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moetf BY REIF With all the solemnity of the He brew wedding ceremony. Joseph Meyer of Newark, N. J., and Miss Edna Op penheimei'-were married at 6:30 o’clock last evening at Temple Beth-El. Rabbi Marks officiated. The decorations, the bridal gown, the costumes of the bridal party ami all the appointments of the occasion be spoke beauty and ehasteness. Ferns, p-ihns and bay trees outlined the ros trum, and the altar was banked with narcissus, white roses and ferns, while tai] vases at each end held white roses. The tall brass candelabra holding the seven candles was twined with aspar agus. Before the approach of the bride, Mrs. Jesse D, Oppenheimer sang in her dear, high, beautiful voice, “My Heart at Thy Dear Voice.” Presaging the approach of the bride, Lohengrin’s Wedding March was sung by Mrs. L. L. Marks. Miss Eda Kamp mann, Prof. Herbert Reed and Fred Health ! NEVER FAILS TO RE STORE GRAY HAIR TO ® ITS NATURAL COLOR & AND BEAUTY. J No matter how old and . faded your hair looks, or how J; St long you have been gray, it w w will work wonders for you, X keep you looking young, make X S it soft and silky, promote a S W luxuriant growth of healthy X hair, stop its falling out and 2 POSITIVELY REMOVE X ’ J DANDRUFF. g 1 t Will not soil skin or linen. V Will not injure your hair. IS w I J NOT A DYE. S f REFUSE ALL SUBSTITUTES. W J $1 and 50c.Bottles, at Druggists. A Hay's Harfinm Soap cures Ec- X W gem A, red, rough and chapped hands S I W and all skin diseases Keeps skin fine S 2 and soft. 25c. Send 2c. for S X free books, “The Care of the Skin.** ® M “The Care of the Bair.** JR JR PhUaBaySpee.CoJMewark.NJ. X O ♦ 1 and 50c bottles at Bexar Drug Co. -- MID-WINTER — CLEARANCE SALE Every Hat In Stock Sacrificed • d . Beginning tomorrow we place on sale our entire stock of Dress Hats, Tailored Hats, Shapes, Plumes, Paradise Birds, Etc. At Actual Cost Price At the extremely Low Prices we are offering our entire stock of Millinery, it will pay you to be on hand—DON’T MISS THIS RARE OPPORTUNITY THE PARISIAN MILLINERY 130 WEST COMMERCE STREET WEDNESDAY, I Daggett, with J. M. Steinfclt at the or gan, and to the strains of this haunting melody, the bridal party approached the I altar. I The party entered in the following I irder: The ushers, Irvin Stone aud J Joe Oppenheimer, Ben Straus and Hugo | Goodman, Jessie R. Oppenheimer and I Julius M. Oppenheimer; the matron of ; honor, Mrs. D. J. Straus, attired in a . white lace robe over satin, with cloth ‘ of gold hat, trimmed in gardenias and roses and carrying an arm bouquet of bride roses, followed by the dainty lit tle flower girls in lingerie dresses, car rying heart shaped baskets, filled with rose leaves which they scattered as they walked. Little Miss Evelyn Louise Steifel walked with Ben Steifel and lit tle Miss Ray Oppenheimer with Harry Half/. The bride, who was robed in white satin adorned with rose point lace, hand embroidery, and seed pearls and who was enveloped in a filmy veil caught in place with orange blossoms, and who carried a shower bouquet of lillies of the valley, entered on the arm of her father, Danie] Oppenheimer. She was met at the altar by the bridegroom and bis best man, Mortimer Meyer, of New ark, N. J. Mendelssohn’s Wedding March was played as the wedding party left the temple. A family dinner was served imme diately after the eereinouy in the tapes- j I try room of the St. Anthony hotel, .. | •long horseshoe table was laid in the center of the room. The curve a. the ] i shoe was filled with a bank of pink | azaleas and small palms ami ferns. A , border of lillies ot the valley, Boston | lorn leaves and small sinilax extended j ‘he whole lengt h of the table, while sib | ver candlesticks with silver suresseres j were placed nil along in the eenter of the table. The bride and groom sat at the top ; of the horse shoe under a canopy of [ ; sinilax which scintillated with myriads ■ of electric lights from which hung a i ’ Mutiful white aud green wedding -bell I i formed of terns, carnations amt nar- I eissus. Before them was placed a large heart shaped wedding cake decorated ; with orange blossoms and white ribbon. I and a large slipper filled with lillies of the valley. | The place card's were in white with O. M. in handsome gold monograms. A i twelve course dinner was served. After a wedding trip to Sau Angus 1 i tine and other places of interest in ' , Florida. I Her going away gown was of dark (green with a fur hat and accessories toi harmonize. I Covens were ’aid for Mr. and Mrs. Jo- • . seph Meyer. