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Wood-Coal WEATHER Makes Higher Prices (Moral) Buy your Fuel in Warm Weather CARR CO. FOR FANCY DYEING FRENCH DRY CLEANING —SEE— THE MODERN FRENCH 081 CIEMIHG CO. 304 SOUTH ALAMO ST. Old Phone 543-2 r. New Phone 524. ARCHER Official Photographer National Rail way* of Mexico. Designing, ll’usfrating Photographing New Phone 833. 215 Alamo Plaza. Young Men San Antonio Auto School JOHNSON LANE. Mgr. 7331/z E. Houston St. Learn the Automobile Trade BIG MARK DOWN SALE OF JEWELRY ENDS January 12 BICKFORD The Jeweler 102 W. Commerce Street PROF. G. C. GALLONI From Rome. Italy. VOCAL TEACHER 20 years’ experi ence In Grand Opera. Specialist In voice production and breathing Pupils trained from beginning Ip ,/llUsh. Pure Italian method. Onera. Concert and Oratorla taught. Great opportunity for all whe want voice culture. Studio 231 Ave. C. Vacuum House Cleaning We clean carpets, matting, rugs and upholstery without removal. Satisfaction guaranteed. San Antonio Vacuum Cleaning Work*. Ed Beere, Mgr., 302 Matagorda St. New Phone 1806. Old Phone 2876. R. SIRDHk.EfER Peg'ered Plumber & ' rain lasers STEAM AND GAS FITTER. 704 St. Mary St. Old Phone 2947. New Phone 1136. LEVYTANSKTS JEWELRY EMPORIUM FOR ANYTHING IN THAT LINE Cor. Casino and W. Commerce St. Near th. Bridge. Fischer's Drug Store GIBBS BUILDING. Best drugstore service in the city. Headquarters San Antonio Graduate Nurses’ Assr ciatlon. Calls taken for phy sicians or nurses any hour, day or night We have six quick delivery messengers. Open all night Both phones 224. EIKEL AUTOMOBILE CO. 427 MAIN AVENUE Agents for Yshe JACKSON Old Phone 1888 ANDREW KOEHN | DELICATESSEN | 207 SOUTH ALAMO STREET Lunch room for ladle* and gentlemen In connection. GRAY HATTER bells the Best $1 Hat in Town 04 SOLEDAD ST. 20IH CENTURY PHARMACIES THE CUT RATE DRUG STORES 144 West Commerce Street. 222 Ea*t Houston Street. Agents for Whitman's Candle*. •SUNDAY, SNUBS OF LORDS FOR CHURCHILL Never In British Politics Has There Been So Much Per sonal Bitterness, HIS THRUSTS HAVE CUT London, Jan. B.—Nover in the mem ory of man has there been as much per sonal bitterness in British politics as lias resulted from the budget and the rejection of it by the house of lords. The attacks made on the character and capacity of the peers have aroused strong indignation in the circles of the aristocracy, and this indignation has been directed mainly against Winston Churchill. Chancellor Lord-George comes from the people. The lords and ladies are content to regard his fierce onslaughts as an evidence of his ignorance. The radical peers are either literary par venne like Lord Morley, with no con nection in Mayfair drawing rooms and no yearnings for the society of dukes, or else they possess the charm of mod eration which disarms enmity. Lord Crewe, who introduced the bud get in the house of lords, is Lord Rose berry’s son-in-law, and his speeches are always honeyed and polite. Lord Car rington. minister of agriculture and a personal friend of King Edward, is a genial country gentleman with whom nobody, not even an angry marquis can possibly quarrel. Churchill Is a Blue Blood. But Winston Churchill falls into quite another category. By birth he belongs to the aristocracy. He is a grandson of a duke and the present duke of Marl borough is his first cousin. He is a political turncoat, having changed from toryism to radicalism, mainly it is sug gested through a hatred of -Joseph Cham berlain, but his conversion has gained him a high office. Moreover, he is a virulent antagonist, and his speeches are vitriolic. No tnan in British public life possesses so fine a gif of denunciation and no one is less restrained. He denounces his own order every time he mounts a plat form, and he is hated with complete and bitter hatred. Winston Churchill’s sarcastic refer-1 ences to Lord Rothschild, the great in-; ternational banker, have been particu- j larly marked and they are denounced ' as an evidence of gross ingratitude. On j the death of Churchill’s father, Lord! Randolph Churchill, his affairs were, found to be in considerable confusion, [ and Lord Rothschild personally under took to