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4 “Way Down South in the Land of Cotton” - If you could see cotton growing in the field in all its purity-—could see the processes by which the cotton seed oil is extracted and refined could know the ingenuity involved in rendering the oil odorless and neutral in taste— could oe made to realize that from Cottonfield to Kitchen human hands never touch the oil from which Cottolene is made—you would appreciate why Cottolene ii so much purer and more healthful than lard ever could be. .* n nrodiict——Hist as du re as olive oil—and Uomlene is a cieaniy, wnoiesomc prouuu— jum « — makes food palatable, digestible and healthful. Lard cooked food is bound to cause indigestion sooner Qr later, unless you have the stomach of an ostrich. For all shorten- । mg and frying purposes, Cottolene is without an equal. 1 COTTOLENE i* Guaranteed “ I aftor haring gi»«n Cottolene a fair 1 m Q.1J • D..1L. CMflt* n packed in paib with an air-tight top to NeVer jOld UI DUUt j t c | (an| fmh and wholreotne, and prevent It h— rarhing i*ur? Threrhing dt».rrw»hl. odor*, such a* fish, oil, etc. Made only by THE N. K. FAIRBANK COMPANY ’ A AMUSSMKNTS a By HARRY BOONE jjc Yorke and Adams are at the head of a big musical organization this year called “In Africa.’’ said to be a tra vesty on a well known American and his son on a hunting trip to that far away land. This attraction is at the Grand Sunday matinee and night and Monday night. B. E. Forrester pre sents these comedians this rear, an I they have a much better opportunity of giving scope to their diversified tai •nts than they had when they present ed “Bankers and Brokers” and “Plav. tag the Ponies.” This latest and up to-date musical comedy is by Aaron Hoffman, the lyrics by E. Hay Goetz, the musie by Herbert Ingraham and the production was staged under the per tonal direction of Mr. Ben Teal. Yorke and Adams are two traveling drum mers. They get as far as Mombassa. York for two thousand dollars, but af ter sending the telegram, they enter the lobby of the International hotel at Mombassa and are taken for this wed known American and his son. They are treated. Then a cablegram arrives to pay them the money, lout in order to pass themselves off as these Americans they do not accept the two thousand dollars, and the money is held by the owner of the International hotel, until the finale when they are found to only Rosenfelt and Timberg. two “Knights of the Grip.” Enough mix ups develop to get every one in th-s east into a matrimonial tangle, in which the dusky Sulu and Ju-Ju girls of the jungles are included. The company this year includes fifty people, a chorus •t over thirty-five of the handsomest women ever seen in a musical entertain ment, and an extra ballet of “Ju-Ju” girls. The song hits include “Maid of Don’t Pay Cash The Convenience of our dignified and liberal credit system affords you an opportunity of securing whatever you may need in Fall and Winter Apparel, at very little outlay of ready cash. A small payment down and weekly installments is all we ask. HOYLE € RARICK • 221% East Houston Street FRIDAY, the Pango Isle.” “Under the Hebrew Moon.’’ “My Little Kangaroo,” “Schooner Land,” “Mother’s Son-iti- Law.” “Under a Picture Hat.” ‘‘In j Sunnv Africa.” ‘‘The Little Town YORKE AND ADAMS IN AFRICA. Across from Jersey City” and others I that will be whistled all over town, i Mr. Forrester has spared neither care j nor expense in making the production unsurpassable from a scenic standpoint, i Some beautiful gowns and other decora tions are worn by members of the com- CLOTHES CRLD1T Men’s FaJl Suits Elegantly tailored and cut in the very latest models. Priced at from $12.00 to $30.00, on easy payments. g L Women’s Tailored Suits—I z An elegant showing, the very latest models. Priced at r v $12.00 to $30.00, on easy payments. Women's Jersey Suits, black and colors. Priced at $15.00 and up, on easy payments. A large showing of new fall Skirts at prices ranging from $5.00 up, on easy payments. Women’s one-piece Dresses, in silk and woolen materials, . neatly made and trimmed. The new fall styles. Priced at I $15.00 up, on easy payments. Children’s Suits at all prices. I M omen's Hats in the new fall shapes, beautifully trimmed, I on easy payments. t Men s and women's Shoes at all prices, on easy payments. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE pany, which promises not only a treat tor the ear but also a feast for the eye. ROYAL. The amateurs will assist in the pro gram at the Royal tonight. This in novation is becoming quite a fad with the Royal audiences and Friday night always sees a packed house. There will be a number of special features which will help to make the show a real bar gain. The Roman trio, the Italian sing ers, Cannon £ company, Swisher £ Evans and Will Reed make tip one of J ‘ho most satisfactory offerings of the season and should not be missed. EMPIRE OPERA HOUSE. Mr. Gillick, the clever scenic artist with the Gagnon-Poiloek Stock oom- , any at the Empire, says that the scen rv used in next week’s bill, “A Child >f the Regiment,” surpasses anything ver attempted by a stock company in .ay city. He has been hard at work; nr two weeks painting these scenes ■nd when they are shown upon the; stage each and every one will receive > share of applause. Tomorrow afternoon there will be a intinee of “A Mother’s Heart,” and ■ large bouse is expected as there are .