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14 Why Does Not Ihe Stomach Digest Itself? An Unsclvable Problem, Which Has Puzzled Physicians of All Schools. A Trial Package of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets Sent Free. There seems to be no logical reason why the stomach should not digest it self when we consider the fact that it secretes digestive fluids and acids which are powerful enough to disinte grate and digest meats, eggs, fruits, cereals, vegetables and other forms of food tnken into it. In nniuials which were killed while in full digestion the stomach has un dergone complete self-digestion after death, when the body was kept warm; and in human beings who have died suddenly, while digestion was going on, it was found at the autopsy that not only had the stomach been digest ed, but also the liver, pancreas, spleen, and. portions of the intestines. The question naturally presents it s«lf: “What protects the stomach from self-digestion during life?’’ Dr. Hunter declared that the “principle of life’’ in living things protected this organ from being digested by its own fluids, but Dr. Barnard successfully demon strated that the hind legs of n living frog, when introduced through a fistula or artifical opening into the stomach of a dog. undergoes complete digestion, and Dr. Povy. through similar experi ment. found that the same was true of a rabbit’s ear. While the normal stomach is immune from self d'gestion, there are many eases on record, however, in which a long-standing gastritis, and perverted digestion, has completely digested or eaten away the mucous membrane lin ing cf the stomach, and in some in stances has engendered gastric ulcer, which ate its way clear through the stomach wall, and caused a fatal peri tonitis. in all. cases of perverted function of the stomach, whi h manifests itself by the numerous well-known -ymptoms of indigestion and dyspepsia. Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets act as a corrective, re storing it to a normal condition, ton ing up the secretory glands, as well in the la 1001 glands, which absorb the fond, and at the same time assisting the stomach iu the process of digestion, and preventing al] possibility of such conditions arising as will cause per verted funcrion. gastrit's, gastric ni cer. or the eating away of the mucous membrane of the stomach. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets are ex coding’s- powerful digestives, a single grain being sufficient to digest 3000 grains of food. includ : ng meats, vege tables. cereals, etc. They digest nl bume’ous and starchy foods equally well. Whenever the stomach is in a weakened condition, and so lacking in tone, that It furnishes an insufficient amount of gastric ju’ce, such svmntoms as heartburn, biliousness, headache, belching of gas and sour eructations are sure to appear, and make one feel generally miserable. Such symntoms can. however, be over come and done away with at once. Simply take one of two of Stuart’s Dysponsia Tablets and forget all about your digestive troubles. They do their work promptly and thoroughlv. every part'cle of food being completely di gested, and fermentat’on. decomopsi tion, and flatulence and heaviness in stomach after eating reFeved and cured. Purchase a box from your druggist today, price 50 cents. Also send us your name nnd address for free sample. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg.. Marshall Mich. SAN ANTONIAN WRITES SONG SUCCESS Arthur Blair, born and raised in this city, a son of Dr. IL A. Blair, has pub lished a very touching sentimental song which is creating much admiration in theatrical circles. Mr. Blair is a re markably fine violinist, having been ed ucated in Saunderhausen, Germanv. Rheumatism's ache and pains, whut would you give to be without them. Here’s the safest and best wav. Take Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Ten each night before retiring for a week, then akip a week and start again. You 'll .•oon wonder where the aches nnd pains went. Begin tonight. Lone Star Drug Store. Otto Rlebe Undertaking Co. St Wnth ph It’s As Good As New •o far as appearance goes, when yon get an overcoat or suit eleaned and pressed here. We take infinite pains with all our work, cleaning each gar ment separately and carefully guarding every fabric from the slightest injury. Every patron is pleased with tin thor oughness of our work and also with the moderate charges that rule iu our estab lishment. NEW YORK STAB DYE WORKS. 208 N. Presa. Both Phones. Agent Wanted SUNDAY, THEY WANT A BUREAU OF MINING Mine Workers at Convention Will Take Step to Force Establishment. MORE STRINGENT LAWS Have Recommendations to Of fer for Better Protection of the Miners. United Press. Chicago, 111.. Jan B.