14 WEDNESDAY, A Little Investment in Our Want Columns is Profitable. Try It Classified Ads We take classified ads over phone or will send messenger lor them when re- Suired to do so. ine insertion, par word. . 1c Four consecutive insertion*, per word : • ’ " $ C Seven oonseeutive insertions, per word »: I portunity. but look into it at once Price $1 Chestnut street FOR RENT—One turnlsned room, ooe block from car line. 203 South Pinto We also tent furniture for housekeeping. 200 chain for rent reasonable. 1303 West Commerce. FOR RENT—Two rooms turnlsned or three unfurnished, to suit tenant, very reasonable. 2316 South Flores street BENNETT —Delightful rooms, southern exposure, five minutes’ walk from best hotels. 218 Avenue E., opposite Elks Cafe Old phone 2605. HOME Cleaning and Dye Works, 621 Ave nue C. Call and get our prices. Wo will treat you right. FOR RENT—Nicely furnished upstairs rooms in new home and private fam ily. AU conveniences. 1698. laght. THE WINDSOR, 112 Fourth street. Close In, large, light, airy rooms. Electric lights, hot and cold baths. Tourists so licited. Northern management, FURNISHED rooms, private home, fac ing Madison park, walking distance; breakfast; on car Une. 222 Dallas. NICELY furnished room for gentleman in private family, close in. Inquire at H. A. Moos’ Book Store, 334 East Hous ton street. FOR RENT—Two good well furnished rooms, on car line. -545 Goliad street. : Gentlemen preferred FOR RENT Furnished rooms. 41$ West Elmira street. WANTED— Houses. WANTED. The big demands made on us lately for homes have made It necessary that we ask every one owning houses for sale on easy terms to list their properties with us. Act quickly, please. EMPIRE REALTY CO. Mackay Bldg. Old Phone 2666. New Phone 1199. We can rent your house. List with us. RICHEY-CASEY REALTY CO. Either Piione 2236. 519 Moore Bldg. BAKER, German, steady man. wants po sition as second band or bench worker. W.. 700. care Light and Gazette. SOMEONE who will furnish cash to buy a lot and build me a cottage and take a nice horse and buggy as first payment. Prefer near I. & G. N. depot. 1065, Light. WANTED— Animals and Vehicles. WANTED—Horse for its feed. 921 Ave ■ nue D. WANTED for cash: Diamonds, old gold. silver and coins. Sunset Loan Bank, 532 East Commerce. AMD BOARD— FOR RENT— Nicely furnished room with board, home cooking, couple or two gen tlemen. every modern convenience; no sick or children; references required. New nhone 1029. 207 TRAVIS street, furnished rooms with or without board. Old phone 1759. Capt. W. L. McLean NICE furnished rooms and excellent meals, home cooking, on car Une. 416 i Grand avenue. THE HITTSON. 828 Avenue C. Nicely furnished* rooms, hot baths, excellent | meals. Old phone 3608. 1 ROOMS and board, 817 Nolan street. Newly furnished house, steam heat, ex i rellent meals, large rooms, for couple or gentlemen. No sick taken, NICELY furnished rooms and first-class table board, all conveniences. 717 Ave nin' C. New phone 3151. ■ — ■ ■ '■ ■■ » — RO 0 M S F’ 0 R HOUS EK EEPIN G FOR RENT —Two furnished rooms for light housekeeping, one block of mar ket house. Cheap. 404 Buena Vista St I 1GHT housekeeping modern rooms: 1 close in. three blocks from Jdske’a 217 Arcinlega street. ROOMS for Ught housekeeping. Jersey mUk and butter to sell. New phone 2382 Outbursts of Everett True WANTED— MiaceUaneona, WANTED—Diamonds, old gold and «U ver. Wm. N Capurro, Jeweler. 