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San Antonio light and gazette. [volume] (San Antonio, Tex.) 1909-1911, January 15, 1910, Image 10

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Startling Changes Expected Sunday,
Method of Awarding White Steamer
to Be Announced Sunday.

♦ Miss Vedena Hundlay.
♦ Diet. No. 1, Josephine Fores-
* tello.
+ Dist. No. 2. Thos. Kerr Jr.
+ Dist. No. 3. Ruth Hunter.
4- Dist. No. 4, A. J. C’astanola.
<• Dist. No. 5, Jimmie J. Davis.
❖ Dist. No. 6, W. C. Windrow.
+ Dist. No. 7, Vedena Hundley.
❖ Dist. No. 8, Florence Ferguson.
There have been many contests in San '
Antonio, but never one that could hold 1
a candle to our great affair. It is not
to be named on the same day with
any of the past. It will be the Texas
record breaker along this line. The I
class of the contestants engaged, the I
value of the prizes to be won and the j
short time allotted you to win. marks j
a new era in contests. Never was;
public interest so aroused over any-1
thing as over this contest and the in- I
terest now is nothing to what it will |
be. People in the highest walks of life ’
are vitally interested and taking a |
leading part in it. It's about all you i
can hear discussed both in public
places and private homes.
Its great success has been conceded I
by the whole people. There is a small;
army of contestants already on the ;
field of battle and they are being add- 1
cd to every hour. All the surrounding;
towns have contestants and you only i
have to cast your eye over the list of '
names and their votes to see the al- ■
most phenomenal interest being mani
fested on all sides. To be a grand j
prize winner in this contest will mean !
something worth while. The live wires !
know this and they are after the honor
and the reward as much as any general '
went forth to battle for. Whe right :
j«ople, the right prizes and the right ;
paper is a red hot combination. Watch I
the result.
Miss Loring’s Good Vote.
Miss Grace Loring, a popular em
ploye of the R. G. Dun Co., won the
San Antonio voting honors of Friday
and moves to third place in District
No. 4. She has strong support and
will poll a large vote. Next to Miss
Loring w«s Mrs. A. E. Carter,
owner of the Merchants’ Cafe on
West Houston street. The Car
ter contingent are strong and they
are in this contest to win. Next best
in the voting was a new entry, well
known and popular H. Y. Williams,
traveling passenger agent of the Santa ■
Fe. Thomas Kerr Jr. was next in line ।
and as a result takes first place : n |
District No. 2. Here is a youngster !
of class and a stayer. Mrs. I.ena Bra- .
den also received a good vote and takes ।
third place in District No. 2, She will I
be right in the thickest, of it all the
way as she has a large influential ac
quaintance. The first gun was fired for
Miss Nellie Lowday yesterday and it
will rally to .her support people
throughout the entire state. You can
safely say she will win a prize. Mrs.
Ora Dee Camp, another popular vote
getter, moves up the line many points
as a result of a good vote. Mrs. Gaz
iev was i here with good support. The
next best were John Hankla, Odjlia
Miller and Miss Gertrude Rehraut.
Ernest Clemens Gets Best Outside Vote
There was only three outside con
testants to receive any large votes
yesterday, Mr. Clemens of New Braun
fels, 10,000; Mrs. Harry Dean, of Eagle
Pass. 6500. and Miss Anna Achilles of
Austin 5000. These are three very live
Outside Nominations.
The out of San Antonio contestants
enrolled today are John W. Thompeon
of Laredo, Arthur S. Bergstrom and
Mrs. Leonard S. Talley of Austin.
Friday’s Nominations.
The San Antonio entries Friday
were: H. Y. Williams, Frances Fern
Hirsch. W. B. Adams, J. L. Harwell,
and Alfred E. Richey.
Hy Williams, the well known Santa
Fe passenger agent, will surely make
the best of them go some to take his
measure. He has thousands of friends
throughout the country. He comes from
a live place, and it is a striking coin
cidence that Mr. J. O. Bell, city ticket
•gent in the same office, won first
prize in the Light’s Fraternal Contest
in 1907. Watch out for the Santa Fe
Limited with Mr. Williams as the en
Large Vote for Sunday.
There will be heavy firing today in
San Antonio’s greatest battle of bal
lots. and many startling changes of
places in Sunday’s vote announcement.
The contest has reached a stage when
there will be heavy voting and daily
changes. Interest is aroused over this
contest as over nothing ever recorded
here and the firing line will arouse
great enthusiasm of the public—it's
the kind of a voting contest the peo
ple want and as every reader of the
Light and Gazette is watching it with
keen interest contestants will all seek
to play a etar role very often.
White Steamer Announcement Sunday.