—Dunean Mc- Donald, president of the United Mine Workers of Illinois, who is here to take up the work of compiling the evidence against the St. Paul Mining company in the Cherry mine disaster, said tonight that when the convention of United Mine Workers of America convenes in Indianapolis tor a two weeks' session beginning January IS, steps will be taken to force the federal government to establish a bureau of mines and make the mining laws of the various states uniform. He said the mining regulations would be the principal thing taken up at the Indianapolis meeting, and that if neces sary, political action would be taken to defeat the lawmakers who refuse to use their offices in securing the passage of better laws. McDonald declared that sinee the Cherry disaster, the members of both houses are making a great fuss over the establishment of rescue stations and overlooking laws which would protect the workers before they enter the mines. “There is very little use for a rescue station after the men are entombed in the mines or after an explosion or a dis astrous fire.’’ said McDonald, “and for this reason every effort should bo di rected towards the making of laws that will prevent accidents.’’ Theorists of No Use. McDonald is bitter in his denuncia tion of the rescue work at the Cherry mine and says that if there had been a few practical miners on the work in stead of “book-learned theorists,” as he terms the federal mining experts, there would have been at least a dozen ™a-o men taken out of the second vein alive. Some of the things that the miners’ .convention will demand nre: That more practical miners be ap pointed ns mine inspectors; that escape shafts shall not be less than 300 feet from the main shaft; that all shafts be fireproof; that the examination of mon who say they are miners be more rigd and that an einnlover’s liability law land a general work’ngmen’s compensa tion law be enacted. McDonald in discussing the class of men who nre sent down in mines, said: “The miners of today are chosen ns a result of their cheapness, whether they arc f’t for the work or not. and when ever an accident hannens in the mines, come of these greenhorns become pan i"kv and act like women and as a result manv Fves nre lost. “The old time miners nre driv en from the mines bv this cheap class of labor and the loss of life is on the increase. If there had been a few more । experienced miners in the pit at the i time of the Cherry mine f ; re, them '"■onld not ho 210 d°ad bodies down there now. The fwentv-one that were I saved owe th»ir lives tn one old miner 1 who was >n the cronp. ” Not a “Square Deal.” Attorney Seymour Stedman, connsei I for the miners in the Cherry disaster, | produced some of tho figures that show | that the United States is spending mil -1 lions of dollars yearly in research and ! experiments with national resources, while only $150,000 was expended in es tablishing rescue stations for the bene i fit of the minors who added $200,000,- ; 000 to the wealth of the country dur ing tho last fiscal year. “In the last ten years, 1138 miners I have been killed in mine accidents, ” I said Stedman today. “Is it more im> i port ant that tho trees be saved from rot । ting or is it that these terrible aeei i dents be prevented?” i Stedman alleges that the state min i ing laws were violated by the St. Pau! i company. Some of the violations, he charges are: That there was no escape ment shaft in the meaning of the min ing statute; that the men were not told where fire fighting apparatus was lo cated in the pit; that kerosene and cheaper grades of oil were used instead cf animal or vegetable oil, nnd that boys under the legal age, 10 years, were employed. Duncan McDonald, when shown a table giving the loss of life iu Amer ican and European m : nes and which will be presented at the Indianapolis convention, said: “The table will be much larger next year if tho American people do not force congress and the various state legislatures to enact better mining laws.” The loss of life in America is far greater than in most other countries as the fa’ lo w'll zhnw: North Amer ica loss of life per 1000 miners emn'o*’ cd ! n 180". 4.17; Belolnm 1.00; France .91: Great Britain. 1.28; Prussia. 2.00 Work 24 Hours a Day. Tho busiest little things ever mndo are Dr. King’s New Life Pills. Evorv pill is a sugar-coated globule of health that changes weakness into strength, languor into energy, brain-fag into men tai power; curing Constipation, Head aehe, Chills. Dyspepsia, Malaria. 35e. at. Bexar Drug Co. Dr. Jacobi lias resumed th“ practice of ; dentistry. Rooms 519 20 Hicks Bldg. I Old phone 1832. - I Dr. Keeling, Dentist, 209 Alamo Plaza. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE They Are Here-A Car of Cutler Desks The celebrated desk that never fails to please. They are the proper thing for Banker, Merchant, Real Estate Dealer, in fact suitable for any Business House. There are Roll Tops, all sizes; Flat Tops, all lengths; Typewriter and Standing Desks of all sizes. Fine, quartered golden oak Flat Tops at $16.00. Roil tops $25.00 up. Get Yours While the Stock Is Complete Watch Our Display Window*, This Is Dining Room W«efc Effects. Cast your eye over this lot, then come inside and see hundreds of others. You are sure to find what you want. t detains in Odd Pairs This week’s selling of 1,2, 3 pair lot curtains contains some rare values. Cost has not been considered. They are to be sold on first call. Fine Morris Ch Included in this sale are seme 20 des : gns that arrived late for holiday trade. Think of a fine comfortable Morris chair, • with J UW oak frame, fine Moroecoline cush- /I / ions, for <■ • Ur $3 00 Axmhsfer Rugs A large shipment of high-class, Spring Patterns from Sanford & Son’s big Mills. Fancy florals and classy orientals. 