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GRAND OPERA HOUSE WEDNESDAY MATINEE AND NIGHT. AND THURSDAY NIGHT. Mr. Tim Murphy' ACCOMPANIED BY DOROTHY SHERROD Management W. A. Brady and Louis I. Werba. MATINEE WEDNESDAY OLD INNOCENCE WEDNESDAY EVENING MY BOY , THURSDAY EVENING CUPID IND THE DOLLDR PRinCC Matinee. 25. 50, 75c and $l. rmuw Night. 25. 50. 75c. $l, $1.50 TONIGHT EMPIRE OPERA HOUSE THE GAGNON-POLLOCK STOCK CO. IN OUT OF THE FOLD The best play ever seen at the Empire. "That’s What They All Say.” Matinee Wednesday and Saturday. * ri ces 10. 25. 35 and 50c Matinee 10 and 25c I THE ROYAL The House of * Thousand Fans. DeWOLF TRIO Juvenile Vaudevllllans. THE LANSINGS HELEN ALFORD THE KINGSBURYS ROYALSCOPE AMATEURS FRIDAY FAMOUS ROYAL ORCHESTRA. Matinee dally, 3 0. m.. 10c any seat. Night 8:15, 9:30. Ad. 10c. Res. 20c. AIRDOME Opposite Post Office. Sovereign Master of the Situation. BIG CITY VAUDEVILLE TONIGHT AND ALL WEEK THE TALENT: HAL MORDAUNT & CO.. Including ELINOR FOSTER COMEGYS, In the Speedy Playlet "GOING SOME.” BILLY QUIRK. Premier Whistler and Imitator. ALLMAN & MCFARLAND. Black Face Singers and Dancers. MISS ANIS BROOKS. Soprano. Two Shows Tonight at 8:15 and 9:15. Prices: 10c and 20c. ‘GET THE HABIT” Follow the Crowd to B.KTRIC PARK THE PEOPLE’S PLAY GROUND Divert your mind from cares by visiting Electric Park. FREE VAUDEVILLE FREE BAND CONCERTS International Fair SAN ANTONIO. TEXAS l Nov. 6 to 17,1909 DR. THOS. DORBANDT PHYSICIAN. Office 526 and 527 Moore Bldg. Hours 9 to 12 and 3 to 6. Both Phones. Office and Residence. Aug. Limburger Will save you 25 to SO per cent on each gallon of whiskey, wine or box of ctgars you buy from him. •. I. fellp 3 ifj “ w 4 BILLY SHEEHAN ■ CUT RATE SALOON All the Leading Erands Price M 7Oi W. Commerce St TORREY&COMPANY Aganta Germania Fira Ina. O«b of Now York. Wo repheoent leading oompanlea •f the world, Maeta over DSO,OOO,OO*. Office corner Navarro ft Crockett Bti I DW. LaFRANCO*B COMPOUND.« MONDAY, HUDSON-FULION CELEBRATION IS NEARLY READY Social Season Incident to It Is Already Fairly Under Way In New York Town. MANY River Pageant, Led By Half Moon and Clermont, Will Be New Record of Splendor. Associated Press. New York, Sept. 20. —The Freneh ar mored cruisers Justice, Liberte and Ve rite, representing the French navy at the Hudson-Fulton celebration, arrived at this port today and while the stated program mentions no event until next Saturday, the social season incident to the celebration may be said to be fairly under way. The cruiser representing the Dutch navy is already in port, the British squadron is expected this afternoon and other foreign warships will be arriving daily. Official representatives of for eign governments are also arriving. Zeia Pasha, a special envoy from the sultan of Turkey to inform President Taft of the formation of the new regime in the Ottoman empire, will be the Turkish representative at the celebra tion. He arrived yesterday. The large Netherland commission, consisting of men and women, are due today on the steamship New Amsterdam from Hol land. The American squadron of warships, which alone will constitute the largest fleet ofl the United States war vessels ever at this port, will arrive tomor row and anchor in the bay off Staten Island. The Half Moon, a replica of the little vessel in which Henry Hudson explored the harbor and river 300 years ago, has been completely rigged at the Brooklyn navy yard and during the week its crew, dressed in the old Dutch costume, will rehearse the navigation of the odd craft so as to have it in per fect control during the celebration. The Clermont, which is a reproduction of Fulton's application of steam energy to water craft, has had its successful trial, and this week will entertain invited and special visitors. Members of the celebration commis sion believe there will be not less than one million and possibly 2,500,000 visit ors in the city next week. During the celebration of the return of Admiral Dewey from the Philippines it was esti mated that fully 1,000,000 persons wit nessed the naval parade on the Hudson river. For this coming event it is ex pected that crowds will far exceed that. All of the rooms in many of the ho tels have been reserved already and there is