2 WEDNESDAY, nnnn iinrinu HI All had been won bv the league, nnd dcclar- PW |\ Al nrAII 1 Pl fl!■ led that while the people of Texas hni I I1UU HLIlLnU I I Lilli , not been given a chance by the last legislature to vote on the submission QT ITT 0AU D A IPM another legislature will be AHl F 11 U III FM i 11 11 elected and the time is coming when “••• I U UllIIil HI Mil j f] le question of prohibition will be sub- I mitted. mar a r> ' ■ i r,., Dr. Stuart declared times had We Al 6 uOing to Sit Down 011 changed in the last twenty and twenty- Thlq WhiclfPV RneinPCC ” fi ™ y car8 - t11U now Uis a common DUollluoof thing for him to speak to great crowds SOVS Dli StUO'ti t' 10 prohibition question, whereas J formerly h? had seen the time when Ihe eonld not get a hall in town in ‘‘The most unbreakable chain ever ; which to speak, nnd in some instances put around a man s neck is the chain > had only been able to secure the court of alcohol. lie are going to sit down .house, after much supplication. on this whiskey business so you will 1 p r Stuart declared the country is know we hgve sat down on it. It is not . waking up to righteousness and benevo n temperance wave sweeping over the • lrnrp an(| thflt sjnce Texa , ha , 8fopp(>11 country, it is Christianity coming to a . ni8n y evils, going even so far Its to pro nntage, declared Dr. George R. the poor old steers from being kill- B.nart the prohibition evangelist to a . e() in the ing eon t egtg . now it j, mpccity house last night at the Travis snrelv tinie to 8t the 8ale of n Park Methodist church when he spoke । an< . nrged a n prohibitionists to or "P™. the question of prohibition in ganirp to llestroy the Hquor traffic The meeting was opened by the sing- Dr ‘ 8,i ,7 in g a PP'' al for lug of “Texas Going Drv," and “My ? citizenship which will run the coun- Country,” led by Rev. CW. Crooke, W1 hout b r 'b«y, so that a man can tn ' followed by the invocation. i ? e . an bonest officer of the law without Preceding the address by Dr. Stuart. 1 shot down at 11,8 window. Sterling P. Strong, superintendent of l Statewide Submission. ihe Anti-Saloon league of Texas, was The prohibitionists are absolutely introduced. lie reviewed the work nf united in sentiment and will coneen the league in Texas during the past | trate all their force on the election of a year. He recounted the victories which I single candidate, savs Sterling P. Safe and Reliable Fer Children’s Colds ROTHERS should bo id careful alxmt colds a nd coughs that affect their children. It is not iA only dangerous but abso- V lutely cruel to experi- MP—Jfl ment on little ones with K11 unsafe and untried rem- /7» ‘ edies. The baby as well 1" as the older brother and * a leister should Ire given a safe and ” 11/ n ‘'iable remedy. Dr. Bull’s 'K\ I Cough Syrup is such. A record z of cures prove it. There is no (I danger to the child from its use. Simply give it as directed ami Read tbs taa.de si thia vragaer. jt afford, first, quick relief; second, speedy IB If riddance of the cold and cough. Children like it M because ao pleasant to the taste, and mothers praise fe >t because so prompt and effective. Homes that have this remedy handy, suffer no terrors. B, v r Health and Happiness shared by Child Jrl" and Mother. ■Bnai Chicago, HL—Mrs. J. H. Brrn.tein, 188 N. Marshfleld 123' S’ Ave., writes: “I use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup mainly for the cough and cold. Ho had several colds this >0 winter and the arrup cured him each time. I hare also IB* used it for myatlf for a sore throat, cough, and cold in the head, and found relief. J came to know Dr. Bull's C ough Ui ' '' ' 11 UH Syrup when 1 was small, and mother used it forourcolda Dr. BULL'S ■ rwi aud cuugbs; so you aeo nu be »alk»Sed with it. jffl MOTHERS, if Vou or one of the children have a ill cold or cough, hoarseness, bronchitis, croup, COUfifi fiVRUP -M whooping-cough, grippe, etc., first fest tlmt trnst- WWH V8WV*) ||IZj worthy remedy, Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup, before For Coosha. Colda. Houw illjS you spend any of your money. ft"*’ We want you to have absolute confidence in it laei'Xet’ 3 before you buy a bottle. Write today for the S