502H East Houston street (t'rs*airsi. room 1. HOME BUILDERS’ LUMBER CO. 603 Perez street. New phone 1050. Old 1577. Cut prices. That’s ,*U. — ——■ -— r- -* WANTED —A tricycle with seat in front to be operated from the back. Apply 1 to A. E. Carrern, 322’4 W. Nueva St. Situation—Male. A STRANGER In city wants employment with reliable firm; am an experienced benchman, reliable ajid accurate; can make all kinds door and window frames, screens, etc. Will A. Stephenson, 30S Soiedad street. WANTED —A reliable retired farmer or rancher on salary to drive and assist farm implement salesman. J. K. Frisbee, I room 7, Arthur hotel. । WANTED — Refined, intelligent middle aged woman to care for children and mend. Apply 305 St. Anthony hotel. WHAT good Samaritan can offer a so ber. industrious, able-bodied man a job of any kind that will yield a living wage? I have tried in vain to secure a job and am now placed so that 1 must get some thing to do or become an objwt of char ity. Ad«lress Joseph Way, 719 East Com merce street. WANTED— Rooms and Board. WANTED—By man and wife of refine ment, room and board in private fam ily of good social standing in first-class residence part of the city; want a place with plenty of room; none other need ap ply. Address room 342 Gunter hotel. HELP WANTED— Salesmen. CIGAR salesman fn your locality to rep resent us. Experience unnecessary. ilW per month and expenses. Write us for particulars. Monarch Cigar Co.. St. Louis. WANTED— Agents. AGENTS make lots of money selling our "Show Me” signs to merchants. Easy 'vork a nd your own boss. Particulars free. The McCormick Co.. Clint. Texas GOOD hustlers to work. High-class com missions Inquire Ia>uIs Gallis, 211 !• rost building. Experience unnecessary. HELP WANTED— Female. WANTED—Experienced and unexperi enced overall makers. Apply to Bexar Overall Co.. 408 Military olssa. WE want a young lady to fill a good paving position in which tact, not ex perlenco. is essential. Call this week be tween 8-9 a m. or 5-6 p. m. The Pass ing Show, Market and Presa streets. WANTED—Laundress at Protestant Or phans’ Home, Kentucky avenue. WANTED—Experienced sewing machine operators on power machines. San A n " tonio Tent & Awning Co., 117 South Mo res street. • ’ WANTED—Experienced house girl, lib eral wages. Mrs. S. HalfL 142 Goliad Street. WHITE or colored girl for general house work. with knowledge of cooking. Ap ply to corm r Summit Place and Howard str??». YOUNG white girl to help with house work. oij phone 2623. WANTED—Young lady that understands laundry work to assist fn hotel at La Pryor, call at 415 West Cevallos between now and 7:30 Thursday morning. Trans portation an d expenses paid. $25.00 per c. and expenses. EDU C ATIONAL— GERMAN lessons bv a native teacher, graduate of Germain university. Apply at 506 Avenue C. Old phone 3344. 784 red. Moving and storage— STORAGE for furniture, pianos, buggies. Separate stalls. $1.50 per month. Mov ing, packing, shipping. L. W. Culver, 121 Fannin. Phones 2180. HARRISON MOVING CO. Storage, packing, shipping. New phone 809. Residence 107. MOVING, HAULING, STORING Packing furniture, trunks to and from depots. New phone 1712. Will Flnto. 913 Avenue B. I HAUL trunks and baggage, also mov ing Give mo a triai. G. W. West, new phone 2119. KEY AND LOCKSMITHS— ~ BOTH PHONES —Bicycles on easy pay ments. key and lock work; lawn mow ers sharpened. Emerson, the Bicycle Doctor , FOR KEY and lock work at reasonable prices ring me up. N< w phone 17S4 r».L PERSONAL- HOME for ladles berore and during con finement. Good doctors and nurse. In ■ lams adopted Confidential P O. box 374. FOR painting, paperhangtng and interior decorating, call up old phone 920, new $075. Satisfaction guaranteed. San Anto nio Roofing & Paint Co. LADIES, have your last winters’ suits remodeled, save the price of a new one. Ring old phone 2078- Are vou worried or sick? Call on MADAM ANIATA. PSYCHOLOGIST, and be convinced. 229 E. Houston St. ATTENTION LADIES AND GENTLEMEN are cordially incited to call at 301 East Commerce street and see the LITTLE CRATER CKUDK (HL BURNER the greatest fuel sever In existence. Costs about one cent to cook a meal. Can be attached to any stove. BOY who took package from Faublon's drug store Monday eve is known Re questions will be asked. PAINTERS AND DECORTAORS 8? A ROOFING & PAINT CO., housi painters and decorators. Paperhanglug and Interior decorating a specialty. Deal ers In oils, p? ats and all kinds of felt roofing 131 West Military plaza. Old phone 920. New 2075.