unravel the difficulties and I make the best possible provision for the I sons. Owes Much to Financier. For a Rothschild to accept a task of this sort is for success to be assured, i and though this was not generally known in EugJjßnd.the p<esident of the board of trade owes a great deal of his i career to the kindness of the financier. It is now threatened that if Winston i Churchill should make any further at- i tack on Lord Rothschild he will be publicly reminded of Lord Randolph’s, ruin, and this is expected to create a stir without a parallel in sedate British public life. Ignored at Army Maneuvers. Churchill attended the recent army maneuvers as an officer of the Oxford shire yeomanry. On the last day the cavalry was all drawn up in an extended line, standing at ease, the officers be ing dismounted and chatting together in groups. Churchill rode with an or । derly from one end of the line to the j other without a single brother officer taking the slightest notice of him un- I til the brother of a certain earl shouted: "Churchill, if you want to look like ; a soldier, why don’t you get your hair ieut ? ’ ’ The duke of Marlborough is quite willing to take a hand in the game of humiliating nis brilliant cousin, although for years they were close friends and the duke made Churchill a handsome al lowance. At a dinner a week or two ago at Blenheim a butler asked him: "Claret or cider, sir?’’ "Thanks,’’ was the reply, "I’ll have j some champagne. ’ ’ Presently the butler came around again. “Claret or cider, sir?’’ he repeated. "I said I'd have some champagne,’’ replied Churchill. "I atn sorry, sir, but his grace has $3-50 Recipe Cures Weak Men---Free Send Name and AddressToday-*- You Gan Have it Free and Be Strong anj Vigorous. I have in my possession a prescription for nervous debility, lack of vigor, weak ened manhood, falling memory and lame buck, brought on by excesses, unnatural dialns. or the follies of youth, that has cured so many worn and nervous men light In their own homes—without any additional help or medicine—that 1 think every man who wishes to regain his man ly power and virility. quickly and quietly, should have a copy. So 1 have deter mined to send a copy of the prescription free of charge, In a plain, ordinary seal ed envelope to any man who will write me tor it. This prescription comes from a physi cian who has made a special study of men and I am convinced It Is the surest acting combination for the cure of deil cient manhood and vigor failure ever put together. 1 think 1 owe it to my fellow man to send them a copy in confidence so that any man anywhere who Is weak and dls < ouraged with repeated failures may slop drugting himself with harmful patent I medicines secure what I oelleve Is the I quickest-acting restorative, upbuilding | SPOT-TOUCHING remedy ever devised. . and so cure himself at home quietly and I quickly Just drop me a line like this: ' Dr. A E Robinson. 4725 Luck Building. I Detroit. Mich.. and I will send you a | copy of this splendid recipe In a plain ordinary envelope free of charge. A great many doctors would charge $3.00 to $5.00 . for merely writing out a prescription Ilka this—but I send it entirely free. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AN D GAZETTE 2'4 Months Saved Out of One Year I I Do you ever dread for the time to come to prepare a meal ? Do you ever feel that if you could just get rid of kitchen work that life would be one long sweet song ? Did you ever realize that there are 1095 meals to prepare in most every household each year ? Did you ever realize that the average time for preparing a meal on a wood stove is one hour ? This makes 3,275 hours, or 136 V? days or months spent over the cook stove. If you can save one-half of this time, spent in this life-sapping, tiresome kitchen work, isn’t it worth while ? If you can change this work from drudgery to pleasure, isn’t it worth while ? If you can cook better meals and still save months out of each year, doesn’t that appeal to you? If you can save money as well as time, is not this also attractive ? The Gas Range Will Do It. It has done it for thousands and thousands of housekeepers before you. Ring up, either phone 315, Commercial Department, and have one of our men call and see you. Our representatives are always at your service. San Antonio Gas Electric Co. 305 East Houston Street given no order for champagne. ’ ’ Gets a Stinging Retort. Churchill called to his cousin at the other end of the table. "Sunny (an abbreviation of Sunder land, the duke's second title) why must n’t we have champagne tonight?’’ "Oh,’’ was the retort. "I thought cider would be more suitable to your opinion and friends.’’ The gibe was not brilliant, but it is being repeated everywhere, and vastly delights the English governing class. The snubbing of Churchill is also be- ) ing administered to his American moth-. er, Mrs. George Cornwallis-West. It is ■ generally assumed that Mrs. West was 1 largely responsible for her son’s change i to sides. She is known to be closely I attached to him, to share his present i views and to aet as his encourager and i iuspircr. She has boasted also of the lengths to which he is prepared to go and of the part he intends playing in the great revolutions which British society is be ginning to anticipate with trembling knees. Furthermore, Mrs. West’s rem iniscences are regarded as eminently in discreet and have caused considerable ir ritation in the highest circles. FOUND GEMS IN THE BIRDS Wilson Foster, American Klondike, I Presents Tep Thousand to Canada. Ottawa, Ont., Jan. B.—Wilson Fos ter, Klondike prospector, has present ed the Dominion museum with ten thou sand specimens of minerals secured in the Klondike region, gold, topaz, opals etc Many of the specimens were taken from the gizzards of ptarmigans and grouse found in the rich mineral-bear ing districts of the Yukon. They rep resent almost every kind of precious stone except diamonds. While prospecting here Foster no ticed the birds always picking away at stones and trapping ninny ho was aston ished at the variety and value of the stones found in their gizzards. One curiosity ho is giving to the museum is a mastadon’s tooth, weighing four teen pounds. He will present to the British mu seum at London, where he is going, a collecting/ made up of fifty thousand specimens of minerals, probably one >f the largest collections in the world. Foster's baggage consists of two trunks, but in these two he has not less than two million mineral specimens from all parts of the Yukon. Foster is a native of St. Louis, Mo. | POISON CASE STIRS FRANCE Tragedy Recalls Sensational Molineaux Affair In New York. WRONG MAN IS THE VICTIM Paris, Jan. 8. —France had many puz zling murders during the last three months, and those of most recent oc currence are deeply agitating the pub lie. The last scusational tragedy and the one which promises to be the most famous was the death by poison of M. Godard, a young Belgian tenor attach ed to the opera. The death occurred in October, but that it was due to criminal cause be came known only this week. The case closely resembles in general otulines the famous one in New York in which Moli ncaux was tried for his life several years ago. The poison was not intended for its victim. It was sent anonymously EIGHTY YEARS OLD ENJOYS GOOD HEALTH Salt Lake City Utah.—Mrs. J. TL McNeal after attaining the ripe old age of four score years, writes the following letter for the benefit of the younger generations. “I am eighty rears old and thank Ballard’s Hore hound Svrup for having cured meof coughs, colds and similar diseases. We are all exposed at times to coughs, colds, bronchitis and other pulmonary diseases and should be glad to know the best remedy. Ballard's Horehound Syrup can be given to babies as well as adults. Try a small bottle at first and after that buy the larger bottles, which are cheaper in proportion.” BaHard Snow Liniment Co., St. Louis, Mo. Price 25c, 60c and $l.OO Sold and recommended by dcAAM DRUG GIL in a small medicine chest to a Parisian family which, after the close of the season, was still lingering at its sum mer home at. Vesinet. Godard, who was a guest, was attack ed by indisposition, and wafers from the medicine chest supposed to contain i anti-pyrine were given him. He died after hours of horrible suffering. His body was sent