an indication that visitors who do not secure reservations in advance will be considerably inconvenienced if not actually compelled to seek sleeping quarters in private houses. Omaha, Neb., Sept. 20. —By Presi dent Taft’s request no attempt will be made to run street cars in Omaha dur ing his visit here. Every lady who desires to keep up her attractive appearance, while at the theater, attending receptions, when shopping, while traveling and on all occasions should carry in her purse a booklet of Gouraud’s Oriental Beauty Leaves. This is a dainty little booklet of exquisitely perfumed powdered leaves which arc easily removed and applied to the skin. It is invaluable when the face becomes moist and flush ed and is far superior to a powder puff as it does not spill and soil the clothes. It removes dirt, soot and grease from the face, imparting a cool, delicate bloom to the complexion. Sent any where on receipt of five cents in stamps or coin. F. T. Hopkins, 37 Great Jones street, New York. Go to CHURCH Tally Cards and Prizes Both phones. FRANK W. CHURCH 112 W. Commerce St. Both Phones. San Antonio, Tex. le. l hofheinz 504 E, HOUSTON Stoves and Ranges ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE And Staff of Expert Specialists, or the treatment of all nervous chronic and sracL- diseases of men and women. n v— r* consultation ► M H H EXAMINATION ■ I t b AND advice. x 5024 E. Houston St. San Antonio. Tex/ Quick Meal Gas Ranges are the best. Just like the balance of the Quick Meal Family Economical and safe. SCHULTZE STOVE ANO ROW. 00. lOS W. Com. St. I WARSHIPS ARRIVING Half Moon is Eeady. NO CAES TO RUN IN OMAHA. A DAINTY TOILET AETICLK FOR SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE Os gar und Adolf Discofer der Pole— Togedder but Apart XL| 11 J riy WWW Hi; By Fred Schaefer. “For why wass you disgueesed like a door mat, Osgarf Wass you going skating?” “Foolish mutt, vot you are, Adolf. I am a exploder—l haf yust explodct der nord pole.” '■ Cheap imitation vot you are! I dis cofered id myself.” “Be careless how you accuse der pole of being twins. I alone fount id, vulgar swiper. ” ‘So? You voult snatch my laurels un ter der imbression dey wass kartoffel salat? My discoferies vill change der map of der vorlt!” ‘ Und my goot right hant vill change der map of your face, frost-bitten four flusher! How dit you reach der pole, yet?” “Veil, I visit to haf no conserfatory mit you abouid it, but I startet from Hee haw und reached id in 16 marches —nine by Sousa und der rest by Victor Herbert—und den buried der reeorts so as nod to disturb der Argtig still ness, you blubber-nosed yokel. Dot iss vot I dit.” “Bah. you are merely enviable. I discofered vot language iss ad der pole. ’ ’ “Veil, vot wass id?” “Polish, of course.” “Don’d giggle me ouid, golt brick er. How many Eskimos dit you haf mit you?” “Two. besites a kimono.” “Idiotic ice faker! Und vot obser vatings dit you take, ask me dot?” “All of yours I could find, you slob amateur. ” CITY NEWS Civil Docket Called—Judge Shook to day called his civil docket in the county court. Civil dockets were also called in the courts of Justices Fisk and Um scheid. Jury summons are being sent out for the regular juries for the next terms of the and Fifty seventh District courts. Dr. W. B. Buss will return from his vacation and resume his practice Sep tember 20. Discharged From Bankruptcy—Er nest Davis was granted his final dis charge in bankruptcy by an order from Judge Maxey which reached the clerk’s office here today. The original peti tion, which was filed February 20. gave David's occupation as that of a res tauranteur, proprietor of the French restaurant, 215 East Houston street The assets far exceeded the liabilities and Referee McFarland recommended discharge at a hearing on June 21. It's a Little Better Today—Bob White, Losoya street. Good things to eat. Principals to Meet.—A meeting of the principals of the public schools will be held tomorrow afternoon at 4 o’clock at the Brackenridge grammar school. The question of enrollment and trans fers will be discussed. At the Southern —Texans registered at the Southern: M. Garza. Dallas; H. King, Floresville; O. D. Holmes, Hous ton; L. E. Ward and W. H, Nixon, Moore; R. 8. Smith, Bandera. Files an Appeal.