Sunday’s Light and Gazette will
contain the plan of awarding the
Grand Special Prize, the $2300 White
Steamer. The plan will meet with the
approval of every one even though it
is different from anything ever at
tempted in a contest —the perfect fair
ness of the award and the plan will
I not be questioned as it it going to be
so safeguarded that there will not be
any grounds for any adverse criticism
—it will be fair to every contestant in
all the eight districts, and will in no
wise affect the final result.
Have Your Votes in by 6 P M.
There is a lot of work counting
votes and recording them each day af
ter 6 p. tn. and you positively must
turn in your votes by 6 p. m. or they
will not be placed to your credit the
next day —you know the ndes and
please obey them. All your votes to
. appear to your credit in Sunday’s is
j sue must be in by 6 p. m. sharp today.
Put your free coupons in an envelope
or flat package with your name and
number of votes plainly written on the
envelope or package. Dou't bring any
rolled coupons in or the- will not be
counted for you.
Good Delivery Guaranteed.
You can promise every one who pays
you a subscription for the Light and
Gazette strictly first class delivery
service. This paper would not suggest
; this to you unless it was positively sure
, of giving quick, satisfactory service to
. all parts of the city. The large num
• ber of new subscribers being added
> daily demands more carriers and quick
! er service aud the occasion will be met
' to the satisfaction of every subscriber
j and you can positively assure them to
! that effect. New subscriptions will not
be started the same day you turn in
the names of subscribers but the next
। day. Make your returns daily as the
। subscribers want their papers to start
at once.
Don't Be a Quitter.
When you enter into any proposition
so food and inviting as this great prize
affair, show vour friends and the public
that you are game and propose to stay
in the race until the battle is lost or
won. Don’t get cold feet ami say “I
can't win” because some one has more
votes than you. Get real busy and pass
them in the voting. The vote east to
date has no bearing on the final resuk.
। The prizes are not awarded until the
। final count and your chances are as
1 good as the now leaders i you hustle
' and get all vour friends aud relatives
। busy and pile up a large vote. Resolve
J to win, and go out and do it—and he
। gin right now and keep at it to the
I end.
Not Too Late to Enter.
There will be nominations for weeks
' to come and it is more than probable
that some of the grand prize winners
are not as yet enrolled on the list.
While it is best to have an early start
and even break, it is never too late
for a live one to enter a popular con
test like this one. The contest man
ager recalls many grand prize winners
who entered in the middle of a contest
and won. Don’t let the vote cast *o
date deter yon as it’s very small in
comparison to the vote it will require
to win. The rewards are too great for
any one to hope to win with a small
vote. Come on in!
There will be a large vote cast to
day and many changes of positions
Sunday. Better take a flyer at the
voting yourself.
Work will soon lie started on the
Italian Villa and when completed yon
will see a real gem of an artist re. up
to-date home—it will be the finest
thing of its kind in San Antonio
worth working for? If you win it yon '
will be the most envied person in all
this section.
The announcement of the time and
plan of the White Steamer award will
be published in Sunday’s Light and
Gazette. Don’t fail to read it—it will
appeal to you.
It is a most remarkable fact that
the contestants are not wasting their
precious time fooling with the free
coupons. They are very wise in tins,
as it is only a waste of time to foo]
with such small game. It s the sub
scription votes you require to win and
every one seems to know it.
If your occupation or business stands
in your way of winning a prize, put a
substitute in your place and put in all
your time to make sure of winning.
The prize will be worth more than you
can earn at anything but a very high
salaried position—isn’t this the truth?
Is Now Located at 231-233 South Flores
This is to inform our patrons that
we have moved our Livery Stable to the
above quarters, where we have every
facility to carry on our business as
heretofore. The same prompt service
awaits our patrons at the new stand.
There has been no change in the man
agement. Good, gentle horses and first
ciass cabs, carriages and livery turn
outs are at your command at any hour.
The same phones, 693. will reach us.
Edward W. Heusinger,
Case Is Dismissed—Andres Pena,
charged with having burglarized the
Ogden saloon, was given a verdict of
acquittal yesterday evening in the
Thirty-seventh district court.
Dr. Keeling, Dentist. 209 Alamo Plaza.
Health Board Takes Action and
Local Medical Association
Is Informed of Ordinance.
Secretary Mueller of the health de
partment has forwarded tn the sec
retary of the local medical association
a copy of the ordinance requiring phy
sicians to report to the health board
all cases of tuberculosis coming under
their observation, together with a com
munication requesting that all mein
ber* be notified of the ordinance either
through the mails or at the next meet
ing of that body.