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Op- 1 peuheimer, Mrs. Henrietta Meyer, Mr. I land Mrs. Jesse D. O; penucimer, Mr.! | and Mrs. Henry Oppenheimer. Dr. and ' ' Mrs. Moses Haas. Mr. and Mrs. David i >J. Straits, Mrs. H. Kemper. Mr. and j J Mrs. Alex Halff. Mr. and Mrs. Max I. j Steifel, Mr. and Mrs. L. Goodman. Mrs. । M. Halff. Mjr. and Mrs. Julius Oppen- •• Ihcimor, Rabbi and Mrs. Samuel Marks, i Mr. and Mrs John Pfeiffer, Mr. and j 1 Mrs. Meyer Collatt of Palestine, Mr. , heder, Mrs. Rosa Washer, Mr. and Mrs. I; Simon Vieth, Julius Oppenheimer, Jr.. Ji M. L. Oppenheimer, Mr. and Mrs. Sid- J ney, Pfeiffer, Mose Vieth. Mrs. Rosa '< Koenigheim Mr. and Mrs. William ; Sanger. Leon Goodman, Jessie R. Op : penhoimer, Mr. .and Mrs. I. Cohen. Joe j Oppenheimer, Miss Alice Hans, Irvin ' • Stone, Miss Essie Longini, Joseph ': Brown. Miss Anita Wolff, Hugo Good- |j men. Miss Sophie Bodenheimcr, Benja man, Straus, Eugene Oppenheimer. Fmil ■ Franks. Miss Claire Meyers, Edwin Op- i penbeimer, Mortimer Meyer, Miss Paul- i me Washer, Leo Oppenheimer, Miss : Elizabeth Oppenheimer. Miss Barbara Wesseley, Master Joseph Straus. Mi’s < Eve’yn Hall, Master Danie] Steifel, ; Master Fritz Straus. Master Elmer SAN ANTONIO LIGHT AND *?7TTE j ! Steifel. Master H llly H alff nnd Miss i nay Oppenheimer — | Mrs. James Hall Bell entertained at ; luncheon today at the St. Anthony ho 1 tel, in the opal room. lie n-nte>pie was a group of rose , s aol'M candles nestling in a bed of spxgarm. A six course luncheon was , i served to eight. I he Baraea, Philatbeas and adult Bible classes, .ue requested to attend the called meeting tomorrow evening to make ariangcnu.nG for the vis'U of Mr. i Tesh field >,., t ,ry o f the World Wide j Baraea movement. Mrs. Lucy Thornton is the guest of , Mrs. Ted 1'ubin in Austin. 1 ue Eleanor Brnekenridge Mothers’ club will meet Friday afternoon at 3:30. The pupils of the school will furnish the program. Mrs. Sol Dalkowdz has as her guest, Miss Ray Wilier, a charming society girl of Shreveport, La. The san Fernando Cemetery associa t'on will hawr an important meeting to. mrnw afternoon at 4 o’clock at the cnthedral. The De Zavala School Mothers' club will meet Jan. 21 and not on Friday, the 1 I, as previously announced. 1 Walter R. Richardson branch of the woman’s auxiliary of St. Mark's church j entertained with a pretty tea yesterday | at the spacious home of Mrs. E. 6. I Evans on Main avenue. | The entire lower floor was thrown | en suite and decorated with pahns and । luxuriant ferns. | In the dining room a color scheme j of roil and green prevailed with a een | terpiece of red geraniums -and ferns. | At one end of the table was the tea sen ice presided over by Mrs. J. S j Carr and the coffee in charge of Mrs. , Edward Goldstein. lakes and sandwiches were served. Assisting Mrs. Evans were Mcsdaines A. W. Houston, .1. L. Patton, L. s. I Bates, Ed MeClannahan. ('. C. Todd. , Dan Ellensworth, J. M. Olivarri. J. II. Moore. H. M. Aubrev. B. L. Navlor , A. L. Matlock and W.’ E. Fitch. Mrs. Dan Sullivan, who was the : guest of Mrs. Walter Wileox for her ' reception given Thursday .is the guest of Miss Nina Hooper for the remainder 1 of the week. Mrs. Sullivan will return 1 i home Saturday. i Mrs. J. T. Woodhull had as her box party last exening Mrs. J. A. Buckler land Miss Henrietta Buckler of El Paso, I Miss Emilec Maverick. Charles Crosson ■and Mr. and Mrs. J. Townsend Wood I hull. Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Feamster enter- I tained a number of their friends with a ! pretty party Monda.v evening, in cole J brat ion of their second wedding aniver sary. The house was uniquely decorat led with paper motifs, and in the con tests, the paper feature predominated. In the bride and groom contest, paper bells were used for score cards. Mrs. E. P. Simmcms wou the ladies’ priz.e and Mr. Robertson captured the gen tleman's prize. The individual ires were in the form | of cupids and hearts. About fifty guests ■were present. Mrs. Bessie Bell Andrews entertained at a luncheon of handsome and striking appointments in honor of Hans Richard at the Cafe Mexieana. In the center of the large round table was an enormous bed of poinsettas and ferns, and the minor details were car ried out in the same color scheme, rea and green. The plate favors were bits of Mexi can pottery, tied with bows of red and green ribbon. Covers were laid for Mrs. Jesse Bell, Mrs. Gholson. Mrs. Hesse, Misses Eudoehia Bid!. Mary Harrison, Edith Gholson, the honoree and the hostess. A called meeting of the Woman's Relief Corps, auxiliary to the G. A. R.. will be held at the residence of Mrs. Clara Melville, 203 Avenue D, this af ternoon at 3 o'clock. All are requested to attend. San Antonio Chapter No. 3, Order - of the Eastern star, will meet in social session this evening at 7 o'clock. Mrs. A. C. McDaniel will contribute several musical selections. The business term will take place at 8 o’clock at the I Masonic temple on Losoya street. — General D. s. Stanley Circle No. 3, ladies of the Grand Army of the Re public. held their installation meeting yesterday in the Odd Fellows hall. The following officers were installed: President, Mrk Katie Seharfenbcrg; senior vice president, Mrs. Sarah Mil ler; junior senior president, Mrs. Eliza beth Bonnet; secretary, Mrs. Laura Dreek'e; treasurer. Mrs. Emma Morris; chaplain. Mrs. Louisa Powers: conduc tor. Mrs. Lena Passant; guard. Mrs. Alice Gastring; assistant conductor. Mrs. Jennie Reed: assistant guard, I Mrs. Caroline Ward. Three veterans took the obligations! of membership aud four new members were initiated. Following this a ten course banquet > was served. The long tables were the entire | length of the hall, and were prettily 1 decorated with palms nnd ferns. National colors strung from the chandelier to the corners of the room, formed a drop ceiling. Toasts were | drunk by A. 1. Lockwood, C. R. Hub | bard. Dr. L. L. Whitaker and the rctir 1 ing commander of the G. A. R., L. V. j Garza. A solid gold past president's in 1 handsomely engraved, was presented to I Mrs. Emma C. Norris. Mrs. J. L. Hill entertaintd this aft cruoon with a delightful and infor 1 mal church tea. given under the au j spices of the Flower Circle of Travis; Park Methodist church. The house was fresh and spring- I like in its decorations of fragrant ear- I nations, roses and numbers of paims I and ferns. The entrance hall and he | stairway was entirely in green, luxuri ant palms and ferns aud southern smi lax being used. The largo drawing room was in pink and green. The man tels were banked with feathery fern. I and embedded in those masses of green. I wore silver candlesticks, holding pink ! shaded candles. The library was in | green, with an outlining of magnificent | palms for a wainscoting, and the man ‘ tels were solid banks of green. Red earnations filled groat bowls I and vases and with maidenhair and asparagus fern, were banked on the bnffof and china cabinets in the dining hall. The centerpiece was largo brass can delabra holding seven red tapers, en eased in shades of red and surrounded with scarlet carnations. Nut ami pemento sandwiches, coffee, tea nnd cake was served to a number of callers. The college rally hold yesterday’ aft ernoon at the San Antonio High school by the San Antonio Chapter of the Southern Association of College Wo men. was one of the most entertaining and beneficial meetings ever held in this citv. _ Mulholland. St. Mary's Hall, Bonn Avon. San Antonio Female College, and Thomas school were well repre sonted. The program follows: Choosing a College. Miss Emma Gutzeit; College Courses ami Entrance Requirements, Miss Elizabeth Morey; College Social Life, Miss Emily Maverick; College Athletics, Miss Ruth Muir; College Home Life, Mrs. A. A. Brown; the Work of the Young Woman's Christian Association in Colleges, Mss Nancy Swann; Literary Clubs in College, Miss Elsie Brown: Ways of Earning Money in College. Mrs. ,T. I. Kerchc ville; the College Girl at Ann Arbor, Mrs. A. R. Thomas: Early Days at Rad cliffe. Miss Lucy Bushee; Why Go to College. Miss Eula