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> WElANEbUAl, S.S.S. ™s OLD S0RE5 / 7 '* I can Truthfully Say S. S. S. Is a Certain Cure For Old Sores, Because It Cured Me Of a Bad Ulcer, On Which Other Treatments Had No Effect." This extract from the testimonial we publish beldw, will receive the endorsement of thousands of other persons who have used S. S. S. for sores and ulcers. Every old sore comes from some kind of impurity in the blood. S. S. S. cures on the simple principle of removing the cause of the sore or ulcer and allowing nature to heal the place. When we think for a moment we realize that every portion of the body and system is de pendent on the blood; that it is the circulation which nourishes all flesh tissues, and preserves their natural health. Thus we can readily understand why impurities or poisons in this vital fluid will infect and disease the flesh at some particular spot, and by continually discharg ing impurities into it, keep the place open, raw or inflamed. It would be against every law of reason to expect the sore to heal while the blood constantly deposits into it the infectious matter with which it is contaminated. There is a simple way to cure old sores, and it is the only way— remove the cause from the circulation. External applications of lini ments, plasters, lotions, salves, etc., can never produce a cure, because such treatment does not reach the blood, where the cause is located. S. S. S. heals old sores be cause it is the greatest of all blood purifiers; it goes into the circula tion and removes the cause from the blood. When the blood has been purified there is no longer any inflammatory impurity or infectious matter to irritate the place, and nature causes the nat ural and certain healing of the ulcer. When S.S.S. has cleansed the blood and the place is once more well, it is not a surface cure, every vestige of the old cause has been driven,. out and the place is solidly and firmly healed from the bottom to th? surface. S. S. S. is made entirely of healing, cleansing roots, herbs and barks, and contains no trace of mineral. It is a medicine adapted to persons of any age, and is just as effective with the old as with the young or middle aged. Under the purifying and tonic effects of S. S. S. the system is built up, and those whose health has been weakened by the drain of an old sore will be doubly benefited by its use. If you wish to know any thing specially about your case write us. We will answer you fully, and will also send our book on Sores and Ulcers—no charge for either book or advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., ATLANTA, GA. NITROGLYCERINE EXPLODES; 3 M Franklin, Pa., Is Given a Se-; vere Shaking Up and Much ; Damage Is Wrought. Associated Press. i Franklin, Pa., .Tan, 12. —A nitrogly cerine magazine exploded here this morning, causing much damage and pulling three people. As an evidence {of the force of the explosion, a team of horses standing some distance awav [disappeared without leaving any pieces. Brandon’s ferry house, situ ated across the river, was demolished, windows for many blocks away were smashed and at the first jar that shook the city people thought they were in the throes of an earthquake. The de tonation, however, quickly dispelled that fear. No cause for the explosion I can be given, as everybody who might ■ have known was blown to atoms. Drs. R. H. & Nettie G. Gray. Homeopaths, Hicks Building. A. Collmann, plumber. Both phones, j Excursion T omorro w 5 Sutherland Springs I Only 30 Miles Out on Victoria Branch Southern Pacific Railway Round Trip 50 Cents New town of wonderful possibilities. The most beautiful spot in Texas Largest group of Mineral Springs in America. > Surrounded by fine fanning country, the coming _ — ... . .... . great fruit belt of Texas. Southern Pacific building new depot, putting in spur ; to park and will install motor car service as soon as If yon are looking for a home, a business location the turn table is completed. or want rest, pleasure or health, come and see us. The only natural resort between Florida and Cali- For business, health or pleasure it is not equaled fomia. v in the South. I Sutherland Springs Development Company I I oid Phone 102 West Houston Street w. NELSON f I New Phone 806 Manager E I can truthfully say S. S. S. is a certain cure for Old Sores, because it cured me of a bad ulcer, on which other treatments had no effect. Fire years ago a running sore came on my limb. I tried everything I could hear of, but the sort grew worse. Even the doctors could not heal it. A friend finally told me to try S.S.S,, so I did and in the meantime wrote you for advice. I followed your