FREE TRIAL BOTTLE wnaaaptlr. caUeata la ad- i MH —« nuwd .la*at of the dtmaa M __ Bsa I Dr. Bull's I Cough Syrup Pries SCeotl. BEQUEST FILLED SAME DAY RECEIVED. Address A. C. METER « CO., Baltimore, Md. Dr. Bull’s Cough Syrup can be given with perfect safety to the young est child with full confidence of good results. S9.95 FOR MEN’S $20 SUITS THESE are the broken lines left from the Mill Overproduction Sale. The patterns are all good ones. Thev are perfect in fabric and finish, but the line of sizes is not complete. That is why they go for less than half price. Only tomorrow—and they will hardly last through the day—can these $20 Suits be had for $9.9). SAUL WOLFSON DRY GOODS COMPANY SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND GAZETTE Strong, chairman of the Anti-Saloon league of Texas. Furthermore, Mr. Strong said that the “pros” intended to map out their platform and program at a meeting to be held in Dallas Saturday. The merits of the candidates, it is understood, will lie weighed at this conference and one selected on which to center the votes. “We propose to make the campaign on the platform of statewide submis sion,” said the leader of the anti-sa loon forces. “During the past year we have gained victory in seven coun ties and twenty precincts, and our pol icy will be to fight in the strongholds of the saloons. We believ that the last legislature made the mistake of their lives in not submitting the question of prohibition to the people, and we are confident that our forces are strong enough this year to secure the desired ends. ” Mr. Strong was here to attend the anti-saloon rally. He appeared enthus ed over the results and said that his party was well satisfied with the way things were moving. ONLY 344 MORE GIRLS THAN BOYS IN SCHODLS An increase of 111 pupils during the past month is the record in the San An tonio public schools, and Superintend ent Lukin prediets that by the end of the present term the enrollment will al most equal that at the close of school last year. The enrollment for November is re ported as 11,775, and that for Decem ber as llAMfi. Tho boys number 5771 and the girls 6115. Out of nearly 12,- 600 pupils in the public schools there are only 344 more girls than boys, which is taken as an indication of the appeal ’he public schools are making to the boys of the city to stav in school. PROSPECT OF COAL SHORTAGE VANISHES Associated Press. ( hieago. Jan. 12. —A great improve ment in the movement of coal both to Chicago and around the city was re ported yesterday by railroad officials who say 1he chances for a severe shortage is vanishing with the con tinned moderate weather. The Northwestern brought in be tween 300 and 400 cars of coal yester day and the Chicago & Eastern Illinois received 525 car loads in the 24 hours up to 6 o’clock last night. WTLL CELEBRATE SILVER WEDDING. Mr. and Mrs. Goorgo Kckenroth will celebrate their silver wedding tomor row night at their home, 131 South ( enter street. It will be a family af fair. Mr. and Mrs. Eckenroth were married in this city 25 years ago Jan uary 13, 1885, and they have’ four daughters—Mrs. Charles Gabbart. and Misses Lizzie, Rosie and Katie Ecken roth. Mrs. Eckenroth was formerly Miss Mary Wietzel. HER CONDITION IMPROVES. Associated Press. New York. Jan. 12.—The condition of Mrs. C. II. Deere, who has been seri ously ill here, is as being ma terially improved. Mrs. Deere is the wife of Charles H. Deere, who founded the big Deere Plow & Harvester works. She was vice president of the Daughters of the American Revolution during Mrs. Donald MeLean's term as president. i CLASSIFICATION DELEGATES ARE CONING TODAY Incoming Special Trains Are Met By San Antonians With Roses. BULLFIGHT OUT PROGRAM Hundreds of Visitors to Spend Nine Days Here In Impor tant Convention. The eyes of railroad men and much of the public in the United States will be focused on San Antonio from Jan uary 13 to January 22, inclusive, during the progress of the sessions of the West ern Classification meeting, which will be held in the assembly room of the St. Anthony hotel. The classification com mittee is composed of men among the ' most prominent in the railroad, com mercial and industrial