Deaton. The pro gram will be interspersed with college songs, led by the Glee club of the High school. The members of the College club served punch and cakes to a number of interested visitors. The girls who assisted arc Misses Marjorie Hicks, Lillian Knighton, Winifred Martin. Helen Jones, Arline Mover, Sara Whitaker. Ada Miller, Elloise Watts. Mildred Ayer, Minnie Nicholas and Stather Elliot. Mrs. Florence Shaw entertained with a box partv, followed by a supper at the St. \nth'onv hotel, last evening. The tabic decorations wore exquisite in a color scheme of re-1, white and 1 green. Tn the center of the round table ! a slender vase holding a greqt bunch of narcissus was embedded in a glow ing bed of crimson carnations, fern • leave* and sinilax. j Extending from the centerpiece to each cover, was a ’lender line of fine <milax nnd ferns with flaming carna tions interwoven. Tire guests included Miss Marguerite Maver. Miss Russel Story. Clinton Bol. I linger. Joseph Emerson Smith, 8. P. Brundage and the hostess. Napoleon's Grit was of the unconquerable, never say ' die kind, the kind that you need most I when you have a bad cold, cough or ' lung disease. Suppose troches, cough ' svrups. cod liver oil or doctors have all ■ failed, don’t lose heart or hope. Take Dr. King's New Discovery. Satisfac ' tion is guaranteed when used for any I throat or lung trouble. It has saved ' thousands of hopeless sufferers. It mas । ters stubborn colds, obstinate coughs, .hemorrhages, lagrippe. croup, asthma, ! hav fever and whooping cough and is 'the most safe and certain remedy fori all bronchial affections. iOc, *1.00. 1 Trial bottle free at Bexar Drug Co. Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Infirmary and Office, all modern appliances. , trained nurses, etc. Dr. E T. Hughes, | 403 St. Mary’s street. Otto Rlebe Undertaklnz Co. 221 East Commerce St. Both phones 34L I BOYS’ K. & E. BLOUSES BXTRA SPECIAL THURSDAY ONLY S 0 nO7P N of these Famous Blouse Waists for Boys will be on sale TOMORROW ONLY. Every size from 4 to 16 years— with or without collar—plain and fancy colors —none C. O. D. or on approval—Limit 3 of a size to one customer. 50c Blouses gwE 29c Boys’ Sui ts and Overcoats—Very Huch Reduced All style suits are here—sailor and Russian Blouses. Norfolk, single and double breasted Knickerbocker Suits. Note these price reductions on strictly high-grade boys’ clothing—as much as 33 off in some instances. Everything included except serges. Come tomorrow while the assortment is complete. Any guit or Overcoat Up to $5.00 for §3.95 Any Suit or Overcoat Up to §7.50 for §4.95 Any Suit or Overcoat Up to §10.00 for §6.95 Any Suit or O vercoat Up to §13.50 for §9.95 .sa * i W4SH FDI n -a p " ■ V VBimmK THE WOMAN BEAUTIFUL JranncttH —It docs not matter half <» much whore one lives as with whom ne lives. The family board must be and the family hearth is no •lace for conversational warfare. Para lise would be scarcely that if one chuw how faced relative came to visit there, lometimea the only way to secure peace s through strife, so perhaps it- would be list as well to call a family council, tating that you for one will depart for uietcr places. Even though your new ome bo less comfortable, your brain rill not be fretted with argument and our heart wounded with bitter words, ’very human being has the right fo live is life according to his own under landing of what is right and what is uniing to him. A few peaceful hours of pst are due vou each day; take them. White Sox—Black or brown veils arc ip most becoming. Never wear a purple i‘il. The face takes on the tone of pur le. green or gray veils always, ami int kind of a face is not pretty. If you are opposed to the use of rouge wrap a sliver of ice in a bit ot linen and apply to checks, chin and lobes of the ears. Loiterer —Ben Franklin said: * ‘ Dost thou love life? Then do not squamler time, for that is the stuff life is made of.” You will notice that while the shirkers .nppear to be comfortable they are seldom happy. It is the worker who OUR DAILY PATIERN NOTICE- We do not carry patterns In ’tock, but forward orders to the pattern innaers. who mall them di rect to ><W1. Usually about 10 days nre reaufn-1 l“ furnish them FRONT CLOSING WAIST. Pearl grey waist flannel is the material Used for this charming waist. The only j decoration is the machine stitching done j in coarse silk. The collar is attached to the waist and closes with pearl buttons like the cuffs. This pattern is cut in five sizes. 