—An appeal to the county court from the action of the corporation court fining him $25 for speeding has been filed by J. F. Kline. Congratulations for Irvin.—Between 15 and 20 letters and telegrams of con gratulation have been received by W. H. Irvin, who was acquitted of murder Saturday at New Braunfels. Mr. Irvin was in the city today en route to his ranch near Sayers. He said that many of the messages he received were from people whom he did not know, but who had evidently followed accounts of the trial in the newspapers. • Fined for Disturbing Peace.—Charged with disturbing the peace, Julius Good en, a carpenter, was before Judge Buck ley in the police court this morning and fined $l5. The complaint was made against the defendant by R. M. Fuller, Culebra avenue, who testified that the defendant had molested his wife and children Saturday night, while they were on their way home, and later cre ated a disturbance at the house by yell ing. Child Struck by Broken Bottle. Struck on the head by fragments of a broken pint milk bottle, the one-year old infant of Mr. and Mrs. Levin, 354 East Commerce street, sustained a pain ful injury at 4 o'clock yesterday after- “Musk ox vot you are! Vot kint of dogs drew your slets?” “Frankfurters. Most of der vay I hat dem hitched up mit horse radishes. Und you, pole pilferer, how dit you liff ven derc wass no marinierte walrus left to eat?” “Oh. dot wass easy. When id got to 60 degrees below centipede, I hat blen ty of gooseflesh, ha, ha. ha!” “Listen, low browed liar, in my par ty sefenty-six feet wass frozen, in fact our whole subbly of pickled picks feet wass rendered un useless. Und den we lifed on her fat of deni ven dey wass rendered. After dot we fell back on our dogs.” “So? Den you wass after all nod frostbitten, but dogbitten. Und how dit der dogs liff?” “Oh. dey got a bite, too. We hat fleas along. Dit you nod see my flack nailed on der pole?” “Flack? I only fount a Turkish batt towel.” “Veil, dot wass der flack —id iss der Turkish flack.” “I’m sorry, but T ate id. I tot id wass tripe.” “Und here you come und claim to be der orichinal. Your deplorablencss iss duplicitious! ” “Bah! I haf gifen my life to diss task, olt snow owl!” “Und you still haf your life? Swind ler! Why, I wass velcoraed home mit singing societies.” “Dot iss noddings—l wass velcomcd home by societies vich wass too ofer come to sing. Tell me diss, ven you wass by der pole, wass der ice still goot?” “Yess, id tastet excellent.” noon. The injury is not considered necessarily fatal. The father and mother with the child were passing a rooming house at 230 East Commerce street when the bottle fell from the window of a third story. Striking an awning the glass was shattered, one of the pieces falling and striking the child upon the head, inflicting a gash in the scalp. Medical attention was given at a nearby drug store, after which the child was taken home. Divorce Suits Filed—Divorce suits have been filed iu the Thirty seventh District court as follows: Ed Smith vs. Annie Lee Smith, Mayme Glenn vs. Will Glenn, Dovie Lewis vs. John Lew is. In the Fifty seventh District court Nicolasi Cortez asks separation from Mateo Cortez. Tn the Forty fifth Dis truct court Nellie Shnnno has filed suit for divorce from Sy, . -t Shan non. White Eose Grove 823, W. U., will give a danee and prize waltz. Muth’s garden Tuesday, Sept. 21. Theo. Artzt music. Cases Dismissed.—The cases against J. Sheehan and Frank Moorman in the corporation court, wherein the defend ants are charged with having engaged in an affray, were dismissed this morn ing by Judge Buckley. Sheehan, as a result of the difficulty, has been charg ed with assault to murder in an affida vit filed before Justice Fisk and is out on $5OO bond. Plan for Celebration.—Preparations for the celebration of Columbus day in this city October 12 and 13 were fur thered at a meeting of the Italo-Amer ican Young Men’s olub last evening. Final details for the fireworks display were completed and other matters per taining to the automobile parade on the opening night were arranged. Veteran Seeks Employment.