The San Antonio Metaphysical so
, will meet Thursday evening at 8
o’clock in Odd Fellows hall.
The members of the Barnard E. Bee
chapter of the Daughters of the Con
federacy are perfecting arrangements
for the R. E. Lee entertainment and
dance which is to be given Jan. 19, at
8 o’clock at Turner hall. Artzt’s band
will furnish the music.
Mrs. A. G. Wuest has returned from
Gonzales, Tex., where she has been vis
iting her daughter, Mrs. F. A. Hall. [
Miss Zula Nash of Torreon, Mes.,'
who has been visiting in Austin, is (
spending a short time in San Antonio
en route home as the guest of her aunt, I
Mrs. Lee Gordon.
The San Souciv elub held an inter-.
esting meeting this afternoon at the
home of Miss Mary Hagy on Buena ,
Vista street The house was prettily
deeorated in the club colors, green and'
Games furnished the amusement for.
the afternoon. The first prize was won'
by Miss Hazel Comstock and the booby!
by Miss Savior Battaglia.
Those present were Mieses Nettie and
Savior Battaglia, Hazel Comstock. An-!
nie and Carrie Levytansky. Julia Small.!
Alice Ryan, MarguAite Johnson, Ger-'
tyc Bitter and the hostess.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Kissling an
nounce the engagement and approach- 1
ing marriage of their daughter, Flor- ’
ence Kathryn, to Frank C. Fischer of;
Austin, Tex. The wedding will take i
place Jan. 2.5.
—— , ।
, A called meeting of the Baraea, '
Philathea and call adnlt Bible classes :
of the eity, will be held Thursday '
evening, Jan. 13, at S o’eloek in the
We’ve Moved Again
This Time to the Very Heart of the C
Don t forget tha, we carry the only
stock in the city of
Elastic Stockings, Braces, Supporters, Trusses,
Surgical and Dental Supplies
We Invite You to Inspect Our New Store
I’Ua 3 vzO. Corner Crockett and Losoya Streets.
Ladies' and Men's Clothing Cleaned, Dyed and Pressed.
Kid Gloves, Ostrich Feathers and Furs Cleaned.
222 E. Commerce Street. BOTH PHONES.
Sunday school rooms of the Travis Park
[ Methodist chureh to make arrange
ments for the visit of Mr. Tosh, field
secretary of the World Wide Bnraca
»nd Thilathea I’nion.
On the afternoon of Tuesday, Jan. 11
at 3:30 o’clock, the San Antonio chap
। ter of the Southern Association of Col
* lege Women, will hold n college rally
| in the auditorium of the high school
for the pupils of all schools in the
city which prepare young women fol
Mrs. W. B. Russ, president of the
i chapter, will preside, and the following
program will be presented: Choosing a
' College, Miss Emma Gutzeit; College
Courses and Entrance Requirements
Miss Elizabeth Morey: College Social
I Life, Miss Emily Maverick; College
’ Athletics, Miss Ruth Muir; College
1 Home Life, Mrs. A. A. Brown; the
Work of the Young Woman's Christian
Association in Colleges. Miss Nancy
Lee Swann: Literary Clubs in College,
Miss Elise Brown; Ways of Earning
Money in College. Mrs. J. I. Kerehe
ville; the College Giri at Ann Arbor,
Mrs. A. R. Thomas: Early Days at Rad
cliffe, Miss Lucy Bushee; Why Go to
College, Miss Eula Deaton. The pro
gram will be interspersed with college
, songs, led by the Glee club of the high
The chapter will be assisted by the
ladies of the faculty and the members
of the Girls’ College club of the high
The ladies’ section of San Antonio
Turn Verein held their retrular monthly
। meeting and election of officers Friday.
' Jan. 7, at Turner ball. The following
jis the roster: President, Miss Lena
• Briam; vice president. Mrs. D. Huth;
' secretary. Mrs. Max Baetz; treasurer.