The action of the secretary of the
health department was in pursuance of
a resolution adopted nt the last meet
ing of the board of health when the
records of the office showed that
but two cases of tuberculosis had been
reported during the month of Novem
The members of the board feel that
physiemns who fail to report tuberen
losie eases should be as vigorously pro
secuted as those who fail to report
scarlet feverjor other infectious cases.
The reports, the health officials say,
Branch Office
City Office
507 Navarro St. Sales Manager
Phones: Old 1085, New 692
! arc not desired for public announce
j ment. but for private record in the
I health office.
A circular letter from Clyde p.
j Smith, registrar of vital statistics in
; Austin, advised the authorities to con
’ form to the ordinances of the city with
a sanitation code recently adopted by
। the state health board and a sugges
-5 five ordinance was submitted. Exami
nation showed that such ordinances
I had been enforced in this city for
vears. A reply will be forwarded to
' the stpte health board advising them
of the fact.
The weekly reports of inspectors
I were rend and .filed. Theo. Anderson
reported having inspected twenty car
i loads of fruit and vegetables during
| the week ending January 12. G. C. Car
। vajal reported that acting under or
| ders from Dr. Barnitz, president of the
board of health, he had inspected twen
ty hotels in the sity, for the purpose
of aseertmi-ning the condition of the
kitchens and refrigerators. With few
exception all were in good condition
and in the exceptions notices to ef
fect changes were filed. One hundred
restaurants were visited and found in
) good condition.
Dr. Jacobi has resumed the practice
'of dentistry. Rooms 519-20 Hicks Bldg.
Old phone 1832.
Dr. 8. S. Beaklcy, Gibbs Bldg. Eye,
I ear, nose •nd throat.
$350.00 and Up BALANCE MONTHLY
— IN —
Beautiful Highland Park
We are offering large lots with Cement Walks,
Macadamized Streets, City Water piped to every lot,
with every modern convenience and improvement
there now; where a number of beautiful homes are
being erected, for the small prices quoted above, on
terms within the reach of all.
Now is the time to investigate while you have choice
of lots and first price.
Only 15 minutes from the heart of the City—
five cent fare.
Take Hot Wells Car line and transfer to the Highland
Park line, it runs through the Park.
Today Is The Time To Buy
See Highland Park at once.
Killed Panama Editor for Print-!
ing Story Reflecting on
Women Relatives.
Associated Press.
Panama. Jan. 15.—General Herbert
O. Jeffries, who last August struck
William Nichols Chandler, editor of
the Panama Press, on the head with
a large revolver, from the effects of
which Chandler died, was tried and
acquitted yesterday on the charge of
The killing was tho result of an ar
ticle printed in the paper reflecting
upon General Jeffries’ women rela
General Jeffries is a graduate of
West Point and hns fjeen prominent in
nearly every revolution for many years
in Ventral America. Chandler was
from Winsboro, S. C.
Drs. R. H. & Nettie G. Gray,
Homeopaths, Hicks Building.
Otto Riebe Undertaking Co.
221 East Commerce St. Both phone* 34L
iC. D. Dimmick Probably Fell
From Walls of Moro Cas
tle and Drowned.
I Associated Press.
| Houston, Tex., Jan. 15.—Specials re
ceived by the Post indicate that the
' | death of G. D. Dimmick of Galveston.
I Tex., at Havana. Cuba, in December
' was accidental drowning instead of
suicide, as was declared in dispatcher
> to the United States.
The Havana Post publishes a story
of the identification of the body of a
man picked up in the sen off Moro Cas
’ tie as that of G. D. Dimmick of Gal
veston aud advanced the supposition
. that Dimmick had fallen from the cas
tle wall into the sea. Bruises on the
1 face and head probably were received
1 by the fall to the roeks.
i It was first surmised that Dimmick
had killed himself by shooting, hut
; the finding of the body discredits this
I supposition.
j. W. Chalmers. Architect.
High-class architectural work. Office
.' 541 Moore Bldg., San Antonio
JANUARY 15, 1910.
Wyoming Man Unwilling to In
troduce Taft Measure for
Washington, Jan. 15.—Representative
Mondell of Wyoming, chairman of the
house committee on public lands, de
cliued to stand sponsor for President
Taft’s bills designed to carry out the
program for conservation of natural re
sources. lie offered to introduce the
measure "by request,” but the proffer
was declined.
New York, Jan. 15.—With $5OOO in
the bank, Elias C. Epnick, a tailor who
deserted his wife and eight children
here two years ago, defiantly refused to
avail himself of the offer of Judge
O’Sullivan to suspend sentence if the
deserter would deposit $lOOO with a
charitable institution here for the bene
fit of his family. He was yesterday
sentenced to sene a *ear aud fin*d

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