39 to 40 bast measure. Size 36 requires 3 1-3 yards of 27 inch material. Price of pat tern 453 is 10 cents. No. 459. Name ' Address Size \ . Fill out blank and send to Pattern Department of this newspaper, r has the clear eye. the smiling lips and the face that is ruddy and brightened with health. Rustic! Isabelle —Freckles must be combated If you wish you can go to a beauty shop and have them bleached away. This work is now being done with great success. The patron goes about her business looking the same as ever, except that the conqdexion is fluffing off in tiny particles like dandruff. The ordeal is over within a few weeks’ time and the dear girl is blessed with a new face. Mr’. Milwaukee —A delightful sham poo, nnd one which is a tonic tp the hair: line ounce of white castile soap in shavings, twenty-four ounces of water, thirty grains of potassium car bonate. 120 grains of borax, two ounces of cologne water nnd two ounces of bny rum. Keep in large glass bottles. Will not injure the hair, and will make it beautifully clean. Onyx—Do not expect to escape suffer ing. It is what makes men and women of ns. Don’t gloat over your suffering, or trim it with bright lights and tinsel fo attract attention, but overcome it with strength of will and character. A life of perfect joy would be a very namby-pamby existence and would keep us unmindful of the fact that there are others less fortunate. KYE COUPLE WEDS. Tex.. Jan. 12.—r.J, Scott and । Miss Cora Galbreath of this place stole' a march on their friends Sunday after- I noon by going to San Marcos and get-1 ting married. A WISE WOMAN fwill try and preserve her beauty A line head of hair is one of th. highest charms. The Imperial Hair Regenerator restores Gray Hair to its natural color or makes Bleache l Hair ny desired shade. It is abso- ■ lately harmless; when applied ' cannot be detected: unaffected by Baths and permits curling. , Sample of hair colored and re unje. turned free. Correspondence A V | confidential. tk'L’L Sole manufacturers It patentees. (MPERIAt CHEM. MF0. CO.. 13S »wk. FOR SALE BY BEXAR DRUG CO. | “MEET ME AT THE GUNTER" WHERE TO LUNCH The Solution of the Midda.y Problem VARIED MENU Prompt Service Snowy Napery Surroundings Pleasant The Cost Fifty Cents GUNTER SPECIALTIES: Club Breakfast 35c Vp Luncheon 12 to 2. 50c Table de Hote Dinner 6-8. SI.00 Special Attention to Private Dinner Parties New Menu Daily ORCHESTRAL CONCERTS JANUARY 12, 1910. 'REFUSES TO CONCUR AND ASKS CONFERENCE Associated Press. । Washington, Jan. 12. —The house to । day refused to < oneur in the senate | amendments to the so called Pinchot | Ballinger resolution and decided to a’k | for a conference. The speaker named | the following as conferees: | Representatives Dalzell, of Pennsyl ’ ..uiin: Smith, of Iowa, and Fitzgerald, ! of New York. • DR. V. Fell* Qoureud'e Oriental ■ Oraam or Mat>oai Baautiflar. 5* otf Rtmcrit Tml Pimply Raja. »nd 8kla DlerMeg, XX • e*«ry i / on beauty, aed de- Z u jK* fie® detectice. It KT "Jr f/L-y hasetood the teet oY s kJ 80 i th? •» 3 1 - 80 barmleM we bwS tobeeur it fj 1 ’■ properly made. rA Q JJ Bl A -cept no counter* I CT \ felt of dmUar \ neme. Dr. I* A. X I \ to • SdfVMC /A2 J • 1 toe haut- f X 1 ton <• P»u««t)t i X I 11 7 “ Ai lad>e IV is. totm. X I recommend *Oa«raud « Cream' at the least harmful of all the . min emMrattoM." F'r sale by all drucfitts and Finer- Soods Oealere Us the United 8tatae, Canada and Xurope. ' VBD. T. KDPEMK V but Stmt UTrM — 75he Imperial Millinery Shop. Mme. Powell. 102 E. Com. Just at the bridoe. THE SHOP OF EXCLUSIVENESS. The Wonder Millinery Mils Margaret Sammer, Prop. 113 1*2 Ave. C Chic Walking and Dress Hats MISS FRIEDA ENGLEHARDT Successor to Mrs. Chas. De vita. Direct importer of human hair coodm TJulies' hair dresser and maker. Sh&mpooinc parlors, manicuring, faca massage, scalp tr«»atment. hair dyeing. Manufacturer of hair goods. Terrel! Building. 212 Avenue D. New phone 1008 E. L. FRANCOIS. 7