; Miss Annie Gembier. Amusement com
i mittee. Miss Helen Wiedenfeld, chair
| man; Miss Dora Dulluig, Mrs. Anton
• Gloeekner, Mrs. H. A. Wolf, Miss Alma
A dinner was given on the evening
I of Jan. 1 by Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Piper
j in their beautiful new home, 207 Sev-
I enth street.
The decorations were beautiful and
, complete in every detail and ineluded
i American beauty roses, potted ferns and
A seven course dinner was served in
! the large dining room. Covers were laid
। for Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Saur, Mrs.
1 Simon Fest of California, Mr. Snyder
I and Mr. Voorhees, Mr. and Mrs. Albert
' H. Piper, Mrs. E. J. Goodman and son.
i Fred. Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Lang and
■ daughter, Minna Maud, Dr. and Mrs.
• F. A. Piper Jr and daughter, Louise
. Audrey, and Colonel and Mrs. F. A.
A musical program was rendered,
which included selections on violin and
; piano by Fred Goodman and Mrs. E. J.
Goodman, accompanist; also by Dr. F.
A. Piper, violinist, and Mrs. E. J.
Goodman, accompanist.
Mrs. A. H. Piper never sang to better
advantage. Her songs were excellently
rendered. Among the most enjoyable
features of the evening were the recita
tions of Prof. Snyder.
¥hc remarks of Mr. Voorhees and F.
A. Piper also were bubbling with
One of the most beautiful affairs
given at the St. Anthony hotel this sea
son was the narcissus dinner given last
evening by W. H. Kreitzer of Illinois.
The large square dinner table had
for the center adornment a plateau of
—Photo by Cones.
Who has entertained extensively this j
winter. Miss Baumberger was much ad
mired at the Beethoven Junior New’
Year's dance, she wearing an exquisite
crystal studded gown over pink satin, j
exquisite narcissus aud ferns. Bowls of
the beautiful yellow and white blos
soms were at all corners of the table,
and their exquisite fragrance was waft
ed over the entire dining room.
The minor details of the table re
peated the lovely yellow and white
tints of the flowers.
Individual crystal candelabra, hold
ing green tapers, encased in shades of
green, white and silver were at each
A seven course dinner was served
to Miss Viola Coffeen of Chicago, Miss
Mamie Huppertz, Miss M. H. Ives of
Illinois, Duncan Mackay, 8. G. Winter
and the host.
Miss Sadie Winslow will entertain
the Alto Cinco Card club Tuesday even
ing, Jan. 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Winchester Kelso have
as their guests Rev. and Mrs. W. J.
Joyce of San Marcos.
Miss Clifton left with the crowd of
young girls for Washington to attend
school at Gunston Hall.
Mrs. Harry Fowler Jr. will entertain
the Thursday Afternoon Card club at
her home on Cedar street, Jan. 13.
Mrs. Felix M. Shaw will entertain
with a box party to hear Hans Rich
ard, Tuesday evening at the Grand
opera house.
The guests include Miss Russell
Story, Miss Marguerite Mayer, Joseph
Emerson Smith, 8. P. Brundage, C. Bol
linger and the hostess.
Miss Claudia Smith has returned
from a most delightful visit to Mrs.
■3. J. Wagner in Hallettsville. While
I away Miss Smith became quite an ae
' complished horsewoman.
Mrs. Frank M. Hicks will observe
[Tuesday aud not Wednesday, as her at
| home dav for the remainder of the win
A tea will be given by the Walter R.
Richardson branch, women's auxiliary
of Ft. Mark's church, Tuesday after
noon from 3 to 5 o'clock at the home
of Mrs. E. O. Evans, 1026 Main avenue.
Miss Ella Herweck has returned from
North Texas, where she has been spend
ing the holidays.
The Self Culture club will meet Mon
' day afternoon at 3 o'clock at the home
' of the president. Mrs. Joe Murray. Mrs.
; Fred Woodward will lead the Bible les
son on “The Beginning of the Callilean
•Ministry,’’ Matt 4:12-25. Mrs. W. E.
Anderson will lead the lesson on the
I Persian Epoch, and will specially dis
i cuss the extent of the ancient country;'
1 the people, the religion, the lengendary
i age, the literature, the Median empire.