world, and at this meeting matters pertaining to the shipping and freight interests that will affect almost all shippers of any size will be taken up, discussed and adjust ed in the best possible manner. This meeting will also give San Antonio Bet ter, greater and wider advertising than any former convention of a similar na ture held in San Antonio. * With all the details for the care and entertainment completed after a month's hard planning and working, J. M. Ball, general agent of the Inter national & Great Northern in this city, accompanied by T. A. Helm, commer cial agent of the Iron Mountain, and W. E. Fitch, southwestern passenger agent of the Missouri Pacific-Iron Moun tain, have gone north to meet the two special trains en route and extend the hospitality of the city to the members of the party aboard the two trains. Mr. Ball took with him from here enough roses to present one each to the wives ami daughters who are making the trip, and also cards for the entire party bear ing the name of the hotel and the num- Why Does Not The Stomach Digest Itself? An Unsolvable Problem, Which Has Puzzled Physicians of All Schools. A Trial Package of Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets Sent Free. There seems to be no logical reason why tho stomach should not digest it sclf when we consider the fact that it secretes digestive fluids and acids which are powerful enough to disinte grate and digest meats, eggs, fruits, cereals, vegetables and other forms of food taken into it. In animals which were killed while in full digestion the stomach has un dergone complete self-digestion after death, when the body was kept warm; and in human beings who have died suddenly, while digestion was going on, it was found at the autopsy that net only had the stomach been digest ed, but also the liver, pancreas, spleen, and portions of the intestines. The question naturally presents it self: “What protects the stomach from self-digestion during lifef” Dr. Hunter declared that the “principle of life” in living things protected this organ from being digested by its own fluids, but Dr. Barnard successfully demon strated that the hind legs of a living frog, when introduced through a fistula or artifical opening into the stomach of a dog. undergoes complete digestion, and Dr. Pavy, through similar experi ment. found that the same was true of a ra’tbit's ear. While the normal stomach is immune from self-digestion, there are many cases on record, however, in which a long standing gastritis, and perverted digestion, has completely digested or eaten away the mueous membrane lin ing of the stomach, and in some in stances has engendered gastric nicer, which ate its way clear through the stomach wall, and caused a fatal peri tonitis. In all cases of perverted function of the stomach, which manifests itself by tho numerous well-known symptoms of indigestion and dyspepsia, Stuart's Dys pepsia Tablets net as a corrective, re storing it to a normal condition, ton ing up the secretory glands, as well n« the lacteal glands, which absorb tho food, and at the same time assisting the stomach in the process of digestion, and preventing all possibility of such conditions arising as will cause per verted function, gastritis, gastric ul cer. or the eating away of the mucous membrane of the stomach. Stuart’s Dyspepsia Tablets are ex ceedingly powerful digestives, a single grnin being sufficient to digest 3000 grains of food, including meats, vege tables, cereals, etc. They digest al bnmenous and starchy foods equally well. Whenever the stomach is in n weakened condition, and so lacking in tone, that it furnishes an insufficient amount of gastric juice, such symptoms as heartburn, biliousness, headache, belching of gas and sour eructations are sure to appear, and make one feel generally miserable. Such symptoms can. however, be over- come and done away with nt once. Simply take one of two of Stuart's Dyspepsia Tablets and forget all about your digestive troubles. They do their work promptly and thoroughlv. every particle of food being completely di gested. and fermentation, decomopsi tion. and flatulence and heaviness in stenmeh after eating relieved and cured. Purchase n box