instructions and took S. S. S. regularly. My leg began to i mprove, gradually the place healed over and began to look healthy, and finally the acre was cured entirely. I believe S. S. S. to be the best blood purifier one can use. I gladly recommend it as a cure for sores and ulcers. Rockford, Wash. A. S. LACY. NO MORE NEGRO AUTO i DRIVERS IN MEMPHIS ;Auto Club Starts Campaign i Following Accident In Which ■ Child Is Run Over and Killed. i Associated Press. Memphis, Tenn., Jan. 12. —A earn paign to abolish negro chauffeurs will be inaugurated with vigor in Memphis tonight at a special meeting of the Au tomobile club. It is predicted that within a week there will not be n ne gro driving a machine in—this city. The action is the result oi an acci dent which occurred, when a negro auto driver ran down and killed the daughter of State Senator Eldridge. Feeling is high and the doom of the i negro chauffeur is sard to be sealed. , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is not ' a common, every day cough mixture. It j is a meritorious remedy for all the i troublesome and dangerous compliea | tions resulting from cold in the head. । throat, chest or lungs. Sold by all I druggists. SAN AlNiOiNiO LIGHT AM) bAZtllt 'NOT MURDERED BUI A SUICIDE Terre Haute Police Believe Helman Took That Means to End a Reckless Career. Associated Pres,. Terre Haute, Jan. 12.—From evidence gathered by the police today it appears Hat It. H. Helman was not murdered, 'm closed, with suicide, an unusually luckless career. As Neider Helman, he H"d from Cincinnati to Germany with :t stock of jewelry, it i 8 said. and then returned to this country, ehanged his •mme and again engaged in business. Effie Sells berry told the police that Helman proposed to her they go into the “white slave” traffic. He spent a great deal of money in Chicago and it so. ms now. that deserted by the Sells berry woman and insanely jealous, he returned to this city, vindictively wrote the letters accusing her of murder and swallowed poison. ROCK m-m SEGREGAT10NEFFECTED New Offices Opened By the Rock Island In Gibbs Build ing—An Innovation. The segregation of the Rock Island- Frisco will take place in San Antonio within the next day or so, when the first named road will move its offices to room No. 309. on the third floor of the Gibbs building. J. E. Bell, commercial agent of the Roek Island, made the announcement this morning after be had signed a lease on the room in that building. lie is having the new quarters fixed up forces in by tomorrow night. The establishing of railway quarters today and expects to have all his in an office building and above the first floor, is a new departure for San Antonio, but Mr. Boll says he is confi dent the innovation is a good move and that the public can be educated to go upstairs the same as is done 'n other large cities of the United States. Since arriving in San Antonio, Mr. Boll has been conducting the affairs of the road ho represents from the office of the Frisco on Alamo plaza. The new room that he will occupy in the Gibbs building is one of the largest, in that structure and it is considered to be au ideal location. SAY VARADAMAN WILL REGAIN LOST VOTES Claim It Was Due to Absentees But Opposition Attributes It to Other Causes. Associated Press. Jackson, Miss., Jan. 12.—The sup porters of Governor Vardanian in the senatorial contest make confident claims he will regain the seven votes lost in Fhe democratic caucus last night and assert Elie decline of strength was due to absentees and not to an actual break in the ranks. The opposition at tributes Hie loss to accessions to their ranks made during the day, five mem bers having been taken away from Vardaman. It is conceded the Varda man following was keenly disappoint ed at last night’s balloting and in striking contrast was the rejoicing in the opposition camp. The “dark horse’’ movement failed to materialize last night, the opposing factions con tending it is not yet necessary to bring another aspirant as they are con fident one of their number will secure the nomination. —Wanted —Extra carrier boys with horse and cart. 8. A. Light and Gazette. 