The woman's auxiliary of the V. M
C. A. will hold a business meeting Mon
day afternoon at 4 o 'clock at the Y. M
C. A. building.
The Tuesday Musical club will hold a
special meeting Tuesday afternoon at
3:30 o'clock at 521 West Macon street.
The Philanthropic department of the
Woman’s club will have a federation
day program Wednesday afternoon at
3:30 o’clock. An outline of the work
at the meeting in Denison will be given
by the delegate. ,
The Woman’s club wil entertain the
Mothers' clubs of San Antonio Satur
day afternoon, Jan. 22. Superintendent
Lukin will give a talk on “flow the
Mothers’ Clubs Can Best Aid the pub
lic Schools.’’ Mrs. Schasse, president of
the Woman’s club, will make the ad
dress of welcome and a number of musi
cal sections will be given. Light re
freshments will be served.
The Government Hill Literary club
will meet Wednesday afternoon for a
study of lan Maclaren. Roll call will be
answered with reminiscences. Mrs.
Henry Richmond will be the leader and
the study for the afternoon wil] in
clude entries from “Davs of Auld Laue
The Council of Jewish Women will
meet Tuesday afternoon at the Wom
ans’ club house. After the regular busi
ness session Rabbi Henry Cohen of Gal
veston will address the council on “Our
Duty to Our Children.” A social session
will follow the program.
Rabbi Henry Cohen will lecture on
“Culture” under the auspices of the
Council of Jewish Women, Wednesday
evening at 8:15 o’clock. Mrs. L. L.
Marks and Prof. Oscar Fuchs will con
tribute to the musical program. All club
women and their escorts are invited to
be present.
The Tuesday Musical club anxiloary
chorus will rehearse Wednesday morn
ing at 10 o’clock at Casino hall.
The postponed concert of the Tues
day Musical club will be held Thurs
day evening at 8:15 o’clock at Casino
hall. All former invitations hold good
for this occasion.
The Phoenix club will hold open ses
sion Thursday afternoon at 4 o’clock
at the Woman’s club house. Roll call
will be answered with quotations and
after a discussion of current events a
musical and literary program will bo
rendered. The subject for the study for
the afternoon will be Celtic literature
with Miss Katie Bell as leader. Among
the special subjects for discussion are
the Ancient Books and the Sagas; the
Fenian and Ossian Cycle and Ossian.
The Crockett School Mothers’ club
will meet Friday afternoon. Mrs. F. W.
McAllister wil) give a talk on the
Alaska-Yukon exposition.
The Shakespeare club will meet
Thursday afternoon with the Misses
Baskin. The lesson for the afternoon
will be “Julius Caesar,” act I, scene
11., with Miss Alice Breeding as lead
er. Miss Campbell will read a paper on
the Roman calendar. Miss Lida Baskin
will give a reading entitled “A Roman
how young you Look wren
There’s do excuse for unsightly gray or
faded hair. It meLea you look old when
you're not—it's unsightly and embarrassing.
Hay's Hair Health will bring back the natu
ral color acj beauty, and make your hair
bright, luxuriant and full of youthful vitality
Slops "dandruff and falling out. Purely vege
table and harmlee*— DOt ■ dye.
for free book “The Care of the Hair."
Hay Spec. Co., Newark, N. X. V. 8. A.
♦’ Ind SOe bottles at Bexar Drug Co.
If you can find what you want
at Wolffs’, it means a big saving
Wolff Suits are HALF Original Price.
< Not until now were these suits so reduced. Women com
pared tnese stiits with other suits that they could buy at
halt; and in ninety-nine cases they came back for these,
even at the higher price.
Tomorrow for the first time these suits will be shown at
half. Choose any one you most prefer; and pay half of
what it was marked.
$2O suits are sio; $25 suits are $12.50; $3O suits are
$l5 ; $35 suits are $17.50; so on, up to $65 suits for $37.50.
HALF —you may pick for the first time.
An over-flow of new hats at less than
hair regular pricess tomorrow.
