2 Summer Reading The Newest $1.50 Copyright Novels At $1,19 “THE MASTER BUILDERS” By Dunning. “THE TOLL OF THE SEA” BROTHERS ALL” By Norton. By Maartens. “THE LADY WITHOUT JEWELS” By Goodrich. “THE MAN WITHOUT A SHADOW" By Cabot. “A KING IN KHAKI” “A YEAR OUT OF MY LIFE” By Webster. By Waller. “54-40 OR FIGHT” “COMRADES” By Hough. By Dixon. “THE LITTLE BROWN JUG OF KILDARE” By Nichols. “COLONEL GREATHEART” “SATAN SANDERSON” By Bailey. By Bivea. SAULWOLFSON DOY&ODsa CITY NEWS W. H. Mcßae Recovers.—W. H. Me Rae. who was eut and seriously wound.- ed while walking along the street about a month ago, was able to be down town today. Mr. Mcßae expects to open a detective agency within the next week. He has had long experience as an offi cer in San Antonio. ONE-HALF THE BEXAR AB STRACT COMPANY FOR SALE. I have been perfecting these books for twenty-one years, and it is now the complMest abstract plant in the State, everything modern and up-to-date, even to the latest camera for photograph ing the records. I am unable to give it the at tention it needs, but it is mak ing money anyhow, and under proper business management its earnings could be greatly in creased. If a Title Insurance feature wore added it would be unequalled as an investment. I will sell one-half interest or less to capable manager for cash or good paper. BEN A. STRIBLING San Antonio, Texas. Heavy City Tax Collections. —City taxes collected on May 31, the last day allowed this year, reached $234,410, New Phone 1533 Old Phone 469 ANDREW KOEHN CATERER Dealer in IMPORTED and DOMESTIC DELICATESSEN Serving Banquets a Specialty Kosher Meats and Sausages Ladies are invited to inspect my imported goods. 391 South Alamo Street. “Call On Connelly” Fant, of every description. Electrical supplies, repair all kinds of electrical machinery, dynamos, motors, elevators. JOHN D. CONNELLY 218 East Commerce Street. Local and Long Distance Phones. Vacuum Carpet Cleaning Your carpets, mattings, upholstered furniture, etc., cleaned without re moval. We also sew, refit and relay carpets and renovate mattresses. HANSEN BROS. Established 1890. 831 Austin Street. Both Phones. i GO TO CHURCH 1 For B&seball Goods | and Croquet I 112 W. Commerce Street DISEASES OF THE LUNGS NOSE AND THROAT CURED. An Investigation will convince you we are curing diseases of these organs. No charge for consultation. Bensonizer Co. 106 W. Houston St. Office hours 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Permanently established. ASK ME ABOUT IT. AUG. LIMSURGER H CUT RATE LIQUOR DEALER K Both Phones. International Fair SAN ANTONIO, TEXAS Nov. 6 to 17,1909 TUESDAY, according to figures prepared yesterday ।by the collector. Payments for the month of May were $734,479. Out of ' this total the approximate sum of $541,- j 000 goes to the city and the remaining $187,000 to the school board. A little ' above 90 per cent of the total assess ment was collected. Country eggs 15c dozen, yard eggs 20c dozen. Main Avenue Grocery Co. Roof Caves In.—A wooden truss sup i porting the roof of a building at Sole -1 dad and Houston streets, occupied by the Fulton market, broke early this morning, causing a part of the roof to cave in. Slight damage was done. Fern Dairy ’phone numbers now are j old phone 352: new phone 188. Continue Gambling Cases. — All gamb i ling cases, including the indictments re j cently returned and those resulting from the raid of state range’s, were yester- I day continued until the October term 1 of the Thirty-seventh district court. Loses Eye.—As the result of the lodg ing of a cinder while making a flying trip to New Braunfels two weeks ago to aid in putting out a fife, C. L. Graap, fireman of Hose Company No. 4, has ' lost the sight of his left eye. > • James K. Vardaman, former gover nor of Mississippi, will lecture at the Grand opera house Wednesday night, June 9 on “The Race Problem.” Ad mission 50c and 75c. Tickets on sale at ■ Bexar drug store. K. of P, Officers. —The following of fers were elected last night to serve for the ensuing term by the members of Lotus lodge No. 89, k. of P.: Chan cellor commander, F. L. Chaleton; vice chancellor, A. Lassner; prelate, F. Sherman; mastef of arms, M. E, Hay; inner guard, W. Hyne; outer guard, 11. B. Bettencourt; master of work, H. B. Hammond. | is the only fit description for the man I or woman who is crippled with rheutna | tism. Just a few rheumatic twinges i may be the forerunner of a severe at tack —stop the trouble at the start with Ballard’s Snow Liniment. Cures the rheumatism and all pain. Price 2.5 c, 50c, and $l.OO. Sold by Bexar Drug Co. Probate Court.