10 BOHA FIDE REDUCTION 10 2" DETROIT JEWEL X STOVES End RANGES OUR NS OUR INVENTORY—BUY A JEWEL AND SAVE FUEL | Jewel Emperor All east iron ranges, combine the com forts ami advantages of steel ranges and cast cook stoves with superior durabil ity. Plain, smooth, massive castings, plain, heavy nickel trimming and oven thermometer. $55.00 Range, 18x10 oven, for $49.50 $59.00 Range, 20x20 oven, for $53.10 ENGLISH ELECTORS TO DECIDE MOMENTOUS 0OE5TIONS ■ Elections Begin Tomorrow and Will Extend Over a Period of Two Weeks. CAMPAIGN WAS BITTER ONE Very Existence of House of Lords as Hereditary Body Is Threatened. j Special Dispatch. London, Jan. 12. —Taxation on the necessities of life versus taxation on accumulated wealth and the liquor in terests. This is the great question that the people of England will have to de cide at the general election, which be gins January 13 and extends over a period of two weeks. Arrayed on one side are the liberal, labor and nationalist parties, support ers of Lloyd-George's budget, whicn the house of lords refused to pass, thus i precipitating the present crisis; while I the opposition is composed of the titled । aristocracy of Groat Britain and the I liquor interests, who are supporting tho unionist and conservative candidates for parliament, and advocating tariff reform as a means of raising revenue to meet the gov< rnment expenses and the enormous deficit. Now Up to the People. Tho long, bitter campaign, which followed the proroguing of parliament in the first week in December and which was marked by an unusual amount of “mudslinging,” is over, and it is now up to the people to de cide whether they shall Slipport the budget and return the liberal party and its adherents to power, or reject this measure and pave the way for a pro . tective tariff similar to that which ex ists in the United States, by -selecting 1 the conservative and unionist candi- I dates to parliament. Never before has England been face to face with a similar crisis, for this is the first time that the house of lords has ever dared to question the consti tutional right of the commons to make ; provision for financing the government. The Two Arguments. The excitement that has reigned throughout the country for the last few weeks has been intense. The oppon- I eats of the budget, under the lead of i such oratorical giants ns Lord ( urzon. Lord Cromer and Lord Milner, -have ! traversed the country, preaching the doctrine of protective tariff as a means । of raising revenue, and urging that the people dethrone the liberals and place I the unionist party in power. The liberal campaign has been head ed bv such able men as David Llovd- I George, chancellor of the exchequer and author of the budget: Winston I Spencer Churchill, author and states man; Premier Asquith; John Burn.--, the noted strike leader and cabinet minister, and n host of others too nu merous to mention. These speakers have taken the ae leeptance of the budget by the penpie ns an assured faet. and have directed their fire against tho house [ t lords. Tn ' a characteristic speech, Lloyd-George ,said: Slam at the Lords. “There is just one dominating ques tion to be suhmited to the people—the house of lords. Ami what a bodv. I Their sole qualifications, speaking in | I the main, is that they were the first-, born of persons who had ju s t ns little | qualifications as themselves. “To invite this imperial race, the I Detroit Jewel stoves Made of best castings, guaranteed to bake. $11.75 Lotus Jewel Cook 10.58 $15.50 Willow Jewel 4 O A g Cook for X«3n*J*3 $18.75 Willow Jewel 4 /* A t ook for AO.UU | $22.50 Jewel Cook. 21x A/X OE 21 oven, for , $26.00 Jewel, with res- A A ' ervoirs. for mwiwV $31.50 Jewel Harvest. 20x21 oven, the t handsomest and best A s stove built, for < $20.00 Jewel Steel Cook 4 A A f Stove for XO»W < greatest commercial, nation in the world, a nation that hhs taught the world the principles of self-government and liberty, to sign the decree declar ing itself unfit to govern itself, is an insult which I hope will be flung back with indignation. “Carlyle once said, ‘it is wonderful how long a rotten institution will hang together so long as it is not roughly handled.’ Apart from a few in the house of lords, the rest are of no more use than broken bottles stuck in a park wall to keep off poachers—and that is they are there for —to keep off radical poachers from the lordly pre serves. The budget was not thrown out by the wise mid reflecting men of the unionist party, but by its Mad Mullahs.” Beth Sides Claim Victory. Both sides claim the victory, but the liberals are the more confident, ami from the character of the demonstra tion during the campaign, they have a right to this confidence. In many of the northern sections of the country, the lords who addressed meetings were greeted with hissings and booings; in some places more drastic treatment was resorted to. and dignified peers were showered with over ripe fruit and stale eggs- Aside from the question of the rejec tion or the acceptance of the budget by the people, it is obvious that if the liberals are returned to power, the house of lords will undergo a radical change. It is even admitted by some Consumption •R