Business was so brisk during the past few weeks that a
steady stream of hats was turned on from the work
rooms to the selling-floor. Before we noticed it, we had
let it run over, & there were a hundred more hats than
we reallv wanted.
Will you take them at less than half —nearly a third?
Up-to-sio hats are $3.75; up-to-sis hats are $5.75; up
to-$2 5 hats are $8.75.
All kinds.
“Distinction in Dress*?'
—Photo by Cones.
Assisted Miss Baumberger at her hand
some New Year's reception. Miss Dwyer
is one of the most popular girls in the
society set, and a favorite hostess of
San Antonio.
Triumph,” by Stoddard. The special
topic for discussion will bo “Sooth
sayers in the Roman Religion.”
The History club will meet Friday
afternoon at the Woman’s club house.
The round table talk will be on “Other
Crusades of this Period.” Mrs. Taylor
will read a paper on the “Story of
Lou’s VII., and Eleanor of Guienne.”
Mrs. Berg will discuss Phillip Augustus
and Louis VIII. Mrs. McFarland will
read n paper on “St. Louis —An Appre
ciation. ’ ’
The Fannin School Mothers' club will
meet Friday afternoon at 3:30 o'clock.
Dr. John O. Kemp will make an address
on “ I ln First Aid to the Injured,” -and
Mrs. Belle Dilgarde will tell of the
work of the Mothers' congress in South
ern California. A musical program
has been prepared. /
1 he ||, iff School sJR>thers' club will
meet Friday afterivjbn at 3:30 o'clock.
There will he an interesting address on
the “ of Individuality and
in „ child.”
Ibe' Flower Circle of the Travis
parkyehurch will give a tea Wednesday
aftr.moon from 3 to 6 o’clock at the
bo'me of Mrs. J. L, Hill, 105 West Pecan
street. All members of the church are
invited to attend.
The Southwestern Circle of the
Travis Park will meet at the home of
Mirs. Teagarden, 129 Gilbeau street.
Wednesday afternoon at 3 o’clock.
Box parties are already being ar
ranged for the concert which is to be
given by Miss Myrtle Elvyn, on Thurs
day. Jan. 17. Miss Elvyn is a pianist
t>f note and in addition is a beautiful
young woman possessed of a charming.
One of the important meetings of the
past week was that of the Jewish Liter 1
ary club, who held their last meeting
at their old club rooms on West Com j
meree street and also the election of I
officers. A large crowd was on band
which resulted j u a lively contested elec- ;
tiou. after which the 'following were 1
elected officers for the term of six'
months: President (re elected), Samuel
New black capes $750
other new capes.
51 The black capes are un
lined. They are made of
a thick cloth manufac
tured in the north of Ger
many, where it gets really
$7-50; buttons of brass or
Wool Dresses, evening or street
shades, for half original prices.
51 January freezes, February northers, March winds are
ahead of you yet. Even into April a light wool dress will
prove mighty comfortable in between lingerie days.
A snappy new dress is always welcome—there are any
number of times when it is almost indispensable, when
the old dress will not do.
$7.50 buys any $l5 dress; $lO buys pleases
you most at $2O; &so through all the dresses.
Pick one tomorrow.
$5 Skirts are $3.50; & Skirts
up to $l5 are $6 5Q tomorrow.
51 The up-to-date $l5 skirts at $6.50 are perhaps 55 or 60
samples from a maker’s road-nue.
Panamas, broadcloths & serges; mostly black, though a
few women will be able to select durable mixtures, navys
& stripes.
51 Ihe $5 skirts at $3-5° are black, navy or brown. In
panama only, trimmed or plain.
Bloomberg; vice president. Miss Net
tie Sellinger; recording secretary, Mise
Florence Werblum; financial secretary
(re-elected). William Weininger; treasr
urer, Miss Dora Hahn; press committee,
Ben Adler; sergeant-at-arms, Israel
Hahn; Chairman of entertainment com
mittee, Chas. M. Lee. *
After the election of officers and reg
ular course of business, the members
and their guests retired to the table,
where refreshments were served and the
. following reports aud papers were
; heard with great applause:
“President's Message,” Sam L.
i Bloomberg; report of financial secre
' tary, Wm. Weininger: report of chair-
I man of entertainment committee. Miss
| Dora Hahp; “The J. I. C. and Its In
fluence on the Youth,” Miss Nettie
Sellinger; “The J. L. C. and Its Atti
| tude Toward the Parent, Miss Wise;
I “The J. L. C. and Its Connection with
[Jews in General,” Miss Florence Wer
| blum; -“The J. L. C. and the Talmud
'Torah,” I. Hahn; “Why the J. L. C.