-cry few seats left. BIG TEINT THEATER. A splendid audience greeted II. P. Thu-ker's famous Rorak Wonder com mny at the Big Tent theater near the ostoffice last night and enjoyed a 'erformanee that was artistic from start to finish. The Tent theater pre ; sents a pretty appearance, the stage I is large and the scenery is all new. an I a splendid orchestra entertains when ; theer is nothing else doing. Mr. Rucker ' has been the most successful reportoiro I managers that has over brought a com pany to Texas and his orgsinizfttioa ; this season numbers 32 peonle. During his engagement here he will present a i Change of play at eaeh performance and i also introduce high class vaudeville fea- Buy on Easy Payments snii ms in OMIIHM At Meeting Last Night They Urge Thorough Inspection Measures and Scalds. A* the result of •gitftion against the giving at “skort weights” by mer chants the Retail Morthaata’ a»»oeU MIO PBTBBS President of the Son Aqtonio Retail Merchants’ association, who declares, “The people must get all they are entitled to; down with short weights’ * tion of San Antonio at a meeting last night went on record as decrying the practice and favoring a thorough in vestigation. In the resolution the giving of short weights was condemned ’and the city was asked to take prompt and decisive action. During the last few weeks nu merous complaints of short weight sell ing have been made to the city inspec tor of weights and measures and one merchant has been convicted in the cor poration court. The resolution in full follows: “In consideration of the fact that , there has boon some agitation in con- , section with the selling of short weights and measures in San Antonio, it is resolved that this meeting of the | Retail Merchants association go on rcc ord as being in favor of a thorough investigation of the situation in this city, and that wc thoroughly condemn the giving of short weights and mens ores or the handling of short weight packages. It is further resolved that 1 Mayor Callaghan bo requested to no- ; tify the city inspector of weights and measures to visit each place of business | in the city and test all scales and measures there in use and that a com-I mittee be appointed at once for that 1 purpose. And further that the city ia-1 specter be instructed to report back to’ the city clerk.” “We want this matter thoroughly in vestigated,” said Nic Peters, president I of th-' Retail Merchants association to day. “We want the people to get ill I that they are entitled to and the asso ciat on will b» the very first to con demn a man who doesn't give a square . deal.” turps. Tonight the Theo Landers great ' success “In Idqho” will be the b'll and a perfect production will bif given. ABDUL HAMID'S HOME “Whole Place Looked Mean,” Writes a Correspondent of London Paper. London, Oct. It. —The splendors of Abdul Hamid's home at the Yildix pal ace in Constantinople seem to have been greatly exaggerated, according to the account sent to the trade journal, the Cabinet Maker, by a correspondent.' He writes: “The whole place looked mean. The passages arc small. Cupboards seem to be a mania. With a very few exceptions the private apartments contain nothing of value. The general idea of the fur niture was that it was not only poor, but in exceedingly bad taste. “The sultan’s bathroom is quite a small apartment. Some of the cabinets look as thohgh they had come from a barber's shop. His study was one mass of desks and cupboards. “The windows are not properly painted. One of the carpets had a large hole in it. His quarters were not only small and mean, but so stuffy and hot that wc were glad to get out. “Adjoining his bathroom is another small room in which he worked as a carpenter. Inlay of various colored woods, also pearl, and some five or six panels in his study are said to be his work. They look like it. The drawing is bad, and the mixture of colored woods quite vulgar. The workmanship, how ever, is neat and accurate.” The ex-sultan’s “shirt room” is de scribed as lined with “shelves all round, covered with phish. He has a few hundred plush boxes of shirts and vests of all kinds. Some 2000 waistcoats show his mania for new things which he never wore. Perhaps the most interest ing articles are the bullet-proof waist coats. He had three of them.” SICK HEADACHE iBjM ITTIX digestion and Too Hearty ■ IWFD A perfect nm> nlVLn edy tor OlaalnesB. Nausea, M PILLS. Drowsiness, Bad Tasto n * tn the Mouth. Coated Tongue. Pato to the Stde. uvkr. tw regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL SMALL MSL SHHIPMCL ItURTFlNI Gtnrini Must Bear B 1 *’' 1 ™ Fao-Simile Signature £ Jmfum tvMTimsc. | Real Live Possums apd Real Live Shoe Values a on Display at the Regent Shoe Store ' \A7HILE the p. e °p ,e of San Antoni .