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TRICKSTER'S PLOT NEARLY SUCCEEDS London Financiers Even Now May Be Forced to Pay Sil verberg a Large Sum. $20,000,000 IN THE PLOT London, Jan. 8. —How Harry Silver berg, an international crook known to a powerful group of London financiers as “James J. Williams,'’ but to the police of practically all the civilized countries of the world under many al iases, came nearly wrecking an impor tant financial undertaking connected with the development of Chilean rail ways, was related today by officials of the Chilean legation here. It seems that early in 1909, “Wil liams,” a clean cut, good looking man, arrived in Chile bringing letters of in troduction from excellent persons iu the United States to the most promi nent people in the republic. It was not long before the letters, now be lieved to have been forged, boro fruit. Chile was anxious to complete its ar rangements in connection with tho building of a longitudinal railroad through South America and “Wil liams,” knowing this, threw out bait in the proper quarters by bragging about his wealthy friends in tho United States and England. Eventually tho Chilean government sent him to Eng land to try and get a bid for build ing a section of the railway from Palos Quemadas to Lagunas. Fortified by a batch of letters of in troduction to n number of prominent persons here, “Williams” arrived in London in the spring and actually, by his wonderful persuasive powers and consummate skill, succeeded in inter esting certain financiers. The Chilean Longitudinal Railway Construction company, limited, was then formed with a capital of >200,000. Bid of 820 000,000 Accepted. After a little while the company sub mitted a bid of >20,000,000 to the Chi lean government for the construction of the road, which was accepted with a proviso by the latter that the com pany deposit $200,000 with them to show good faith, the money to be for feited if the contract was not carried out. “Williams” again visited Chilo and in duo course the deposit was made. At this point formed Judge Edward T. Coyne of New York was sent to Chile by the company to /ee thnj all was right. Meeting “Williams” the*- and getting a clean bi’l of health. ? Covne returned to London about tw., months ago. accompanied by “Wil liams.” Arrangements then were pushed ahead for perfecting the financial back ing. preparatory- to beginning the act ual work on iho railroad. wPen Co'-—- had his suspicions aroused that “Wil- H-ms" was not all he professed to be. These snsoicions were turned into cor taintr by chajM^when ( Wi)liam Coyne, ■Tn American newspaper man. rccog 'hired “Williams” as the original of a photograph in the New York rogues' gnllory. Promise to l«ave Broken. On being exposed S'lvcrbcrg agreed tn leave London, and it. was supposed he had done so. but it now apnears that the directors of the companv were a trifle premature fh their rejoicings 1 nt halving got rid of him. Silverberg ' left the hoto] at which he had been I stopping with a well educated young I womnn supposed to bo his wife, and was! supposed to have taken thn night i train to the continent. He still is in Lomdon. however, and his next step is ' locked forward to with some apprehen- i yon by his fellow directors on the moard of the Chilean Longitudinal com-1 Those include such notable men as the duke of Montrose. Lord Ribbles bale. and Lord Rnlfour. Besides the Chilean end of the af fair Silverberg also was concerned in a deal which has nn Uruguayan conces sion as its basis. When he went to j South America last August he received < cnlv >5OOO for the job. and his finan cial backers were congratulating them selves on having gnt so good a man for so little money. Thev now are afraid thev will find him an expensive man to get rid of. Tn remuneration for his labors in connection with the Chilean railway Silverberg was to receive a quarter per cent on the flotation, and did receive a bnnd'e of the founders’ stock This he hns not disgorged, and if he makes n the directors will find it diffi cult to cone with him. Made Member of Club. While in London