—Susan C. Crowell, deceased, Johnette Crowell applied for appointment as temporary administra trix. Nathan Smith, deceased, Dora Lawton appointed temporary adminis tratrix with bond at $l5OO. Antonio Rosenberg, deceased, final account ap proved. Dr. Sara F. Herdman, osteopath, all diseases successfully treated. Old phono 1984, 808 S. Presa street. Examination free. Wwta Choice Alabama sweet stock. Apply today at car on Sap tracks. S. A. & A. P. 3234 Man In car will sell to dealera, huck sters and peddlers. HEISKELLS OINTMENT ’W a the one infallible remedy for al’ nttr die ■ etteec. Relief is The cure, quirk and 1 J penoaneut. It quiclly core* the worst esse of * f TTJCTi-FIMA I ( Um HaUkeU’a Medicated Poap farbetblnc tb«af> a 'V feeted parte. Helakeira Blood and Liver PHU tear eptho liver, purify the blood. Olav meat .SOjaboi; Faap. JAc a eekc*. Fills, SSo Ajk * *»»■ Boid by ail drurfis'i or Mat Teat I meal al • free. I? ■ .'Mb, friuxw*. Il'Umr * Ok, CT ' ‘ M 1 aaerae A WRECK SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE ALL VAGRANTS WILL 8E SENT TO ROCK PILE City Chain Gang Is Organized This Morning With Nine Charter Members. CRUSADE ORDERED ON SALOON HANGERS-ON The initial trip by city prisoners to the rock pile was made early this inorn i ing, when under orders from Chief of j Police Van Riper nine prisoners chain j ed together were escorted to the quarry just north of San Pedro park and put j to work eracking rocks. The prisoners were in charge of Offi । cer Henderson, who will hereafter be | known as the superintendent of the city I chain gang. While working term pris- j I oners will be chained in pairs. Others will wear single hobbles. Each of the I prisoners will be furnished with six pound hammers and told to “go after All Day Work at Quarry. * The prisoners will work all day at the quarry, the being carried there instead of being brought to the j city hall. City prisoners detained for , ! work on the rock pile will work from I 9 o’clock in the morning until 5 o’clock ’ in the afternoon. Orders have been given the police by | Chief of Police Van Riper to take into । custody all idle persons found on the; streets and charged with vagrancy. [ West Side officers have been instructed | to show no leniency to that particular class of vagrants that continually loiter j : in the trans-San Pedro district." Chief After Vags. “I am determined to break up those' i good for nothing gangs that hang I around saloons and resorts in the red light district, ” said Chief of Police Van Riper this morning. “The city needs 'rock for street improvement and I am ' going to see that a good supply is al-; [ ways on hand. All will be "treated j , alike, white, black or Mexicans, arrest- j j ed by the police will be put to work in ; I the chain gang.” Quite a number of those to face the ' police court this morning were fined on j charges of vagrancy and will form a part of the gang that will be put to ■work tomorrow. ♦»» Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea nerves, regulates, aids the kidneys, cures stomach troubles, builds up the nervous force and repairs the ill ef fects of over eating. Tea or Tablets, use. 35 cents. Tea or Tablets. Sold by the Lone Star Drug Store. CONFESSES TO CRIME EXONERATING OTHERS Associated Press. Atlanta, Ga., June B.—That C. E. Clyde and a man named Langford, now serving four years in the penitentiary for robbing the Menlow. Ga..•-postoffice last August, are innocent and that he himself committed the robbery, was the confession made here in the United States court by James Martin. Martin was convicted Friday and sentenced to four years’ imprisonment on a charge of robbing the postoffice at Waleska, Ga. BRYAN JR. LANDS IN POLICE COURT Associated Press. Lincoln, Neb., June 8. —W. J. Bryan Jr., son of the democratic leader, was one of a half dozen automobile and motor cyclist scorchers brought into the police court yesterday for viola tion of the Lincoln speed ordinances or other transgressions of the rules of the road. Young Bryan’s chief offense was in failing to have a number on his motor cycle and for speeding at times. It was his first offense and he was dis charged with a warning. Foley’s Honey and Tar is especially recommended for chronic throat and lung troubles and many sufferers from bronchitis, asthma and consumption have found comfort and relief, by using Foley’s Honey and Tar.—Bexar Drug RESTAURANT FOR NAVY NAVY YARD OPENS ■ Associated Press. New York, June B.