f*oin your druggist today, price 50 cents. Also send us your name nnd address for free sample. Address F. A. Stuart Co., 150 Stuart Bldg., Marshall, Mich. “IT PAYS TO BRING THE MONEY.” KEEP YOUR EYES ON THIS STORE —— An Interesting Fact All $20.00 NOW $14.25 All $22.50 NOW $16.88 All $25.00 5ui SS^ e8 NOW $18.75 All $30.00 NOW $22.50 AH $35.05 NOW $26.25 Aaron Frank Clothing Co. Houston St. her of the room they will go to on ar-| riving. Besides these features Mr. Ball I will also extend souvenirs of the city of! San Antonio to the visitors. The St.. Anthony hotel’s new annex will be filled with the delegates to the classification. meeting, and they will hold their ses sions there. There are so many visit-! ors, however, the Gunter and the Men ger each hold a large reservation list. The Western Classification meeting was secured for San Antonio through the efforts of the Chicago & Alton, Mis souri Pacific-Iron Mountain and the In ternational & Great Northern railroads. The Chicago section bearing the dele gates to tho meeting will arrive in San Antonio this afternoon at 5:05 o’clock, and has aboard two hundred delegates. The St. Louis section, having one hun dred on board, will also arrive at 5:05 p. m. At the St. Anthony hotel Friday evening there will be a real Mexican supper. Saturday night, January 15, the International & Great Northern will run a special bull fight excursion to Monterey, Mexico. The train will leave here at 6 o ’clock Saturday night and ar rive in Monterey tho next morning at 6 o’clock a. m. Returning, the train will leave Monterey in time to put everyone in San Antonio early Monday morning. Besides these two features plans have been made for taking the entire party over the city in automobiles. A ball is also planned, the exact date of which has not yet been determined. MARCOS SEES SOME FAST RACING Special Dispatch. San Marcos, Tex., Jan. 12.—At Parke’s track, the San Marcos Jockey club had the opening event of the sea son Monday, and some of-the speediest racing ever seen in southwest Texas was witnessed. In the free for all pace Dudley Sto rey's “J. B. Jr.,” a home horse, won the honors in tho best of three half mile heats in tne fast time of 1:05 1-2, against “Clementine,” O. J. Woodhull oi San Antonio, second, and “General Alcorn,” General Hamby of Austin, and “Texas Tito,” John Clark of Lock hart. In the free-for-all trot, O. G. Parke’s “Howard Man” stepped the half mile in 1-:11 in two straight heats, with “Vidmer,” John Raney of Lock hart, and Jay Wood of San Antonio tie ing for second place. Tn the 5-8 mile dash “Leo Beach,” O. G. Parke, Kyle, won; “Budweiser,” J. E. Parke of Kyle, second. Time, 1:03. In the 12 mile running dash, “Wise hand,” O. G. Parke, came first, “Dock Griesenbeck,” De Hazzard of Lockhart, second. Time, 0:52. Three-eighths running dash showed easy running for “Zeke,” J. E. Parke; “ Goldendrina, ” Jeff Sowell, Kyle, sec ond. and “Dock Griesenbe k” third. The quarter mile was evidence that the quarter horse is all O. K., for the time was cut down to 24, and won by J. E. Parke's famous “Yellow Jacket”; “Louzora,” R. Lyell, second. In. the buggy horse contest Fred Baetz's mare won two straight heats easy against A. B. Rogers’ horse sec ond, Jim Gary third. Y. M. C. A. FORUM HAS BANQUET AND HEARS TALK The members of the Y. M. C. A. irtim were tendered a banquet at the enger hotel last night and twenty x members of this, the most prominent ferary and debating society for young en in San Antonio were gathered ound the banquet board. There were veral features during the evening, the •st being the little verse at the head the menu card, “All human history tests that happiness for man, the ingry sinner!—since Eve ate apples, tich depends on dinner.” The follow g toasts were responded to: Nelson Lytle, toastmaster; Achieve ent. Geo. R. Thomson; the Ladies, m. L. Schlesinger; Our New Presi ’ntf John Meusebach; the Club. G. A. roft; “In tho Suburbs,” Hayden F. nith; “Looking Ahead,” Paul H. ?holz. Following this individuals of the irum entertained with telling anec ites. among which were some very nusing ones of experiences of mem ?rs present. The officers of the forum are: Geo. R. Thomson, president: John O. eiisebach, viee president; Paul H. fholz. secretary; J. E. Young, treas rer. COLDS CAUSE HEADACHE AXATTVE BROMO Quinine, the orld wide Cold and Grip remedy re loves cause. Call for full name. Look >r signature E. W. GROVE. 