° ▼ V are celebrating the arrival of Presi dent Taft—we are going to celebrate by giving you the greatest bargain feast ever held in this city. Every pair of Men’s Oxfords in the house will be sold at a tremendous reduction. Your selec tion out of the best stock in the city. In honor of the event we are going to call this our Possum Sale. Come the real thing. Now don’t play possum and this this up. Every pair men's J. £M. $7 Ox- W 4 XX fords, vici kid and patents, all I II sizes and widths. Saturday A V ’ - . ? Even pair men's J. £M. $7 Ox- X XX MV fords, patents and vicis. in tan xl and gun metal. Saturday TT• XWw Every pair men’s Florsheim $5.00 Oxfords, in tans, patent kid and gun metal, all siz e s and widths. Satur- day xJ«UU Evcrv pair Regent $4.00 men’s Oxfords, gun metals, patents and kids, all W sizes and widths. Satur- \ day vMXxv 118 NORTH ALAMO ST SAN ANTONIO TtXA! I COULD DROP A BOMB ON I WARSNIP" .... . -WMUIWMW.AVUTOB. 1 COULDN'T,” IS ANSWER DE COMMANDER Remarkable photograph of Wilbur Wright Hovering over British Warship Argyll, in Hudson river. By W. G. Shepherd. New 15.—For the first time in history an aeroplane passed over a warship when Wilbur Wright recently sailed nine and one-half miles up the Hudson river and back again. Below, as he sped, lay dozens of great fighting ships of seven navies, their monster guns helpless when he was above them. Onto any one of these vessels he might have dropped enough dynamite to sunder them, according to his state ment. “I could easily drop a bomb on a warship,” he told me. But could he! The navy men who saw him fly say “No;” Commander Rogers Wells of the Unit ed States battleship New Hampshire, over whose ship Wright passed square ly, while the officers and men of parts of seven navies looked on, smiled pleas antly as the aeroplane flew toward him, up the river. Long before the machine could be plainly seen the roar of its motor was easily heard. As it s:iddenly loomed but of the mist it traveled at such a great speed that, while one moment it looked like a mere gull, the next it half assumed the outlines of an aero plane, much as the magician’s bud bursts instantly into a full-blown flow cr. Even* pair Regent $3.50 men's Oxfords, fa mous the world over, in patents, A x XX W tans, kids and gun (petals, all X UR sizes and widths. Saturday X*X Every pair men's J. £M. $6.00 X XX W tan Oxfords, all sixes and wo widths. Saturday ■• X Reduced prices on every pair of men’s J. £ M. Shoes, seasonable *ana up-to- X XX W date, all sizes and widths, $6 UlX and $7 values. Saturday $5.10 and ■• X Special Prices on all Ladies’ Oxfords While it was in the distance there were dozens of giant guns that might have belched great missiles at the tiny flyer, with its speck of a human being in the seat. Alwgys fearful of con flicting breezesj 'the worst fears of. Wright might have been realized by the rush of air of one of these great shells, even if it would not have hit him. A network of rushing cyclonic currents of air might have been thus thrown up into' space against him. “The arms now in use on every war ship,” said Commander Wells, “would be sufficient, I think, to prevent an at tack of aeroplanes. At the speed at which Wright traveled it would have been a remarkable feat for him to drop a shell onto us, if he had reached us. But he couldn’t have reached us, I am sure, in time of war. Rapid fire guns that send a rain of shells would sooner of later find the mark, if the big guns did not hit him. “In addition to these guns we have the small arms, from which we could send hundreds of shots in a short time. These might, perhaps, only riddle the wings, but in time one of them would find a vital spot in the aeroplane. There is no limit to the angle of elevation of small arms and the rapid fire guns can be elevated more than 45 degrees from the horizon. “If any more defense against aero- OCTOBER IB, IM* planes were needed we could use mor tars that would throw bombs straight up into the air. “But suppose, even, that an aero plane did succeed in dropping 200 pounds of dynamite onto our decks, he wouldn’t disable the ship. “The explosioq would wipe away the ginger bread work and kill all men within a certain radius, but the decks are so heavy that I am sure they would only be bent. . “A six-inch fired at 4000 yards, would have greater penetration than that of 200 pounds of dynamite dropped a distance of 1000 feet.” Hoarseness in a child subject to croup is a sure indication of the approach of the disease. If Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy is given nt once or even after the croup cough has appeared, it will prevent the attack. Contains no poi son. Sold by all druggists. — i BIRKHEAD & BOOTH Attorneys at laW. Suites 306-7 Frort building. Both phones. Bexar Drug Co., eut price druggists; get our prices first. The lowest in the city. OTTO BIEBE UNDERTAKING CO. 221 East Commerce St. Both phones ML