2 Parasols 50c to $lO Sunshades that are spic and span every one of them. They’re in the newest ofjdiapes. colors and materials. Plain covers, novelty covers, all linen covers and lawn covers. Plenty of white _. — - — — -— — - embroidered kinds, some open cut work. Plain silks, fancy silks and plain silks with borders— all sorts that are right sorts. Handles to match the covers or novelty bamboo handles. Every Price Between 50c and $lO SAULWOLFSONDPY GOODS CO NEWS FROM ALL OVER TEXAS FIRE 11MLUS FATAL 10 ONE Fatally I njured Man Is Still Living Today But His Death Is Expected. Special Dispatch. . Dallas, Tex., June 7.—Fire at 4 o’clock yesterday morning partially de stroyed the Epps G. Knights building at Elm and Harwood streets, and re sulted in the death of a boy and the serious injury of six other persons. The dead: E. C. DONNELLY, 8 years old. burned to death. Fatally injured: Charles C. Vander burg of Harwood, Texas, spinal frac ture. Seriously injured: E. C. Donnelly and wide, J. J. Morgan and wife, Dr. M. Coffey. Vanderburg is still living today, but his death is momentarily expected. The other injured are doing nicely. UNIVERSITY ALUMNI SOCIETY ELECTS Special Dispatch. Austin, Tex., .Tunc 7.—The Alumni association of the State university to day elected officers as follows: Walter Crawford. Beaumont, presi dent; R. E. L. Saner, Dallas, vice presi dent; W. H. Stacy, Austin, treasurer; Mrs. William Dechard. Austin, secre-: tary. Executive council: C. H. Potts, I John W. Brady, Miss Mary Dechard,] Austin; S. S. Searcy, San Antonio; Miss Mattie Whitton, Denton. Charles HJ Shaw, Kansas City, was elected alumni 1 orator for next year. A committee was appointed to raise funds for the new gymnasium. QUANAH MAN DIES AFTER TAKING ACID Special Dispatch. Quanah, Tex., June 7.—A. S. Fuqua a well known grocery man and pioneer of Quanah, died late yesterday as a result of taking carbolic aeid. His wife discovered him writhing on the bed and summoned a physician, but antidotes were without effect and he died twen ty minutes after taking the drug. Fuqua had been in poor health and despondent. He was a native of Ellis county. His brothers, W. H. Fuqua of Amarillo and J. L. Fuqua of Hereford, are here to attend the funeral, which takes place tomorrow tinder Masonic auspices. NEGRO LABORER INSTANTLY KILLED Special Dlr.oztch. Fort Worth, Tex., June 7. —John Broune, a negro laborer, employed in the construction of the ten-story First National bank building, was instantly killed this morning when a heavy scalf fold fell, crushing his skull. PROFESSOR JUNKIN ACCEPTS PRESIDENCY Special Dispatch. Brownwood, Tex., June 7.—T. P. Jun kin, profeasor at the \grieultural and Mechanical college, today accepted the presidency of Daniel Baker college of Brownwood and will assume his duties Thursdav. Malaria M .kes Pal* Sickly Children. The Old Standard GROVE’S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC drives out mala ria and builds up the system. For grown people and children, 50c. Watermelons Choice Alabama sweet stock. Apply Tuesday morning at car on Sap tracks. S. A. & A. P. 3236 Man In car will sell to dealers, huck sters and peddlers- MONDAY, TEXAS WHEAT BRINGS $1.57 PER BUSHEL Special Dispatch. Denton, Tex., June 7. —Threshing be gan in many parts of Denton county to day. A dollar and forty cents is the price offered today for No. 2. Saturday 900 bushels that scaled 62 pounds were sold at $1.57. FORT WORTH HAS CONTRIBUTED $2600 Special Dispatch. Fort Worth. Tex., June 7.—At a re cent meeting of the Commercial Secre taries’ association at Dallas, Fort Worth pledged $2500 to the support of the legislature committee of that or ganization and a committee of W. O. Matthews. Paul Waples and Capt. B. B. Paddock canvassed the eity today and secured $2600 for the work, every one of the contributors subscribing $lOO each. Paris, Tex., also sent in a check for $5OO to apply on this year’s work anil other cities are too soon be can vassed. MAKE POST MORTEM EXAMINATION Special Dispatch. Abilene, Tex., June 7.