25c. CASH SCATTERED ABOUT HIS HOME Thirty Thousand Dollars Found In Residence of Dead Priest at New Orleans, Associated Pr?ss New Orleans, Jan. 12. —That nearly $30,000 in cash, a considerable portion of it lying where it had been careless ly tossed into bookeases and desks, was found in the home of the late Father Simon by the executors of his estate, became known today. The small fortune thus scattered was point ed out by the priest’s former house keeper, a young Irish girl. No one but she, when the-priest died, knew of the existence of the money. Father Simon was for many years in charge of St. Francis de Salle’s church here. BIRMINGHAM* NEWS EDITOR PASSES AWAY Associated Press Birmingham, Ala.. .Tan. 12.—General Rufus Rhodes, president and editor of the Birmingham News, and a director of the Associated Press, died at his home here this morning at 6 o’clock from Bright’s disease and arterial trou ble. He was born at Pascougoula, Miss., and was 53 years old. WOMEN’S INFLUENCE TO BE EXERTED FOR HER Associated Press. New Orleans, Jan. 12.—A meeting of the wnmen of New Orleans to exert their influence in behalf of Mrs. Susie . Campbel], charged with murder, is the I manner in which a call for a mass I meeting here this afternoon began. I The call was jointly issued by the heads of practically every women’s club in New Orleans and many of the most prominent women of the city re sponded to it. Nursing Mothers and Malaria. The Old Standard GROVE'S TASTE LESS CHILL TONIC, drives out ma laria and builds up the system. For grown people and children, 50c. ♦-«-» J. W. Chalmers. Architect. High-class architectural work. Office 541 Moore Bldg.. San Antonio- DR. FIELDING SPECIALIST Catarrh, Nose, Throat. Stomach, Liv- i er and Bowels; also Kidney, Bladder, Skin, Blood, Nerve Trouble aud Private Diseases of Men. PRACTICE LIMITED TO OFFICE Office, Drug Rooms and Laboratory, Suites 421, 422, 423 and 424 Fourth ' Floor, Hicks Building. Hours, 9 to 12,: 2 to 5; Sundays, 9 to 12 Only. L IN SURA N C E BOTH PHONES 2129 -' U5AVEC. YOU MAY BE A VICTIM of EY r E STRAIN and not know it; tie effects may be manifested in some re mote part of the system. I want to ex amine your eyes if you are not well. My glasses correct many conditions that are considered incurable. My methods are different. Examination free. DR. DUNN. Oph. D. Hicks Building. H. C. SEES OPTICAL CO. 242 W. Commerce St. “Want to Seo You.’ JANUARY 12, 1910. CREME DE . B E L L E Z A A greaseless cream. Non-hair producer, cooling, soothing, heal-' ing. Makes skin pliable and white. Per 2-ounce jar 25c. E. C. JUNGKIND 519 East Houston Street Dr. Chas. Rees OPTICIAN. 330 W. Commerce Street thb original sees Next te SuUlvmi'e Bank. New PhOM 128. Old Phone 13S3-Sr. ALAMO BLEMD COFFEE The Best 25c Coffee on Earth. Try Our Elgin Creamery Butter. Great Atlantic&PacificTea Co. Fischer's Drug Store GIBBS BUILDING. Best druRstore service In the city. Headquarters San Antonio Gradual) Nurses' Association. Calls taken for phy slclans or nurses any hour, day or nlsbt We have six quick delivery messengers Open all nlflht Both nhonee 224. Fruit of All Kinds Wholesale and Retail. FRANK TALERICO Established 1888. 101 Military Plaza. Old Phone 78. New Phone 1868. Open For Business Hoffman House Grill Room, 408 East Houston Street. Best Cooking in Town. Prices Reasonabl Your Patronage Solicited and I Appreciated. John L. Glover, Mgr. ! , Wood-Coali WINTER WEATHER | Makes Higher Prices (Moral) Buy your Fuel in Warm Weather carr co. MM—————tegg——; /ELECTRO-MEDICAL INSTITUTE And Staff of Expert Specialists or tho treatment of all nervous chronic and sr.c! ' diseases of met and women. rnt“ r C- 4SULTATION r Mt. E. examination , " " ANO ADVICE. I 502 >4 E. Houston St. San Antonio. Tesj BUY STOVES OF THE ENTERPRISE 602 E. Commerce St. EIKEL AUTOMOBILE CO. 427 MAIN AVENUE Agents for JACKSON Old Phone 18SS LEKYTANSKy’S JEWELRY EMPORIUM FOR ANYTHING IN THAT LINK Cor. Caelno and W. Commerce 8L Near tho Bridge.