Silverberg wns made a visiting member of the Coca tree club. The secretary of that club said todav that Silverberg nlavcd cards ■‘‘recnientlv. hut always paid, and , was paid, being generally voted by the . members a good fellow. He was quick ly expelled when the denouement camo. An appremstron of SHvofbcrg. who snonk" n number n f languages in addi- i tion to accomplishments innnmcrnbjn. | follows by Inspector McCarthy of Scot land Yard After describing him ns ; “a cheery nnd tho r»ost versatile ■ nc-mn that T ever came in contact I w’th.” McCarthy told how he arrested | Si'vcrberg in IShC. in connection with 1 his impersonation of John Coleman i Drayton. A warrant had been issued by the police for obtaining jewojrv on false 1 pretenses. McCarthy traced him to a i fashionable hotel. “He was giving n dinner to A little ; partv of friends when I called,” ho j continued. “I told him I had come to arrest him. and he asked me to let him j finish tho dinner and sav goodbv to hi* friends. Of course I refused to let him ; nut of my sight, and his offer to write i out 3 check for me for a year's salary did not help him in ‘he least. I bun- j him into a eab and took him ; SUNDAY, ft Right Now” H ' Don’t Be Like the “Waiting Man” Don’t pass by good opportunities. Many a man who i * s today to find a safe and profitable investment, I or right kind of a lot upon which to build his home was S 3 ,n the same frame of mind five years ago. He loSt h ‘ S o PP ortunit y then ’ he ’ s Posing it by today —the “waiting” fo " man’s time never conies. Hence, an opportunity once offered should be JSmIS Your Opportunity S fa Is Here Now ■ gjx If you are seeking the right spot for the right kind of a home, or the right kind of investment jO I Beautiful Highland Park I “The King of All” San Antonio’s Home-Site Additions ® Offers the distinction of quiet dignity and Do you know the value of desirably located completeness in every detail. Every modern and restricted property ? convenience is at your command in this modern ..... addition whether you are a home builder or ~ ° ou t " e va^ue and possibilities of VUM investor. • easily accessible property? wDK 0S _ . .. . . „ We are prepared to show you the advantages Do not be a waiting man. of Beautiful Highland Park. ' O Do not procrastinate like the “waiting” man It will pay you to investigate our property. m but put your money in beautiful ETighland Park p rices of b beautifu] )ots with a „ jm . gg an investment that contams no element of nsk - provementSi from $3OO up. • gIS Do you know the value of property like Terms: $5O or more down and from $lO to ' MAM? ■ Highland Park? $2O per month. g Highland Park Is Your Opportunity p Office at the f __ __ City Office [/Q — ..I Open Every Day MxO.DCT’tS 507 Navarro Street — — । Sales Manager ‘ , New Phone 2565 Blue Old Phone 1085 New Phone 692 n i ■ Iwif? ' J wWM | f Jm! F 4 , Si ——«— ii — ifiPvij straight to Bow street. He was actual- j idea, of course, that he was a prisoner, ly wearing some of the jewelry refer- I and charging the same to mo. red to in the warrant at the time of , “On the boat ns passengers were his arrest. Miss Annie Abbott, the Georgia sing- । Fools Captor on Vessel. ! er, and her husband, on therr way, I “What he said was brief and to the ] believe, to fulfill a continental music point, ‘I owe the money,’ he observed.| [mi] contract. Silverberg made friends cooly, ‘and if they don’t press me I'll | with these copatriots of his and J can compromise; if they do. they can go tinned him ngninst trying to play any ~ ” jtricks on them. ‘That’s all right,’ ho After a stay o* some weeks in the I sa jj, nonchalantly. ‘I have tried, but Holloway jail pending extradition for- mont , whoi s valiantly championing the mantles, Silverberg was sent to Ham- I H's n 0 good.' They have no money.’ ” burg iu custody of McCarthy. ; ‘‘W* nofseem in the kast dowa । L an d Throat—Park Terrues •as. said McCarthy. “In fact, he Sanitarium. Kates reasonable. Callon was so lively n]l the time that I kept! or gjdress Dr. W. E. Wright, Hicks the sharpest possible watch on him.. Bldg. Evon then he managed to fool me onee. I a for T caught him standing the drinks Drs. R. H. & Nettle G. Gray, and eigarj to passengers, who had no j Homeopaths, Hicks Building. SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE Jay E Adams and J H Kirkpatrick Ito Genr<e Wilson, lot »- block 5, on j Queen’s Ctesc“nt, laurel Heights Tcr i race; W«0. George anil Ester Wilson to -Tor E. Ad •anw ond J. H. Kirkpatrick, lot 11. bj®ck Queen's Creojent. Uaun-1 Height* ter race; , Hartwell and 1- Flippen -nd .'lire “■ Portenc of Davidson county Tennessee, to Gue A. Gmebner of Boxut county, lot t, new city block block lull, on south side of I'eres street; HOoO. H. P. Burney, receiver, to AU'cd Jean- Inn. lot <l. new city block • on east side Of South East street, also lot li% vara* on Perez street, old city fo; ~6. volume IST. pages 207-20#; H-*ii „ . J. P. and Bryant Forrest to P-üby George, lot 2T. block 1. city block 31’*- Marlborough Place; lot 15. block u. city block 2020. Highland addition; Jott-" J. T. and Anna Harris of McL-nnan county to T. E. George of Bexar county. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS. lot 7. block 2s. new city block 150, on Avenue B; 230'» Hall P. Street to T. E George, lot 24. block 4. Halliday addition: 1250. J. W. anil D T. Wallac ■ to T. E. George, lots 10 and 12. city block 893, on San Marcos street; JlO. H. SI and LlUh Smith of P-rry coun ty, Alabama, to J. W. Coltrane of Bexar county, 10.0 I lo 8, block 41, new ett? block 3014. West End: »325. J. TV. and Sallie G. Coltrane to W T Strange, lots 4 to <i. block 11. West End; 1550. W. R Ccmp to Mrs. Kosa Hig gins. lot J. block «. city block 1194. Gm- I eminent Heights; $125. ’ P. A. Vance and C. B. Watters to T. ; J. Rater, lots 1 to 3. lots 14 to 16. block ; 7, Gladstone addition: IkJi’O. Ben and Fanny Moke to Pablos Ibarra, tot 7. block 5. Hidalgo colonv, cist one half of out lot 201: $llO. Riverside Dan i ant' Improvement Co - by A. H. Jones, to Charles Marsh, lot 3. block 10. Riverside Park addition; $250. L. G. and Dottie Taylor Kerr of Lzis Angeles county. California, to Miss Mary E. Forester of Harris county, lot 11. block 5, new city block 724; $l9OO Sam A nnd Mary R. Street to D. S. Tailor, lot 15. new city block ssn. on Woadllef street; $7Ol. J. B. ond J. E. Gentry to L. V. Pels, lot 2, block 16. new city block 2SOI. on Lubl-ocli stiivt; ISOOA • .1. K. .tn.l Mary Wene Trimble and W. J. Wonz of Bexar county. Ida Wens of Perry. Okla.. I.ouis A and Mary Han ky Wen-: ol Cumberland county. New Jersey, by .May Wen? Trimble to S. R. Walker of Bexar county, lot 22. new city block Fk. on east side of Cameron street, lot 2. block 4. new city block *S7. on south si.!• of Dawson street; F2TO" R F Paine of Harris county to tlic t’nion Meet Co. of l>xnr county, lots t to i. block G. new city block 2580, lots 1;: to 19. block E. new city block 3J2i. old city lot 208; 54136.75. S. R Walker of Bexar county to Min nie A. Bigleman of Clearfield county. IVnnsylvanla. and Bascom Bell of Bexar countv. tot 38. new city block 132. on the east side of CSm-ron street; $2BOO Samuel and Sarah Kcvcrs tv W B JANUARY 9, 1910. Ryan, lots 1 and 2. block 25, new city block 14-20. East End; s'os. Attie B and Frnnk A. Sweesy of Es sex county. New Jersey to James A. Da vis of Bexar countv, lots 15 and 18. block 17. city block 1411; lots 13 wd 11. block 22. city block 1453. East End; $3OO James A. I>avU of Bexar county to Jo seph Aloutln of Caldwell county, lots 15 and IC, block 17. new city block 1444; lot* 13 and 14. Nock 22. new city block 1434. Rist End; sst«> Theodore Haye of Dattas county t • Au gust Halt- Mr of Bexar county. Jots 7 and 3, block IS. city block 1431. on cor ner of Walters and Nebraska rtri-CLs. $3OO. Sidney nnd I. no Pfeiffer to Joseph S Howell, 10l 9. block I. Lawndale uddi lion; $B3O. C. S Manpin of Carter ounty. Akbi homx. to C laries A Burton of Illinois, lot 7. block 1. city block SeS3. on Trent b tt avenue; S3"’. E. H. and Ada A. Storm of Bexar eoun tv, J I. and S. A. Bced of Came ron coun ty to If. C. Fisher of Bexar county, prop erty as per fldd notes and volume tIE pego 104, HOi-