—Th« body of Tom Barnett was exhumed and is being examined by Drs. Alexander of Cole man and Lowry of Talpa today to de termine whether the wounds which caused death were self-inflicted with scissors. The physicians are instructed to report to the grand jury which con venes here in August. , GOVERNOR GUEST OF DALLAS PRESS CLUB Special Dispatch. Dallas, Tex., June 7.—Governor Campbell arrived at Dallas at 8:20 o’clock this morning to be the guest, of the Dallas Press club. At 5 p. m. he will deliver an add Fess at the Lake Cliff club house. Other guests of honor will be Clarence Gilmour and J. H. Lowrv. SMUGGLER LEAVES TO BEGIN SENTENCE Special Dispatch El Paso, Tex., June 7.—Hank May nard, a conductor of El Paso, recently convicted for smuggling Chinamen into the United States and sentenced to 18 months’ imprisonment, this morning notified the officers he would not fight the case further and purchased a ticket to Santa Fe, N. M., to begin his sen tence. ZEPHYR PATIENT IS OUT OF HOSPITAL Special Diso;t1.45. No. 2 red. $153®1.57. Corn: No. 2, 72c®72%. No. 2 white, 73%®75% Oats: No. 8. 58M.. No. 2 whits 61. The Price of a New Tho*. Goggan 4 Bros. Plano Is (385. For the next four or five days this sale of Remodeled Pianos, Returned from Rent and Drummer's Samples will continue at out store. This sale offers an opportunity to acquire unusually fine bargains at far less than our regular price, but the only way to gain an adequate idea of the exceptional savings possible is by an inspection of the exhibit. We believe that the prices we are asking for these Pianos may not be duplicated again for years. We cannot state too forci bly the importance of this to anyone at all interested in Pianos, but if the opportunity is to be seized at all, it must be within the next few days. Easy terms of payments, $5 per month and up cheerfully accepted. Thos. Goggan Bros. Established 1866 Both Phones Houston and Navarro Sts. CITY ROCK PILE READY FOR THE EVIL DOERS Prisoners Fined in Recorder’s Court to Make Material for Street Improvement. Prisoners in the city jail will be given a severe shock tomorrow morning, when for the first time in many years, they will be escorted to the official city rock pile located just north of San Pedro park and put to work breaking rock, which will be used in improving the streets of the city. Chief of Police Van Riper announced this forenoon that everything is in readiness to begin tomorrow. Officer Henderson will have charge of the pris oners while at work on the pile. Not since the days of the famous oil “Bat Cave,” which was located on Military plaza before the city hall was LATE CITY NEWS Urges Tax.—A state law providing for a tax upon itinerant dentists will be urged in an address to be delivered by G. W. Collier of San Antonio at the convention of the Slate Dental asso ciation, which opens a three days’ ses sion June 10 in Waco. Dr. Collier is president of the association and Dr. J. W. Combs of this eity is a member of the executive committee. Old Case Settled—For an offense al leged to have been committed during the last spring carnival in this city, W. A. King, who has figured in several prize ring bouts here, was haled before Judge Buckley in the police court this morning on a charge of disturbing the peace and fined $5. The testimony showed that he had been released at 'the time on bond, but failed to put in his appearance when the case was called. Off to the Reunion. —Two special Pullman sleepers on the outgoing Inter nationa] & Great Northern train yes terday afternoon at 1:25 were filled with Confederate veterans and their friends, on route for the convention at Memphis. Besides the two sleepers, a through chair car also had many passengers. At Palestine the three cars were hooked to a special train, which