—The restaurant given thy government employes at the Brooklyn navy yard hy the Now York and New Jersey section of the Nation al Civic Federation of which Miss Anne Morgan, daughter of J. P. Morgan is chairman, was dedicated last night. Two thousand workingmen and their families and a sprinkling of other i guests attended the ceremony. The 1 restaurant will open for business next. Monday. WANT SUNDAY REST FOR ALL POSTMAN — ... , Associated Press. New York, June B.—A movement which aims to obtain a Sunday rest for all the postmen in the United States, was inaugurated at meetings of New York clergymen of several denomina tions yesterday. A memorial was pre pared which will be presented to Post master General Hitchcock, which de clares that, in the opinion of the preach ers, the Sunday work of most of the postmen could be curtailed without se rious loss to the goveramao* Great Singer to Wed in June GERALDINE FARRAR. ANTONIO SCOTTI. Although the exact date has not yet been made public, friends of Geraldine Farrar, the famous young American diva, say that her wedding to Antonio Scotti, grand opera tenor, will occur at the Madeline in Paris during the first week of June. Scotti has been attentive to Miss Farrar for a long time. In fact, their engagement was admitted by the canta trice over a year ago. Miss Farrar is the 27-year old daugh ter of Svdney Farrar of Melrose, Mass., at -one time a famous ball player. From the time she made her debut in the Royal opera house, Berlin, as Margue rite in Faust, in 1901, her stress has been phenomenal. GIN BURNED AI ELMENDORF Fire Last Night Brings Heavy Loss to Fest & Coyle at That Point, The cotton gin and feed house of Fest & Coyle at Elmendorf, twenty miles southeast of San Antonio, were roved by fire about 10 o’clock last night. Particulars received here are meager. The origin of the fire is un known. A telephone wire to Elmendorf has been down all day and no communica tion has been had with the town. The Fest gin was one of the largest in Bexar county. It had not been in operation this season. ♦♦♦- NINTH INFANTRY BAND CONCERT The Ninth infantry band will give a concert at 7:45 o’clock this evening at the infantry post. The program fol lows: . ' / Hungarian Fantasia Tobini Intermezzo, Forget Me Not.. Macbeth Cornet duet, Mignonette, Dalbey, by Messrs. Scotti and Ford Selection, Miss Hook of Holland.... Rubens (a) False Lente, Souriere de Amour Lambert (b) Morceau, Schneeflocken... .Thiele Caprice, The Whistler and His Dog Arthur Pryor W. H. THOMPSON. Director. LOGICAL ECZEMA CURE ENDORSED BY PHYSICIANS After treating eczema for years as a I practically iucurable z blood disease, the ! medical world is greatly interested in | the discovery that it is not a blood dis- . case at all, but is due to a parasite in • the skin itself. This parasite is easily ' destroyed by the external application of a compound of oil of wintergreen,, thymol, glycerine, etc. This will quick j ly kill all eczema germs, while sooth- I ing and refreshing the skin. Dr. R. A. Folkerts of Duluth, Minn., | tells of the success in treating patients: , “There was a man here suffering from eczema for the last fourteen years and I applied the D. D. D. treatment. I i also appjicd it to a man of West Duluth, who has been suffering with Rheumatism for fourteen years, and Eczema in his feet, and the second treatment in both cases cleared the skin almost absolutely. The first ap plication is a balm, and its soothing ef fect is beyond expression. I shall never be without it. and shall use it among my patients altogether.’’ No matter how terribly you suffer from eczema, salt rheum, ringworm, etc., you will feel instantly soothed and the itch allayed at once when a few drops of this oil of wintergreen com pound is applied. The cures all seem to be permanent. A. M. Fischer Drug Store. DEATH’S CLUTCH ON BABIES BROKEN Special Dispatch. Indianapolis, Ind., June B.—One hun dred siek babies—one hundred babies saved. This was Indianapolis’ record last summer in an experiment carried on by several charitable societies. The ob ject was to see if this theory that good milk and proper care would save the babies of tKb poor was true. Fully 100 per cent —this is the result. Now Indianapolis is aroused. The cam paign this summer will be carried on with renewed zeal. The city is con vinced. Four principles the organizers of the baby-saving movement worked for: That pure milk was better than puri- I fied. x x That the babies should be treated ' individually rather than having all fol- I low the same plan. That distribution stations should be established in the centers of greatest infant mortality, which, in this eity. was in the crowded tenement district?. ! That the mothers should be educated I ' by trained