I Should Have a More Complete
Library,” Joe Brown.
After hearing the report of the liter
ary leader, Sam Jacobs, the elub de
cided to lay plans for a more complete
library as mentioned in the paper of
Mr. Joe Brown.
The installation of officers of the
club will take place at the next meet
ing. which will occur on Tuesday even
ing. Jan. 11. at the club’s new rooms
in the new I. O. O. F. building.
At the regular meeting of General D.
8. Stanley circle No. 3, ladies of the
Grand Army of the Republic to be hold
in the new Odd Fellows ball Tuesday
afternoon, Jan. 11, installation of offi
eers will take place, after which a ban
quet will be served to the members of
E. O. C. Ord Post No. 3, Grand Army
of the Republic.
The following officers will be in
stalled: President. Mrs. Katie Sehar
finberg: senior vice president. Mrs.
Sarah Miller; junior vice president,
Mrs. Elizabeth Bonnet; chaplain. Mrs.
Louisa Powers; treasurer. Mrs. Emma
Norris; secretary, Mrs. Ellen Mills; con
ductor. Mm, T is rd. Mrs.
Alice Gastring; assistant condOclor,
Mx'.i. Jennie Reed: assistant guard, Mrs.
Caroline Ward. The installing officer is
Mrs. Ellen Mills.
There will also be an initiation of two
newly elected members.
Dear Miss Grey: What would be an
appropriate present to give to a young
man whom I onlv know casuallv?'
B. P.
A.: I suggest a book on a subject in
which you know he is interested.
New Menu Daily. Orchestral Concerts
JANUARY 9, 1910.
Silk Dresses $ D & up
shades for Spring.
5' These silk dresses have
pleated & draped skirts;
the shades are tans, Co
penhagens, navy, blacks,
gray s, black-&-white
stripes, etc.
$12.50 to $2O; worth in
every case from $25 to $45.
Sizes 34 to 42.
the woman
U you need advice write to me.
I want all the readers of The Ugat
to bring their troumea to me. All
letters enclosing stamped envelope
vlll receive personal answer and
ail communications win be held Id
C. M. A.—The electric needle is used
with perfect success for the removal of
superfluous hair. The writer has known
personally of thousands of cases that
have been treated with no scars result
ing and no return or new growth. The
scientific treatment of superfluous hair
by means of the electric needle has be
come so perfect that none need fear it.
Mother—Little girls of 13 are wear
ing middy blouses. You can purchase
these garments in the shops, the prices
ranging from 75 cents to several dol
| lars. They are made of rather coarse,
durable material, and are easily laund
ered. Make a kilt, skirt of dark blue
sorgo, and your child will be neatly
Bethy—The essential feature in nil
breathing exercises is to inflate tbe
kings upward instead of downward, as
if trying to lift the body from th«
ground with tho inspired air. A simple
rule which you can follow easily many
times a day, while standing before an
I open window or waiting for a. car, is
; this: Breathe in as if smelling a flower,
then let the air out through the mouth
as if you were whistling. You will givo
your lungs a bath.
<* •'•'.nttful bead t
•"4 bait th* bailie of twautj a
KWiW'dd 3T OU - S !5V r be,ore ln ’ hlatory "t
wo , r ‘l l ha ' Clonad In «U"U
taami'oi bair a* to day. Tbe
Imperial Hair
w bich is an absolutely harm-
I® BB preparation, will restore
hair that has become Streaked,
Faded or Gray, or mined by
1/ Obnoxious Dyes to the actual
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X AKAurtif v SrUr-t -i Sample of
your haircolore 1 free. Privacy
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