ran solid to Memphis, arriving there at 4 o’clock this afternoon. Missionary Meeting at Beeville— Large numbers of San Antonio people will go to Beeville during the latter part of this week on the occasion of the meeting of the Women’s Foreign Mis ■ionary society of the Methodist Church South. The convention will open Thursday, June 10, and will last three daye. James Lewis Baraca Class—The James Lewis-Baraca class of the Gov ernment Hill Methodist church had for its topic yesterday morning “The Pow er of the Tongue.” A short business session also was held. POLISH SOCIETY ELECTS OFFICERS At St. Albert’s hall yesterday after noon the St. Albert’s Polish society held an election of officers and the following were chosen: President, Wm. Dobrowolski, re elected; vice president. Ben Kiolbassa; secretary. Const Weiss; vice secretary, Jos. Morawictz; treasurer, Alexander Notzou; sergeant-at-arms, Gus Magoze witz; vice sergeant at arms, Jos. Bur da; trustees, Julian Czcrneeski and Julian Danysh; sick committee. John Ho vendeeski and Ed. Dobrowolski; color bearer, Vincent Elsbeet; librarian, John Danysh; hall custodian, Joseph Morawietz. JUNE 7. 1909. The House of Valuee Great Saving on Pianos Thos. Goggan 4 Bros. All Remodeled Pianoe Returned From Ren*. Drummers* Samples. Are Being Closed Out EXCELLENT PIANOS $75.00, $lOO, ETC. Several at $5O, $6O, etc built, have city prisoners been forced to work. Jail has proved to be a com fortable place for those taken in by the b.ue coats. Incarcerated in perfect ly clean ceils, thoroughly fire proof and proviiel with the latest literature and given three square meals a day, has re sulted in the number of chronics oclng greatly increased. Mayor Callaghan for some timo nas been conaidering the cost of inar-ertul that might be needed for street im provements which he has unde, con templation and the i lea of saving part of the city revenue by putting tho pris oners to work, occurred to him as a good one. None will be spared. Prisoners of tne tramp class to the soft hand and pink complexioned young man, who dresses in the latest fashion and spends his time in that district that results in his arrest as a vagrant, will have to here after wear the chain anklets and crack rock, thereby assisting in making Bau Antonio a city of beautiful streets. AMUSEMENTS The popular Airdome, opposite the postoffice, was filled to its capacity last night at all three performances. Bert Leigh, the popular manager of the Airdome, was very fortunate in se curing two headliners fresh off the Ma jestic circuit. These are Sylvan 4 O’Neil, in a comedy pantomime act, carrying their own special scenery and effects, and their act is a scream from start to finish. The ever-popnlar Miss Frankie Kane and company were also at their best in a musical comedy skit, “Ghoste. ” Among the principals in the cast are Miss Kane, Mr. Kanter, Mr. Foster and Bert Leigh. Miss Albena Artela, soubrette, with her catchy songs, made a decided hit with the patrons of the Airdome, and Mr. Mullane is, as usual, pleasing every one with his picture songs. During the week there will be two performances nightly at the Airdotne. 8:30 and 9:30. RECORD CROP OF ONIONS IN THE SOUTHWEST Twenty-one cars of onions off of 24 acres of irrigated land is the record crop raised in Southwest Texas this year, according to J. R. Black, a promi nent fanner of Cotulla, who is in the city today, and on whose land the onions were raised. Mr. Black is farming, this year 200 acres of irrigated land, and is having phenomenal success. The dry weather has injured crops not grown on ir rigated land to a considerable extent. Mr. Black is a guest at the Bexar ho tel. GRIND Laxative Fruit Syrup Pleasant to take Th- new laxative. Does not gripe or nauseate. Cures stomach and liver troubles and chronic con stipation by restoring the natural action of the stom ach. liver and bowels*. FOR SALE BY BUXAR DRUB CC A IRDOME.