nurses and wise physicians ; to care for their babies at home —what to eat and drink, how often, how they should be clothed, air and ventilation. Indianapolis has a high death rate among its babies. Of these babies 5< per cent die from internal troubles. That means wrong feeding and improper care. The city health board, urged by Dr. Eugene Buehler, health officer, started the crusade. They were joined bj the Commercial club, the Council for Worn en, the German house and a Catholic association. The money was raised by subscription, by collections through churches and clubs and by “milk bot tles” placed in prominent stores. In all $l4OO was raised. This, with the proceeds from the sale of milk, for the institution was Helf sustaining as far as the individual families could af ford, was plough. Six physicians, young, capable, en thusiastic; five trained nurses and four milk stations, given rent-free by the owners, formed the equipment. The Walker-Gordon laboratory supplied the milk at cost. The experiment lasted all through the hot summer months. The doctors and nurses made 1700 visits. Ihe milk sta tions distributed 10,000 bottles of good, pure milk. The mothers of the children, at first dubious, were converted to en thusiastic approval. And when the test was over 100 babies were fat and healthy. MEN PAST FIFTY IN DANGER. Men past middle life have found i comfort and relief in Folev’s Kidney Remedy, especially for enlarged pros tate gland, which is very common among elderly men. L. E. Morris, Dex ter, Ky., writes: “Up to a year ago my’ father suffered from kidney and bladder trouble and several physicians pronounced it enlargement of the pros tate gland and advised an operation. On account of his age we were afraid he could not stand it and I recom mended Foley’s Kidney Remedy, and the first bottle relieved him, and after taking the second bottle he was no longer troubled with this complaint. For sale by Bexar Drug Co. COTTON LOWER OFFICE OF THE LIGHT AND GA ZETTE. San Antonio, Tex.. June B.— The cotton market hung on gamely to day against favorable weather conditions and heavy realizing by New York bears, and prices ruled about steady until af ter the noon recess, when a recession took place and the close was at the low of the day. about 7 points below yester day's close. NEW YORK Yetter- Open High Low Clots day T u i y 10. M 10 92 10.71 10.73-74 10.90 Oct 10.76 10.80 10.70 10.71 10.77 Easy. ( NEW ORLEAMi Yetter Open High Low, Close day Tulv ‘ . 11.16 1116 I®- 90 10 90-93 11.12 O c t 10.82 10.82 10.70 10.70-71 10.70 Steady. t LIVERPOOL Yetter- Open High Low Clots day i June-July 5.72 5.74 5.70% 5.70% 5.69 Oct.-Nov. 5.67 *5.68% 5.65 5.65% 5.64 ] t : * CHICAGO ORAIN MARKET * 4- * ♦ ,(.4.4 + .>.f.4. + 4--9-4>4>4>4-4>44-4 Wheat— Open High Low Close July H 9% 120 Vi 118% 119% Sent 118% 111 109% 110% C °j r ul7 72% 72% 72% 72% Sept 69% 5974 69% 69% 53% 53% 52% 53% Sept 44% 44% 43% 44% ♦ + 4-4- + + + + ++ + + + + + + OJ t LEADING SPOT MARKETS 4 Today Y««*day Salat Liverpool, steady ... 5.81 z 5.78 7000 New York, quiet... .11.35 11.45 — N. Orleans, qt. stdy. 10% 10% 725 Houston, quiet 10% 10% 184 Galveston, quiet 10% 10% 700 COTTON SEED OIL. NEW YORK. June 3.—Cotton seed oil quotations today ruled as follows: Close: June, July. >5.82@83. KANSAS CITY GRAIN. KANSAS CITY. Mo., June B—Cash j quotations today ruled as follows: 1 ■Wheat: No 2 hard. 81.41 @1 42. No. 2 red. 81.5391.57. Corn: No. 2. 73%c. No. 2 white. 73%c® %c. Oats: No. 2, 58c@58%. No. 2 white. s9%c©6L n f as Ol.Ua Tka Eleetro-Thsrs|Miitlst Ur.L Mi OiOttS Specialist in Chronic Dis- co C C Consultation, Examination and Advice. You are under no obll fJl P e gation to take treatment unless our charges, terms and ar ■ ” rangements are satisfactory to you. Write for Information regarding Home Treatment. NOT A DOLLAR NEED BE PAID UNTIL CURED. Electro-Medical Institute DR. T, M. STOTTS, Proprietor and Physlclan-ln-Chlof. ■ SHE’S ONLY 7, BUT EARNS $5OO WEEKLY. ELSIE CRAVEN. Here is 7-year-old Elsie Craven, a dainty little fairy dancer whose 10 lit tle pink toes are earning her $5O a week apiece at the big Coliseum thea ter, London. Five hundred a week—that’s Elsie’s salary. Pretty large money for so small a girl, but people are crowding the theater ev%y day to see her. She takes the audiences way back to the days of boyhood and girlhood, and back of that to the of fairyland. Elsie started out just as a dancer. Then some one saw her and wrote a play—“ Pinkie and the Fairies” — about her. And now she’s famous. She’ll probably come to America this season. MRISIAN a SAGE FOR THE HAIR PiriuM Sage i, guaraat wd