Cutorla la the boat remody for ohildmn of
«hieb I an acquainted. I hope tho day la not
far distant when motbmna will ooaKder the real
Interest of their children, and une CaetorU in
stead of tba various quack noatrunta which are
destroying their loved one«, by forotagopiun.,
morphine, soothing syrup and other hartful
agent* down their throats, thereby sending
them to prematura grave*."
Usitzs Iloorrru.
Do. J. F. KmcnxLoz,
Goo way. Ark.
XnxM C Sana,
Street, Ne*
Tka Gastev Company, TI Murray
Tichenor's Antiseptic,
Wounds, Bruises, Spfains, Burns, Scalds, Colic
Is naequakd bjr any remedy 00 the market, and we
refer to the following parties, aud, indeed, to auy wb<> ^8
Manufacturers aud Proprtriof*- **
•peeks Inodty in ^1
Tertian)« Ue*.
beat adwliotd ft
Every family i"
cid» nl. ItewJJJSÄ
I», buOl(>^ k '» 1 J.1"
mevUcur If/"*r otr lrajj4
Hone of it, *** »tl
1 have frequently need Dr. Tiohanor'a Anti
septic with great sncceee amt have more faith
in it iLan auy other used ici ne mann facta red.
Editor Clarion-Ledger, Jeckoon, Mi«.
Utica, March 13th, 18IK.
I have found Tic honor'» Antiseptic an excel
lent thing for Lea ling wound». It preveuU and
allay* in fl a m mation and heal« ripidtf.
Natch«*, Mi»* . April 28, IBrtC.
We cheerfully addonr teelimonial In regard
to the sole of Dr. Tlebeoor'e Aniiœptiu Refrig
erant, Aa to ita mérita, the amoaui of ita sale*
50cts. a bottle by your druggist,
of '•m.'*
Beware of imiLatiwB«.
... toisE 1
BEN B. LIVY, EmtMÜmerMl*"*"
Keeps on hoed » large OMortment of burial «••ke*» .„Ltaeiff
W 00 den coffl n * made and ir iaimed to order. Burial re be*
nd embalm bodiee for shipment to aJl ooints.

Cheap Cash Stof
is fresh, cafC
My stock of General Merchandise is
was bought for cash.
Call and see me and you will find that I
»on prices.
. CRIFF ,N ^
J. L

fc a*

in 3
: Health
'means so much mor-j
you .maÿnc^
fetal dl ^ases result^
trilling ailments
rWt play with F * 4
greatest gift^u
Brown's §§
" o- A j«,
: Bitters
'«T fcw 4a
*«*, «I«
*"-*M*t t,
1 |j
It Cures
Dyspepsia, Kids«* ,*
'Constipation, Ikj
• Malaria,
H» v«u
Wonwn'j comptsiats
i »»itute* On
P will !
. Ea.r V i-tj .^*51
urown cntMCM.ca
-K. i

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