—Walk ing from New Orleans to El Paso in search of employment is the story told by Dennis Kane, an old Confederate veteran, who spent yesterday in the city. His frame is bent and bis hair is almost white and .he claimed that he was 94 years of age. Mr. Kane asid that he left the Jeff Davis Memorial Confederate home on August 13, and when he reached San Antonio yesterday he wa’ footsore and weary. While here Mr. Kane is being provided for by the local camp of Confederate Veterans and he will resume his long march on foot todav for the west. He is wearing the gray uniform of the Confederates and said he left the Jeff Davis home because of the inactivity of the life there. FIRE ROUTS FAMILY. Special Dlsp»« h - Ennis. Tex, Sept. 20.—Fire started bv a kerosene lamp explosion at 1 nily res- o’clock this morning routed the fam of B E. Colvin and destroyed their i idence Bexar Dmg 7°- cut P Tice flrn BK> get our ro '' first. The lowest in city. l JI! 11 1 H Hll inr —n oo I [ ft ' » Bl B I 1 I " • /r'N * X Mm I|W IS I I n B Ife*** 3 * I bB*M BKsI 3aM ih THOS. GOGGAN & BROS.’ I TALKS TO BUSINESS MEN ■ A SURE CURE FOR EVERYDAY WORRIES I Do you know one of the things that breaks down people! It is the con- H| stant. incessant recurrence of a single train of thought. ■■ The man who knows only his own business is only half a man. Every man H| should not have not only his own business, but also some outside hobby to turn IM to. No hobby is more delightful, no hobby is more restful, no hobby changes HB the train of thought and the atmosphere of living more than music. M Music as a hobby is now open to every business man. He can go from his S 3 bustling office to the quiet atmosphere of his home, and there drift away into a new country, the country “where speech ends.” There he can forget “John M Doe” and “Richard Roe” and their kin, and listen to the clearer voices of RS Wagner and Beethoven, of Grieg and MacDowell. or delve in the melodies of his favorite operas. Here is a relief for tired nerves, not the relief that comes Si from stimulation nor additional excitement, hut that which comes from a new WO set. fiom relaxed tension. Kg "Please Read to Me," You Asked as a Child. m "Please Play for Me,” You Ask as a "Grown-Up." n But how much wider was your reading, how much more exteaaive your familiarity with the masterpieces of literature and the current writings of the Bl day, and above all, how much greater was your enjoyment and satisfaction Bl when, at least, you were able to do your own reading? The same is true of music, only in a much greater degree, and with the Hl ANGELUS PIANO g you are able to do your own playing, and play artistically, too. You need not । wait the convenience of some one else who can play; some one else whose mood ■£ wS may not be the same as yours, whose repertoire is, most likely, limited. With Hq an Angelus Piano you can play for yourself whenever and whatever you like. IM sSM With its repertoire of many thousand compositions you can satisfy any mood fey EM of the moment. You can become intimately familiar with the loved classics of Ci the masters; you can keep abreast of the times by playing the popular music S 3 of fl day, light operas, musical comedies, dances. what you will. I above all. you will enjoy the intense satisfaction of doing you own jZ3 play in your own way. There arc many busy men who would find the ANGELUS or EMERSON- MB jfS ANGELUS PIANO not merely a joy and pastime, but a real profitable business Era Sm investment. Profitable because it would keep them in better working trim. Ka We invite you to come in and hear these wonderful instruments, and. re m| iwl member, whether you know one note of music or not, you can positively set lH Of right down at the very first trial and play anything known. We sell these in Sa h 3 struments on moderate monthly installments; in other words, on the rental Ku basis, and would be awfully glad to have you call and talk it over with us. M I THOS. GOGGAN & BROS. I Established 1866 B S both PHONES HOUSTON AND NAVARRO STREETS 9 FILES A UNIQUE BANKRUPTCY Giving his liabilities as $15,672.97 and his assets as not a dollar in the world, attorney for William Bond Brook this morning filed a bankruptcy peti tion in the office of the federal clerk. The occupation of the petitioner is giv en ns salesman, and. in accordance with the provisions of the bankruptcy law, he has been a resident of San Antonio for