1 Q All go Monday at / $23.65 Sanford’s Beautiful Axminster, $30.00 Art Squares $23.65 G. A. Stower’s Furniture Company BELIEF IN MARTIAN CANALS Scientists Unwilling to Accept Maun- } der's Conclusions as Against Lowell’s. London. Jan. B.—Astronomer Maun- } der's pronouncement against the exist- j cnee of canals on Mar* has not con- , vinced tho scientific world entirely. Dr. । Lockyer, of the Solar Physics observa- } tory at South Kensington, still pins his , faith to Prof. Percival Lowell's theo- : ries, greatly on the ground of the per- ' feet ion of Prof. Lowell’s observation station in Arizona, and his faith in Prof. Lowell as an accurate, patient observer. Prof. Schiapparelli, when shown the report of Dr. Mannder’s lecture, said, in Milan, the real existence of canal like markings in Mars was undoubt- I able. He discovered them first in 1877, ; and had seen them since many times. I Dr. Hale’s photographs, if they do not OUT OF THE GLOOM. Many a Gloomy Countenance In San Antonio Now Lightens With Happiness. A bad back makes you gloomy. J i Can’t be happy with continual baeky The aches and pains of a bad back / Are mostly due to sick kidneys, j Doan s Kidney Pills Cure sick Aid aeys. X They have made many a happj- home jn San Antonio. f Read what a grateful citizen lays: Mrs. E. Doc.wra, 513 Montan! street, Ban Antonio, Texas, says: “I used Doan's Kidney Tills with the greatest benefit. 1 hail a dull pain in the small of my backland was also bothered by irregular parages of the kidney secretions. I wal led to try Doan's Kidney Pills by I hearing many favorable reports of Siem. I procured a box from the Bo Ar Drug Co. and they soon removed mAnuihle. I am- pleased to give this ■ my recommendation in the hope tin t u my experience will be helpful to ney sufferers. ” no. For sale by all dealers. gave ; Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo. agents fo? the United State IVsfAu en ~ Remember the name a \«t L ' take no other. Mrk of t We are showing a large line of fme Davenports. Mahogany, Early English and Golden Oak Frames, heavy steel springs, fine upholstering, regular bed size. This Davenport, I fiA $27.50 value, on sale this week for is surely in a class alone. We have during our furniture career never had so good a value to offer at a price so very low, A full sized couch, oak frame, good springs, morocaline IO A A covered. This week for show traces of the canals, cannot be held as decisive proof, because it is positive the negatives were exposed at a moment when Mars was in such a position that the lines, for some opti i cal reason, could not be seen from । Mount Wilson. | —Wanted —Extra carrier boys , horse and cart. 8. A. Light and Gazjjcte. SOCIAL TELEGRAPH ChTdE. — Originator Would Wire dinner Invita tions in BricZ Fonn. London. Jan. 8. —A l‘social” code for the use of families rAd friends in ex changing telegrams been invented by Mr. John Haryfmnn, a London code I expert. /' ‘ ‘ Such a Xde will simplify matters । for frieudifat a distance,” said Mr. ! “AU kinds of social invita tions. messages, and greetings can be sent iu /one or two simple code words, and people with many friends will bo able tL save money ou their telegrams. “ifw general and the cable eomrfinics now allow any word of 10 letters whieh can be pronounced dis tinAly to be sent at the single rate. /‘At one time tho word had to be part ojf‘some recognized language, but. now |Xny kind of invented word will do. f “For example, yon could if you C wished wire ‘bababababa’ as one word, I and it could stand for quite a long mes | sage. “My idea is to have what we call a ‘half-word’ code, so that almost any ' message could lie put into one combined word of 10 letters. “The code word ‘dinki,’ for instance. ' could stand for ‘ Will you and your wife come and stay at our place in the conn try?’ and the length of the visit an , the object eould be expressed by a I other half word. i “Many unnecessary words could b t saved. A clubman wiring to a friend , ‘We had an awfully jolly time las . evening; can you turn up tonight agaii lat my rooms."eh, what?’ could pack it ; ■■•!! into one word —say ‘ jockiturni. ’ “Each member of the same set could ? have the same code, which would have the advantage of secrecy, for servants would not be able to read the message without, the key. e: “(‘odes save hundreds of thousands of thnounds a year in business, and I see no wi cason was a ‘social’ code should not be rr :i s popular a family book as an ABC tlmulway guide.” I Special Offer In Davenports A Couch Like This MAYOR FORGER’S LEADER. Executive of Sicilian- Town Trapped . -W ith Counterfeiters. Milan, Jan. S.