to Belgium and buried, however, without any suspicion of foul play having been excited. Recalls Poisoned Bonbons. Two years before this tragedy Go-1 dard’s host, M. Doudieux, received in the same mysterious way a box of bon-1 bons which were found to contain ar- ; senic. Eight days later an anonymous i letter reproached him for having mar ried, informed him a blond girl em-1 ployed in the Louvre department store loved him. and suggested that he get a divorce and marry her. A month ago, some time after the i death of Godard, Doudieux received a] box of mussels, also from an anonymous, source. A chemist who was consulted! discovered they were sprinkled with ar-j scnic. Early this week Doudieux met in the Bois de. Boulogne a blond young young woman whom he had known-at the Louvre. To his surprise she be trayed apprehension and tried to avoid him. When he addressed her she brus-, quely denied his acquaintance. The next day, however, a letter came to him ■ from her begging his pardon and offer ing a rendezvous. Handwriting Gives Clew, x The handwriting of this letter re called that of the anonymous missive of. two years ago and also the superscrip tions of the anonymous packages. Thusj •ardily was suspicion nwakened. Mlle. Varie Bourette, a blond young: voman, formerly of the Louvre, there-) ipon was arrested nnd charged with ho murder of Godard. At her home; • ere found several unsigned letters and considerable quantity of arsenic. Simple Remedy for LaGnppe. LaGrippe coughs are dangerous, as hey frequently develop into pneu nonia Foley’s Honey and Tar not >nly stops the cough, but heals and strengthens the lungs so that no sq l rious results need be feared. The gen uine Foley's Honey and Tar contains no harmful drugs and is in a yellow package. Bexar Drug company. • Doctors Curry & Waganer, Dentists— Gibbs Building. Dr. S. S. Beakley, Girls Bldg. Eye, I ear. near and tkvAof HIS WILL BLOW TO WIDOW ; American Princess Loses Great Castle Paid for With Her Money By Terms of Husband’s Testament. I Rome, Jan. B.—As predicted last week, the will of Prince Enrico Raus poli contains a disagreeable surprise for his American widow, as it was found he had left the great castle of Nemi to his brother, although it was bought with his wife’s money and put in order and furnished through the same means. Princess Rauspoli, it is said, does not ■ intend to sit dowu meekly under the ■ loss and the prince's brother will not i enter into his inheritance without some difficulty. There is little hope she can do much, as the law is with the brother, unless she had her money settled upon herself at the time of her marriage. She is powerless even then, as the castle was bought in her husband’s name, and therefore he could do as he 150 Varieties Roses Satsuma Oranges Magnolia Figs Grafted Fecans Orders Booked Now for Immediate Delivery. KNOX NURSERIES SL7 p d h% p £e ' £V T New Year's Big Discount At San Antonio’s Leading Business School We can save you TIME, LABOR and MONEY, Have many students from other schools. Up-to-date methods, latest and best text books, newest systems, most experienced and capable teachers. Bookkeeping, Banking. Telegraphy. Shorthand. Typewriting. Spanish, Etc., taught. Owned 6y San Antonio business men. Thoroughness and satisfaction guaranteed. Write, call or ’phone 1278, New or 894 Old SAN ANTONIO BUSINESS COLLEGE 125 W. Commerce Street. San Antonio, Texas. SAN ANTONIO JANUARY 9, 1910. pleased with it. It is an extremely hard) case, leaving the princess considerably poorer than she was when she married the second time. Society is expecting several spicy anecdotes during the struggle for possession of the palace. THANKS HENRY FOR HIS WORK ON BILL Washington, D. C., Jan. 8. —Con- gressman Henry of Texas today re ceived a letter from D. J. Neill, former president of the Texas Farmers' union, thanking him for his work on the bills to prevent gambling in futures on farm products. Neill writes he will be here the latter part of January to appear be fore the agricultural committee. • From rheumatism, aches and pains, Your system will be free, If you'll but take a nightly drink. Of Hollister’s Rocky Mountain Tea. Lone Star Drug Store.