the past six months. The petition is a unique one. Op posite each of the items in tho schedule of assets is written the word, “None.” These items include, “Cash on hand,” “Personal property,” and everything that a man could own. The liability schedule, it is explained, is al) due to a judgment growing out of a former business partnership be tween the petitioner and his father in New Jersey. It is explained that in the absence of the petitioner the senior partner filed a firm and an individual petition, which was later granted. The junior member was left out of this peti tion and all the debts fell on his shoul ders. A release from these is what is prayed in the petition filed this morn ing. HEARST. FILLED WITH MELONS. Evansville, Ind., Sept. 20.—An un usual scene was witnessed yesterday at Owensville, Ind., a small town a few miles north of here. An undertaker from Liberty. 111., passed through the town with a hearse filled with water melons. He had brought a body on the Indiana side for burial and when the undertaker was ready to return home he filled the hearse full of choice watermelons for the home market. Bexar Drug Co., cut price dniggis’s; get our prices first. The lowest in the eity. AGRICULTURAL CENSUS PETITION Picked Men Will Gather Fann and Crop Statistics for Department. Special Dispatch Washington, Sept. 20.—Forty five thousand enumerators out of the esti mated grand total of 65,000 will be en gaged April 15 next in gathering the required information concerning agri culture for the thirteen decennial United States census. Director Durand purposes making every effort to se cure progressive farmers and crop re porters for these places. His action is based upon the recommendations of Chief Statistician LeGrand Powers and the advisory board of special agents composed of professors of economics and farm experts who have been as sisting in the formulation of the schedule of inquiries concerning farm operations, and equipment. It is be lieved that the selection of this class of men, already familiar with statistical methods of securing data and reporting it in comprehendible form, will add greatly to the efficiency of the census and to the scientific value of the in formation obtained. Director Durand does not anticipate any difficulty in procuring enumerators of this kind as there are in every state of the union hundreds of crop reporters acting for the department of agriculture, repre sentatives of state boards of agricul ture, etc. — ♦«»- -——- Your complexion as well as your tem per is rendered miserable by a disor dered liver. By taking Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets you can improve both. Sold by all druggists. Drs. Hughes and Guinn, private eye, ear. nose and throat infirmary, 403 St. Mary St Old phone 1690. San Antonio Veterinary Hospital, Drs. Hearn 4 Rhea. Both phones. , SEPTEMBER 20. FINDS CHICAGO IS NOT SO AWFULLY BAD Associated Press. Chicago, Sept. 20.—Chicago is a much maligned city, according to Rev. John Thomas, B. A., of Liverpool. England, who came to Chicago a week ago full ’ of misgivings because he had wen writings of W. T. Stead and had como 1 to the conclusion that Chicago was a I “hell o nearth,” to use his own ex pression. Other foreign writers an I lecturers had helped along the delusion. Today. Dr. Thomas after a week's search for surface indications of the existence of wholesale vice among the people of Chicago, says that he is com pelled to confess that he found none. Dr. W. Robbie. Hicks Bldg. Specialist. Diseases of Men. Dr. Applewhite, residence phones 2237, office Southern drug store, phones 604. ROBBERS TAkTtHE CLOTHES OFF HIS BACK Associated Press. Birmingham. Ala.. Sept. 20.—Milton Garfield, a young man living at Fair view. a suburb of Birmingham, was held up last night by two white men. who took off his clothes at the point of a pistol and sent the young man to bis home, a distance of several hundred yards, in nature's garb. The robbers seemed angered that he had but $1.65 in money and after taking his money or dered him to “beat it” down the road. Theo Artxt Orchestra. Both Phonca A—TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR ni’inting. decorating, **ll m» old phene 92v. i 2UTi Ssttetactton San Anl»» nio Rooiilc A Paint 3