—Dramatic incidents arc linked with the arrest of Signor Diego Cutrufelli. mayor of Graniti, near j Taormina, Sicily, as chief confederate >n a big gang of “gentlemen” forgers. For months past the Italian govern ment has tried to track the dissemin ators of an immense number of false bank notes, whereby hundreds of the Sicilian peasantry have Aeen victim ized. Whenever a suspect happened to be taken into custody tho mayor of Gran iti w in! i almost invariably put in first rate testimonials on behalf of tho pris oner. or he would attend the hearing of the charge in ]ierson, and laugh at the “stupidity” of the police, and demand the immediate release of the accused. His worship has played the trick once too often, and the suspicions of the magistrate were aronsed. The g ivern ment, aiding upon secret information, I dispatched a brigadier with a squad of | caraginieri from Palermo, with instruc tions to make a thorough search for the forger*’ don. In order to keep the townsfoik (l ff the real scent, the briga dier availed himself of a local tradi tion, which says that the notorious Si cilian brigand, Castro, who ended a daredevil career by murdering Com mendn'ore Ferrari, a rich lahdowner of Graniti. buried his boooty somewhere in the ueighborhood, before his hasty ' flight Io the United States. The br gadier explained that the car abinieri had a clew, and had come to dig for the hidden treasure. When, Coffee | 1 ■ but a very ■ cheap coffee |as to Cup-price VAy. Jr H —itsqualitj and yfl □ donble strength I making possible twice us many ■ cups to the pound. B Sold Everywhere the REILY-TAYLOR.CO. ■ luzianne coffee however, the exploration work began to be q%ter.iled to. the ma'yor 's' own prem ises, consl er nation was caused by the swift disappearance of a number of loading men in local affairs. Such of the mayor's colleagues as remained were closely watched by tho police. The efforts of the diggers were snon rewarded, for, striking upon a massive j mar.ilo slab that concealed the entrance to the forgers' eave, they found a labor atory well provided with acids, a print ing press, and engraving blocks, and, in fact, all the usual apparatus of the pro fessional forger. Exquisitely forged ! bank notes to the value of $lOO,OOO wore i ready for circulation. LULING ITEMS. Special Dispatch. Luluing, Tex.. Jan. B.—Luling lodged No. 211 at a special meeting held Thursday night installed the following new officers for the ensuing Odd Fellow year: 8. W. Huff, N. G.; A. C. Severs-j dorf, V. G.; M. H. Dowell, Secretary,} and W. G. Jackson, treasurer. The Luling chapter of Royal Arch! Masons conferred the R. A. degree upon ! C. E. Lipscomb. F. L. Tiller and O.( Wnlkerwich. At the conclusion of the work an elegant banquet was served at! the Wilson house. The visitors present were W. J. and J. A. Pryor of San An tonio; M. L. Hurst. W. Carpenter and G. W. Kyser of Lockhart, and Lieuten-; ant James P. Morley, U. 8. A., Fort Sill, Okla. Honorable A. E. Holland returned Sat urday from Palestine. Miss Petra Champion returned Tues day to her home at Brownsville after a pleasant visit to Miss Nina Champion. Miss Clive Maxwell of Seguin visited in the city last week. 1 S. G. Dowell returned to Douglas, Ari zona. Thursday. Misses Nell Pryor, Agnes Donaho and Margarita Guinn returned Sunday to their homes in San Antonio after a. pleasant visit here. Judge A. C. Milliean was in San Marcos Monday. Miss Nora Eckols left Tuesday for Sherman to attend the Carr-Burdette school. Miss Rush Anderson returned to Hal lettsvillc Sunday. Penumonia Follows a Cold i but never follows the use of Foley's Honey and Tar, which stops the cough, [heals the lungs, and expels the cold I from your system. Bexar Drug Co. JANUARY 9. 1910. You Are Very welcome Come in and inspect the new ideas in Spring Drapes. Our department is teeming with new ideas. Come, have a look. Is Your Ki’chen Complete? Is your kitchen complete? Of course not unless equipped with a modern, up-to-date cabinet, such as you only find at a well stocked, up-to-date store like Stower’s. We are showing 50 styles this week. Special Monday < XW IW nnd Tuesday, a $23.50 cabinet, 1 / /1* top and all complete, for JL v • V SSXO Ixmlister Fugs This line of Rugs fresh from the loom of one of the largest and best factories. New Spring Pat terns, fine colors and classv de signs. Monday sale O price kJ • O x GERMAN ARMY IS COSTLY. I Estimates for New Year Show Increase of $2,500,000. Berlin. Jan. 8. —Germany is spending more than over on her army, according to Col. Gaedkc, the German military expert, who contributes to the Tageblatt an article in which he states: “It has been boasted that there are secret economies so that the require ments of the German army have been reduced by $5,750,000 in comparison with last year’s expenditure. It must, however, be noticed that these reduced demands apply solely to the extraordin ary estimates, where as ordinary esti mates have been increased bv $3059. 000.” Made In Missouri "If you want to be shown" Ask your Grocer. All first class groews sell White Swan Flour. PYNE 0. CRANE Distributors. Cor. Medina and Matamoras Sts., San Antonio, Texas.