walk W • The time was when consumption wc 'hought to be an incurable disease, but o-day this dreaded White Plague i .nowri to be curable under the enlight ied care of the doctors of all school i '.hen accompanied in the treatment by liat wonderful remedy, huffy’s Pure Mait Whiskey t corrects the defective digestion of the j •od, increases the appetite, strengthen । le heart, gives force to the circulation, | ires insomnia and brings rest fulness to , le brain and nervous forces. We have thousands of grateful pa ents who write us they have been cured fter they were given up by tiic doc ars. If you wish to keep young, strong nd vigorous and have on your cheeks le glow of perfect health, take Duffy's ’ure Mah Whiskey regularly, according o directions. It tones and strengthens he heart action and gives vigor to the •ntire system. It is recognized as a .’amfly medicine everywhere. It is in- l aluable for overworked men, delicate •••omen and sickly children. It is a pro- i not er of health and longevity. Ml druggists, grocers and dealers, or direct, 1 f># a large bottle. Refuse substitues ami mitations, they are impure and dangerous. >end for free medical booklet and advice. :u«y Malt Whiakey Co., Rochester, N. Y. Jewel Leader ranges Most beautifully designed and durably constructed steel range made. Made by skillful labor of homogeneous heavy steel. Russian iron finish, richly trimmed with nickel, heaviest eastings. $43.00 Range, 16x20 OQ oven, for wOn / V $46.00 Range. 18x20 /| /| ft oven, for "fr X ■ “TxJ Lord Lansdowne, who led the house of lords against the budget in his cam paign speeches. He admitted that the present form of the house of lords was of the leading members of that aristo cratic body that the present house is too unwieldy for an effective second chamber. They all, however, object to an elec tive principle, and adhere to the hered itary right. But feeling runs high nt the present time, and if the policies advocated by some of the more radi cal loaders are carried out. it would PREACHES H'S OWN FUNERAL SERMON First Undertaker in the Indian Territory Dies at Tulsa—Was . a Man of Many Parts. Special Dispatch. Tulsa. Okla., Jan. 12. —George Maw- I brav, one of the most unique characters i in the United States, died here today t of a complication of diseases. Slaw- J bray came here many years ago, in the ' o'd lavs of the Indian territory. He embarkM in the undertaking business, being practically the only one between Kan“- » ' ity and Texas. - As a side liim l-e administered to the spiritual needs of Uno. seattexed settlers, being.a Meth odist minister of considerable persuas ive powers. . .... Realizing that the end was near, be I preached his own .funeral sermon. I He was former mayor of Tulsa, was I president of the <'omiuerrisl club and a r.-irber of the Elks, Masons, Woodmen ; af the World and other lodges. J JAN L ARY 12, 1U10. 10% REDUCTION On all Coal Heaters, Hot Blast and Base Burners, Combination and Box Heaters. ' rather cumbersome and should be j changed, but ho strongly objected to the ; abolishment of the hereditary principle. - Lord Lansdowne is one of the acknowl i edged leaders in the upper body. mean the abolishment of the oldest body in the English government, whicn dates from the days of the Norman kings. A WOM-aN DOCTOR l Was Quick to See that Coffee was Do ing the Mischief. A lady tells of a bad ease of coffee poisoning and tells it in a way so sim ple and straightforward that literary skill could not improve it. “I had neuralgic headaches for 13 years.” she says, “and suffered untold ageny. When I first began to have them ' I weighed 140 pounds, but they brought j me down to 110. I went to many doe- I tors and they gave me only temporary l relief. So I suffered on, till one day a woman doctor told me to use Postuni, She said I looked like 1 was coffee poisoned. “8o 1 began to drink Postum and I gained 15 founds in the first few weeks and continued to gain, bnt not so fast as at first. My headaches began to leave me after I had uM<{ Postum about two weeks —long enough to get the coftee poison out of my system. “Since 1 began to use Postum I ean gladly say that I never know what a neuralgic heridaehe is like any more, and it was nothing but Postum that made me well. Before I used Postum I never went out alone; I would get l>e wild«<ed and would not know which wav to turn. Now I go alone and my head is as clear as a bell. My brain an-1 nerves are stronger than they have been for vears,’* “Read the little book. “The Road to V •1’ville." in pkg’. "There’s a Rea •on.-’’ Ever read the above letter? A new one appears from time to tune. They are genuine, true, and full of b maa interest. 3